What if reality is far more expansive than what we perceive with our senses? Channeler and spiritual teacher Rebecca Dawson shares insights on how we are moving beyond linear time and embracing a multidimensional reality. Her work offers a fascinating perspective on the shifts happening on both a personal and collective level.
Breaking Free from Linear Time
One of the key aspects of multidimensional reality is that time is not as fixed as we believe. According to Rebecca, humanity is transitioning into a state where we no longer experience life in a straight line—past, present, and future are all accessible at once. This shift allows for greater awareness, instant manifestation, and deeper connection with our higher selves.
Living Beyond the 3D Illusion
Many of us have been conditioned to operate within a structured, three-dimensional world. However, Rebecca explains that as we awaken, we begin to experience reality beyond the physical, tapping into expanded consciousness, parallel timelines, and infinite possibilities. This is where true transformation happens, as we step out of limitation and into co-creation with the universe.
How to Align with Multidimensional Reality
Rebecca suggests that embracing multidimensional reality requires a shift in perception. Instead of striving to “achieve” or “fix” things, we can allow reality to unfold naturally. This means trusting intuition, letting go of rigid structures, and opening up to the vastness of existence beyond the mind.
Could you already be experiencing glimpses of multidimensional reality? Watch the full episode to explore these groundbreaking insights and discover how you can navigate this exciting shift in consciousness.
Transcript of the interview
Rebecca Dawson 0:00
Because, you know, I'm on these ships, and we're flying around and things are happening, and I'm waking up in the morning as a child outside the house, and I don't know how I got there, and I can't get back in and, you know, things like that were happening. A lot of experiences with beings from other realities or other planets, experiences on spacecraft. I didn't lose memory in those experiences. So if you talk about non localized reality in terms of timelines, and you look at a shift in humanity on a timeline, if you really, really grasp what non localized reality means, you realize that there isn't even one available timeline for humanity. There are infinite numbers of possibilities that can unfold, and you will experience the possibility that is based upon where your focus is.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:04
Rebecca Dawson, a warm welcome back to the show.
Rebecca Dawson 1:08
Thank you. I'm so happy to be here with you again.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:12
I'm really excited to have you back. We spoke a year ago. It was my first time meeting you, and also the masters who you are channeling, and you are an author of four books, and you're helping people in this transition into the new reality that your masters speak a lot about. And you also channel other planetary systems I saw on your website, and that was new to me, and I was curious to maybe ask you about that today, and the last time we spoke about some sort of predictions, or they shared a little bit about what's to come. And now it has been a year, and we find ourselves in 2025 and I get curious you, Rebecca, are you surprised about the current situation and status of the world today? Because to me, I never expected to see a world like we have today that polarized.
Rebecca Dawson 2:05
Well, it's interesting because, you know, when we look at third dimensional reality, or we look at what we're shifting from and into something new, we I think it's really important to look at what the benefit, the benefits of a third dimensional reality are, because everything is designed by Source consciousness for creation and our wonderful experiences we've had it for at least the past few 100,000 years in the earth. Reality is an experience of duality or separation, and the function of that separation is to bring us back into unity. So when we're going through what you would describe as an extreme polarization, that is the mechanism that's designed to bring us back into unification. And quite often, we feel things as vibrational beings and resonance before they happen. And so many people at this time are witnessing polarization, but feeling more of unification. We're witnessing things that look like they shouldn't be there, perhaps in terms of right and wrong, but we're feeling like perhaps there's some optimism here, and I hear this very often from people, because they feel as if they feel differently to what they are observing in life, and they wonder, do I fit? Am I getting it wrong? Am I in my own bubble? But the mechanism of separation that's designed to bring us back into unity is at peak at this time, and if it's at peak, it means it's starting to turn back in towards the one, which is what so many of us are feeling in our hearts at this time.
Jannecke Øinæs 3:46
That is interesting. And it's also a paradox that we need all this polarization in order to come to Unity. Like, how do they explain that?
Rebecca Dawson 3:55
That's such a great question, and it's interesting, when you said that we need it. I feel that everything in this earth, reality is an opportunity. And then we come here to experience ourselves. We experience consciousness in a new way. And we have this divine opportunity within this earth and human experience to discover reunion through separation. And so it's a divine dance, and we experience that all the time in relationships. We experience it in community. We experience it within ourselves. And this is, this is the gift that the Earth reality has been, however, the evolution of that is moving now into an era of humanity and consciousness where we don't necessarily need that gift of separation to come back into reunion as one. And so that's the evolutionary movement that we're moving through now where we won't necessarily need to have that mechanism to realize the oneness. In other words, we don't have to go through the doorway of suffering to discover the unconditionality of life. And love within us. So it's that's the shift
Jannecke Øinæs 5:05
and and the Masters you're channeling, if you could share a little bit about who they are, because masters, to me, I feel like they must be of a very high vibration. Is it Jesus, like masters, like that, and Buddha? Or is it masters we haven't heard about?
