Tricia Carr invites us into a world of spiritual exploration, where intuition, mystical creatures, and cosmic connections shape her profound insights. In a captivating dialogue, Tricia shares personal experiences that span from childhood encounters with fairies and unicorns to channeling spiritual entities like Metatron.

Central to Tricia’s journey is her deep connection with nature and the spiritual beings that inhabit it. From a young age, she communicated with fairies and elementals, viewing them as guardians and guides in her spiritual growth. These experiences instilled in her a reverence for the natural world and its unseen energies.

Encounters with unicorns

Tricia’s spiritual awakening also includes encounters with unicorns, described as beings of pure crystalline light existing in higher dimensions. She discusses their role in healing, manifestation, and fostering a deeper connection with the Earth’s energies. For Tricia, unicorns represent a bridge between humanity’s earthly existence and higher spiritual realms.

The conversation expands to include cosmic themes such as the influence of Ascended Masters and galactic families in humanity’s evolution. Tricia emphasizes the importance of self-love and healing through out-of-body experiences, guided by spiritual beings who support personal transformation.

Alchemy and overcoming limiting beliefs emerge as recurring themes in Tricia’s teachings. She shares insights from St. Germain, Chohan of the Aquarian Age, on transforming fear into love and navigating the complexities of spiritual growth amidst societal influences.

Tricia also gives us a visionary outlook on extraterrestrial life and humanity’s evolving consciousness, predicting an imminent disclosure or direct contact with extraterrestrial beings, and highlighting the need for personal and collective development to embrace these transformative changes.

Discover Your Inner Power with Tricia Carr’s Masterclasses on Wisdom From North

In our membership, Tricia Carr teaches two transformative masterclasses:

The Art of Self-Hypnosis and Manifestation

Here Tricia Carr as she guides you into the depths of your subconscious mind to harness its power for manifesting your desires, healing, and spiritual evolution. Learn to craft hypnotic suggestions, enter hypnotic states, and awaken with newfound clarity.

Spirit Animals and Nature Magic

Discover how spirit animals and nature magic can guide and support you on your ascension path. Tricia explains how to identify and interpret master spirit animal guides and situational guides. Learn to recognize spirit animal experiences and trust your intuition. Tricia shares techniques to connect with your spirit animals and reveals how animals and nature are compelled to help us evolve.

These masterclasses offer profound insights and practical tools to enhance your spiritual journey, empowering you to connect deeply with your inner self and the natural world.

Elevate your astral awakening journey with Tricia

The Astral Mastery Experience is the ultimate intuitive expansion program designed to elevate your astral awakening journey at any stage. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned explorer, you are offered an adventure into the depths of intuitive development and the vastness of spiritual expansion.

It’s a six-month journey, which offers you the choice to fully participate in the live training/coaching sessions or to learn and observe. Using the exclusive links below, Tricia is giving you 20% off on her program!
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Observer (course participant) >>

Transcript of the interview

Tricia Carr 0:00

Narrow your frequency band of focus to nature and allow your vision to kind of blur. And if you see something over here, that's rustling gotta let your personality or your ego mind go, oh, that's just a wind with the with a tree. That thing that right there will be probably be a fairy. Let her give you a message. But here's the thing too, with fairies is they also want an exchange

Jannecke Øinæs 0:32

Hey, guys, if you enjoyed this video and want my episodes delivered straight to your mailbox every week, and to receive my free meditation, where you get to meet your future self, then head over to Hello, Tricia, a warm welcome back to the show.

Tricia Carr 0:51

Thank you so much for having me, Jannecke. I'm very excited to connect as always with you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:56

Yeah, I'm really excited to have you back because we have been collaborating through quite many years now. interviewed you several times. You are a masterclass teacher in my own membership, and my members will love you. Because you have such an in depth knowledge about so many esoteric things, you have so much wisdom and you, you feel it feels like feels like to me that you really are connected to your intuition, and also your abilities and you're helping people create miracles in their lives. And yeah, it's just always a thrill to speak with us. I wanted to have you back. And you call yourself. Let's see if I remember.

Tricia Carr 1:40

I remember changing, I don't know, whatever. I feel like that time when I'm editing my website, whatever I feel like at the time.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:50

I see yeah. Because you, you say you are a transpersonal hypnotherapist, and empathic Channeler, an eco spiritual teacher, and a spiritual awakening coach. I was curious, what is an eco spiritual teacher?

Tricia Carr 2:07

Ego is for nature. And of course, spirit, spiritual is for spirit. And, you know, it's interesting, I used to say, teacher of nature and spirit. And then it just came to me to combine it more in a fluid way eco spiritual, and there's those very tiny, tiny, tiny branch in psychology of ego psychology. And so I kind of was like, Well, you know what, I'm going to embrace that as well. Because it's really the as above so below, you know, the spiritual law of correspondence. It's, that's, and that's where it all is honestly, you know, Jesus was a great spiritual teacher, Yeshua. And he said, Hey, don't don't pay any attention to those dusty scrolls. Look at the mustard seed. And that's what I tend to do as well. And you just see, and, you know, I have, I just have a big capacity of my mission and my energetic makeup that is about nature and about the inner and inner dimensions, that span from nature all the way through, you know, the entire universe, I guess. Right. So that's what that's all about.

