In a thought-provoking conversation with spiritual teacher and author Gabi Kovalenko, we delve into the profound shift happening within our collective Consciousness. Gabi’s insights illuminate how we can transcend individual growth and actively participate in the healing and evolution of our planet.

Awakening the Collective Consciousness: From “I” to “We”

Many are experiencing a spontaneous awakening, questioning their reality and feeling a pull towards authenticity. This manifests as challenged relationships, dissatisfaction with work, and deeper questions about the universe, all signs of a changing collective consciousness.

Gabi emphasizes transitioning from “I” to “we” consciousness, a crucial step in evolving the collective consciousness. This means moving beyond personal growth to heal the planet, recognizing our role in its “diseased state,” and embodying love as a “peaceful rebellion.” This shift is about collective evolution, not just individual transformation.

Do not escape your past wounds

Gabi cautions against creating a “spiritual identity” to escape past wounds. True spirituality is inner coherence and balance, confronting shadows, and living life as “active meditation,” all vital for aligning with the collective consciousness. Self-realization through introspection, not just external modalities, is key to connecting with the collective consciousness.

In this episode, we discussed transmuting victim consciousness, embracing radical self-love, and understanding every experience as a lesson for spiritual growth, all essential for participating in the collective consciousness. Surrendering to the present moment strengthens our connection.

Gabi’s journey highlights embodying spiritual values daily, breaking societal limitations, and being a “non-conformist soul” that embodies love. She encourages discovering our unique role in the collective shift, crucial for evolving the collective consciousness.

Transcript of the interview

Gabi Kovalenko 0:00

But the real question is, can you take this energy and create a reality where you're consistently in that same frequency? And that's the million dollar question, isn't it? To see, can people create the lining up of variables in their life, down to how they wake up in the morning and the approach that they have in terms of innermost beliefs, lifestyle choices, how they choose to treat their body, their mind, their spirit, to foster this alignment continuously and not be in a state of going through this kind of a pendulum, swinging motion of spiritual embodiment as a tactic to feel more spiritual, like taking 10 minutes a day to, let's say, meditate and emulate a feeling of being spiritual, to actually choosing to create that alignment so that your life is an active meditation. How can you go beyond even the self improvement stage and move into the stage of where you're thinking more about, what can you contribute to the collective whole, which ultimately brings us to the point where we're not even thinking in terms of I consciousness. It's more we consciousness, and it's more thinking about, what role do you play as part of the entire collective organism, which right now is going through a diseased state, really understanding that you can break the rules and you can be this non conformist soul that chooses to embody love as the ultimate peaceful rebellion.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:19

Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love, then I have self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to

Gabi Kovalenko, a warm welcome to the show.

Gabi Kovalenko 1:37

Thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:40

I'm really honored to have you here. I've been following your YouTube channel and your teachings lately, and I found find them really profound. I feel like you're going really in depth, especially on the teachings on the shift of consciousness, so we could really understand better these higher dimensional concepts, which is not always easy to grasp. And you're an author now, you are a spiritual teacher who helps people really uncover their sovereignty and to be their own creator. And I'm really excited to dive deep with you today. And before that, you wanted to set the tone with some vibrational frequencies.

Gabi Kovalenko 2:25

I am a big fan of Cymatics, resins, technologies, sound frequencies, in general, so I just wanted to bring out my little sound bowl and set the tone for the conversation with 432 hertz. It's a beautiful way just to set the stage for high frequency transmission of information energy. That's what I'm really all about. So let's just take a minute everybody listening to tune into your heart space and just feel into the sound frequencies, which creates a really immersive experience of feeling the embodiment of love. That's what it's all about. So let's just tune into this all together.

Yeah, that's really all it takes just to start to experience the resonant state with that particular frequency, because we're all really vibrational instruments in this quantum universe. So let's dive deep into everything that can help the collective align with a higher frequency state internally.

Jannecke Øinæs 3:31

I just loved starting with that, because I do these interviews in the evening, and before that, I always have allowed a lot of admin to do, and that fills my head with so many thoughts, and now I just felt that okay. Now I'm present. I'm in my body. So thank you for that. Now, what I'm curious about, I have many guests who speaks about the shift of consciousness that's really on our minds these days, and on a collective level, we see that a lot of things are happening in the world, polarization, things that have never happened before, and we're surprised. I could never imagine this happening. And then I get curious about it on an individual level, in my everyday lives, life, in other people's lives, how is this shift really affecting us, and is it something that we need to do something with on an individual level, individual level, or is it something that is just happening and is happening on a subtle, such a subtle level that we're not even experiencing it? Because I can find myself wondering, so is what I'm feeling now part of this shift? Or am I just making it up? Or is anything shifting inside of me? So I would love your perspective on that.

