In a profound interview with channeler and spiritual teacher Pamela Aaralyn, we explored the concept of The Middle Way, a path that transcends the binary nature of light and dark. Pamela, who works with the Galactic Council of Nine, shared their insights into how humanity can achieve balance and sovereignty in a time of global transformation.

Embracing The Middle Way Amidst Global Change

The Middle Way offers a fresh perspective on navigating life’s challenges. According to Pamela, this path is neither fully aligned with light nor darkness but finds unity in embracing both. This balance is crucial as humanity faces growing political, environmental, and spiritual turbulence. Through her channeled message, Pamela emphasized that our collective struggles—be they natural disasters, economic upheavals, or societal conflicts—are mirrors of an inner imbalance.

As the Galactic Council of Nine shared, “Light and dark are not separate forces but aspects of a unified whole. The Middle Way teaches us to alchemize these forces within ourselves to discover true peace and freedom.”

What it Means for the Future

The Middle Way is not just a spiritual philosophy—it’s a practical framework for humanity’s evolution. Pamela revealed that while humanity faces the potential for natural disasters and political upheaval in the coming years, these events offer opportunities for connection and unity. The Middle Way calls for a shift from fear-based survival to collaboration, where communities work together to restore harmony with the Earth and one another.

Pamela’s guides also spoke about the need for sacred action. While meditation and inner work are vital, The Middle Way urges us to take tangible steps, from restoring the environment to building cooperative and sustainable communities.

How to Walk The Middle Way in Your Life

Pamela’s message encourages individuals to embody The Middle Way by:

  • Embracing both light and shadow aspects of themselves without judgment.
  • Taking inspired action to help others and heal the environment.
  • Developing discernment to navigate spiritual teachings and global events.
  • Working collectively to build new systems of connection and support.

As humanity awakens to its potential, The Middle Way becomes a guiding principle for navigating challenges with grace, courage, and sovereignty. By embracing this, we can move beyond duality, live authentically, and co-create a brighter, more harmonious future.

Transcript of the interview

Pamela Aaralyn 0:00

You have elected an energy that moves forth into an awareness of war, and you have three paths. Your current male world leader will not remain enthroned, and America will begin to see the consequence of choosing paper over the soul. Now here's the positive end of things. Over the course of the next 18 months, your focus won't be on economic recovery. Your focus will be

Jannecke Øinæs 0:40

Pamela Aaralyn, a warm welcome back to the show.

Pamela Aaralyn 0:45

Thank you so much for having me. I love you all. I love your show. We were just talking about some interesting commonalities prior to coming into our recording and wow, I just discovered that about you. Maybe two days ago, we had that in common with having lost our voice, you know, the whole throat chakra issue, with the Divine Feminine coming into play, really, really strongly that, and then it just was such a I don't know you understand me, because you've gone through that, literally, like losing the greatest gift and then having to remember there are other gifts to share.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:28

Yes, I mean, we're here to speak about channeling today. You are this huge and recognized Channeler, an Oracle and mystical spiritual teacher with a huge following, and I've listened to so many of your videos, and then I learned that you also were a singer, like an opera singer, losing your voice for 10 years. And I've done the same. And I I just know that pain when you think you're becoming something, doing something in your life, preparing that for, for that your whole life, and then the universe is like, No, you're not going to do that. Like, here it's a broken voice. You're going to do something completely different. And I'm like, I want to sing, but like, thinking back on it, I'm very happy with what I'm doing now. And I think you're also feeling that you're doing your purpose, like a higher purpose.

Pamela Aaralyn 2:19

Yeah, yeah. And I still sing. I was lucky enough to have it come back. It's just different now, so different when your voice comes back after having sing operatically the majority of your life, and when it comes back, and initially it sounded like a frog, you know, just very raspy and low.

