Describing the intermediate state of the Human Being while getting ready to  move to the next level of expanded consciousness 

At the beginning they were just moments

At the beginning they were just moments, which then transformed into prolonged periods of time. I was starting to realize that this time it would be something really different that was going to shake up everything, my whole Being.  

My Higher Self, along with my physical body had decided to dive deeper for the self-discovery to emerge. Everything was leading once again to my ReBirth and the Evolution of the Soul, to the extent that it was suitable for me.  

The awakening from the eternal sleep of the duality.

It all starts with the awakening from the eternal sleep of the duality. Then, the Soul accepts the invitation of the Consciousness to hold hands and walk together through the path of the material dimension. 

It was that afternoon when something so strongly inside grabbed my attention. 

stopped everything I was doing in my external environment. I was feeling something urgent inside me, for which I remained absent for sometime before. It seemed as if for quite a while I was mostly performing in the external, being busy outside. At the same time though the Soul had reached it’s New Take Off point, to the new levels of Liberation and ReBirth.  

I just sat and observed, surrendering to the unknown.  

The Ego was trying to pull me out of the process but this time, the inner longing for the next level of freedom was far greater. 



Anagenis Family of Light.  

I knew I was not alone. I felt the presence of my Divine Εntourage – Anagenis Family of Light.   

In that quiet moment I asked: 

What is going on with me right now? 

You are in the Transit Zone: the answer was received and along with it the visual vibrational demonstration! 

I began to feel and ‘see’ that I was in the queue for the luggage control in the Multiversal Airport along with many others. All the Soul Beings there already knew that this kind of “control” is taking place in our DNA and the Spheres of Consciousness.  

Whatever we still hold within that is not allowed (is not coherent) to accompany us in the journey that is about to start =(transferring to higher state of consciousness) is going to be detected by the ‘special quantum detector’ that scans out our energetic fields, the aspects and the frequencies that do not fit and have no place in the New Dimension of Higher Consciousness that we have chosen to migrate. 

We were there just because we chose it

Each and Every Soul knew that we were there just because we chose it. We got there because we had realized that the moment of the next revelation of truth had come. We chose to free ourselves, through the conscious liberation of the aspects of the Self that are now ready to appear, be seen and transmuted into light and love. This time was specifically dedicated for that. 

At a certain point, some Human Beings were getting anxious for losing ‘all of the things’ that they were not allowed to take on with them for this Multiversal Journey. Then, at the same time I was able to see the Being, the Soul and the colors of the Aura as they were ready to enter the special quantum scanning detector.  

At that moment, the detector’s mechanism showed up the part of the Self that was ready to be accepted, loved and released and then illuminated in the Light of the Soul that continues the path of Remembrance on Earth. Wow what a concept of Being Present for your ‘dark’, unwanted parts ……the only thing those dark parts want from us is to be seen and loved. What a relief, I felt gratitude for that moment.  

The transition to the Higher Consciousness 

So many familiar souls and beings, all gathered around for this timeless experience of NOW. It was this unique preparation of the Inner-Multiversal flight. The transition to the Higher Consciousness.  

The Experiences were one-of-a-kind for each Soul. Some of them were feeling deeply thrilled when their turn came. 

Others were feeling the pressure of detachment when it was the time of truth. It was a great challenge to release those aspects that needed to let go so these were staying longer in the specially prepared “Healing” room.  

Everything was wisely prepared and the Angels Coordinators along with the Higher Self facilitated each particular case and assisted in the reconstruction of the entire energetic and the emotional field of the Being. 

In our physical experience – here in the material world, there is an intermediate Spot in the Recalibration stage. Once you pass this ‘control procedure’ and get to the ‘Purification’ Hall you might feel as everything is vain and with no interest for some time.  

During the fermentation stage all the frequencies of the Soul and the ReBirth of the Biology will return refreshed and enriched with new qualities and features that your soul came to experience and convey to the rest of the world. This takes some time.  

For the human, this may seem as a lonely, redeeming and emotionally charged interval, that is not always comprehensive. Sometimes all you have to do is simply resign from any control and need to constantly try to be well. In fact it is good not to try to fix it…..letting yourself to be ‘down’.  

In the past, I tried to fix things and didn’t see the real meaning of this transit but this time I promised to myself ….I will stay With You. And this triggered my conscious, deeper transformation.  

You can listen more on that subject of Self Care and Acceptance in the following video: 



New levels of clarity, inner trust and knowingness

After these deep cultivations and inner fermentations new levels of clarity, inner trust and knowingness arise. There is more of your True – AllWays in Love and Light Self now present. “Giving birth” to this is indescribable and so worth it! 

It also felt right to me to share and encourage you Beautiful Soul, not to forget to be vulnerable too and detach yourself from the image of how a Spiritual Being must be.  

It helps so much just to be with yourself and spend some time with your less enlightened aspects when they come to the surface. Listen to what they are trying to tell you. 

During some difficult’ moments ask yourself: 

Who am I and how have I rejected my own Self?  

How can I love myself and what would I do if I really cared about me? 


At last, when these huge waves of transitioning are happening we are not capable of operating well in the physical dimension, especially when we work with energy or in the arts. Imagine this as a time where your system is off and it is heading to a rebooting phase. So don’t worry if you feel a lack of inspiration or connection to people ….it is a part of that transitioning. Honor that! 


Heart to heart,  Lovingly staying in the Flow of Abundance! 
Victoria Anagenis 




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