Rebecca Dawson 5:23
Well, when we when we speak about channeling and when we speak about masters, I just want to contextualize it for you. We tend to not think in of mastery in terms of a level of vibration to be achieved. We tend to look at mastery in terms of how much of the oneness Can you access within yourself? So when we speak about masters, we speak, if you were to look at a tree or a cosmic tree, and it's the shape of the universe, your personality is Yannick. My personality is Rebecca, sits at the tip of one of those branches, and the more we relax back into the oneness within ourselves, the more we can access other branches, other streams of consciousness, other points of wisdom, which is all available in us. So it's not really a question, in my view, as a channeler of 30 years, it's not actually a question of raising your vibration to meet a certain source of wisdom. It's about going deep enough within yourself that you're willing to move and relax back from your personality, that you can begin to access that which you are naturally in resonance with. And what you discover is the deeper that you go, all of that mastery is available to you. So for me personally, I have always had a team of three main streams of consciousness, or branches of the tree, that are Serapis Bay and Saint Germain and Kusumi. But there are also others, depending on the topic that we're discussing. And I see those not as something that I need to raise my vibration to reach, but rather that I need to relax more deeply into. And it's such a familiar energy because it's a deep part of ourselves. We are all, at some level, masters. But the more we come into our personality, the more we move up the branch and away from that. And it's why so many people, when they engage with us with sessions or seminars or workshops, say that energy is so familiar. I feel so at home with that. It feels like you're talking to me, it feels like I know it, and that's because we all have access to it. It's within us.
Jannecke Øinæs 7:48
I love that perspective that is a bit new to me, because a lot of people are speaking about raising our vibration all the time to reach some level, and then we can access all the goodies there, but relaxing back into it and just actually reaching our potential or going more into who we are, because ultimately we are one is that
Rebecca Dawson 8:10
yes, yes, and the oneness is achieved or experienced by going as deeply into yourself as you possibly can, so coming away from the tips of those branches and deep into the center of the tree. Now you can experience so much more of yourself, and that's actually what an illumination or an enlightened experience is. You drop so deeply into yourself that you now expand and explode in multiple directions and multiple ways. So that's my view of channeling
Jannecke Øinæs 8:44
Yeah, that is your experience as well. And I think Channeler experiences it differently, like that is my experience, that it's very individual how they they experience it, and it seems like you are pretty much turned on all the time, because you're saying we Yes, yes. How is that like walking down on the streets and all of a sudden, like, when you meet, like a, you know, an old friend, you're like, Well, we believe that. Is that how it is? Or do you like more? Turn on now
Rebecca Dawson 9:16
It does. It does happen like that, and and and I'm not always aware of it as well. And how I would describe that, is it? It just, I'm going to use that example of the tree again, if I'm really meeting people and connecting people from my personality, Rebecca, the individual, the individual soul, with the journey I'm meeting their personality. And what I find is that the deeper I go within myself, there's more of myself that I'll bring to a connection with other, but it also means that I'm meeting and having a relationship with that expression within them as well. So the we in. Is greeting the we in them. And that's where you don't have issues with translation, you don't have issues with misunderstandings. And the deeper you go, eventually it is the Source consciousness, or the divinity in me, that's greeting the divinity in them. That's the Namaste. And so it's just connecting with people from your greatness instead of from your personality, because the personality is a part of you that has all of the perceived problems we the personality is a problem, but the deeper you go into yourself, you begin to relate to other people through that. So that's where the we comes in.
Jannecke Øinæs 10:44
Yeah, I think about right now avatar, when they're saying, I see you. And I really love that. And I wish we could say that instead of, Hi, how are you? I'm good. I see you. I think that's so beautiful, right? But we're like acknowledging each other's just presence of the I Am.
Rebecca Dawson 11:04
Right. And we are here is such an important phrase we'll often use that when we do retreats or trips with people we start the day with we are here because in that we're acknowledging each other as branches of the same tree, and that is the connection and the unification and the reunion that humanity is shifting into.
Jannecke Øinæs 11:27
We might circle back to that. I'm however curious about your childhood we didn't go into that as much in the last episode with you, because I saw another episode with you on another podcast where you talk more about your childhood experiences, because this has you. You've had some sort of access all your life, and you've been seeing strange things. You've been hearing other people's thoughts and having connections, sort of to other worlds and memories from other lives. Could you share how it was like to be little Rebecca.
