Paul Selig, a renowned spiritual teacher and channeler, works with a collective of beings he refers to as the Guides. These entities, described as teachers and ascended masters, bring forth profound messages aimed at assisting humanity in its spiritual evolution. Their teachings focus on aligning with the Divine Self and embodying higher states of consciousness.

The Guides describe their mission as one of service, helping individuals realize who they truly are—divine beings with the capacity to live beyond fear and limitation.

The Core of the Guides’ Teachings

The Guides emphasize that humanity is at a critical juncture. They call this moment a “reckoning,” where individuals must confront their fears, beliefs, and choices to align with higher vibrations of love and unity. Their teachings focus on releasing fear-based perceptions and stepping into a higher vibrational state, often referred to as The Upper Room.

Through a series of affirmations and attunements, the Guides provide a framework for transformation. One of their central teachings is:
“I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free. I am free. I am free.”
This invocation invites individuals to claim their inherent divinity and align with their true purpose.

Fear as the Greatest Obstacle

According to the Guides, fear is humanity’s greatest barrier to awakening. They stress that the “action of fear is to claim more fear,” perpetuating cycles of separation and judgment. Their teachings invite individuals to recognize fear’s grip and consciously choose love instead. This shift is essential for accessing higher states of consciousness and living in alignment with divine truth.

How the Guides Help With Spiritual Evolution

The Guides’ messages are not just philosophical—they are experiential. Those who engage with their teachings often report palpable shifts in energy, clarity, and alignment. Through their channeled texts and workshops, the Guides provide tools for releasing judgment, embracing unity, and living authentically.

Their work is not about denying challenges but transforming how individuals perceive and respond to them. By seeing the Divine in all things—including oneself and others—people can transcend fear and live more empowered lives.

The Guides’ Vision for Humanity

The Guides hold a hopeful vision for humanity. They see the current challenges as opportunities for growth and awakening. While they acknowledge resistance to change, they emphasize that humanity has the potential to move beyond fear and embrace its true nature as divine beings. The Guides’ teachings provide a roadmap for this transformation, offering practical tools to navigate these turbulent times.

Transcript of the interview

Paul Selig 0:00

Years ago, I played that video game, The Sims. I'm living in the house that I used to build again and again and again 15 years ago online. You know, it's like, oh my god, it's the house. It's my house. I like The Secret. I manifested up the storm after I saw The Secret. Lots of funny things happened when I was practicing that. But I know a lot of people who didn't clear their didn't kill their cancer and didn't make the money to pay the mortgage trying to put up a vision board, you know? So what do you do with all this stuff? And my guides teach it differently. No, they're saying, they're saying there's nothing wrong with a house on the hill. Somebody gets to live there, but why do you want it? And most of what people are trying to do is,

Jannecke Øinæs 0:49

Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love? Then I have a self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to Paul Selig, a warm welcome to the show.

Paul Selig 1:07

Thank you for having me.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09

I'm honored and excited to dive deep with you today. You are an acclaimed spiritual teacher, a psychic. You have been clairvoyant ever since 1987 where you had a spiritual awakening, and I'd love to hear about that. And you are an award winning author of channel texts, and you've written numerous books or channeled several books, like the book of freedom, the Book of Truth, and you are channeling your guides, and perhaps they will show up today, we don't know, or perhaps not. However, I'm curious, because you started in academia, you had a degree, and all of a sudden you awakened in 1987 and I'd love for you to share that story.

Paul Selig 1:58

Sure, it's it's was not as polite as it sounds like when you say that. I had I awakened and it was all lovely. That wasn't what happened at all. I was 25 years old. I was about, I don't know, less than a year out of graduate school at Yale. I had a career as a playwright that seemed like it was about to take off in a very large way, and I was not in good shape in many ways, and I was drinking too much, and I started praying for the first time in my life, not because I believed in anything. I actually had been raised pretty much of an atheist, but I started to pray, and I actually heard a voice telling me to get my act together, which was the first voice I heard, and I stopped drinking the next in that day, really, and, and I found myself on a spiritual path, which was unlikely, and I can't say uncalled for, but it was the most unlikely thing I could have imagined. I had platinum blonde hair and a lot of black leather and, you know, was a hard partying, you know, rock and roll playwright. So I found myself on this path, and a few months later, there was this thing happening. People were calling it the Harmonic Convergence. And I heard people were going to be waking up. And I thought, well, if there is a God, or something like a god, and you asked to be woken up. Why would it want to say no? And I went up to the roof of the building of the place that I was living at the time, and I tried to teach myself to meditate, and I asked to be woken up, and something happened, which was an experience of energy moving through my body. And I still, to this day say, for all I know, I was just hyperventilating. I really don't know what happened up there, but it was for me, a physical experience of energy and vibration, moving, you know, down through the bottom of my body and up through the top of my head and and I sort of stayed in that energy, swaying, you know, for some time, and then I started to see little lights around people. Shortly thereafter, little things like sparks, fireflies started going off, and I didn't know what was happening at all, but I had felt energy. I'd heard a voice. I was starting to see, you know, energy. And I didn't know what was going on. And, you know, I feel that, in retrospect, I needed something tangible to root me in the possibility of an experience somebody telling me, oh, there's a God, or there's a this, or there's a that, and here's a crystal and go, you know, I wouldn't have given much mind to that, but something had happened, and I couldn't ignore it, and I was having phenomena attached to it. So I ended up studying a form of energy healing to get a context for this. And this was 19. Well, this by then I was about 30, so maybe I was, you know, the early, early 90s, and it was the height of the AIDS epidemic in New York, where I was living, was very badly. Really affected. And I was volunteering at a center for people that were living with life, challenging illnesses, and I found that when I had my hands on their bodies, I started to be able to hear things for them, the meant nothing to me, but if I had my hand on your forehead and I heard the name Billy, I learned to say, Who's Billy? And they'd say, my brother, my husband, my dog, whatever, and all this energy would move. And as that got panned out and confirmed again and again, I began to trust it a little bit more, and that was the very beginning of channeling,

Jannecke Øinæs 5:30

alright, interesting. Now you channel the guides. Who are they?