Gabi Kovalenko 4:53

That's a great question. You're right. A lot of people are asking about it, because there's a lesson, subtle shift for many people that are waking up in the spontaneous way, and it's creating a lot of questions down to the point of potentially experiencing this dark night of the soul phenomena. This could feel like a spiritual emergency. It's when all of a sudden, all the sirens go off in the psyche, and there's a feeling of a split reality, because people are waking up to the feeling that what they've been experiencing is more of the matrix bound illusion, and they're spontaneously waking up to the feeling of wanting to be part of a collective evolutionary trajectory, which is really conscious evolution. They can feel like their own Higher Self, spontaneously entering the scene and summoning them to be more present, to be more aware, to be more holistically integrated in their own reality. And that usually brings up a lot of questions about their life up until this present moment where these new feelings and thoughts and ideas start to come in. So the energy is cathartic for a lot of people. Obviously, many people are questioning reality to the point where it feels like all the blindfolds are being dropped and they can't even control the process. So typically, what I hear the kind of stories that people tell me are relationships get challenged, sometimes seemingly overnight, they just cannot experience resonance within the context of a partnership or friendships get challenged. They can't show up to work with that ability to be content anymore because they're feeling pulled to do something totally different and something that involves them on a much more authentic level of their true essence, or lots of other questions about the nature of the universe, about reality, about systems changing, the crises in the world, all of this dawning upon people in a very cathartic way, because a lot of those souls that are all activating this awareness at this time are all part of this subtle, or not so subtle, shift in consciousness, which is transpiring in massive collective changes. But what's interesting too is there's a really a dichotomy of people's perceptions about this, like some people are not feeling any changes. And if we talk about these sorts of shifts, they might think that we're out of our minds, because they just don't have that energetic awareness to even detect these subtle changes. And maybe they have no idea even about, let's say, astrological shifts, which is a big thing that impacts the collective consciousness. So some people are just living in this mode where they're so egoically indoctrinated to just rely on their mind strategy, on mental intellect and on doing things based on the close feedback loop. So there's no openness to any shifts happening outside of them, and typically, these are the people that are just living based on very matrix bound obligations, responsibilities, and they're happy with their lives because they don't want anything to change. But what I feel is happening with this shift in consciousness is a lot of people that can no longer go on in the same mode of experiencing that matrix bound avatar and being okay with that state of normalcy, which in many ways, is more of the indicating the state of disorder in the world. People that are waking up are really going through this spontaneous activation of knowing that a lot needs to change for us to really experience collective harmony. And there's a lot of ideas coming up in the field about, for instance, educational reform and intentional living, intentional communities, how people really want to organize an atmosphere and environment of love and connection and interconnectedness between people, beliefs, intentions, and bringing that kind of consciousness into everything that they do as a part of their lifestyle. And so because of that, it's sparking a lot of interesting ideas, I feel among people that are going through this awakening process of, how do we take this to the next stage? So it's not just an interpersonal journey, something that we're going through individually and causing us to protract from The Matrix reality, but something that's inspiring a new paradigm shift, which is, I think, the ultimate way to look at all these planetary changes. If we feel that we're the odd one out, or somebody going through unique catalysis of inner knowing and awakening insights, how can we apply this to create the most meaningful experience for both ourselves and others? And this indicates the next wave of ego development. It's like post autonomous ego development. You now have a fully formed psyche. You're an adult that has this cognition and belief system on reality. But how can you go beyond even the self improvement stage and move into the stage of where you're thinking more about what can you contribute to the collective whole? And that more speaks to transpersonal psychology and the psychology of awakening, which ultimately brings us to the point where we're not even thinking in terms of I consciousness. It's more we consciousness, and it's more thinking about, what role do you play as part of the entire collective organism, which right now is going through a disease state like that's really the way I think of what's happening on planet Earth. We've gotten to this critical mass where Mother Earth is feeling this pain, and the collective pain body right now is heightened because of all of the schisms in, you know, political, geopolitical, economic systems, all kinds of different sociological crises, and people that are sensitive to that are feeling that pain, and it's inspiring them to do something about it. So I feel that's a very powerful way to look at. What role do we play as part of this entire collective shift? If we feel the pain, we're more likely one of these empathic souls that's here to do something about it, that can contribute through our loving energy, through compassionate awareness, through healing, in any way, which could even be just embodying this frequency of love brings something to the world to help to heal that collective schism, because the other party, the other side of the coin, is always contributing to more duality and more of the dichotomy between parts. So that's really the nature of the collective unconscious, that shadow that right now is triggering so many people, which can come through in terms of corruption, greed, the power structures of the world, or just people that seemingly do not care at all about the divide that is being created. So that I feel is essential choice that we have if we do see this, and if we don't want to turn a blind eye to all the schisms in reality, then we just need to do something about it internally, to acknowledge the reality that is so pervasive and to embody our empathy and start to focus on, how do we eliminate our own pain by also merging with the pain body of the collective mind and doing something to create a healing effect? And that's what I feel is the purpose of a lot of souls that are going through this awakening process, and they're looking for more than just healing themselves internally. That's really the first step realizing that they're a unique being. There's somebody that carries some kind of awareness that has to be applied intentionally, and then actually doing something about it, which might be changing jobs, completely changing roles, becoming radically authentic, truthful, and showing this transparently, allowing those spiritual values to become a part of one's daily life and philosophy. So I feel that's one of the more healing solutions to this collective crises. The souls that feel it are here to do something about it, to create more of this unity and really more non dual experience of living and being I personally feel like that's why I was also born during this time. It's interesting what I reflect upon, like, why did I choose to come here? Really do believe that it's it's a chosen role to help to bridge some of these collective gaps. If you feel the energy which I've always felt like a very different soul, and that's been part of my journey of integrating my own shadows, learning to deal with those differences and deal with the nature of how uniqueness is actually what helps to bring healing into the world. Because that's often where the healing antidote is found in integrating that

Jannecke Øinæs 12:23

beautiful I feel like the spiritual journey can be messy, sometimes chaotic, and I feel sometimes that there are so many good hearted people who who wants to be spiritual, they want to do good, and they're Trying to be spiritual, in a sense, and then often they are not having good enough boundaries, becoming exploited, feeling I'm doing something wrong. When I feel triggered, I shouldn't feel that, and I shouldn't feel that. And we hear teachings from that perspective and that perspective, and we get confused, am I being a correct spiritual person right now? Because I want to be part of the good, I want to be part of the shift. I I want to help. I want to be of service. And then there's can be a confusion, and from my perspective, that's from the mind and the ego that does confuse us, but still, it has such a grip on us. So what would you say to those who are like, I don't know how to be in this time. I want to be spiritual. But what is that?

