Meet Will John, a professional soccer player with a unique twist. While many know him for his impressive skills on the field, Will’s true passion lies in exploring the mystical realms of lucid dreaming and out-of-body experiences. In a captivating interview with Jannecke Øinæs, Will shares his incredible journey from the soccer field to the spiritual plane, revealing how discipline and determination have guided his path to spiritual awakening. Join us as we delve into the dreams, dimensions, and disciplined practices that have shaped Will’s extraordinary life.

Will’s spiritual journey began with OBEs during his teenage years, experiences he didn’t fully understand at the time. As he grew older, these occurrences became more frequent, leading him to seek answers and eventually master the practice. Will developed a disciplined approach to spirituality, applying the same tenacity he used in his athletic training to his spiritual practices. This method allowed him to consistently achieve lucid dreams and OBEs, deepening his connection to his inner self.

Will John on his profound experience with lucid dreaming

One of Will’s most profound experiences was meditating within a lucid dream. He describes the sensation as being 100 times more powerful than meditating in the waking state, providing an unparalleled sense of bliss and connection to the universe. This experience not only energized him but also offered answers to deep subconscious questions, reinforcing the transformative power of lucid dreaming.

Will also shares a significant OBE where he encountered a mysterious entity. Initially overwhelmed by fear, he learned that remaining calm and open is crucial to navigating these experiences. This lesson of overcoming fear has profoundly impacted his life, teaching him to approach challenges with a peaceful and open mindset.

Throughout the interview, Will emphasizes the importance of self-care, meditation, and mindfulness. He advises starting with simple practices like breathing exercises and gradually building a disciplined routine. Will believes that mastering the mind is key to unlocking one’s potential and living a fulfilling life.

Will’s insights into lucid dreaming and OBEs highlight the incredible potential within all of us. By dedicating time to spiritual practices, we can tap into our inner wisdom, overcome fears, and manifest our deepest desires.

Transcript of the interview

Will John 0:00

Have you ever meditated in a dream? If meditating is something that is part of your regular daily routine, doing it in a lucid dream is like 100x. When you're awake in this 3d world, we have such a disconnect from our inner space. When you're asleep, you've already shut down that space. So you're one level closer to source. And so in that meditation, I mean, when I woke up, I was so incredibly energized. It was as if I had slept for three weeks like I was a hibernating bear. And I came out and I was completely ready to play questions that had been on my mind that were in the deep subconscious and stuff like that. I knew all the answers to them.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:45

Hi, Will a warm welcome to the show.

Will John 0:47

Thank you, it's great to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:50

I'm thrilled to be speaking to you today. You are a soccer player, you've been playing professionally for 20 years or football like we call it in Europe. However, you have a spiritual approach to life, you've had your own OBE lucid dreams, and you have even sort of figured out a method on how to become lucid and get out of your body. And that has to do with you playing on the field soccer. So I'm really curious about that. You've had tons of mystical experiences, and you even had the possibility to know your future. I'm super curious about this. And I think also it is an important topic, because to me, it feels like a lot of people are waking up now. And they don't only want to read a book and read about what everybody else is experiencing. They want to have their own experiences, but how to have them. And also it can be a bit scary. Now, I also wanted to share that I was so fortunate to be on your show, because you also have your own podcast, the way a will John, and you're sort of all over the place on the internet, it seems like you get a lot done, which is actually part of your spirit of spiritual mastery, like how you approach life. My first question is, you being a soccer player, then I, I sort of get this picture of a guy who's very physical, very embodied. And sometimes, you know, the spiritual path, we'll take your bits make you a bit aloof. So how did you get into the spiritual path in the first place, and I'd love for you to share everything that's relevant to how you opened up to these mystical experiences.

Will John 2:40

You're 100%, right, you have this idea that all athletes are supposed to be tough, strong and, and that the spiritual path wouldn't be for them. But the truth is that the warrior path is one of balance, you have to balance both the spiritual, mystical, peaceful at some say, with also forging a path into the unknown. And so that's what the beauty of this truly is. And so my spiritual path started you one could say, with OB ease out of body experiences, when I had absolutely no idea what they were, I was popping out of my body must have been 1314 or so. And the best way for me to explain this to everyone or the people who have never had one, imagine being coming out of this sleep state, knowing that you're now awake, right? But being able to move in a direction that is not left, right, up or down. All right, so I'm moving in a dimension, I guess it would be the best way for me to explain it. And I had no idea because I didn't know anything about OBS. And so when it would happen when sleep paralysis would happen. I just assumed I was weird, right? I didn't talk to anybody about it, which is the normal way to do things. And if you fast forward, until the time I was about 28, I started to have these experiences more. And then one thing leads to another you search on the internet, and I started to go, other people are having this thing. And I'm starting to have experiences that are I'm able to take information, verify that information in the real world. Right? So I need to get a hold of what's actually what's actually happening. And so what you have now is this soccer player, I guess, is one way to define me, who has taken the athletes mentality and placed it on to spirituality. And so what I mean by the athletes mentality is that I did develop a method a way for me to ensure that I could get out of my body or that I could become lucid, and then use the same tenacity that an athlete would use to train, right. And so it's not one where you're forcing your way onto this, but it's one in which you have to be disciplined, right balanced, and you have to be consistent and with those three components, anyone can have an experience. And so that's essentially kind of what my journey is truly about. If that makes sense.

