Enjoy the riveting discussion with Waxela Sananda, an ascension trainer, galactic shaman, and author who shares her extraordinary journey through the realms of multidimensional existence. The conversation opens with a deep dive into the nature of our multifaceted experiences, explaining how individuals navigate different levels of consciousness. From early childhood encounters with galactic beings like Anubis beings to profound spiritual awakenings, her story unfolds as a testament to the rich, interconnected tapestry of life and the higher dimensions that influence our reality.

From a young age, Waxela has had profound experiences with galactic beings, like Anubis, which she vividly shares. Her journey into spirituality began with early encounters with these beings. It was further fueled by a foreign exchange trip to Mexico, where she felt an intense connection to the Mayan ruins. This trip ignited a series of spiritual awakenings that led her to embrace her role as a guide for others in their ascension process.

Interactions with beings from different dimensions

Waxela explains how her interactions with beings from different dimensions have varied, from physical manifestations to energetic presences, and how she has learned to manage these encounters. One striking experience she recounts is her meeting with Inner Earth beings, which led to the discovery of a portal in her home and the reception of a golden key filled with activation codes.

Anubis beings – benevolent guardians of higher realms

The conversation also touches on Waxela’s connection with the Anubis beings, who she describes as benevolent guardians of higher realms. She shares their teaching about the importance of lightening one’s heart to ascend to higher dimensions, emphasizing forgiveness, non-judgment, and love as central themes.

Waxela’s insights into the pyramids and their role as power sources in both past and future dimensions provide a thought-provoking perspective on the intersection of human history and higher consciousness. She believes that many of us are here to assist in the current shift of consciousness, drawing from experiences in ancient civilizations like Lemuria and Atlantis to guide humanity towards a more enlightened state.

In her work, Waxela offers various courses and activations designed to help individuals raise their frequency and embody their highest selves. One is the Ascension Activations Package where she generously gives you a 50% discount when using this code on checkout: WFN50
She encourages listeners to explore their multidimensional nature, find their purpose, and contribute to the collective ascension process.

Transcript of the interview


We're multi dimensional beings having a very multi dimensional experience and there's a huge spectrum of that some people are just gonna stay in the 3d and do their nine to five job and, and go home and watch Netflix and drink alcohol and that's fine. No judgment. That's what they came for. That's what they're experiencing and other people are just like, have this need to know and explore and grow spiritually and evolve and those are the ones that are more likely to get to experience those higher realms.


Hi Waxela, a warm welcome to the show.


Thank you, Jannecke. I'm so happy to be here with you again. Thank you for having me.


I'm so excited to connect with you again. We collaborated many years ago. You are one of my masterclass teachers in weWisdom From North membership. My members love your masterclass. I've been part of your Summit, I've interviewed you before. And I just had to have you on again, because I follow your newsletter. And you bring up so many interesting topics. And you are an ascension trainer, helping people in this central process that we're in, you are a galactic shaman, you are an author. And you've had quite an extraordinary life, being connected to galactic beings, extraterrestrial beings, from when you were little and having also memories from other planetary systems. Like, for instance, being a Muur, you told me so I'm curious to dive into all of this today and to learn more about the times we're living in and this huge shift of consciousness that we're finding ourselves and but before we do, could you share a little bit about your story? How did you get into spirituality in the first place, and being able to connect with all these memories from all the other existences and being able to channel and connect with spirits?


Sure, yeah, I I have, I don't know, I guess kind of a unique story where a lot of people have an awakening experience that kind of, you know, boom, they're open now. And, and mine was, from the very beginning, from my very earliest memories as a very, very small child. I had galactic beings coming into my bedroom and visiting me in the night. And I had one very, very, very profound the experience that I remember so clearly. And that was as a very small child galactic a galactic in and it was an insectoid being, which was terrifying, especially at that young age, having no idea what was going on. And insectoid being came in. And he was really just doing a job. It wasn't you know, it wasn't about insectoids at all, but put me in a cocoon type of vehicle. And I was I was paralyzed in there. I couldn't move, couldn't yell, wanted to yell from my mom. But I couldn't. And then I had this whole like activation experience. And then I was struggling trying to get out of it. Finally, I did. Well, he left and and then years later, I kept remembering like, what was that about? And I did a whole past life regression, or regression therapy to be able to go and interview him and find out well, I was actually being connected to a council, my council that I am part of, which is a Galactic Council of different species of beings. And he was just doing a job. He's like, don't shoot the messenger. I was just here, you know, administering this. But so that was really my first memory. And then I had visitations all throughout my childhood. I didn't like it. I was terrified. So I would always like sneak into my parents room. And I was always so scared to go to sleep at night because I didn't know what would show up. And they weren't even negative beings. It was just scary to me. And then I loved nature. I got so many downloads in nature, and this was just part of my ongoing path. So fast forward to when I was I believe I was 17 years old. I did a foreign exchange student year in Mexico in the Yucatan Peninsula. And I went to all of the Mayan ruins. I loved the Mayan ruins. So I was at Chichen Itza. And I was taking the tour and as the tour guide was describing, you know, here's how the Mayans did this and that I was having memories. And I remember thinking, no, no, we didn't do it like that it was this way, or they're just a little bit off. And then I started thinking, Well, why don't what what is this? What's going on in my mind? Why am I thinking that? How do I know why am I seeing this and such clarity of how it was and I remember looking at artifacts, there was like artifacts under glass and feeling so connected to them. Like, I think that was mine. You know, they just things like crazy thoughts that I hadn't really ever, you know, thought anything, you know, hadn't thought that way. And that's when I really was becoming activated. So that year set me off on this expansion. And then, you know, I was raised in a small town in rural Iowa in a Lutheran Family. Nobody talked about metaphysical things, or any of the things I was experiencing. So I really felt like I was on my own. And then my family took a vacation to Las Vegas. And I walked into a metaphysical bookstore, first one I had ever seen in my life, I think I was 18 years old. And I found all these books and I was just like, oh my gosh, they're not only are there others, there's a lot of other people having these experiences. So I think I went home with a bag this full of books, and started reading voraciously. Then I went to college. And I spent all of my time in the metaphysics section, I was an art student and, and nevertheless, all of my free time I was reading Edgar Casey, I was reading all of the meta metaphysical and parapsychology books I could get my hands on. And that helped me understand what I was experiencing and understand myself. And so the galactic communications were really there since the beginning, but I wasn't consciously doing that type of work until my late teens and early 20s. And that's when I began meditating, and started really getting the downloads and interacting with galactic beings and divine presence and understanding myself and who I am and what my role is. And so it was gradual. But then I also had these moments of expansion throughout the process. And it's just continued on and on and on. And, and so here I am today. So that's it in a nutshell, I guess.


