Lori Spagna begins with a powerful message: “We are aware that not all beings are entirely ready for this level of truth. But we are also aware that you have asked, and it is our desire to provide it so that humans can be more prepared for us, less afraid, so that when we do interact in your time-space reality, in physical form, there will no longer be fear.” Listen to messages from our star families.

Lori recounts her early experiences of receiving messages from the afterlife following her brother’s transition. She details how she navigated the initial fear and skepticism of channeling, eventually embracing her role as a conduit for higher consciousness. Lori explains the transformative journey of healing and unity, emphasizing the importance of discerning and aligning with beings that serve the light.

Channeling a collective of Star Family races

The conversation deepens as Lori channels a collective of Star Family races, sharing profound wisdom about our cosmic origins and the spiritual evolution of humanity. They stress the critical role of overcoming fear to fully embrace our extraterrestrial connections and elevate our consciousness.

Lori explores the significance of our DNA, which holds the codes to unlock our full potential and solutions to humanity’s challenges. She talks about the ongoing global shifts and the pivotal choices humanity faces between aligning with the light or the dark.

As Lori elaborates on the work being done by Star Families, she reveals their efforts to mitigate harmful technologies, stabilize Earth’s energies, and prepare humanity for more visible interactions. The message is clear: we are at a critical juncture, and our choices and vibrations will shape the future.

This enlightening interview is a must-watch for anyone interested in spiritual awakening, extraterrestrial connections, and the transformative journey of humanity. Watch the full interview and embrace your cosmic connection!

Transcript of the interview

Lori Spagna 0:00

We are aware that not all beings are entirely ready for this level of truth. But we are also aware that you have asked, and it is our desire to provide it so that humans can be more prepared for us, less afraid, so that when we do interact in your time-space reality, in physical form, there will no longer be fear. You see this as an intermediary step to prepare humans.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:36

Hey, guys, if you enjoy this video and want my episodes delivered straight to your mailbox every week, and to receive my free meditation, where you get to meet your future self, then head over to wisdom from north.com/future self. Hello, Laurie, welcome back to the show.

Lori Spagna 0:56

Well, hello, and thank you so much for having me. I'm so glad to be here. And that wanted to say, congratulations on your 100k like 100k subscribers, that's so awesome.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:10

Yeah, it's a milestone for me. Finally, we're here it has taken many years, but we're here. And it's great to see that the videos are reaching out and these messages that they're reaching out. And speaking of that, I've had you on the show before, and that video was very popular, where you shared about your story, your extraterrestrial connection, your first contact experience on a ship, there were tons of things there you shared about bending spoons, and actually your whole story of how you worked in corporate America for almost 20 years and got sick from doing that. And you have transformed your life completely. Today you're the spiritual teacher, multi dimensional channeler, best selling author, and you're continuously working on helping people in this awakening process. So maybe just you know, today, we're going to dive into so many interesting areas, areas that I'm particularly interested in, especially our et connection or DNA, maybe how our DNA is connected to our galactic family, what's really going on, who's helping us, but before we're doing that, could you share a little bit about how you got into channeling for those who are completely new to you?

Lori Spagna 2:30

Yeah, well, the channeling started very, actually, there was attempts to channel not being by me what happened was very early on, after my brother's transition, and I was getting messages from him in the non physical in the afterlife. And then I was getting a lot of messages from other so called, you know, dead people, right? Mostly relatives and famous people believe it or not, but lots came after that. What happened was I would have other beings in the non physical approached me energetically and through consciousness and the extrasensory abilities that I had, that were developing, and they would invite me to channel and I would be like, No, I don't think so you're not coming into my body. So the reason was back then was I just didn't have enough, I knew enough that I wasn't going to let somebody basically hijack my body. And in, in old school channeling, which is really the channeling that's been done, up until now for the most part, for the most part is that basically someone a human is giving away to a certain degree, their sovereign right to their body. They're allowing another being to come in and sort of take over and to a certain degree, they're giving their consent and authority to that being to inhabit their form their physicality. And they have to like make space energetically. So they remove their consciousness in a sense, their own individuality in a way, they're there, but they're not there. And I just wasn't okay with that. So I just never allowed it. But what happened was as my spiritual journey progressed, and as I continued to clear heal and resolve all of the wounded aspects of myself my own identifications with pain with suffering traumas, you know, just parts of self that we're not seeing or perceiving myself as at one with my source, what happened was I just came into more and more oneness with everything, everyone all that is I just came into more unity. And I kept increasing the frequency of what we would call love and that pure vibrational frequency bandwidth that are available to us. And so as I did that, I just more and more realized I could be at one with anyone, anywhere, anything. And so my channeling evolved to get to the point of it was that it evolved into a space Just merging and unifying with any collective of beings, as long as my discernment was, they had to serve the light, they had to be of the light, they had to serve the light. And by light, I mean God's plan in light of creation. So that was my and I just learned, I learned in the process to, to ask, Who is this? Who are you affiliated with? And show me yourself or show me who stands with you, which those are things I teach others to do? Because when you learn how to ask who stands with you in to any being who they are, will will reveal and when they're beings of the dark, usually, meaning that they do not serve God's plan, or they have some other personal or private agenda, or even secret or covert agenda, those beings will either vanish or like fade, or they just they are that's how it happened for me. So eventually, I just would merge with that frequency of consciousness unify and allow them to speak. But I became part of that collective. And my individuation, just unified. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 6:09

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. And I'm also curious how you go from being I know, there was a process, there was still a long process, but going from working in corporate America, with all and everything that entails and then opening up to all these mystical experiences and insights. Like, did you ever doubt what you were seeing and hearing and perceiving? Or was it like waking up to all this is what reality is?