Rebecca Dawson 11:59
Little. What's kind of interesting, because I never really felt like a child. I think I was always like, like an adult in a little in a little body, which had its own challenges. But it was, it was really making sense of the sensory perception that I had, making sense of the awareness and the memories, especially that I had that I didn't seem to have evidence for or context for in my childhood. So my imagination was very alive, but it was something I learned to keep to myself quite young, and really was when I began to study, I had a very keen interest in mysteries or the paranormal or the unexplained. So when I was, you know, a young child, I was, you know, in all of these advanced classes, except they weren't very they weren't really advanced classes when I was quite young. So I used to go and do my own schooling, separate from the rest of the class, that would give me something else to do. So I learned to discover my own interests and just follow at my own pace with education. So what I was really interested in was the paranormal and the mystery. So at lunchtime, I would go and sit in the library, and there was a very small search section in the school library, you know about, you know, strange things that are unexplained. And there was something in me that felt alive looking at those things. And it was really the only reference that I had that there is something else going on here, besides, besides what's obvious. Because what was obvious just didn't seem to make a lot of sense. It just seemed very boring, and nothing really changes fast enough, and there just needed to be more mystery. So that led me into metaphysics, and I started my first meditation classes when I was about nine, nine years old, because I was interested in that, and that led me into an awareness of what people use as a construct to investigate that which is unknown and there is either science or there was spirituality. And for me, the spirituality gave me much more freedom to move as fast as I wanted to in my inquiry, whereas the scientific realm seemed to be a lot slower when I was looking at what was being tested and what could be proved, it just wasn't moving fast enough for me. So that's when I really started to develop more my own way of viewing, and develop more my ability to see and hear and those sorts of things.
Jannecke Øinæs 14:46
And if you would like to share, what was it that you actually saw as a child or experience, and you could share whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Rebecca Dawson 14:54
Well, actually, this is a little time. This is a time now which I am so delighted to be here in. Earth reality, because there have been times where I can't, well, I haven't really been able to speak freely like this. So when I was very young, I could see into people's bodies. So I could see the organs and illness what was happening. I could see energetic fields around humans, so auras. I could see other aspects of life that people couldn't see, so maybe relatives that have passed away, or other entities, you like to some people like to call it entities. So there was a lot of that going on, and I was actually afraid of the dark for a lot of my childhood, because in the dark, I could see and sense more. So I was I used to find nighttime and going to sleep difficult, because I would often wake up in the night and there would be things happening around me. Because when things when, when it's dark, you can, you can sense it all. And something I don't talk about very often, which I'm only just beginning to speak about, is a lot of the experiences I had with other worldly or other dimensional activity when I was young. You can see I'm a little bit hesitant talking about it even now. Yeah, a lot of experiences with beings from other realities or other planets, experiences on spacecraft. It used to used to frighten me, but I got better at it as I got older. I have a lot of memory. I didn't lose memory in those experiences, so I haven't really been able to understand how it fits with what I'm doing now, but I know that it's all happened for a reason, and there was a very there was a very intense period of about eight years of that happening on a regular basis before I started channeling so I imagine that maybe it was preparing me for that. But certainly as a child, it was a little bit frightening, because I it wasn't, it wasn't a case where you don't know what's happening. I was made to be aware of what was happening. And and I got to a point where I would actually ask, please, just don't make me aware of what's happening if this is, if this is a contract that I have made, if this is something that I agreed to, just knock me out because I don't, I don't. My brain can't handle it. Just I don't want to know. And of course, I would still know, but it it started to fade, probably when I got into my early 20s,
Jannecke Øinæs 17:44
That long, wow, that long. That must have been so frightening for a little child like I remember myself being afraid of the dark. And as a young child, I was like protecting myself. I was imagining that I was Snow White laying down when she was dead, before she woke up in this glass protection thing. I don't know what it is called, but that I had glass all around me, and that made me feel protected. And I'm not sure what I was afraid of, but it just felt threatening, and I'm curious about and wondering about why these experiences needs to be frightening, especially to a child, if it's beings of a higher vibration. But maybe you could speak to that like, Who were these beings who I feel like were doing investigations or doing their tests, or if this is part of, you know, the abduction programs that you are speaking about, or being on the craft and stuff like that.
Rebecca Dawson 18:49
Well, I've come to realize over time that that really the the personality aspect, you know, we were talking about, the tip of the branch of the tree, is confused and doesn't understand but the deeper you go into your own consciousness, you start to see it as all the connection of yourself. So of course, the deeper I go within my own awareness, it's not a me and that experience or me and those entities, it's a we. And once I drop into that feeling of the we, it feels like it's me having that experience of myself in another form. So there is a view that I find more comfortable now as an adult, where I say, well, because I was so aware as a child, I was having an awareness of multi dimensional aspects of myself, because, you know, I'm on these ships and we're flying around and things are happening, and I'm waking up in the morning as a child outside the house, and I don't know how I got there, and I can't get back in and, you know, things like that were happening. Um. And very vivid memories about things.