Paul Selig 5:38

They're teachers. You know, they're only called the guides, because my ex, for many, many years ago, when he found out I could do this, used to say, ask the guides this. Ask the guides that. That's how they got called the guides the name that they use. When they use one, they say, if you wish to call us something, you can call us Melchizedek, which is an old name, and that's the name that they've come with. But they're teachers, and, you know, they're they're intention seems to be to support us in our own a real realization of who and what we truly are, which is as an aspect of the Divine, that's who we are, who we've always been, and what we're coming back into an agreement with and they teach with an energy that's, again, very palpable. So that experience that I had, you know, when I was 25 years old, seems to be something that they impart in their own way through their books, and, you know, their workshops. And you know, there's, there's energy that comes, it's very hard to refute.

Jannecke Øinæs 6:40

Now, are they, would you say they're extraterrestrials? Are they angels? Are they from a certain dimension? Have they shared? You know, what kind of beings they are?

Paul Selig 6:52

They said some of us have been in form, which means, had bodies, and some of us have not. And the very first book, they use the term Ascended Masters, which is a term that I'm a little uncomfortable with, because it carries weight, but most of these terms carry weight, and which means people attach baggage to them, and then they make one more important, one one less important. So Melchizedek is, as far as I understand, is a priesthood that's been around for a very, very, very long time, and it was has been doing this work for a very long time, and they're doing it in this way at this time, at least as they come through me with a very specific instruction. You know, I know they talk about us as a species, which sometimes makes me wonder how attached they are to human beings, but at other times, they've said we are human in our hearts. So, you know, it's a, it's it's a, it's a, it's a collective. So it's not one being, it's a group. I tend to hear it in a singular voice, but people that hear me and listen to me all the times can usually tell when one steps in and somebody else steps away. And there's, there's differences, slight differences in vocabulary and intonation. But for the most part, the teaching is consistent. They've dictated now 13 books through me, and the books are, you know, entirely unedited. It's just their teachings. You know, they're recorded. They're transcribed. Day one, day two, day three, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three. And that's how they're they're done. And when I go back and look at them, I can rarely see the differences. There's one guy that has one proclivity for the word Dears, which is a word that I don't like very much. So when I there's one book that we would like you to know, dears, and I was just going, oh, please stop it with the deers. But mostly I don't hear that, you know, mostly it's consistent across the board. One, one, vocabulary, one, the sentence structure is always identical and is different than my own, which I find curious.

Jannecke Øinæs 9:00

While I was doing research, I had like, this funny question coming to me, like, what if Paul disagrees with the teachings that is coming through? How's that ever happened

Paul Selig 9:12

All the time? Yeah, but I disagree. I question it, and I interrupt it. And this has been going on since the very beginning, in the very first book, which was called I Am the word when I wasn't planning on the guide, said, two days before it started, we have a book to write, and if you take two weeks, we'll do it. And that was how they brought through the first book. There's a point in that book where they said, you know, this is not a book that's been written before. It's not A Course in Miracles. And people said, why would they say that? And the reason was, I had asked a question, and mentally, when they said, This is not a book that's been written before, I said, oh, like, what about A Course in Miracles, which I knew was a channel teaching? And they said, It is not that they've since learned to say Paul is interrupting, and then they will include my question in the. Teaching so very, very often I'm it's as if I'm in the back seat of a car. So when I'm channeling, I turn the wheel over to them in the front. I climb into the back, but I'm still listening. And if they say something that's too far fetched, or I can't get behind, or I'm just confused by they'll say Paul is interrupting, and they'll usually take the question at the time. And those questions are in the book, all of them, really. So I, you know, I don't, I don't find that I'm channeling material that is popular. It's not about current events. It's not about, you know, these evil people or those evil it's just not that stuff other people can do that that's not what comes through me. What comes to me is a very consistent teaching on humanity's awakening and the potential that we actually have,

Jannecke Øinæs 10:52

all right. So as I understand, they focus a lot on the shift of consciousness. Could you share a little bit about what they're saying about it? I saw another episode with you where you spoke about or the interviewer asked about the dark forces, and sort of that there were some resistance also towards the shift, which makes a bit sense to me, because I'm sometimes wondering, why is this going so slow? But what are the guides saying about the shift of consciousness?

