In this episode, Amrit Sandhu and Jannecke Øinæs discuss the intersections of spirituality and purpose in life, sharing personal experiences and emphasizing the importance of cultivating a deep connection with the divine. They also share their experiences with depression and anxiety, highlighting the need to focus on the present moment and integrate past achievements. From depression to purpose through the dark night of the soul.

Breathing Through the Darkness of Depression

Amrit reminisces on a pivotal moment in his journey through depression, recalling a time when his world seemed to crumble around him. Struggling with the aftermath of failed relationships and feeling alienated from his own life, he found himself sitting across from a psychologist, confronted with the stark reality of his diagnosis. Amidst the offer of antidepressants, a seemingly inconsequential encounter with a caring doctor changed his perspective. Initially skeptical of a simple breathing exercise offered as an alternative, he later found himself in a high-stress situation where the exercise became a lifeline, offering a path back to the present moment. This simple act of mindfulness opened his eyes to the interconnectedness of anxiety and depression, highlighting the importance of being grounded in the now.

The quest for living on purpose

Jannecke delves into the quest for purpose with Amrit Sandhu, exploring the intricacies of passion and curiosity. Amrit eloquently draws a parallel between spirituality and the inherent curiosity of the universe, emphasizing the sacredness of curiosity as a guiding force. He navigates the intersection of curiosity and values, highlighting the authenticity needed to discern genuine interests from societal pressures. Through a formulaic approach, he unveils the pathway to passion, urging individuals to cultivate their curiosities and fill their cup of passion. As the cup overflows with fervor, Amrit underscores the transformative power of sharing one’s passions in service to others, encapsulating the essence of purpose as an outward expression of inward passion.

About Amrit Sandhu

Amrit Sandhu is an international speaker, podcast host and founder of the Inspired Evolution. Certified by Eckhart Tolle’s School of Awakening, he is also Mindvalley’s Master Certified Trainer for Australia & India. 

Amrit delivers keynotes, talks, seminars and workshops for the Inspired Evolution and Mindvalley in the United States, Europe, Asia and Australia.

His gift for sharing impactful ideas & insights with unrivaled enthusiasm enables him to engage audiences from all over the world featuring a wide range of demographics, from corporate environments to construction sites, teenage programs, festivals, retreats and to the general public.

Transcript of the interview

Amrit Sandhu 0:00

Okay, like I want to give you this breathing exercise. And I was like; breathing. And she's like, Yeah. Lady, I'll take the pills. Just been diagnosed for 6 years of depression. You're telling me to breathe. Like I breathe, I'm alive. How foolish that young man was. You know, cultivate time for things that you're put here to do and experience on Earth, right? Like those are your curiosities. And as you fill up your cup, you're going to experience more and more zest for life.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:32

Hello, Amrit a warm welcome to the show.

Amrit Sandhu 0:35

Oh, my God, it is such a pleasure to be here. Thank you so much for having me. I'm still kind of pinching myself that I'm here. But I'm here. Such a pleasure to be here. Thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:44

Well, I think we're both pitching our arms. Because I've watched your show. Your show is called inspired evolution. You have so many incredible guests on your podcasts that I follow. Some of them I've interviewed as well. So we're doing kind of the same. And I like I said in the beginning, I feel such a, like a kinship with like kindred soul, because I know what you're going through, you know what I'm going through how it's like having a YouTube show all that stuff. And then I get very curious about your experience and how you got to what you're doing today. And I know you're much more than a host host as well, like you've worked with Mindvalley, you are an international speaker, you have your own coaching programs, and you're very passionate about purpose. You're still on purpose. And that's something I really share with you. I'm so passionate about purpose. And I think it's so important. So love to get into that today. And maybe people who are watching can connect more with their purpose after this interview, that will be a wonderful intention.

Amrit Sandhu 1:50

It's a beautiful intention for us together. Yeah, thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:54

Yeah. So I know, I'm read that you had a very special father, like most of us are raised with parents that are not so open to spirituality, perhaps, actually in Scandinavia, can just talk for myself, and that people are now opening more and more up. But it seemed like you had a deep connection or were raised. So you could cultivate this deep connection with the Divine. And yet, all of a sudden, you became really depressed, which I'm very curious about. So could you share a little bit about like being raised in the spiritual beliefs that you would imagine then it would be all shiny and flowers and beautiful upbringing and a beautiful life because you you have these beliefs, but then you fall down into depression. So I'm curious what happened?

Amrit Sandhu 2:48

Yeah, so there's many different parts we can take into this. But the key thing in there is learning noticing the India which is my heritage, as a place is still this Mecca, if you will, or spirituality. It's one of these last places on earth almost the I had this incredible blessing, as you said, Touchwood. I've just a father who was very spiritually inclined my mother to my mother grew up Hindu. My father grew up sick, and I actually went to a Christian school. So there's lots of different things boiling in and around me. So my best friends were Islamic, and Jewish, so there's a lot of melting pot of religions in there. But the key thing in there was, I had this really incredible opportunity to grow up with a father that was Sikh and also the Sikh faith is a I'll just take a quick sec to introduce it. Like it's a really beautiful face. It's about 500 years young, just over. And then the nice part about that it was it's very reconcilable with science. So the whole face of the seek, like even the word seek in Punjabi, which is the mother tongue, sort of the language. It's actually good mochi, but the it means to learn, right? So your whole face in life is to learn and your name for God, which is why Guru is Guru is teacher, so anything can teach you right? Like I can learn for you. I can learn from a member of the audience, I can learn from a blade of grass if I slow down and bring myself to that moment, right. And so, just the opportunity to just drop into a faith where it's all about learning and everything that's teaching me and informing my experience of learning is my God. Right? And that is reconcilable with a lot of, you know, spirituality outside of religion, which is I think, a lot of the space that you and I are exploring in our podcasts, right? And so rightfully so you've pointed to Yeah, like growing up in this house which you know, consistently we have prayers we have spirituality like every regularly people are coming over to conduct prayers for you know, like say if we're starting a business there's like a touch with as a whole prayer ceremony. There's been the sequence if someone's passing away, there's like, you know, deep ceremony and ritual infused into those parts. Now. Marx, there's the part of depression that kicked in was, you know, growing up with in Indian family have these intense amount of expectations placed on you. But I think it's not just me growing up in a migrant family in Australia, you know, I think migrants have extra pressures placed on him, because there's this real opportunity to success and a lot of pressure is placed on their education. But it around there, I think a lot of now that I've been encouraged for such a long time, I've just found that there's actually there's all different types of pressures on all different types of people to fundamentally succeed and carve out their path in life. And generally, what happens is, I find this kind of ironic that like, you know, you look at an 18 year old, and even leading up to, you know, kids getting becoming 18, or 17. It's like, Hey, what's your name? What, you know, what do you want to be when you're older? You know? And it's like, it's a beautiful question. In some ways, it's like sparking the imagination. But then also, in many ways, it's a it's like a blink, like putting the whole blinkers on the horse in many ways, because it's like, you've got to be something when you're older, you know, and just the concept of like, at the age of 18, how much of life have you really seen outside of a confined environment that is your schooling system, to then be able to choose your entire life's path, as of that point, right? That I'm going to be a doctor or a lawyer, or an accountant or an economist or an engineer. And it's like, yeah, but, you know, you could be a YouTuber. It's like, that's, you know, there's all these. And also, if I turned around at the time and said to somebody, I'm going to be huge, but back then, like, YouTube wasn't a thing. And so in that period of my life, in particular, you're asking from a spiritual sense, how grok someone growing up with so much spirituality around them ended up in a depressed place, all these pressures, and I ended up in, you know, following a career path. That, you know, even just trying to study, it was so difficult. Even though the subject matter was something that I was naturally, I don't want to say gifted Touchwood, but gifted towards like physics, and maths is something that I just couldn't speak. Touchwood. But even then, like, I started experiencing extreme challenges in my life in terms of being able to show up for things and just the way I was navigating life started to really fall apart. And then when I finally got diagnosed as a, you've been struggling with, like, major depression for six years. And so it comes from, even though we have spirituality in our lives, there's still these 3d pressures that we apply on the persona, to succeed in life that's not necessarily in alignment with the spiritual calling of what that being was here for. And, you know, and this sounds like our family societies are to be demonized, because they're not actually supporting a soul's calling. They are, you know, in many ways, they're just trying to do the best they can, with what they know, like, my parents did everything they could for me. But you know, only I can really do the inner work to uncover who I really am and why I'm here to do what I want to do.

