Enjoy - it's all free

Inspiring masterclasses

Connect To Your Cosmic Blueprint

You have a higher mission in this incarnation. Learn how to step into your true purpose as well as understanding the connection you have with people in your life - soul mates & twin flames. 

A FREE, empowering masterclass with life long clairvoyant, energy worker Sita PK.

With 🇳🇴 Norwegian subtitles.

Awaken to your soul's purpose masterclass

Awaken to Your Soul's Purpose

Can you recognize the feeling that there is more to life, you just don't know quite what it is, or what your true purpose is? 

In this masterclass with Jannecke Øinæs you can get more clarity on your mission and purpose in life and understand what is holding you back from living the life that you deep down long to live. 

Empowering Meditations with Jannecke Øinæs

quiz for your best meditation

Find the best 
for you right now!

There are meditations to suit any situation and need. But which guided meditation do you need right now?

Take this free quiz to find out and get access to the meditation that is best for you right now. 

Meet your Future Self

In this free and guided meditation with Jannecke Øinæs, you will discover and meet the brightest future version of yourself, so you can manifest the reality you long for. 

Free Video Events with our partners

Wisdom From North is a proud affiliate for The Shift Network, Gaia and The School of Spiritual Evolution

Free lesson with Belinda Womack

8 Spiritual Tools to Manifest True Wealth

Belinda Womack

Learn the Angels straightforward simple practice for keeping your vibration clear and open to receive from Source. It’s your birthright as a human being to live a wealthy life when your ego let’s your Soul/higher Self lead the way in taking excellent care of you. 

Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World

Suzanne Giesemann

Soul-to-soul communication is the key to effectively connecting with the Spirit World and more easily conducting accurate and powerful readings through the age-old practice of mediumship.

Free video event with Gregg Braden

The new human story

Gregg Braden

Imagine discovering that you’re not what you’ve been told and are far more than you’ve ever imagined… In this mind-expanding mini-workshop with Gregg, you’ll find out how these new scientific discoveries have the potential to change the way you think about yourself, your relationship to your body, to others, to the earth, and even to God.

Discover the Transformative Power of near-death experiences

Anita Moorjani

Anita can help YOU discover the profound spiritual truths, unconditional love, and a “no-holds-barred” way of living that are so often associated with an NDE (whether you’ve experienced one yourself or not).

Imagine deeper self-love... a deeper connection with others... and living FULLY in touch with the wisest, most authentic parts of you...

Energy Codes course

Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown

Dr. Sue Morter

Based on decades of research into the human body, biofield, and higher-level energy systems, the Energy Codes® offer a spiritually grounded way to tap into the deeper currents of energy that can shift anything in your life.

During a free complimentary video event with Dr. Sue, you’ll discover insights and practices to help you tap into your true radiant, energetic self — pure unconditional love and light.

Watch on Gaia


Spiritual Streaming Service

Answer life’s deeper questions and go beyond the mainstream narrative with Gaia— a member-supported media network of truth seekers and believers empowering an evolution of consciousness. Explore over 8,000 ad-free, streaming titles that challenge modern paradigms and allow you to manifest the reality that defines your being.

Initiation with Matias De Stefano

Initiation with Matias De Stefano

A groundbreaking series

At a very young age, Matias De Stefano remembered his connection to the Akashic Records. The information he recalled gave him a unique, and powerful understanding of the creation of the universe and the many layers of reality we all exist within. He brings forward these powerful revelations in this groundbreaking series.

More Free Inspiration

Wisdom From North on YouTube

All my interviews on YouTube

As a passionate seeker for the deeper meaning of life, I started interviewing people who I found had wisdom to share. I believe we are in a shift of consciousness and that we are moving into the age of wisdom. 

By inspiring each other with thoughts and views of life I think we can evolve as human beings and gain a higher understanding of why we are here, where we go when we die, and what our purpose and potential is as humans. 

Are you Scandinavian?

We have free classes and meditations in Norwegian too. Have a look here >>
