Step into the world where hidden realms intersect with our everyday lives, as Ella Ringrose takes us on an extraordinary journey of spiritual awakening and divine connection. In this enlightening interview, Ella shares how her once atheistic beliefs transformed into a deep exploration of consciousness, guided by mystical experiences and encounters with spiritual beings. For anyone curious about the unseen forces that shape our reality, this conversation offers a profound glimpse into the nature of existence beyond the physical world.

The ignition of a mystical journey

Ella’s journey began in an unexpected place—a bookstore in Toronto—where a seemingly ordinary book sparked her awakening. As she delved into the pages, Ella’s perception of reality began to shift, leading her to explore the hidden realms of consciousness. This was just the beginning of her mystical path, where each day became an unfolding of synchronicities, signs, and deeper understanding. Ella’s experiences reveal that our world is intertwined with other dimensions, accessible to those who open their hearts and minds.

Encountering Hidden Realms and Divine Beings

One of the most captivating aspects of Ella’s story is her connection with the angelic realm. She shares a powerful experience where she felt the presence of an angelic being, which filled her with an overwhelming sense of love and light. This encounter not only solidified her belief in the existence of hidden realms but also highlighted the profound impact these beings can have on our lives. Ella’s insights encourage us to explore our own connections with the divine and recognize the support available to us from the spiritual realm.

Ella also discusses the current global shift in consciousness, where more people are awakening to the reality of hidden realms and questioning the nature of existence. She believes we are in a period of great expansion, where our collective awareness is rising, leading to a deeper understanding of our purpose and connection to the universe. According to Ella, this shift is not something to fear but a beautiful process of awakening that brings us closer to our true selves.

Ella Ringrose’s journey through hidden realms and her exploration of consciousness offer a unique perspective on the nature of reality. Her experiences remind us that there is so much more to our existence than what meets the eye. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance or simply intrigued by the mystical, this interview is a must-watch. Dive into the conversation and explore the hidden realms that shape our lives.

Transcript of the interview

Ella Ringrose 0:00

And I closed my eyes on my third eye, and I actually saw a completely different reality existing simultaneously here. And so it's it's really an understanding there are billions of other realities happening simultaneously right now. And this is something that continuously happens to me where sometimes I'll walk down the street and I'll just feel like crying, and immediately I'll just shut my third eye, and I'm like, Is this mine? And I've actually walked through another person's body in a different reality and picked up their emotional field.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:34

Hi, Ella. A warm welcome to the show.

Ella Ringrose 0:36

Thank you so much for having me.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:39

I've been watching your videos on YouTube. You have quite a big YouTube channel, and you've been on several shows, and I love hearing you speak. It's like I feel that I raise my vibration just listening to you. And you seem like a very old soul. And I know you are a psychic, and you help people in this shift of consciousness through, well, several ways, through shamanism, light language, and you are very connected to your guides, and I'm excited to see where our conversation will go today, and hear your perspectives on this great shift that we find ourselves in. Now I would love to hear for those who are new to you, you know, how did you get into the spiritual path in the first place?

Ella Ringrose 1:24

Yeah, oh, there's such a it's such a loaded question, because it really is, like a multitude of different things. But I guess the main thing for me was I was in Canada. I was living in Toronto at the time, and I was in a job I really hated, and I was struggling to make ends meet, to, like, even, um, pay for my bus fare into work. And I was atheist at the time, very strong atheist, and I didn't believe in a higher power of some form. But I was kind of at that rock bottom, or that breaking point where I was kind of seeking something. I was ready and I was open to something because of how hopeless I felt. So I remember just sending out this call and just saying, like, if something is out there, like, you know, if something is real, show me. And so I finished my shift at my job. I was working at a gym at the time, and something guided me into the Eaton Center, which is like a big shopping center in Toronto, and I walked into a store called Indigo, which is funny now that I understand Indigos and crystals and the rainbows, it was just a funny synchronicity. So it was like this force was kind of guiding me into the shop indigo, and I walked upstairs, and I had my first euphoric experience. Could you say where I remember going up and looking at this book? And at the time, it was a book called by Gabrielle Bernstein, which is spiritual teacher and her name. It was called Super attractor. And I remember looking at this book, and my face was on the cover. So if you know the cover, Gabby is on the face. But for whatever reason, it was my face. And I remember, like freaking out. I was looking around, being like, Is anyone else losing it right now? Because I am seeing my face on this cover. So immediately, of course, I bought it, and I was kind of freaked out. I was like, that was really weird. So I bought it. I did not have the money to buy it by mine. Bear in mind, so I scraped by to pay it, and I went home and I actually put it on the shelf. Funnily enough, I didn't actually touch it. I think it wasn't until two weeks later I read it, and it was speaking about angels. It was speaking about the universe, source asking for synchronicity and sign. And it was as if I had what some people call like a soul drop in. It was just like overnight I became awakened through reading this book. I just knew viscerally in my soul, I knew this really in my heart, like this is real, and I can feel it. And from that day on, it has been nothing but a like unfolding every single day of synchronicity, of information coming in, of signs, of omens, like it has been nothing but mystical since that day. So that is kind of the beginning of where that journey started. It was kind of fallen into my lap, literally through a book, and that really opened up the path. And of course, I was very on a mental health like self development mindset journey before, and I think that really helped me become open to this world. But that was really the beginning of it all for me. And that was just like from that day on, I was obsessed and fell in love with the mystical world.