Jannecke Øinæs 2:37

I know, I know, like I can't do the high notes anymore, but I still sing and a lot in the shower. Anywho. Pamela, we're here on a very interesting day. We just got to know last night here in Norway who the President in the US was going to be. And many were surprised. Many were not. And it's just perfect that I'm able to check in with the Council of Nine today, or any other who you wanna channel about how that future may look like. However, for those who are new to you, could you please share a little bit about your journey, because I know in the previous interview we went into depth about it, that you had an awakening when you were five. But for those who are new, just tell us a little bit about how you open up. For your abilities, your psychic abilities.

Pamela Aaralyn 3:30

It's all that I've ever known. I don't really know if I'd call it an ability more more I'd call it a lifestyle. It's a part of my soul. It's a part of my mind, body, soul constructs. It is the essence of who I am, and it is what I am trained to do. It is the reason why I am here on this planet, and that is something that I've been told since the early age of five. So I have been under their loving watch and completely just guided into this. And again, I thought I was going to go into music as an adult. That was my choice. I sang all my life. But what the deeper misunderstanding was, it's like music and your voice. It's music and the trans transition of understanding past, present and future and how the now is always more important. The paradox of that is, is that I am a trained futurist. I love to observe patterns in society. Sit with my counsel, and they've taught me how to observe the collective karmic instances of both pain and growth and love and joy and all of the different potentials for mastery, karmically and dharmically, that we could possibly encounter as a collective of humans. And I didn't really understand that at HR, at age five, when someone comes to you, you're just five. Wow. Yeah, so you don't know what it is, you don't know who it is, but you feel it. You feel it in your heart at that point in time, I can't tell you, Oh, yeah, I automatically knew that was Jesus, that was Archangel Raziel, that was Michael, that was the council. The whole council beings around from the galactic and cosmic perspective surrounded me, and they began to teach me a little bit at a time, but the first thing they did was just come up and touch my heart. They touched my eyes first, actually, and said, Now you see right here, just placing the hands above the eyes and then touching the ears. Now you hear, then the heart. Now you feel the head. Now you know if you choose. Now that was a choice. It wasn't like now you know when you get all the knowledge, it was. Knowledge is a choice. If you want to know, it's going to change your life. And if you want to know, you must also pick these three main guides, which I did at that time, three main guides. Yeah, three main guides, because they were all around and I had to pick who I felt a resonance with. I had to pick a specific Archangel. I had to pick an Ascended Master. I had to pick someone that represented the ego collective as well. And my choices may surprise you, okay, maybe, maybe it's people don't understand this. I do a lot of channelings from a being that I call halal, who represents the choice of ego and our collective. But religion for 1000s of years has taken the role of this being and cast it into the fire, cast it into pain, cast it into darkness. Halal is a being, a creator, being much more Angel, but not from the sense of human, from the sense of galactic and cosmic. So hello is the being that comes in and just gives you a choice in your head that you call ego, and it's as simple as, do I choose fear or do I choose love? It's as simple as when you're walking through and getting your gas and the clothes the door closes behind you, when you fill up your car and there's a person that you don't recognize that needs your help. There's a homeless person that can't eat that day because you didn't see them. That is the beautiful choice to be given, but we have cast the role of you go into darkness, and then we call it something bad, like Lucifer or the Devil or the demon. I chose both sides. I don't work for the light. I don't work for the dark because they pit themselves against each other. I chose the middle way. The Light is everything that provides the beautiful vision and creativity, but the deeper sovereignty is choice, and that comes from our dark side, that comes from our shadow, that comes from our ego, our mind and is beautifully creative. So I chose both. I chose Jesus and Hillel, two sides of what I thought would be the same coin, because I wanted the full experience

Jannecke Øinæs 8:13

interesting. Thank you for sharing that perspective. Now, when you work with these guides, how how real are they to you? Is it like you see them physically, or is it like a feeling or hearing?