Jannecke Øinæs 5:10

Fascinating, I would love for you to share some of these out of body experiences and how they have changed your life. Because I remember when I had my first, it changed how I looked at life entirely on myself. So if you could share one or several experiences that have totally shifted your sense of reality.

Will John 5:31

It's an idea. The thing is that it's very tough to convey one knows this, that the best thing is experience, and which is why I've pushed for it. But the first experiences, the ones that were conscious, I would, I would do this consciously the meaning that there's no loss of consciousness, we all know that when we fall asleep, we lose consciousness at some point, or another, and then you wake up six hours later, seven hours later, eight hours, whenever. But if you want to try this truly, what you can get, and what was happening to me is that I was able to slowly lay down, bring myself and watch yourself fall asleep, alright, I'm talking about hearing yourself snore, seeing your eyelids as you're kind of moving up and out. And it's a bit of a misnomer to say out of body, we all are used to that, because we're so fashioned into the bodies while we're living in this material world. But it's a point of consciousness. And that's what was happening. And so I was actually able to and through something that's called energy work, which I think everyone should take a look at, and try, which we can go over a little bit later. Able to move energy through your body, right, it's just a feeling sensation, science is going to figure out some form of this the, the Eastern religions and ways they call this chi, it's called prana, you know, all these different different names. And I would move those things through my, through my body, just through the use of my attention and consciousness. And as I did that, while slowly keeping myself relaxed, and then learning to relax my body, you get to a certain point, where most people know about this, they're called the vibrations, if you're a fan of Robert Monroe, and all of those things, he calls them the vibrations, and your body will start to feel like an electricity, that doesn't hurt, it's wild, if you've never experienced it, that's the best way I could come across. And once I started to feel this, I felt my arm, you know, racing, and I feel my arm racing up without any help whatsoever. It's just light. And I look, of course, and the problem is that I look and I see my hands still on the bed. But I see another hand up here, right. And this hand is translucent, it's blue. It's a blue. Electric like you've never seen before, ever. And because of that, I doubted my first experiences, I just you we live in this world where I just couldn't believe that that is something that could possibly happen. But the the thing that's so amazing about it is that once you come back from that, you have no loss of consciousness. So I'm awake, this happens, I stay awake and say I'm coming out of my body or getting out of my body. And those were the very first things. And so that was the very first time and the first time I got up was actually I was playing in a country called Azerbaijan, the jersey is somewhere here behind me. And I had been struggling with it. Like so many people I know that are watching this, I probably tried these things, you have to stay consistent. And I'm laying in my bed after training, just trying to practice this stuff. And as I raise up, as I start to raise up, I start to feel I don't have enough energy to get out. And I just kinda want to give up. Because this happens a lot. When you're trying to get out of your body, you're going to fall asleep, sometimes you'll lose consciousness, nothing will happen sometimes. But at this point, this was the big turning point in my life. Because as I started to try and raise to get up and what would happen sometimes is that I would get up and I would actually get up and I would just end the experience and I'd be very upset. This time I got up and no, like, I got up and my consciousness was outside of my body, I turned to look. And this is something that had happened. There was nothing on the bed. There was no body there was no me there was an indentation of where my body was laying to the left was a suitcase. And you talked about knowing the future. That suitcase was not there. In reality in the 3d world right there. That suitcase, it turned out which I didn't know that at the time was the same suitcase that I was gonna be packing to leave in a couple of weeks. And so there's some sort of weird time distortion if you want to say that or some weird ability for the body in the mind to to understand the weird time continuum that we live in. And so I saw that and right then I decided Okay, I'm out for real, I have complete an understanding consciousness, I'm gonna go fly, I immediately start moving towards the, the the window, I had a huge window, tons of sun, it looks stunning, I think I'm gonna fly and I was on the fourth floor, I think. And as I start to do that, I get shot straight back into my body, right. And so I'm immediately running for a notebook to scribble everything down and to do this, but that was the turning point in my life. And I was the first experience that was truly, because even then, after even seeing my limbs and legs and feeling all this weird things, and you can even hear incredible things. That changed everything. For me. Overall, most of my experiences have been incredibly positive. And the best experience that I can say that I have ever had that one I think everyone should try. Is was through a lucid dream. And I know you're your fans, and I know you have a quite you're quite proficient in lucid dreaming yourself. Have you ever meditated in a dream?

Jannecke Øinæs 11:01

Whether if I've meditated? No, I haven't actually.

Will John 11:05

Okay. Okay. So I can, I can tell you my my story, which is one of the most insane lucid dreams that I've ever come across.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:13

I just want to mention for everybody who's new to lucid dreams. It is to wake up in a dream, but you're not Awake, awake, like in the 3d world, you are awake from in the dream world. So you are aware that you're dreaming, and everything becomes super real. And for me, it was like, Oh, I exist in another reality. Apparently, that's what it felt to me.