Paul Selig 11:24

They say that humanity is at a time of reckoning, and a reckoning as a facing of oneself and all of one's creations, and that everything that's been created and fear is going to need to be recreated in a higher way. We don't get to do that unless we see it. And they also say, we are party, collectively to all of our creations. So the moment you say those dark forces, suddenly you're creating an other, something out there that you have to fight in battle. And the guides that I work with say, if you can see it, if it's in your consciousness, you're in energetic alignment and accord to it, which means you're contributing to the structure of it. People think that manifestation is, I'm going to get a bigger house or a better lover or whatever, I'm going to get something. And the guides say that really, everything we see we are in accord to and with, and that the opportunity then is to lift what we see to a higher level of vibration, and we do that through embodying at that level of vibrational tone, which is a great part of their teaching, is there resistance, absolutely there's resistance, because who wants to change, you know, and we want it our way, and we want it to be the way we think it should be. But the guys that I work with say the only real challenge humanity is facing now is the belief in separation. That's it. You know, we're that's where we empower fear and empower darkness. And you know, the guides say even fear is of God, it just doesn't want to acknowledge it. It just doesn't agree to it. But it is because all things must be of God or nothing can be. You don't really get to have it both ways. So it's, it's a challenging teaching at this level. But they say that, yeah, we're in for a rough ride. I've been hearing this for years, and it's been happening as pretty much as they've said it so. But they also are fairly hopeful. They say, humanity is going to make it, you know, we are going to make it through this time. I don't know if we're going to make this through in the way that we left it. I think the whole point of this time, finally, is to shift consciousness and come to a different level. But as long as we're trying to slaughter each other, I don't think much is going to change at our level. We're responsible for what we do at that level. We all of us. You know, how we treat one another is the beginning of this. So the guides say you can't make anything holy. It already is, but you can deny the divine in anything. And we do. And they say, what you put in darkness, or who you put in darkness, calls you to that darkness, which is again energetic accord or alignment, you know. So who you damn damns your back, what you damn damns your back, which is just energetic accord. It's not that's not people trying to hurt each other. It's an interesting teaching. But they say, you know, you cannot be the light and hold another in darkness. It's just, it's not possible. It's hypocrisy. And to say that we're doing that is, you know, the personality self, doing its best to appropriate a spiritual teaching or a higher understanding or regard.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:29

Okay, so you're saying that humanity will move through a rough time or Yeah, so are they more specific about what that entails, like, we know all the wars that's going on, yeah, will there be, like, natural disasters and stuff like that, or will it predictions?

Paul Selig 14:49

And if you you know, people want to get frightened by this stuff, there are plenty of channels out there saying, be frightened of these. People, buy guns, stock up on water, everything's going to be terrible. The guides I work with. Say the action of fear is to claim more fear. Every choice we make in fear is going to get us more of the same. If we want to dine out on that, we can, I hear, it's not going to be easy. We're having to look at how we treat one another on a very fundamental level. The guides I work with say, as long as we continue building bombs and the belief that the bombs are going to keep us safe. We're going to be in trouble, because eventually they're going to go off. And that's us doing this. Nobody's doing that to us. We are party to this, you know, all of us. So we have to get our DEA, I think I get the idea of blame out of the picture, but as long as we're choosing sides and picking up rocks to throw at people. On the other side, we're going to have difficulties. And I think we're having to see the fall, the folly and the foolishness of what we're choosing this way. Because I don't think it gets better. I think the big deal now is, you know, 100 years ago, we couldn't kill everybody at once. Now it can happen very quickly. I hear it's not going to happen, but we may have to learn the futility of war by seeing how ruinous it can be. But do they do predictions dire things? No, they just said in a live stream I did two days ago, you know, the next couple of weeks and couple of months are going to have an enormous amount of discord. Now, I don't think it takes a psychic to say that we're on the verge of an election year in the US where there is predicted discord. They rarely say things like that through me. So I went, Okay, I'll listen to this. But the teaching is about how to maintain stability and maintain and hold the light in the face of these things. Not how to, you know, go build a bomb shelter. That's not what they teach.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:51

Okay? So what could we do individually? Like I have a lot of fear in me, and it's hard to just move into love and trust when there's so much to fear. I fear losing my loved ones, even though I believe in an afterlife, I fear getting sick like I fear so many things, the wars, and it's just the fear is just there, and I'm practicing moving into my heart and trusting, but I don't have that voice that say that, that is talking to me directly. So sometimes I wonder why, you know, are not the aliens, the good ones landing here, saying, Hey, we're here,

Paul Selig 17:38

Saying the good ones and the bad ones, and you're back to parsing the game of good and evil, and there's something to fight and constantly something to be afraid of. So when that's the paradigm you want to operate with, you get back that it's not that hard to understand. I'm not without fear. I'm one of the most frightened people I've ever met in my life. I don't act on it the way that I used to, which is enormous thing for me. If you look at the very simple idea that the action of fear is to claim more fear, and you look at the possibility that every choice one makes in fear contributes to more of the same, you can stop taking actions based in fear. So the idea that if we don't build a bigger wall, you know, or put 27 locks on our doors, we're going to be in trouble or attacked, that's a way of thinking, but all we're doing is perpetuating what we've known. Now the guides that I work with say this. They say we have we were born into a field, an energetic field, which they call the common field, which is reality as we know it, which has been so steeped in fear for so long that we expect it to be there. We can't imagine being without it. And so it's as if you're operating with a camera lens that's already blemished, distorted and covered in soot, because everything is being filtered through this fear. And, you know, fear is the claim of separation. There can be no God. There is no God. Why? Why should you trust it? If there is, and there's every reason to believe that if you want to, you know, I don't know that we're going to get much better than we currently have if we continue on that path. And that's the challenge. You know, I don't think I wouldn't have chosen this stuff if things had been so easy. This was much more difficult than what I thought I was going to be doing with my life. I'm I didn't even believe in channeling. This was just crazy to me. But, you know, they've been wonderfully consistent right or wrong, you know, wonderfully consistent in what they teach. So a very simple thing is, stop making choices based in fear. See what happens when you don't, because you'll be able to prove it out, and stop feeding on it as if it's going to give you. Something other than it is. Fear can be sexy. It can make you feel self righteous and self important. The guides I work with say self righteousness is always the small self or the personality self, the one who wants to be right at the cost of another being wrong. And the moment we do that, we have the opportunity to again see how we are contributing to the the energy of fear that, you know, we complain about. So it can be done. That's what I'm saying, and that's what they teach. That's all of their books. Is about how to do this.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:34