Jannecke Øinæs 3:15

Yeah, and I just want to mention that you also have a podcast to charmed life that I've also been on. So I highly recommend you guys checking it out. And your, your childhood has been quite extraordinary. You have been connecting with fairies, spirits, guides, unicorns, all these creatures that we know from the fairytales. And it seems like you're still in contact with that. And I also know that you've had quite a challenging life that has also transformed you in so many ways. So I would love for you to share your story and how it was like for you growing up being this magical child.

Tricia Carr 3:59

Oh, thank you. So sweet. It's very sweet. Because I continue to be that in my family, it seems. And well, okay, so childhood, I was actually the youngest have a lot of children, kind of an adult, not a lot, a lot in our household. There were four children, including myself, and there was a big gap between myself and my elder siblings. And so I was always the baby. And, you know, in dysfunctional families, I was also playing the role as the jester, you know, the one who was entertaining and I did develop a comfort in being able to hold space where I could deliver positive energies. That's why I saw it because there was so much violence and there was so much illness in my family of origin. And so if they were watching this youngest child, perform or do something that captivated everyone's attention, I will We could feel that resonance of exchange of positive energies. And it met nobody was a trigger warning. Nobody was getting hit. Nobody was being harmed because we would be transfixed for just a little bit. Now I experienced that as channeling and teaching groups and, you know, so it's always been something that has I've, I've just found the space of spirit being able to commune between individuals. But yes, I was, I had a family that where there was abuse, and there was violence. And that was from the first like, 1011 years of my life. And then I had a second kind of a family. But in that first set, yeah, I was, I communicated with my, for example, my spirit guides, but my family called them my imagine my imaginary friends. And, you know, they actually so in a way, that wasn't in my awareness of them, diminishing them, it was made them a part of the family. I mean, they thought it was cute, right? But these imaginary friends, I actually like one of these imaginary friends. The name that I had for her was little mama. And fast forward to after my, my metaphysical psychic awakening, like, you know, 30 years later, and a spirit guide who came through to me started telling me her name and gave me all these different kinds of names. And Lee Lilia, Leila, they'll these versions, and Li Li. And so after I was journaling and connecting with the spirit guide, I've had a couple of months after that, I found out that that was the name of my great grandmother, and my great grandmother. And all of those different names were like on all of the census records, and I had never known or heard of my great grandmother. And then eventually asked my mother, did you know your grandmother? And she said, Yes. And I said, was she short? Because my, that was I opened up your My great grandmother to the spirit guide. She's like, Yes. And you called me Little Mama, because I'm much shorter than your, your real mama. And anyway, so then I got the evidence from my mother. She's like, Yeah, I knew my grandmother, I said, was she short, and she's like, Oh, she was very short. And she was, you know, she was plump too. So just a totally different shape and body type than my mom, but she was a mother figure to me in spirit. So Little Mama was one of my imaginary friends, that who was actually, you know, a spirit guide, that I was quite aware of in my family was aware of this spirit guide imaginary friend when I was little. And yes, I spoke with unicorns and fairies. And again, my family somehow just didn't say that's just your imagination, or, or, you know, however, they, it entertained them or enchanted to them. It actually helped me to just, it just verified it to me, or I didn't, you know, because it's how children are there. It's just everything. We don't have any question about what is real or not real until some adult or some peer even maybe starts telling us differently. So the other thing that was a feature of that first family is my father. And one of my sisters are animal communicators, just again, kind of naturally, it's just a part of what they and we have some, all three of us have something in common in our human design chart that indicates that to which is fascinating to find that out, again, 40 years later. And so it was very normal to be like, Oh, well, the cat said such and such. And, you know, my sister would say, Yeah, I know. Yeah, she told me that too, and blah, blah, blah. And my dad would be like, Oh, he's saying so and so. And I'm like, yeah, and then he said this, and it was just normal. Like, if you were talking to anyone else. And, you know, the other members of my family, were just like, oh, okay, like, they didn't have the same experiences. But I don't know, again, the differentiation wasn't that big of a deal. Because it's like someone, like one of my sisters was a great softball player, you just didn't think about all the other ones not it was just kind of fell into that context for me as a child, as perfectly normal. And when I became a more of age, around age 11, I had this urge to expand spiritually. And so I went to the place where that could that was presented as a place to do it. And it was the church. While I was in church, a pretty traditional kind of church. Very, not very, like charismatic or anything. I had mediumship and I had channeling and I spoke in light language and the church they called it speaking in tongues, and these gifts of the Spirit as they're called in the church, even though the church I was going to didn't specifically feature that in their, you know, practices, but those things were online for me. And so in a way, there's a through line where I've never really shut down my gifts. I just didn't know that they were, you know, certain kinds of abilities and, you know, they're not really welcoming at work. They eventually I guess they because they wanted to really be the center of my life at some point. And so then they blossomed in more expanded ways as an adult, while I was talking about that first 10 years, then the next from age, like 13, to 18, my mother had another partner, left, my father had another partner and this person, you know, again, trigger warning, directly abused me for, you know, the time that I was 13 to 18. And there was a lot of escape, and that and part of it honestly, was leaving my body. And just now spirit is talking, as I'm teaching, self initiated astral projection, or AKA, out of body experiences, and spirit, just now my guides are saying, let's go ahead and, and pause your OBS for just a little bit, because we want to talk to you about how you used to use it for escape, and we want you to love yourself out of through that, you know, like this core wound. And it's been really beautiful. So that's, those are some of the things that and I had prophecy, when I was when I was a teenager, again, even though I was in this, these really difficult periods that they they bring out can be used to bring things out in you. And again, interestingly, as I'm a human design expert, as well, now, I find out that has a lot to do with what we see in my human design, my conscious son, which is like my life's work is called the gate of crisis, meaning that I moved through crisis, and then that becomes everything from which I serve. So it's all my soul had it planned all along. That's how it works.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:42

Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's amazing how you have transformed your life, you know, not staying in a victim mentality for what's happened to you, and how just stepped into your highest version of yourself, like helping people create miracles in their lives. I just want to commend you on that. And also like going back to your childhood. I feel a bit childish when I'm asking this, but I just wonder how it is like, talking to unicorns? Like, it's so interesting to me how you talk about it, like that's so natural. And of course, it was natural to you, but it's not natural to me and many others. So how do they communicate? How do they look like? Were there different kinds of unicorns, corns, and the fairies? How do they look like? So? I would love some more knowledge on those kinds of kinds of species.

Tricia Carr 12:43

Sure, well, okay, well, since you asked about unicorns first, so unicorns, well, I can get chills because who they step right in. And when we start asking them to, and actually they're there. And so they enter right now they're entering in through this part, like the, where the causal chakra is, they come in that area, and they come in through your connection with the moon. And so what do you want us to do? I'm going to listen to them and kind of maybe sort of mediumistic ly or even channel so that we can get a clear is that sound good? Yes. Okay. Okay, so they're, they're talking about what they what a lot of people would like to know is even like you, you mentioned having a picture of them. And so they say, in truth, we are pure crystal and light. And yet we catch the different fractals or refractions of light as it corresponds with the being with whom we are communing. And so to one at one time, it may seem to be a pure pure, pure pearlescent light. And yet when the light shifts a little bit, if you can imagine an opal or or you know, a pearl even, and when the light catches such a gem, in a certain way, you might see it shift to a pale pink or rose gold or even soft blue. And that is our very essence, communing with that being. And so you might say that we are shifting our fractal expression, as we are resonating with another. So if we were to be communing with Jana Jana could might first experience visualize, imagine or sense, her unicorn as a pure white with silver mane and a horn that is a swirling of gold and silver and platinum a little thread of platinum in there as well. And then as she experiences her unicorn and brings me in, then I will be connecting with her heart and I will now start to actually become more of the light quotient of her heart is so she may see me start to shift into ripples of other kinds of pale rainbow colors. While we can become a deep and rich color, if at any time it is appropriate for that resonance between two, in certain times we are we do represent the pure crystalline light. So speaking of the crystalline light, what crystalline is it is the frequency of spirit becoming form of some kind. And we say form of some kind because it isn't necessarily always material, as in your 3d world can be any version of that. And so it is that the unicorns are in that higher frequency or that higher dimensional frequency of crystalline light, we're existing more in the realms that are in your angelic realms. And we can because we have lived on your planet, in the density of that time, meaning wasn't material, partially not not fully. It was a lot much lighter material when we did dwell on your planet, in a form that humans could receive us fully. And we so we can come closer to you even though our home frequency is up in that angelic realm. And so to the question of the dear one Yanaka, asking, what is it like? Well, it is like the song of your soul, because that is the only thing that we want to bring to you. We want to bring to you the purest light, we want to bring to you the frequency that is your home, that is your pure creation. And so if you would like to receive your unicorn, or a unicorn who can minister to you, co create with you, bless you, delight you, we asked you to resource that frequency of your own heart, direct love to yourself, for as this channel has spoken many times from the font of her soul, and through the edifices of many different forms of spirit, that the higher self or your soul even better spoken. The language of your soul is you loving yourself. That is how you know corns can reach you and your personal unicorn would love to be with you in the way that you can receive him or her. Now, I'm going to come back to my voice now. And see if do you have any comments or question on that Yannick? And then I could tell you a little bit more about unicorns, if you like.

Jannecke Øinæs 17:15

Ah, that just was very profound and deep and eloquent. So what I took away from it was a lot, but also that might concrete minus like, okay, so they have been on earth just in a lighter version in a way. But yeah, go on, I'd love to hear

Tricia Carr 17:35

Sure. So yes, when they were when they, when humans were able to receive them more fully, when they were part of the reality, the shared reality, that would have been Lemuria was a really potent time, and also the specific area, they were also a part of Atlantis and the Atlantean, gold all of these golden eras, because the frequency of the planet, but moreover, the human race, there was a higher frequency. And so we could, we could take the experience, we could perceive the experience that was a lighter material reality, you see, light is actually material. Light, light is actually the most, the smallest, most quantized verbal form of particles. And so, you know, we have our physical senses that filter out finer and higher, you know, like infrared and ultraviolet frequencies of light. And so we've always had that it's not like we had different physical senses, as much as we didn't only use our physical senses then. And because we could receive them and CO create with them, they could even become even more dense and even more full, like, again, like they're saying, like semi material, not as 3d as we are, but really bridging into that. And so they were much more formed.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:56

So what I don't get or what I'm wondering about, so are they existing on Earth? Or are they existing somewhere else, and we're able to perceive them from that place, where they are now in that there is sort of a problem because I know that what is a place when we talk about spiritual realms, but it seems like to me that they're saying or you're saying that okay, in Atlantis and Lemuria, we had like an expanded consciousness, so we would be able to perceive what's actually there, that we if we could do that now we could perceive a lot of different realms and what is actually going on here. So what is my question? Yeah, I'm wondering about if they have a connection to earth if fairies have a connection to earth, all these elementals or if they're, they are, you know, like the angels in another realm somewhere else and like ETS, you know, in other realms, other star systems that is not, you know Earth.