Gabi Kovalenko 13:32

Yeah, you illuminated such an important problem these days, which is how people create a new spiritual identity as a way of trying to escape their former self, which is the wounded identity, part of the shadow, part of the sense of not having clarity on how to really be yourself. The solution is definitely not to try to don a spiritual mask, which can become this spiritual egotism complex of actually moving somebody in the opposite direction, getting them to ignore their true self and actually just pretend that they've done healing work, that a reality doesn't feel totally holistically embodied internally. So I say in those cases, it's important to think about spirituality in a totally different way, like the definition that I prescribe to spirituality is more of the balance between the physical and the metaphysical. It's creating a state of harmony and coherence. And if somebody doesn't feel like they're existing in a state of coherence internally, then that's not a truly embodied form of spirituality. And the way to figure that out is if you are choosing to deflect attention from anything internally that is creating pain, whether that is a fear of, let's say, vulnerability, or a fear of actually facing some of these internal aspects that present resistance we're confronting the internal bitterness and the anger towards certain people, and not being able to just enter space of truly loving acceptance, then that version of spirituality that's created is more of that mask or cover up for somebody's disguising as a spiritual being and then trying to figure out ways to appear more spiritual. Not without actually doing the healing work to feel like they can be in a state of oneness internally, because then everything gets created as a reflection outside of their physical or, I should say, their inner self. So the work that we have to do is looking at ourselves in the mirror of consciousness and thinking about what needs to be resolved internally so we can actually experience a state of fulfillment and being in solitude okay with who we really are. And so I recently made a video, actually, where I was talking about what is the most potent spiritual practice, and I was asking my followers, do you think it's Ayahuasca? Do you think it's a vipassana retreat? What about breath work? What about meditation? Which is it? And then I kind of got into the mode of trying to get people to see the big picture, that all of these practices are just contributing to a introspective mode of self realization where it doesn't actually matter which practice you use or what modality you turn to, to start to understand what have you been really hiding within yourself, and the sooner you can surrender to this inner void and move into the darkness. Understand what you've been hiding all along from yourself and other people. For that matter, you can understand everything that needs to be self actualized to enter the space of real inner equilibrium and peace with who you are. And some people, they need the modalities and constantly turn to, like spiritual retreats, experiences where they have a taste of their spiritually embodied self, but that too, can be this more superficial distraction where it's very easy to take, for instance, a psychedelic and move into this peak experience of a high frequency state of being almost like a near death experience. Someone can literally go past the veil experience that Nirvana, or that Samadhi of being in alignment with their higher self, that the real question is, can you take this energy and create a reality where you're consistently in that same frequency? And that's the million dollar question, isn't it? To see, can people create the lining up of variables in their life, down to how they wake up in the morning, and the approach that they have in terms of innermost beliefs, lifestyle choices, how they choose to treat their body, their mind, their spirit, to foster this alignment continuously and not be in a state of going through this kind of a pendulum, swinging motion of spiritual embodiment as a tactic to feel more spiritual, like taking 10 minutes a day to, let's say, meditate and and emulate a feeling of being spiritual, to actually choosing to create that alignment so that your life is an active meditation. I think that's a very radical spiritual view these days that isn't being embodied enough. So many are looking for, still a magic pill or a quick fix solution to avoid feeling their own pain and confronting these inner aspects that present as such a challenge to integrate, but that's where we have to actually isolate ourselves from the world, cut out the noise, the chaos, and move into this void, space of just asking ourselves, who are we really at our core? And that's, I think, the most potent and profound work that we can possibly do. It's where less is more, and we actually choose not to outsource the awareness or the healing process to anybody, and then all of these internal aspects that need to be healed naturally come to the surface. And that's where real spirituality is born, in the peace we can create with all of the inner parts, feelings and experiences that illuminate what do we need to heal karmically that allows us to understand or deeper spiritual purpose here and then, people can often move into mode of a dialog with what feels like their higher self, where there is going to be guidance and insight and inspiration coming in through dreams and messages and signs and synchronicities, lots of beautiful stuff that indicates we're really in a conscious, living universe, and where everything can be seen as a sign from spirit, Where the universe, observing as reflection of your own field of consciousness, the work that you're doing, and in many ways, it's just reflection of how open you can be to spiritual transformation in all parts of your life, not just through a single modality or a single shift, but this pervasive experience that moves into all aspects of your life, where you have to be very radically open to transformation, always to experience the total shift in consciousness. And what I see a lot of people doing is what I call, like being in the mid quantum jump position. Like this concept of quantum jumping is very big these days, because people definitely want the transformation. They want to go from like 3d to 5d instantaneously. And so it's very appetizing to say, you know, you can make the sleep in an instant by changing your belief system entirely. But to what degree is that, not the creation of a new alter ego that creates another mask of like, I've transcended, I've awakened, or I've reached the point of enlightenment? Well, is there still a part that's being concealed in this process? And the only way to discern that is by seeing does everything in your life change when you do that quantum jump, when you decide to spontaneously let go of certain beliefs and victim programs and move into a mode of really embodying this authentic essence and living your life based on that integrity that you've created as a commitment to your own soul. So if that's done, then. Truly, everything changes, and you can experience an instantaneous shift in all parts of reality, but someone needs to be all in and not partially in. And I feel for that to happen, everyone needs to decide for themselves what's their unique role and what's the unique purpose that they have, which isn't going to come from any spiritual teacher or any system of teachings, ideologies, religion, outside of them, because all of that is just kind of a like the guide rails on how you can live your life in accordance with certain values. But the deepest of values have to surface naturally from within. So that's what I'd say, the folks that are going through a spiritual crisis, or, you know, going through the process where they're trying to understand, what do they need to embody to really be spiritual is figure out what are your own spiritual values that live within yourself, and what are the things that are most difficult and triggering in your life right now to integrate, because most likely, those are the learnings that when you actually integrate, you will know what you're meant for, and you'll be more easily existent in a spiritual space of harmony and coherence all the time. I hope that resonates with those listening.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:03

Hey guys, I want to jump in here to give my thanks for being part of the Wisdom From North community. Your support and engagement means the world to us. We put so much passion, so much love into these episodes, and my intention is really to be part of this great shift of consciousness, to do what I can do with this channel, to help people expand their consciousness, love themselves more, follow their purpose and shine their light. So if you haven't yet subscribed, I would love for you to do so. Thank you so much. You'll find the link somewhere here below. And now let's go back to the episode

that definitely resonated with me. And I just feel like it's layer upon layer, that I think I know something, and then the next thing comes around, and all of a sudden I see things from a different perspective. And you see is talking about belief systems. It's interesting to notice in myself how stuck they are some of them, because it's my way of looking at reality. And even though I've shifted a lot of them, some are so stuck that I'm like, I don't know how to shift that completely. And I'm thinking that, okay, if they're they feel so stuck, maybe just surrendering to that, that I'm actually supposed to have that experience, also that I chose it from a higher a higher perspective, in order to have that experience of seeing the world like that. And then that might shift as well, but also not comparing myself to others, that they have this perspective, or they have this experience that okay, I'm here. I'm seeing life as I'm seeing it right now, and maybe I'm supposed to be exactly where I am, because I think we tend to compare ourselves a lot, and we're supposed to be in another place than we are. But in truth, I do think we're supposed to be right here, where we are, because that's where we are, and that's what I'm supposed to experience. And it is this paradox, the spiritual paradox, that we sort of want to open up to something, but that same time it's perfect where we are

Gabi Kovalenko 23:20

right. That's a great point. It's a really quantum physics point to feel you're making, which is like this notion of collapse of the wave function when there's an observation. So if you are this source of consciousness, or a fractal of the entire Source consciousness, experiencing what you currently are, you can say all the elements in your individual quantum field is creating the collapse of this particular timeline, and all these variables you're now dealing with are exactly what your soul needs to be dealing with to learn the karmic lessons to achieve that spiritual self awareness, and ultimately, the transcendental journey of the soul to the next stage of its own evolution. So if we're dealing with what we're dealing with, we can't try to avoid it, or we can try to say this is wrong, this is a mistake, because immediately that puts you in a mode of separating yourself from the intention of your own observation, and that cuts awareness, and that puts you in a mode of actually restricting the ability to heal and to learn and to enter the next stage where there's going to be a new lesson, and hopefully one that's more easily to assimilate. So I feel this comes down to the point also of how do we recognize the meaning behind every individual lesson and circumstance that we're going through? As soon as people enter a space where they want to avoid understanding the necessity behind that, they start to resist universal intention, and they start to feel like they need to be dismissive of certain things in order to keep making progress. But again, that's a mode of escapism that then emerges, like finding spirituality and choosing to just move away from something that actually presents the deeper concern by going into, like I said, these psychedelic experiences or doing something just to build up. Spiritual ego that thinks it's more able to transcend by choosing another outcome. But the deeper work is, can we choose to be completely aware of what we've chosen to deal with and to handle those difficult to manage feelings by really understanding that's where the work has to begin, and ultimately, when we handle those inner conflicts, then less is more, then we're more able to maintain this inner solitude and typically enter a mode where the next thing, like you said, just emerges naturally, and there's less seeking, and there's more just of a deep beingness and recognition that whatever's in the field in the present moment is what we need to deal with. And so patience needs to be brought into this process for sure, where, instead of thinking about what do I need to do in order to improve my life, or how do I manifest the future reality that's going to be the best one for me, instead deal with the status of the current manifestation, I feel that takes, you know, these law of attraction teachings, to the next level when it comes to people realizing that they've manifested everything they're currently Dealing with. If if that's the nature of manifestation that they believe in, then how can you assign less value to the challenges and the difficulties and everything that you currently have as part of what the free will of the higher self decided to embed into the current experience? And so that's the ultimate way to transmute victim consciousness, is seeing the meaning behind what you currently have been endowed with to understand how to progress, whether that means then making new choices, or understanding that you don't need to perpetuate the generational program, or the karmic baggage that was maybe inherited by you because of the unconsciousness of those that came before you, really understanding that you can break The rules, and you can be this non conformist soul that chooses to embody love as the ultimate peaceful rebellion against all of these difficult to to handle programs that confine the self to conformity or needing to escape pain rather than really deal with these difficult feelings and then ultimately choose better. Is what I think leads to a lot of progression on the path.