It still seems like it's sometimes in our bodies, like when a dog jumps up on me, I get fearful, and it's my body that's reacting very fast. And I have a girlfriend who's very afraid of the dark, and another one who's afraid of men in the wood. You know, because women, we've had a lot of threats just walking alone in the darkness, in a forest or in a park. So it's like a bodily thing, and I get that if we feed it, it will get bigger. But what about that? That sort it feels like innate, that that fear, because we know it can happen, like we know I could be

Paul Selig 21:17

anything can happen. I could get, you know, I live on Maui, and I could choose never to go in the ocean again, because, indeed, there are sharks in the ocean. That's where they live. You know, I can choose not to do that, or I can practice discernment, which is, there's a sign that says, Shark spotted, no swimming, maybe I won't go in the water that day. There's nothing wrong with being mindful. If I am allergic to bees, I probably want to stay away from a bee so that I don't have a reaction. It doesn't mean I have to be frightened of all bees. It just means I know what I need to do to manage myself. So I think some of the physical stuff, the training that I had many, many years ago with energy healing was about the release of cellular the release from the body of of trauma and cellular memory and what was held in the body. It was fascinating. And you could feel stuff when it would leave, which is why I went, Wow, this is real. I have to, I have to believe this somehow. But what my guides teach, which is different than this, is that there is an aspect of you and of me which they call the divine self, or the true self, or the Divine Spark, or the God within you. Can call it anything you want to that is without fear. That's the truth of who you are, that it is without fear, and their teaching is the realization, which is the manifestation and knowing of that part of ourselves, inclusive of the body. So the guides I work with work with energetic attunements that work specifically with the body and the energetic field, which are generally fairly palpable. And the very first attunement that they brought through when I was in my early 30s, before I even understood what they were talking about or where they were going, was the attunement to the energy that they called the word. And they say the word is the energy of the Creator in action. You know, in the beginning was the Word, and I was like, All right, whatever this is, but the very first attunement was I am Word through my body, inclusive of form. And the guides say, as long as we're discounting the inherent divinity of form of physical reality, we're going to have a god that's somewhere up there on the cloud, if we're lucky, if we're lucky, but if God isn't in your fingernails and in the eyes of your child or in that person across the street you don't even like very much. You're you're discounting God in all places. So the entrainment, which is again, a teaching of vibration aligning to a higher energy, they teach through attunement, so that they're addressing your question, what do we do with this stuff? That doesn't mean, you know, if there's a thunder clap, my dog is terrified. She'll hide under the bed, and that's how she's wired. And I don't think she's just being herself, and I don't think that there's anything wrong with having those responses. But I also know that if I want to be frightened of people, which I can be, I can find a nice reason never to leave my house again as long as I live, you know, because you can take it all the way there if you want to, and we often do,

Jannecke Øinæs 24:27

yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I think you said something in an episode about how we co create everything, like we're co creators with reality. I'd love to learn more about that many of us have watched the secret and curious about how do I manifest? So what are the guides saying about that

Paul Selig 24:51

your teaching is a little bit different about this. I like The Secret. I manifested up a storm after I saw The Secret. Lots of funny things happened when I was practicing that i. Yeah, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, and I think it's actually a way in for people to realize the power of consciousness. But I know a lot of people who didn't clear their didn't heal their cancer and didn't make the money to pay the mortgage trying to put up a vision board, you know? So what do you do with all this stuff? And my guides teach it differently. No, they're saying, they're saying there's nothing wrong with the house on the hill somebody gets to live there. But why do you want it? And most of what people are trying to do is get what they think that they should have to make them okay in a world by a set of prescriptions which have very little to do with anything of real value. So if I have more money, if I have a My marriage is happier if my child gets into the right school. Whatever those things are. Well, there's nothing wrong with those things, per se, but why do we want them? And the guys say, if you want to make your if you want the house in the hill so that you make your neighbors jealous, you're creating in fear. So you have to understand the why and the motive there. My guides are a little bit different with how they teach this. They talk about the common field, which is our reality, and they say it's an octave of vibration, an octave of tone, highs and lows. You can call it light and dark if you want to but it's an octave, and everything that we are experiencing in this agreement to reality is in this octave. Their teaching is about lifting us to the next octave up of vibration. And they say, they call it the upper room, but they say and the attunements that they work with are there to support us in doing that? And it's often physical people having a physical experience of then the guides will often bring people to the upper room, and they'll say, Now, what are you afraid of? And people go, Oh my God, nothing, right now the guides say it's because the fear does not exist at that level of vibration. So you're moving to the next octave where fear is not present, and we're so used to fear that we go run back downstairs to the old and claim it because we think we're supposed to have it. And you know, I understand that. I do that too. So let me see if I can remember what the question was, because I digressed, and

Jannecke Øinæs 27:17

how we how we co-create?

