In an enthralling discussion, Jannecke Øinæs introduces Vincent Tolman, a near-death experience and the author of “The Light After Death,” as he recounts his remarkable journey and revelations. Vincent’s near-death experience (NDE) started in 2003 when he and a friend ingested a toxic supplement, resulting in Vincent being declared dead on arrival. Astonishingly, a dedicated rookie medic detected a faint pulse and revived him, setting the stage for Vincent’s extraordinary and transformative experience.

A place of immense love and light

During his NDE, Vincent encountered a heavenly guide named Drake, who offered to take him anywhere in the universe or back to his body. Vincent chose to journey home, a place of immense love and light. He describes heaven as a realm of indescribable beauty, where grass emits light and every blade holds consciousness, radiating unconditional love. Flowers and water in this realm also exude an intense, healing energy, highlighting the interconnectedness of all life.

Vincent’s experience didn’t end there. He visited a celestial school, witnessing beings from different eras passionately learning and growing. He realized that life is a classroom, not a courtroom, meant for growth and learning, not judgment. His guide, Drake, emphasized the importance of releasing prejudice and embracing love and acceptance.

Experiencing The Light After Death was also challenging…

Back in his body, Vincent faced a challenging adjustment period, struggling to reconcile his profound spiritual experience with his earthly life. He found solace in sharing his story and helping others through coaching and healing work. Vincent’s insights into the cyclical nature of time, the transformative power of solar waves, and the presence of extraterrestrial beings challenge conventional perceptions and offer a glimpse into a future where humanity embraces higher consciousness.

Vincent’s story is a testament to the transformative power of near-death experiences, shedding light on the divine purpose of life and the eternal journey of the soul. His experiences inspire us to embrace love, release judgment, and recognize the interconnectedness of all life.

Transcript of the interview


And he motioned back to my body and asked me if I wanted to go back to my body. But you could take me there, or I could go anywhere in the universe. And as he asked me that I could feel this just palpable, huge, tremendous love coming from him. And I asked him, Where where's this love coming from? I can tell it's coming through you. And he said that that love that power is coming from my home. That's the place that I had originally come from, that he could take me there if I wanted to. And without even Assad, I said, Yes, that's where I want to go. I want to go home.


Hello, Vinney a warm welcome to the show.


Thank you, Jannecke. It's my pleasure to be here.


I am truly, truly looking forward to our conversation today. I heard your nd story a long time ago, and all of a sudden you popped up in my field. And now you're here. And it really made an impression on me. And you've also the author of the light after death, and you sharing your story, because you're passionate about this. And I would just love for you to dive into your nd story. And then we'll unravel it after that and see where the conversation will go. Does that sound okay?


