Rob Gauthier channels Treb, a loving reptilian hybrid, challenging the common perception that all reptilian beings are negative. According to Gauthier, extraterrestrial life is diverse, ranging from peaceful and loving entities to those still evolving in disconnected states. However, Earth stands out for its wide spectrum of emotional experiences. Treb has explained that Earth is unique in how its inhabitants can embody extreme polarities—something not often seen in other extraterrestrial civilizations.

Life After Death: A Tailored Experience

Rob Gauthier’s channeling sheds light on what happens after death, based on the perspective of extraterrestrial life. While all souls transition to higher dimensions, each experience is personalized based on the individual’s spiritual awareness. Whether we reincarnate or continue as spirit guides, the process demonstrates the interconnectedness between human life, extraterrestrial dimensions, and the universe at large.

The Nature of the Soul: Fractalization and Oneness

Gauthier introduces the idea of “fractalization,” which explains how extraterrestrial life and the universe itself are deeply interconnected. The universe is one collective consciousness, dividing itself into galaxies, solar systems, and living beings. Our souls are a fractal of this larger cosmic structure. Extraterrestrial life forms, like those Gauthier channels, highlight the fact that while humans feel separate, we are actually linked to the vast, universal consciousness.

The Future of Extraterrestrial Contact and Earth’s Awakening

Rob Gauthier believes humanity is undergoing a massive consciousness shift, closely monitored by many extraterrestrial civilizations. As Earth’s vibrational frequency rises, open contact with extraterrestrial life could become a reality within the next few decades. However, the timeline depends on humanity’s collective evolution and willingness to engage with these higher-dimensional beings.

Rob Gauthier’s incredible work gives us a broader understanding of the universe, our place within it, and the interconnected nature of all life. His teachings inspire a deeper exploration of consciousness and a reminder that while we may feel small in the vastness of the universe, we are all integral parts of a greater whole.

Transcript of the interview

Rob Gauthier 0:00

And Treb is actually a benevolent reptilian hybrid. So this, being that I channel, is a very loving reptilian. A lot of people see that all Reptilians are negative, all humanoids are good, and that's not the case either. So it really is the spectrum that we have on Earth. It exists out there, but Earth is a different type of experience. Something that Treb said, that always kind of made me laugh, was Earth is the one of the very few places that a stone cold killer can walk outside and kill someone in cold blood for money, and then go home and put their child in bed and love that child with all of their, all of their heart and soul, like a pure, real love. And that doesn't happen on plants. We have that spectrum within us. That's the rarity.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:56

Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love? Then I have a self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to wisdom from Hello, Rob, a warm welcome to the show.

Rob Gauthier 1:14

Hello. Thank you so much for having me back on. It's been a long time since we've had a chance to chat.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:18

Yes, and the other time was way back when, I think many years ago, when I interviewed you together with another author, I think you had published a book, and I so wanted to have you back on the show to just focus on you. I mean, you have been channeling 1000s of different et consciousnesses, and I know my audience is very curious about, you know, everything extraterrestrial, and then especially you are channeling Treb and arative, I think it's called and meta trom, and maybe we'll get to meet some of them today. Now, I've been recommended to speak with you again by so many channelers like you are highly recognized and doing amazing work. Now, how did you get into channeling in the first place?

Rob Gauthier 2:07

Yeah, channeling came to me a long road, and I've told that whole story a lot, so I always try to make it as short as I can. But my son was born with cerebral palsy, and that created a pretty deep depression in me. You know, the doctor said he won't be able to walk or talk or all of these things. And at that point, you know, I had already had a lot of Christianity in my lifetime as a kid, and a lot of violence and trouble when I was a kid, I hung out with the wrong people. So finally, when my son came, it calmed me down, but then this news came, and it really depressed me. I finally met someone I loved more than I did myself, so his experience with me was one of acceptance, and I got into a car accident and got put on a lot of pain medicine. The pain medicine led to a pretty heavy drug addiction, and the drug addiction lasted many years, and during that time, I disconnected wholly and completely for myself. And then I realized I need to get clean for my son. You know, his was the only relationship that didn't get affected during that time. And then I started noticing I wasn't doing as as good for him as I could. And then I got clean. And once I got clean, I had a spiritual kind of reignition in my body and my mind, my heart. I was like, everything feels good. Everything looks beautiful. I want to explore what I had as a child, a relationship with God, relationship with with whatever created all of this. So I looked around and I found a spiritualism church, and these are the people who claim that they can speak to people who passed on. And that's really where my journey began. I kept going there. Worked with the people there, doing meditations, and eventually it led me to meet my first guide, Treb, and when I met him, I was Astro projecting during a meditation, which was my first really visual, really heavy, really hard core out of body experience. And it freaked me out. It scared me. I was meditating hours and hours and hours a day, and I stopped for three or four days. And then my curiosity, because I'm a very mentally curious person, I've got to go back and talk to this crazy thing that just happened to me. You know, he told me that we were connected, and I could go connect with him whenever I wanted. So I went back and did the same thing, and I did for two years, and just talking to him, just me and him talking about everything I could think of, all the questions of life, the universe. And through that expiration, I found out what channeling was by looking on the Internet things he was telling me I bumped into the Jane Roberts Seth material. So I asked him, after about two years after I really felt like I learned a. A lot of what I could I said, Can we share this with other people? Because I don't know how to share this. And he said, Yeah, we can do what they did, what Seth and Jane Roberts did. We can do the channeling. So I went around and I looked online, and I read books, and Trep taught me techniques, and eventually I channeled. And then less than a month after I started doing that with Treb and learned how to do it, I just went to YouTube, 2010 and just started sharing. Every time I could channel, I wanted to share. And eventually it just kind of took a life of its own. I was confronted with idea, I can either keep my day job and do this once in a great while to help people. And because it really did, it helped everyone who had a session. It really helped them with whatever they had going on in their life. I can help people and do this all the time, where I can do my day job and do this a couple hours a week, if possible. And I started doing it. And then I met artif, which is Trebs guide. And after I met art, if I met dozens of other beings, and eventually I've channeled over 1000 different ETs that from 2010 till now. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 6:13