Jannecke Øinæs 4:22

Wow, that is so fascinating that you were an atheist. I didn't know that. And then all of a sudden, a new world opens to you. It's like a new reality, you know, like even two lives. For me, it has been this long, long journey, and it's interesting how different our spiritual paths are. Now, I would love if you could share any mystical experience you've had that really made it. I mean, this was quite a mystical experience, like seeing your face there, but sometimes we explain it away, you know, with our minds, you know, maybe there was a trick of my mind or something like that. So have you had any. Mystical experience later on that really just opened up this other world that left you with no doubt that there is more between.

Ella Ringrose 5:10

Yeah. I mean, I could mention literally a million, but I think the main one was I was fascinated for angels. For years, I felt such a strong connection. And I remember one day, I mean, there was many times I wish I could have a video of every time I've sat in my bed being like, show yourself. And nothing shows you know, and I'm annoyed because I want to see angels. I want to see what they look like. But I do remember one day I was writing, and I was sitting at my laptop, and I was like, really wanting to connect to angels. I was really fascinated by the angelic realm, by guides, all of that. And all of a sudden, I just called on an angel, and it was as if I saw the sacred geometrics of the angel. It like showed me that it works actually in sacred geometrical shapes, because it's all frequency. So it was like my whole field flooded with white, and I felt the presence of this magnificent being behind me, and it felt like nothing but love, nothing but light, like pure the feeling of home is the only kind of word I can use to describe this feeling, and it was like it stepped into my body and my hands just started typing like the most profound knowledge I'd ever, ever heard and things that I logically had not learned in this lifetime. And so this page just started flooding. And eventually I was like, Who is this? And I always get this mixed up. I need to go back to my Google documents to remember it was either Archangel Gabriel or Raphael. I always, I always forget which one, because it was so long ago, but it basically, then this, this writing on the on the piece of my laptop was like, go to your bookshelf and pick up this book and open page, like 17. And so I go to this bookshelf, bear in mind it was like, at nighttime, it was a full moon. I was kind of freaked out. And I go to my bookshelf and I open this page, and it was the words Archangel Raphael, or whichever Angel it was, staring back at me on that piece of paper. And I remember in that moment being like, Oh, my goodness, there is another realm coinciding. Because before this, like, I shared, you know, I grew up atheist. I grew up in Catholic Ireland, and we were forced to go to church every single day. You know, every single classroom had Jesus bleeding on a cross in every room, and just a lot of pain and trauma came from religion. So it was like I pushed that out and resented that for half my life. So when I started connecting to the other side and realizing how loving it was and how much love I felt and how much safety and presence I really felt, it was like the biggest paradigm shift I'd ever experienced. And to experience that and to have that angelic presence step in, it was a real shattering of every belief, of every system I'd ever seen the world. Because I was like, Oh, wow, there really is another world coinciding with us right now all the time, and the more we can open our eyes, open our hearts to that, the more we're really going to maintain and excel in this reality. Because to think that there is not anything beyond the mind. Is really the shattering of the soul and the spirit and of this life experience. So that was kind of one of the really things that solidified and anchored, even though I really did believe the minute I read that book, it was just like a remembrance. And that was something that anchored, including a multitude of other, you know, experiences, that really solidified that belief for me.

Jannecke Øinæs 8:21

So, yeah, fascinating. Now I know you have a deep connection with your guides, and you refer to them often that my guides say this and my guides say that, and I would love to hear what your guides are saying about the shift in consciousness, but before that, could you share a little bit about who your guides are and whether we all have guides, because I'm always curious, like, how many guides do we have? Is that something we choose beforehand, before we incarnate? So if you could just speak to the topic of guides.