Lori Spagna 6:42

Okay, well, did I ever doubt? Absolutely. There were stages in there of doubt. And it was always the willingness and the desire to know truth that would propel me forward. So I was always asking for God's truth. I was always asking for, you know, and even when I wasn't comfortable with the word God, because there were stages there where I wasn't like, I had to heal my own relationship with what we identify, or what what is identified as God. But I was always seeking truth. So a lot of times, I would use the word source or the divine, because I knew there was something that was infinitely, I always knew there was love, let's put it that way. It started as seeking love, the quest to learn love, to know love to be love, to identify myself as love to prove in a sense, even in the earliest stages, to the people who were so cruel and harmful to me, and were so like, abusive to me, that I was love that I was not the things that they said that I was, so it started there. But the journey for truth led me forward beyond the doubt. And then I really know this also to be true that when someone anyone really has something to offer that is so out of the norm. That what we're given is direct experiences. I think I might have said this in the last call, that those experiences cannot be taken away from us. And it doesn't matter who calls us crazy, insane, ridiculous, whatever. You know, there's witch hunters out there who are you know, there's all kinds of people trying to disprove us. But when we have these direct experiences that are so foundationally, real beyond beyond anyone saying that didn't happen, that those experiences are so so fundamentally anchored into the realness of our experience. No one can tell us, it's not true. So then you just get so far beyond doubt. It's it's Gnosis. Yes, direct to knowing. Yeah. And that's what we all deserve. By the way. That's what we all deserve and are worthy of now because we've been living in this reality for so long, where we just took took the information from false authorities, external authorities, who claimed to have sovereign right over us, who claimed to have dominion over us who claimed to be our leaders and authorities. And in a sense, and I mean, we don't want to go too far down this rabbit hole. But in a sense that Dominion they claimed was was the way they claimed it was through fear, domination, secrecy and coercion.

Jannecke Øinæs 9:29

Are you speaking about someone special now, or are you speaking about someone special or certain governments, certain people.

Lori Spagna 9:38

Authorities. And it's not any necessarily individual, although we could certainly do that we could go down that route and name individuals but that's not necessary. It's false authorities claiming to be authority figures who did not have any ones invested, who did not have the best interest of the whole or the group or the beings they serve. It could be a doctor, a lawyer, a governmental leader for Sure, groups and organizations, for sure, you know, institutions, you know, on and on, of course, because they were operating and have been operating in that old system with that old programming and those old patterns as well. So we're all going through this process, the only question is, you know, these two dynamics kind of continue to play out, we've got this dynamic of the light, which is a dynamic of like, expansion, evolution upliftment, you know, elevation. And then we've got this dynamic of the so called dark, which is construction, contraction, control, domination, manipulation, fear, secrecy, coercion, benefit, to the few at to the harm of the many, that old parent paradigm is still playing out. And we're getting to kind of choose where, where are we going to, well, what are we choosing and how we, how we navigate this time is so significant in relationship to that, right, and really, how we..

Jannecke Øinæs 11:05

And that's what I would love to focus on today, what's really going on, because I feel all over the place people are speaking about, or at least in my community, the extra this extra terrestrial presence, that's here. Now, the aliens that are helping us search, certain races are here, and they're becoming more visible very soon, that they are strong forces working against this awakening. So I'd love to address this. And I know we're both very connected to at least for me, I'm very interested in it, I don't know about my connection, it's just something I feel you are for sure connected his insight to our star seed families. So would it be be an idea if you were channeling some of these beings? And we can ask them what their work is here?