Jannecke Øinæs 8:01

Yeah, cuz I was thinking maybe it could be that you had so much spirituality around you, I had a girlfriend that was had spirituality up in her throat because her parents were so spiritual. So she tried to resist it for so long. That could have been the case with you. Because I, before we went on this interview, you said that your father asked you as a four year old who are you? Who are you?

Amrit Sandhu 8:30

And I think for me, it's it's actually the opposite of your your friend in some ways. Touchwood because there's been such this like, yeah, like, I was a foreclosed, we describe those four years old. And my dad would ask me this question, like, why are you here? And I was like, because this is our home dad. He's like, why are you here? Like, because we live here. He's like, like, listen to the question. Why are you here? And you know, fit. Like, I'm my son's two and a half now. And I'm like, contemplating asking him that same question. And like the age of Martoma. While like, my dad had a lot of courage and a lot of faith and a lot of belief that, you know, that wouldn't spiral a four year old out into an existential crisis. And in the ways that it's like, different if it was like, because there was sort of spiritually who was so open Touchwood. And yet, then it's like, okay, but you also have to, like carve out a very, like spirituality, so open, and then you have to funnel all this energy into like, this one modicum of thing that you're going to do for the rest of your life. And there's your spiritual being, and then there's your life's work, which is a small little strand that's like, yeah, all have feel so constricted. Like this is so confining, and it's so painful and that to me, you know, I say this now. And I definitely just before I say this, there's an asterix going in because there is like a disclaimer, there are people that need medication and SSRIs. And, you know, there are chemical imbalances and they need support. But for me what we were just describing, it was so consistent Look at it, it was so depressing. And that was like that became my one of my spiritual truths, right, which is like the the progression from not being in alignment to your soul's calling is the opposite of expression and how important, you know, we talk about, you know, your podcast by podcast. So for me, it's part of my mental health strategy, if you can call it that to some degree, because it's giving me permission to express really what's important to me. And what's matter, it matters to me. And it's like, as you can tell our shows, both of them are like multi dimensional, like you recently had, like a conversation on sales and selling with love. And then you know, you've got conversations with people channeling and it's, you know, it's so open. And that gives you permission to have like to be, the more free or open being that you are, as opposed to like this rule, or you could just like, account for the rest of your life, or you can just, you know, calculate whether a bridge will stand or not stand for the rest of your life. And it's like, I can see the importance for society for that. But what about the rest of me? And so confining all of that energy into such a small container? Touchwood was, was the was the nature of my challenge?

Jannecke Øinæs 11:03

Oh, yes. I mean, this is one of my favorite topics, because I was also deeply depressed. And whenever I hear that other people have experienced depression, I sort of feel a connection, because then I know, part of what you've been going through. And it was the same case for me, I lost my voice, and I wasn't on the deeper purpose. And it took me a long time until I found my purpose. And now, I believe a purpose is not like one single thing. It's something that is evolving. I think we can have many sub purposes. But I think not being on purpose. If you're on a purpose, you're lying towards yourself, like you're you're suppressing something, actually creative force, like life force, you're denying something that is inside of you that actually wants to be expressed, like living or essence, living your truth. And I feel like often, who we were as children is very connected to our purpose. Like when I was young, I remember that I asked all these questions. And this and that, and my brother was like, Oh, my gosh, you always ask questions. And I think it's so funny right now that I'm still so curious. So I would love to circle back a bit, if you could speak to how you got out out of the depression was sort of the answer to follow your purpose. Because often, there are many things that help us get out of a depression. And I know that you also started doing some breathing techniques. And I think this can be very helpful for people out out there who are struggling with depression to see how others have come out of it.

Amrit Sandhu 12:46

Yeah, absolutely. So what you're describing is basically, it was a massive dark night of the soul. Right? So it was and you know, in some ways, and I'm not sure, I'm looking forward to having this conversation, because, well, I just asked you here, like, your relationship with the depression. Like if you could go back, would you? Would you scrub it out of your life story?

Jannecke Øinæs 13:08

No. It was horrible. I never want to experience again, it again. But the value I do see that? No, but it was horrible to go through because to me, it's no life. It felt like no life, the opposite of living. But of course, I was existing. But now Yeah, I definitely see the purpose. And I definitely see that you are not depressed, like you.

Amrit Sandhu 13:41

So yeah, so all of that to say I you know, and I ask this people in my in, you know, having moved through the transition consistently, it is a dark night of the soul, but it's so formative. And in many spiritual senses, you'll find, you know, you can only go as high as you go deep, you know, and that's not to say that everybody needs to have a depression or everybody needs. But what I did find that, you know, I look back, and it was an incredible time. incredibly hard, incredibly dark, incredibly challenging, very difficult find moments to be proud of. And then a lot of healing to be done, you know, even as you continue to, you know, like you said, look back. So in around that though, the key thing that I found for me, I basically got diagnosed because my whole world fell apart. My partner was leaving me, my friends were, you know, like as alienated from my friends I had and they were all purely due to decisions and lack of decisions that I had made at the time, and just my inability to function as a normal human being. And so I ended up in a psychologist channel it's quite young in for an adolescent male to be sitting opposite of psychologists like you know, you're pretty invincible. And maybe that's just the Australian culture, but you're pretty invincible at that age. And you know, to be your serial number sort of psychology is kind of like my home life is falling apart and Mmm was quite an achievement in and of itself. And I'm quite grateful that, you know, we have the support mechanisms, which is the whole reason why I coach as well, you know, because you don't know what those support mechanisms are coming from different people. It's an absolute blessing to be a support mechanism. But the psychologist offered me basically antidepressants and she said, Hey, take these pills, you know, make a commitment to yourself to be on a different path and Touchwood you know, come back for more sessions, and we'll continue to unpack, you know, everything that's gone on for you, when she's the one that diagnosed me with major depression and everything that had happened in the past. The doctor that I had was this Thai lady. And she, you know, just as I was leaving the clinic, she had a quick little check in she was like, oh, yeah, she was a doctor that referred me to the psychologist and she was okay. Can I Can I speak to you for a quick sec? And I was like, Yeah, sure. And she was like, What did the doctor what did the psychologist prescribe you? And she was like, ah, you know, I said, these medication, I'm going to take it when I get home. And then you know, come back, you know, and I'm getting a couple of weeks for another, very another session and a chat about how things are going for me. And she said, Oh, if you don't mind, just stepping in for a sec. Like, I just want to share something with you. And she turned around, and she basically sat me down and goes, Okay, like, I want to give you this breathing exercise, like breathing exercise, and I was like, breathing. And she's like, Yeah, lady, I'll take the pills. Like, you don't like, as an adolescent young man, I'm really not proud of this now. But I was like, part of me actually wanted to kind of like add butter. I was just, like, breathe woman, like, I've been breathing, you know, like, I'm alive. Like, I'm sitting opposite you breathing, like, Come on, get real breathing. Like I've just been diagnosed with six years of depression, you're telling me to breathe, like I breathe, I'm alive. And, and how foolish that young man was, you know, she sat down and said, Look, this is a breathing exercise, I'm going to write it down for you. And if you're already on the trial, a post it note. And it was as simple as this it was to breathe in.