Sounds great. Sounds great to me. Okay. Well, my my story starts back in 2003, I was an amateur bodybuilder and I was taking a new, a fairly new supplement. And the supplement that I was taking with my best friend happened to be toxic for our bodies, and we both took it. And instantly we felt ill. So we went to a little restaurant down the street from his house. And we made the into the restaurant, my buddy made it over to a booth where he began to vomit. And he was found right away, they called emergency services and got him taken away to a hospital. That meanwhile I was in the bathroom behind a locked door. And so I ended up becoming aspirating or, or, or dying in that bathroom. And about a little bit less than an hour after they took my buddy away. My body was found in that same bat and that same restaurant in the bathroom. They did call emergency services for the second time that day. And they pronounced the body Doa or, or dead on arrival. They process the scene, they bagged the body, they put the body in the back of an ambulance. And, and, and left the scene. And as they left the scene, there was a rookie medic in the back of that ambulance that really felt bad about this situation. And he felt like he wanted to do more. So he opened that body bag. And you know, following a prompting that he felt he opened that body bag felt around for a pulse. He didn't feel one. But what he did feel was was some type of shock or muscles movement in the lake. And for him that was enough of a sign to try to attempt a resuscitation. So he did he he fed oxygen into the lungs. He also hooked the body up to a defib which is a machine that shocks the heart. On the third round of shocks, he's able to get the heart started. And and that's where kind of my story begins is with the coming back of my body. From my perspective, I was watching everything about from above. It was It felt just so different than this life. I felt instantly from the second that I had my body had died, I felt I had been plunged into electricity into a flowing current vital current vital power. And as they read Cecil stated the body I realized shortly thereafter that what I had been watching was my own body and my own death. And that's when I had a little mini life review where I actually saw many of the things that I ever did in my life that were not so good. Then shortly after that, I got to see a lot of the things that I did in my life that were good. And I started to feel this warming feeling come over me. From behind from about middle of my back. It started to warm over my whole body. And I turned around I turned around to see this this gentleman, all dressed in white. He had a very long white beard. And I saw him just standing there looking at me gazing at me and just it felt like he was pouring love all over me. My first thought was this must be God. And as soon as I had that thought there was a response but without him using his mouth he communicated to me, no sign, I'm not God. And my follow up, you know, this confuses some people. But my follow up was, you know, I was raised Christian. So I figured, well, if you're not God, is there some possible way that you must be Jesus? And he said, No, I'm not Jesus. He said, My name is Drake. I'm here to be your guide. I'm here to take you wherever you want to go. And he motioned back to my body and asked me if I wanted to go back to my body, but he could take me there, he could help me get back into my body. Or I could go anywhere in the universe. And as he asked me that I could feel this just palpable, huge, tremendous love coming from him. And I asked him, well, where's this love coming from? I can tell it's coming through you, but not necessarily from you, I can tell it's coming through you, where's that love coming from? And he said that that love that power is coming from my home. That's the place that I had originally come from, that he could take me there if I wanted to. And without even a thought, I said, Yes, that's where I want to go, I want to go with you, I want to go home. So we began this, this journey, which was truly life changing. I mean, if Dying isn't life changing enough, this was very life changing this journey, I got to go through many principles of this life. And understand, one of the primary purposes for us to be here is for us to experience the classroom of life. And not the courtroom, despite what the religions have taught us. This life has always been a classroom, that we didn't volunteer to come here to be thrown away. We volunteered to come here to grow and to learn how to make decisions and learn how to build relationships, and to learn how to be authentic, and how to love each other. And it's those types of things that that we get to take with us when we cross when we go back home. But the Drake key, he walked me through a few principles, the you know, one of which really stuck out to me, was prejudice. He helped me understand that for me to get into this this home, I had to release all prejudice. And I felt I had I felt, you know, I have two adopted sisters from Korea. I thought for sure I didn't have any prejudice whatsoever. In fact, I felt I was anti prejudice. And and he brought that up, he said, You know, I'm grateful that you're you don't have prejudice. But how do you feel about prejudice people? And I went off his I said, Well, prejudice people, they are so closed minded, they are so ignorant. They have no connection to reality, of what really matters in life. And here I was becoming prejudiced to prejudiced people. And he helped me understand that I was actually joining the prejudice itself, and making those judgments on others, even though yes, they their beliefs are not correct. But for me, to judge them over it is to join them. And that was a major enlightening moment for me. It helped me realize something that I thought I knew my whole life, I didn't actually know. And he moved me on towards this heavenly space. And we were moving, not just from like point A to point B, we were moving through dimensions, we were moving through frequencies. And as we move through those different frequencies, I didn't have to fully accept what he was teaching. I just had to be willing to believe it was possible. And we continued this journey, we continued closer and closer to this, this place, this this precious place that I call heaven, which he called our home. And as we got closer and closer, actually, I got to touch down in this beautiful place as my feet and yes, I had feet because even even though you don't have a body, you still have your energetic body. I still had hands, I had arms, I had legs, I feet, my my energetic body. My feet touched down on this grass and it felt like I had been missing that grass my whole life. And that that grass had been missing me for my whole life. Just just that connection, that initial connection. To truly put it into words. It's near impossible. Because our English you know the American English words that I use that I know. They just can't even fully describe even a portion of what that grass is like you There's millions of shades of green light, it was coming from the grass itself. Like, you know, light emitted from the grass. In fact, as I looked around light was coming from everything there. Light was not an outside source reflecting on things, it was an inward source. And it was radiating off of everything. And that grass is I, I tried to grasp what it was, I could feel pristine, distinct consciousness inside each and every blade, and I could feel the beautiful love that was coming from each one of those blades towards me. And how unconditional it was that there was no limit to that love that it had for me and for all of creation. And I was kind of geeking out about the grass when, when Drake said if you think the grass is great, you should see the flowers.