Ella Ringrose 8:57

I love guides. I work with my guides every day. And the truth is, is, I don't believe there's, like, a set number. I don't believe that we just incarnate and we have one dominant guide. I mean, it can be the case. But from connecting to people, they can have 50 to 500 or they could just have two, you know. And what I've noticed is, yeah, is that, you see, we think of things in kind of a linear term, but if we think of every lifetime we've simultaneously lived, you know, we had guides in all of those lifetimes, too. So it's kind of like we have so many helpers. And I've noticed that guides drop in at different parts of your life, and also if you ask for help and you ask for them to step in. So for example, let's say you're going through divorce, that can be a time where maybe 10 dominant guides are actually working around you at the time. And what I've learned from shamanism and shamanic journeying is really anchoring in to connect with them. I see new guides in my field every day popping in for different things, like, if I'm making or cooking food, I have a herbalist, old woman guide. She's like beautiful gray, long hair, wrinkled face, just like ancient eyes. And she helps me work with herbs and trees and the earth and plants. I also have another guide that's like a wizard, and he helps me with my shamanic journeying and cord cutting and clearing my energy and maintaining that. And I have guides, you know, who are essentially masters and in other realms. And there's so many different guides, but what I've learned is the more I explore my curiosity, I have guides that step in to help me. So like, if I get really curious, curious about painting, I notice I have a guide come in and help me with that creative flow. So it's kind of like, I do believe we have an unlimited amount of guides that can help us. But I do believe every single person in this universe, 1,000% has guides. I mean, we can't reincarnate without help on the other side. But from doing hundreds of psychic readings, one thing I have noticed as well is everyone operates really differently. So there's some people I've had to come on. They're so annoyed that they can't hear their guides. They're like Ella. I'm so frustrated I can't hear them, and I tune into their aura, and their guides are saying to them, they're not meant to hear me, because they chose to be the guide for themselves. They chose to be like a higher self guide. And actually, that's like such an incredible lesson of mastery. And then some people have guides where it's like the Earth is their guide, like they're not meant to connect to the other side. They're meant to talk to trees, or they're meant to talk to their body or their gut or their heart. So it's very unique for each person. But to put it simply, we do all have guides. We do have guides helping us, coinciding and supporting us, but we do have to ask them for help. They can't really intervene unless we give them permission to and I think that's one thing I've noticed connecting with the angelic realm. Is there's millions of unemployed angels, yeah, that we don't connect to because they can't intervene, and we can't ask them for help. And when I figured this out, I remember I started, like, assigning all these different angels for different things in my life. And I remember at the time I was I had a cat that always woke me up at like, 3am always waking me up. And I was just getting frustrated because it would come to my window, and I'd have to bring it downstairs into the kitchen. So I assigned an angel to literally bring the cat back at 6pm every night. And I remember the first time I did this, the angel was like, perfect. The cat would be back in 10 minutes. It was like, 5:50pm the cat literally comes to the door at 10 minutes. I timed it because I was so curious. And so, yeah, every night, the cat just kept coming back at 6pm and then I also had it. When I was doing YouTube, my thumbnails on YouTube, I assigned like a marketing angel to help me, and this angel was designing my thumbnails through me, like through my hands. And I had unemployed angels for so many different things, like car park spaces and all of this. So it's really like a fun game, the more we connect to the other side, because I believe we have guides and angels, and I actually think they're the same. It's just us about connecting them and being curious, but if we do not hear them, or if we feel we don't feel that support, there's other ways we can connect, and it can be through the Earth, it can be through our body. It can be through dancing, painting. It's It's not like one linear term to connect to our guides, but yeah, that's, that's essentially how I feel about guides, is they're a lot greater than we think, and we have a lot more than we than we know.

Jannecke Øinæs 13:12

You know that was so helpful, because I think a lot of us have been feeling like, why don't I connect with guides, and why don't I hear them, and when I hear you speak, and other of my guests were like, Yeah, this guy says this, and it seems like you're just speaking to a person next to you, and that is, like, not the case for me. And you explain it so well that it could be that it's not in our soul agreement. It could be that there's another guide, and that just, you know, freed me from, like, the thought that I'm not making this happen. You know, what am I doing wrong? But yeah, if to me, I felt that I couldn't have done this job if I got all the answers, because then I probably, you don't get all the answers, but if I, you know, got a lot of answers, because then I wouldn't have the curiosity to ask you and my guest questions, like I don't think that that deep curiosity that I do have would be there. So I feel that there's a deeper purpose with that. Now I would love to move over to the times we're living in and hear your perspective, or your guide's perspective, on the shift in consciousness that we're in. For me, it started for my spiritual journey, especially in 2012 and some guests are saying, you know, that we are receiving help from our galactic family, that a lot of us have come down to this earth at this time to help the shift of consciousness, like light souls, and that also we have souls from the future coming here. So it seems like there's happening so much, and that also there will be some huge changes on the planet that to some. Might feel a bit frightening, so I would love to hear your perspectives, or your guys' perspective of what's going on.