And count the breath as one and breathe out. And give it back as to and breathe in. Three, breathe out for breathe in. Five, breathe out. For breathe in. Three, breathe out, to and to breathe in. One, and then back to and you'll just count your breath. And in the moment, like she gave me the exercise, I put it in my device and I sort of moved on. Yeah.

And one of the key things that happened was, like literally a couple days later was an environment which was extremely anxiety provoking for me. And I didn't really associate anxiety and depression as being interlinked, but subsequently having done heaps of work in this space now that there's a reason they treat them one and the same, because the challenge is that you're not being present, right? Your mind either spending too much time in the future, or too much time in the past. And so being out of the present moment is a real challenge there. Now back then I had no idea around this.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:03

You said something important. Did you say anxiety and depression? So anxiety is worrying about the future and depression in the past? That is interesting.

Amrit Sandhu 18:13

Yeah. So one of the blessings I had was being coached by Eckhart Tolle to be certified as a presence and purpose coach, and I was really fascinated by that because Eckhart Tolle is we know is all about presence. It's like, Be here now. And it's like, but he's, he's he was like, yeah, do you want to learn about purpose as well? Of course I do. Purpose is like everything I do. Why is the presence guy talking about purpose? Because they seem somewhat in reconcilable in some way. Right? When you look at it from a 3d sense, it's like prisons is like now. D, and purposes like becoming it's like later. And so it's like, you can't, you don't get to talk about purpose make is like, we're gonna be here now. And so why are you talking about what's coming? And it's like, no, no, we can talk about. And so all of that to say, the challenge with Okay, so usually when I share this from stage, it's presented like this. I'll try and keep it concise, though. So the biggest challenge for depressive thoughts, let's call them depressive thoughts, right is your mind is left unchecked. And it's thinking oftentimes, most commonly about the past. I wasn't happy with I wish that would have happened, I kind of didn't like, or I wish that person or I wonder what you can already feel, as I'm saying this, there's a lot of like, there's this frequency, and it's like this, this frequency lack, and it's like this depression. And all those thoughts are thoughts of the past. If you can tune into that you'll start to recognize, oh, that's where my mind goes to just spend all this time in regret, and things that could have should have would have could have happened. And that is the past. Yeah. And so that's this real depressing energy for you. Now, last simultaneously, there is also the future and future provoking so it's like, I wonder if I wonder how that's gonna go. Or if, like tomorrow, this is going on and we're in the day after. I want to I'm about to go on stage and, and you can already feel the frequency picking up, right. So if you can tune into that frequency, that frequency is the frequency of anxiety. And it's the future oriented frequency now, like, when I say this quickly at this juncture, we will go off. So I'm not meant to think about the past, I'm not meant to think about the future, I'm not meant to get stuck in these. It's absolutely nothing wrong with thinking about the past. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with thinking about the future, when you take a look around like we are on opposite ends of the world having this incredible conversation right now Touchwood, and everybody that's tuning in is on all these corners of the world, able to tune into this, because civilization has been able to look back at its past, learn from its mistakes, look forward into the future in plan where it's going fundamental, as a coach, I'm helping people do that, like look back, look forward. But the key thing to living, right, and living with positive mental health is to recognize that the past as much as it was existed, it is also a mirage. And this is where we get like, into the mind, right, and the illusion of the spiritual sense of things. But with keeping it super grounded, like the past doesn't exist, the future also doesn't really exist in your mind, you're trying to carve something out. That's comforting for you. But nonetheless, it doesn't exist. So all that future anxiety, and all that past depression don't really exist, right. And I'm conscious when I say that our people are going to be triggered by that, because they're going through so much where they're spending so much time in the past, or so much time in the future. And it's just because the natural propensity that that mind has, that they're occupying those spaces longer than they need to. And the trick is to learn to come back into presence to come back into the present moment. 123, because the most real time thing that's happening, and when you started becoming a meditation teacher, which is we can circle back to my story. But you know, when you've suddenly got a mutation, you just realize there's even a lag between your breath and your presence. And that's a micro lag. But there's even a lag there. But the most real time tool you have to bring you back into the moment is your breasts. Yeah, and when you're giving them when giving your mind the opportunity to count it, you're literally spending the you're giving the mind that you focus on a trajectory, like be here now. And then you're literally just counting the breath coming back in in the moment. And so the being in the present moment, is this antidote to the departed depression of the past. And, you know, the, the anxiety of the future. And so the present moment is where you're most healed and learning to anchor yourself there is the key secret to mental health and wellness, right? Because you are now anchored in the present moment, in the present moment, you will take a look around, there's always something you can be grateful for the fact that you're alive, the fact that you're breathing, you are part of consciousness experiencing self right now, what the actual, right, hopefully there's a roof over your head, for those that are tuning in, you've got access to electronic devices, like you're probably living reasonably well. Yeah. There's definitely something to be grateful for in the present moment. And that is a great place to be anchored.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:56

Um, when it comes to purpose. Could you speak a little bit to that? Whether you believe that we all have a purpose? If you believe that a purpose can evolve? Is it something specific, like related to career because I do know that you have some programs, or you're coaching people when it comes to career on purpose? The many questions here and one question that I realized, if you could also speak about it in the car, sort of frame of this shift of consciousness, because I do feel that our purposes are changing, because now the world needs different things, and consciousness is evolving. So it seems like our purposes are different than they used to be.