And then instantly my consciousness was right in front of a flower almost as if my consciousness had become a bee. And I was placed right onto the petals of a flower. And to feel the flowing energy and love that comes out of the flowers there. I finally understood what flower means and flower means flower. To be to be that that flows love, energy and beauty through you. And I got to really grasp the the even greater love that I could feel coming from the flowers or the flowers that I was showing the trees. Then water cat approached me there was a little stream of water there. And the water approached me and it came to my feet and asked I could feel it asking me Do you want us on you? And I said yes, I do. And the water started to come up on me. It started at my feet. And it covered me it rows and rows and rows until it covered my whole body and covered my arms and my hands. And what was really neat though, is I didn't get wet. Like the water wasn't wet, it was healing, it was purifying. It was cleansing. And you know, I was raised in a fairly rough upbringing. And they had a lot of damage in my soul a lot of damage on my, my psychology. And that water was healing that damage as it touched my body, my energetic body. By the time it was done, I felt like I emerged from that water a completely different person completely different energetic being a different magnification of the love that I was feeling in this space, this tremendous space. Then I saw this, this building off to the distance. And it looked like some type of formal building. It was beautiful white marble. As we got closer and closer to it, I could feel that it was made out of one slab of marble the entire building, and that the building was alive, that these rooms that people were going in and out. And there's a lot of people there. They were passionately learning about something about I think different aspects of life and physics and, and math and, and all the different things that we want to learn about in this life. I was watching that all happen. And people would have to match the passion of a room before they could enter that room. And it was such an amazing experience to see so many different times, and eras, represented by the people that were there. It to me, it felt as if there was people from our ancient past there. But there was also people from our distant future that were there already. And so that's when I also started to understand that time was relative and time didn't actually exist anywhere outside of the Earth space, but it was existent specifically for the earth experience for our school, so that we could feel like there's a beginning and an end. But as this is all going on, I'm getting very excited. I wanted to go in the school. I wanted to go in there and I wanted to see what this school is all about. And as I did that Drake came and approached me and he said Vinnie, he said this is going to be very hard, but it's going to be worth it. And when he said that, I instantly. I instantly felt this tremendous love come over me. I felt joy Come right up to me and hug me. And as he hugged me, I could feel the pristine love that he had for me a love that that I could never earn. And as that love started to reciprocate and resonate off of me, I felt this, almost like a pulsar, or a huge explosion of energy between the two of us as He hugged me. And as that was all going on, I then started to hear my brother, my brother from Earth from Earth life. He was saying a special prayer over my body, and I was hearing it live in my ears. I heard him say, all sorts of things in this prayer, but one of the things that he said was, he that he blessed me to come back to my body. Pretty much he almost commanded it. He wanted to be back to my body. And he, he blessed that my body would be made whole. And when he said, Amen, I felt you know, when he completed that prayer, I felt an instant tug, an instant poll on me where I was, and I felt yanked, and pulled back into my body. Now, in the real time of it, what happened was, my brother had said this prayer around 10pm. But I woke up at 111 in the morning. And that's after three days of being in a coma, mostly brain dead during those three days, with very little brain activity whatsoever, on full life support for the three days that I was there. I just woke up. And as soon as I woke up, I felt extremely claustrophobic. I wanted to pull everything off of me. I didn't want anything touching me. Not even hoses or cords, or, or any of the sensors that were attached to me, not even the catheter that was in me. I yanked everything off, I mean, and then I just stood there. I stood there for a few moments, just taking some deep breaths and trying to to grasp what was happening. And as I was doing that, I realized that I was naked. So I had to grab some gowns, some hospital gowns out of the cupboard. I wrapped them around myself, and I went running, I didn't want to be there anymore. I wanted to go home. And what I didn't know is I wanted to go back to my heavenly home. That's what I was really wanting. But I went out to the elevator in this hospital, a hospital I'd never been in. I went out to that elevator, I was hitting the down button when I heard some nurses screen. And they ended up making me come back to my room, and waiting for all the doctors to clear me for me to leave the hospital. It did take me about six hours of paperwork and liability releases. For me to be able to get out of the hospital, I had to be cleared by multiple departments. They wouldn't just let me leave, they want to be cleared by, you know, Carter, cardiology, they wanted me to do a couple of neurology things. They want to be just making sure that they weren't going to be held liable if something happened to me after I left. And, and I did I signed everything I needed to sign I wanted out of there. And for me that one of the hardest parts about my experience was I had about a 24 hour period where I didn't know what happened to me. Everybody was calling me the miracle boy, everybody in the hospital, they're like, Oh, you're the miracle boy. And I hated that. Because I felt miserable. I felt I felt fine physically. But mentally, I just felt horrible. I felt like a yearn for something that I didn't know. And that the night after all this happened. My sister, she she took me to dinner. And she cornered me at this restaurant and said, hey, you know you were dead? They they pronounced you dead? Did you have some type of experience? And my mouth it wanted to form the words No. And as I tried to form the words, no, and have it come out of my mouth. What actually came out of my mouth was this whole experience. And I never in my entire life had something like that happened before. where something comes out of me and I'm witnessing it at the same time as it's coming out on me. And when that when that all happened. I was asking myself Wait, did I just make that up? What's going on? This is never Nothing like this has ever happened to me. And that's when I had the deepest sinking feeling in my stomach as I realized No, this is actually what I remember. This is coming out of me as my memory.