Jannecke Øinæs 20:03
How did parents and family react to that like Did they weren't that frightening them.
Rebecca Dawson 20:10
It was really interesting because I grew up in a Catholic family, but because I think my family knew me well enough to know that I would never make anything like that up, they didn't really know how to handle it or what to do with it, but they were still very comforting about it. So like my parents would say, Oh, it's just a bad dream, or you must have been sleepwalking. But my my I had an older sister who who had a bedroom just next to my bedroom, and she would hear things in the night that were happening in my room, and sometimes see lights and things like that. And she would we got to a point where she would jump out of bed and run and switch my light on in my bedroom, and when she came and switched my light on in the bedroom, everything would stop. So we had this little thing going on for a little while,
Jannecke Øinæs 21:07
you know, I was not aware of this part.
Rebecca Dawson 21:09
Well, nobody is, because I don't talk about it. I think too, because at that time, you know, I looked into, you know, other groups or other people who had had some of these experiences, and there was so much fear in it, I just couldn't relate to it. And I didn't I just it didn't read it didn't resonate with me, and a part of me didn't want to be identified with that. And I also felt that it wasn't a lot of the conversations in those groups. They weren't expansive conversations. They weren't how is this developing our consciousness? How are these other versions of ourselves? Those conversations weren't happening at that time, I feel now those conversations are starting to happen, which is why maybe we're talking about it today, because I never feel like anything's done to me or any things against my agreement, but rather, I'm experiencing myself in another version.
Jannecke Øinæs 22:06
Yeah, I want to thank you for sharing it. And I we talked a little bit before we started recording, about how we're both like feeling that, yeah, this is the time, and that there's another openness now to these subjects, and I feel there is much more talk about our history, that our history might be false in the way it's presented in our history books. Yes, that more and more people are bringing in this extraterrestrial lineage and connection, and that it's not so revolutionary anymore.
Rebecca Dawson 22:42
Not not quite as crazy anymore.
Jannecke Øinæs 22:47
Like looking back at your experiences, what do you make of it like? Do you have? And also from the knowledge from the masters? What is your take, sort of on our connection to extraterrestrials?
Rebecca Dawson 23:03
Well, thank you for asking that question. I think I feel that that you know, science and new views on consciousness are really pointing the way towards this and and it's pointing towards this, not possibility, but probability, that we are in a non localized state of existence, which means that myself, Rebecca in this moment, and you Anke in this moment. This is just one little portion of where you are existing in multiple places, but your consciousness is focusing in on this place at this time. So I am grateful that I had those experiences, because now that I have deepened my own awareness within this human experience, I can see that and I am aware that I exist in multiple places simultaneously, and I exist in multiple times simultaneously, because once you get into non localization, there's also no time, and everything's available to you in the present moment. So you can have those experiences to show you, actually, I don't just exist here. I also exist there. Because once you're looking at interdimensional and intergalactic things, it's not a question of, How did I get from here over here, because we're not talking about a linear relationship. We're talking about how did I arrive in this dimensional reality, and how did my awareness then arise in a different dimensional reality? And that all happens through your body, and the masters will often talk about how your body is actually a portal into multi dimensionality. This is where it happens. So if you're having experiences of being in other places or other times, because this is happening to people as well, at this time, they're having memories of things or glimpses into what they call the future, non localized versions of self. So. That's happening because the consciousness collectively is shifting to enable us to begin to experience ourselves in a truer way. So I am grateful for those experiences, because they gave me reference point for multi dimensional existence. It's not just this.
Jannecke Øinæs 25:22
Hey guys, I wanted to introduce you to wisdom from North membership. The membership is something I'm deeply passionate about, because it's great to be inspired by episodes on YouTube, but in the membership, you have the potential for a deep transformation in your life. Our mission is to support you and empower you in your spiritual awakening, so that you can finally live your life purpose and radically fall in love with yourself. And in the membership, you'll get to meet some of my favorite guests from the show who are teaching master classes you won't find anywhere else. And in our monthly Q&A, you can ask your burning questions directly to the teacher. We also have a library of meditations and practices ad free that can really enhance your spiritual practices. You can find us on wisdomfromnorth.com/membership if you love the wisdom from North show, I think you will adore Wisdom From North membership, and I hope to see you there. Now, let's get back to the episode. I somehow regret that I don't remember that much from my childhood, and I think maybe many can identify with that. That is like, I don't remember what happened before I was five years old, and it could have been a lot of things going on. I was drawing aliens as a four year old, and UFOs, and I have no idea why, and I don't remember anything. And it frustrates me, because I feel like there's some juicy knowledge there that I would love to access, but I haven't been able to
Unknown Speaker 27:03
well wonderfully. It all exists here within yourself. So the deeper you go into this yourself, the more you can actually access those aspects of experience again. So we don't lose anything. It's all available here.