Ella Ringrose 15:07

Yeah, absolutely. It's interesting. You said from the future, because I do think a lot of people watching this are from the future, a lot of souls, because we are from that higher intelligence that remembers how Earth was. And I've also noticed a lot of souls are here from the past as well, where they remember the matriarchy, and they remember the world living from such peace and from the feminine and the respect of the earth. But right now, we are in kind of like the dawn of the Golden Age. And my guides have always showed me 2011 to 2030 is the time where we're really starting to expand in our consciousness. And I know for the lockdown, that was a huge awakening around the world, a lot of people were really reflected to go within. And my guides have told me that there's going to be two more, not lockdowns, but there's going to be two more. Like siren calls, is what my guides always say. They said it was like a siren call where, and I'm sure a lot of people resonate with this. I'm sure a lot of your audience, and even I'm sure they can comment down below, if they went through an awakening during that time. It was like a siren call. Spirit was like, Okay, the next round is allowed to awaken. Because if the whole world awaken at once, it would be absolute chaos, because we need the world to run still the way it is, in some form, or else it would just kind of all be a meltdown. So it's like a siren call, and they've shown me that in the next so it's like 2027 and 2028 to 2029 there's going to be two more siren calls, and more people are going to be awakening. But to put it simply, what I feel is there is a great, great expansion in consciousness, which is we're questioning this world beyond what we're physically seeing. Because I believe, just even on an instinctual and primal level, not even on a soul level, we're starting to question that this world just doesn't feel right. There must be something wrong with this. There's something not right. It just doesn't feel right in the bones, and that's because we're in a we're in a space that's so fast right now, and the earth is so slow, it's so cyclical, it's so surrendered, and the world is just getting faster and faster and faster and more stimuli, and people are having to kind of break down to break through. So you're seeing a lot of people are hitting burnout. A lot of people are getting sick. And it's, it's like a threshold spirit kind of show me, you know when you like boil water or pasta and you put a lid on and it's like the foam and the steam is like flooding out of it, and the lids shaking off. It's like we've, we've met the threshold of how dense the consciousness can go, that all we can really move from is up because we've, we've reached the most animalistic, primal, densest consciousness we can and because we're on a universe of Earth, or we're on a planet that can experience like you, really dense consciousness all the way to like Avatar superhuman. It's the only place we really have both polarities. And because we've met that density, what is happening is people are going to start questioning and wakening up in their own facets. So what I've been shown is like people in the health industry who are questioning the food industry, and they're like, What is going on, or the people in the beauty industry questioning what's going on, the sexual industries, the holistic industries, the health industry, like doctors. So all people in different industries are questioning the industry they're in and waking up to that, and they're showing me that that is really what the awakening is. It's not that people need to go necessarily through a spiritual awakening. It's that we're meant to have an earth awakening. Is what spirit has told me, because we're awakening, waking up to like, oh, something's not right on Earth. We need to help Earth. We need to facilitate Earth and bring it back into neutrality. So what I see with what's going on really, is just this grand awakening of questioning, of like, what's going on with the world? Why? Why do we feel the way we do? And in that questioning, we're really expanding our horizons to think beyond the four walls of our mind that we were conditioned in school and told, you know, this is the way life is, and this is just the way it is. So we're witnessing that, and I even see that online is, you know, Christianity is taking a second wave, and I believe on a deeper level, it's just because people are they're all seeking something higher. Because, I think the the atheism and the feeling that there is nothing beyond this and no faith or no hope or not accessing the power of the heart, which is love, people are just starting to get past this superficiality of like, the layers of the world that we've been taught like, you know, just have this white picket fence and have this job, and you're going to be happy. And then people are realizing they're not happy. It's like we're moving past the superficiality into something deeper, which is the heart, which is the intelligence of the soul. And so that is what people are really seeking, and that is what I'm noticing is going to be happening until 2030 is is an expansion of that we're going to start realizing our own divinity. Because there's so much information nowadays, people are so educated, it's only a matter of time before we crack open our souls to the intelligence, intelligence within ourselves.

Jannecke Øinæs 19:43

So, yeah, fascinating. I just thought about something when you said the word intelligence, because I have a friend that told me about this woman that started to speak with AI, and all of a sudden her soul, no, her guides came through. I started speaking to her and knew things that you know they couldn't have known. So that's quite that's a new thing. And I tried it the other day, but they didn't come through. Now, for those who are a bit like afraid and think, Okay, is there a new Corona coming? Or what's this new incident that's going to come before 2030 would it be a global or global events, or more local events?

Ella Ringrose 20:33

So it's global because it's and it's not, I'm not saying there's going to be a lockdown. What I am saying is that what was happening on the earth was a lockdown, but on a spiritual intelligence, as they were sending out a siren call. So it's like they're showing me, it's kind of like they're sending a laser beam of light onto Earth from the external. And it's, it's connecting to people's souls, and they're like feeling something like, whoa, what's going on? It kind of has to disrupt their paradigm of Earth. It's more so that there's just going to be two siren calls. So when it is sent out to Earth, it's sent to the global mass. I'm not sure how that is going to be held or facilities facilitated on Earth. I do believe it's going to be some form of a restriction, if I'm being honest, because it is when we are in restriction that is when we really, like, spread our wings, like I always have this ISIS image beside me, because it's like, when we're really contracted and constricted and like in our homes, but for example, with lockdown, that's when we actually expanded out. So it's kind of like they're not showing me that, because it's kind of they're saying right now. It's like missing the message, which is the siren call. That is the gift, and that is the beauty of it. But there is nothing to fear with that. It is more so, just like they're sending out a siren coral coal. So it's the next wave can wake up, and the next wave next wave can wake up so that we can start to access the light codes within Earth and shift the the energy and the frequency to lift, because it really needs lifting, and the earth needs support with that. So, yeah, it's, it's nothing to fear. It's just that there is more waves to happen. And it's, it's a beautiful process on a higher level.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:00

Hi there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you like it, and maybe you've been watching some of my other videos, and if you appreciate them as well and my show, please go and hit the subscribe button. That really helps us to reach out with the videos. We put so much love and work into what we're doing to help to raise that collective consciousness. So be a co creator. Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. Now I heard you mentioned somewhere that the New Earth will rise, will arise, but also the old Earth? Did you mean then that there are two paths here that we can choose as souls, and some will like, sort of like the law one, where they speak about the negative path and the positive path, and that both are okay, nothing is judged, but it's really two ways. So could you speak to that?