And that was really, really hard. My, my logic brain was not ready for that I, I worked with quite a few people to try to figure out what was going on with my mind. I even sought some professionals, and one of those professionals as I sought his assistance, he was in the act of writing some prescriptions for me, when I brought through some truth, some truths from his past, some truth that nobody knew about him, that only he only he knew, and even he had forgotten about some of this truth. And I brought forth that truth to him. When I did, he helped to express to me that you know, what's happened to you? It's not explainable by science. It's not explainable by medicine, in the current understanding, but I needed to figure out what had happened on my own, maybe working with some clergy or maybe maybe working with some spiritual advisors. But medicine didn't hold the answers that I was looking for. So I moved on with my life, I, I did meet the most amazing person. I met my little slice of heaven, Andrea, who's my wife, wife of 21 years. I met her. Just shortly after my experience, I met her in April. And my my death and reawakening it happened in January. And through her, I started to reorganize my life in a new way, a way that was in more accordance with my experience, and with what I learned from my heavenly experience from from heaven. So as I was doing that, she she encouraged me to go to this family reunion, a little tiny town and Afton, Wyoming. We go to this family reunion, and they're showing a historical presentation of the town, the city, the little city of Afton. And one of the first slides, one of the first pictures they show, the old leadership and the founders of the town, was this picture of Drake. And as soon as I saw the picture, I lost my voice. I couldn't speak, I froze. But I had I had been describing Drake so vividly to Andrea, for months that she felt she knew what he looked like. And when she saw that picture, she knew it was Drake as well. But the confusing part is the picture said his name was Charles. But I definitely recognized the name. The last name of Charles. And I took it to my grandmother that very day. And they said grandma, Charles, because they're who is that? Tell me about this, Charles, because there and she and her exact response was, Oh, you mean great grandpa Drake. He's very famous in our family. And, and from that time forward, I was, I finally had accepted that my experience was something that did happen for real. It was not what some of the neurologists tried to convince me, it was not some delusion. But it was very, very real for me, and I needed to embrace this experience to learn more about it. And that's what I've been doing for, you know, 2021 years now, I've been embracing this experience, and learning from it day by day, and trying to be a beacon of light for others. I joke around that a lot of us near death experiences, we are the PR campaign for heaven, because it's a real place that all of us get to have interaction with if we want to.


Thank you so much for sharing that was highly interesting. And I didn't notice that you said that you were confused when you came back to the 3d world wondering did this happen or not? And then you, you get all these proof that it actually did happen, like, you know, with drag golf. And then I'm also curious. Now, this has been many years ago, and our world is evolving so fast. Now. Did you experience also other things that have later given you proofs? I'm thinking maybe you saw things in heaven? That maybe the time we didn't have maybe we have it now with AI like things are just opening up? I feel like we're closer to disclosure. So it seems like we're in a huge awakening. So I'm wondering if you saw things on the other side, that now we're seeing. For instance, it's true, it's emerging in this world Old as well, I'm not quite sure what I'm fishing for. But maybe, maybe you get my question now.


Yeah, I've got your question yet. And definitely, so I've seen, I saw a lot of things in part of my process of coming back to my body is they had to come back to my time. And, and that's sounds kind of weird. But it's kind of like looking at a ladder laying on the ground. If I had come in the wrong rung of the ladder, I would end up coming too early, or I would come too late. So I had to come and select my exact right time, that was that I was supposed to wake up. And I was guided for that process. But I, as I was doing that, I could see my curiosity, I could see what was right in front of us like what's coming. But I also could see in the far distant past. And what's weird is you think that ladder is this big, long thing that has an ancient past, and a long distant future. But no, it's actually kind of like a ring. And if you look in our past far enough, you actually will see our future. And if you look in our future far enough, you will actually see our past, and that everything is cyclical everything, not just our solar system, but everything is cyclical. So it goes through cycles. And I was I got to see some really neat stuff. One of the things I did see was this, this tablet thing that essentially happens in the future some time, but it's not like an ad, it looks like an iPad, but it's see through the whole thing see through and it's somewhat multi dimensional, because you can essentially link it, or sink it into a specific time. And I mean, any time dinosaurs, Lincoln's you know, inaugural speech, or, or anywhere, any any rung of time that you want to go to you, you amplify this tablet to that space. And then once you have it, you can be watching live, what's happening in that time, and if you want to be there, for you know, virtually, you can take these tablets and actually, somehow, put them over your head, and then you are actually in that space. As far as your consciousness, your consciousness goes to that space. But you know, definitely in the near future. We get to live as long as we want to live. Instead of living as long as we our bodies last we be live as long as we want to live. And in fact, there's a big transition coming up, and not too distant future, where we shift our bodies to the eternal bodies, or the the body that lasts as long as we want.