Tricia Carr 20:03

So just like you said, we are talking beyond space and beyond time in we're in the more eternal kind of frequencies of time and space. And it might be more spherical, or it might be completely without any, any kind of linearity. So as opposed to a line, or a plane, or a box, it might be spherical. And that's it. I mean, again, this is not just a metaphor, it is a little harder for us to imagine time and space being something that is. So I guess the best way to say it's holographic. And so the way or is here, however, to your point, as we in as we are able to actually create a shared space that is relevant to our time space, then they can more be here, right. So as I was just bringing through a channeled frequency from the unicorns, they are here, they are here with you, and they are here with me, they are here and now in a relevant way for us, because that is the capacity that we can pull them in as as potently as possible. So they are here. And as to how relevant they can be to us, we maybe can't always receive that, because again, of what it is we're concerned with. And it's, it's, you know, it's understandable, we've got some things going on, and we don't recognize or we have, we don't have the capacity to bring in the unicorns all the time. I mean, if we, if we did, and we could, that can suit, they can become relevant, they can help us in even all of the things that we are dealing with in our lives. And yet at the same time, the more of the were is more frequency based, right? It's more like the angelic realm is everywhere. But it is a frequency. And so our unicorns right now ETS, they do they may have they may be oriented to other kinds of material realities, they may actually be existing on another kind of a planet, or near or correlated to a planet. They're not always on that planet. But they are the ones who are, you know, are benevolent brothers, brothers and sisters and are helpful to us. They can be anywhere to you know, so they might have a correlation to some areas. And their frequency is transdimensional interdimensional and then yeah, it's kind of it really, it's like these, it's these frequency bands, you know what I mean? Like speeds of, of energy. And yet, the, the higher frequencies can come in to certain realities, but it usually requires whatever they're connecting with to also raise theirs. You know, I mean, for us to find a meeting point,

Jannecke Øinæs 22:55

Right. Yeah. So you channel several beings, what are they saying about the case we're living in and where we're heading. A lot of spiritual teachers that I speak with, or everybody speaks about the shift in consciousness. And at the same time, I feel like there is like this pull the other from the other side, not the good side, but the bad side, like a darker force that is like also holding us back. And I can find that in myself sometimes. I'm just wondering, did it cloud come over me right now, you know what, I feel so heavy, so I can feel that there are some push and pull here. So what are your thoughts about our awakening that's going on on the planet.

Tricia Carr 23:44

So St. Germain actually wants to kind of guide this here. And so I'm just gonna listen to him for a bit because St. Germain is actually in our in our realm, if you will, of those which we call Ascended Masters, beings who probably lived as humans and then moved to the side to be guardians. And then some of these are in this paradigm of Ascended Masters may not have actually been physical beings, but they were a certain kind of deified or high frequency energy that was so received by humans, that they also sort of suit that particular realm. And so Saint Germain is the one who is sort of called the the overseer, there's Chohan of the Aquarian Age, which is one of the labels of the age that we are in are transitioning into. And so Saint Germain is reminding us that it's a process of alchemy and all magic and all transformation is a process of alchemy. And so it is that when you are in an alchemical process, that the base metal that is being turned into gold, it will, it will become more put It will become more intense as it is being diminished as it is, as it is actually being melted away, it becomes more, it becomes more potently what it is before it actually gives way to the next form. And he wants to say, it's very easy for you to relate to this beautiful humans in the sense that when you are making some sort of shift in your experience in your psyche, in your psychology, in your beliefs, you have a limiting belief, this limiting belief was originally established within you as a sort of easy little way to keep safe. If This Then That. And then I don't have to think about that anymore. Well, when you create a belief, it is meant to keep you safe, it is meant to maintain survival. And then when this is no longer functioning as something that can keep you safe and help you to survive, or better yet, that can lead to your thriving, which is what you're calling out, lead to your expansion, which is what you are bringing in lead to your higher place as an alchemical Master, you use your power of alchemy to this belief. Now this belief wants to make sure as it's been set up, it's made of your survival energy, it says, I am here to help you to survive, I am composed of the very energy of survival. So if I become threatened, I'm going to fight back, I'm going to try to survive, because that's my very, that's the way that I am created. And I want to make sure that you are ready to live without me. And so, this is what is experienced in your reality as a collective to systems patterns, a ways that things have been or believed even if they are painful, you have survived by them, or at least with them. Therefore, they kick back because again, they are actually made of the energy of you might say survival. And you also might say fear. So if you attempt to with the power, the light, the fire of your awareness, to eliminate fear, fear will fight back as fear. It will try to survive everything that is attempts to survive and it will continue to fight back and get noisier and louder and more potent. Until such time that that light does overcome it because you never walk into a room and turn on the dark and the light goes away. You turn on the light and the dark goes away. And so as the light is able within each of you to be able to expand so much that it is strong that the fear just simply dismantles dis materializes, D materializes and become a part of the light itself. That is the experience that you have. Remember, that your that the all that is is the frequency most resembling love, love is the thing that is Love is the actual context. And anything that is not love will always be playing second fiddle or side seat. It might be a noisy kind, but when it when love is expanding, this is going to fight back. But love is always going to be the thing because it is the only thing it is the only all that is that exists. So the path the foregone conclusion is that the fear will be alchemize back into love, but it will get noisy at first and it is only there to help you to become even stronger. It is the gravity against which you push so that you may be stronger.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:24