Amrit Sandhu 23:48

So there's, yeah, like you said, there's many questions in there at once. And I think the gracious way to sort of navigate through that is, yeah, like my first biggest challenge was that dark night of the soul of living with six years of depression, learning to come to heal that through mindfulness and meditation. And just at that point, I usually throw in an asterix, which back to before some people do need SSRIs some people do need medication. But for many people actually, society is like, why it's such a way that there's so much pressure on people that they're depressing, and they need the opportunity to express and just coming back to the their breath and like coming back to finding themselves. mindfulness and meditation and self awareness completely reconstituted my life. Now we that I healed a lot of things. You know, one of the key symptoms of me being diagnosed with depression was me getting asked to leave university when you know, Touchwood you look back and I was always a bit of an academic. And then going forward when I finally got all this help, you know, three years later, when I finally graduate, graduated university, I graduated like top of the university Touchwood I don't say that from a place of ego. I say that because when they awarded me the award to graduate top of university, they asked they interviewed a whole bunch of people as to why they should do that. And for me, it was As my truth was, if I take home this award, it would be a really big Ode to mental health, like what life is like with really crappy mental health, like this guy got kicked out of university. And this guy, then like, three years later, we're having worked on his mental health, like graduates top of the university, not just in his degree across all degrees. That is, like, if there was ever a mental health story, like that's the story, right Touchwood. And so they and they were gracious enough to see the power in that story. And, you know, give me the award. And obviously, I put in a lot of work Touchwood, but they were also gracious enough to consider that that was an important thing to do. So, all of that to say, with all of that, I got this incredible career and incredible job when, you know, having dug myself out of depression using the tools that we just discussed. And then I'm in this job that is meant to be the most amazing job that anyone could, like, graduated uni level, like Touchwood, I had the most incredible job. And I did it for seven years. And for seven years, it literally felt like the soul was being sucked out of me day by day by the and unconscious, like with LD, NLP coaching and all that sort of stuff. Touchwood that you should use words wisely, and I do but there's, I wish it wasn't soul sucking. And there was another way to describe it, but it was really painful. And so with all this self awareness, like about the self and having reconciled so much, and understanding that, you know, depression, anxiety, and like still not being able to express myself in the life that I want to live, we go back to like, you know, all the spiritual dimensions and but then you're like, kind of still finding yourself stuck in like living in this, you know, this societal prescribed, I call it white picket fence lane, which is like, you know, get good grades in primary school, get good grades in high school, you know, go to university started, get a really good job, start a family, you know, buy a nice house, buy a nice car, you know, and then eventually, you can start living your life at 65, when you retire. And you're not as mobile, you know, Touchwood, some people don't even make it to 65 years. And then you'll prescribe this like, Wait till retirement to really live free. And this concept of freedom was just like, what, so all of that sort of say feeling that pressure. Once again, it was like an I knew it was it was and you can argue it was almost even more painful. Because you kind of know that you're like not expressing your authentic self. And yet you don't know how, because in like the groove of societal like what, like grooming is just so deeply interwoven into everybody's life path. And so from that point, Touchwood, we now open up the conversation around purpose. And it's, it's really interesting. So one of my favorite tours is the jinkies. And for those that are keen to check it out, you know, like, we can have more conversations around that. But one of the early things that the jinkies does, which again speaks to I know how you view purpose as well, that is multi dimensional, is automatically there's like this path of your like, of your genius, which is synonymous with your purpose. And you have keys for your life's work, you have keys for your evolution, you have keys for your radiance, and you have keys for your like deep inner purpose, which already sort of, you know, opens up the conversation in such a beautiful way. Because there's the purpose of You are the universe looking in on yourself. And I believe everybody's here with a purpose. Because through some trippy Dippy miracle, universe, and consciousness is folded in on itself, experiencing itself through you through me. In this experience, we are inflect truthfully one, and yet we feel divided, and we're looking in on ourselves. So there's already something going on there. Why is it doing that? Right? Why is the question of purpose. And so from there now, it's like, okay, I have this innate purpose, I'm looking into myself, what is the direction? What is the trajectory of like, Who is this purpose, a person that's looking in on themselves now, that is your life's purpose. And that is like your soul's calling your souls here for something, right? But the jinkies does a great job of kind of going well, that's for you. But there's also the purpose of you being here and what the world gets from you out here. And that's your life's work, as they call it. And that's a different purpose. Right. And that purpose is what the world will get from you, having done all the work that you're here to do on yourself. Then there's your evolution, which is another part of your purpose. And then there's the radiances, which is another part of your purpose. So purpose, as you described, is multi-dimensional. In the West and most commonly, in common vernacular, we sort of funnel it into like one particular thing, my life's work is my purpose. Again, that is quite confining. Your purpose is multifold. You have a purpose for existing. Your work has a purpose for existing, your relationships have a purpose for how they've shown up in your life.

Jannecke Øinæs 29:49

Yeah, I love that and I appreciate that. And I felt that intuitively as well. You just put something more to the mix here for me So, um, for people who really want to live on purpose, and they don't know what they're passionate about, what would you say to that?