wow, uh, 1000s of different ETs like you must have vast knowledge about this universe. What is your biggest insight that you have received about the universe that you didn't know before?

Rob Gauthier 6:27

Literally everything, I mean, everything I learned the first year with Trev was probably the most important. I learned how consciousness works. I learned that we're souls that don't just come here once, like I had thought through my Christianity beliefs that were souls that can come back and do life after life, and don't have to just live on Earth. We can go to other planets and live that our souls are set up to evolve, and that's why reincarnation happens. Literally, everything I know now about how consciousness works, I had no idea of it was all just big question marks or really bad assumptions from reading whatever you know religious material I could most of it was Christianity, which has some some great insights in it, but it took me from a place of knowing nothing to not knowing everything, as much As I've channeled and as wise as the beings I channel are, I still, I still don't know everything, and I still have a lot to learn, but the Insight has been amazing, and it shifted the way I live life, the way I perceive myself, the way I perceive relationships. So pretty much everything, everything has changed,

Jannecke Øinæs 7:40

Right. And still, I'm puzzled sometimes and not that our inner life does not, or an external life does not change completely, like we just talked about, you have someone in your family that just passed. I have a friend who just got cancer, and we still struggle with the the everyday life. Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down, like we're still human having issues. Um, that puzzles me, that even the even though we know this and we believe in this, it's we're still human having the same issues. But I guess that's the point.

Rob Gauthier 8:19

Yeah, yeah, that is, that is the big point. And it's hard for people to see, especially people who are involved in in the spiritual aspect, and they're just starting to learn about how important love is, and how important getting good things in your life is, like seeing things in a good way, or only doing things that are exciting for you. Some people start mistaking that for, oh, this life can only be good. Otherwise I'm doing something wrong, or otherwise I'm not going to ascend, or whatever their belief is. But that's not the case. The case is we go through the Earth, which has duality, and our only job is to come here and experience that's literally it, to come on earth and to do what we can here. Now hopefully. You know, most people feel better and like they're succeeding when they go through that life in the best way possible, which means you not that you're not going to deal with that stuff. You're in duality. You're in a place with a polar opposite, really heavy darkness, really heavy, bad, really good, light, very light, loving energy, and everything that's between you're going to have to face that, that there's nothing in spiritual life that says all things will be good only, and all the bad stuff disappears. It's the way that you react to those things. That's what we're trying to fix while we're here, when death happens, do we let it crumble us for the rest of our lives and be broken, or do we mourn, accept the loss, understand that they're not really gone, that even though their past, they're still here, and try to connect with them in the new way. What we're doing when someone passed? And you know that the soul's eternal, you're not really mourning that person. You're mourning the way you get to experience them. And I had to learn that with my father in 2015 which by a long shot was the most devastating death in my life, the closest person to me that had ever died, hands down. And it took two years for me to really integrate this. And this is five years after I met Treb art, if that I already knew all these things that I already knew how to deal with it, but I still had to learn to integrate that. So it's not about just being good, it's really about how you can react to it and how you learn to deal with it.

Jannecke Øinæs 10:36

Yeah, I became very humble when I learned about spiritual bypassing and how I saw that in myself. And sometimes that comes up again and again, and it's a good reminder what you're saying. Now I get curious from your knowledge of extraterrestrial life. Is Earth the only place where we have duality?