Thank you for that. I've never had St. Germain coming through and the synchronicity here is that I think it was yesterday when I was thinking I want to learn more about St. St. Germain. And Gary showed up. And again, that's a beautiful synchronicity. So thank you for that. You said it's going to be noisy, and a lot of those that interview have been speaking about that, especially our galactic family, extraterrestrials is now going to make their parents are going to be more visible, because they're going to help us because there might be like speaking of dark powers, there might be some forces trying to move in the wrong direction. Speaking of worse, and what might happen, that we will get more support. And this has been some predictions. And I was just thinking about the unicorns and fairies. Like, do you see that that we are receiving help from different species different energies that have a common interest in this awakening and helping humanity awaken?

Tricia Carr 29:35

Oh, for sure. I mean, it's, it's undeniable at this point, David grush was in front of Congress, David grush, is a whistleblower and is being questioned by Congress about you know, I don't know if he's, if you or anybody's saw it, but you can go watch this interview. And David grush is before Congress and Congress is asking him so were there non human biologic? goal, you know, material were there. extraterrestrial beings is what that is saying in these craft? And he's saying yes. So it's like, it is, it is just, it's, it's in our most common, you know, awareness. They and yes, we have many different extra trees, I like extra dimensional is my favorite way to refer to them because they are actually terrestrial, a lot of them are here, they might be living in our oceans, they might be living on our inner planes, and they also might be living in frequencies of light that we are not always perceiving. And so and then yes, disclosure does feel does seem and is indicated by those brothers and sisters of the extra dimensional bent benevolent light to you know, to be to be at hand that disclosure and the appearance and the correlation. Now, again, these who are benevolent and are intending to help us, they, they want to, they don't want to interfere, they don't want, they want to obey the galactic law of non interference. So it is us being able to receive them again, in a similar way to the unicorns, but in again, a more, more material way, because it's going to require actual humans, with their human awareness to be able to accept it, can you imagine how, if we were not in the right, collaboration and mindset, that we just like, as a mass, we wouldn't be able to receive extra dimensional contact, because it would throw so much fear into society, look what happened with the pandemic, you know, and that was just a biological thing that occurred, and it really caused so much fear. I mean, there was a genuine threat there, because it was our physical health, but you know, so it does require development, it requires not just spiritual development, it requires personal development, in order for us to be able to receive the help in a significant way from our, you know, at brothers and sisters. And I just want to say that the bringing it all back to our own personal sovereignty, we really need to be rescued from ourselves. It is we who are allowing any negative forces, and we are actually we are in it, and I say all of we, because we're, you know, we are really one unit, we are really one, you know, and while we might be a Wayshower, like you are Yanaka, to move things forward, we still have to be connected. And so, you know, for us to come together and recognize that and to be out of blame or or separation frequency, it's tricky. So we need to take responsibility for it together collectively, too. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 32:55

Yeah. I think I'm fishing for; Will they intervene and help us because, you know, there's so many of us who want this to happen, wants to take that next step. But like you're saying, we're a unit, and we'll humanity change, like, sometimes I believe it will all the time. So I'm like, Oh, my goodness, it's not going well. So like, if you could perhaps ask your guides like, we would get help. To do this?

Tricia Carr 33:28

We will get Yes. So here's the thing to recognize, the reason why we could say, we will get help is because there is momentum to us being able to receive help you see, there is so much momentum, and we can see that in so many different ways. We can see that even by the Schumann Resonance, the the frequency of the planet is rising, we can see it in how we just know that there is clearly a mass spiritual awakening occurring, we can see it in the fact that in the these more common areas of actually recognizing that there are so many et experiences that people are witnessing all of that and there is just momentum that it's going to happen. There is also just how cycles and seasons turn 2027 we are changing our background frequency. This is a human design, prophecy, but it's not even just a prophecy. It's just basically the cycle changing. We've been in a certain incarnation cross, it's over 400 years, and it's about to take over and 2027. Now, that will actually have a more significant effect from 2027 Over the next 100 years. But however, it will also have, it's already having a significant effect. You know, we are coming more into Unity Consciousness. Again, to take it in a more mundane area. younger entrepreneurs and younger owners of big companies. They're not tolerating competition and poor work life balance, and you know what I mean? They're not tolerating homogenizing People, the younger generations are insisting on valuing the individual, which is the only way we could value the collective. So the point is, yes. And it does seem a certain amount of years after that 2027 When the background frequency does actually change, there is it's it's not, you know, the nothing is deterministic because it has to do with the choices because we do have free will. But there's the, you know, probably a 1015 year period, where things are going to, there's a good chance we're going to have a disclosure or an appearance, and a very direct connection is probably going to happen in our lifetime. Yanaka you know, not too far away. And it's going to be easy for people like us and those who are here at listening to go like, it's gonna be super exciting, but at the same time, it's gonna seem like, of course, yes.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:51

