Michael André Ford is an angel intuitive with a unique ability to help others break down the veil and connect them to their angels, guides, and other compassionate figures. He is based out of Austin, TX, and is the author of “Listening to Angels”. In this interview, we speak about how he first met angels, what they are, and how you can connect with angels.

Was a skeptic about angels

You will also meet Michael’s business manager Janet Uribe. When Janet first met Mike, she was somewhat of a skeptic that she could see. But since doing her first session with Michael, she now sees, hears, and feels these energies. She claims she also gets loads of daily synchronicities, miracles, and support from these energies. 

How you can meet your Angels

In Michael’s sessions, he is able to help transition people from thinking and into their hearts where he says “all things are possible”. There, you will be able to hear, see, or feel the beautiful beings that came in to support you on your journey, he says. 

​Mike feels that using his gift for humanity is the ultimate form of compassion as we are all worthy of and entitled to connect with the “crew of help” that we incarnate with. He holds the space for you to exit human thinking and comfortably chat with 55+ angels (including Archangels Gabriel, Michael, Rafael & Uriel) and other unconditional love figures: Mother Teresa, Sri Shirdi Sai Baba, Plato, Tibetan Buddhist monk Chögyam Trungpa, Buddha, Jesus, Mary, Vishnu, Ganesh, St. Francis, Audrey Hepburn (angel), Quan Yin, Abe (“the” Abraham of old and an angel on everyone’s team), a faerie, Dull Knife, Red Shirt & Geronimo, Sylvia Browne and others.

I have personally have had many sessions with Michael where he has helped me connect to my own crew of angels. 

You can learn more about Michael André Ford on his website: michaelandreford.com

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