Pamela Aaralyn 8:28

It's both, from that moment I began to see and hear. I'm a physical medium, so I get feelings, very physical and emotional feelings all throughout my physiological systems. It if say, when deceased people come to me as a medium, I can tell how they died because I feel it in my body. So some of that is not necessarily what you would call a gift. I've spent my life in great pain, and that was from choosing halal, but I've also spent my life in great love and trust and a deeper connection to the Christ to consciousness. And Christ does not mean a religion. To me, Christ encompasses everything, encompasses Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, all the light based beings who fill this world with sovereignty and choice and freedom. So I have divine world, choices and free will, choices. And I represent the middle way between the Divine Will which keeps us safe and it's beyond our understanding and comprehension and our free will which gives us the beauty to create and explore and master. So those two beings represented that and then Archangel Raziel is the guardian of the Akashic records. So I also chose Michael. I chose as a personal Archangel to work with, but Raziel gives me access beyond time and within it, which is why I do what I do.

Jannecke Øinæs 9:53

Yeah, so for those who do not know what that is, that is you also channel beings from the future and in our previous. Interview we had, I think someone from 2028 to 2027 and maybe we'll, we'll meet some humans from the future today. Now. Future is an interesting thing, because in one way, we have different timelines, and we are have probably some more probable timelines. And I just saw an a video with you before the election, and you actually said that there's more energy towards Trump. Now that was interesting, that you said that

Pamela Aaralyn 10:32

It switched like that overnight, it was switching, Kamala Trump. Kamala Trump. It's virtually unpredictable, and then at the last minute, it's like, Okay, now we have gone back towards this timeline, right?

Jannecke Øinæs 10:43

Yeah, and I can feel a bit like chaos inside, like a bit like, okay, so what does this mean? What does this mean, like restlessness. And we're soon moving into 2025, and many channelers are saying storm is coming. It's going to be get worse before it gets better. So I'm like to ground, but I would love for you to choose who to channel, and we could see what comes forward.

Pamela Aaralyn 11:15

Hmm, would you like to start with a human from the future in a specific timeline. Or would you like to start with the Galactic Council of Nine. They are our cosmic guardians. That's who they are. For those of you who are unfamiliar with them, they are a galactic and cosmic group of beings who work with the 12 creators and the 12 worlds. Those 12 creators call themselves the council, and then the Galactic Council of Nine are their ambassadors to help help people have peace in all of the worlds, there are nine galactic beings who who do that and who help us understand our sovereignty, help us stay out of wars, protect us and give US nurturing positive examples of peace and creativity and free will.

Jannecke Øinæs 12:04

I'd love to hear from them, because then we can hear from a higher perspective how this will influence, yeah, not let you do that.

Pamela Aaralyn 12:13

Yeah, I'll go into trance, and then I'll let you, once they identify themselves as being present, you can go ahead and get with your questions.

Jannecke Øinæs 12:20

Wonderful. Thank you so much.

Pamela Aaralyn 12:27

I am Shoshana Kai. I am the youngest of the wise elders within this Council of Nine here today and always at your service.

Jannecke Øinæs 12:46

Thank you so much for being here today. We just had, or in the US, had an election where Trump was elected, and I'm curious about what that will entail for Americans and humans on this planet for the next few years.

Pamela Aaralyn 13:11

Would you like to break it down into the overall cosmic perspective of where things are headed in your spiritual evolution? Would you, or perhaps like to know where things would be headed in certain avenues of your time, space distortion, such as wars or peace or healthcare endeavors, financial endeavors and in the economy. How would you like to begin this pursuit of knowledge?

Jannecke Øinæs 13:44

Yes, I would like to hear about wars and peace. And if this will stabilize the world or do the opposite, and if it will do the opposite, how we can handle that, what we could could do?