Yeah, yes. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. I know, many in my audience are wondering about this, because in my community tab on YouTube, I've asked questions like, What do you want to learn about and some are saying, oh, would love to hear more about fairies and the Elementals? And I'm curious about that myself. Like? Yeah, what are fairies? Like? Do they exist on Earth? And what are they doing? Like? Are they're actually looking after nature? I've heard that each and every plant has its own fairy or fairy Angel. And, yeah, I know very little of fairies. And is it possible for us to see them? I guess it is when we expand our awareness. Like you're probably seeing them, right?

Tricia Carr 36:42

Yeah, every time we start talking about them, too, they start showing up. And so and often the other person will see him so if you do you see something? Or I should say the camera will catch them because you know, audience might see them too. Yes, so the fairy round, they're kind of the cool kids that everyone talks about. And then there's this is the realm of the of the ones who have that kind of like the boots on the ground, the ones who are working and then we also have these David realms, so they are more of what feels like angelic to us, because they are in these, the kind of again the crystalline you know, the materialization realms. And so, for example, in the David realms, we have just the elemental devas. So the overseers of the element of Earth are the gnomes of the of water and dimes, and dines of air are sylphs sy LPH. And then of Earth, we already said earth when did I leave out air water? Oh, fire salamanders, like the like the amphibian is what it's not the actual amphibian, but it's the that is the name for them. And so these, these we, for example, we each have one master guide of each of these quadrants. So you have a gnome, you have a self, you have an Undying, you have a salamander because you're composed of these four elements. And then those elemental devas also have different, you know, they oversee the Fae realm, the realms of fairies, sprites, Pixies. And then there are other kinds of devas, too, like there is a deva overseeing any particular system, like there's a David who's overseeing a tree, and everything that is with that tree, and the birds and the leaves and the flowers and the bees and everything that would be correlated to that tree. There's a Dave overseeing an entire forest, and so on and so forth. With fairies. Yes, fairies, and this realm, especially the fairy, the Fae realm. They are, they're like an inner frequency. And so it is more of, it's like it's more two dimensional, however, it's mirroring fifth dimensional as well. So for us, that's a little bit confusing. But it there's so they can feel fifth dimensional and second dimensional at the same time. Second, density is this second, I'm saying density now dimensional density. There's some correlation, you can sort of use these interchangeably but I won't go down that right now. When you think about it, it is it's actually really close to the brink of materialization, of manifestation. And that's so they move in this really quick and fast and this is we feel we experienced them as playful and we experienced them as excited and excitable. They are they they are abundance, they just simply are the frequency of things becoming materialized or things being abundant. Yes, they are here to honor to work to nurture with the with Gaia and her and her manifestations. So yes, every flower has a fairy or more. And, you know your home is, is danced about by fairies with fairies so we can see them as we allow Our state to be attuned to them, it's like dialing a radio station. And any anything that is not in this frequency band of material reality, full material reality, we we see, despite our eyes, not with our eyes, but despite and yet we still see them as if it is with our eyes. So what we want to do is not try to see them with our eyes as much as we try to experience them as they are. And being on that frequency band nurse some little ways and we have to say yes to it, we have to accept them. Because they they are subtle, and they kind of don't suffer are our goofiness, I'll just put it that way they don't really have because again, they're in that fast, they're like, don't bring me down humans, you're in trouble. But they love us as well. And so for example, if you were to go sit outside and meditate, and feel the breeze and just appreciate the sun and the moisture of the grass and the scent, and the aroma and listen to the birds, and really attuned to the frequency of nature. And you could do this one, one technique to get yourself into that nature of frequency of 54321, which is like five things you see four things, you hear three things, you smell two things, you feel one thing you taste, you know, you can do those however you like. But that's one way that you can do it and dwell with each of those in appreciate them. Let your focus come on nature, narrow your frequency band of focus to nature. And then, for example, you could take that when you're in that appreciation, you could glance at a tree or some area of nature and allow your vision to kind of blur. Many people have heard of this technique, as if you're looking through it or into it and allow your vision to blur. And let yourself notice not even like what the point of your vision but just all around the area of your vision. And if you see something over here, that's rustling gotta let your personality or your ego mind go, oh, that's just a wind with the with the tree. That thing? That right? There will be probably be a fairy. And let her I'm feeling it just to her right now. Let her give you a message, let her but here's the thing, too, with fairies is they also want an exchange. So one time when I was talking to a fairy, and I said, Do you have a message for me? And she's like, Do you have a message for me? Like how rude. I'm, I'm kind of exaggerating, but I was like, oh, okay, and so I shared something with her first because I was acting a little too demanding. And then she shared something with me. So as you dwell in that, and sometimes we get a little excited when we see something, you know, that is not our normal, it's our it's our non physical reality, get a little excited. And so we might slip out of it. And that's okay, just keep coming back to it. And the more you practice it, the more you could walk out, and you'll just see a fairy just there as plain as day because you'll shift into that nature appreciation, you'll skip those steps, you'll get to that really fast. And then you'll be able to bypass your physical senses and see your with your non physical senses as a part of your typical reality.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:18