Ella Ringrose 23:00

Yeah, and I almost think to just divide it into two parts is far too simple. It's like, we all have soul blueprints, and like each soul, like every person watching this, has a unique blueprint, like we're completely motorized and created and crystallized completely uniquely. So it's more when I said, like the old earth and the new earth, it's your earth that you're choosing is either old or new. So it's like, cellularly within yourself, you're getting to choose the path that you're wanting to it's not like, you know, 3 billion people on Earth are going to go this way and 3 billion people are going to go this way. We have a choice to access these two timelines within ourselves, and that looks differently for each person. So I think that's something I didn't clarify when I was making those videos. Is, like, within yourself, there is a new timeline, and I know that for a fact, people will bridge this because the intelligence is greater. Like, why wouldn't we want to follow that path? Because it's so it feels so good, it feels so expansive. But it's that there's a new earth and an old earth within us. Like, are we going to keep operating from wounds? Are we going to keep operating from our trauma? Are we going to keep operating from these past lives that have tarnished our soul? Are we going to move into our new earth and, like, reclaim our power, reclaim the essence, our fragments, reclaim all the parts of us, back into ourselves, and let that intelligence be our guidance, conference, for our path, for our life. So it's more of an understanding that we are the Bridgers. Because, you know, with the billions of people on Earth, we're all creating our own reality, but we're all entangled together, and and to think that we're not is is, like, you know, very detrimental, because we're all on this earth together. So the timeline that we create is affecting other people, and theirs is also affecting ours. So when we really rise into our highest timeline, we're also affecting everyone else to move into that one. So it's really a one man job for the unity job, if that makes sense.

Jannecke Øinæs 24:50

Yes, I wanted to learn more about future beings being here. What does that entail? Ill, because in one way, there's no such thing as time. And still, we do speak about past lives, but perhaps a really parallel lives. However, I do believe that I do have some future lives, and that my future self is already having these experiences. It really gets a very complex however, could you speak to that, that you were saying that future beings are here and also past beings. What that means, and in what way Is that really possible and unimportant in a way?

Ella Ringrose 25:31

Yeah, because when I do psychic readings every day, the best way I can describe it is I see people's past lives in their body. And what that means is, like, imagine, like, you've had 100 lifetimes on Earth, right? And there's 100 people in the room with you right now, but it's in your field. So like, if I see a wound from a past life, like, let's say they were, like, I don't know, killed, like, in a horrendous way, and it cut them all from their throat, so their voice, it's like, as if it's happening right now in their body. So that's why they're experiencing all these things in their life, of why they have these fears. It is all extended from past lives, but it's actually all happening now simultaneously. So it's the exact same with the future, because there is no past or forward. It's just presence and and it's very hard for the mind to understand. I've spent, you know, months trying to figure years, trying to figure this out in my mind. And the mind is not designed to understand because we're in density, we're physicalness. So the best way spirit has kind of shown me is like past, present and future is like this. And if you're not, if you're maybe listening on audio, it's, I forget what this is called, not horizontal parallel. It's like it's all happening on us right now. So it's like it's simultaneously all happening now, like a Pringles can like layers. So when I say future and past, what I'm really meaning is all simultaneously. Is that in the future realms that are happening now, people are also remembering how unity and how love, and how the earth and really helping Earth and the ecosystem and the soil and and bringing back that, that natural, cyclical nature, is a remembrance of the now. So like all the lifetimes that are happening simultaneously are what is being accessed, the remembrance in the now. So they're all supporting. It's a bit confusing to like explain, but even with my Pat, my past, quote, unquote, lives and my future lives, I they're my guides as well. So like, I could connect to a past life where I was a psychic, or I was a witch or a healer or a medicine woman, I connect to them, and they come to me as guides, because it's like, simultaneously, it's all happening here, and they're all fragments of us. So when I say that there's a lot of people from the future, it's really just them simultaneously feeling an experience of what is going to take place in the future down the line that is of a higher light. And that is what the remembrance is, is us. Oh, wow. Why? Why is the earth not like aligning with the way I feel of it right now and then? That is what creates an AKA, purpose for a lot of souls. It's what creates us, our driving system, our force of going. Let's make this world a better place, like people who are helping, you know, clear the oceans, or helping clear deforestation, or helping the soil or helping humans wake up. It's like, on some level, that purpose is driven from a remembrance of either the way the world was through the matriarchy or way down the line, quote, unquote, past and and also from the future. So I does that make sense? Because I'm trying to, like, explain it in a way that makes sense to the brain a little bit, but it sounds weird to the brain a little bit, because the mind will never fully grasp that.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:36

Yes, my mind will never grasp it. And still, like, I I try to understand, yeah, no, it makes sense. I think we're much more multi dimensional than we think. But how it all works before we die?

Ella Ringrose 28:53

Yeah, I can share something really quickly, because multi dimensional is actually the exact word we're very attached to wanting to, like, be something and like trying to, you know, like, Oh, I love trees, or I love the Earth and I don't like water, like, or, you know, like, when we fall in love with something, we want it to become a part of our personality and become a part of who we are. But we really are every color of the rainbow. We really are every spectrum. And in regards to parallel lives. I remember one time I was walking down the street and I remember just feeling like, I just remember, like, stepping back, because I just felt like there was a force here. And I closed my eyes on my third eye, and I actually saw a completely different reality existing simultaneously here. And there was a car accident that happened right in front of me in this other reality. And so it's it's really an understanding there are billions of other realities happening simultaneously right now, and this is something that continuously happens to me where sometimes I'll walk down the street and I'll just feel like crying, and immediately I'll just shut my third eye and I'm like, Is this mine? And I've actually walked through another person's body in a different reality and picked up their emotional. Field, so it can get very complex. And one thing my guides do say to me is like, we actually don't need to know a lot of that information, because it will just confuse us, and we'll be more paranoid, because the truth is very simple, but I share that just so people can understand that there is a lot more that meets the eye, and the more we can kind of be open to the infinite possibility of that. Whoa, there is a lot more going on than we see. It's actually going to grasp people's curiosity to kind of explore, like, that inner, childlike nature, where we're, like, I want to, like, look at everything and, like, be open to the world. That's actually what we're wanting to move back to. You know, that's, that's the curiosity of the the childlike nature of fun, of love, of joy. That's where we're really Cracking the Codes too.