Pamela Aaralyn 14:02

Let's cut straight to the point of it. Because of this collective choice, you have elected an energy that moves forth into an awareness of war. You have avoided the potential for Civil War, which is a beautiful, positive effect and natural consequence of such choice. Collectively, you are moving into a timeline of a greater War of the Worlds. In such a sense, there will be cold war and then an endeavor of blocked trade between yourself and the country and your time space distortion known as China. In such trade war, this will build your economy but collapse that of many others, it is helpful to understand the. From the nature of shadow, that this natural consequence causes the United States, in particular, to begin to understand that you are a member of a greater world you have perceived yourself so far, as a greater nation that needs to lord over other nations, and that you do so as a response to trauma. You see, you have been greatly manipulated, not necessarily because you chose one person or the other. But you have been greatly manipulated by two wings of the same diseased bird. You have been manipulated into war wounds, and you must now clear them. You have been manipulated based upon your fears and trauma from the overall presentation of that disease known as COVID, in your time space distortion. You have manipulated into the belief that you must fight and create war in order to be safe financially, in order to be safe upon your lands and borders, you have been greatly manipulated, but now you will begin to learn expand and see the natural consequences of believing those lies. In that sense, it is important for your expansion to understand that you are but one member of a world. You are beautiful souls who are fighting for the peace that you already are, hence creating wars and other lands and furthering those endeavors of war between Israel and Palestine in your time, space distortion and unfortunately, you will create a collective of other countries who support your war endeavors. And behind the scenes, you will continue to give weapons to such countries, to create turmoil in such countries, and to insert yourself directly into the center of business, karmically in such endeavors in these two countries, the natural consequence is that you, and this is because of the paradox, the law of paradox, in your world, you will financially flourish as you always have, however your heart swiffle dry and empty for a while, and you will wonder, why do I feel safe, secure and financially recovered, but America still doesn't feel great again? Why is that because you've sold your soul for safety, peace and money, and that is because of the manipulation of war, wounds and the lies that you have bought into. It's not merely because of one person. This is a collective that you have voted in over and over again, and the person only represents it. Now let's look at the positive end of things you feel collectively in America, specifically, that you hold no choice in such Denver's. You are so afraid of not having money, not having financial security, and you have equated financial security with who you are in your soul. And that is what will heal as a positive consequence of this choice and in this path. And you will begin to learn, as you watch a leader fall apart and then be dethroned, that it is you who needs to lead, and that is has always been you and other countries, you and other people's cultures and lifestyles and belief systems and everything that they represent. You will learn your place amongst the world stage as a member in a very equal fashion. Sometimes this will be painful, but your current male world leader will not remain enthroned. He is in great danger. And you have three paths. One path is such danger which would cause him to need to resign. Another path is that this male leader will come into a space of mental illness and be asked to resign. Another path, if he refuses to choose this is that he will be impeached. Either way, he will not remain in. In power over the course of four years, and America will begin to see the consequence of choosing paper over the soul. Now, here's the positive end of things. You come together like you never have before, you begin to understand your sovereignty as a nation like you never have before, and you begin to lose faith in your leaders. You may ask, why is that positive? Sashna, the council, responds to you in this sense, it is positive because you need to remember the sovereignty and your soul. You need to remember the equanimity that is present amongst all soul collectives in all lands, in all endeavors, and you will not financially suffer because of this. You are returning to that land of abundance, a land of milk and honey, is what it was once called. However, is it worth it at the expense. It's blood money in a sense, and you will learn how much you will sell your soul out for the cause of money and how much you will not your gifts will begin to open up towards the end of this very short term for your leader. But it is only because you begin to choose a path of interdependence amongst each other. You begin to work together. You begin to create loving cooperatives of light. You begin to create your own means financially.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:41

Thank you. Wow, that that was not expected. You talked a little bit about it. Could you speak more to what we as individuals can do today? I realize that we are powerful. Each individual being is very powerful, but still, I sort of don't know what I can actually do without, you know, meditating and doing my inner work. Is there more we can do?