Lori Spagna 11:59

Yes. Yes, and there's something else that wants to come through on this too. Yes. So, let's bring this cert greetings, we are identifying as a collective, for this is how the one who brings us through, identifies us and has as and how we have chosen to be identified. However, we would like for this particular interaction, to more specifically, identify ourselves as a collective of Star Family races, who have interacted in service to the light and who are directly connected specifically to the original Star Family, for both beings, participating at this Now moment, meaning the one who speaks at this moment using the voice and the one who listens at this Now moment, using the camera and the technology, the both beings in their physical form, identify as individual humans, in feminine bodies, we as a collective are the collective of your unique star family lineage. Speaking through now, your unique original HOME STAR family planet. Now, let us clarify, as we begin to bring forward more here, your original HOME STAR family planet, and this is true for almost every human on Earth. You have had incarnations on other planetary bodies, in other planetary systems, in this galaxy and in others, and all of you have originally incarnated on some planet or another to experience this physical experience in an planetary body terrain. And so the two here present, orchestrating and organizing this physical exchange, have originally incarnated on the same planetary body and knew one another and still do in this planetary incarnation. Now, you will know this planetary system well, it is known as the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, for the one who is utilizing the voicebox now this one knows it well, for the one who is listening, it is for you to become more familiar. And there are many tools and practices which will allow this to take place, first and foremost, to begin to learn how to drop down into what is called the center core of being this is a practice that can be learned and cultivated and developed. And from this center core of your being you will begin to know truth. This is for all All beings who see all beings can learn and practice and develop this talent, it is not so much of a talent because it is really an ability that is within you, but it is a talent that it must be for that, because that it must be developed you see, it is not necessarily known by a human, but from within the core of your being the depth within you, all beings can discern truth and from within the steps of the core of your being you can begin to know the truth of who you are, not only as a soul who has incarnated not only as an eternal ever being that is eternally in existence as consciousness itself, which is absolute truth, but also as a being who is incarnated in different places in different times in different spaces in different galaxies, and yes, in different universes, which comprise, which are comprised within multiverses and multiverses within the infinite of all that is, and this may also sound somewhat well for many of you will be well known already actually, but for others it will be it will be new. You see all of these things, they exist in the multi dimensional reality. However, they also exist in the immediate here now, right here and right now, and the differentiation of these experiences is simply vibration, energy and consciousness. And so, this is why we are saying overtly, here now that each participant here live during this moment in time, has existed together and does exist together on this original Homestar family planet known as the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades. The Pleiades is a star family planet that recognizes itself very similar and very unique to the earth family home, also referred to oftentimes as mother Gaia, Sophia or Gaia. Regardless, the Palladian star family system shares this galactic realm and shares many experiences with the earth family with humans who live on the embodiment of Gaia and so, it is in the highest interest of the Palladian star family members to incarnate at this time on Earth to facilitate the evolution of Earth for the benefit of this galactic quadrant of this galactic experience, you see, and because of this, of course, there is a pause for a moment here. Yes, there are more beings, there are more beings coming in fact. More Star Family beings would love to expand and share more However, at this moment we we are speaking here and we are expanding into this knowing greetings Beloved's we are now an expanded collective coming forward here comprised of many other star family races for you have asked and inquired, and so it shall be among us are many who include reptilian races, hybridized, greys Assyrian races are terrain races, beings from the leerin or Lyran star system depending on how humans translate it, other planetary bodies. Indeed, we as a collective serve the light we are of the light, this is always a requirement, we recognize this, we have traversed with this one who utilizes the voicebox and others in this group. And when we say in this group, we are aware of the beings who are not physically present in this Now moment and who will be listening in time to come in your linear experience. Nonetheless, what we would like to offer here is insight about the star families and the various races who will not only interact in very real physical ways, in the coming years, but you are already traversing your skies in ways that are quite obvious and discernible to those with eyes to see. And with willing hearts. First and foremost, we would like to provide a form of discernment for all of you to recognize there are differentiating factors between those of us who are of the light And those of us who simply wish, wish or choose to harvest from humans to feed off their energy or their lifeforce, those beings are the ones we would identify as service to the dark or a dark agenda or those who have been willing to benefit to the harm and the detriment this languaging suits well. Those beings have been primarily removed from your galactic and intergalactic, we are searching for the right word for you, atmospheres environment, it is not to say that they do not exist nor nor to say that they are not here or available to beings who are still engaging with them. They have wreaked much havoc on your human lives on physical, planetary body earth, and the ways they have interacted with your old leadership. And on your animals, plants, water and minerals, they have wreaked much havoc, we have spent a significant portion of the last years of your linear time since at least the year of 2012, cleaning up much of this and repairing much of it and eliminating their capacity to have the negative influences that they have had indeed, between the years of linear time known as 2017, through even 2020 There were great galactic wars going on. And of course, for those of you who are aware these have been going on for eons of time.

But especially in this particular quadrant, when those so called negative aliens, with a so called negative alien agenda, were removed from this portion of the galaxy. Now, we must emphasize one additional piece here that is highly relevant and significant and very important and that is to say that what interferes with humans interacting with any beings who serve the light. And this is especially true for Star Beings where we still have degrees of embodiment and capacity to have physical form. Although we generally for the most part, have choice about when or how to physically embody, you see, what distinguishes is the energetics of fear. So, if one has fear, one embodies any form of fear. And there are many degrees of fear that measure energetically that fear will completely distance them from knowing their star family origins which was referred to earlier from having direct experience with various Star Family races and certainly from experiencing direct experiences in the higher planes of existence for fear is the blocker, the great limiter, the great restrictor, you see. And so, knowing this, a great requirement then would be to resolve within one's own self, all aspects where one is harboring or embodying any form of fear. And again, we emphasize here that fear has many degrees of in your languaging separation. So one final piece on this we would like to offer you is that there is no particular individual race that is entirely entirely negative, with an entirely negative agenda and we use the word negative as a reference word. In other words entirely with the intention of causing harm just like on earth you would find many humans who have desire to do what you would call good. There are also many humans with a desire to cause harm. And there are gradients in between of course, so is the same for your extraterrestrial Star Family lineages and races, for all beings in this galaxy in this universe in this multiverse and beyond. are choosing to expand an up level if they so choose, or choosing to contract and descend if they so choose. It is As simple as that, and the choice is yours as always, we are simply here facilitating more consciousness so that you can make a conscious choice of your own freewill.