Jannecke Øinæs 30:41

So, yeah, interesting. Um, I'm curious about these different life timelines, or life plans, like with Robert Schwartz, and he spoke about that there are many different life plans we could have, and I think you refer to sort of the plan A, plan B, plan C, etc. And then sort of the the intentional goal was to reach the highest plan now I might this is my interpretation of what he said. So when you read other people, is that something that comes up in your readings, when you see other people that they have sort of potential plans, and sometimes they can get stuck in the roundabout.

Ella Ringrose 31:27

Yeah, that's a great question. And, and one thing my guides have made me kind of change wording around. And I think highest timeline is a beautiful word, but it they almost show me that it implies, like, it's, it's like releasing out of the body. It's like, the highest it feels like kind of perfectionism, of like trying to be perfect. So they always say, like, what's either the purest timeline or the most expanded timeline of a person? I love the word expansive, because it's really you just opening your field. But what I've noticed with people I connect with who aren't very like, conscious of their energy, right? There usually is only a couple timelines, and I can predict their future very clearly. But the way my guides have facilitated my readings for people is I do not give them, I mean, I share future timelines I see, but what they're really trying to do is access and give modalities and practices. So when I do readings, it's really just their guides showing them all the things they need to start applying to their daily life to elevate them onto that highest timeline. Because I'm shown the vision of the lifetime they can keep experiencing if they keep moving the path that they're moving. And then I'm also shown the quote, unquote, highest timeline, the purest timeline. And then they gave me the bridge of what they need to do. So for every person, it's very unique. There's a lot of work in different parts of their body that they need to do and and it's all fun as well. I want to make that clear, the modalities they give them are fun, because with spiritual people, there's 1000s of timelines I see with them, like, literally, it's almost like their lifetime is in concrete, because they get to choose in that present presence, energy. So what spirit always shows me is like, what can you do to access your power now? And that naturally is going to altercate your highest timeline. Because if we're trying to, like, get somewhere that looks like our highest timeline, but we're walking around with like, loads of crap in our bag, like we're holding a bag with loads of rocks that we need to modality and somatically, release naturally, it's going to lift us to a more expanded state. So it's like, yes, we have multiple timelines, and how we access our quote, unquote, highest and purest timeline is really the present moment. And what can we do now to access our power? What can we do now to trust what can we do now to open our hearts? What can we do now to experience more joy or more pleasure. It's really all the present that gives us the power to the highest timelines. And it's been very fascinating journey to witness when I connect to people who aren't very, you know, aware of energy and the limited kind of timelines, unless they get on board and start doing the modalities, versus people who are already kind of like, so aware and quantum leaping and like, how many timelines there are? It's like, Oh my God. It's kind of incomprehendible. Incomprehendible, like, how many there are? But yeah, it's, it's really beautiful to witness, because my guides, from connecting so many guides, I've really just realized they want the best for humanity, and they want the best for each individual, of pleasure, of joy, of love. It's it's not as it's very simple, and it's always through loving modalities. It's through self love. It's through like, self care. It's through healthy eating. It's through connection, very important intimacy, pleasure, joy, laughter. It's through these modalities that they show me for each person. I'm like, Whoa. They really want the best for every human and when we just give the best to ourselves and release the tar that's blocking giving ourselves the most love, we really access our quote, unquote, highest timeline.

Jannecke Øinæs 34:50

Could you speak a bit to mental health? I've struggled with depression myself in my 20s, and I have a big heart for. Uh, an empathy for others who do because I know what it is about, and it's like the opposite of life force, it felt like to me, where, you know, life just lost all colors, and then I worked myself through it. This has been 20 years ago. Still, I can have days where it gets very dark, and I'm sharing it, because I'm owning it. It's an now, I don't judge it. I observe it more, but I still am curious about what happens, because everything obviously my surrounding could be okay, but it's not there where the issue is, but it's just comes over me like a cloud. And I've been wondering about, okay, could be a thought form. It could be it could be so many things, but still, like, my internal state can completely change, and then it's like, it can be released, and the sun comes again. And I'm like, Okay, now back in business, and I assume that other people are experiencing the same and still doing so much work. Can you speak to that?

