In this interview from 2015, Kathrine Woodward Thomas, author of the best-selling book Calling in The One*, is one of the world’s leading experts on relationships. Here she shares how you can attract the love of your life by setting a conscious intention for what you want in a partner.

Kathrine is a life coach, a speaker, a licensed psychotherapist, and a bestselling author. She believes we all have several soul mates and not just romantic ones. She says that most of us have a very narrow definition of what a soulmate is and she’d like us to expand our definition of it. She explains that best friends, parents, and our children can also be our soul mates. In this interview, she also speaks about soul tribes. They are people who are aligned with our vision of life and spiritual growth. Kathrine says we all have this huge hunger to find our home in other people’s hearts. She also talks about the one romantic partner we all would like to attract. Does that partner really exist? If you watch this interview Kathrine will give you the answer to that question.

The longing for a soulmate is new

If you think back to the fifties or sixties, people didn’t have those kinds of expectations in a partner. The most important thing back then was financial and material security and finding a partner who could provide for you and your mutual children. Today people are hungry for a deep, soulful connection. We want to have our feelings met and be spiritually inspired. This level of love requires us to grow and develop to be able to create it for ourselves. 

Making lists of things we want in our partners, does that have any value? Kathrine says yes because you get clear on what kind of partner you want. She goes on to explain that we need to focus on becoming the person we would have to be, in order to attract the person we want to be with. When we do that we can feel confident enough to go after this person when we do meet them.

Kathrine met the love of her life in a magical way

She was in her early forties and had never been married before. At 41 she joined a group that was all about setting intentions. She set an intention to be engaged by her 42nd birthday. That was only eight months away and she had no prospects at all. Fortunately, another woman said to her; “I’ll hold that intention with you if you’re ready to become the woman you need to be in order for that to happen.”

That conversation shifted something in Katherine. She became focused on seeing what was hindering her from receiving the relationship and soulmate she wanted and working on that instead of constantly chasing after a partner.

After just a few weeks she started thinking about a man she’d met 6 years earlier, Mark, and she had an urge to call him. She didn’t act upon it though. A little while later she went to church for a service and Mark randomly showed up at the parking lot. She got shy and didn’t say hello to him. One of her friends told her to create a dating profile online, which back then, very few did. She matched with several, but only wrote one man back. His picture wasn’t on the website and there were very few characteristics of him, but when he showed up for the date, it was Mark!!

Enjoy this inspiring and uplifting interview about relationships, soulmates, and attracting the love of your life.

Calling in “The One” 

Are you frustrated by stymied relationships, missed connections, and the loneliness of the search for someone to spend the rest of your life with? In this classic, updated guide to finding deep happiness in love, Katherine Woodward Thomas bridges the gap between wanting to find true love and being truly available to create a fulfilling relationship.

About Katherine Woodward Thomas

Katherine Woodward Thomas, M.A., MFT, author of the national bestseller Calling in The One* is the creator of the Calling in The One online course, the Conscious Uncoupling 5 Week Process, and co-creator of the Feminine Power Online Courses for women. She has had the privilege of teaching over 200,000 people, both in person at prestigious educational communities such as Esalen, Kripalu and the Omega Institute and, as founding faculty of Evolving Wisdom, in virtual learning communities that include students throughout the world. She is also an honored member of the Evolutionary Leaders group, a think tank collective of teachers, scientists, artists, thought leaders and agents of change brought together under the direction of Deepak Chopra to support the emergence of an evolutionary worldview to help solve some of our most pressing global problems and challenges.

If you want to learn more about Katherine, visit her homepage

*The link to the book is an affiliate link.

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