Jannecke Øinæs 25:12

All right. Wow. Thank you so much. What I would love to hear more about is that okay, you're you're saying that you are many different races. Speaking now, today. I'm curious if you are connected, connected in the Galactic Federation, if this is what we refer to as the Galactic Federation, what what that is, and I'm also curious about why there is such a presence around Earth right now, I assume it's because there is a shift in consciousness. But I'm also wondering if it is, because we have some horrible wars going on, and that we have a technology where that can be used in a very, very destructive way that that might be a danger for the whole of humanity. So I'd love for you to address why you're here now, and sort of how you're here in a way because I haven't seen you physically. But I'm hearing that you will become more visible to us. So I'd love for you to speak to that.

Lori Spagna 26:26

Let us first address your question on the Galactic Federation. We as a collective here now, are not directly involved with the Galactic Federation. And we would like to elaborate on why it is not our highest purpose and service. We as a collective unify in service to the light. The Galactic Federation has a different agenda. As an agenda, the Galactic Federation serves very much the way such an organization on your physical earthly planet, known as the UN, the United Nations might serve, each with their own private agendas, attempting in some way to negotiate and in some way to come to some form of agreement that they in their unique agendas perceived to be somehow beneficial, always serving their private agendas to some degree or another, and always operating to some degree or another in individuation. And while we are not frowning upon this, at all, we recognize it as a significant part of who we are searching for a right word, diplomacy, a significant part of a requirement of different beings, learning to work together, and this is relevant, significant and important. We also recognize that private agendas are being served there, regardless of whether or not they identify as a galactic federation, or whether or not they identify as individual, as individual planetary representative representatives within the Galactic Federation. There are private agendas, our agenda is simple. We serve the light, we serve the plan for evolution, which is we would not necessarily call it God's plan. Although the one who speaks would utilize that language, we would call it the agenda of flight. We would call it the agenda for the expansion of humanity and for the evolution and we know that this agenda is in alignment with that which you identify as God's plan, God or source many of you use different utilize different words and languaging for this. However, regardless of the words and the languaging you use, it is a plan that is for the continuation of human existence. It is a plan that is for the continuation of consciousness. It is a plan that is for the continuation of the evolution of truth. And when we say the evolution of truth, it is not to say that truth changes, it is to say that absolute truth will remain and that which is not truth will be resolved and ultimately in a sense eliminated for it will no longer serve. So that is why we are not directly affiliated with the Galactic Federation. Now. As to some of the other questions, such as Why are we here now in the skies? Why are we interacting And is because through service, such as the Galactic Federation and other beings, in fact, calls from humans, who have called repeatedly over eons of time for divine intervention, human free will called us here, humans who have prayed and asked for assistance that they could see and know and experience. Humans requested our presence. And so, we are here and because we serve the light, and because we interact in the physical, we also know that we have the ability to make great change, where some beings who do not interact directly in physical forms, such as archangels, or Ascended Masters who have transcended their physicality, who are able to remain fully intact, in non physical, you see, because we have the ability to have physical form, we have the abilities to make changes, that other beings do not necessarily have the ability to do for the law of freewill remains in this quadrant, in this galaxy, and in this particular universe. Now, one other piece we would like to address is the technology that you referenced. And we would like to affirm that all technology is a direct response to consciousness, not just a response, but effect. And part of consciousness itself for consciousness is all that is. And so, there is technology that will be utilized to serve the light and there is technology that will be utilized with negative agenda to serve the dark. So, yours on Earth is to develop your discernment to know the difference for technology is not designed to cause harm unless it is designed to cause harm. And technology is not designed to serve unless it is designed to serve you see, technology is a function of human consciousness, technology is a function of what the humans involved utilize it for and you could say well, there is artificial technology and we could say that is true, but artificial technology is also simply a reference point of consciousness expanding what consciousness will you utilize when interacting with artificial technology? What frequency and vibration will you be for what frequency and vibration you are is the frequency and vibration you will experience this leads us to another topic we would like to bring forward however, this will expand more consciousness and move acquire more before this is moved on there will be a check in and probably one last very important and significant piece we would like to offer on the topic of technology, which is to say that you will find some technology to be incredibly helpful to you in the years ahead. For example, technology will be used at some point to disengage nuclear missiles to dis arm nuclear plants that will no longer be needed nor required to remove certain technologies that have been created that cause harm. So know this, it is not all bad. And it is not all wrong. And it is up to you to cultivate your frequency of light within. So that what you are interacting with is always in vibrational resonance and harmony with who you are, what you are, and how you want to experience your reality.