Will John 11:37

Okay, well, that I had that real experience. When I had my true OBE was, okay, well, I don't need my body to exist. And confirmation of that will is life changing. And it's one pure reason to do it. But on this lucid dream, I'd worked so hard for anyone who wants to try lucid dreaming. The steps are very, very simple. It's going to require awareness. At the at the bottom line, it's just awareness. Like she said, like Jana just said, it's just, you become aware of within the dream. And in order to do that you need to become aware in your daily life, and you're bringing attention and reality checks are something that most lucid dreamers are aware of, that they try to use. And what a reality check is, is I use my hands, right? If you'll notice in dreams, your hands, if you look at them, if you get the chance to look at them, usually are distorted in some some way. And because of that, you know, you're dreaming, what you'll notice is that watches, phones, word signs, they will be strange. If you look at it, and you see the word, you know, Apple at the grocery store, and you look away and you turn back, it's going to say oranges, and all sorts of other stuff that'll let you know you're dreaming. So to start the practice, you just really want to find something in your world that you know very well that can touch, alright, and once an hour, a couple times an hour check. But don't just look at it, and then go back, okay, I'm not dreaming, you have to really bring your attention in your awareness into that, study the lines, look at everything, you know. And then when before you go to sleep, you need to simply repeat to yourself, calmly you know that while you're in the dream, you will remember that you're dreaming, you will remember that you're lying in your bed. And then you can have a mission, which is another and last key point, you need to have something that you want to do in your lucid dream. And that's what I had, I wanted to meditate in a lucid dream. I read somewhere that this was a mystical way to do things, and it'll blow your mind if if if meditating is something that is part of your regular daily routine. Doing it in a lucid dream is like 100x. It's like, it's like 100 times more. And so I woke up in a dream. I was in a field somewhere which is normal for a soccer player, right? But this field seemed large. And somehow the feeling of the space made me realize this is clearly a dream. Once that happened. Once that happened, I immediately said, Okay, I'm dreaming. I stopped. I looked around. There's nobody around me. Because that's one of the things you're kind of like, Am I alone? Or where am I? And I didn't I didn't mind I felt completely safe. And so I'm sitting down in this dream. And I sit in what would be the normal, let's say lotus position, which of course, as a footballer, soccer player, I'm quite stiff, and I can't actually get into I got straight into that position. Immediately as I shut my eyes. I felt a bliss like you've never ever imagined. All right, and you feel a connectedness with, with the entire world with everything. Nothing matters. And when I say nothing matters, I mean that you have no problems, no issues. None of that anxiety, none. What am I going to do tomorrow? How am I going to get this done, I have to pay this bill, all of that stuff just completely evaporates your ability to I should put it like this. When you're awake in this 3d world, we have such a disconnect from our inner space. When you're asleep, you've already shut down that space. So you're one level closer to source. And by being one level closer to source and shutting that down, you have an immediate connection, right? With your true self. And so in that meditation, I mean, when I woke up, I was so incredibly energized. It was as if I had slept for three weeks like I was a hibernating bear. And I came out and I was completely ready to play. And I knew everything. And what was was terrible is that, as I was coming out, I had so many answers. I didn't even have all these questions, because my goal was to just simply get into a meditative state. But questions that had been on my mind that were in the deep subconscious and stuff like that. I knew every I knew all the answers to them. But I could only scribble what I could partly remember and unfortunate, I don't have my notebook right here in front of me. It's an it's in Europe right now. But the experience of meditating within a dream will completely blow your mind.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:17

Wow, how fascinating. And I get so curious when you say I knew everything. And I've heard some of my guests say that before when they've had some mystical experiences. And then when they come back from the experience that it sort of like it disappears, but you knew it in the moment. And then there are just some small parts left. Is there anything you do remember, that was like a deep insight that you could share with us today.

Will John 16:45

The biggest thing that I remembered was the understanding that you're bigger than who you are. Right. And that was just what echoed it echoed in it told me, as it told me, but it really, it's probably me telling me this in a certain sense, it feels like this, that you can never forget this, you can never forget that you are more than what you see here. And whether or not this was an image that was needed to be told out to all of humanity, because we constantly forget who we are, I don't know. But for me, it was just clear. And total, there was more, as I said, you know, if I could have written, I would have been able to write a 300 page book on where and who I was, and why I'd come to earth and all of this stuff and why I had an injury, you know, and all that stuff. But the most important thing from it is to remember that you are bigger than who you are. And that you can do more than when you act. And what I mean by that is, when we want something in life, we usually think we have to push to go get it ourselves, we're going to force the way we're going to study all this stuff, and we're going to and we don't recall and we don't use the powers that we have within us. And they're behind us all the time. All of this is for you. And so yeah, that was the most important thing from it.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:06

What are the things in your life your physical 3d life have lucid dreams and OBE, OBE helped you with?