Amrit Sandhu 30:11

Yeah, so we're back at the square of You are the universe looking in on yourself? And, you know, we go back to spirituality and religion and dogma and like, this is like the spiritual cornerstone for me that everybody that is spiritually spiritually inclined, can just jump on board with we are the universe looking in on itself like it is this incredible, like, what is actually happening? Celebrating the mystery, right. And so from that point, maybe there's not much we can still say about the nature of the universe, but one of the things we can deduce, is that the universe is inherently curious. There's something about curiosity that is sacred. Yeah. Because why would it be looking in on itself, like it wants to view perceive experience through consciousness itself? It's got to be curious about something, right. So in that space, it start to, we start to open up the curtain the conversation that your curiosity is not just a year, willy nilly, I'm curious about that. I'm curious, actually, it is something sacred, that you have your curiosity. From there. The key thing to recognize is and this is starting to get a bit formulaic because I'm an engineer, so pardon me for how neural this can be. But what you'll find your curiosity points there, you can't fake them. I remember when I used to date women back in like university days or high school. I used to say that, you know, you can't fake your laugh. And so I always used to go out and date and try and make a girl laugh. And I was like, if we laughed about the same stuff, we stood a chance. If we did it, we couldn't laugh. They'd be like, oh, oh, she does? Oh, no, she didn't Oh, no, we're not going to work. Is you can't fake your laughter, right? And the same way, you can't fake your curiosities, right? You can for a little while, like, society tells you to do something and try and do it. And it's like, but you're not inherently passionate or curious about it. So your curiosity is a unique to you right now. How do you discern like those curiosity points for yourself, one of the easiest place lowest hanging fruit is to get clear on your values. Yeah, because your values dictate how you show up. And also the value that the world gets from you. The way I look at it is like the lens of who we are, is like, I usually come up with three core values for people, but sometimes it can be for sometimes it can be true. If those that want to know their values, like the easy like Amrit dot coach forward slash values, or inspire, forward slash values. There's a 20 minute exercise there you go through and you'll be as clear as I am on my values as you can be. My values of connection, contribution, celebration, yeah, so I get to connect, contribute, celebrate, I'd do that in coaching, this connection, has contribution, a celebration, hopefully people live live, like live life richer for it. There's podcasting connection, again, contribution, again, celebration, public speaking, connection, contribution celebration. So those are my curiosity points, which is there, my my curiosity points dance around my values, the way I look at values is like that's the lens at which your spiritual being is looking through your persona. Each panel is one of your values. So I see everything through the eyes of connection, I see everything through the eyes of contribution, I see everything through the eyes of celebration, and everybody has unique values. It's like your thumbprint. Yeah, and so discovering those can be immensely valuable. Because when someone comes to me and goes, Hey, Eric, do you wanna like when Mindvalley was like, Hey, do you want to help us start a like a premium coaching program? I didn't even I didn't discuss contract. I didn't cross I didn't discuss price. All I did was like, Well, I get to connect to people like connect. Yes. Well, I get to contribute. Absolutely. It's a coaching program for Mindvalley. Will people's like, will there be celebration? Absolutely. People will live richer lives for it. So it's like I was a yes. Immediately, like three seconds later. I was like, yes, no, I know, you can take your time to think about it, let us know. And I know, I know. It's a full body. Yes. Because this lines up for my values, I will do this for free. But yet, you're eventually going to figure out a modicum a way to pay me to, to be able to support you and others on this path, right? Because this is my soul's calling. I'm here to connect, contribute, celebrate. So back to the formula, right? So your values are really important to get because then that can tell you whether your curiosity points are authentically you or whether they're society's curiosity points, right? That's really important to get clear. So again, hammer dot coach Ford slash values inspire Ford slash values, either on the website or my coaching. Now in there, once you have multiple curiosity points, that sort of you can draw a loop around. So what does that look like? Right? So you had a passion for theater, you had a passion for spirituality. You had a passion for the voice, you lost the void. And so you've got like, now you've got three or more things that you're curious about? Yeah, as long as there's three or more. If you start to spend time at the intersection of those three curiosity points, sparks start to fly. And those sparks are the sparks of your passion. It's a formula. Yeah. So you need to cultivate your curiosities, which, like we said, are sacred, make sure they're authentic, line them up to your values. And if you spend time cultivating your curiosity, whatever you're curious about could be hot rod cars. Could be spirituality, could be weapons could be, could be anything can be like clothing could be. Yeah, it could be gardening, could be permaculture could be yoga could be anything that you're curious about. Now, when you start to intersect a few curiosity points around there, you start to cultivate a sense of passion. And I look at passion as this cup. The more time you spend cultivating your curiosities, and you know, engaging in discussions with people around them reading books about your future, you're more sparks flying into this cup of passion that you've cut, you've got it's the chalice right, fill up your cup, this is what they're talking about, generally, in my humble perspective of fill up your cup of passion, cultivate time for things that you're put here to do, and experience on Earth, right. Like those are your curiosities. And as you fill up your cup, you're going to experience more and more Jawad Aviv as they put it more and more than zest for life. Because this is inherently who you were here, put here to do and be. So the formula goes spend time once you've got a few curiosity points, intersecting and zinging, fill up your cup. And now this goes back to how we also described purpose before, you might have multiple purposes, you might have multiple intersections, multiple cups to fill, right. But generally find one cup fill up those curiosity points, using myself as an example spirituality, entrepreneurship, the positive positive social media good news, like yeah, just all these different things intersected into me becoming a podcaster, not too dissimilar to some of the things that you know, and also expression, the importance of all things big disasters, like five or six curiosity points, that bled into this passion, right? That filled up this cup, and I continue to fill up this cup, have conversations with people before it was a podcast, it was a gathering in my home where people were just coming over every fortnight and we were just having conversations on spirituality that grew into a podcast that grew into coaching that grew into public speaking. Now, that was the cup of passion while I was doing it for myself. It's a passion. And so cultivate your curiosities for yourself, the key thing you need to do is cultivate to get a passion. Once your passion is overflowing, like you'll just be like, you can't stop talking about it. Like I can't stop talking about this sort of stuff, right? The passion is just overflowing, the cup is just dripping. Like there's just, there's so much overflowing from the cup that someone comes along and goes, I want to can you tell me a little bit more about that, can you tell me a little bit more about that, it's like, I'm happy to like pay for a little bit each time in time, it doesn't always have to be a financial exchange. But it's like an easy modulator to sort of see or other people are getting value from this, because that's all that money really is, is a value exchange, right touch will declare up all the energies around it. As soon as other people are getting value from it, you're in service to others, your passion is for you, if you can serve your passions to others. That's all your purpose is. Right? Purpose is outwardly facing Passion, Passion is inwardly facing to really decode your passion, connect to your curiosities to make sure your curiosity is authentically you. Check in with your values.

Jannecke Øinæs 38:12

That was so inspiring, and how you just lay that out for us here. That was super helpful. Thank you, I'm going to send a bunch of people your way. And I think after this podcast, you will check it out. That's beautiful. I'm going to switch gears and sort of go behind the scenes of your podcast because you have this wonderful podcast inspired evolution. And I would love for you to share a little bit about how you find your guests like how do you make that choice of who to interview? What topics to bring up? sort of do you go from the heart? Are you booking yourself? Or is it just happening? It's coming to you? I'm being a host myself. I'm really curious about how it is behind your scenes.

Amrit Sandhu 39:14

Oh, absolutely. Thank you so much for that question. Yeah. So it's a very intuitive, organic flowing process. So generally what it is somewhat dictated by my local environment, and also my online local environments, if you put it that way, which is a bit algorithmically driven. So I've got to be conscious of that at times. So generally, what will happen is, I'll interview something like, I'll see someone that I've interviewed pop up on your show, and then I'll have a look at your show. And then I'll come across it for a moment. It's like, oh, wow, I'd love to have that conversation over and it's like, perfect, you know, I'll add that person to a list which I have got. And now I've got, you know, a small team that really supports me a really intimate team. We've had a bigger team in the past and I realized, I like I thought I Last things lien, intimacy is again, connection, right. But nonetheless, I'll put it in a list and the team will go out and try and find these people and connect with them. And generally, what I'll do is we'll put a little bit of a personalized message, as I put them in the list, sort of say, Hey, this is what's really sparking within me to connect with said person, and then that will incorporate that as part of the email that they reach out on behalf of me. So and that also can be like someone's coming to my you know, there might be someone coming to give a talk here in Melbourne in Australia, or someone's traveling to Australia as a musician. There's a festival coming up and all like, just see the headlining acts, and it's like, oh, you know, like wanderlust is doing a festival when this gentleman is talking here. So who's this gentleman, I'll go away and have excited exploring the wilderness like, oh, so what's very organically in terms of what sort of coming to me? And naturally, you know, we talked about cultivating curiosity. I'm naturally curious about personal development, spirituality, esoteric wisdom all the time. Anyway. So I'm always researching reading books on the subject matter. And when I read a book, it's like, oh, this can be life changing. And then you see someone go, oh, this book is you enjoy that. Because I'll just make a post about on social media, you should read this. And then I'll like, open that book. And it's like, oh, I should get this person or it's like, so it's very organic. It's very flowy. It's just living life day by day, and then being aware of like, oh, yeah, that person crossed my path, that cross important person crossed my path. Sometimes it's an immediate, like, Oh, my God, I have to get that person on, because that's really interesting. To give you an example, like there's a gentleman named Tyson Yunker Porter. He's written a book in Australia called sand talk. And it's about indigenous wisdom. And it literally lifts the veil and goes, this is how indigenous people view their relationship with Earth, and spirituality, and it's earth based spirituality. And the minute I like read the blurb on the book, although I don't need to read this guy. I need to get him on. You know, just because there was this like real deep and visceral internal, yes, like inside. It is quite intuitive in that regard. But then there's some people where it's like, you view their work a few times. And it's like, oh, yeah, like this really interesting. Like a guest you had on recently, Jason Campbell. We go back to the Mindvalley days. And so you know, I've come across his work. It's like selling with love and a circle. And that's interesting. It's a very left brain, right brain, okay. I'm also left brain, my brain, this can be really interesting as a conversation. I see that come up a couple of times, and I see come up on your show. And I'm like, Oh, yeah. And I listen to you. And it's like, oh, yeah, this was a really yummy, spiritually oriented, okay. Yeah. And so it's different in each in each case. But then, yeah, the organization to have a project management tool. We use People can use Asana because Asana is free, and we just populate a guest list, and then we put them through a system of luck. Oh, yeah. Like we've made contact? Well, yeah, we found their email. Yep. They've replied to us, yet. We scheduled it in for this day. And then we schedule in.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:50