Well, thank you so much for sharing. I'm always so flabbergasted when I hear my guests are talking about them, then there was an ET in my room and look like an insect or like this. And I'm like, I can't even imagine how that feels like, and I understand that it's terrifying. But like, is that really real? Could it? Could you explain the realness or how it feels? Like? Is it like a physical being? Is it sort of in a haze? Is it through your third eye? Is it more like a feeling?


Yeah, that's a great question. So there are actually different types of experiences, I've, I've really learned to be able to work with them through the years. So for me, quite often, as a child, they would show up in the physical, I had a very real physical experience of them being there. And, and sometimes, sometimes they were theoretic. But when they showed up in the, in the feeling like 3d I was, that was what was really terrifying is like, Oh, really, where are you? What are you doing here? You know, and, and to this day, I will get very startled by the 3d beings that are the, you know, they're not 3d beings. But when they show up in a physical form, it still can be quite startling. And, and so I learned over time, how to address them. And so that's one way I guess I'll go back to your original question, then. Then I can also they will come in sometimes as energetic beings, it's more manageable that way. But a lot of times these energetic beings have so much energy that it's like, and it's always happens at night. I mean, yes, it has happened during the daytime for me, but quite often, that's when we're most receptive is when we're asleep or half asleep. And so quite often, I've been encountered at night by energetic beings, but they have so much energy, and it's so intense that sometimes it really freaks me out. I'm like, Oh, my gosh, I'm gonna explode, you know, in your energy field, because it's so strong. And I had one of those quite recently, although it was, it was really a lovely experience. They can also come in meditation. So they can also come in a conscious way when I sit down to meditate and choose to make connection by asking a question or by having an intention to connect. And then that is much more internal as an experience. So I would say those are like three main categories. And each one of those categories has a spectrum of how they can show up. But what I've learned along the way, is how to manage that. And I'll tell you this one story when I lived in Austin, Texas. It was many, many years ago, I one night had had 12 Inner Earth beings show up around my bed, and they were poking me energetically. It felt like I thought I in my mind, I was asleep, but I was thrashing around and I thought I had bedbugs because I felt like little needle pricks all over my body. I'm like, what is happening? Am I getting bitten? You know what's happening? And then I opened my eyes a little bit and to see 12 beings around my bed and they were not ordinary looking beings at all the closest thing they looked like is like at the the ET from the movie, or the old movie. And like, I mean, not exactly like that. But like they looked like they were sculpted out of mud, kind of except they were alive. And so to see them was like, Oh my gosh, and there are 12 of them, and they're around my bed. And I was so freaked out. I screamed, I'm like, Get out of here, I jumped up, I turn the lights on, I was really freaked out. And and so I actually had to get some help the next day, from a shaman to help me like figure out what is going on. And how do I you know, how do I how do I work with this because we didn't speak the same language either. It was clear to me they were they were just doing that energetic prick thing to try and get my attention. And they were benevolent. They didn't mean me any harm. So but I was just really startled by them. And and so what I what I, what I did is I called excuse me, I had a friend who's a shaman who came over. And he's like, oh, yeah, you have a portal in your in your house right there. That's why these beings are coming in. I always seem to have a portal in my house wherever I live. But he said, You know, I'm like, Hey, can Can I do it like this? He's like, why don't you meditate with them and ask them what they wanted? And I said, Okay, can I do it on my own terms? Here's what I want to do. I want to call in one in meditation to represent all of them. I don't need all of them. And I'm going to, I'm going to meditate with them that way. And he's like, yep, yep, they're open to that. So he left, I went upstairs in my bedroom, sat in the corner on my meditation cushion and called them and one of the beings came, and they were actually very, very kind. And we had to, we had to communicate in pictures in mental pictures, because he didn't, they didn't speak English. And I didn't speak whatever their language was. But this one sat in front of me in my mind's eye. And yet, it felt very, very present, I felt the presence very clearly, but not in a physical body. And then this, this being actually offered me a box, which I took, and I opened up and there was a golden key in this box. And it held a lot of codes that have, I've pulled that key into my experience many, many times since then, where I've been able to unlock codes with this golden key that was given to me decades ago, in this meditation, so it really served me to understand, okay, there's something here, I need to be able to communicate with these beings. I'm not going to do it when they're in 3d, it's too terrifying. So I learned to do that. And then ever since then, if I do have been show up, that are startling to me, I will always go back in meditation, and I apologize, like, I'm sorry, I'm human, I get scared. Sometimes. I you know, I had another one where it was a beautiful royal regal being. And I got startled by her and she really wanted to work with me and, and I'm like, I'm sorry, I did that I missed I miss behaved really, I just got to in my human mind, and I let it take me out of the presence of you, and called her back. And then she worked with me, and it was lovely. But we can do that like just to know we can do that we can go back and call them back in in a in a way and in a form that feels comfortable. And that we can because I can't open my heart. And I don't know anyone that can when I'm in fight or flight or having an adrenaline rush, as I often do when these things show up. So it's also you know, if you do lucid dreaming, you have to learn to calm yourself when you realize you're lucid dreaming, and you're like lucid dreaming and so excited, then you'll just end up back in your body, right you'll you'll come out of the dream. And it's the same when these galactic beings show up. If you get so excited and scream and yell and or, or scared, obviously, they're not going to stay. But you can come back to that experience in a more non physical way through your meditation and your intention to connect and work with them that way. So I'm always refighting this process, and the beings that show up are different. And you know, so I can't say that there's one way to do it, but you can work with it and learn how to interact in a way that that works for everybody.