Jannecke Øinæs 27:21
What puzzles me is that still being humans and being in this shift of consciousness, we speak about, many speak about that in a few years, this will happen. Things will shift. Humanity is going into a new reality, a new level of consciousness, 5d and then it seems like to me that there's a linear path, and at the same time, we're existing on all these other places, doing all these other things. And when I then have that perspective of my multi dimensionality, it doesn't seem as important that humanity is moving into 5d because everything is just happening at once, anywho. So it's true. Yeah, it confuses me that the importance we put on the shift of consciousness for the humans,
Rebecca Dawson 28:12
well we well, we can take a step back, and we can say it's inevitable that consciousness continues to fractalize and expand itself into new views. And part of that fractalization and evolution of self is humanity having an experience of realizing itself to be non localized. And when you realize yourself to be non localized, the weight of importance over what already is, the weight of importance over structure and organization tends to be alleviated. And we take the pressure of ourselves trying to navigate something that already exists, and we start to relax into now, what are the different possibilities of experience that I can have today? And that's that's the freedom, that's the sovereignty. So if you talk about non localized reality in terms of timelines, and you look at a shift in humanity on a timeline, if you really, really grasp what non localized reality means, you realize that there isn't even one available timeline for humanity. There are infinite numbers of possibilities that can unfold, and you will experience the possibility that is based upon where your focus is. So there is no there is no real one consensus, collective timeline. Part of the expansion into 5d is realizing that everybody creates their own reality, and so the pressure is taken off. You being concerned about what the collective reality is for everybody, and you now are more focused. Based on, how can I feel empowered? We don't really like to use the word responsibility. How can I feel empowered to focus upon creating my own reality?
Jannecke Øinæs 30:12
So in a way, I'm the tree. You are the tree. And Jannecke is just a small little leaf on that tree that is expanding right now.
Unknown Speaker 30:23
Well, that leaf on the tree is how you have identified, but you also knowJannecke. That you will go through moments in your life where that leaf drops and you feel like your identity is dying. And these are the these. This is part of the shift for people, because what you think you were born to do, what you think your purpose is, who you think you are, defined by your family or relationships or your work, that leaf can just drop, and that's the devastation that people go through when they become more conscious, because they're being invited to not identify with the impermanence of the leaf at the end of The branch, but you're being invited to start to identify with the branch itself. And then the deeper you go, and the more expanded you become, you now start to become identified as the tree, because branches, you know, they move in the wind and they can break. But the deeper you go into yourself, you realize that you are not your personality. You are not this individual identity. This is just an expression that you have had, and you will continue to create more expressions, because that's the nature of life itself.
Jannecke Øinæs 31:34
And you spoke about that we create our own reality, and we've all heard of the law of attraction, and I get curious if there's something that supersedes the law of attraction, or if that is the end all be all, because I feel like that there is this mystery Divine Will that sort of supersedes everything. What is your perspective, right?
Rebecca Dawson 31:58
Well, I think that the law of attraction is wonderful because it begins to introduce the mechanics of resonance. And the mechanics of resonance. Resonance is based upon a premise of non localization, because what it means is that whatever you are focused on, whatever you are vibrating with, whatever it is that you feel, you will then create a consensus reality for that, and that's our sovereignty as humans. We're designed to create realities. We're not designed to navigate amongst realities that are already created. So if that's true, then this and this is where sometimes the law of attraction becomes a challenge for people, because the more conscious you become, and the more aware you become, you can often move into a space where you you don't even really know what you want, and I don't know what I want. I'm past this. I'm beyond that. There's nothing I even really want to manifest. What am I really doing here? And this is where people begin to drop through purpose. And this is wonderful, because then what they realize is that they're now being invited to create things that they don't already have a reference for. I don't know what I want, because it doesn't yet exist. And that's evolution, because that's where we give ourselves permission to just be, and then a divine inspiration or a divine action, or an inspired action, or thought or idea begins to arise. Ah, there's resonance for that. I'm now going to do that. So this is the end of outsourcing for inspiration and the beginning of insourcing for creation. That's a big shift.
Jannecke Øinæs 33:44
Yeah, um, do you think that the law of attraction is that the law all over the universe?