Will John 18:16

I will the first one is always I can recount it just straight up from the lucid dreaming I it solves problems. It solves practical problems. If you give yourself a practical problem, and I can give you one in the lucid dream. I was while playing in the MLS. I had an Adidas contract. And I'm a fan of Adidas clothing and stuff like this. But I wanted a Nike contract because now I was out. So I wanted to change. But I didn't have any Nike context. And so I had had this for a couple years, I wanted this. And I went to a dream I was in Morocco, where I was playing at the time. And I immediately I'm on the field. Once again, I'm not always dreaming about soccer, just so everybody knows. But I was on the field at this point because it did have to do with soccer. And when we score a goal all the players embrace everybody's happy and hug and giving high fives and stuff like that. And what happened in this is that I immediately remembered that I wanted a Nike contract. So I asked while I was while I was in the dream and aware. And the dream took everybody who was there all 11 of us there 11 players on your team. And it blacked out everybody except for one person. And I won't say his name, but it blacked out this guy's fairly fairly well known. And it said his name's Nick, actually his head said Nick, and and I knew immediately Oh, he had he has a Nike he has the Nike contact and and deal and all this I just knew once again like we said you just know these things. It's an inner knowing that inner feeling greater than the logical part of you and I got out of the dream, I think I waited a day because I'd woken up, that was the middle of the night. And contacted, gave me the contact before you know what I had, I had shoes. And so it's very practical, the way to do it is, is to simply know what you want. Once you know what you want, and you start the practice, once you achieve a lucid dream, you'll be shocked at what it is that you can get, you may not be able to solve everything, and you may not be able to bring back everything. But if you if you are, if you are persistent, with it, you will you will get an answer you will get an A feeling. And it doesn't even have to come in a dream. And that's another thing, you just get these feelings from doing the practice. It's so beneficial, that it's a shame that we live in a world in which everyone thinks that this is not beneficial, because it's not real. And what is real, in that sense.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:51

So yeah, yeah, it's actually a powerful way to manifest and to realize the power, we have to manifest and create our own lives, that you can actually see it because like when you're in that, that, well, it's not a place, state or dimension, you could see that things that you think about they pop up. Now, for those who are totally new to this and want to try it out, maybe they should be aware that they might encounter different things. And it's not to focus on fear. However, I myself have encountered some negative entities, and they have distracted me, which sometime sometimes annoyed me. And at times, I also realized that I needed to work on my awareness in my everyday life that if I was stressed, then I became stressed also in my lucid dreams. So I was most successful when I was most balanced in my everyday life. So I'm curious if you could talk a little bit to whether you've had some encounters with negative beings and how you approach that and how you perhaps have broken through that barrier.

Will John 22:10

That's perfect. So because we have an OBE experience that will describe to you how I dealt with fear. And when you were first attempting this, it's not to say that I'm, you know, super Superman and have no fear. I mean, you have no idea how anxious and how fearful it is to feel your your, your body completely freeze paralyzed, and to get out. And so you have to work on this fear. But the beauty is, is that we are a microcosm of the universe and, and so being that you're always getting information. And if you have fear, right, if you have fear doing an OBE, you have something that you fear probably in your in your life, some other thought something else, right. And so I had an experience where this is early on, I had visited San Francisco is the first time that I'd been there. And they have these very winding streets. And so what happens, which is something that is very common for lucid dreamers, if you check the research and the science on this is that when you travel, you have a greater likelihood because you've sparked different awareness, you might become more aware of this and changing the routine will help you become lucid. So I had actually gone to San Francisco and returned and it was the return because I had been there for a few weeks that sparked my lucidity because I was laying in bed. I became lucid in the dream because I was driving down a very curvy street that I knew they didn't have in Kansas because we don't have that. And when I became lucid, this is another thing, which is fairly controversial. I said, I want to leave my body. And I didn't go through any of the steps that I would normally do, which is first relax your body, okay, then do a little bit of energy work. Maybe just find a point of focus and hold it there. And, and all of these things. I didn't have to do any of that because I was I was already calm. I was already asleep. And so when I did that, and I made that command, because that's part of it. If you want to manifest, you want to think it's a decision. It's something that you have to command you're not necessarily just asking, you are declaring. And so I declared that I wanted to get out of my body and like that, the scene just completely in front of me. And I felt that sensations that I recognized to be the experience of being out of body. I'm in a place that is completely you would want to call it the void. But it probably isn't because I know people have a tendency to understand the Void is something else that's going on with the universe. This place seemed infinitely infinite with just colors. It just seemed like it could go on on forever, I had the perception that I was alone. And I could see as you can normally 360 You can see in a 360 version, and I know that sounds insane, if you've never had that experience, but you can perceive all things around you all the time. It's just how it is. And so, I get this tingle, though, what I could say is to my right, that there is an entity, something someone over here. And as I shift my point of awareness from trying to scan the space to what is what is going on over here, I see a I will keep the word entity because I don't know even to this day, if it was a man, a woman, you know, a dog, a cat. But I see an entity who is standing about my height, slightly, slightly taller, with a robe on the same type of robe that you would see in these medieval Gregorian Chant type. Images and imagery, he's he or she is wearing a hood. Completely covered. I see no facial features. So there's nothing there's nothing there. Right. Want to talk about fear? I almost lost it. But the funny thing that is that is that is almost embarrassing, right? Is that when you're in these situations, which you may have practiced for and you know, I've read some books on things you encounter entities. If you think you have training, and there's that famous quote by Mike Tyson, right, everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face? Well, it's the same thing. Everybody has a plan for an OBE until you're face to face with them with an entity, right? And so my embarrassing idea was to like send some sort of like shockwave or something at this at this entity, guy or girl, whatever. Now mind you, I'm picking up completely neutral vibes. From this. I scared myself. And so what happened is that I screamed and tried to send something or shock attack, I had no idea what I was doing. It's, it's absolutely hilarious. I would love to have to seem what I look like that essence right there of trying to send some sort of energy out and attack this thing sends me back to my body, I actually hop up physically, in a like a wave like right in when you get shot back to your body like that. It feels like a wave. And so I got shot back with a wave. And I I jump up in the in the bed like this as if my same punch or attack was there. What that experience teaches me and still to this day, I think about it some time is there was no, I was not under attack. There was no negative. And I, I dropped it up. I put all of that negative fear and stuff there. And we do that in our own lives. And so there are places where maybe if I just stayed calm, right, and just said, What do you want? Or who are you, I could have come back with some more answers to anything that's going on in my life or in the lives of us as as humans. But it's that fear that we have to go against. And now I'm happy to say since that's been years now, over 10 that I don't have that same reaction. And so that's the most important thing I think I would take away from that experience, you have to fight your fear by moving towards peace. And then that's how I did it.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:39