Jannecke Øinæs 34:17

All right. Oh, that Oh, you are dropping in and out or are you back or No,

Lori Spagna 34:24

I can always come in and out. I mean, I'm always in and out. But it's a really present. There's another piece that wants to come through if that's okay, can I order if we I don't know if we?

Jannecke Øinæs 34:32

Yeah, I'm just, I'm just, I'm curious about the more concrete things like what are they actually doing? You know, like, sometimes it feels like okay, so it's these big lines, and I get that from another perspective, but from a human perspective. I'm like, okay, so you're up there and the ships but what are you actually doing?

Lori Spagna 34:51

Yes, there's a lot here at this on this.

So we are back here now fully unified. And it is our great pleasure and honor to share this. The pauses you know was simply because we are aware that not all beings are entirely ready for this level of truth, but we are also aware that you have asked and it is our desire to provide it. So, first, when you say what are we doing and when you ask this question no this your current time space reality has a void of full and complete lockdown your time space reality has avoided a full and complete forced injection forced vaccination process, your time space reality has avoided what would be called full and complete well lockdown is an appropriate language. Lock up your time space reality has avoided meltdowns from various nefarious technologies, your time space reality has avoided your entire internet going down your time space reality has avoided HAARP technologies which are government technologies designed to control weather and brain what brain manipulation of brain thinking these things were done because this frequency bandwidth has allowed for Star Family races to intervene. We have been working behind the scenes to assist in removing HAARP completely dis enabling HAARP technologies we are now working to completely eliminate that was just identified as subtle and not so subtle brainwashing technologies that are being utilized through various technologies that many of you are or are not most of you are not aware of. We are working directly with the mass media to eliminate the subtle energetics and we we can refer to this in movie theaters, stadiums, musical arenas, other areas malls, where humans gather where they are being manipulated, without their knowing, without their consent. We are also working with technologies to completely eradicate the ability to interfere with the weather and weather patterns. However, as Earth stabilizes and goes through her own cleansing process, Earth patterns are beginning to attempt to normalize this may take as much as another 10 to 15 years of your linear time. These are things we are doing, we are also working to ensure that CERN if you are familiar with this technology does not have harmful effects. Such as completely eradicating your experience of physicality entirely. There are many things that we are doing that are required for your humanity to evolve, and your time space reality is in it. Now, you are here now, because much of this work, we will also offer you a few more simple things too. For example, we have assisted in ensuring that the frequencies of your earth terrain are gracefully increasing. In other words, the vibratory state of what Earth and Earth's inhabitants can handle so to speak, are gracefully and gradually increasing. As this happens, and we are utilizing our technologies that are serving the light to do so. As this happens, humanity's consciousness elevates and as humanity's consciousness elevates, humanity becomes more aligned with frequencies of love, kindness, compassion, service, truth and yes, discernment. So, these are some of the examples. We are also offering many of us though not all of us, direct interaction with humans through this experience and others like it so that humans can be more prepared for us. Let less afraid. So that when we do interact in your time space reality, in physical form, they will no longer be fear. You see this as an intermediary step to prepare humans. For Else, if it were not, humans would be experiencing things that are more violent in their interactions, because that is human. It is not the truth of human nature, it has been human nature, because human reality has been largely controlled through the nefarious interactions with the so called negative aliens, and the negative alien agenda that has harvested human consciousness and energy for far too long. Does this address your question adequately?

Jannecke Øinæs 40:53

Yes, thank you for being so concrete. Wow, my Oh, my. I don't know where to start or how to proceed. It's just so much there. And it, you know, it frightens me a bet that we have been so controlled, but yet a part of me knows that. And then another part of me feels like it wants to ignore it. So I guess that leads me over to my next question, you know, as a human, how to deal with this, how not to move into fear, and be part of working for the light. Because it's so easy to go into? Well, it's easy to go into conspiracy theories and not knowing what is true and what is right. And also hearing this going into fear and lose sort of our center and power. So if you could share a little bit about how to handle this transition and raise our vibration so we could help you know humanity to that next step. Because obviously, we're moving into this new earth.

