
The Magazine

An online blog for ever expansive consciousness


The Magazine

An online blog for ever expansive consciousness

Featured Article

How meditation can help you and your child 

Author:  Gitte Winter Graugaard

I believe that all children are born as love and light, free from worry and the burden of societal pressures. But what I see in schools are confused, overstimulated young people, struggling to cope.

They grow up ‘deposited’ at ‘child depots’… left there early in the morning only to be retrieved hours later. We cram them into classrooms, deprive them of nature, and fill their heads with data. Information is regurgitated whilst independent and creative thought is slowly stifled, our children swept up into an automated process with little opportunity for their imaginations to run riot. Maths and science taking priority over drama, music and art…

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The Alchemist

In Frame: Emma Semb Kvisler  - Photo by: Lis DH Magnus 

"The Alchemist"
"Some things cannot be explained. This is part of the magic of life. There cannot be a word or an idea or a definition attached to everything." - Jim James 

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The mythical white lions of South Africa
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Boost your Spiritual Growth with Conscious Breathing- Anders Olsson
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Want to write for us?

Moviestar featuring Professor Elemental 

The Present

In Frame: Therese Elisabeth - Photo by: Lis DH Magnus 

"The illusion of Separation"
My little baby girl, now 21, already left the nest. I miss having her around daily, our talks and the "how the better you would react," thinking. Love is omnipresent and limitless, I keep reminding myself, only when I focus on distance, I feel separate ✨✨ The suitcase represents how we hold on to whatever we fear losing. Love is the only constant factor ❤️

When you receive a calling in life you can’t ignore it,

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Unplug from society’s treadmill and plug in to ‘heart power’
How meditation can help you and your child Falling into the child depot trap I believe that all children are[...]
It didn’t happen by coincidence
Wisdom from North didn’t happen by coincidence. Life is not a coincidence. What happens happens for a deeper reason. We[...]
Your Dreams – from a new perspective
We all have them. Big and small dreams. Sometimes they serve as an escape from our everyday life. But other[...]

"My purpose with Wisdom From North is to inspire people to empower themselves and transform their lives by sharing wisdom on how to actually do it from some of the best transformational teachers of the north & from around the world."

Jannecke Øinæs / Founder of Wisdom From North

Regain your inner power
- and find your courage

I now travel around the world and interview some of the most famous spiritual leaders in the world. It wasn't alway like that...

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