Jannecke Øinæs 27:05

I find that really empowering, just what you said right now, and I am doing a course, or I'm having a course in Norwegian right now about self love that I'm teaching, and for me, it's really important with this radical self love that has helped me so much, whatever arises, whatever is happening, to meet it like a little child with love and embrace and even noticing when I'm in a victimhood and I I see that in a lot of people that it's easy to go into victim hood because it feels like it's a protection to be wise. Is happening with me. This always happens to me. That's why I can't do this, and that's why I can't do that. And when you notice that, that you're doing it yourself, it feels almost a bit embarrassing, like, oh my goodness, I'm in victim. But the empowerment that comes after that, when you start to take responsibility, I feel it's really liberating when I'm allowed to radically accept everything, even my you know, my mistakes, my shenanigans, like my poor behavior. Sometimes, if that happens, even love that it's so liberating not that I should continue doing that course correcting, but that it's not judged anymore, because that that inner judger that is is so strong like I think we judge ourselves the most, and self love for me has been the key to really allow myself to be whoever I am, and I'm curious you in your journey, it seems like you've sort of been philosophy philosopher in your whole life and been very spiritually attuned. But has there been a time where you had some deep insights or transformations in yourself, where you felt a shift in Gabby.

Gabi Kovalenko 29:04

Oh, it's like an ongoing journey. I'd say it never ends. It's moving into a more fully embodiative GABBY all the time for me, which inspires me to keep shedding any layers of resistance or contraction internally and just embody more of this higher self template, which is ultimately the most expansive, vibrant, radiant version of the self. And I've had many moments of just eternal doubt and contraction that comes through naturally because of being part of a school system which so many of us go through the same experience of being challenged and receiving different kinds of limitations coming from teachers, peers, all kinds of people in the environment that make you feel like especially embodying more spiritual beliefs or deeper values as simple as kindness and compassion and unconditional love, is something that should be shamed and is wrongful, because it's just not something that societally look fondly upon most of the time. So I really entered this world with this energy of naturally embodying these values. And it was very easy for me to see that this is the norm, or at least it's supposed to be the norm, something that involves just sharing, being very open, open hearted giving, but also not necessarily with the desire to receive anything, being a generous soul and having this open hearted energy. And so the most difficult thing I've had to go through was one during school, through different kinds of experiences, there is the backlash that you experience just for being different open and also for having different kinds of intellectual views, which I've gone through my life with stages of a lot of depth that would come through, like, for instance, during elementary school, I would have moments where I was absolutely obsessed with learning about the human body, and I would write little books for projects in school about like white blood cells and platelets and the immune system and all these sorts of things. And for me, it just piqued my interest. And I feel very blessed to have had parents that brought me up with this kind of openness and authenticity, and that always encouraged me to read the books that piqued my curiosity and to go as deep as I possibly can. So that brought me into a space where I thought that was the norm, venturing into a world where you get to align with what you love most, and you feel that that's what creates normalcy, that when you feel something's authentic to you, you choose that, and you don't choose the things that don't feel in alignment with the desired state of embodiment. And so I would write these books. And eventually I remember, like my mom got called into school, and my teacher in second grade said, Is your daughter All right? Is there something going on in the family? Because she writes books about the exact same thing, like texts in school about the human body and stuff of this nature. And I eventually got lower marks for doing things that I was really passionate about, and so that's how I feel. The subconscious starts to embed these programs of limitation where you're doing something that feels natural and you love it, so why not continue? But then there's that punishment that comes externally. That's how the negative reinforcement creeps in. And then a part of me is internally judging, like, should I keep doing that, or is this something that I can keep embracing just the authentic motivation to choose what feels right for me. And then it escalated as I started to bring more spiritual perspectives into my life early on, like some experiments on how energy impacts reality and my earliest work on consciousness changing things in the context of science experiments. And the same thing happened. I remember feeling so foolish for trying to do something so outside of the norm, because other kids my age just wouldn't get it, and I felt the same backlash, which put me in a mode where I started to shelter the spiritual part of my identity, which was always the main part of who I am, just the deeper feelings and asking lots of questions and also wanting to answer them. So I've always had this very deep knowing that no one could really explain this wisdom in my field, and an ability to just provide perspectives that were way out of context for my age. And it was something that really there was no rational explanation for. So eventually I just brought it into my life by writing. That was my first way of creating sort of a safe comfort zone surrounding the experience of spiritual expression. And at 13, I started writing about stuff like intuition and self awareness in a light way, just engaging myself to be open and to share these thoughts that could potentially help somebody. I wanted to at least create an outlet where this information could flow through. And so that was my like doorway into the spiritual realm. And eventually, after I almost entered the medical field, I first thought that I was going to go to this traditional through the pre med and the medical school route, but eventually aligned more with holistic medicine, and that gradually put me into a mode where I just surrender to the intentionality in my field. And I realized very early on, around when I was 18, that you can think of any destined outcome. You can think that that is where your future is going to take you, but everything could turn in the spur of a moment, and then you realize the real purpose is found somewhere totally different. And when I really surrendered to that, and I embraced that, all right, maybe I should just start sharing this deeper knowing, this wisdom that's always been inside me, that's when I felt the shedding of those layers of reservation where I previously was never open about what I felt at such a deep level. And then I gradually became more and more open, and I started making videos about it and posting more. And for a couple of years, I just did it completely unconditionally, just wanting to share. And I still do it unconditionally. But then people told me, like, actually produce more. Make this your full time involvement. You know, do sessions, write a book, all these sorts of things. And every time there would be this initiation coming from both within and outside of me, I would always have some questions arise, like, Am I ready that part inside of me that was previously criticized and rejected felt like, Are you sure it's like that internal narrator that says you're too young to do this and who's actually going to buy your wisdom and knowing at such a young age? And that's where I started to really see the mirror reflection of the duality externally. Because it would always be about a 5050, split of people that would say, wow. They just see me as like a prodigy, or a star seed or or something like that. I get lots of different labels from different sorts of people. And then the other category would be people that are not ready to take in this information, because they're more of a left brain thinkers, and they need proof. They need to see somebody that's a long track record of doing this sort of work to even take their insight seriously. So through this process, I've had to also shed the need to receive any kind of validation or credibility due to my age since I started so early in my life, and I just do it based on the knowing that the soul is always imparting in my field. And so every time I take a leap of faith and I make another video, or after writing my book, it always produces a feeling in me of being able to more deeply trust that coherence that arises when there's that idea. And I can really describe that as etheric knowing, like everyone that gets any kind of idea spontaneously, like that thought arises. Where does it come from? It's not really coming from your brain. It's coming from the Akasha field, or from somewhere beyond you, this higher dimensional realm where these are possibilities of waiting to be manifested. And I realized that my intention at the most wise level is just to close the gap between the ideas coming into my field and what I can express to help people to also raise their frequency and to essentially learn the same mechanism of action, which is closing the gap between the higher self and the ego of mind, and when the sameness emerges, so when your ego is just being used to fulfill the soul's manifesto and to become closer to higher dimensional knowing and wisdom, then we can experience this continuity, or radical transparency, really, between our feelings and our actions, or what we receive from that deep inner knowing, where there's always a voice there, when nobody else is suggesting anything, and then actually, what do we do with this information? So the more that I practice that, the more I feel I have access to more wisdom and more depth. That's what I say I'm experiencing, like this, falling up into my state of higher alignment, just based on doing this with an open heart and then asking even more questions to go to a deeper point of where I can make myself available to the biggest impact. But it's a it's a very humbling experience, I'd say, not actually prescribing more value to yourself as some spiritual being, but just doing it because it comes naturally to you. That's why I personally don't like the labels of like the star seeds or the Indigos. Like I feel no need to assign any labels to myself, because if, regardless of the soul's origin, if you have the wisdom, which all of us do, and we're willing to make ourselves feel that we have that master, full source within us, and we're all a fractal source, then we can start to become these conduits and just receive information that comes through naturally without the ego needing to filter anything through. And that's how we can transcend the egoic mind that judges all that and just lean into the deeper, heartfelt knowing.