It's fascinating how you meet your own psyche. I think that's what frightens me most because I'm wondering what is really there. But it is a practice thing. And I think you actually can practice meeting your fear through lucid dreams. Because when you know, you're lucid, you know, you can't get hurt, right? So you're very safe. I remember one lucid dream where there I was standing in the road, and there were tons of cars that were coming against me. And I was just deciding to stand there because I realized I'm lucid and lucid. So I won't die. And they they just draw right through me. And I was standing there like experiencing that. And in the next scene, there was like tons of knives coming towards me. And I was not moving away. Because again, I was like this is a lucid dream, I cannot die I cannot die. So I realized that this has something to do with my fear. And it's something that I'm going to overcome such as let all these knives go through me. And that felt like an accomplishment. I've never understood what it sort of was about but, you know, there's no such thing as time. So maybe one day I'll really understand what that was about. But it was something about meaning my fear. Now I want to jump into something else. Because you mentioned that you knew your future. And I didn't quite understand how all of a sudden, the future sort of became so clear to you. So could you share that?

Will John 30:12

Yes. So I'll first give people an understanding that pre cognitive driven dreams happen all the time. And most people have probably even had them just without being lucid or anything like this. And I will get the score of certain games or know who you're going to meet before, those sorts of things have happened to a lot. And I think, most recently, from the research that I've seen and studied, roughly 25% of the population has had a pre cognitive dream of some sort, which is a lot of people. We don't talk about them all the time, because we dismiss them. But knowing the future is not so just as you just said, Time is a construct of us, right, we have created time or the great source or mind has created time, there is no time, there's only the present. Now, you are here. Now, if you go back to when you were 10, there's nothing that's changed on your screen of space. It's simply who you are in what you are your consciousness. And so with that in mind, you start to understand. And there's some great books on this the yoga of time, Fred, Alan Wolf, has done some great research and has put forth some great stuff on this. I was, let's say, in my teens, I believe I was 14 or 15. I think 14. And as you now know, right, I am a professional soccer player. I'm a professional footballer. At the time, of course, I only enjoyed soccer, let's say as a It was fun. It was a really fun thing. I don't understand to this day, and I haven't asked my dad, which I really should. Why I was at home, I was at home one day, the Champions League, which is a very big football tournament, for us in Europe was on and it's in May or June, it just happened actually just a few days ago. It was like, for us, it usually was around two or 130, something like this, I should have been at school, I don't know what I was doing at home. So yeah, I walked into the room where my dad was recording the game, he was at work, turn on the TV. And a guy named Fernando Mirantis scored a goal, he went off on this crazy celebration run and I started getting chills. And all of this just stuff is just coming in, you know, to, let's say imagery, images. And just I'm just understanding so much as at that moment, the chills are happening. I completely understand not only why I'm here, but I understood that this in what I could see in the future happening had already happened, and was going to happen. So both at the same time, I knew, Oh, you're you're this and you're going to be this. And I already understood that it had already happened in the fact that I had both of those juxtaposing feelings was one of the most insane things to deal with. But it's that knowing, right, and so I've had that feeling several times with different things. And this is the most pertinent one because I had no idea I could know nothing of the future. And if you fast forward now, you know, 20 years or whatever, down the line, I have a big company that is around media and football, I speak nine different languages, I use all of that in order to it's all based off of this one understanding and knowing that this path was the right way, because I already knew it was done. And we just got done talking about fear. But I know many people run through their lives and they don't know exactly why they're there. And I know that having a weird mystical experience at 14 or 15, that tells you why you're here. And what you're doing almost eliminates fear, right? It eliminates this. And if you look at people that have done some really interesting things in that have veered into the unknown. They have a certain knowing I have that knowing for my life. I don't have any fear with going forward knowing what it is that I'm supposed to do, because I It feels ordained by source in that sense. And that's what allows me to push in and to do more. And so that was the one of the craziest experiences that I've ever had. I've also had someone I've traveled to India when you go up in the mountains and stuff I've I've done all sorts of things. It just depends on what you want to maybe talk about.