Pamela Aaralyn 22:15

Yes, at this stage in your collective consciousness, it is important to remember to work together in sacred action. You are experiencing a call for economic healing based upon this choice in presidency, but you are also experiencing a call to share, to be benevolent, to become interdependent in terms of growing different means of education, of financial resource, of spiritual belief systems, of cooperative agricultural communities. When the natural disasters begin to pick up, which they will over the course of the next 18 months, you won't be considering what you're considering now. Your focus won't be on economic recovery. Your focus will be on working together to restore your land. Your focus will become pure water. And this is a beautiful wake up call, but also it happens because earth has been forgotten. Sacred action has been forgotten. We need more than your centered meditative thoughts. We need more than calm minds. We need restorative action to the environment, and not specifically in your soul and water only, but the environment of peace and service in your local towns and states and provinces, we need human connection, human connection beyond belief, beyond religion, beyond politics, and this is the glorious example that has been given to you. It is such a paradox to heal your broken economy America and simultaneously to have broken lands and empty souls, but now you have made a choice to return to your power together in interdependent communities. Voting will be different in the future. Money will be different in the future because it will be shared. Lands will be different because they will be shared. Foods will become clean. Her, your minds and bodies and souls will become healthier and more connected, and this requires action and free will, choice daily.

Jannecke Øinæs 25:14

This was very specific. Thank you. You said 18 months and natural disaster. Disasters. Is that one probability, or is that most likely, and is there any way we can prevent that? Or is it like the COVID, it just needs to happen so we can awaken even more

Pamela Aaralyn 25:38

human free will does not dictate what occurs in nature. Why is that? Because you have not aligned a unification of your human nature. Hence, the reflection of nature in earth, air, fire and water is only showing you this lack of alignment the Council, as always, reaches into your fabric of time and gives you one potential, however, it is the most likely potential at this time. Does it mean it can shift? Absolutely not. That is the beauty of free will and sovereignty. If perhaps many hear this message, we can shift time together, and we are your guardians who attempt to help you do so. We are giving you the alignment, but we are telling you you can change this. We can do this together.

Jannecke Øinæs 26:36

I was thinking about something different, equality between men and women, especially in relation to the new president, but now you're saying that he won't sit there for long. But still, I'm curious, when will we see a greater equality between the two sexes

Pamela Aaralyn 26:57

over the course of the next three years, the entrance of the Divine Feminine will no longer be that of a wounded nature, the trauma will collectively begin to heal. And also, your next president stands a high chance to be female in the United States. There are more female leaders around the world that are giving rain the power to represent and reflect this. This is occurring within the next three years in your time space distortion.

Jannecke Øinæs 27:34

Interesting. And in my last episode with Pamela, we spoke about 2028, and four years after that, or three years after that, where there might be potential wars, you mentioned it as well, and that we would receive help from extraterrestrials. Is that still sort of coming? Is that still the path we're moving towards, that we will receive this help, that we will have an ETA contact. Now, I do not like the thought of war, but I spoke to Pamela like a half a year ago, and I'm just still wondering if that's still in the timeline

Pamela Aaralyn 28:14

for which war,

Jannecke Øinæs 28:18

well, she mentioned probably like a World War

Pamela Aaralyn 28:24

in the sense of the world war three example and potential, which we have given you, which is now of great potential. It is collaboration between four countries. And in a sense, this is not something that your political leaders and your Associated Press would prefer to share with you publicly, but those wars are already there. They've been going on behind the scenes for a very long time, and in that sense, the Galactic Council has sent many ambassadors to your lens, both to the Americas, to Russia, to Ukraine, to France, everywhere, and the help is declined in the sense the way that we are helping you is very much from an individual perspective. When you begin to choose your heart over broken political systems such as money and politics, you began to correct your prioritization, and you began to resonate with Unity. Unity is what is missing in your world. In that sense, there is a way to receive help from us. Yes, you won't see our ships landing because we shield ourselves, primarily from you. We have cloaks and chills of invisibility that have been operative for 1000s of years, and a few times when we have gone uncloaked into your world, you attempt in your endeavors to shoot down such ships or to simply not interact with them. We have been in communication and have sent technological symbols. We have sent vibrational frequency oriented signatures, the first technological signature was received by many countries in your world in 2019 and it was ignored. It is still attempting to be interpreted and decoded. We sent another signal in 2021 and it was ignored. In a sense, your leaders have to want that particular type of public disclosure and public interaction in order for our ships to visibly land upon your soils and visibly interact in your third density experiences. However, the way that we intend to help you is through individual, awakened collectives who will now begin to come together for unification, connection and peace. And it's truly simple. You only have to ask for our endeavors and help, and we will help you individually. Okay,