Paul Selig 27:21

We're doing it all. This is the funny thing. We're doing it all the time anyway. So the new age has been rightly, I think, sort of, I don't know, dismissed as being fairly selfish and about people getting what they want, and my version, and my crystals, and my this, and everybody I live on Maui, everybody's a shaman here, you know, common So, and it's fine, people are waking up to new things. It's exciting. When I was 25 you know, I was into all the stuff that was the first new age in 1987 you know, Shirley MacLaine was on the cover of Time Magazine. Was very exciting, and it was all unknown. And, you know, thoughts are things, and that was so revolutionary. Now, I think thoughts are things. I do. I think thoughts do have power. But how we see the world or perceive the world is informed by a lot of history. This is a good watch. This is a bad watch because the good watch costs more, and the magazine says this is the better watch. So you want the good watch, you don't want the bad watch, even though they both tell time. And so everything that we're seeing is actually encoded with meaning through the collective of what we think we should have and get, finally, you get to this place, which is really interesting, and I've only just experienced it a little bit, where you get to this place of it simply is. The guide say, God is God, is God Is it simply is. And what does it mean to look at the watch without endowing it with meaning, or the piece of furniture or that person, to look at that human being and see them as a, I don't know, lack of a better word, a an expression of the divine and not that's the neighbor who, you know, ran their mower over my roses, you know, or the or, you know, let their dog pee in my yard, you know, but that just is an expression of God. It's a radical shift in consciousness. They say, when we lift to the upper room, we start moving into a chord. And they say, a C, C O R D, or a C, H O R D, as on a piano where we're actually receiving what we're in alignment to at that level, and because in the upper room, we're not operating in this condition fear place, we're actually able to be receptive. So I have now, not in all areas of my life, but in some areas of my life, a really curious experience of things coming as I need them before I even. Ask Before I even thought to ask. And this is this belief that we think as a personality, God or the universe doesn't know what we require, and that we can make that true as we want to, but then we have a God that favors one over the next, and I got this, and my manifestations work, and my affirmations work, and hers don't work. So I must be more evolved, as opposed to we may have come here to learn different things at different times. You know, the guides I work with say, I don't love this teaching, but they say, you know the you know the king and the peasant, or the rich man and the poor man are both learning lessons of abundance, but in different ways and through different experiences. I learned about abundance when I was next to homeless, when I was in my late 20s, and that was a shocker, but that's how I learned it. And learning what abundance is is learning what the source of all things are. You know, God or spirit or universe's source, as opposed to the job or the boss or the partner who has more money than I do, any of those things. And these were radical changes, radical changes. But they, they, they don't rest in the old idea of looking at the universe as a catalog that needs to be ordered from and I think the secret was really great to show people the power there, but also when you give a 12 year old the ability to order anything off of the internet, don't be surprised if you come home to a house full of motorcycles and gummy bears and whatever a 12 year old might want these days, when you get a little bit more mature and you have an awareness of true need, what your true needs are, you can, you can have them met. And that isn't true need based in scarcity. You know that old paradigm of scarcity? There's not enough, so I better get it all. Is part of the reason we have the problems we have. Now, if there was enough, we could share with our neighbors, but because there's not enough, we have to lock everything away, you know, and keep them away. If they we think they're going to want what they what we have, and we just create and again and again through separation, which is, you know, part of our problem.

Jannecke Øinæs 32:18

All right, so what is the path to the upper room? Is that through non judgment and not acting through fear and some of what you have mentioned,

Paul Selig 32:30

well, the guides work with attunements, and I don't think this is the only way to the upper room. I mean, this is how they teach it. It's their teaching, and it's not my teaching. I'm not a spiritual teacher. I'm a channel I sit in a chair and I take dictation. I'm like the court stenographer, and my job is to keep up as best I can with the dictation that's being offered me. But in the guides books, they have a series of attunements, and one of them is and they say this is invoked by the Divine Self, or the true self, or the monad, or the Christ itself, whatever you want to call it. I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am free. I am free. I am free. The guides say what is true is always true, and each of those claims is always true at the level of the Divine Self. The divine self knows who it is. It knows what it is. It knows how it serves, which is how it expresses, and it is free. The claim that follows that is a simple claim. I am in the upper room. The guides say the divine self, or the divine spark of the Monet call whatever you want, lives there always that's its home. The Divine Self lives in the upper room. The guides have described the Upper Room simply as Christ consciousness, which is a level of vibration, and they say it's the highest level of vibration we can hold while maintaining a body. There are other levels that exceed this, but as long as we have a body, we're still in agreement to a kind of density which precludes some other things. So how you get to the upper room, they say, is through that invocation and through the willingness to release the baggage that stands in the way, whatever that is. And we're not doing that. The guys say, you know, this isn't self help. That's not what they teach this. And this isn't feel good. It's really not feel good, spiritual, bypassing New Age stuff. It's just not, I mean, honestly, if it was, I'd be doing this on cruise ships or something, you know, I'd be doing something differently. But my job is to show up for what they give me, and that's it, you know, I don't get to it. I don't have to agree to it, to do it well, and my job is to hear it as clearly as I can, but my experience of living it, yes, it is. Watch the judgment you know, understand that you know who I put in. God bless you, calls me that darkness again and again and again so you. Uh, books. I would recommend the books, because that's the teaching, and all of the attunements are up online at this point, I'm sure on YouTube, for people that might be interested.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:11

Um, you are a powerful channel, and I've interviewed some other powerful channelers. Do you listen to other people's channel material. No, okay,