Jannecke Øinæs 34:53

Fascinating. Oh, I get very inspired because it just rings so true. And I know this is a output a potential for all of us. Although I could feel that for some, it's sort of more open. And maybe it has to do with past lives or other lives not really past because there's no such thing as time, or a part of your soul contract, you know, to, to sort of have a thinner veil, let you know these things and get this knowledge. But I want to jump over to something, you help people with spiritual mastery or mastering their spiritual path, and especially for Busy Women, or men. So I'm curious if you could give us some tips on how to master a spiritual path, when we have so much to do.

Will John 35:45

That is the world we live in, isn't it? And one thing that I want to make clear is that you will never be devoid of work, right? You've worked. So I mean, I've seen what you've created. And I, I know that only a small amount of people probably know the effort that has gone into doing what you've done here on wisdom of North and so it's like, don't think that you don't have to put in the work. We all at the end of the day, one of my my favorite books is by William Walker, Atkinson, guys from the New Thought movement as thought vibrations. And what he says essentially, just make it short is that you have everything that you need within you to achieve what it is you don't have to have a lucid dream, you don't have to have an OBE, but you do have to want to do it. And then you do have to take the step. And so most people stop with fear, or with apathy, or distraction because of tick tock, we guys, we have to get that out, you're gonna have to take it this time, it's got to be with you alone, right? You've got to take some time for you. It could be five minutes at first, it could be one minute. But if you want to go down the spiritual path, you have to take the time to just relax and say, Okay, and so the very first thing, if you look, and what led me down this path was my mother who's passed, had a desire for me to meditate. And I would always just say, ah, what is this? Like, why is this I don't, and you fast forward. And as I start to study these things, and you see the first thing that they will have you do in any meditative practice, for any discipline, from ancient mystery schools, to the modern mystery schools, to the one that we are forming right now called Club Libertas, you have to gain mastery of your mind. All right. Most of us do not have that me included. It's a constant struggle. But the first thing you're going to have to do is sit down and gain control of your mind, the way to do that is to either sit and breathe, literally breathe with no, don't worry about sitting in a lotus position. Like, you don't have to do any of that. Sit in a chair, stand up, walk through nature, no phone, no nothing. And breathe. Alright, and follow your breath. If you don't want to follow your breath, you can repeat a nice mantra, something, anything that makes you feel good, because your guide is your is your intuition, your gut. And we can't get into all the other things that would be necessary. You need to watch your food, you need to get good sleep, you need to keep balance, you need to watch who you're who you're hanging out with, you need to watch the way you're talking to yourself. But the first thing is that if you can just gain control a little bit, it'll start to bleed, it'll start to bleed out into your greater life. And so if you've liked any of the things that we've talked about any of these experiences, this is where you start. And then from there, it's all on what you want. But because once you sit and relax, you'll find a way to then ask yourself one question, which is, what do you want? Why are you here? What's the point? What is what is the point right? Like I said, there's, there's no, there's necessarily no time everything is present in here. Now, the only difference between you know you at five and you there are your experiences and the energy that you have accumulated. And so if you want something in your world and in your life, you have to concentrate your forces. And you do that by figuring out what you want. And so that's the very first part getting control your mind, ask what you want. And then you have to start taking steps in dealing with fear if you have it towards moving to get exactly what you want. And those are the first three initial basic steps that you can start right now. So if you're watching this video, please start now. Don't say that was great. I love what Jana Conwell just said I'll do that tomorrow after I watch this other video start now because there's no other time.

Jannecke Øinæs 39:38

Not a small task to silence the mind. The monkey mind my mind's like a show in my head. Still I gotta say I'm but you're a testament to this working. I mean, you have taught yourself nine languages it is now through meditation. That's quite impressive.