Jannecke Øinæs 31:51

I'm curious why we saw so many crop circles many years ago, and I think I believe that was you guys or extraterrestrials making their appearance saying, you know, there's more in the universe, but it seems like there are less. Now. Why the choice of not creating more crop circles?

Pamela Aaralyn 32:15

You've heard the phrase in your time, space distortion, energy goes where attention flows. Your attention is not with us. You are in survival mode. Your intention is strictly towards your mental, physical and economic survival and recovery. And while that is certainly understandable, it is not within our purview or our realm to even hold divine permission to help you in those endeavors. And while your attention is only in human endeavors, in that way, we can't assist however, we can continue to show up with your individual contact the experiences you may perceive it just to be dream, but those experiences are becoming very inset into your realities, and you can no longer push it off as a dream. Now, the paradox of such visitations and contacting experiences, which will indeed have further exploration, is that there are other non sentient beings who hold malevolent intention, who know how to shape shift, who know how to pretend that they are a benevolent race. This is creating confusion. You are confused, not only with the leadership of your lands, but with the Galactics, you are confused because of such shape shifting. You do not trust the Angelics. Everyone has a part to play. Light is now battling dark and dark light. But what is new about your world? Is it? There are nine realms which are of middle way consciousness. Their intention is not strictly light. Their intention is not strictly darkness. We represent those realms of potential for new earth. We represent the option to understand that choosing either side of the coin holds you a slave to that currency, and you are not slaves. You are empowered beings of free agency. You are beautiful beings of sovereign light and dark and everything in between you hold the realm that is within all schemes of color and beyond it. This is why we help, and we will continue to help, but crop circles are just fanciful displays that show you that we're here. You know we're here now because you experience us,

Jannecke Øinæs 35:31

I get curious about who we are, and the difference between you and me, in a way, and the difference between you and Pamela, from my perspective, as of now, it seems like humans are coming from all over the universe. Is that so?

Pamela Aaralyn 35:47

That is so, and that is why Earth is called the cosmic library. Many species are being created as etheric DNA from the cosmic realm is invigorating and activating and enlightening and elevating human DNA. This is affecting you, and you have many types of humans now, and you may call it star seats, but in a sense, haven't you always spend stars wrapped in skin,

Jannecke Øinæs 36:25

right? Huh? I have so many questions. Some are saying that the earth will split. Is that your perspective as well,

Pamela Aaralyn 36:38

from the physiological standpoint, no, from the etheric standpoint, that has happened many times over. Earth runs in cycles. Every 175,000 years, there will be a split. And you have done this many times. This is not a new concept. It has happened, but this time, you will see less division. You will see more natural disasters because their density is no longer working for you. However, think about it. What does that mean? Third Trinity, three. You have always operated with two strands of DNA, and now you are utilizing your junk DNA because of your cosmic awakening, you are now beginning to understand portions of your genetics that you never have before. Some of you go to this construct that you have called 23andme on your time space distortion, and you notice that most of your DNA cannot be quantified. That is becoming more popular, unidentified human DNA in the testing. You are shifting. And you are shifting out of the realm of just two, just light, just dark, just evil and goodness, War and Peace. You have more than two choices, and you always have or density because three is an indicative display and metaphor for the Trinity consciousness for the balance of all that's where you're headed now, still,

Jannecke Øinæs 38:17

I can feel that I get a bit fearful about natural disasters. And it seems like to me that Gaia is like, have a lot of like response to how we're behaving, but still, I get frightful, and I assume that a lot of people will die now, is that chosen from a higher level, those souls that will, and that could be any one of us, I don't know, those souls that will leave the planet? Is that chosen already?