Wow, that was very exciting that you actually taught us a process in a way to the various asset class here. Of that I know people on Iceland have been very concerned with fairies, like that's part of their culture has always been like I've heard that they are when it comes to construction buildings and building buildings. Yeah, extra work. They are. How do you say It's concerned with where they build certain things? Because they know oh, there's an area of Ferris here. So we'll dig here, instead. And I find that so fascinating. So it seems like they are interacting with us. Would that be fair to say that they actually are interacting with humans and that if they did hang out a place they would get upset if we would put a building on that place?

Tricia Carr 44:19

Well, sure. Because again, they their whole mission is to take care of nature to take care of, then of natural manifestation. So you know, well, I'll give you an example. In my neighborhood where I live, they planted trees all along the streets, they're 80 years ago, and anytime there's a wind and we have very powerful wind seasonally here, these trees fall over and they clobber houses. And the reason that they do this is because that tree that they planted there is not appropriate for the kind of soil so the roots don't go deep enough into the earth. And there so now we have 80 years later where these the you know, it's not able to fit the ecosystem and these trees are interfering. So that's putting a tree in. And so there are things I mean, that's something that could have been researched, I suppose even with our with an encyclopedia 80 years ago, I guess, or talk to someone who was an expert. So just expand that to other concerns about how nature and energy is flowing in an ecosystem. And also, not only that, about it being, you know, them being able to collaborate on the wisdom of how things can be best situated. It's also a notification, it's also a May we, and it, they may need to mourn, they may need to hold ceremony, they may need to work with you and to grieve through what will be displaced, or even, you know, killed in that process. And so there's different, you know, there's just different things that they can help us with. And so yeah, they does appear as angry because again, they have a fast and quick frequency. And they do when they they're known as being mischievous, but it's in fact, to them trying to interrupt, something that we're doing that is going to be harmful, usually to nature. But you know, nature expands to everything. So some there'll be known to like, hide your keys, whether they actually physically move them or you just somehow it's usually I think they just put a cloak because you got some kind of frequency going on. That is staticky, and they're able to go in there and just add a little something so that your keys are hidden, and doesn't usually if you go, Okay, calm down. All right, where are my keys? All right, I'm gonna go, I swear, I looked there five times, you know what I mean? Like, it's they were interrupting, because if you had your keys, and you went and you got in the car, who knows what you would have done, right? They will hide like a crystal. And they'll find it later. Because this crystal need a break from me. What do you mean? Like, they'll hide a piece of jewelry. So those little things, how they're actually involved in our life, they do tend to try to interrupt a frequency that might be harmful. In a natural sense, which, of course, is us? And who knows, you know, what other kinds of natural, you know, interference it could create.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:07

Do you think Walt Disney had like an expanded awareness that he was very intuitive, since he, you know, created everything he created with all the imaginary beings?

Tricia Carr 47:18

Yeah, I think he was tapped into something. And a lot of the stories that came, I mean, he was he was still a man. But yeah, he was definitely tapped into something. And I think he also had this sort of magnet magnetism about him to collaborate with those who were on those frequencies as well. You know, I mean, so artists and writers, and so yes, I think that was something that downloaded in the planet, through that man at that time to bring fairy tales modern into the society, and it's still going on. Yeah, same thing with like, Gene Roddenberry with, you know, sci fi and, you know, these these people who are bringing through stories that are helping to help us practice, yeah, whether it's like fairies or these mystical inner dimensional things, or extra dimensional things, such as sci fi, yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:12

Yeah, I think so interesting to look to Hollywood and see what they're creating. Because I'm like, Yeah, that's coming. And that's coming. And it seems like they're always ahead of us, like all the series about multiverse and all the different universes, it's just so common to see serious about that now.