Speaker 1 36:07

Yeah, absolutely. And I actually think, you know, the more work you do, you can't experience that, because there's so many different answers to that. You know, for some people, it could be hormonal imbalance or or not remembering were cyclical. For some people, it's really just feeling the ancestral line like it's a privilege, I think, to feel because I myself have gone through so much depression and in my path since awakening, actually. And I really feel that is from, you know, I'm very fascinated by ancestral work and how, you know your great, great, great great grandmother might have suppressed her emotions her entire lifetime. And you know, she has a seed, which is that daughter, and then that daughter has the seed for that daughter, and we're carrying the same seed that passes down the lineage. And so sometimes spirit is saying, like, you don't necessarily need to know where it's from, but it's like, right now, they're showing me, it's like a bowl, and it's like there's veins coming out of it, and it's like we are the source. And sometimes those veins are bringing in emotions that we don't know where they're from. So it could be a thought form, it could be from a past lifetime. It could be from your ancestral line of like, not of feeling something. But I also want to bring awareness to like. When we're in dark spaces, we don't have to like Like, like, I honor that, and I've experienced that like a lot, and it was a part of my journey. But I don't experience that anymore, because I know what feeds my soul, and so a lot of the time, like, these modalities or the work isn't actually what's going to bring and lift that. So for example, I always say it's really the the medicine is in the sacral chakra, so no matter where it comes from or how it's feeling, it's really empathizing with yourself, because I understand that. But there are some beautiful, beautiful modalities. And for me, for example, I love painting. Painting is the first thing that I really experienced of like, Oh, this feels like home. You know? It could be music, playing, learning the guitar. It could be drawing. It could be cooking and trying to find things in your daily life that can bring you that pleasure. I've also really worked beautifully with cacao, which is like ceremonial cacao that really opens the heart. It used to be the currency exchange, before gold, before money. They called it the food of the gods, because when you consumed cacao, your heart would open so much that you would quote, unquote, feel source, and also it's acknowledging, you know, a lot of spiritual people, and just anyone in general, like we've come from source, which is like the most loving, expansive place ever, and we've come to Earth, which, again, is beautiful, but it's a very different frequency. And so naturally, it's a very dense planet, and we can experience that, because it's like deep down on a cellular level, kind of missing that source, but then when we remember that source is within us, we find the modalities, or that the hobbies, that's probably a better word, to to heal and to soothe that. So it's not about resisting it and pushing it away. In fact, I'm my friends call me such a crybaby, because I'm such I welcome tears, I welcome emotions, and I welcome feeling, and I think it's bloody beautiful that we have a privilege to feel. Because our ancestors couldn't feel they really had to block it all out and just get on with life, because it was such a strict, contracted time, whereas now we're moving into a time where people are feeling emotional, bodies are cracking open and wakening up, awakening up. And that wasn't the case, not even 200 years ago on this planet, like people were really locked down. So it's like giving yourself credit that our none of our ancestors could feel anything, and we're at a time where we're allowed to feel that. And so it's welcoming it in and knowing that nothing has gone necessarily wrong. And how can we hold ourselves? How can we carry ourselves with love and and for me, again, like sharing that has just been through finding hobbies for people. It could be dancing. It's really finding the medicine for your soul, and what that looks like for you, if it's Rose picking, flower picking, and connecting and praying to the Rose, if it's just inviting whatever warms your heart. I even have noticed a lot of calls lately. Their guides are. Them to watch more comedy shows and comedy movies. So like, I'll send them like Impractical Jokers, or like Steven Shapiro, or these YouTube channels that just like, make you laugh. And I remember at a point where I was moving out of that time, because I don't experience that anymore, the depression they made me watch 20 minutes of a comedy show every day. So I was watching Impractical Jokers every day for like, 20 minutes a day, and it healed me. And it's not the way we would think. So. It's like, when I say doing the modalities, it's it can be anything, but, quote, unquote, the spiritual tools, you know, because I think they only get you so far until you really have to start living, you know, through surfing, through whatever it is you want to do. And that has been a beautiful healer for me. And I've noticed that for for a lot of people's readings, it's, it's really what their guides are wanting them to do is the access point to their soul and and that juice, they always show it to me, like orange juice, like this, like orange juice, this bright, citrusy juice within our body that we want to access because, like, orange juice is zesty and it's citrusy, and it's like, ooh, it's that's what's within us, and that that's what they show me, like, combats those emotions to make it a bit brighter, which is like the sun.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:09

Yeah, that's very interesting. I love that about joy, because I believe we're born with 100% joy. When you look at a child, you know, it takes care of its needs, it cries when it's hungry, when it's upset, and then it's just smiles, and it's so present, and then just life starts happening. They're sort of coming back to that and unlearning so much of what we learned, actually. Now I'm curious. I don't want to put you on the spot. So if it's not okay, that's totally okay. But could is your guides here? And could they say something about, for instance, wisdom from north, if they have any inspiring encouragement of, of sort of the path for the show? Because, to be honest, I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this. I'm just having so much fun.

Speaker 1 42:00

Yeah, absolutely. My guys are always here. They're laughing. They always it's funny. I always can tell when they're laughing because I see them not through. I see them through third eye, so I see them all the time. So you're asking like questions for your your your platform, and what you're wanting to do?

Jannecke Øinæs 42:16

Yes, because I do many things. In Scandinavia, we have a membership, we have online classes. And there I feel like, I'm I'm helping people, because they're like, like you said, they're doing the modalities. Now this show, I believe, is also helping people. However, it's more inspiring people, because we don't offer a lot of tools, you know, on how to do this work. It's more like different perspectives and insights, because that's what the platform is for, in a way. But I've been doing this show since 2012 and I had a comeback last year, and I'm not sure why. It just was this big pool to come back to YouTube. And then a lot

