In this interview Danette May shares how changing her beliefs has helped her reshape her life, and how that is possible for all of us. And how, if you take radical responsibility for your own life, everything starts to change. 

Danette shares how she went from a deep depression and not caring about anything, to finding the beautiful and abundant life she is living today. 

Listen to the podcast version of this interview.

Miracles can happen when we hit rock bottom 

Danette grew up in a strict religious family and was following the rules of the religion. For a long time she therefore turned off her intuition, because she felt she couldn’t trust it. However after a traumatic event that turned her life upside down by hitting rock bottom, her true miracle began and she slowly began to find her inner voice again. 

What I loved is that she is sharing her story so openly, because I know from my own experience how much it helps to hear someone else say they have gone through the same as you, and come out on the other side.

Can we change both our beliefs, and our bone structure? 

According to Danette we as humans are shape shifters and have the possibility to change everything from bone structure to our energy, to heal sickness. But of course, first we must shift our belief system first. Isn’t that interesting? 

She also talks about how affirmations actually only work for real when we are in a frequency of love, and she gives a really good practical advice for when you should do your affirmations for best results

And are you looking for a great relationship in your life? Either with yourself or with your partner? Stay until the end to hear Danette’s inspiring story about how changing her belief system helped her manifest a great relationship, and how she can help you find yours. 

About Danette May

Danette May is a Keynote speaker at Mindvalley, bestselling author, founder of The Rise Movement, a world-renowned coach and so much more.

She has gone from deep struggles as a single mom with only $47 in her bank account, to turning her life around, meeting the love of her life and becoming the successful woman she is today. And the beautiful thing is that she says she is still on a journey, constantly evolving. 

Links & Resources

Danette May’s website

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