Oh, wow. How many years are we speaking about?


not too far. Actually, I think that's definitely going to happen in my lifetime. I feel, I feel like the, the people that I was seeing in that space are a remnant of the people today. So I feel that the part of the thing about what's happening in front of us in our future, yeah, there's some big changes, and a lot of people would say, you know, they're very scary. And, and, and yes, they're scary, but but at the same, right, every single change that happens, it moves us down the road towards a greater place. So we have to see these big things as they happen. And all of these big events that are coming down in the future, which there is there's some very major changes coming to the entire world, in the near future. And we have to see them as these great things, because they move us closer and closer to this eternal future. This future where earth and Mother Earth and humanity, they, she, they work together in accordance with each other. And not just that, but we start working with our space ancestors, that you know, what we would perceive as aliens, but to what I can see, they're they're just native to Earth, they're native to Earth older than we are, by millions of years like they were here millions of years before us. So you know, it's it's more of about cohesion are coming together, and having a unified unified consciousness, a unified purpose. And, and unified duties that where we, we lift each other up, we build each other and we shift out of the consuming or consumption phase of, of humanity. And right now, we are at the pinnacle of consumption. As as a society, if you look at your average day, you're consuming For about 99% of your day, you're consuming the entertainment, you're consuming air and breath, obviously, consuming water and drinks consuming foods. But you're not, you're not building or creating. And as we get closer towards that future space, we get to actually build, we get to create. And some of us get to experience that if we do art, we do singing, we do songwriting, we get to learn what that is to create. But it gets to a point where most of the earth hat shifts into that creation phase. And then that creation phase, this earth just changes to such an amazing place. And to such an amazing place that the entire planet lifts to a different place.


Wow, what are some of the events that will happen?


There's some solar waves that are very, very clear, we've essentially started the first wave, and there's going to be three major waves. But these waves, they start out real easy. And they get heavier and then heavier. The first it lasts for about a year, and it started on April 8 this year. And so we're seeing a lot of that solar energy coming and hitting the Earth that we haven't seen in a long time. It is a normal cycle that the Earth has been through before. But each one of these waves that hits the earth, it's upgrading us. It's upgrading all life on the planet. at a micro level, though, at a level where it would be hard for us to detect unless we are looking at our old selves from a year ago or 10 years ago.


Yeah, cuz I'm curious, like, how do I know this, that there's a change like me personally, and everybody,


notice this, I think everybody in your audience can ask themselves this. Why is it this year, for the first time ever? Everything that used to make you happy, doesn't work anymore. Ask yourself that is because we're moving out of that phase. Consumption does not give us satisfaction or happiness anymore. So we've got to learn to create. And we're just, we're just shifting into the baby, baby steps of learning how to create now. And as AI. And as robotics take over a lot of the physical jobs that humankind used to do, we're going to become either philosophers, or addicts. That's it, we're going to be creators, or we're going to be addicted consumers. And you, we get to choose which route we go. And if you can't put your phone down for a day, then you're shifting towards the consumption. And that's a rough, rough road. But some of the the other big things is we've got two more waves, some major waves of sun. One of them as is just our Sun, the other is our Sun, synchronizing with a pulsar. And when this happens, it it creates a vast upgrade psychologically and spiritually for all of us. And some of us won't make it through that one. But it's not a bad thing, it just means that we get to cross over into the heavenly realm into the most amazing space that I've ever experienced that or ever will experience. Well, it's not a scary thing at all. I'm, I'm excited to be on either side of that line. But, but after that third wave happens, then we actually start seeing some shaking on the whole planet, the whole planet changes its tectonics. Where there is oceans, sometimes there's going to be some lands, and sometimes where there's lands, there's going to be some oceans. So there's going to be some major shifting. And amongst all of that, there is a mega volcano that goes off and when it does, it shifts the entire planet. With with the movement of that mega volcano,


in our lifetime, in our lifetime. Oh, wow. You were speaking about extraterrestrials or star seeds or our friends in the gap other galaxies or maybe this galaxy? And you mentioned they are natives of this earth? Are they connected to Well, first, the pyramids and the Egyptian times were they the ones building them?


So I don't there you know, this is one thing that a lot of people love to argue about is who built the pyramids? I'll tell you who we think built them is not who built them. I'll tell you that. I know that for a fact, who we've who we've always said built them as not who built them. And in fact, most of the I would say the pyramids predate much earlier than then what we have ever recognized. is publicly. And I would also argue that most scientists that have studied it physically themselves and carbon dated some of the the stones there, they would, they would tend to agree with that same thing. And even if you go off of just strictly the erosion of the Sphinx, to say that it's it's as, as new as we say it is, is completely asinine, you have to, you have to just, you have to ignore huge periods of time where the Egyptian area didn't have any water. And you have to ignore anciently, when it did have water, to look at the erosion just on the Sphinx and try to explain it as this little micro period that it could have happened. But you know, there, there's many, many fossilized manmade materials. All over the world that have been found, there's been screws that have found that are millions of years old, there's been a hammer found, and in stone that was carbon dated over I think 350 million years old, like the life on Earth, far extends past what our modern era would ever let you believe. And, and as you get into understanding why you have to look at why we call history, his story, is because whoever is telling the story, that's why we don't know any of those things. Yeah. But it's not it's not a conspiracy thing. It's just this is just that it's important that there's a narrative given. So the followers know what to do. And we've been followers for too long. And as a species, we're done being followers, or waking up to our own greatness. Yeah.