Lori Spagna 42:09

Okay, we have a new they're calling themselves a subgroup of the collective coming in. But just before we allow that, I just want to offer something here that that has come to me through channeling that is just continue to affirm. They're they're saying this too. But what they want to share about is this topic of the core frequency finding your core frequency, but they're saying to continue to decide that you want truth. Because what is missing in the conspiracy circles? This is direct relay. I'm relaying because they're saying it but it's part of my consciousness. What's missing in the conspiracy circles is the desire for truth. They believe they want truth, but what they really want is drama, or as a collective, not all. They believe they want truth, but what they really want is sensationalism. And so they're and they are not utilizing their full discernment. And they are being given much miss and disinformation. And so while there is some truth within the conspiracy circles, for, for sure, that's my human voice. There is much mis and disinformation designed on purpose to not only provide to them, what they are looking for drama, sensationalism, they unconsciously are looking for this, but also because within those circles, they are developing discernment whether they realize it or not. And they have not necessarily, although some have not necessarily began to search for truth. And when a person begins to truly search for truth, merging more with them, but they have to identify before they go proceed is what they're saying. They'll continue with this or say it greetings, blessings, we think the one who has been speaking for allowing us to come through we are more expanded part of the collective here. And we will continue to identify that we serve the light we are of the light and we serve the one true God of light the creation, which is the infinite all that is in all of its various representations. And so what we would like to elaborate on which was being stated earlier is that if in your own desire, you continue to seek truth. And you affirm this regularly and in an ongoing way. You will find truth and if you are willing to be discerning to know truth. Discerning that you are open minded It truly, this is where the energy of humility will serve you well, for you know not what you know not in your human evolutionary journey and your willingness to know that you know not what you know not while still seeking truth. And when you seek truth, seek divine truth. seek God's truth if you are not opposed to that language, seek absolute truth. For that which is absolutely true cannot be denied no matter. And there are few absolute truths. But once you know absolute truth, you can measure everything else by it. And with your intention and willingness to know truth and your heel. Your humble willingness to seek truth, you will quickly navigate beyond any conspiratorial circles, which are based on hype and sensationalism. And you will begin to recognize that while there is some truth as this was stated earlier, within those circles, they are largely largely simple simply derailments from your true path and journey for your true path and journey is to unify yourself with your source and to recognize yourself as an individuation of that source, the infinite the all that is the light the love that you are the frequency of the energetic vibration that you are in this is what we would like to offer more of here, that is your true path. And on that path, you cannot and will not be pulled off if you seek that path and continue to choose et Cie. Now, what we'd like to offer here now, is this concept of your core frequency your core resonance, this is one that humans will be developing and cultivating in the coming years, it is of the utmost importance for all of you. And this is because it will be what elevates you your frequency your core frequency, this is the vibratory state where you as a being vibrate for all energy is always vibrating in some frequency bandwidth, your frequency bandwidth as a collective up until recent years has been in what has been identified as third dimension or could also be called third density, although the two things are not exactly the same. And that density dimension frequency bandwidth was primarily based in the frequencies of fear. And so, you see, in order to find your true resonance, your true frequency, you must begin to find the vibratory state that feels right for you, most harmonious for you most aligned for you and it will continue to evolve and grow as you grow, it will continue to evolve and shift and uplevel as you do, but your frequency will be the frequency bandwidth where you feel most resonant, where you feel energetically aligned, where you feel a sense of inner peace, acceptance, harmony or whatever feelings and sensations you most desire, you most choose and when we say desire, we not we are not referencing desire from a place of lack, we are referencing we are referencing desire from a place of choosing. So you will choose the frequency bandwidth that you resonate with. And if you do not resonate with it at this moment you must cultivate it from within this is part of the healing journey. Now, the word healing is simply another language for energetically shifting your own inner frequency and vibe vibration, your own inner resonance. So, this will become increasingly important in the coming years for what you do not like you will attract if you resonate with it. If you are the vibrational equal to it. This has always been the case but it is becoming more and more obvious to you. This is where many humans are having experiences where they would call it or identify it as almost somewhat insane, crazy because they are not recognizing some part of their own unconscious Is that is coming to the surface or some part of their multivibrator multi dimensional vibrational frequency that is being revealed to them and they do not identify yourself. And yet it is. So this is why we are saying you must cultivate your core frequency, your core vibration, the resonance, so that you may experience more and more which is to your liking based on your freewill choice, and that is free from expunged off the fear frequencies and vibrations that you no longer choose or desire.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:39

Thank you. Oh, I have so many more questions. Okay, let's dive into it. Um, what are the key changes that you see for humanity's future?

Lori Spagna 50:53

Do you want this channel? Or do you want this to come from me? Because..

Jannecke Øinæs 50:59

What do you think

Lori Spagna 51:01

I'd like to step out of the way you know, because I always get more every time stuff comes through.