So are there beings living inside of the earth?


Yeah, absolutely. So here's how I would look at that because we are multi dimensional. There are different dimensions of reality that are layered on top of each other. So my experience of those beings is that they're coming up from below. Whether that's actually you know, living in the density of the earth, you know, we that's, it's multi dimensional, so they're coming from another realm that I experienced as below the earth, but I oftentimes also experienced beings coming from above, as from above the Earth, are they actually coming from below and above the Earth? Maybe not, you know, they're just coming from another dimension of reality. And that is how I experience it. Right?


Why do you think they are contacting you, for instance? Because they are for sure not contacting me, as I know of, perhaps they are, but I'm just not aware of it.


Well, what I know from that early experience that I had, where they came into one came into my bedroom and hooked me up with there was a line going out my window that connected me to this intergalactic Council. I know that when I went back and interviewed, that being he said, this was your pre incarnational agreement, you agreed to send and receive information from this council so that everybody can learn and grow. And only one of you had to come to this plane. And nobody wanted to come here. So I don't know if I like to say I drew the short straw. It's a joke. But you know, I got said, for whatever reason, it was me that from that council, and, and so that's why I understand for me, they're, they're coming because I agreed to that before I ever came here. Other people might have different agreements.


Yeah, that makes sense. That's what I'm thinking as well. That I would never have done this show if I saw everything and had many answers. I wouldn't be so curious. So I really think there is a plan behind it all. Now, I have to ask, did you ever like question, if you were, you know, getting crazy, or that this is a trick of my mind, because I assume that people around you were not seeing the same things as you were? And when they're saying, you know, there's nothing there? And you're like, Yeah, but I see there's a being here. A little little child could be confused.


Yeah. So very early on very, very early. I, I knew that I was seeing things that other people weren't seeing. And when I had that experience with the the insectoid. And he's, I was left with the thought in my mind, don't tell the adults they won't understand. So I didn't talk to adults about what I was experiencing until I was an adult. I didn't say a word I was terrified to because it was such a strong program. That was a download strong program at rural Iowa Lutheran Church, you know, I wasn't going to talk about it. I mean, I might have if I hadn't had that, but it was better than I did it. You know, I did have lots of imaginary friends. My mom, I'm not sure all of those friends were imaginary, because they seemed very real to you. But um, but I knew that I was seeing things that other people weren't. And that was what I knew, you know. And so I guess to to question my sanity as a child wasn't something that I did. I thought, honestly, Annika, I thought everybody else was just just to be blunt. I didn't think they were very smart. I thought most people just didn't see reality. They just missed it, you know, and I was seeing things that they weren't and like, just peep and especially, don't tell the adults they won't understand, like, adults are kind of dumb. Don't know what's going on.

They weren't open to seeing. And so I had that experience. So I didn't feel bad about it. But then I know in middle school in high school, I did feel quite awkward. You know, still, I'm not talking about any of this with my, you know, with my school friends, and I just didn't I tried to brush it under the rug and have it be a very separate thing from the rest of my life. Until I realized that there were other people, you know, when I finally walked into a metaphysical bookstore and realized, oh, my gosh, these experiences are valid, other people are having them too, then I knew I wasn't crazy, you know, that I knew like, okay, there's a whole bunch of us here. Now I get to really look into it and figure out what's my purpose? Why am I here? And so I think ever since then, it's been an exploration of that.