Rob Gauthier 10:56

No, no, the whole universe has duality. You can see it in the universe itself. The physics of universe will tell you a lot about the makeup of what's underneath that, because everything we see that's physical is actually a non physical consciousness manifest into physical reality so that it can have an experience. So you see these large things in large scale, you see black holes that are ripping apart as stars destroying them. You see stars that are blowing up and destroying the whole solar system that they're in. And you know, most people say destruction on that kind of level cannot be a good thing, right? So there is that duality that the black hole itself is pure darkness. It doesn't let light escape it. So it shows you, you know, the spectrum of possibility. And then you have star factories, you know, like the Pleiades is a star factory period. It just creates stars. There, all the stars that are in the newer evolution of their own self. And they're also developing new star systems, planets. So you're seeing it birth to death. You're seeing lightness, darkness. You're seeing kind of everything. So it is everywhere. But the reason people usually don't think that it's everywhere, a lot of the ETs that we do meet come in very connected. So you're like, Oh, they're loving, peaceful. They figured out oneness. They preach oneness. They understand oneness. So it's got to be all that out there. But no, it's not just all that out there. You also meet ET races once you look hard enough, or once you lose the fear about it that are very disconnected, that are still warfaring types of races. A lot of people mentioned Draconians as one of those things, Reptilian beings. And, you know, this is something too I didn't mention Treb is actually a benevolent reptilian hybrid. So this, being the eye channel, is a very loving reptilian. A lot of people see that all Reptilians are negative, all humanoids are good, and that's not the case either. So it really is the spectrum that we have on Earth. It exists out there, but Earth is a different type of experience, because the spectrum of energy that plays out on Earth is very wide in the spectrum for just one experience. A lot of places have very low emotional threshold. They're really loving, but only really loving, or they're really not loving, and only not loving. And on earth, something that Treb said, that always kind of made me laugh, was Earth is the one of the very few places that a stone cold killer can walk outside and kill someone in cold blood for money and then go home and put their child in bed and love that child with all of their all of their heart and soul like a pure, real love. And that doesn't happen on plans. We have that spectrum within us. That's the rarity.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:01

Hmm, what has surprised you the most, like when it comes to extraterrestrial life on other civilizations, like, you know, I'm picturing, like all these movies you know, that has depicted some of what can be out there, but what has surprised you the most about what kind of extraterrestrial life is possible?

Rob Gauthier 14:31

So some of the things that really surprised me, of what I've seen out there, the movies teach us a lot about ETs as humans, and it's funny, because most people are like, well, that's just made up. Most people. Really kind of channel that. Most people who write books about it write movies. You hear them talk, and they're like, Oh, I had a dream about it, or I just had a vision. You know, I was meditating. So a lot of the time it is that, but also the energy around. And what people know through channeling has brought through a lot of different types of archetypes, too, the Reptilian beings and humanoid beings. But all these archetypes that we do know, there's a bunch that we don't this is something I enjoy when I channel. I do a galactic channeling thing on my YouTube channel, and I do that for reason, because I'm asking Trevon artists to connect to beings that humans don't know about. So they've connected to beings that don't physically have bodies. They're just electromagnetic masses that have souls that evolve physically. There's kind of like these beings who are like gelatinous blobs that are very telepathic, and it took them, you know, millions of years of evolution to be able to use telepathy outside of their planet. There's literally just a huge, vast types of ETs that we don't even know about as much as the imagination could stretch. It's it's more than that, because I've, you know, having the type of channeling I do, where I astral project and meet with the with the guide that I work with, Treb, he's shown me a lot of things, like a lot of different planets, a lot of different entities, a lot of types of entities. And there are still times to this day when I'm doing that galactic channeling series, or when I'm talking to trip about something where he shows me something that still blows my mind. So stretch your imagination, and there's more. You know, even though our universe isn't infinite, there is a finite space for it. It is, yeah, yeah, there's more than one universe. So the universe we were in is like one sphere. It's it's not really a sphere, but it's kind of like that. It's kind of like a galaxy. It's an oblong sphere, and it's way huger than what we can see. Like we're only getting 1/100 of our universe. So it's huge. It feels infinite because we're so small, but just in our galaxy, which is one out of hundreds of trillions of trillions of trillions of galaxies, just in our galaxy, there are so many types of entities art, if said in his own words, that he lives to be, you know, 10s of 1000s of years old. Their race does that they could go to a planet a minute for their whole life and still not see just even a small percentage of the galaxy. So that tells you this galaxy is just teeming with life on all corners. So it is very interesting to know how much we do know and the exposure that we've had to these types of ETs and archetypes of ETs. It's basically only because that small of an amount of group has actually worked with us or contacted us, or have been part of our history, but there's so much that we don't know, and as many beings as I've channeled there still I just scratching the surface.

Jannecke Øinæs 17:58

So Treb, what is his connection to humans?

Rob Gauthier 18:03

Yeah. So Treb actually is partially human. He, he's a reptilian human hybrid. So understanding first that he lives in the fifth density, which is six dimensional. So he's two dimensions above where we're at, we're considered fourth dimensional, working towards fifth dimensional. So his dimension. There's no real sense of time. Time is fluid. Time is a location, instead of an area of experience, like we experience birth, childhood, death, you know, adulthood, elder and then death. They experience it in different ways. Whatever they're thinking or feeling they'll experience. So they can actually experience 10 minutes before their death, before they experience being born, if they really wanted to, as a soul. Time is like a location. So if they're like, I really wonder what World War Two felt like on Earth, just that thought alone could project them over to Earth in 1940 you know. So that's how time works for them. It's very fluid, and it's very much tuned into how they're thinking and feeling. So Trebs race came from a future version of humans that are called the beta le Poros or the knee Hall. These beings are a group of future humans that leave Earth a few 1000 years in the future. They leave Earth and they go to the star that we call beta laporous. And when they live there, there were Reptilian beings that they came into contact with that were just animals like they're here on Earth, iguanas, Komodo dragons, old dinosaurs. So they have these animals that they had connected with and gave them their DNA and mixed them. So these beings that are the knee Hall aren't like Earth humans, even though they came from Earth because they live on a. Different star system because they started living on that different planet. The planet has a consciousness of its own, and they have a collective consciousness of their own. So their DNA actually changes. So they're not really human anymore, not an earth human, but they're a different type of human. They mix their genes with this reptilian being, this animal, and they only did it because they wanted to heal the trauma that humans have with reptilians, and knew that if they did that, there would be a pathway to healing for humans. So really, that's that's all that Trev is doing right now, is connecting with us and helping us heal the traumas that we have with draconian beings or earth Reptilian beings, or all the other extraterrestrial, reptilian types of beings.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:48

Gosh, there's just so much if we don't know that's going on.