Jannecke Øinæs 37:56

Hmm, I always love to hear people's stories and that transformation they've had. And, you know, being a spiritual teacher is not a profession that you you're like planning to be a spiritual teacher when you're a young kid, like, I'm going to be a spiritual teacher. It's something that just is a I think it's a calling. It happens. And although those guests I've had have had really challenging lives, so it seems like it's unfolding. It's coming out of a journey, an experience, and then you feel like helping others through that. It's not like you you get everything on a plate, and now you just share it, because you have some abilities. So and that makes it more credible for me, that that I actually listen to those teachers, because unlike yourself, because you're you have walked the path, you have experienced these things, and learn something about it, and have wisdom to share. Because wisdom, I feel, often comes from challenges and contrasts. So if you somebody said, I think it was a wise man, don't ask for wisdom, because then you'll get a lot of challenges in your life and difficulty.

I wanted to ask about when people want to heal. We spoke a little bit about healing. Do we really need to find the root cause of that belief, or why that happened? Like in my course, for instance, now, people are remembering things that happened in their earlier lives, and they're like, Okay, maybe that's the reason why I am like I am today. And then, oh no, maybe that's not the root cause. I need to find the root cause, and if I change that experience when I was three years old, then I can heal that. And then it gets really complex, because we have past lives or parallel lives. And what is really a soul, and where does that karma stem from? And do we need to know that intellectually in order to heal it right now? So what is your perspective on how to heal things that are showing up and we want to integrate but we don't know where it's coming from?