Paul Selig 35:22

I don't. I've seen three minutes of a few people and, you know, and sometimes go, well, that's really interesting. And other times I go, I don't know what that is. It doesn't, it doesn't feel like channeling to me. Whenever somebody starts channeling on stuff, that's more of the psychic realm um and is more fear based. I tend to question the source of it. It's a little more, more lower astral stuff. So anybody that's teaching other people to be frightened, you know, might was this. This is my example. Just because somebody doesn't have a body doesn't mean you should listen to them. My grandmother was married four or five times. She's on the other side. She's not who I need to go to for relationship advice. There's better people to call on for that so but I mean, some people, I think, are doing remarkable work and are probably far more in depth than I am. I'm I'm clumsy. I whisper the words as they come and repeat them. It's a mile a minute. Sometimes it's so fast I can barely keep up with it. And usually they'll go that fast to keep me out of the way, because they know if they're going that fast, my attention is just I'm getting the next string of words out. But I've seen film of Jane Roberts, who channeled Seth working, and I was like, I totally understood it, because it's a very for me. It's a very physical experience channeling. It's not, oh, here we are floating in the ethers, and here's the floaty stuff. It's a transmission. And I think what channeling is true, channeling is, is dictation. I think people sometimes mistake inspiration for channeling, and I think inspiration is wonderful and high but I channeled this idea for a dinner party. We gave you the menu and the invitation list, and you wrote it all down without deciding who you want to sit next to. That's your inspiration. You know, all great art is inspired. In my opinion, I don't know if all great art is channeled. If I were to channel art, it means I'm not employing craft. You know, I am trying to write my own book for the first time. And I never wrote a book on my own. I've got 13 books in print, 12 books in print, 13 coming. I've never written my own book. I find it miserable to try to do that myself. It's so easy to take dictation because I don't go to I don't get to go back and fix anything. And if there's a word that I stumble over, we can correct the word, because we can usually hear it in the recording. You know, I I said precipice and not precipitate because I was speaking so fast, and it'll be clear, you know, when you see the sentence what the intention was, but that happens about three times in an entire book where we have to go back and fix a word that I mispronounced. So I think it's great that people are opening up and accessing the ability, but I do think that it's about becoming or being a radio, and the radio doesn't necessarily get to dance to the music or get to choose what it wants to agree to. So if I'm just channeling what I already think to be true, it's probably not channeling, you know, if it's just what I want to hear, it's why I don't do psychic readings for myself. You know, I sense, I get, I get guidance in the moment for what to do, but I can't be neutral to the outcome in the same way. And so I think channeling can be somewhat similar, but no, I don't watch other people, but mostly because I just don't want to be informed by it. It's not, you know, I don't want to compare myself. And I'm happy when somebody says to me, Oh, wow, your guides are saying just what Bashar said about something like, Oh, that's great. He's good. You know, that's nice to hear. Um, I appreciate the confirmation. But, you know, I don't I and other channels that I've met don't lead. Lee Carroll, I think is his name, who channels cry, and he told me he doesn't listen either, you know, and doesn't want to hear it. So it's not uncommon.

Jannecke Øinæs 39:29

You mentioned the astral realm. Uh, could you speak a little bit more to what the astral realm is from your perspective? Because I've been out of my body a couple of times, lucid dreaming, and I felt that I've been in the astral realm. But who knows where I went, but I was in this other realm, and I met all kinds of beings. It was pleasant. It was not pleasant. It was heavenly like, not heavenly like. And I'm curious about, you know, what is the astral realm?

Paul Selig 39:59

Uh, you know, I don't know enough. I'm not an expert on this. I think it's just, I mean, I think if you look at levels of vibration, the astral is still more closely tethered to what we know. It's like where we go and we dream and we're having these experiences and where people go and they die, and having other, you know, but you know, the guy, I understand that channeling is a spiritual skill set. You're going a little bit higher up. You're sort of, I'm bypassing the dead, the band of the dead, relative spirit guides, and they're great, and I'm happy if they, if they're helping, take all the help I can get. Believe me, I'm not shy about that, but the guys that I get are teachers, and they come through with a specific mission. They don't care if we get the promotion at work, or if the kid gets into the right school. That's our concerns. Your your dead aunt on the other side may have strong opinions about that. May be very helpful, but that's not how the guides I work with operate. So I tend to when people are opening up and they ask what to be aware of around this kind of thing, I say beware of fear based messages, because that's often low level stuff. You know, if you get a voice saying, watch out for your neighbor, she's trying to poison you, well, you might want to look at your tea, but be careful that you're hearing, not hearing to some low level guide trying to mess with you, and messages of flattery, you're the only person who's going to bring through this amazing thing, because flattery tends to appropriate the ego, and when the ego gets appropriated in the spiritual stuff, you know, there's challenges. I was told by two different mediums when I was about 2930 years old, maybe a little older, with one of them. And independently, one of them said, your work is not going to kick your real work does not kick in until you're about 48 years 4850 years old. And I was like, what, you know, I was like, 2930 what? And I was already channeling. I wasn't looking to be known for this ever really. This just happened. And the other one said, which was really interesting, when I was about 32 she said the same thing, 4850 years old. And I said, Why so long? And she said, You have been veiled for your own protection, and only now does that make sense to me, because who knows, you know, my ego was invested in this in a very different way. When I was younger, it was like, oh my god, I'm special. Look at me. What I can do. And now I don't think of this as special. I have an odd skill set that has been developed because I continued showing up for it again and again and again. I'm really consistent. One thing I've done, and even when, you know, I did this in my apartment for 18 years, and people put 10 bucks in a basket, you know, now there are 1000s of people that show up, you know, for first, for the online things, and it's great to do that. But really, if there were still 10 people, I would still be doing it, just as I'm doing it. My job is to show up for the work, not what the work does in the world. That's not my business.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:05

Now, could you potentially get answers to everything like I'm such a curious soul, that's why I'm doing this. One of the reasons. Or are there things that are like you you can't know this well,