Rob Gauthier 20:54

Yeah, I've kind of given up on trying to figure it all out, because I know that every time I think I know, or have it figured out more as I added

Jannecke Øinæs 21:03

right. And what I get curious about is, who am I and who are you? Rob like I think I'm a soul that can divide itself into different parts, and I've lived many lives, but then we are multi dimensional, and then we're one, and am I not just everything, like, what have you learned about what a soul is?

Rob Gauthier 21:29

So that's, that's the thing. All those things are, right? You know, souls are all connected at one level. The word fractalization is used a lot with Trevon araf, and the reason they say that is because the universe is one consciousness, right? But everything inside of that universe might be separate, like each galaxy is its own consciousness, but a part of the bigger so you have the universe, then you have these hundreds of trillions and billions of galaxies, and then you go into the galaxy, and they have hundreds of billions of star systems. So each of those stars and solar systems are collective consciousnesses, and you add those together, you get the galaxy, but you keep zooming in, and you keep getting more so the solar system, the star in the middle, is kind of the physical manifestation of the whole system. Or maybe there's two stars or three stars, and then the planets are also their own entity, right? They're their own consciousness, like Mother Earth, it's a living thing, right? But everything that's on Earth is a part of Earth. It's not just a part because it lives there. It's a part of the consciousness that builds the physical reality structure called Earth. So all of these things like the universe decided I want to experience what it's like to be hundreds of billions of trillions of galaxies, and then the Galaxy said, I want to be hundreds of billions of stars. And then the star said, I want to be 10 planets and 20 moons or whatever. So it keeps fractalizing, and then you get very specific down into the consciousness. So the word soul has a very heavy meaning. There's a lot of uses for the word, but the way that Trevor artists describe a soul is a soul is the consciousness that's behind the physicality. So you can break that down further, there's collective consciousness, which is the whole earth, right, everything on earth. Then there's over souls, which are structures that are a part of the earth consciousness, but also have billions of different incarnations. So one over soul might have a million human incarnations. It might have 10 trillion animal or tree incarnations, and trillions and trillions of bacterial incarnations. So these over souls have all of the possible experiences that you can have living on earth within them, and there's 144,000 over souls, and 144,000 what's called Twin souls, and that's very complex. It's about the mechanisms of consciousness. It would take me an hour to kind of explain all of it, but basically, the oversoul is what experiences the physical life, and the twin soul is what creates all the probabilities to experience. And when that happens, you know, when you decide to do something like I'm going to lift my hand, I had to make a decision. But I also have a million different versions of me that didn't raise the hand, or raise the other hand, or raise that at a different angle, or whatever. So that's what the twin soul does. It creates all the possibilities. And then when you decide what you want, that energy is exchanged and given to the oversoul so that the experience can happen. So basically, with 144,000 over souls, and all the twin souls, that creates a. Single thing that's ever lived on earth or ever will live on Earth. So most of the time, when people who are channeling, or people who feel their guides or connect with their guides, or their angels or whatever, they're actually connecting to a different part of their oversoul, because the oversoul has everything that you can offer, but the oversold also have all the things that are connected to Earth. Earth. Reptilians have incarnated on Earth, Atlanteans incarnated on Earth. Lemurians, the manians, the con key, all of these different incarnation cycles happened inside of Earth. So are a part of that and are connected through the oversoul. And the entity that you are is the whole version of you. So there's the ROB in the body, and that's maybe 20% of my overall consciousness. And the 80% that's out of the body is my higher self, and that has different layers to the higher dimensional layers, the fourth density, fifth density, sixth density layers, the parts of the oversoul that help connect to other parts, and then that bridge between the higher self and the oversoul. So it's very complex, and there's a lot of components to it, but when you when you throw all that to the side and understand just that we are all connected, that's the part that helps you learn how to connect outward. The only problem is, as humans, we don't feel a part of everything. We very much feel the difference between me and the guy that flips me off when he's driving past me, or the person who comes up and gives me a hug out of nowhere that I've never met. Sometimes it's easier to feel the oneness than it is in other times being human. So

Jannecke Øinæs 26:46

wow, that was really lovely, explained in a way, in a way I never heard it before. I love that. Thank you. Yeah, welcome. A lot of people are speaking about the shift of consciousness, probably yourself, and in a way, it seems so huge and so important. But when you speak now, that seems maybe you know, just part of the whole thing. Still, I just have this feeling that the whole galaxy is like looking towards Earth, because we're awakening now, like, is it a big deal for the universe that we are awakening on the planet?