Gabi Kovalenko 40:17

Yeah, we started with this explanation already. I think we gave a great introduction into it, which is how to become very present with the current life experience. Because, in essence, everything that somebody's currently dealing with, all these variables, all the limiting feelings and programs dealt within the self, is already the amalgamation of all these things that have been dealt with in past lives, karmically speaking, inherited from the generational past of of those in the lineage, which is now imbued in their subconscious memory bank, and also what they're feeling within their field. So if there's a lot of unknowns that they're still experiencing internally, these are the feelings that need to be understood and addressed, and to some degree, the continuous Shadow Work it can lead to this never ending feedback loop of trying to understand what else is in there. And I see a lot of people actually dealing with the problem of becoming obsessed with the healing process to the point where they can never heal. It's like this never ending experience of looking for some faults, almost to avoid actually experiencing true healing, which at some point is just about illumination. It's being able to take everything that is impacted in the shadow, which very often for more awakened souls or people that have this deeper knowing, it involves becoming more courageous with the application of the wisdom and the knowing, because it's one thing to feel the knowing internally, but if it's just reserved for the self, then more issues are going to be created due to Keeping that reserved for you, if it's never actually meant for you, if the ultimate purpose of a being is to be that giver, to become the Ascended Master, ultimately, that imparts wisdom into the collective changes something here, or at least becomes that vessel of light that brings healing transformation, and then no longer needs anything to prove and no longer is in hiding mode, which then allows for that progression of consciousness. So in that way, think we can agree that if somebody's dealing with a lot of hang ups surrounding the nature of their identity, they first of all need to understand who they are individually and to start to embrace those unique qualities. And that's where it really all begins. It's looking into what within you doesn't currently feel acceptable, and many are trying to conform to like you mentioned, this spiritual persona, which might actually not include some of the things that they've been feeling from their early life experiences. Very often it's due to the the mental status of the universe that many people are feeling like they belong as a part of it's just the intellect, it's the rationality. It's the more masculine side of involvement in life, based on doing, based on proving something, achievement oriented, skills that come through that make the self feel more comfortable with that skill set, that's not necessarily the conscious skill set, because what most people are so afraid of is actually the feminine embodiment, embodying the fullness of their inner world experience, and be being willing to allow that to be integrated into all parts of their physical experience as well. So unless that merger is created, I feel there's always going to be confusion about who somebody really is and what they're meant to be doing here. And when you reverse engineer that equation, you start to think about everything within you as being something that has an important role in the worldly experience. It all starts to make more sense, like if you're child born in a family where only mathematical sorts of reasoning was something those look fondly upon. If your parents were like engineers and you have to be working hard and achieving the a plus all the time based on your intellect, but in reality, you're a highly creative, intuitive soul, then you start to experience that separation of even your own values surrounding what's important and meaningful, when really, most likely the purpose for that particular soul is to embody their creative essence and to be very courageous about expanding upon it in whichever way brings them the experience of most love. So whatever puts you in a frequency of love is going to be the thing that allows you to be most authentic. But even that concept I know is tricky for a lot of people, because they think you know, they need to generate something that creates superficial happiness or something that distracts them from the pain body in order to feel this elated state of being in alignment with the spiritual self. But does that mean necessarily that you're actually integrating or including all parts of you, which would allow you to experience true love as wholeness and true holistic beingness? So that's the individual equation, and that's where the spiritual teachings externally to the self need to end, where you have to start to look at yourself as like this unique, universal puzzle to solve and to really decode. What is that source code of your own soul? Why are you all these unique qualities? And if everything within you is intentional, and how can you come to love and respect all. all these unique even eccentricities about you, and I feel for many people, that it's going to require almost looking outside of themselves, which is why it seems a lot of people that are awakening, they need to go through almost a near death experience or something very cathartic, to start to see themselves from beyond. It's where you can move into the mode of being consciousness and not being the ego or the self that is the victim ingrained within the ego program because farzanas, you're part of the egos hologram. You have no ability to even see the parts of you that have yet to be integrated. Those are all those blind spots, and that's the real challenge. Can you step outside of that bubble of even perceiving yourself the way that those who have created wounding in your life, like parents that restricted you or society that has rejected you, or family and friends that didn't get you to look at yourself as the most lovable being that can be integrated into a world of deeper acceptance and love when you start to relate to yourself in that way, and that's how you can create a totally new program of perceiving those unique aspects of you beyond the shell and beyond even the CO personality. And that's typically where a lot of people face the challenge of, how deeply Can they even feel their own feelings. Because when there's a world of information stored in those emotions that previously didn't have a role in the daily reality, that leads to a lot of questions about, like, how emotional can you be? How deeply Can you feel? And I'm seeing that a lot of people are afraid of how deeply they can feel, because then it awakens the sensitivity to all these things in life, to global events, to different energies outside of them, or maybe they don't want to be as actively involved in society or going out and doing things like that, because literally, you become more sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies and everything else, people will feel down to, like the solar flares and astrological changes. It can put you in a mode of rest one day, and then you can might you might be hyperactive the next, because you become a vessel of consciousness, and not just the ego that's trying to preserve a sense of sameness internally. So that's, I feel the the turning point for so many people right now experiencing this, they almost want to remain as the old eye that's still maintaining control in their inner reality. The same time, they want to experience like they're part of the wave of awakening. So are they willing to surrender the eye and actually participate in the energetic movement that forces them to become a part of, like the universal pulse, where they start to feel everything more and that starts to instruct them on what's next, just becoming open to change, to transformation. And it really feels like a gradual evolution into, like this plasma field, which some people you know speak about in a beautiful way, as as this reality, where you start to feel like you are the higher self in physical form, and that's typically an experience where you slow down and you become much more soulfully focused on doing everything that's meaningful in the present moment, and not thinking at all about past or even future, but just being so aware that whatever you're currently dealing with is What needs to be fully digested, fully understood and accepted. And usually that's where the questions stop, to stop coming through, and you start to just deal with profound knowing of what wants to be in your field at this time is exactly what needs to be. So hopefully people through that lens of understanding, realize that they can be the answer and they no longer need to even think about channeling anything outside of them. Ultimately, they're that fractal that receives the divine intelligence that motivates them, through their energy, through their state of being, through the thoughts that arise, everything that deserves realignment to be part of a more coherent, universal dance of harmony.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:38

You just said what was on my mind? Because I feel there's a transition from where the Guru is there the beings who are being channeled is telling people how to think, what to do, in a way like, oh, but he told me that. So I guess that will happen, or I gotta do this. I feel like I heard much more the guides, and who are my guides, and how can I connect with my guides? Now going moving over to having that guide within, like listening within that I am the guides as well. We're all one from a higher perspective, but that it feels like people are more integrating that inner guidance from within. And I'm not sure if that is just like an evolution, or if we're coming closer to some sort of truth, because I still do believe we do have guides that are guiding us. At the same time, more and more teachers are speaking, speaking about finding that inner truth within themselves, not moving externally to receive the answers.

Gabi Kovalenko 49:50

Yeah, and it all has to do with this energetic state that you find yourself in. So if you're already in a high frequency state of being, you can trust the guidance that you receive. But if you're in a state of fear, potentially even the guidance that you receive is aligned with that fear that you're still experiencing. So there could be distractions. There could be things that come in that actually test your ability to even discern and to choose a higher mode of trust. That's why I say that the first thing to do is to reflect on your own inner guidance system, because if it's flawed and if it's built on the pain body, then you're going to be feeling a lot of fear about trusting yourself or trusting anything outside of you. And ultimately, you can't even trust others. You can't really trust guides, even if you don't trust yourself, because that's the relationship of alignment within that ends up being revealed or the lack of it. So the most important thing, I feel, is to first understand what within you is still making decisions, perhaps on behalf of the subconscious mind that's still experiencing pain and fear and resistance, which maybe isn't actually aligning you with where you want to be going forward. And that's a deep dive that I often set for people, which is like, how do you know, are you actually making the decisions that you're making, those goals that you're setting, is that coming from you, or is that coming from some part of you that might be trying to take over, because it's still reflecting the past egoic ways for the egoic whims that come up just as a form of self soothing, like self medicating that pain. So that's why it's so important to first dive into the deepest part, which can feel like really moving into this abyss of uncertainty and somebody losing control altogether of the strategy and everything that their mind is trying to plan about reality, and then really facing those inner shadows. And ultimately, it can feel like going deeper and deeper and deeper until you realize you land in the space where you're like in the arms of the universe. It's actually a beautiful feeling where you no longer are scared of surrender. You start to recognize that when you surrender fully, you're met with such love. It's almost like this anti gravity effect that you start to feel weightless and you're moving with Universal Intelligence itself. And from there, typically, you start to recognize this energy of the higher self, which is a remarkable difference from the energy of the victim self internally that might be creating decisions and even generating feedback based on what it doesn't want to re experience. So that's a really important thing, not choosing to run away from something that you don't want to be experiencing, but choosing alignment based on loving energy and based on recognizing that you can choose from the guidance of your own Higher Self, which is confirming really high level universal values. So simply put, this is choosing integrity. It's choosing honesty. It's choosing to be yourself and to fully feel and to allow that to be part of your transparent truth. It's allowing compassion to be not just an inner sentiment that's reflected partially, but to really think about how fully Can you embody this compassion, to the point where you start to care more about every part of your life, and then that naturally pushes people into a feeling where they become more feminine, and not in a way that is like emasculating for men, but it just requires them to be more sensitive to the fine details of life, where it's also about how they hold their energy and how they reflect intentions through their use of language and feeling and just being much more intentional about, in general, their embodied experience. And if anything isn't being embodied, that's going to eventually pack into the shadow and reflect in some less than favorable way in their day to day experience.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:25

And you perhaps you said it, and I saw another video on Instagram where you spoke about that you can't really trust others if you don't trust yourself. How do we know if we trust ourselves? And in a simple way, how can we practice trusting ourselves? Is that what you said? It's all about authenticity.