Wow, there, there are tons of 1000 questions in my mind.


I don't know one thing, what one thing people need to understand is, when you get into physics, and you get into the quantum realm, and into the Quantum fabric of life, that the keys to the universe are inside of us, that the universe is just you inversed it is just you inside out. And that that matches with the ancient teachings as above so below, right?


I've actually had an experience of that. I've actually had, that was quite amazing. I do want to ask about if you know about the dinosaurs? Why did they use all of a sudden disappear? Do you have any perspective on that?


So it's, you know, with the dinosaurs, I wanted so bad to see dinosaurs. Now, in my experience, because I love dinosaurs I grew up, I grew up studying, like, amateur paleontology as a kid, and just really loving dinosaurs. And so I did want to see dinosaurs. And one aspect goes back to the name, dinosaurs. And the explanation of what a dinosaur is, is what was it called before it was called the dinosaur? And that will help you understand the story of dinosaurs?


I don't know. But aren't they connected to reptilians?


So well, if you look at what they were called, before we started calling them number one. Look at the first use of dinosaur. It's actually a modern name. It's not a name they use before a very Oh, I love to know. So the if even if you look at the word dinosaur, it's not a word that was used until recent years until the more recent era did we start using the word dinosaur prior to that they called them dragons. And if you look at if you look at ancient culture, all over the world, they talk about dragons, and not just one kind of Dragon, a lot of different kinds of dragons. Yeah. And and, you know, dragons are a part of our past, but they're a part of our future, too.


Yeah. You know, it's so interesting that this is coming, because there are more and more guests on my show that are channeling dragons. And it's like dragons are coming into my field all over the place. And now, you just mentioned it, and I don't know why I wanted to ask you about dinosaurs. This just fell down into my mind. So I feel like there is an emergence of dragons coming to earth assisting now.


Well, if you take all the different stories that our ancestors used to tell, and you look at some of the myths that different cultures told that that those myths were being told all over the world. And seemingly unconnected to each other. Then our ancestors were talking about something very real. They were just perceiving it one way or another. Right? And I'll tell you this, if you took some of our ancient culture and you put aerial aerial movement of crafts around them, they might call those dragons they might, because to them that would that would meet the, the mythical nature of something that flies through the sky, and carries light or fire. And, and yes, there is an explanation to our ancestors, being somewhat obsessed about dragons, right. And that there is some really amazing truths that are coming out for our public mind to understand that we're supposed to be given to us a long time ago. And there's been pushback over the years of, of when the public mind gets to get that information when it doesn't. And what's happening though, is the push date has ended. Its its furthest push, like you can't push it out any further. Like you can't keep everyone on this planet, in the blind about a lot of the things that are coming, because we're going to perceive them ourselves. Whether people tell us or not, that's part of our process of upgrading is we will recognize divine truth, whether someone is telling it to us or they're trying not to tell it to us, we will recognize truth, even as people try to lie to our face, it will it will be as if every single one of us become a human truth detector, or lie detector will know when people are lying, whether they're government leaders, whether they're friends, whether their teachers will know. And so the time for lies is done. It's done.


A specific date now or


no with that it that's part of the three waves of light. So by the third wave of light, then there's no no room for lies anymore. And even the even the old oligarchy that has kind of created that narrative, they even know of these dates, they know of these waves, and they are are doing everything they can to prevent them from happening. But it's it's like preventing gravity, you might be able to manipulate it for a while. But eventually it wins.


So the first one was eighth of April. And it seemed like a lot of people knew about that date. Do you know about the other two dates.


So the other two, I don't have any dates, I do know of specific things that will happen and the central their second wave of light, it will feel like an aurora borealis, ah, but it will happen even during the day. So we'll be looking in our day skies are daylit skies and see those rainbows raining down across the whole planet, not just in the northern hemisphere. You will see them all over. And that will be a part of that solar energy. Activating us upgrading us.


Wow. So that means to think that are we up north who have more northern lights are being more affected.


Right now? Yes, absolutely. Yeah, wherever that sun is getting more exposure, it is being affected more. And that's another aspect of what's going to happen as the Earth is about is going to be shifting fairly soon to a different North Pole. And when it does, I mean, it's been moving for years. If you want to see something you probably didn't know you should know, is look track the North Pole over the last 50 years. It's been continually moving every single year. Last I looked, I think it was out in the middle of an ocean. And that's just that's just part of this progress. Things are shifting the Earth has done this many times before. This is not the first time the Earth has done this. But we are on the school bus of Earth. And it's we're here to learn as part of our process as a species as humanity and everything is in divine order. There's no There's no avoiding that divine order. Even with all the manipulation and power structures that have been in place. There's no avoiding it. There's not there's not a way to avoid it.