Will John 40:00

Yeah, that's a whole nother that's a whole nother thing. I mean, if anybody's interested in that you can obviously go watch gold or any languages. As a matter of fact, I just did a an interview with Moto Bellino. So I think a lot of your fans would be interested in that it's on Moto B. Leno's channel, it's doing quite well, it's got a lot, a lot of us, it's all in Italian. But there's subtitles. And, um, wow, the way that I taught my self, the languages was through error as well, just as well. But it's persistency like you, like you just said, but meditation and quieting the mind is what allows you to actually study I did a lot of my studying alone, I learned Italian without ever living in the country, I spent to this day, maybe two weeks in the country. The only way to do this is to have a number one huge fascination or like I said, understand why you want to do this because it doesn't make sense. And to to quiet your mind. And there are more techniques and things to that. They can of course the uncle or me languages. But yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 41:06

Fascinating. Yeah. So actually, meditation strengthens your ability to learn, basically, yeah,

Will John 41:13

and to do everything, though not just to learn, I mean, that's one thing to be calm. It's a muscle, it's a muscle. And that's why I've taken my path. And the way that I, I teach comes from the discipline of an athlete, to become a professional athlete, you have to have discipline, if you want to gain control of the monkey mind, like you said, Guys, you have to is much as you go to the gym, you know, or as much as you do. Anything that you love in your life, you have to love and want to gain control. The problem, I think Yanaka is that people don't understand the benefits, truly, because the screen is so nice. And if I can just press the Like and scroll up one more. That's, that's great. And you know, it's just, it's, it's easy. But the benefits of having a calm mind are unbelievable.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:01

I think it is a feeling of we're bored, or there's dullness and something needs to happen. And the more we're doing it, the more we need it to happen. So it's sort of the opposite of meditation. So there's these two forces within us now. And it's just getting stronger and stronger. And I think we can concentrate less than we used to.

Will John 42:24

Oh, that's without a doubt, I actually have had plenty of discussions and with researchers on this subject on our on our podcast, it's, there's no doubt in it, we do not understand how much we are losing our ability to concentrate. It's fantastic. And it's happening at a rate that is so devastating that I'm wondering what we're going to do and 20 years, it was, you don't remember a single phone number anymore, you and I can probably both remember when we had to remember phone numbers, right? That if that's just a small thing, but what's happening when we offload our ability to be creative to AI, right. At this point, now I can type into chat GBT, give me five ideas for what to do. And before you didn't have that option, you had to sit there and talk to somebody and you engage and activate the brain to do that, well, it's cool, it's going out the window. And there's a Cal Newport believes, as do I agree with him on this is that we will split into two societies where we may be already have, there is going to be the group of us that has the ability to pay attention, and to learn complex things by going into deep work, meaning that you can pay attention for extended period of time between one to four hours. And then there will be the people who will be passive, and will just have to kind of figure out their lives and be following along the people who can still concentrate. He says he doesn't think that we're there yet. I think we're already there. I think we've already split. I think we're already split between the people who can pay attention and are actively moving our species, our world towards something. And the other people who are Wow, don't don't realize that they can't pay attention and aren't. It's a measure of your power is the measure of the inner quality of your thought. And so, if you can't pay attention, if it's always distracted, you're weak. You're not a weak person. It doesn't mean you can't change. I'm not calling anyone a loser, you have the ability within you but you've given it away. So take it back. You know, that's that's part of the reason why I do what I do. Take your power back. We've given it away.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:34

So, so true and so important. How do your peers react to this your colleagues? You speaking about spirituality? I assume when you're an actor like myself, I'm a former musical actor. It was more natural because it's part of the art sometimes we feel like we're channeling but back to my first question. Soccer is so physical. How have the reactions been?.

Will John 45:03

Mainly, incredibly positive. But I'm sure, as is normal for me in my entire career, because I'm an only child, and I spent a lot of time reading, obviously, I love to spend a lot of time alone. I'm sure they think he's pretty weird. Actually, they know that I'm weird. But one thing that's that they can't ever deny, is that when we when we talk, they seem to feel like, oh, yeah, like, there's something missing that we don't necessarily, you know, the life of a professional athlete and professional footballer, and I've seen all this stuff, I'm not saying with no judgment, you know, we, it's one of their you earn good money to do a job in which I have to go to training for only about 90 minutes a day. And the rest of the time I can spend doing whatever I want. Yes. So during the season, you can only maybe sometimes less. And then, you know, the girls the glamour, the you know, and being known in the city and all this stuff, there's plenty of reasons why people say athletes are dumb. And that footballers specifically are dumb. They don't have any reason to look at spiritual their spiritual world. Why would they, you know, and so, on one hand, I can't blame them. Because at a young age, they got everything they they wanted money, cars, girls, you know, and on the other, you have to think, Well, guys, if you just only you have so much time, the life of football, we have time. And you have to work out a lot, you have to maintain a lot, you do have to be very disciplined and strict, and there is a part of the year two times of the year, where you're for three weeks and four weeks, you're you're basically trading every day, two times a day, that is very hard. But with all this other time, you should be looking inside, you know, and not to the external world. And that's just how I've decided to dedicate my my life and, and also to share that.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:58

And I get curious if you could use these abilities and this knowledge you've gained to win the games.