Now I want to jump over to your connection with the Anubis beings somehow in my life, I've been very attracted to them very, very drawn to these beings, not knowing why so I'd love to learn more. I know that they just came to you and that they have also a connection with Egypt and the pyramids. And I'd love to hear about what that connection is all about a lot of questions here. So let's just start with the the Anubis beings and how they appeared in your life.


Absolutely. So, you know, I hadn't really considered a new business that much. I had seen a new business the jackal headed God. Oftentimes, you know pictured in Egyptian hieroglyphs and things, but I personally didn't have a relationship with Anubis until one day, I was in a deeply meditative space and really doing a lot of personal work very internal. And I was I went to sleep, and I was met by a new bus, it was so interesting how they, they got me sort of, in this experience, where I was asleep on my bed, but I felt as if they were reaching like, there was a hand reaching down, pulling me up through like a layer of a dimension of reality, I guess I could say. And so I found myself then up into their, in their, in their realm or reality. And it wasn't just one jackal headed being it was a it was several of them around it, I was still laying, I was like laying on a slab kind of like, you know, I don't know, like a healing bed or something. And there, I believe there were six around me at that time. And I'm looking around saying, Oh, these are such beautiful beings. And, and I knew that it was a NuBus from the Egyptian times, because I've seen pictures and things I recognized a new bus. But I didn't realize until then, oh, a new bus is a whole race of beings. And maybe there's a better name, maybe a new bus is an individual one or maybe the racist. I don't know what the race was called. But there were a race of beings that looked all looked like a new bus. And they were sharing with me as Beloved beloved teachers. I mean, they were just so beautifully heart centered beings. And I know in the in the mythology, a new bus is referred to as guardian of the underworld. And so oftentimes, that can put a scary picture in our mind. But I was not at all scared by these beings. And I knew they were assisting me and helping me and helping me understand more of reality, and which was my always my quest. And they, you know, a new bus. So the teaching of Anubis, like the central teaching, is that when you crossover and I would say not just when you leave the body, but when you cross into a higher dimension of knowingness, whether you're in a physical body or not, when you're crossing into the realm that they protect, that they're sort of overseers of you must cross through their guardianship. And they show Anubis holding a scale, golden scale with a heart on one side and a feather on the other. And the heart is your heart, it represents your own heart, your heart must be lighter than the feather in order to move into that dimension. And that reality, and what that means is not your physical heart, but what are you carrying with you? What is what is in your your heart center? As far as Have you forgiven? The people that you feel you were wronged by? Have you made amends? Have you come to terms with loving everyone, despite you know, all of the things that go wrong in in the world? And have you given up your burdens? Essentially, is your heart heavy? Or is it light, if your heart is light and lighter than a feather, then you pass the test. So it's not actually they're not judging you. Anubis isn't judging you. And Anubis is simply putting the heart and the feather on the scale. And if your heart is lighter, because you've given up your burdens, and you've done your forgiveness work and you've forgiven yourself, ultimately, then you get to cross into the next dimension. And that's higher frequency reality, which must be guarded because if someone were to go there and not be prepared for it, it would probably energetically destroy them very quickly. So the guardianship is necessary for us to pass from one dimension to the other. And I don't know if you want to comment that on that and I could talk about Egypt as well. But that's my experience of Anubis.


Very interesting. Have you heard other people also channeling them?


I know that other people do. I can't say that I've specifically heard anyone talk about it the way that the experience that I have, but certainly many people have a relationship with Anubis which I believe is the Anubis beings. And and like you you said you have that connection. I feel like when someone's working you know numerous can work with you without you being fully consciously aware of it by sending signs and signals and I think that's always a calling to forgive a burden or release a some an attachment or to move your your, your trauma out of your body and remember to forgive and and feel gratitude for everything you're experiencing. If not, it's ultimately Anubises call to action.


Right? Yeah, that makes sense. So do you know their connection to Egypt?


I can tell you. So anything that I share is from my experience and what I've learned, but there are always no matter what is their other, their higher dimensions, then I'm attuned to at this point, right. So what I say I don't consider to be the be all end all of anything, it's my experience. So, yes, I do believe that Anubis was very present in Egypt. And even the Sphinx was originally Anubis, I understand. And if you look at the body of the Sphinx, it's very much the body of all of the Anubis sculptures that were there, and something happened to the head fell off. And that was replaced, you can tell you know, it's not the original. And so that was Anubis, as a guardian of what I see the pyramids being like power centers. And so they needed guardianship. So he was on duty there, you know, guarding guarding the pyramids, guarding the people who were working with them, there were so many and I would say are on some some dimension of reality, still, so many different galactic beings present, guarding that that power source. And I do believe that the pyramids are power sources, and they have multi purpose multi purposes. But a new business presence, from my perspective, was one of guardianship there to enable anyone that was working with that power could easily become a destroyer or be destroyed. And so it needed a intergalactic presence to just like when we are allowed or not allowed to cross to a higher dimension of reality, and we need a galactic presence there. This same I see as being true for his presence in Egypt to be a an energetic, or maybe even physical gatekeeper for not just humanity, or not just what was, you know, who was human during the time of the pyramids, but the Galactics that were coming and going from there as well.