Gabi Kovalenko 53:49

Yeah. So the first kind of test to to put that up for the challenge is, if somebody has a question, where do they go to seek the answer, like if somebody's wondering, okay, what do I do next in my life? How do I, let's say, evolve to the next stage of my personal evolution? Is there a desire to consult YouTube to get that answer, or to look for another self help book? Or is that something that they think will come with time if the universe gives them the opportunity to proceed upon this evolutionary journey? Or can they immediately turn the awareness inward and start to actually host the inner dialog, which is a beautiful experience, where you can even put imagine like the ego on one chair and the soul on the next. And start to analyze the differences between the two, which is a very interesting simulation, because you start to recognize these are fundamental aspects of your own field of consciousness, which might feel like part of a total duality of values and needs and feelings and intentions, where one sometimes knows nothing and is asking a gazillion questions, because that is no idea the egoic mind about what's to come or how to have faith or how to surrender. It's just trying to maintain that pervasive control and attachment, but the soul's starts to emanate this profound knowing, and all of a sudden there are answers and feelings that arise. But the question is, can people get to a point of collaborating between the two, where they start to recognize there is a part of them accessible at all times, that does present with deep knowing, and there are feelings that need to be acknowledged, and if they turn to that, they can start to develop this trusting, conscious relationship with their own Higher Self, which I feel is the prerequisite to achieving higher guidance. Because if you can trust your higher self, you know what to trust, and you know how to feel that deeper alignment. So especially if somebody is not sure about whether they can even align with self love, the first thing is to feel into their higher self as the ultimately loving version of themselves. You may ask the question like, What would the higher self want me to do? If the higher self is up there in the higher dimensional space the future, you the more integrated version of yourself, already reflecting on reality in the most awakened way possible. You're looking at your life right now, these mundane problems, the confusion, feeling lost about your identity, then just feel into the difference that your Higher Self already embodies, and then start to look upon yourself as just the work in progress with, like you said, with sensitivity, with empathy, with not a desire to scrutinize yourself, but almost gently nudging yourself, like taking yourself by the hand, holding hands with the higher self, and progressing on this journey of more conscious decisions and more aligned choices that consistently puts you in a space of greater harmony and deeper self love, and that often requires letting go of a lot of things that are not creating that alignment. So it's not just making new choices, it's reevaluating anything that you've created from a place of confusion or despair or again, that escapism, because that's what places you at odds with your own Higher Self. And that's that critical junction point that so many are at, is recognizing a lot has to change to even maintain that self alignment. And that's the compromise that has to be made. You can't, you know, have your butt on the two chairs at the same time, you have to decide, are you mainly leaning with your ego or your soul? Are you really choosing alignment and integrity with these deepest fundamental consciousness values, or are you choosing to be scattered all over the place and to not have faith? Because that's where the split typically manifests, right where somebody has a question and they receive an answer, but then they're wondering, how do I prove that? How do I know if I can trust that it's already there? So the trust is an inbuilt mechanism that needs to be devoted to, which can be tested. And it's kind of like I experienced in my journey of just sharing things from the heart and soul and not being sure, does anybody need this? Is anybody really listening? Is there value to these sentiments? But when you surrender, embrace that, let it flow, and then eventually see the coherence it starts to create. That's how you know that it's the energy that's worth everything, and the higher self always emanates feedback which feels very loving, very inspiring, very connected to love instead of fear. And that's where the choice needs to be made. Are you still living based on the fear based mechanism, or is it a more loving, integrative approach they're choosing to adopt that pushes you into a mode of just choosing more and more that organizes everything in your life into a space of this acceptance and divine coherence.

Jannecke Øinæs 58:12

Now, from your perspective, do you feel or think that there's a split going on where some people will go into that direction where we have been speaking about, going into the heart, being authentic, trusting themselves, but others will actually resist it and will actually get this great divide in the world. Because it seems like a lot of people are there and coming there and going there, but there's a lot of people who are choosing something else?

Gabi Kovalenko 58:42

Yeah, absolutely. It's all a matter of, what do they want to align with? And like we're talking about, so many people are happy with the current state of affairs, and they're not seeing any problems in the world, and they're not concerned about the future of humanity. And so for them, there is not even a thought that new choices need to be made. There's no desire to evolve or to contribute to collective evolution, because they don't consider the consciousness axis of evolution as even a mandatory one. And so it's a matter of, I think, how do we approach the earth school in general? Because this is a living learning simulation or playground where consciousness develops in all these different ways. People are either feeling like they need to bridge that duality through their own awareness and conscious evolution, or they're just part of that domain of not even asking these deeper questions and not feeling any shifts at all. So I feel in that regard, it's already upon us, and it's very easy to see if people are experiencing these things because they're already energetically in tune. There's a state of oneness already awakened among those that are feeling the same way, that are listening to these sorts of interviews and that are feeling, what can I do as a part of this collective evolutionary shift? Because they probably will be inspired to also create something of a healing value, which will help the others that are going through the same graduation stage from the third dimension altogether, and the rest are still learning the lessons, where they want to be ingrained in the ego, to learn from the matrix, and they want to be in the matrix. And so typically, what that looks like is they're still very hedonistic. They're still very attached. They want to gain more. They want to make more they're so focused on being rooted to the reality of what they can generate here, to enjoy the experience and to pleasure their egos as much as possible. Meanwhile, those that are transitioning feel a sense of like, all right, I can deal with this reality, but I'd rather not come back. That's typically the feeling like you're just a visitor here on a temporary experience of learning something, achieving the value you need to but then being perfectly at peace with the less is more kind of reality, and then feeling like, ultimately, your soul's domain is the true reality. This is more of the illusion, and those that can't see it, they're still so deep in the illusion that they need to play the games, they need, the power, they need everything to experience the realness, until they also learn that the masculine nature of this matrix is not enough, and the feminine reality is always there, needing to be integrated this Divine Mother energy. That's something that comes through in the Twin Flame story. Also, there's, like my most popular topic when I make videos online, is, you know, the twin flame situation, and how right now that is also reflective of the larger split in the collective consciousness. It's a divine feminine and masculine energies going through this rodeo of total disintegration. Because, of course, we both all polarities are possessed within every individual, but typically people that are so involved in the matrix state of affairs, they're just consumed by that masculine drive, and for that reason, they don't want to graduate. They don't want to move on to the next stage. They need to keep playing around. And love is not actually enough for them, because they feel they they need to experience that fully, and they want the sensory depth that only their ego can really assign the value to. Meanwhile, the feminine mode of experience is much more connected to matters of the heart and soul, and it's more surrendered. And it's his graceful state of feeling that in reality we can connect to the eternal life consciousness matrix, which is beyond the 3d reality altogether. And that's what starts to bring you home into this experience of knowing that this right here is just a temporary story that allows you to remember who you are, so that you can come back to the peace of knowing you're you're not this identity, you're not this fixed self. And I feel when that becomes a comfortable experience internally, then we go through this shift, and whatever culminates in the future is just going to allow us to let go more and more and to become lighter and lighter. That's the graduation that I see happening. It's like a lightning of the body, removing density, removing programs, becoming less in the mind and more in the heart over time. And we're going to be all kind of tested on our ability, I feel, to love and to move into a space where we choose devotion to our own spiritual value system, because that's going to become the ultimate survival toolkit, is being able to choose love over fear, any of the other mechanisms that the ego tends to to rule with in reality.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:12

So do you think then that, or are you saying that things will be easier and more beautiful and will flow better in our lives, and we have something beautiful to look forward to when we actually do this process, dive deep into spirituality and go deep into ourselves, will it become easier?