Will John 47:10

This is a great, that's perfect. Okay, so the, in 2013, I won a goal, I won an award. It was the goal of a month, and I guess you could call it, it's essentially, as my friends kind of told me the unofficial goal of the year, I scored the best goal in the entire league, I was playing in Azerbaijan at the top league there. And I think I was the first American to ever play in that league, actually, it's far eastern Europe, in the caucus region. But the training facility was incredible. It's where the Olympians for the country also trained. And if it is there that you have your own room, so to talk about the wonders in the splendors of being a professional athlete, imagine that you get a hotel that is an apartment. So it's not really a hotel, it's a private hotel, you have a full apartment with your kitchen and everything that you could imagine at the field. And then I have an apartment in the city, right. And this is taken care of all by the club. And the reason I say it like this is because you can kind of choose where it is that you want to go after training, you want to stay there as training in the morning, etc, you want to go back. And so I would spend a lot of time also at the actual hotel, and the hotel overlooks our stadium. And I would spend time just with my headphones on looking over the field. And I would spend my time thinking about goals, just watching how I would celebrate, you know, feeling that feeling of scoring a goal and, and the team winning and all this stuff. And as I as I did that I had a couple of dreams, you know, the scoring goals and really waking up thinking that had happened and then realize, like, okay, alright, I just gotta, I gotta get up now. But what ended up happening for this goal is that I got a ball pass to me, way over the top, we could show this if we want, I chested the ball, and I had two, two options. I could either just head it and get rid of it, which is what my fear was telling me to do. Or I could just let it go and just try and try and see what happens. And as I chested the ball, and I told my dad, this is just hilarious, because he's he was a professional soccer player as well. And he goes, this is not no way like no way this happened. But I swear to you, this is how it felt. And this is how I how I did this. I chested the ball. My leg did it itself. I did not tell my leg to kick the ball over the guy's head. It did it itself as if my leg was one whole entity had its own brain in mind. It solved the problem for me, but it solved the problem because I didn't go into fear. The fear told me to just do the safe thing, which was to just head the ball Just get it to another teammate. But when I calmed down, and by the way, I was having all these thoughts as the ball was coming to me, I had, like 100 Time had slowed down. It is just it was like an eternity, while I was debating whether or not I should do it, kick the ball over the guy's head, I put it in the net before I'd even touch the touch of the ground, celebrated one zero Beskow the year. And it was a testament to being focused, and the practice because it was at that time that I had just figured out truly how to consciously do this. And it's what I've consciously done now for the rest of my life to develop and do all the things that our company does in so many different sectors.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:43

Very fascinating. Now, well, what is self love to you?

Will John 50:50

Wow, self love is self care. First off, and like I said, the attention. And so for me, if you're truly feeling self love, and if you want to exhibit self love, you have to know what you want. And I keep going back to that because you can't love yourself by just saying, I don't care what happens to me, I don't care what happens to anyone else. You have to care about who and what you want to be, and it's okay to not know, it's okay to not know the importance of self love is, is attempting and taking action steps towards you actually, wanting to be a better person wanting to care for yourself, not judging yourself for not knowing, you know, giving yourself time. But self love requires self care and requires action steps every day to actually make it work.

Jannecke Øinæs 51:40

And what is happiness to you?

Will John 51:43

Oh, man, I'm a very happy guy. I gotta admit. And so happiness, to me, is the fulfillment of potential. To me, happiness is fulfillment of potential, but at the same time, contentment with the world that you live in. And I find that by going out in nature, or just relaxing, you know, just being in the present moment, you should be able to have happiness, because happiness is a state, it's one that you can activate through your thoughts first.

Jannecke Øinæs 52:18

And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Will John 52:22

Oh, I think the deeper meaning of life, wow. If I'm going to say anything about it, it truly is probably that the deeper meaning of life is for you to place your meaning upon it. Because like I said, you have a danger of saying, what is the point of us being here because I really don't have to do anything. We don't have to do this podcast, you don't have to work so hard to bring all of this great stuff to be we don't have to do that. Right, you'd be perfectly fine to just sit there eat your food, watch TV, live your life pass away. The meaning of life is placed on by us, humans, you individually, your consciousness, you have to define the deeper meaning. Staying connected to source will always give you a a Northstar. But the rest of it is up to you. And I think it's supposed to be like that, if if the source truly wanted us to just be robots and follow one way we'd all be the same. We're not. So that search for deeper meaning has to come from you.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:27

Just has been so inspiring will. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And I think it's been super inspiring for my audience today. And I hope that you guys will take action on your advice today. Because we see you know, the potential of, of all of us what we can open up to and also the risk of not doing this and you know, we deserve it. We deserve to be our best selves. Now, if people want to connect with you, where can they go Will?

Will John 54:02

The easiest place to go if you have enjoyed this, of course, the or you can check out our YouTube channel. If you type in the way of will John, also into YouTube, it's there. The name of the actual channel is 11th commandment because we we produce documentaries also on subjects and things like this that probably people will enjoy. And if you're a language enthusiast Golar me languages is there. And of course if you like soccer, just type in the name Will John into Google or YouTube and for sure you'll you'll find it there.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:37

Beautiful. Thank you so much for being a guest on the show today, Will.

Will John 54:41

No thank you. I've got to thank you and everybody, please definitely check out the podcast that we did together because it's also got some some true gems. So thank you for having me. I appreciate

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