Rob Gauthier 27:24

Yeah, in the universe, you know, maybe not as much. But in our galaxy, for sure, the Galaxy works with essential energy, or growth energy, so it's very predictable. All the races who know about Earth or who have connected to earth or connected to races that connect to us, they definitely know it's our turn. You know, it's our turn to have that energy from the galaxy that's really amping up the consciousness here. So yeah, a lot of a lot of beings are but we're also a part of an invested hierarchy of consciousness. There are so many different races that have played a part of humanity, like DNA changes earlier in our very, very beginning of human development, and all these races that have tried to help us, or races that have tried to pull us into a different direction. So there are dozens and dozens of races that are always looking over us, always watching us, and because all of those races are connected to so many other and you know, anyone in the galaxy that understands how the consciousness works, which is most beings and fourth density, fifth density, sixth density, the human the human experience, is definitely under The microscope.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:41

Yeah, it seems to be a lot of interest about humans. Yeah, we got the spotlight. Have you also heard and are of the opinion, after channeling, that the extraterrestrials will make an appearance, will be visible now in 2026, 2027-28 like those years. A lot of people are speaking about four years from 2026, and on, like onwards. ,

Rob Gauthier 29:08

Yeah yeah. So what Ardif has said about this is that it's possible anytime at this point, because the 20, you know, 20 2012, was a big reason a long time ago, but my guides explained, like back in 2010 it's because it's in the center of a cycle. There's nine years before 2012 which is 2003 and then the nine years after 2021 Well, what happened in 2021 the world went crazy and started into their new foot of the journey, which was the fourth density part of the journey, and we have to integrate into that. So there, there's that part of it. So anytime after that 2021, mark, visitation was possible. Quarantine was gone. No more entities saying you can't visit, or we're going to run you out of here for other races that wanted to make contact. But most races who do want to make contact are very benevolent, so they are waiting on us, right? They they see like, when some races are are at a different quotient, right? They're like, 51% of humans want us here. We'll go. Others are like it needs to be majority of 90% or more. So what Ardif have told me just last year, earlier this year, he said that the next three or four years has possibility and probability, more likely it's going to be in the 25 to 30 year mark before contact is made in a way that everyone knows that happened. Like there could be mass sightings, like there was in the Phoenix lights, or the UFOs over LA or the White House, you know, or all these big times where everyone realized that UFOs were there and were present. But to have actual communication on a worldwide scale will take longer than that. And but he also says it's up to us, right? We are the ones who are creating this reality with these beings. So if humans start working on us, and start working on our self development, and start working on first us and then our community, and then the greater world that we can speed that process up drastically, like we can make that the three years where the big contact comes in instead of 30. But we really have to work on doing our own stuff and fixing ourself, and then working on community, like in America, the state is one level of government than the federal government, wherever you're at in whatever jurisdiction, you know, the small community, then the slightly larger than the big, and then the biggest, and then the countries work with one another to kind of unify. And it's not like everyone has to get along or else they won't come, because that's not going to happen on earth, not for a while, at least maybe hundreds of years, for humans to just be really understanding and forgiving of each other and really letting each other be as they need to be. But yeah, it can happen that early. It definitely can. And if we're doing the things for ourselves that that is in alignment with the type of connection it takes, then, yeah, absolutely.

Jannecke Øinæs 32:32

All right, maybe we should do some channeling. Are you up for that?

Rob Gauthier 32:36

I am very up to that. I think I'll channel Ardif first. If that's all right with you,

Jannecke Øinæs 32:41

yes, sure.

Rob Gauthier 32:42

All right, I'm gonna take a drink water, and it'll take me a minute or two to get a drop into that.

Rob Gauthier 32:56

Greetings to all this is auditive. Before taking your queries, we wish to express the two things that we have always expressed when co creating with humanity, first, above and beyond all things that are expressed in this day, to know, to feel and to perceive that You are loved in our perspective is the utmost importance. Knowing that you are loved is quite different than one entity expressing that they love you. When I love you occurs that are two separate entities who are sharing a singular motion between only themselves, but when you are loved. You have recognition that the universe itself is created from that love, that your guides, that work with you send love the singular way that there are humans and entities that you are not aware that love you. Secondly, we wish to express that this is our greatest excitement, in this moment, to co create with you, not only in this moment, but throughout your linear time perspective in sharing a co creation of this magnitude. So of course, we will take your queries at your leisure.

Jannecke Øinæs 34:22

Well. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I'm wondering, what happens when we die for us humans, do we experience the same or is it really tailored to each soul? So it's really an impossible question, because we will all go different places, do different things in accordance to our level of consciousness, perhaps, or is it sort of we go to the same dimension or place?