The knowledge you have and talk about now did that come from this NDE or did it come as a gift afterwards? Because I hear that many NDE experiencers they cultivate some gifts all of a sudden they have psychic abilities. So what is the case for you there.


For me it did come from the experience but also the gifts from afterwards Yeah, I did have quite a few gifts turned on and, and since then, I've perfected those gifts. And now I have a completely different living than I had back when I had my near death experience. So I, I work as a coach and a healer and a helper. That's my everyday life. That's what I do. And in the old days, I used to make movies and build buildings. So that was my old career long before the experience.


Interesting. There is something I'm curious about. So we're going back to the nd right now, where you were saying that you went through these different frequencies and planes of existence. And then you arrived at this place that you called heaven? Now, at this place called heaven? My first question is, is that a place for only humans? Or is that like a place where all species gather, like species from other planets and ETs? Or is it more like human? Heaven? And then I'm wondering, is it the same level for everyone? Or did you come just to one sort of stage of heaven because of your vibration?


So that's a lot in one question.




Let me explain. Let me explain, though, for sure. Yet to answer that there, I did go to essentially, the human heaven or to heaven that was synchronized to me and my path. And there, I was able to perceive that there's just unlimited levels. But there's distinct frequency ranges inside heaven. From my perception, it felt like there was 11 rungs on that ladder of heaven. And at the very top, we have Source Creator. And at the very bottom, we have the beginning of heaven, that's where the school is, that's where the grass is the trees, and it only gets better and better as you go up. I did realize, though, while I was there, that animals are very, very much a part of our heaven experience, and that they have their own distinct pathway or progress with the Creator. And some people get mad at me about that. And I think animals don't have souls, but they do, they definitely have souls, they have their own rate of progress in their own existence. But we get to, to have a connection with them. So if we, you know, love our dog, or our horse or our cat, we get to have a continued experience with them. They lend a sliver of their consciousness to be with us and to be part of our heaven experience, as long as we need them or want them. And then as soon as we're ready to let them go, that's a sign that we've reached a certain progress with our love energy. And we fully released that tendril of their love back to their own path. But we will always stay connected to that, that animal energy when we love them, and that love that we have for them gives us unlimited access to them for eternity. So it's it is a beautiful process that we get to have our animals there. They have their own path. And you would ask is there other creatures there? Yes, they have their own heavens. What's very interesting though, is there is creatures that exist there, their whole societies exist just outside heaven. And that's where they're, that's where their school is. Their school, like our school is far, far away from heaven. Their school is very close to heaven. So they have a lot tighter turnaround, with life and learning and progress. And they would seem a lot more like angels, almost that whole society. And I'm talking primarily about specific societies, like an angel, angelic society, the angels themselves, they're the ones that climb up and down the ladders, do all the work for for the Creator. They are the messengers, the communicators, the healers, the helpers, and they are very, very real. Whether we believe in them or not, doesn't change the fact that they're real, and they're a part of our daily life, whether we want to recognize it or not.


Okay, so, thank you for answering that. I also have a question about those we love. You know, animals is one thing, but humans is another. And like yourself, you're saying that you met an angel, you know, your soul partner, and those who are really close to us. I feel like a part of me looks forward to go to the other side. But then another part of me feels very attached to those I love in this life, and I'm sort of afraid that they They are on their different journeys, and that we won't have the same bond as we do now. So what are your thoughts on that, like how we will continue our relationships with those we love or not,


What's what's really beautiful is you can take a snapshot of the best bond you've had with that person here. And your your experience, there will only be better, it will take that snapshot and it will build upon it. So you do get to, you know, I've seen families that, you know, Mom and Dad break up and half the family sides with mom, the other half sides with dad, and then dad gets on the other side. And now he wants to talk to the side that was friendly with mom. And they're, they're not ready for that they they're there thinking No, I don't, I'm not ready for that. But the more love that we can pour into them, the more they become ready for that direct communication. So, you know, on the other side, we are so permeated with this unconditional love. We don't have the same pride, we don't have the same ignorance that we carry here. And we tend to be ultimately divinely connected to each other, and loving even sometimes the the hardships and obstacles we created for each other because in the other side, we see that that was all for our good that even someone messing up our lives was a good thing. And we get to see how it was a good thing once we're there. So it's it's really neat, even a relationship that was good once and it's now soured, don't worry, we get to take it back to the good spot and keep building it once we're on the other side.


And your experiences and insights and perspectives. Do they correlate with other people have had nd ease and share their stories? Because I assume that you've been curious about other people's and the stories? Do you feel like you recognize your own experience in that? Or is it like no, that's totally different from what I have.