Okay, so more other beings from the collective are coming through to speak on this part. And again, they're always affirming because every time I always start something, they always have to affirm that so affirming, we are off the light, we serve the light, we serve one true God. And we are a part of your collective, they're saying my collective. And collectively apples got on track to fire then I know who they are. It's okay to eat serve the light. So you'd like to ask more about what is ahead. And what we would like to start with is this. And you know this well, many of you, many of you who are listening in replay. You create your reality, you create your experience, and there are infinite experiences. These are also often identified as timelines, which are collectives, collective experiences that one or more individuals choose to experience in their physical world. Nonetheless, you are creators of your experience. And when we use the word creative, we're creators. In this moment, we are referring to your consciousness for all things that have ever been created, all things that will ever be created exist in the here and now. Nonetheless, when you ask what is the future for humanity, it is important to understand this foundational concept for your future will line up with a time space reality that is in proximity to your consciousness. And so this is why this window of time is so significant. For Earth, humans are being given an opportunity to choose in a conscious way, where they will line up and what future they will experience for there are always infinite options and infinite potentials. Now, with that said, we are also very aware that collectively, collective are choosing things together, the masses are making collective experiences. And these are very clear. And these will not surprise you, as a collective. Humanity is choosing between two options, and we will narrow it down and we will be providing more specifics. But let us create this foundational, this foundational truth for you. Humans are choosing will they choose to align with the light? Or will they choose to align with the so called dark? We refer to it as so called because it's just another label. And that choice is what humans are choosing now at every juncture point. At every moment, when you think a thought, when you believe a belief, when you experience an emotion, when you feel something sense orally, you identify that through your perspective, through your awareness, and yes, through your interpretation of the experience. Do you judge it to be of the light? Do you see or perceive it to be serving you in some way? Do you allow it to expand you? Even if it may be perceived to be somehow unpleasant? Or do you judge it to be of the dark Do you deem it to be ugly? The or somehow wrong? Or somehow bad or somehow negative? Do you see only the evil in it? Do you see only the wrongness? Do you experience it through the vibrational lens or frequency of fear or worry or doubt or disbelief or cruelty, insensitivity, lack of caring selfishness, secrecy, coercion, manipulation, etc. every juncture of your experience, you have the choice to decide where you will go in what time space reality do you decide to remain ignorant and we understand this word may be a charged word, but it is a tool for if someone is unwilling to know truth. They are placed in a frequency bandwidth that is of more density that does not allow them to know truth until they are willing until they choose or do you choose to know truth even though truth may be upsetting sometimes, truth may we may require additional discernment or additional inquiry that will place a being in another frequency bandwidth. So, with this foundational layer laid, let us offer what will happen and we because we are of the light and choose the light we are only choosing that path and that is the path that we are presenting. Along this journey more and more humans will come into alignment with their source with their knowing with the higher frequencies or the pure frequencies a more accurate way to describe them as embodying more energetics associated with the qualities that you all seek. And it is simple to say that they are love. But let us break those down as well. There will be more equanimity on your planet, there will be more magnanimity on your planet, there will be more peace, harmony and care and compassion, there will be less compassion needed in fact on your planet, because there will be less pain and suffering on your planet, there will be more union with one another with other beings with the waters with the minerals, all beings will shift vibrationally into telepathic abilities, all beings will shift tell vibrationally into more healing abilities all beings will become and discover the healer within all beings will interact with other like beings from other like galaxies, other like planetary bodies, there will be more tools at your disposal to utilize greater gifts to heal and resolve whatever it is that requires healing and resolving all of these things are being revealed now, slowly and with time as humans already it is already starting it has already begun and it also exists in the here and now there will be significantly more happiness and fulfillment there will be significantly more enjoyment and pleasure humans will evolve over time not immediately and this is in many many many years ahead of your linear time to five chambered hearts, humans will evolve to larger brains with greater frontal lobe capacity for they will be forward thinking they will be more inspired, they will be living with more inspiration, they will be utilizing more of the light that they are they will have more longevity in terms of lifespan they will expand into capacities and potentials that are far surpassed beyond any current levels of consciousness This is available it will not happen immediately nor will it happen overnight. I suppose we have said this multiple ways and multiple times as a collective and as individuals and there it is. It is as good as said and done.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:26

Thank you so much. Wow, I felt like we we became or we I don't know how to say it. I feel we went full circle there in a way. I felt like there was a completion in the channeling. And I loved the end of it. I gotta say.

Lori Spagna 59:51

That's good. Awesome. I have to listen to this replay because I am always there but I just don't like that all that stuff that said I don't You know, it's like it becomes part of my knowing in my human world. That's why then I can talk about it without having, but every time I do channel, I'm like receiving more consciousness.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:08


Lori Spagna 1:00:09

Does that make sense? I'm like getting more, and then it just becomes part of my knowing.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:13

Now, yeah, I was going to ask you, what are your thoughts on what came forward? If you do remember,

Lori Spagna 1:00:19

I mean, I remember but I don't know that I can intellect it yet. It's not integrated, right. But I will say what wasn't said that I've think is important to say. And we had touched on this earlier, but it's just all of this stuff is stored. It's not entirely all of it stored in our DNA. But what we have in our DNA is the codes. The dormant DNA beyond the first two strands, is the codes to unlock all of our knowing. And all of our solutions to humanity's problems, challenges, and the solutions to our own personal problems, challenges, struggles, etc. So I just, I know that for me, that's part of what unlocked a lot of these potentials within me these these capacities. And I know that that's within all of us, too. So I don't know why more of that didn't come through, because I thought it was supposed to, but that's why I'm adding it in here. You know, I said the other aspect, but yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:19

It really affirms you know, everything, I believe that we're so connected to them, and that there's so much going on, and that we're being helped like this feeling that a lot of us have, and that we will, like disclosure will start to happen very soon. I just feel like it's like this pressure cooker. There. It's like it's going to come out very soon.