Tricia Carr 48:30

Yeah, like Hollywood is also, it's always kind of taking the fall for the things that are a challenge that we're doing that we need to clean up. So for example, back in 2008, we had in the in the United States, we had that big burst of the real estate bubble where they had been making all of these really terrible, you know, loans and right before that big bursts happened and it collapsed the economy. Hollywood had a writer strike and it was for a very they were very correlated. It was right before the the bursts happened. And it was correlated what these purposes of these things that were occurring. And now we have this whole thing with how we're AI is moving so fast. It's an it's a part of our reality is a part of our advancement. But it's moving so fast in a way where there aren't really it's not it's, it's, it's actually plundering a little bit. Our consciousness and Hollywood is taking the fall on that first too. I said in 2020, while I was channeling, I was in this class, I was teaching a workshop and it was actually Metatron. I was channeling Metatron. About at that time, it was like the the metaverse but it was more than just the metaverse because that's actually been delayed a little bit of, you know, the web 3.0, you know, has been delayed just a little bit and AI has come in because it's a necessary part of that path. Anyway, and I in Metatron said, Well, I was channeling I have a clip of it in 2020. And I said you know I We know this isn't this isn't news, but we had the industrial age, which made society quick and, you know, up ticked, our advancement in the way that we were connecting and moving in life, the commodity at that time was our labor. Then we have the information age, that offs obviously, up in expedites all of our connection and our advancement. And the commodity at that time was our data. Right? They've got our data. They got all our data. Now, the next age is the age of consciousness. And the commodity there is our consciousness, our conscious awareness. And when I said that in 2020, I didn't know what it meant, because it was just coming through. And I remember my students going well, what do you what does that look like, literally? And I'm like, I don't know, you know? And so one person suggested, I wonder if it's something like Jeff Bezos, you know, huge Corddry Gillean air is going to start selling like, consciousness programs, you know, maybe I'm a human, maybe that's it. But if you look at what AI is, AI is literally taking the essences of people, like by taking artists work by taking the likenesses of people and then commodifying it, you know, did you know what I mean? Like, so it's actually, you know, like, your art, your creation, that's an expression of your consciousness. It's just one little piece of it. So, yeah, it's just really fascinating. But it's all necessary. You know what I mean? Like, we got past, having all of our data taken, we got past having all of our labor utilized. We're gonna get past it, and we're gonna build upon it. Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 51:30

What is the deepest spiritual insight that you have received?

Tricia Carr 51:38

If you're asking me, I don't know. Okay, thank you. So I was like, so what else tell me? Okay. Well, the deepest spiritual insight is something that is also the most common and actually familiar in a lot of sense. And that is that it's all about paradox, the closer you are to paradox, the closer you are to God and your home frequency or your natural frequency, because God is of itself, only the frequency of paradox, God was nothing until we were because God or creator was all that is, and being all that is, then there is nothing. So in order for us to get back to the frequency that is directly being created, we have to see ourselves as God in the mirror, and also the reflection of God in the mirror. So that is holding the paradox that and when we're able to hold the paradox, then we pop back into that neutral frequency, which is able to hold everything. And that is how creation unfolds. That's probably pretty esoteric, but tell me how you experienced

Jannecke Øinæs 52:47

Yeah, I just got affected by that. I don't know why, like, I just got a bit emotional. I don't know. That's my arm. And it's interesting, beautiful. Well, this has been so. So enriching, Trisha. And I would like to ask some final questions that I asked many of my guests. And the first one is what is self love to you?

Tricia Carr 53:16

It is the divine parent coming into it as the divine parent that we hold within us, loving the divine child within perfectly. And in moments creating perfection in moments being able to go back to that home frequency. And it is an inner work that is cultivating your true authentic voice, which is the voice that says, I love you, I see you. I've always known your intention. I'm proud of you. I, I support you, I intend to never abandon you. And you are pristinely and divinely just as you are. And even in your mistakes, these are redeemed by the moments of a beauty that you hold within yourself, of love that you have in each moment. And I see that that is your intention. And that is what I see in you and I choose to see in you when you're holding that for yourself and you choose to see that in you and cultivate that voice within you. And even a few able to free it with your own voice vocal cords or see it and give it to yourself in a mirror in a physical way. Then that is the that is the that is the beginning of self love. And then that's the being state of it and being always an only precedes doing so being first and then doing just naturally happens. And so then you'll see behaviors that correlate or just create the manifestation of self love from holding that true communion with yourself.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:51

And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Tricia Carr 54:54

Consciousness expansion, giving back holding the frequency of creator that split off off that when when Creator created, we were a copy of of creator and the reason that Creator created was to experience and then that frequency of experience is love and so then we get that same experience. And so we contribute back our expansion is the expansion of the universe and it's just a never ending exploration of love expanding and creating and expanding and creating. Yeah. Beautiful. Man forgot what the question was actually.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:37

Finally insignificant question. People are usually like, what you come with that at the end? Well, Trisha, where can people connect with you if they want to follow you and hear more and learn more?

Tricia Carr 55:55

Well, you know, you could just Google me my name is Tricia car TR I C I A C A R R and then my website's Triciacarr with the word charm at the end of it, and because I have a podcast called charmed life, and that's on YouTube as well, when Instagram and you know, I'm teaching all the time. So, you know, that's in with my teaching. There's, you know, as you mentioned at the beginning, the purpose of transpersonal hypnotherapy. transpersonal means to expand beyond this personal through and beyond this personal reality, its spiritual expansion or ascension. And we do that through consciousness practices for ourselves. And that's where hypnosis and hypnotherapy come in. And so, that's a part of my teaching is also what people consider meditation but I also use things like other technologies like binaural beats and you know, but anyway, but yeah, coaching hotseat coaching is a part of my programs and then yeah, teaching. So yeah, that's, uh, I guess those are the ways that you could find me.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:56

Thank you so much, Tricia. And I know you'll come back someday, but it was awesome speaking with you again. And thank you so much for what you have also contributed to my community to wisdom from North membership with your master classes. And for everyone who is curious about that. You can check out the link below we have a beautiful membership for those who want to accelerate their spiritual journey and I work there with many of the teachers that I interview here on this channel. So thank you so much, Trisha.

Tricia Carr 57:26

Thank you for having me, Jannecke. Many blessings to all

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