Now, do you believe that the pyramids will be somehow part of our near future in a way? Because now there, it seems like to me, they're just standing there, and we don't know, what kind of power it has? A lot of people don't believe there's any power there. It is just some pyramids. So have you had any messages from Anubis telling you what will happen in the future? Because I know that you said in a conversation we had that they might also be our future. So they might be or in the future? So they're, they might experience what's happening in the future now.


Right? Exactly, yeah, what you just said, that's really where I want to take this. So here we are, you know, experiencing this 3d reality on planet Earth. And, and we understand that there was a history where these pyramids were active and alive and, and there were beings there and all kinds of interdimensional things going on. But in, you know, in the larger scope, there, we are just experiencing a linear reality here. So the future is happening now. And the way I maybe the way I look at it has evolved a little bit from the last time we spoke, but what I see is that the pyramids are like a template here, where we are in this reality, but on a higher level of consciousness, or a different reality, different level of consciousness, a different realm, if you will, that they are active there. And we can think of that as in our future because as souls as we evolve, we move into these higher experiences of reality. Now, I used to view that as okay the future of humanity. But now I can also look at that as on an individual level. So when we do our personal work, when we let go of that trauma, do all the things that a new bus has recommended and lightening our heart lightening our load reaching a level of purity. When we do that on you know, oftentimes people will have these spiritual awakenings they'll actually move into a higher experience of life. And the reality shifts. And I see this to be true with, with, with Egypt as well, where maybe it's happening right now that these pyramids are active that they're they're full of, of life and energy and power and this source of transformation. And yet people who are in this realm, they're not going to be able to experience that they're just a template here, they're a blueprint for something else. But that blueprint is active in a higher realm, where there are people learning and growing and experiencing, and it's a, it's generating so much energy. And people are having this experience of evolving from working with that energetic source and going there and being part of it. And so this, I think, too, is why people here now can go there and have these higher dimensional experiences, they go meditate in in various places, and pyramids, and they're met by beings, and they have these awakening experiences, or these expanded other dimensional experiences. Because when you connect in, and you don't have to go to the pyramids, or to anywhere, you can stay right in your own home. And with your intention, you can actually make contact and have some of these experiences if you want to. But you're evolving your consciousness and tapping into something that is available right now, I do believe that the dimensions are layered, we can think of them as if they're one on top of each other, or in circles around each other, however you want to look at it. And that as we expand in our consciousness and let go of the stuff that's holding us back, we can tap into those higher realms. And sometimes we have experiences where our reality changes, maybe just a little bit, but sometimes a lot. I think this can sometimes look like the Mandela effect, where little things are different in your reality, or where you're like, oh, gosh, I feel like I'm in a whole new place. Or sometimes it can just look like Oh, suddenly my relationships are ending and changing and new people are showing up in my life. And these messages keep coming. And you know, maybe it's a new new job, or whatever it is, things can shift as you shift change and shift up in frequency, you are raising your frequency, it's inevitable that your experience of life is also shifting to meet you. And you know, it's a great aspiration to be at that level, maybe you can do it while you're in the body, I think some people probably can and do. And maybe it's after we drop this avatar that most people will get to have really, those those much higher dimensional experiences of reality, or maybe it's a future reality of humanity, if we want to look at it that way. But, you know, again, there's not just one way to view these things, we're multi dimensional beings having a very multi dimensional experience. And there's a huge spectrum of that some people are just gonna stay in the 3d and do their nine to five job and, and go home and watch Netflix and whatever and drink alcohol. And that's fine, no judgement, that's what they came for. That's what they're experiencing. And other people are just just like, have this need to know and explore and grow spiritually and evolve. And those are the ones that are more likely to get to experience those higher realms.


So what is the deepest message, from Anubis to humanity, as of now.


So clearly, I just hear non judgement, love and forgiveness, you know, so much about forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness of self, of course, because it all starts there. But also looking at the duality, the dualistic nature of this reality that we live in. There's war, there's famine, or terrible things happening to people all over all the time. And we can't individually change that, you know, we can we can feel the way we feel about it. But it's the nature of this reality, and it is the way that it is. Can we accept it? That doesn't mean we, we condone it, but can we accept what is can we be present with what is can we hold the knowing that there's torture in this world? And there's great love in this world? Can we hold them both in our hearts and know that and be compassionate, even for the perpetrators of that torture? And can we still have a light heart? Can we still allow our heart to be of purity, to hold light to love and to forgive? And that is, I feel like always it's not a new message, but it's always the the ultimate message from Anubis, because that is what he represents and stands for what they represent and stand for.


It is a lot to ask, I feel sometimes. So when there's so much suffering to keep a light heart, it is just so much easier to fight flight or freeze, because that is our natural way of coping as humans, but I believe that that is what we're training ourselves out of, to be more present. Because we even have a negative bias in our minds, it's easier for us to just think negatively negatively about things. And I believe we have to unlearn so much of what we've learned in this world. So it's a lot of like shedding and unlearning and peeling the onion. And that, for me is the process, I feel that I'm in unlearning all this stuff, and not judging myself for not sort of. I don't know like knowing how to handle suffering in a way because I was used to taking myself down with it and making myself suffer because of the suffering. Because if other people were suffering, I should suffer too. Like, I couldn't find why I should be the fortunate one living here in Norway, everything is just Yeah, hear available to me. I feel like we're so fortunate here in Scandinavia. And that has been a long journey. Not like feeling guilty of not watching the news every night, for instance.