Gabi Kovalenko 1:03:34

Yeah, for sure. And I think that's what the spiritual awakening journey in general provides us the impetus for change for any individual, usually, spiritual awakening, like you said, is extremely messy. People might get initiated into the process when, like could be their house burns down, or they lose their job, or they go through a terrible divorce or something like that. And so it's through the pain that the awakening process can accelerate, not in all cases, but sometimes that's what it requires for people to lose that eco sense of control and attachment and then to recognize that the attachment was never beneficial in the first place. It confined them to a mode of thinking that that dependency brings happiness, but in reality, connection to the soul brings the deepest quality of joy and that bliss body activation, which is that soulful coherence that actually activates the light body, and it brings them into a mode of feeling that those feelings are more superior than the mentalized thinking about what brings you that joy. So that's the clashing of sides, and whatever will happen in the future, it's going to be also the test of things that need to be let go of, will have to be departed from in order to choose a state of balance internally. And people that are in this mode of still being super attached, fixated to what they have, their possessions, to everything that they prove their sense of self with, will probably be going through the most difficult ride, because that's what's going to be challenged. That's my intuition on attachment, being something that's going to be relinquished over time based on people needing to let go of control and find a higher level control, which I always say like ultimately, control is found in letting go of it maybe one of the coolest paradoxes, right that we want to try to hold on more tightly and try to control every part of our lives, to feel like we are safe and in control of our identity, but that just means that you trust your ego over your soul. And when it's time to graduate from Earth school, you have to trust the soul and the higher self over the ego, which means learning that that faith and that devotion to these spiritual values is really more about just choosing harmony over everything that the ego is still trying to preserve for its sense of autonomy to reign supreme. That's what I feel is going to happen energetically moving forward, but it's something that we also can't try to completely predict. We have to ease our way into it without trying to, like, play the game more safely, because we predict everything along the way. I think that's part of the experience. We need to just allow ourselves to be and to also moment by moment, trust that anything coming into our field, which might be right now, people already feeling like they want to, like let go of certain things in their lives, like to do that, because that's a really preparation for everything that that lies ahead this collective experience. So much is changing with technologies and AI and everything else in the world. So we need to be prepared for even more rapid evolution, and the only way to do that is to evolve into a mode where we're in a state of flux and we honor that change is inevitable, which makes everything less painful and just allows us to be in that flow state consistently.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:33

Wow. This has been profound, huh? I am. I think I need to see this episode again, just to take in, like several times, to take in what you said. Thank you so much for coming to the show Gabi and I have a few questions that I ask all my guests, and the first one is, what is self love to you Gabi?

Gabi Kovalenko 1:06:55

Wow, such a deep question. So Self Love is a feeling of coming home to your soul and honoring that anything that arises, that soulful intention needs to be brought in, like the water that you drink on a daily basis. It's this ultimate nourishment on the energetic plane that allows you to feel the sense of righteousness on the soul level. And it's honoring the spirit essence over even your physical template that you might have been given by parents or anybody else that condition you. So I feel it's really choosing that soulful, higher love and relinquishment of control like we just talked about, over treating yourself like an ego that needs to be guarded based on how people have treated you and how you think, in general, the human essence needs to be treated if we all treat ourselves through that lens of how our higher self would want to treat us to evolve, I think that brings the deepest intentions into the frame of reference about what we should be doing in the here and now to keep evolving in this more conscious way,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:57

nice And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Gabi Kovalenko 1:08:06

Wow, this whole conversation is like so on point with these questions, the deeper meaning of life, yeah, in one sentence, yeah. All right, let's let's see if I can crunch it all together. Well, I say the deeper meaning of life is to attain a sense of knowing and respect for all that life is providing, and to enter a mode where you start to see that all of the living creation is operating symbiotically. So all these parts are part of like a larger collective puzzle. We have to figure out how we fit into this ecosystem, seeing that we're all fractals of the one. It's a beautiful experience of recognizing that once we tune in to the message that life itself is trying to impart through us, everything becomes significant. Like you thinking something all of a sudden there's going to be like a bird comes up to your window sill and it it starts chirping, a beautiful bird song. You recognizing that that's not a random occurrence, and that's in some way, a message from spirit, indicating that your focus in the moment is essential. Brings you the sense that really all of life is working with you and through you, so that you can become more meaningfully connected to life itself. So I see life as like this, this simulation, but really a living breathing organism, just like consciousness is a living, breathing being, in many ways, that's allowing us to awaken to how we can be the most conscious, sentient source of observation and CO participation in the whole living equation as well. Sorry, more than one sentence.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:36

It's not a requirement.

I just love that question, because I always get different answers, and that's like us humans. You know, we're all different flowers, all different perspectives, and I feel like we have different truths, and it's all true at the same time from a higher perspective. Somehow, that's what I've arrived at for now, and then we'll see what I think tomorrow. Now Gabi, if, if someone listening is eager to connect with you, they want to follow you, they want to learn from you. How can they do so? Where can they find you?

Gabi Kovalenko 1:10:11

Yeah, so you can find me on, mainly Instagram or YouTube. I post daily on Instagram and weekly new YouTube videos and my website., you can find more of the offerings. I wrote a book some months ago called Falling up, which is a very deep dive. It was like a complete channeling from this soulful Higher Self state to help people align with their higher self. So that's also an opportunity to go really deep, layer by layer into all these complexities of the awakening process and the journey that we're all on. So we're all on the same journey. Fundamentally, it's all coming home to this one essence, to the one bank of Universal Intelligence and these conscious values. So I'm sharing as much as I possibly can to help people experience that, the sense of belonging the world in this together. And that's how we can surrender more easily knowing that, you know, this is a shared experience, and that's how we weaken the love in our hearts for all of it

Jannecke Øinæs 1:11:03

so inspiring. Thank you so so much for coming on the show today. I really enjoyed it.

Gabi Kovalenko 1:11:09

Thank you so much.

Gabi Kovalenko – Official site


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