Paul Selig 43:18

I think there are things, either, things I'm not going to be told. You know, I don't like it when somebody says, How long is my parent going to be alive for? I don't like going there. I've done it and I've been accurate, but I'm primarily not a precog, which is a psychic skill, and it's a good psychic skill. I have a good friend who's an excellent precog, and we trade, and she wants me to do and she wants me to do, and she wants me to do what she does. And it's like, I really don't do that. I do it differently if it comes in, if I'm reading for somebody who's asking why they don't have a relationship, and some guy with a cactus tattooed on his bicep shows up, and I go, my God, there's a guy with a cactus on his bicep. And, you know, within the next six months, I'll say it, but I'm not looking for it. It shows up. I've had people say to me years ago, tell me, ask your guys what they think about the power the second paragraph of the book I was reading last night on page 223, and it's like, Oh, please. Or translate this into Aramaic. You know, I don't do that. Maybe somebody can. I actually had a friend and I there's some truth to this, because I've tried it, because occasionally people will ask the guides, because when I work psychically, it's a different thing. You know, when I'm when I'm when I'm channeling, I'm tuned into the to the station that is the guides. When I'm reading somebody, they are the station that I tune into, and I use their name, and I tune into them as a coordinate, the name as a coordinate, and then I often become them, and I sometimes start to resemble them. I mean, it's quite something. I'm film doing this, or taken on their disabilities or things like that. But if you want to know what's going on in your relationship with your husband, and I tune into you and your husband, I maybe. Tuning in to both of you back and forth, you know? And I'll be I'm like a radio, oh, switch port. I'm plugging in, plugging in, and I'm hearing the messages, and I might hear what you need to be able to move the relationship forward or shift things in some positive way. It's useful work. But I have a friend who said, Well, when I said I said, I don't know how to answer this. She's, well, ask a messenger guide, and you get, like, a little like those old telegram boys, you know, running says, what's the answer to this? And then they run off and get it. But that's not how I work. I've tried it a few times, and I've been surprised. I say I don't do medical readings because I'm not a doctor, and I don't want to, you know, be liable for a diagnosis that I cannot give, but I am a physical empath. And you know, there are often times when I'm reading and, you know, and I feel pain in the breast tissue of the person that I'm tuned into. And I've learned to say, because the first time it happened, I said something, and the person was angry with me, and I ran into her two years later, after she'd had a double mastectomy, she said you were right, and I didn't go to the doctor when you suggested it might be a good thing to do, and you were right. And I so now I'm very cautious, but because what I have realized is I'm not a medical intuitive and assist, and it won't feel fairly comparable to me, and I don't want to scare anybody, you know, and, you know, working out, oh, you know, overextending muscle here. Can I can feel the pain in my in my armpit. So I've learned these things over, over time, but I don't do medical readings, and I say I don't talk to dead people. Once in a while they show up, and I'm surprised, because that's not my real work, but I'm good with a here and now, and other people do other things. You know, I fail math pretty much. In high school, I was stoned all through math class and science I never liked a lot, and I've never read any of the physics that's out there, although I have students of the work that are physicists which, and they love the they love to talk about the work because they're translating it into language that they know. And I think that's fascinating, um, but I do know music a little bit, and the vocabulary that the guides work with is musical. And they've said the language of science will be changed in 100 years. Everything will be called something different, but music will still be as it is, and that's how they teach.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:24

Just want to mention, when you said octave A while ago, I was thinking about the law one they speak about that the evolution of the soul, that we're sort of in an octave, and that we're moving through the densities, and when we come to the eighth, that's like an octave. I don't know if you read that material, probably

Paul Selig 47:45

I haven't read any of it. No, yeah, to me. And again, I like it when other people are saying things in comparable language. Yeah, the only one.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:57

So how do you understand? Or how do the guides explain destiny and free will?

Paul Selig 48:06

It's a big subject. I mean, I you know, what I understand is we incarnate with a series of things that we hope to learn or encounter, and we will find ways to meet those things. How we do that? In some ways, can be up to us and have choice. I've asked this question because I've said, well, in the upper room, are we still getting our karmic lessons? And they go, Yeah, you don't really. If you if there's something you need to learn, you're going to learn it. But you may, you may learn it in a very different way than you might have I can learn that it's stupid to pick up a hot pan off the stove without a potholder emit. I can learn that by burning myself or by making a choice that I would likely get hurt. So there's different ways we can learn. The guides I work with do speak about free will, and they speak a lot in their work about aligning the will. So the old idea is, thy will, not mine be done, which is, there's God's will, and then there's my will, and there must be oddly distinct and separate, and all and my will must be bad and wrong. And I used to think that, I think early on, just from my my own other other experiences that I was having, and what the guides teach is about aligning the will. They talk about, the Personal Will as a string and Divine Will as a string, and that the two of the strings are braided and become unified. And I think what that's the difference between saying thy will, not mine be done, and I am one with the source of all things, or I will to will thy will. I will to will the higher will and align at that level. But I do get we have choice. I do think that we're going to bump into stuff that's ours to bump up against. I sometimes think that there may be I'll give you a bad example. I lived in New York City my whole life, just about and during COVID In 220 I was working channeling in Costa Rica, when New York City shut down, and I couldn't get home, and I didn't know what to do. And somebody that I knew who was on Maui said, come here. And found me a tiny house and, you know, and a plane ticket. And so I was on Maui suddenly, thinking I would be here for two weeks, and I never left, really. I mean, I leave to travel now, but I end up moving here. I don't know how to drive. I'm still learning. I barely know how to cook. I had everything delivered in New York and Chinese. So I'm living a very a life that I would not have imagined myself living, that in some ways, is working well for me. And I'm living in a house which, oddly enough, years ago, I played that video game, The Sims, and there was one house used to design your own little houses and populate it with little avatars of yourself. I I'm living in the house that I used to build again and again and again 15 years ago online. You know, it's like, oh my god, it's the house. It's my house. Did I predict it? I had and I had a psychic friend who said, I said, Am I ever going to own a home. She said, Yeah, you can see the ocean. I said, I can't afford a house, or you can see the ocean so well you can, because you're out of the way. And she said, and I said, Am I in California ocean? She said, I maybe, I think maybe, because there's palm trees, and the house that I live in is on a little hill, and it looks down, as she said, a little hill, and you can see the ocean, and there's palm trees, and it's what she saw, you know. But who knew it was not in my was it faded? Maybe, did I create it? CO create it? Maybe, is it where I meant to be? Yes, for now, and maybe it won't always be where I'm meant to be. And maybe my attachment to how things should remain is a lesson I'm going to have to have. Who knows