Wonderful. Do you sort of have a goal with a podcast? You know, I've interviewed a couple of other hosts hosts and hostesses as well. And we speak about this before we go on like, you know, what is your intention with it? What is your goal and sometimes I can find myself I especially in the past week, frustrated by some videos that I felt were so good, wonderful conversations where I really love the teacher and the video was not seen. It's something that I feel we don't have control over at all. It's almost like this YouTube, God was like the site videos are going up and not and I've been on that next level. So podcast with Alex faria and I know you've had him on him on and he's huge now. And I know that he speaks about, you know, growth, that that that's his intention, but now he's having that conversation. Like, where's this going? where's this going? And I'm, I'm curious, like, Do you have a thought about where it's going? Or, or is it not necessary?

Amrit Sandhu 43:55

Well, the interesting thing is, I Yeah, we could totally set some goals. And my truth right now to you, though, is they're, like growth is something that is like, it's not just for the channel, it's for personal life. It's unanimous, like growth mindset, like trying to grow as like we said, we're here to learn, you know, so that Sikh faith is isn't everything. But the more I find if I was to set a goal, like oh, yeah, I want my youtube channel to have 2 million subscribers. Let's just use that as a really easy low hanging fruit. Which is what most people would envision and goal to be all of a sudden my channel sucks for me, because it's not what I want it to be. Yeah. And so everybody that I've you know, the wisdom touch with it I've accumulated from along the way just from other people and I've learned from the gauntlet and this is where coaching becomes really important because we there are four levels of consciousness and I know a level sounds really like I don't really like the terms level because it makes it sound some people elitist others in It's not we're all on our souls journey. But just really quick Well, technically there's five, there's consciousness, pre language. And so that's zero, let's just call it that touch with level one where life is happening to you and your victim, if you want to call it that just as a quick label, then there's level two, where life is happening by you. And I call that person the achiever. Because that person is the get setting goals, and they're achieving them. And this is kind of the goal space that we're talking about. Then there's level three, which I call that person, the flower, or the surrender, where life is happening. Kind of for you, right? It's life is happening for you like the challenges that come your way I asked you before, like your depression, would you scrub it out? No, because it happened for you. Right? So it cracked you open into a higher level of consciousness over time, like level three consciousness, which is, can I learn to surrender, can I learn to flow with life. And then just to round it out, level four is the enlightened beings and non dual awareness 24/7 years, right? Like, there in this life is happening as me I am life and life is me. And I am it. And it's like, when I write unity consciousness, so those are the four levels of life. So in level two consciousness, and not to sort of say that achieving is wrong, in fact, when you get to level three, you have to integrate your level tunas into your level three, like a life happening by you also needs to integrate into life happening for you. Right, so you don't let the past go, you sort of have to kind of integrate that into your into your future self, but all of that to say, I've been in that space. And a lot of the coaching that I do is in that level three space where people have previously been achieving, and then they're like, but my achievements feel hollow. And rightfully so. Because when you're setting outcome based, like I need outcome based goals, you're going to consistently be falling short in your present moment, remember what we talked about anxiety and being better than and depression in the past, right? And so it's like, okay, how do I flow, whilst also like, you know, feeling like, I've got goals and stuff. So in there, I generally set intentions for people. So for me, intention is a growth, growth is an intention. I don't really attach too much to where the channels growing. But we discussed earlier, like, recently, the channels been going through this Touchwood really hyper growth phase, which I'm just like, this is happening, and even just being able to, like, have that feeling of like, Oh, my God, what is actually going on here? Like, this is not my channel, this is my channel Touchwood it, that feeling is only available to me, because I haven't set a goal of like, oh, yeah, my goal is 200,000, we're on the way to get that or 2 million, I'm on the way to getting there. And I'm climbing because that would be the frequency. If I had set that goal. That was an external goal. But because I'm just internally just showing up every day doing things that I love, that are connected to connection, contribution, celebration, again, my values. Like I said before, this is my mental health strategy, to some degree, right? It keeps me joyous. It keeps me brimming. Like, as you guys can tell, I love conscious conversation and talking I've been talking with you for Well, it's been the better part of an hour now. For me, it feels like we've been talking for five minutes, because we've been in flow. That time has dilated for me, right Touchwood. And so noticing that this is where I find the most joy, I would do the podcast. And I have been doing the podcast when it hasn't been in this hyper growth mode Touchwood. And I've just really just enjoyed the process because it feels like my calling, it does cultivate so many of my curiosity points. That yeah, it's just been something that I continue to show up for. And it shows up for me, if I can be honest, there was always in my life. I have been seeking, also seeking the podcast. But yeah, actually, I could probably say that now I was seeking the podcast my whole life. I was always looking for a vehicle in which I could invest my growth into and it would give its growth back to me. And for many people, that's what business and entrepreneurship is. For some people like I remember like early days, I had these experiences of like, and this was like back in high school where most of my friends started like mlm marketing and stuff like this never super intellect. Oh, yeah. Like, you know, I'll continue to grow within this. And then this will grow and it'll feed me Touchwood but didn't really relate to resonate. It wasn't until I got to the podcast, that I got to a point where it's like, oh, yeah, like, I'll grow the Podcast, the podcast will grow and I'll grow, you know, and even early days, it was little things like someone would come up to me like Wim Hof came to Melbourne. And I wanted to interview him. And he came and I was an intimate setting with him. And I didn't ask him for a podcast because I was too embarrassed or too shy to ask for the podcast. And then he blew up. Like, oh my God, I wish I had brought in like Wim on the podcast. And but the reality was, I needed to learn that lesson of like, if you're gonna you need to learn to like step into your courage. You need to learn to get out of your own way. And ask people if they're willing to share their wisdom and insights, you'd be doing him a service. Why were you not able to have that conversation? And it's like, oh, all my self worth stuff was in the way. And it's like, great, there's a whole opportunity for you to learn. So again, one small example right? podcast has taught me so much over the years. But that's one small example of how Oh, yeah, the podcast has been a vehicle for my growth. And I have liked them, you know, grown into the podcast, and it's helped me grow. And there's this like symbiosis.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:07