Rebecca Dawson 33:55
Or we would say that there are mechanics for resonance and agreement? Yes, universally, because life supports life and how that looks in fifth dimensional reality for humanity is whatever it is that arises within you that you feel in agreement with. This feels right for me. This feels expansive for me, if you are willing to actually exist as that feeling state, reality shapes itself in accordance with that feeling state, because reality is fluid. It's not fixed. And that's one of the major misunderstandings we have as humans, is we believe that the reality is fixed and we have to navigate it. So this is now an experience where reality is very fluid. It's plasmic and based upon where our focus and vibration is. Everything arranges itself to agree with that. So that's where the allure of attraction begins to allude to. That where we can start. To expand a little bit in our view of that is realizing that oftentimes what we think as humans we want to attract, that's really a thought or an idea of something that already exists. And this is a shift, because if you think about what is it that you want in life, and someone says to you, Well, what I really want is I want, for example, I want the family, and I want a satisfying career, and I want a nice car to drive, or whatever that is, or I want to know what it feels like not to worry about money, that kind of thing, those concepts already exist for humanity. There's a memory for them. I've seen that somewhere. And so when you outsource for the inspiration, you tend to perpetuate and create the same situations over and over again. So the shift in consciousness for a human with the law of attraction, is to say, what is it that I want to feel, rather than what is it that I want to create?
Jannecke Øinæs 36:12
Hmm, that is very, very helpful. Wow. I like that. How do I want to feel?
Rebecca Dawson 36:21
Yes, because if you take it back to the vibration of the feeling state, it opens up a plethora of possibilities as to what that could look like, way beyond what's already available as a reference point in reality,
Jannecke Øinæs 36:39
it's interesting, because I had a question here on my notebook, are there any new thoughts?
Rebecca Dawson 36:50
Yes, but not that come from a reaction to your environment. The new thoughts arise because you are in a state where you don't know what you want, you don't know what's possible. And you're asking the question, what now? So when you ask the question and you move into the I don't know which is the void, space within you, which is where all Creation arises from that space, something new arises. And that's why the greatest creators and innovators and geniuses that the world has known go into a space of, I don't know, and then something new arises. And in that they're not actually necessarily trying to create something as a reaction to the environment. In other words, you're not trying to solve the problem of what already exists. You're now just interested in what is possible to exist that we don't know about yet. And that's where the newness is.
Jannecke Øinæs 37:56
And the newness is that really here now, like is 5d here now?
Unknown Speaker 37:59
Yes, so when you say is 5d here now, is humanity collectively in a viewing position where it can begin to experience itself beyond what appears to be already available, because fifth dimensionality is, in essence, is about multi directional possibility that now becomes evident. And this is where people in their personal experience say, I now have so much choice, I don't really know what to do, because this is where you move out of the choice of it's a or b, which is opportunity cost or sacrifice. If I take this, I lose this. That's duality. This dimensionality is any of these things are possible, and that's where humans don't know how to choose,
Jannecke Øinæs 38:52
right? Are there forces working against this? I'm not going to go deep into the darkness here, still, it just feels like there are forces working against this well,
Unknown Speaker 39:04
because part of our evolution as humans is not to move out of third dimensionality completely. It's to move beyond, if you look at third dimensionality as a linear timeline like this, as we expand in our vibrational capacity, we expand the bandwidth of reality. So fifth dimensionality is a very thick bandwidth of vibrational reality within which third dimensionality still exists. So we can still see limitation, we can still see matter, we can still see probability and history and future, but now we have an expanded view of all the different possibilities that can exist alongside it, so fifth dimensionality and our capacity for that is already here. And how do we know that? We know that because people are no longer willing to choose from what is obviously on. Offer to them. I don't want what's already available in third dimensionality. I want something else. I don't exactly know what that is yet, but I feel that I'm no longer limiting myself to just this. So the shift is not moving away from 3d it's expanding enough to be able to encompass it, but have a greater view of it, a bird's eye view of it that makes sense.
Jannecke Øinæs 40:28
Is science. I get that you're channeling now, so I'll just continue asking, is science going to catch up with these concepts, with these the these teachings, very soon.
Unknown Speaker 40:42
It's already, yeah, it's already talking about non localized reality, or already talking about the plasmic nature of holographic reality, how nothing exists unless it is viewed in a current moment. That's that's all that's all there. It's all happening very quickly now,
Jannecke Øinæs 40:59
It just seems like it's not agreed upon that it's, it's still not like, Okay, this is where science, this is what science is saying. It's, it feels like it's still that some are saying it and they're not taken seriously.
