This interview takes us to Connecticut where Jannecke meets with the American author Bonnie McEneaney in a conversation about loved ones lost on 9/11.

As a former corporate executive, she was sceptical of the idea of an afterlife until her husband started giving her signs that he knew he was going to die.  

Sadly, he did in fact die on 9/11 and Bonnie was inspired to start her book project interviewing people about their experiences with their loved ones who were lost that day. 

Listen to the podcast version here.

Love keeps us connected 

Many of the people Bonnie interviewed after 9/11 told her they had had experiences like Bonnie and her husband’s. There were also loved ones who experienced the feeling of loss before 9/11. 

Bonnie explains that even across life and death, love does not waver. You are literally connected to the person you lost because of the bond of love. 

Loved ones lost on 9/11 

The morning of 9/11 Bonnie’s husband rose at 5 am as usual and got himself ready for work. While in the shower he suddenly experienced extreme dizziness. Bonnie tried to persuade him to stay home and take it easy, but after a while he decided he was ok to go to work. 

Later that day the first plane crashed into one of the towers and her husband was trapped on the 150th floor. As we all know, so many lives were lost that day and Bonnie’s husband was one of them.  

Meeting loved ones in dreams 

Bonnie explains that dreams are very consistent, and people who had loved ones lost on 9/11 experienced visitations in their dreams which they all described to be the same. Always in color and very vivid.  

One woman Bonnie interviewed dreamt about her husband and that he smiled at her, when she woke up, he was still sitting by her bedside smiling. The next morning, she went down to ground zero and while she was watching, the military found and brought up the body of her husband. 

In this interview, we learn how we are still connected to our loved ones through love, even in death. Bonnie explains about signs and signals we might receive and how to pay attention to them. 

The book “Messages: Signs, Visits, and Premonitions from Loved Ones Lost on 9/11”*

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