Rob Gauthier 34:55

Yes, both of those are true. But when human people. Kings ask what occurs when you die, we will ask them what occurs when you live. Very much depends upon each individual entity. So yes, all of you do go to a higher dimension. And yes, that dimension, for lack of better terms, are closely and near the same, but the way you experience that dimension alters drastically from one human to another. When humans are working with religious ideology, their belief systems express that once they are passing out of their physical reality, they will go into a heaven, go into a waiting place, go and wait for the gods to reincarnate them all several other belief systems. So just as in your daily experience, the beliefs that you hold dictate the experience that you will have now, after a time of connecting back to your higher self, reintegrating what is within the higher fractal consciousness, or the higher self, as most coal, This energy helps you remember also what the soul already knows within you. So of course, one here may go by for one human, and the realization that they are an eternal being rekindles within them. But some of you who pass forward into that next layer of consciousness, or already aware that you are infinite in nature, that you hold consciousness outside of your body, the reintegration process for you will occur much quicker, but regardless of what Soul you are, regardless of what your human experience was the experience that you will have eventually is working back to reintegrate all of your higher fractal consciousness until you go into a point where the recognition of that previous incarnation and desire for the next incarnation is met. And then, of course, you choose where and when to next reincarnate. Some of you will go back into earth over and over, even though, when you are in your body, you drastically hate the human experience, and that is because you will grow into enough of your soul to recognize the achievements that occurred from living through that experience. Some of you, this will be your last or only incarnation as a human, and you will go to other collective consciousnesses, perhaps in the pleia, perhaps in serious but you will go where you are called to go. Others will stay out of that incarnation cycle for hundreds or 1000s of years to fully integrate with the entirety of their entity. And when that occurs, your consciousness is similar to what humans perceive ascended masters to be. You will be that help 1000s of humans at each moment, or hundreds of 1000s of humans in the totality, help them when they are living, work with them as their guide, but the choice will be individual to all of you. We will express that most of you will not recognize what that desire will be, because part of the whole consciousness that you have available is much smaller than it takes to create that decision in the moment. Most of you express a desire for a change. Now, it will not be a change of your personality that changes that decision. It is only the addition to what you are in this moment, not a change or subtraction, but an addition of further consciousness that will help you see it in much different perspective.

Jannecke Øinæs 39:31

Wow, that was a profound answer. Thank you. Are there any coincidences, or is everything pre planned? For instance, on a personal note, the way I met my boyfriend, just seemed so planned in a way, like we could not not meet each other the way we bumped into each other again and again. End, and that I've always believed that there's a destiny there. But to what degree is there a destiny and then free will? How does that come into the picture?

Rob Gauthier 40:11

Yes, of course, both of these exist, and both are driving part of your experience upon Earth, entering Earth, you go in understanding the place you wish to be born, the identity that you wish to hold, characteristics of your personality, and even wanting to have large experiences that will help shift your perspective so you enter into the physical reality, with the majority of your soul understanding that plan when you enter the physical body, you are left to only focus upon that lower fractal consciousness, all your personality self, that part has 100% free reign of free will. Many souls upon Earth joined Earth to have certain experiences, but that lower fractal consciousness chose not to participate in those experiences, did not wish to go into a spiritual experience, only desiring to enter earth and to utilize drug addiction or alcoholism. Now, of course, the higher self will continue to share energy, information and guidance to help you back your path for the journey. But if you do not desire that if you act in opposition of that energy, of course, you can have whatever experience you want now, understanding that the soul does not care if you follow that path or not, because All experiences are valid, even holding an addiction or alcoholism until death at a young age, is a very good experience for the soul to have. As a soul, it does not perceive in that black and white, does not perceive in that of the duality and form that humans perceive and hold belief systems within inside of their Earth collective. So if that occurs, you have the opportunity to go back into that experience as another entity, or even as the same entity, and try again. But most souls, all working in that way are still excited simply to have had an experience altogether, of course, as human consciousness within your body, as the personality self, if you wish to do what you desire to do before entering earth, There is a simple formula that will help you find the way, follow passion, follow excitement. That is your own Higher Self, showing you where the next door can be open to achieve your greater desire before entering that is your soul's plan for that experience, follow passion even when it takes you to hardship, even when it takes you to the experiences that feel different, because when you continuously follow that passion, it will lead you to door after door, And when those doors are open with passion, opened with excitement, it will lead you to that soul journey. And upon the other hand, if you do not care what that soul experience is, simply do as you desire all souls that are part of co creating with you already are co creating with you. For a reason. All understanding and knowing what the highest probability of your action, your reaction and co creation will be, that is why they are co creating with you. So in that way, both divine mapping of your soul and free will both exist simultaneously, and working from passion will always help you work in the highest percentage of owning that experience that you first desired.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:37

Wow. Thank you. Um,

Rob Gauthier 44:40

yes of course.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:42

Could you share a little bit about yourself? Where are you residing? Do you have a physical body? What dimension are you in? And how is life like? Now I know that that's a lot of questions, but I know you're giving a lot of answers. Answers to me, so you could hold all those questions, I guess