And I can so identify with that. Because I learned so much from doing this work. And I have a colleague and a partner and wisdom from north and we do online courses in Norway, and we have a membership, we do a lot of other things. And in the beginning, we had the discussion like, you know, should you continue YouTube, because like, we can't live from it, stuff like that. It takes a lot of time. But I did feel this immense pull, like I was, so all of a sudden, drawn back to YouTube. It's a longer story. But my point was that I gave it I had a comeback, because I've been doing this since 2012. And it was sort of plateaued for a while and I just lost interest. But then I was pulled back. And this immense joy just came like I it was sort of like my my second chance on YouTube and all these new spiritual teachers and channelers. And people like yourself, like I, I discovered, people were ready, in another sense, like, people were eager. And of course, I feel like when it comes to numbers, it is gratifying to have people being engaged and evolved and feeling that this is important conversations that I'm not feeling like I'm doing this alone, that we're your community.

Amrit Sandhu 51:29

Yeah. And so, yeah, I'd love to jump in there. Because now actually, and this is actually really important point. So all that to say, because yeah, you're right, like at the risk of having shared what I just shared sounds like I don't look at the analytics or the numbers or any of that. And I do you know, I'm an engineer. I'm like, I love the analytics, graphs and charts and stuff, man, I can sit here all day. So one of the things like the inspired evolution was like it was focused on spiritual entrepreneurship. So we had, you know, mindset gurus, like, all different types of people, wealth oriented people like and so we had finances, Elaine wellness, as Elaine, spirituality as a lane, we had emotional intelligence as a lane mindfulness mindset. So we had all these different lanes. And now only through the blessing of having had a show for like seven years. It's only like six months ago that we had this revelation that actually, whenever it puts on a video about finance, or you know, something else like that, that nature, like it does, okay. It does, okay, like, you know, it gets about at the time, for me, it was like 500 views. Yeah, that was like, okay. But when I'm reporting on a video about, like, spirituality or consciousness or mindset, we're getting like 80,000 views. And it took a little bit of like, just stepping back and going, Oh, wait, what like people are getting, and we talk about values, right? Again, these people are getting a lot more value out of these videos. And that's like that feedback, which is kind of really cool to have be able to even just have that echo chamber from creating something online. Wow. So spirituality is really the space where I'm showing up and I'm giving the most value. Now you have to be careful, because I had to, like sit with it for a good month, six weeks even to go, would I be okay, just talking about just talking about, but only is like focusing on spirituality, right? That was like, actually, that feels so good. So good, because some of the other content feels push, like, it feels like I've got a push to try and you know, try and get that on research. And I love it. Because every time I have to get the guest on, I have to learn so much. And I still have to in the spiritual range as well. But it really felt like oh, this would be a great like, I can do that. I could just focus on spirituality, like no way. So it felt energizing. For me, it was like, Cool, let's go. But that was a blessing from having had a show for seven years. And then it was able to finally feed me back enough metrics, because in the early days, each video is doing the exact same amount of views. But then you had like, after about, you know, hopefully doesn't take you 567 years, like I did, but nonetheless, I could see that, oh, these are the videos that are performing better. And so if those are the videos, those are the values and now I look back and it's like of course it is. Spirituality is something that I have been, you know, touch with, like we discussed earlier in the episode raised with through and through. It is like my natural, deepest groove of curiosity. Of course, those conversations have performed better not because maybe there's more of a need for it, maybe but obviously my curiosity is so deep in like, like, I'm just so rich in that space. Touchwood not like I'm rich in spirituality, but like, my curiosities are just so deep and rich in that space. We just can't really be rigid.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:51

Like, it's authentic to you, something you care about.

Amrit Sandhu 54:54

And so obviously people pick up on that and they get a lot of value out of that and naturally it's like oh, okay, so This is what I should double down on. And as we've been doubling, and actually that was the pivot, and that's why you see this, like, hyper growth that's going on in touch with at the moment, because I really, like we had this realization, which is like, oh, oh, let's just do the videos that perform better. And let's continue to focus on things. If they're aligned to you, you got to be careful if it was all entrepreneur like entrepreneurship, then potentially, you know, for me to sort of check in and go, Is this something I could just do without the spiritual aspect? And it probably would have been a no. And I would have had to continue carrying the spirituality. But spirituality for me felt so home that it was like, oh, yeah, I get to go home every week. Let's just do that. So yeah. And that's Touchwood. That's been a massive part of the recent success that we've been seeing as well.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:42

And I find it so interesting to watch other shows, like how you interview the same guests, that we have so many different angles, because my curiosity is totally different than what you're curious about the guest. And sometimes I watched shows with like the same guest and look at how they interview the person. And I just find that so fascinating. We're going to wrap up soon, but I'm very curious about what, which guest has made the deepest impact on you.

Amrit Sandhu 56:20

Okay, you just wait, I'm gonna ask you that question when?

It's a really .... It's a tough one. No, because there's so like, each episode builds on, like the previous one. There is a particular frequency that really stands out for me, even though that episode didn't do exceptionally well didn't do poorly. Marianne Williamson, we had a deep conversation about Yeah, the the takeaway from the conversation was really this Martin Luther King, or no, sorry, Nelson Mandela, or I shouldn't quote, because I can't remember who to attribute the quote to. But what I took away from the conversation was that love without power is anemic. And that power without love is corrupt. And that actually, we need both. And it made a lot of sense, because it was like it, we need the masculine or feminine, but it was this real. Up until that point, it was like, championing love. And it was like it, you need to power your love. And I was like, because she was this. She's a spiritual teacher running for president in the United States. And I was like, what? Where do you get the gusto from, like, hit me with it. And she's just like, look, you know, we all preach love, but like, you know, then we also we also soften, when the blows come our way. And we sort of, you know, we sort of bit we turn, you know, there's this whole opportunity to stand in your power. And that I remember, like, they all leave an impact, but that I remember, like, neutrally leaving the conversation just going, Oh, my God, I'm a totally different person through the other end of the podcast, also, as I said that, but there's been a recent podcast because we've started doing non duality on the channel. And it's been a really interesting, there's a gentleman that we've had on, and he has been living in non dual awareness for the last 30 years. And he would just talk and then at the end of his sentence, you felt like you were in oneness. And you're like, what's like, and so that was,

Jannecke Øinæs 58:50

You felt that you were in oneness?

Amrit Sandhu 58:53

Oh, it was totally trippy. Like it was just incredible to have this conversation. So again, like it's hard to sort of pick one, but there are Yeah, there are. There are lots of lots of great conversations that I've had, but the Marianne Williamson one was extremely profound. For me personally, just because of the love and power conversation, and then, yeah, yeah, the recent conversation was just incredible. With John Huston, he was yeah, he he blew me away. So yeah, the there's a lot of good ones. Touchwood. But yeah, those two standout names. Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:30

Definitely going to watch those interviews. Now. This has been a true joy. And I want to ask you a question I asked many of my guests. Okay, first, what is self love to you?