Unknown Speaker 41:12
It's there. But the question is, where are the individualized points of consciousness in the Earth reality focused? And there are more and more and more humans that are seeing that and focusing upon it. And so yes, this reaffirms my own experience of reality. It's not yet a consensus reality, but it's there for those who wish to make it their point of focus, or to have that as the new reference point for how reality is currently working. And we say currently working because the view, the view will continue to shift. And that's important, because what we don't want is to get attached to any one idea or construct about how it works, because it's going to continue to be superseded, because that's the evolution of consciousness. So let me just say in that, let me just round that off for people, because there's so many new views that feel resonant, but it's not quite there yet. Is what people are feeling. It doesn't quite explain it yet. It's not quite concretised yet. The whole premise of becoming illuminated is that you are no longer interested in attaching yourself to concrete beliefs about reality, because the joy in your vitality and what keeps you alive is the mystery of reality and life itself. Because if we think about the energy and the source that runs everything in our universe, it is the mystery, and it propels itself into new creations, because it's interested and curious in as to what can happen, what are the possibilities? And therefore, if you realize that the nature of all life itself is the curiosity of and wonder of the mystery, you begin to realize that if you align yourself with being curious and wondrous about mystery, you're going to feel more alive than ever before, because it's the nature of how energy is in our body. We're not designed to be the answer or to have the answer. As soon as you have the answer to a question, the mystery is gone.
Jannecke Øinæs 43:35
That's true, and I just remember that you or the masters, they spoke about my curiosity in the last interview that came back to me now, so I'm going to keep that one. I was just thinking about people who feel like they're struggling either, you know, they want to grow on whatever Instagram or YouTube, or they're creative. They're artists. They want to share their creativity, their living, their joy, but they're struggling because they're not receiving that recognition. Because, honestly, it's just a few people who are really crushing it having you know that success, and I know success is like a human term, but still, it's a drive to come out with our gifts. And still, many experience that, well, the world is not there. I don't have the audience. I don't know why it dropped down into my mind. I just wanted to
Rebecca Dawson 44:32
it's, it's, it's, it's perfect. Thank you for expressing that. So part of moving beyond third dimensionality is we're moving out of this paradigm of cause and effect, and the cause and effect reality has been very helpful, because the effect of our presence gives us evidence for our existence. If I am doing this and I'm sharing this and it's having an effect, there's an echo coming back to me. I know that I really exist. I. Know that I'm legitimized. I know that I'm legitimized. I know my existence is legitimate. And the more you move beyond that encapsulation of consciousness, the more you move into a space where I'm just interested to see what happens with my existence in the world. You're no longer looking for feedback. What you're looking for now is resonance. And so what you begin to realize is the more you step into that you're not really interested in that feedback loop to tell you that you are here and tell you that you are alive and tell you that you are legitimate, you are just looking for. Oh, where am I now witnessing what I get excited about and what I feel joy in out in the world? And so I can give you a very real example of that, and that's me, because I've been doing this for 30 years, and I would not say that I have a lot of visibility. I would not say that I have a big following. And I would not say that I have a huge amount of abundance from what I do, but what I am enjoying is what we talk about, and what we get excited about is now arising in the awareness of many other people, and some of these people have huge followings. And so now I'm excited because I see someone that has a huge following that is talking about what we are talking about, and it's wonderful, because now reality is agreeing with me, and that's the sustenance, the sustenance, the new abundance, is resonance, because you are an experiencing yourself In an amplified way, and you can let go of the echo of money, and now you realize that just by being in joy for seeing what you're doing in many other places, you are experiencing abundance, and it will arise in a material way also.
Jannecke Øinæs 47:00
That does make sense. Do you think that that is pre chosen to have that experience, that those who have that kind of following or and fame, that that's pre chosen, and that those who don't have it, but they're doing just as beautiful work, they have chosen that before, that
Rebecca Dawson 47:19
it's necessarily pre chosen, I would say that they're having the whoever's expressing their wisdom is having the experience that's going to enable their consciousness to expand the most, right? That makes sense. And if that's the experience they need to have their own personal expansion of consciousness, that's the one they're going to have, right? So I'm having the one that's perfect for me, which is still being quite, quite small and still quite, you know, behind the scenes, and having a lot of ignition influence on people who are having huge audiences, because that's what's best for the evolution of my consciousness. And I'm quite sure that my personality would be developed in a very different way if I was having a different experience to this.
Jannecke Øinæs 48:08
I really love that. I love that answer, because I can rest in that, and my ego can come down a bit, because I can notice that my ego is like, ooh, looking at numbers and getting excited, and then the next day that the excitement is gone. You know when I, like, hit 100,000 subscribers, that was amazing, but the next day was like, oh, everything is normal again. And I know that it's like, the trick of my ego. I know it's not about the numbers, and still, my ego is so, like, not so, but I just observe that is hung up of growth on growth. And the other part of me, a big part of me, is like, but it's all about how having these conversations, right, wanting so many people to watch this conversation with you, because I feel like a transformation inside, and I want everybody to also have that same experience.