Rob Gauthier 45:04

yes, of course, first of all, we are perceived by humans as the ancient Pleiadian beings. And of course, this holds truth, because we did once exist in the pleia. Now we exist in the star system that you know is D nib, or perhaps, as most of you would express, the alpha Cygnus in the Cygnus Swan constellation of your normal astrology and your own understanding of the stars in this time and in our own planetary consciousness, we exist in sixth density. This is seventh dimensional for most human perspectives. This is the very last place of physical reality. We are near the end of our incarnation cycle, meaning that we have already experienced first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and now we are upon sixth density. Once this incarnation cycle is done, we will start over as a different race in a different place, perhaps and create a new experience. Or perhaps, once we have all read connected with one another, may choose to live upon the planet as a different race, it will greatly depend upon the energy of how we leave that incarnation. So in that way, we are holding a greater percent of consciousness within our body, because our body is much less physical than yours, where humans perceive light to be the least physical form, our heaviest form, energy, such as rock or liquid, would be lighter than your light itself. This is why many humans perceive light bodies. All light beings as non physical, but in our own reality. We are quite as physical as yourself. I am able to touch my own body and feel that touch to the own body. The entirety of our dimension is created in that way. So of course, we have the physical reactions, but with less restrictions of that physicality. For example, if we desire to visit Earth, there's no ship that is required to take us to your planet. We simply feel the feeling of Earth, and can be within Earth, the experience of our consciousness working with physical realities at a mastery level in the fourth density, as all humans are entering this moment, you have gone from the third density, exploration of self, exploration of knowing your own consciousness as a third density, being exploring linear time to now, an entity that is exploring the heart chakra, connections, love, co creations amongst one another. And by doing this, you are growing into a collective which will then take you to your fifth density journey where Treb or Trevor hit me lives and exists, and this is an expiration of knowledge, an expiration of higher dimensionality. No longer linear time as in third no longer cyclical time as in fourth density, but fluid time in fifth density and in our own density, we are exploring mastery everything that we love. We wish to know everything about to fully master knowledge about that thing and everything that we hold knowledge about, we wish to intimately be connected and hold true love to that energy that is where we are at in our exploration, and it does manifest externally, in that way, into our daily reality. Instead of creating music with instruments, we simply sit and ask the wind to go through the trees and play the song that we desire. Instead of playing instruments, we would ask those animal beings upon our planet to utilize their vocals in co creation. So we are truly interwoven with our environment with that level of mastery as well.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:43

Wow. I'm just amazed by your answers. Thank you. Are you connecting with all of us, or are you connecting only with a few like Rob and how can we connect with you if we want to or connect with extraterrestrials,

Rob Gauthier 50:03

yes, of course. Now first of all, my own co creation with Rob is the only form in this way. But I have worked with 1000s of humans beings who have desired to connect with me now as a type one entity, a being who observes free will a being who does not interfere. We are there for you to connect with at any time now, we have had humans express their own desire to work with us in order to heal their physical ailments, in order to help them create abundance or manifestation. But we cannot interfere in that way. We can share wisdom and love, as these are two natural parts that the universe is created from. Therefore, there is no lack of wisdom nor love in the universal structure. And this moment, the way that we have suggested for most humans to work with us is simply connect to our energy, feel what it feels like inside of your body, and replicate that feeling. Call upon our name, feel the energy of co creation, and use that, that we freely give, which is love, and use that in your own energetic field to create those things that you desire. This is the greatest way to work with our own consciousness now treble yet me, or the entity that you call Treb, this entity has channeled through multiples of humans. These entity desires to focus upon multiple things as I am only working with one thing time, focusing all of my own entity in to whatever I am doing at that moment, trouble, yet he connects with hundreds of things at one time, he is an entity that will communicate directly with all humans, if desired, will communicate through you in a champion state of desire. And there is a way, if you speak to rob, he will show you that way to work with tread more intimately as it is, a vocal analysation of created mantra to call upon his own energy. Now, as for the guides that you work with, as for the extraterrestrials that all of you desire to work with, it can be as simple as understanding your feeling when connecting to that energy, whether it be Pleiadian, Syrian and trauma, etc, feel that energy and replicate that feeling in meditative state that alone has a connected feeling. But we also wish for all of you to understand your higher self is the greatest tool to connect to your over soul, and your over soul has millions of guides that are within it. So by simply connecting to your higher self and asking for the assistance of the higher self, this will help in the easiest and least resistant way. And the good news for all of you. There is no disconnection between yourself and the higher self. The higher self is a part of you. It is you in a higher dimension. So working with that holds zero possibility of resistances.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:39

Thank you.

Rob Gauthier 53:40

Yes, of course,

Jannecke Øinæs 53:43

my last question for you today, what is your most crucial message for everyone listening to this episode right now?

Rob Gauthier 53:53

Yes, as we've expressed in the very first opening of co creation, to understand and know that you are loved is the uttermost importance. But we would say second to this is the recognition of your own divine ability. The consciousness that is within you is a part of the oversoul. The oversoul is part of your earth collective. The Earth Collective is part of your solar system collective. And we believe Rob illustrated this very well in sharing how the consciousness works with one another. So understand already that same God that you perceive that created the universe, the same deity or entity that you perceive that helps you create things is actually yourself, understanding the nature of your power vitally important, understanding the importance of connecting to your higher self in order to create that bridge to other entities that you. Wish to work with also vitally important and beyond the construct that you are loved by understanding this, of course, vitally important as well. But we also wish to share with each and every one of you that we love you as well. And as you have asked queries of us in this day, we have been able to see your higher self in ways that we have never perceived that higher self before. And because we are all connected, it means that we are able to see parts of ourselves that we have never perceived before. So as you ask the query and have received the reflective answer, you are growing, and when you grow, we are growing as well. We congratulate you for your growth. We congratulate all of you for your growth, and we thank you for CO creating our growth as well. And we will bid you

Jannecke Øinæs 55:59

Thank you,

Rob Gauthier 56:01

yes, of course, I do.