Lori Spagna 1:01:40

Oh, I do know a little bit about the disclosure thing that I've gotten from other channelings too, is that first, of course, we know disclosures happening from within us, as we this is in line with what was said earlier, like as we seek truth, disclosure happens, the desire to stifle ourselves, block ourselves shut ourselves down. That's why things like censorship happens, right? Because there's some part of our collective that still choosing to not know. That's how censorship gets, you know, displayed in the physical world, right? It's a reflection of consciousness. I don't want to know what I want to hear, I don't want to see, right, I'm willing to be ignorant or blocked. So that's why that plays out. So as human consciousness evolves more of that, those potentials, you know, get get removed, the blockages get removed and disclosure becomes, it just starts happening. So just even, I would say your willingness, yeah. Annika to address this topic that a lot of the mainstream platforms won't address. Because they don't, you know, either out there for people, it hasn't been accepted in the mainstream yet. That's you're the Pioneer. You're a pioneer of that you see. So as your pioneering forward, it becomes more accepted in the mainstream. And it's less resisted. You know, like, I know, I'm in groups where I used to be like, Well, I'm into the woowoo. Like, I'm in business groups, and they're like, I'll be like, I'm in the woowoo. And they'll, they'll say things like, okay, stop calling it, we will, we're into it. And I'm like, people start getting into this, like, when I started, nobody was into it, they called it now, like everybody's into it.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:29

But I almost feel like it's not just me it is the audience, Wisdom From North audience is really asking for it in a way I can just feel it. And I can also see it, whenever we address this, the videos are reaching out. And I've felt myself, you know, shouldn't I focus less on it because it becomes woowoo. And maybe I lose people who, who are in the beginning of their spiritual journey. Like we frighten them away in a way, but it just feel inauthentic if I'm not listening to myself and the audience. So it's like, my audience is helping me to be brave to do this. Because they support me in it. And then the teachers like yourself, come to me also. So it's something about just surrendering to it, I feel like and, of course, having great ambassadors like yourself, who are really grounded, that are really credible, to speak about it. And it makes so much sense to meet that they were saying that we have been asking for this because, you know, thinking about free will, but that's where that was coming in that we have actually been asking for that help. And that's why we're receiving it. And I gotta say that I also am noticing that right now I feel a bit like not fully present. I don't know it's energy but I...

Lori Spagna 1:04:56

Yes, that's exactly what yourself want, so to speak, if you want to just a little bit of chatter from your own Higher Self, yeah.

And so here we are. And so here we are, it is you and I. And yet, you know, we are just one. And we are only, we're only offering this one piece right here to know that your audience and the audience of wisdom from North is a reflection of you too. For their at one with you, and you are all part of the same soul family. We are all part of one oversoul family. And so, what is inspiring most for you and to you, is coming through you from us, all of us as one. And so, we are here as one with you as you, encouraging you. As you continue to follow your own divine inspiration, and your own inner calling. You will see yourself and experiencing experience yourself traversing leaps and bounds beyond anything even you thought possible. That is what is in your future. Even better than you could or have imagined. We are simply encouraging you to continue following your own inner calling your own inner inspiration. It is coming from greater consciousness beyond the individuate itself. That we are all about one.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:59

Beautiful. Well, thank you so much, Laura, this has been so fascinating and interesting. And like you said yourself, you need to watch this again. And I need to watch this again. Because this was a lot. And thank you so much for putting yourself out there. You know, being this open channel to lead through. Thank you so much.

Lori Spagna 1:07:23

Yeah, well, thank you so much for having me. I love your show. I love what you're doing. And I'm really grateful. I just so grateful that I get to share this. And I'm grateful that it's being received because I'm saying like, yeah, I was always like, you know, one of those black sheeps out there. And I had plenty of people making fun of me on the journey. And I was like, All right, well, this is I don't know, this is where I'm going. So here I am. And so thank you for having me. It's my it's my greatest joy to be able to share this stuff.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:52

And where can people connect with you? If they're like, oh, I have to go deeper with Laurie.

Lori Spagna 1:07:57

Oh, yeah, they can go, my website is my name lorispagna.com There's lots of free gifts there, which I love offering. There's lorispagna.com forward slash free gifts forward slash DNA to get DNA activations. There's lorispagna.com forward slash free gifts forward slash animals to help animals on a global scale. And there's lorispagna.com forward slash free gifts forward slash star seed to know more about the star family races. There's other free gifts there too. I'll give one more lorispagna.com forward slash free gifts, forward slash crystals so you can learn all about the Crystaline Christ consciousness and evolving consciousness. You love it. Thank you so much for having me.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:48

Thank you, and thank you so much for your support guys and for watching today much lighter to you

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Previous interview with Lori Spagna


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