Yeah, I have something to share on that line that I think will be helpful. And, of course, you know, forgiveness of self and not in letting go of guilt. Guilt is a destructive emotion. But right here in my own house, I have an example that I think is helpful. And this happened this morning. So I live in Florida, I have two cats, two lovely cats, and they like to play. And this morning, I heard one of my cats being very feisty and running around and like what is going on. And he had found a lizard. And there are lots of these little they're called, I think, scrub lizards here. And he had found a lizard and brought it in, and he was having the time of his life chasing this lizard around. Now I'm sure the lizard was not having such a great time. And I, I almost always catch the lizards and take them out. Or if it's, you know, whatever it is, I've done that with cockroaches, you know, like whatever it is. But I had this moment standing there and seeing the joy that my cat was having hunting something he doesn't get to do very much because I feed him every day. And he doesn't have to catch his food. But he was designed for that. And that's his role. And so he was hunting this lizard in my house. And he was enjoying it so much. Like just he's, he's not a young cat, but he was playing as if he was a kitten and just having such a great time. And I looked at it and I'm like, Oh my gosh, you know, but yet from from the lizards perspective, this is awful. You know, this is the end of his life, he's being tortured is horrible. And I just I just watched the divine play as an observer in it. And I'm like, Well, what if it was it's meant? I mean, we have a lot of lizards, you know, like, what if what if, in this case, this is the way that the divine creator chose to keep the lizard population down. And you know, just really was was reviewing everything from as much non judgement as possible. I see my cat having a lovely time, I see my this lizard having a terrible time. And the convergence of that, and me as an observer, I'm not judging my cat for doing what he does. That's just that was what he does. He's created that way. And the lizards having the experiences having I forgive my cat a there's nothing to forgive. It's just being a cat. And does the lizard forgive the cat? Now? That's the That's the question. You know, I don't know what the lizard is thinking or feeling. But it's, you know, it would be much harder for the lizard to forgive. So I think that what I'm what I'm demonstrating here is everything has a perspective. And when we step out of our limited way of seeing it, if we're just looking at the situation from the lizards, eyes, we're going to be tormented and, and yet if the lizard is like, No, this is, you know, this is the cat's role and and I'm going to let it have its fun and let it chase me and then I'm going to quietly move on to the next dimension. Maybe he gets to go be in a better life, I don't know. But you know what I mean? Like the coming out of our normal way of viewing it takes a must we must have a pattern break or a change of the way that we're viewing the world or the situation at hand. Now even Einstein, I believe said you can't solve a problem from the same thinking that the problem was created from, you have to come from a different perspective. And that's what's being asked of us by, you know, not by anyone in particular, but by this realm itself by living in the realm of duality, we are asking ourselves, what perspective? Will you take on each thing? Will you be a judge? Or will you judge will you stand in negativity? Will you hold on to the trauma and the heartaches and the pain, and if you do, your body will respond with pain. But if you're able to change your perspective, and allow things to be what they are, and be present with it, that doesn't mean we condone negativity, but we we change our relationship to it, rather than letting it torture and destroy us, we take a new perspective, what could possibly be, you know, like every perspective possible? What could the creator's plan be in allowing this to happen, and we we come from that non judgmental observer type of place of being, we can relieve ourselves of the burden of it. And so that ties back to I believe what a novice is asking us to do in order to move up. And if we can't do that, that's okay. There's no judgment in that you're not done with your playing out your realities here yet. And there's nothing wrong with that we all evolve at in our in our due time, when the time is right for us, with no judgment. You know, when you're at that place, where you can allow and surrender and still be light, then perhaps that's when you get to have the next awakening to the next reality.


That does make sense. And that is helpful, and it is a journey. Speaking of journeys, I know you've had, we all have probably had many journeys to different planets lived on different planets, and have had so many different lives. Because we're multi dimensional beings, I really believe that. And I know that you have some memories from actually being a murderer, and being another type of being. And that is fascinating to me. So could you share a few of those memories and what they entailed.