Rob Gauthier 56:13

All right, I go.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:15

How are you feeling?

Rob Gauthier 56:17

Okay, I've been I've been.. Wendy Kennedy is a good friend of mine, and she taught me how to get in and out a lot quicker. So that helps. It used to take me 10 minutes to get into the channel state. I can't remember if I channeled on here the last time or not, but if I did, it would have been when McGill was talking and I was off oming and getting ready, but yeah, so it's not as bad. I used to get really ungrounded and kind of wobbly, and it's a lot less now. I'm still a little ungrounded, but not

Jannecke Øinæs 56:51

Yeah, because it seemed like you changed personality, because obviously you're channeling but it was such a difference. And the accent was different, and the voice, like the vocal cords, is that strenuous for you?

Rob Gauthier 57:07

Yeah, I brought in Artif, if I don't know if he was the only being that was here to chat, or if Trev came in or anybody else, but connecting with Artif, if the way that he communicates with me has strained my evoke I don't know if it was just him or the oming or both, but I think that was part of the reason I learned to go in quicker or not. So it does strain a little bit, and every time I channel him or Trep, I usually have to drink a lot of water during the time. So Right.

Jannecke Øinæs 57:40

So are you in semi trans or do you are you there? Do you listen to what's being said?

Rob Gauthier 57:48

No, I'm, I'm kind of what they call the dinosaur channeler. I'm, I'm one of the very few full, full trans channelers that I know. It's kind of a dying thing. It doesn't happen with people now, mostly at semi trance or fully conscious, like my wife, Kalina Angel, she is an amazing Channeler who's fully conscious. So I've seen that, but that's the normal thing now. I think full trance was kind of because people needed that way back then, but where I was on my own spiritual journey, I needed that so when I'm channeling before, Wendy helped me learn this new way to get in so quick, I used to do the same thing I would when I first met Treb I would go there and hang out with him and talk to him, whether he's on his planet or ship or wherever he was. I would go to where he was and hang out with them. Excuse me, a wall so no no memory of the channeling, but now it's just kind of a darkness. I feel Treb there. I feel my body a little bit, but nothing, no words, no sound, no light, just kind of darkness. And I still connect the old way, you know, with Treb once in a while, and because I miss not seeing him every day, but he said that that will come. I just have to get used to this new thing. It's only been since March of this year, since I've been doing it that way. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 59:13

ah, interesting, yeah, well, a lot of profound I felt knowledge came through. I would have to listen again, because it was so much being said in little time, actually, so I almost couldn't follow everything. I was like, Oh, I would love to hear more about that. And then he was on to the next thing and next thing, and he answered much more than I actually, you know, asked for. And I'm just blown away by this universe. This has been so interesting, I would love to have you back to explore more, because I feel like time is limited. So I have some questions that I ask all my guests, and the first one is, what is self love to you, Rob,

Rob Gauthier 59:57

self love is the act of knowing your value and the act of taking care of yourself. This is something that, even to this day, I still struggle. I know my value and I know my worth. The physical taking care of part as a caretaker of two kids with special needs, that part is the hard part. So it's it's a hard part for a lot of people, I think in general, both, both ends of it, the knowing, the self worth, but that is kind of self love in a nutshell, really.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:32

And I think you mentioned it, but I'll ask again, what is the deeper meaning of life, from your perspective,

Rob Gauthier 1:00:38

experience and doing what you are in life the best way that you can being the most you version of you by like being the most authentic and the realest version of you. That's our superpowers, when we can be our honest and true self with others that really opens up the connection between you and other people. So I think that's that's a big important too.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:07

Where can people find you, Rob, if they want to connect with you. Follow more of the channeling, the teachings.

Rob Gauthier 1:01:13

Sure, our website pretty much has everything. My wife and I also run the channel panel, which is a multi channel event. We've got a huge one coming up in Sedona in January, with Daryl Anka channels, Bashar, Wendy Kennedy, Lisa, a bunch a bunch of amazing channelers. So that's And then if you go to my YouTube channel, the 100 like 400 plus videos. Some of them are multiple hours, some of them are 10 minutes. But all of it's free. And that also has the link to my wife's channeling, which is amazing, Kalina Angel, and you can find her YouTube on my YouTube, if that makes sense. So that's kind of where most and our Patreon, we do Patreon twice a month, and that's all of it's on the website.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:02

Wonderful. Well, thank you so much for coming to the show today and sharing all of this. It was highly interesting.

Rob Gauthier 1:02:08

Well, I appreciate you having me on it's really great to reconnect, and if you ever need me on the show again, I'm all yours open, open to doing that anytime you want. I always have fun with you.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:19

Great. Would love to

Rob Gauthier 1:02:20

thank you.

Rob Gauthier – Official site


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