Rebecca Dawson 49:08
Well, you want the abundance, but the the abundance and the numbers is not about how many people are seeing it. Because if we take it back to you being at the center of your reality, and you're creating it, you're generating a conversation you feel excited about. I wonder how much resonance I witness in this. So if you get 100,000 views, Wow, I'm so excited that there are 100,000 people there who feel this as I'm creating it. So it's the resonance, it's creating a field of agreement. And that's what's exciting, because that's how, that's how we're designed as creators, is to create fields of reality. So you're creating a field of reality that's in agreement with what you are doing.
Jannecke Øinæs 49:54
I really, really love this conversation. Rebecca, it resonates with me. And I felt like I got deeper this time, also with you. Because the last time, I felt your teachings were very deep and I couldn't quite grasp it, and this time, I just felt that now I feel like I get it more, and it was felt like next level, and it just makes so much sense, and it makes me really joyful.
Rebecca Dawson 50:20
So thank you. Yeah, well, that's beautiful. I mean, you witness yourself. I mean, if you think about Source consciousness, it's one it's one being, it's one consciousness, and it experienced itself through billions of humans and other forms of life. And we are all living gods, also, because we are made in the image of God, or so we are told. And so in what you express and what you create with your conversations, you are now creating an experience with humans in the image of yourself, you are fractalizing yourself into reality. And that's really what your audience is, or those that participate with your consciousness is it's multiple versions of Source consciousness showing up in agreement with you.
Jannecke Øinæs 51:07
I like that. I read somewhere that you have said that you know my life before this and after has just blown me away, like everything I know now, what is the deepest spiritual insights you have received in your life that has blown you away?
Rebecca Dawson 51:30
I think my biggest experiences that I've had are the oneness experiences, because in those experiences, you go so deep into the cosmic tree, and you wake up as all of the branches of the tree, so you are everything in those experiences, they remind me that my personality is not so important, and the pursuits of the personality are irrelevant, because they're just like the leaves on the tree. They keep dropping anyhow, and anytime I get attached to anything, it tends to drop and fall away so that I can remind myself of my true nature. But one of the things the masters have been talking about most recently, that can be a little bit challenging for some people, is that is this notion of it doesn't matter, because we get so caught up about things that we think are problems or that need fixing, or this is a very serious issue. We present ourselves, or we view reality in terms of matter in third dimensionality, because everything is concentrated and comes into form. It's fixed, and therefore it matters. It's matter. But the more expanded we become, the more we dis identify with matter. And the more we dis identify with matter, and we start to see ourselves more as energy, it becomes easier to begin to feel yourself as beyond matter. So you can say, Well, right now, I can see that that matters to some people, but right now for me, I'm identifying as beyond matter, so I can just move into grace and acceptance it is as it is, that it is because I am beyond matter, and this is important because it gives you permission to relax and not Try to solve all the problems of the world. And I think this is what most people experience in near death experiences, you know, they get to a point where they think, you know, they experience themselves beyond matter, and then they realize all the things that matter don't really matter.
Jannecke Øinæs 53:38
Um, I have a few questions that I ask all my guests, and the first one is, what is self love to you? And I probably asked you that the last time, but it's always interesting to hear if you have a new answer. So what is self love to you?
Rebecca Dawson 53:54
Self Love is the awareness that the number one relationship in your life is the devotion to the life within you when you when your number one focus and relationship and your number one devotion is to the Source consciousness that exists through you, of you And as you then from there, you generate harmonious relationships in your life,
Jannecke Øinæs 54:26
beautiful and what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective, Rebecca the meaning?
Rebecca Dawson 54:35
Well, I think the human mind likes to assign meaning to things so that it can understand it and then ultimately control it. But I would say that life itself is a never ending exploration of a mystery that is not meant to be solved. And for me, that is exciting.
Jannecke Øinæs 54:55
That is exciting, it's not meant to be solved. I like that. Rebecca. Where do people connect with you? I know you have a YouTube channel. You have lots going on. If they want to follow more channelings from the Masters, how can they do so,
Rebecca Dawson 55:08
yeah, so I have a YouTube channel. It's this Rebecca Dawson Channeler, and my website, which is super easy, Rebecca dawson.com and you can find lots of free seminars and transcripts and resources there, and we also have a membership if you want, live channelings and opportunity to ask and explore things every month.
Jannecke Øinæs 55:31
Rebecca, thank you so much for coming back. I love this. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 55:34
Thank you so much for having me. Was beautiful to be here with you. Thank you.
Links & Resources
Rebecca Dawson – Official site
Previous interview – Co-creating a reality aligned with the New Earth
The book The Agreement
The book The Game of Purpose
The book Fu – The Return of the Magnetic Human
The book The New Human Experience
Gaia – Spiritual streaming service with free trial