I'm a passionate member of a group called the International Association of near death studies. We call ourselves selves ions. So I A N D S. It's an at an amazing organization. It's an organization of people that are followers of near death experiences as well as experiencers of near death experiences. So you get a big mix. And then there's also medical professionals, neurological professionals. So the scientific aspect of studying this, we all get together once a year. In fact, this year, we're over in Phoenix, and there's some some, some amazing people that will be speaking there, I'll be speaking there. And I love going to ions. And one of the reasons I love going there is I'm not the only crazy guy in the room. I get to have surrounded by people that have had experiences very much like mine. And some of them have had experiences to a tee, I sometimes feel like I'm listening to my own experience when they tell him. So you know, there's some really, really cool experiences coming together like that. We come together once a year last year, we were in DC the year before that we're in Salt Lake City. It's such a good organization, if you're passionate about near death experiences, whether you've had one or not, or if you're passionate about spiritually transformative experiences. That's someone who has tried, you know, psilocybin ayahuasca, DMT con some of these other things that, that bring on that spiritually transformative experience, then I would go join ions, I would go join come to our convention. It's absolutely fun. And no matter when you're watching this, there's going to be a convention every year. It's Labor Day weekend ends on Labor Day. And it is just an awesome group of people. And you can meet some some of these near death experiences you've been watching on YouTube for years. So come see us. It's an absolute fun time.


Nice. Wonderful. Wow, this has been highly interesting. And I feel like I can ask you so many questions and time is just running by so fast, but I assume that there are more details in your book and I would really love that,


There's a lot of details in the book. It's called the the light after death. It's on Amazon and audible. Some bookstores carry it but but it you know it's it's distributed throughout the world on Audible and on Kindle. And then in the United States it's on Amazon. Yeah for physical copies.


So Vinney, what is self love to you?


Self love is understanding There's, there's a process even in our own failures that we can learn. And as long as we're learning from our failures, that we can love ourselves through our worst spots, into our good spots, and then into our good, our great spots of life. But self love is loving the journey. Just love the journey, love the failure just as much as the, the successes, because as long as you're learning, it all adds up to success. It all adds up to progress for you. And self love is looking in the mirror, and not hating what you see. And if you do, stop it, start picking up the things you hate. And actually, instead of saying you hate those things, start saying I love those things. And from your words, it becomes real, the more you can do that, the more you can experience self love. But I I want to encourage everyone who who can agree with me that there is a Creator, whether we want to believe it or not. And there is a slice of that creator that exists inside of each and every one of us. And physics has proven to us that the energy can't be destroyed. That means the energy of your soul are what keeps your body alive, it never gets destroyed. That means that little pocket of energy, whether it's big or little, it is eternal. And love that aspect of who you are. Love that divinity within you. And as you do, you'll start to love the vehicle that that divinity exists in. And that's your body. Love Your Body. Love your experience. Love where you come from, and put your phones down. Stop. Stop consuming so much content on your phones go out there other than YouTube, especially good youtubes. Or is there good Instagrams, right. But you know, turn away from the dark energies. Don't feed yourself that stuff. Don't don't roll around in the mud and complain that you're all dirty. Like stay away from the dark energies. Lean into the light, it'll get stronger and stronger, the more you do it. And that way, loving yourself becomes easy.


Wow. And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?


Life is a school. It's always been a classroom, it's never been a courtroom. So live that way. Learn. Keep learning. Stop judging yourself so much. Stop judging others around you so much. Start learning learn from your mistakes learn from your your successes. And and you'll realize that it's this journey is actually quite joyful. When you allow yourself some some grace.


And you mentioned that you worked as a coach now help people could you share a little bit about your work for those who want to connect with you now and work with you?


Absolutely. So I would say 90% of the people I work with don't use life coaches, they don't. But they they feel some type of prompting to set an appointment up. And then they start working with me. My goal is to put myself out of business with you. And and my goal is to activate the divinity within you. So you don't need me. And my one of my favorite things to do is to graduate a client out of the program. And so that they have everything that they need to access divinity within them. And now they don't need a coach, they've got a higher coach, they can access. So I do that through my nonprofit. It's called Living God's light. And in fact, everything is there you can you can get the book through there at Living God's


So beautiful. Thank you so much for coming to the show. This was so interesting to me. And I get this these visions in my head picturing how heaven is like, and the grass and everything. You just explained it in such detail and yeah. Thank you for sharing. I mean it gives so much hope it's so soothing. It just makes no sense to me. I become so happy and I think it touches my audience to thank you so much for showing up and sharing


Well Jannecke thank you for doing this job that you're doing. I know that there's a lot of sacrifice and dedication and and work that you put in for this job. It's not glamorous, like people think it is I know it's not. And thank you for doing it because you're into me. You're part of the Army of Light you are. You're becoming a channel of divine intelligence, divine understanding, and you're spreading very good things with what you do. You're helping raise the energy the frequency The intelligence of humanity and our species and ours, and not just our species, but our souls. So thank you for doing all that you do. I sincerely appreciate you doing what you do with your show.


Wow. Thank you. Thank you

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The book The Light After Death
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