Daniel Donlind is a fighter who has gone from being a troublemaker on suburban streets in Sweden to becoming a multiple champion in Swedish boxing

He was born and grew up in a challenging environment where not many opportunities were offered to him and soon he was expelled from several schools because of the trouble he got into. The turning point came when he got the chance to box for the instructor and Malmö legend, Dialy Mory Diabaté, also called “Dallas”.

Today Daniel is fighting not only in the boxing ring but for a better future for young people and adults who still have not found the right path. “Paying it forward” is his motto- passing on what he has learned.

Daniel applied the same success factors at work and became top seller in all the sales companies he worked for and even went from bilingual to speaking five-language. Today, Daniel is self-employed and a role model who inspires both young people and adults around Scandinavia with his lectures in Swedish, English, and Spanish.

Norwegian subtiles by Vanja Riksfjord.

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