I want to start with saying that we are all consciousness, and we are all part of the one consciousness that created all of us. And so while I've tapped into a lot of these memories, it doesn't make me special. And anybody can tap in to various memories of being different beings, even if your consciousness didn't necessarily take that form at any given time. Because we operate in collectives, collective consciousness. So we all have a soul group that we're connected to, which has, we have a soul family, we have, I mean, moving back, we have soul mate, we have a soul family, we have a larger soul family. So we're connected to these large consciousness pools, if you want to call it that. So when we move out of this body, or when we're not localized in our in our avatar here, we can tap into that and pull from that pool, that collective pool. So imagine how many lifetimes your consciousness could tap into, if you were hanging out with a collective of we'll say, 144,000 souls that have had 1000s of lifetimes each imagine the amount of of information that you can download. So you would be able to go into these different experiences of life maybe one of them was a murderer or an arcturion or you know, a star planet or something else. You can tap into that and we can all do that. So I wanted to start by saying, This isn't unique to me, all of us have the the right and and really I like to give permission. I think sometimes people just need permission to do it. So when I share something, you're you have permission to go explore that for yourself. Maybe you'll have your own experience and memories come back to you or just come to you through participating in that collective pool of memories. So yeah, as a Meer I do remember I remember many lifetimes as a Marine particularly from Sirius B which is a Waterworld, which is the place that I remember being for the longest time before coming here now. Mostly as I was light in water, I was actually light coats, I think that was just like a non physical being white in water. That because of that, I could also tap into all of the beings and have an experience of anything that I wanted. And I was a light courier. So I would deliver information via just from I would pick it up from one source, which was oftentimes, like I see them as like these Crystal Castles or living, living beings that were also a place of inhabitants. For the beings that were there, the merpeople. And there were, we were mer we are more in that realm, we are living underwater, and we are more beings moving very fast. So higher frequency than here is very, very fast moving. But I could, I would go into those structures that I see them as Crystal Castles and pick up some codes. And the codes would say, for instance, go deliver this to this mer being in whatever location or a sea turtle or a dolphin or a whale or an octopus or any other thing that might need this information, go pick it up, absorb it, maybe it's a coral, a coral reef of sorts, or maybe it's another structure where other beings are inhabiting, deliver this information. And because I was light, I could move very, very fast underwater, so I can zip around and, and have all of these different experiences. And I just, I have really beautiful memories of being there. And being in that place also as a Meer being, but my, my strongest memories are being light in the water that could take or it wasn't really taking anybody else's form. But I was experiencing, I guess it's the ultimate shapeshifter, I would shape shift into any form that I wanted, because I delivered these like codes. That was my job anyway. So I got to experience being all of these different beings. And it was a lot of fun and playful, very, very, very playful, very fun. Yep. So that's one.


So I have some of these been out of body like experiences or just like memories coming to you.


Well, I would say that that in particular is my most persistent memory, if you want to call it that, I do feel like I can shape shift back into that, you know, that's kind of a funny way to say it, but move into that experience and experience, re experience it. Because I had that lifetime, I experienced life that way. So it's easy for me. But again, I think we can all do some level of this. If it's in your imagination, and you have like, if you're you're having imagery come to you, it's very likely that you've had that experience at some time in your soul's history, and you can tap into it, maybe it has a message for you. So use your imagination. I mean, that is our connection to the divine. That is our connection. So you can use your imagination to have these experiences and then oftentimes, they'll open up other things that will come as memories or downloads. And yeah, I've had I've had to one degree or another memories of being many different star races, and tapping into many different realms of, of knowledge and memories that way.


What about Atlantis? Did you say that you were there?


I have my my memories are more of Lemuria Yeah, Lemuria. And I do I have recollection of being there during the fall of Lemuria. And the power that was a big power struggle. And if we think of it now as the sinking, but it was really like the sinking of the whole experiment. And I would say we knew that we were doing an experiment there. We were sort of higher consciousness beings having this experience and experimenting with life on planet Earth, I guess in this in this realm. And, and things went awry. And I remember, I remember that. What what is the difference between Atlantis and Lemuria? Are there two different civilizations? And that existed in different times on the planet? Yes, yes, they are. And I'm not an authority on this. Because when I remember I remember ever when I'm having a memory I remember it as as it's the now that I was president than I'm not good at dates and history. So please leave the dates in history to other people. But yes, two different continents that were present. Somewhat overlapping in time, I believe, but in slightly different places. And there might have been some overlap, but you know, but they were different. I think similar in many ways. The cultures were similar in many ways, but also different. And to me, Lemuria is Like mother, like, like very, very, very ancient, very old and very lush. I spent three years in kawaii and kawaii reminds me very much of the Miria the lushness and the spirit of the land and the connection to the land land is so alive there. And, and while some of the meditations I've had there been very Lemuria and and the water and the dolphins and you know all of the sea life as well seems so conscious. And that was part of what brought back some of my alerian memories.


Do you think that what we're experiencing now and the shift of consciousness that why we're receiving so much help might be because it went awry, the last time in Atlantis and Lemuria, and that our galactic friends are trying to help us not make the same mistake again. But maybe they were part of it as well. Because we're one and all that. Yeah, do you think that is so?


Absolutely, I do think a lot of us have returned for this time to, to do our part or play a purpose role of helping steer the direction that things are going because we all know that there are some heavy dark forces that that are existing on this planet, and we need a heavy light presence as well. So I believe that many of us came here to assist and Yanaka like you and I both of us have this mission to share this work to share about ascension to share about raising your frequency and forgiving your past and, and moving past your trauma and continuing to work toward greater enlightenment on an individual and collective level. And I think we have droves of, of spirit beings of Star Beings of Galactics of, of beings from all over, that have come here for this time. And some of us are in bodies, like like you and I and some of us are councils and informants to these bodies. And some of us are soul families that don't have bodies. But we have a lot of help. And we have so much encouragement from the galactic realms. And we just, you know, we just get to play our roles. And I think it's really fun. And I think that ultimately, when we do our purpose work, we it's when it's what brings us joy, it did not everybody's going to be spiritual teacher or mentor or sentient trainers, something like that, that's, you know, some people will be and others will feel like they bring joy by working with, you know, with homeless people or animals or by working with you know, even in their churches, or whatever it is, there's so many different ways that we can step into our purpose work. Ultimately, what we're doing is is attempting to raise the frequency and help people open their hearts and love more and forgive more and be kind and appreciate the earth think that's so very important is to remember that the Earth is a living being. And she's our host, she's our mother host while we're here, and that everything on the Earth is alive, the plants, the trees, you know, I go out every morning and Sundays and let the sun touch my body and walk around my my house and love up the plants, the plants that are flowering, I smell them and tell them you know how beautiful they are and how much I appreciate them. And, and you know, same with the trees and just put my love into the land, put my heart into the land. And it feels so good to do that. So it's not like you have to have this huge purpose and be reaching hundreds of 1000s of people if that's not your role, it might simply be to just love where you are, love the land where you are, love the people where you are and forgive your burdens and that is contributing to the ascension and the remembering of who we really are as higher higher beings that are here having this human experience.