Jannecke Øinæs 52:06

I've actually come to that I feel that my life is much more destined that I started out thinking. Because when I see things that have happened, I could never sort of have created them. It seems like it's not me creating them like, how could I figure out creating wisdom from North I was a musical theater artist. How did I end up doing this? It's just crazy. And how I met my man, and through all these coincidences, it just felt like we were supposed to meet. We bumped into each other again and again and again, and we started laughing, you know? So, yeah, but I it seems like there are all kinds of variations. Maybe some have, like, a stronger destiny than others. Maybe some have more free will. I don't know. I don't know, but in my life, it seems like my soul was like, go here, do that.

Paul Selig 53:01

Yeah, I think, I think there's truth to that. I mean, I'm not, you know, I said at the beginning, I am living a life that I would not have ever expected to have. And I derailed the life that was expected of me in many ways. You know, I jumped off that train, and for years I wondered if I hadn't made a terrible mistake. I mean, I had this sort of fancy life plan for myself. I have a lovely life now, and I'm not complaining about those things, but for years it was really challenging. And I've said to some people that, you know, going from a world where there is no such thing as God or source or mental one, in which there is is like moving to a whole other planet. And to me, it meant that nothing was the way that I thought that it was, and that was confounding and confusing and challenging at every level, and was it faded possibly that I ended up on this path. My guides have said that, you know, I came to work with them in the way that I've agreed to. I don't know that that's all that I've come for, you know, I and maybe, maybe it's what's most important. Maybe it's all of it. I was a college teacher for 25 years. I was a good one. I loved it, and that was my spiritual training for 25 years. I don't regret a moment of it. Um, you know, so who knows? I think there's truth to both.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:27

Do you think the guides have any message for the audience today?

Paul Selig 54:31

I'll see. I mean, I'll ask and see what I say two things the same. We would like to say two things. The idea of who you are, the idea of who you are, is what is being addressed now. Is what is being addressed now, I'm a weak human being. I am a weak human being. I'm an angry person. I am an angry person when it gets away, one who never gets away. These ideas of self, these ideas of self that you utilize to claim reality, to claim a reality, or inform your experience, are informing your experience and ways you can see in ways you do not see. When you claim your inherent divinity, when you claim your inherent divinity, the Divine Self, no such as you. A divine self, who knows who she is, what he is, what he is, how she serves, how she serves. You. Claim an alignment. You claim an alignment with you, to yourself to a true self. It is always there for you, that is always there for you, and you can realize, and you can realize and know yourself as and know yourself as a challenge you have now. The challenge you have now is that you're participating in practice. Is that you are participating in structures, agreeing to systems, agreeing to systems, or schisms of right and wrong, of right and wrong, both space based and doctrine based in doctrine, much of which is outdated, much of which is outdated. The new seeks to be born. The new seeks to be born. The new world will be born. The new world will be born. You will be born and grow older. You will be born into a new world, but not without your agreement, but not without your agreement. Say yes to life it is before you say yes to the life that is before you, unfolding in highways, unfolding in highways, say yes to life you may have. Say Yes to the life you may have. As you say yes to yourselves, as you say yes to yourselves and highways in highways, and stop that renewal, and stop denying the divine in you and in others and in others, it's the easiest way forward. It is the easiest way forward. Period. Thank you, the same period, and thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:09

Thank you. I need to play that again. I'll slow. Yeah,

Paul Selig 56:12

I'm slow. They come fast, I know.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:16

And I'm Norwegian. So this has been so fascinating and interesting. Thank you so much.

Paul Selig 56:25

Thank you for having me. I'm sorry for the noise in the background today. It's not the usual.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:30

I understood that, but I wanted to do this nevertheless. And there are a couple of questions that I ask all my guests. And the first one is, what is self love to you?

Paul Selig 56:41

Care care, it's real care, self care, and all forms and honesty, self honesty as well.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:50

And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Paul Selig 56:54

meaning of life experience and knowing, knowing and being, really knowing and being

Jannecke Øinæs 57:03

and Paul, if people want to connect with you or work with you, how can they do so, you

Paul Selig 57:10

know, I'm channeling online every week. I do a five day intensive once a month, and we record everything so people, you know, if you're in the other side of the world, which many of my students are, well, you'll get your recordings and you won't miss anything. But my website is just my name. It's and the books are available, you know, on, well, at least in the US, on, on all the, all the sites. But some have been translated. Some have not, but and there are the Audio books are there as well. So there's lots of material that people are interested.

Jannecke Øinæs 57:44

Thank you so much, Paul, this has been a true joy.

Paul Selig 57:47

Thank you for having me.

Paul Selig – Official site


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