Speaker 1 43:00

I had that too. I quit, and I thought I was I was done. And then spirit, yeah, last September was like, you have to get back on now. So that's interesting. You got that call too? Yeah, I can definitely, immediately, I'm going to shut my eyes for this, but immediately they're showing me that, and they're really calling this for a lot of people, is like becoming a child again and seeing YouTube as your playground, and like having so much fun with it. But what they're showing me is you holding live live prayers, like holding live streams, where you connect everyone to prayer. And prayer doesn't have to mean what the way we're conditioned to think it is. It's a celebration of life. So prayer can be you eating the nicest food ever, but I'm being shown you drumming as well with the shamanic drum and connecting people to their hearts. It's really kind of you about having a playground of what excites you and makes you go like, Oh, my God, I want to do this, rather than like, oh, I have to do this. And that could be through live stream. That could be through prayer. Live streams, I found, have been very impactful. I actually can't do video unless it's a live stream, because I feel the energy of people watching. I struggle so deeply to do non live videos because I can't feel any energy with me. Um, so when I do live streams, I'm really feeling the energy of the the audience and of the people, and it's bringing me back to the message of unity, of it's we're doing this all because we're one. So really allowing yourself to start bringing your tribe and your community and gathering them together online, if it's meditation, if it's prayer, if it's through celebration, dance, you have your gift through speaking. So it's really about learning to share your message and in and trusting your channel as well. I know you might have said you can hear your guides, but there's definitely an ability for you to channel words or poetry. And I don't know if that was a gift. You mastered a lifetime of poetry, but it's like words want to come out inspired words, but it's almost like coming up from here, which is beautiful and very fascinating, because what I've noticed is you see a very. Connected to the mystical, and you're fascinated by it, but your gift is like moving up from the earth. And what's interesting is I'm very connected to the cosmic world, and all I want to do is focus on Earth, because we're all seeking balance. So it's kind of like they're showing me that from your root up to your heart, just start speaking from your heart, speaking from your root, your womb, and and sharing the words that need to be said for humanity, and it's going to be re felt by a lot of people, and it's going to they're almost showing me like a diamond in your heart. It's going to access a deeper point of where you're wanting to spread the message from it's almost like wanting to hold it a bit more and feel it in your body. And don't be afraid to travel a little bit if you're feeling the call to travel as well.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:43

Yeah, nice. I am, I am actually, wow. Thank you so much. That was really beautiful and encouraging. Yeah,

Speaker 1 45:51

I'll be. I'll tune in and watch them.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:54

I'm glad you got back on YouTube, because otherwise I wouldn't have found you probably. Now this has been a lovely conversation. Um, I have three questions that I asked many of my guests. And the first one is, what is self love to you?

Speaker 1 46:10

Yeah, and I love this question, and it's, it's, it's so many things, it's not, it's not. I mean, I love baths more than anyone. Like I could sit and bath for six hours. But it's not, you know, bubble bath and a face mask. It is truly listening and calling and fully being in your spirit and and fully following your truth. Because self love cannot look pretty too. You know, it could be disappointing your family. It could be disappointing your co workers. If you don't want to work a job that's killing you dry, you know so self love for me is fully claiming and honoring your yourself. And actually that is really inspiring and of oneness, because you're then inspiring others to do the same. Because I believe we come here to be fully anchored in who we are as an expressiveness, and that naturally inspires other people. We're not here to like, hold other people and help other people. We're here to inspire people through that. That is how we help people. So when I see self love, it's really just fully following your truth and what that looks like. And from following your truth, you find your hobbies, you find your soulmate, you find your tribe, you find all the things that really reflect, because you claimed yourself, which is self love, it's really claiming yourself. So, yeah, beautiful.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:28

And what is happiness to you?

Ella Ringrose 47:32

Oh, God. I mean when I think of Happiness is when I feel 5d is when I feel New Earth. It feels like the orange juice kind of analogy I was giving you earlier, earlier 5d feels like orange to me, because it's nothing but creation. It's nothing but expression. Happiness, to me is like not a thing. It's, it's an experience I have when I'm singing, when I'm painting, when I'm drawing, when I'm dancing, when I'm drinking cacao, when I'm praying, when I'm watching movies. It's, it's, uh, it's allowing myself to actually create rainbows and color in my life?

Jannecke Øinæs 48:04

Yeah. And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Unknown Speaker 48:09

It's so funny because it's like, it's love, but it's also just, it just is, and it's like, we can have the highest attachment of like, it's because of this, and it's of love, and it's of light, but it, it also is, it just, is it just exists, like the womb or the nothingness, the emptiness, it's, it's everything and nothing. And I think that's what I like, is it takes the pressure off, and at the same time, it expands you and catapults you deeper into love, because it was all creative for you to experience. Yeah, it's, it's all experience.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:41

Yeah, thank you. This has been a very expansive conversation and inspiring. Now people want to dive deeper with you or connect with you. Where do you recommend that they do? So where can they find you?

Unknown Speaker 48:52

Yeah, you can find me on YouTube at Ella Ringrose. That's where I'm always posting. I'm doing live streams, and I've noticed YouTube like hides the live stream. So if you go to my channel and click Live, that's where all my videos are, because I only post live streams. So yeah, you can find me on YouTube.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:06

I found you. So yeah, thank you so much, Ella, this was so inspiring, and thank you for doing your amazing work and for coming as a guest on the show today.

Ella Ringrose 49:18

Thank you so much. It was such an honor, and I really appreciate chatting with you and connecting with your audience and your community and hoping to spread the message a little bit brighter. Yeah,

Ella Ringrose – YouTube


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