Wow, that was really inspiring you such a great light. I felt that just raise my vibration. Maybe you guys listening and watching could feel that too. Since you are an ascension trainer, I assume you have you know some courses? Or could you share a bit about how you help people like in your work or if they want to connect with you how they could dive deeper into ascension training.


Absolutely. Yeah. And that's really my passion work. So you know, I've been doing this work for for decades, and I put together a six month course it has 11 modules and where people go through the processes that I've gone through and continue. It's not a one and done type of thing, but it's six months in this container that I call six months ascension training course. And that's where you really, really get to go deep with me. And I do this in rounds, we'll be starting another round later this year. And this is where we really get to work closely together. And I do have a number of offerings that are less, I mean, that's quite a commitment six months, we're meeting you know, regularly. So I have other offerings that are less of a commitment, if you just want to check out my work and see what I do. I also have the outreach, which is my YouTube channel, just my name. So you know, when I do an email list and share everything that I'm up to with my email list, so that's fun, too. And, and then I have an offering as well that that you're going to offer at a discount that do you want me to share about that?


Yeah, I'd love to.


Okay, okay. Sure. And I'm gonna read it just so. So I get my details right here. This is called the ascension activations package. And it's so I do something called activations. And it is a little bit like channeling it's bringing the codes through for people to have these expanding activating experiences. And so their meditation summer they're anywhere from it could be 15 to 45 minutes, usually around 30. And there are six activations internal divinity, activation, ascension, blueprint activation, activating your divine gifts, activation of wholeness, wisdom and divine truth embodied highest octaves of self DNA activation, creation codes, activation, and those are all the six activations you get in that you can do as many times as you want, and really helps people expand and, and open up and normally that's $198 and offering it to your audience for half that price. So you'll, I'll give you a coupon code where you can offer it to them and, and then you can just touch into my work but embodied ascension is my whole thing. It's all about embodying you know, being present, bringing your presence into this body while we have it, which is just a limited time, while we're here and raising the frequency of the body. Because Jannecke uh, when when people have spiritual awakenings and get very, very spiritual, you know that I think this is where we will come from, because they get out of body, and they're kind of like up here not present in their body. But I believe that's because the body is uncomfortable, because we hold this trauma and all this baggage, and it's not comfortable to be in the body anymore. Once your spirit has, has awakened inside the body wants to be free. So raising the frequency of the body helps it be a safer, more comfortable place for more of your consciousness to reside while we're here. And that's the ultimate essence of embodied ascension.


That makes a lot of sense. Thank you for sharing that. Now, I have some questions that are asked by my guests. And my first one is what is self love to you Waxela?


Ooh, that's a big one. You know, self love to me is that willingness to be with whatever shows up. And, and it's not even that I won't, you know, we won't judge ourselves for what comes up. But the willingness to over like to forgive, to forgive ourselves and be with it and accept ourselves, and just, oh, I'm feeling rage or anger or pain or judgment, okay. And I love myself through it, I feel it, I experience it, and I'm willing to let it go with and that's the exact opposite thing of pretending it doesn't exist or pretending I'm just great. And I never have those emotions. You know, it's that self love is giving yourself the time and the presence, to go deep with yourself to be intimate with yourself to accept and acknowledge, yeah, I have all of these thoughts and feelings. And I'm not always comfortable with them. And that's okay. I'm gonna love myself through it and do what needs to be done to be with myself. And again, like hold the dark in the light because we are both that self love.


And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?


Whoo. That's so you know, it could go so many directions. But the deeper meaning of life for me would be to find that self love first and then find a way to express it in service in purpose work, so that who you are the essence of the truth of who you are, is shared with everyone else or with the Earth with the animal kingdom with life here on this planet. That's, you know, that's the ultimate I believe and and in that service we're just we're expanding our love and our and our footprints here.


Oh that was so beautiful. Thank you so much Waxela for coming to the show for sharing your gifts, your energy, your truth, your uniqueness and all these stories and your experience. I was so inspired by that.


Thank you Jannecke. I so appreciate being here so much. Thank you and for all you do, thank you for just bringing us so much light to the world.


Thank you. I'm having a lot of fun doing it. Yeah

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Previous interview with Waxela – The Ascension Process and Multidimensional Living
Previous interview with Waxela – Let’s Talk About Spiritual Bypassing


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