Amrit Sandhu 59:49

It's an entire path unto itself. It's something that's consistently opening up the minute we think we've got it, we don't have it. It's just the same as spirituality in that way, right and the minute I think I've made self love, like, there's more to open up to. Because right now even where I'm at on my self love Journey is recognizing that. Yeah, the self potentially is an entire illusion, right? So self love was a great point to start to sort of turn the energy inwards, to learn to be nicer and kinder and love myself and to the practices and the affirmations. And it's an incredible blessing to cultivate more and more self love. And then, you know, it's like, it's an open spiritual path, which is beautiful, right? And now it's at that point where it's like, oh, yeah, maybe just love. Maybe there is no self. All there is is love. Can you experience that? No, I can't. Who is trippy? But also, you know, so? Yeah, self kindness is an incredible gift. We are naturally too hard on ourselves, our mental like, as a coach, I have to say this, like we I always look at the brain as having like, five strands. And four are based on like survival, and only one is based on thrival just because of how we've evolved. And self love is incredible. Like gratitude practices, kindness practices, like gratitude for yourself, like helps us rewire into being two to three like true thrival and three survival. And the mission being the more and more self loving experience, you actually like to take it away now, or hopefully have like, three thrival strands, and only two survival strands, right? And over time, imagine if you were all thrive and no survive, right? That would be incredible. And so that's a self love Journey. But then also in the space of like, as you start to come to life is one and life is happening as me that level for consciousness. There's this real trippy, like when I hear people speak about, like enlightened states, that understanding this headspace, which is really weird, because they've gone beyond the mind, but you try and understand their mind. So I understand the limitations of that. But nonetheless, it's like, it feels very empty. And they're like, oh, yeah, there's no one here. And, you know, and there's like this real sense of and looking at it. From my humble perspective. It's like, Ah, so empty. Sounds so bland. Oh, you know, like you exist and don't exist, and it doesn't matter. Do you know, apathetic? And they're like, oh, no, it's just pure love. Wait, wait, wait, wait, what? Wait, what? So yes, self love, incredible journey. But then also, the journey isn't open one it it absolutely blessed one. And then you know, eventually the self dissolves purely into love. And yeah, the journey continues.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:34

Yes. All right. And last question, what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Amrit Sandhu 1:02:40

I think we're all here, as universe looking in on itself here to experience itself. The universe in and of itself has its own trajectory. This is kind of what I call mega flow, it has this, if you look at life, as a wave, the wave itself has its own propensity to be waving, right. So like I look at the Japanese tsunami waves kind of comes to my mind as an image. But nonetheless, a stereotypical emoji of a wave, if you think of that life has its own greater purpose. People have been asking forever what that purpose is. And, you know, I really like Vedic philosophy, it talks about many different things. And as to, you know, potentially, while we're going through this breathe in, breathe out, so the universe can actually look in on itself. But even then I will do I mean, I don't feel like it's conclusive as to why it is having this experience of itself. Or maybe I just haven't researched enough, I'm open to that possibility as well. But nonetheless, in and around there, we all have our own inner purpose as well. And we are those little water molecules that make up the wave. And back to what we were saying, our curiosity points, our authentic, you know, values, it's important for us to connect exactly to which water molecule we are, we're all trying to be that water molecule at the tip of the wave, which is like white picket fence guy, remember, like nice house, nice car, raise a family living life after retirement. But maybe you're meant to be the surfer guy that lives in Costa Rica, and just you know, does surfing lessons for people. Maybe you're meant to be the monk that lives in the Himalayas on a mountain and just meditate all day, every day. We've all got our place in the wave. And in order to come back to that our curiosity is sacred. Our values tell us what our curiosity is authentically us, our values are sacred. And so connecting back to that we've got our inner purpose, life has its own purpose, which is the question you're asking, don't know the answer, what is the meaning of life, but the meaning of our lives, is to fully live our truest expression of the water molecule within that wave. So that wave can express itself fully with the most integrity. We have to express ourselves fully, so that we can be of most integrity so we can occupy that space within life to the richest fullest degree that we can so that the wave can do its thing.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:54

Profound. Thank you so much. I'm read and people can connect with you through your podcast inspired evolution. And they can connect with you through your programs. Would you like to share a little bit about them?

Amrit Sandhu 1:05:08

Yeah, absolutely. So yeah, the podcast exists forward slash InspiredEvolution. Thank you so much. And, yeah, it's really humbling to recommend my show on your show when your show it's so epic. That yeah, actually, like, if you guys are inclined to check out the show, it'll be a real blessing. So that's a great place to connect. I highly recommend everybody that's tuned into this conversation, check out yeah, just forward slash values or amrit dot coach forward slash values. Like I said, 20 minutes from now you can be as clear on your values. Mine's a connection, contribution, celebration, 20 minutes, and you have your values in a master class. And you could just make your life so much smoother in terms of all the decisions, you have to make relationship, friends, work, all that sort of stuff. And then yeah, if you want to dive in, like I do have a lot of programs, because everything I sort of, again, engineer everything I sort of learn I systemize. And I put into a program. But one of the things I've learned over time again, connections, my highest value, is that I live for one on one connections, these deep connections, these deep dives that we do so unlike most of the other YouTubers, podcasters that are out there, I offer us to offer one on one coaching despite kind of the growth of the channel, it does mean spaces get limited after a while. But like you said before, it's life leadership career, helping people really power their trajectory with purpose, making sure that their direction is spiritually aligned. And so my favorite offering that I've got is the one on one coaching. And if you want to find out more about that it's amrit dot coach, you can just come check it out there. And you'll find out all about one on one coaching with myself. If you want to actually book into a call with me it's Amrit dot coach forward slash life. And you'll literally be in a discovery call. I still do all my own discovery calls. And just really, there's something about just how much people like programs Great. Know how I said that it wasn't because I went there. Sorry for that. Programs are great. Yet there is something remarkable about how we bring ourselves in a one on one container where no one else is listening. It's just you and I. And you know, because I've had that person when I was jaw dropping one on one with people, it's like, yeah, you just time dilates and just how much of yourself you can really bring to the container. Free of judgment, complete trusts, just you know, it's a beautiful space Touchwood to be a part of. And just Yes, sharing that with other people is such a blessing. So yeah, I'm still an advocate for one on one coaching still do it. It's getting harder and harder. We have to admit, but but it's just so rich that yeah, it'd be rude not to do it. Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:46

Wonderful. Thank you so much for coming to the show. I'm read and I can't wait to be on yours very soon.

Amrit Sandhu 1:07:53

Oh my god, it's Oh, man. It has been my absolute pleasure. And I knew this is going to be a bunch of fun you Like honestly, I said this at the beginning, your show is such an inspiration and guiding light. I love that. It's called wisdom from north because in the north, is this real? Like is this real light that we sort of attribute to it and it just Yeah, man. You've done such an incredible job of everything that you've persevered, gone away, come back smashed. It's just been. Yeah, I like I said, I'm pinching myself that I'm here. Thank you so much for having me on. It is an absolute pleasure and I'm such a fan. And so in love with your work. Thank you for having me.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:30

Thank you

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