Pamela Aaralyn 38:57

It is absolutely within the realm of divine world choice. But does that mean that you will not be afraid? No, it's natural and human to be afraid, and when you experience fear, you unify. The reason behind these natural disasters and the reflection thereof, is so that you have chance to unify. If everything is doing so well all the time, you are only deeply dependent upon financial, economic, political and religious sources and constructs which are from your older world of dualism. When Earth acts up and reflects these choices, you then get to work together, you will notice that there is a lot of fear of death, a pain of suffering, but the suffering will be more of a financial endeavor than a physical endeavor. The loss will be. Of the constructs which you feel have held you in the dualistic world, and those constructs are interesting. You don't want them anymore. You have a bittersweet relationship with money, politics, religion and the economy. However, you still seem to have deeply identified all such constructs with who you are and your mind, body, soul constructs, which is not true. Earth intends to create a space of unity so that you look away from economics, politics, religions, and even from dualistic spiritual constructs. Because let's talk about that. You leave religious constructs, and then you carry over such pain into your spiritual constructs. It's still there, and it still required healing the great wounds of abandonment, persecution and betrayal. For people who understand source is still very prevalent, and the natural disasters bring you together, not further apart. Don't worry about death. You've noticed that the fear is there, but the actualization of such is not when you look at it from the perspective of numbers. There aren't as many dying. Your population is still doing very, very well. You won't be losing people by the millions and billions. You will be losing people who have agreed to based upon their endeavors to be your teachers, and that is a great sacrifice. You will lose people by the hundreds and 1000s, and then you will rebuild, as you always have, every 170,000 years, you have the reinvigoration of these constructs, the reset, and then you remember who you are. You start over, and you're all the better for it. Don't pay attention to what the Associated Press and other UN newsworthy sources have garnered for you and placed onto a platter for your gawking and fear. Turn it off. Let the news come from your soul. The reported deaths will be inaccurate and untrue.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:45

Thank you. I would like to ask you one last question. If you have a message for everybody listening today,

Pamela Aaralyn 43:00

everything that your new leader in the United States represents is everything that you're attempting to heal. Look at him as a great teacher, and thank him, as difficult as that may be for you to do, thank your greatest teachers, and yes, he is one of them understand also that at this time in consciousness, it may feel precarious, you may feel unbalanced, you may feel afraid, but we are here with you. We hold great interest in the success, happiness, peace and flourishing of your planet, and you will be okay. You will be more than okay. You will unify. You will feel the depth of human and cosmic connection in ways that you never have before, perhaps the full public disclosure in your third density cannot be seen because at this time, your endeavors are focused more upon your survival and your economy. However, there will be interesting means of contact whenever you choose differently in your hearts and in your souls, and whenever you prioritize us, we can then break through the realm of time, space distortion, in order for our ships to be seen in the skies and in order for our transportation modules to land upon your soils and waters, But you will see more in the waters than you see on your lands. You will see more in the skies than you ever have before, and you will have more individual experiences. We have not left, and we are not leaving. We are simply helping you understand your priority. And also we. So keep in mind that when you choose third density constructs, it's not that we aren't present, is that we aren't visible to you, and it is up to you to refocus and to shift your priorities, in a sense, towards fifth density constructs, lifestyles and vibrations, at which point you will see where we have always been, which is right in front of you, walking amongst you, ships that have landed and created entire worlds in Your skies, ships that have always been there. We are amongst you. We have not forgotten you. We love you, and we are always of greatest assistance. Thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:56

Hey there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you enjoy it, and perhaps you've been watching some of my other videos as well. If you do appreciate them, I would love for you to hit the subscribe button that really helps us reach out with these videos, because we put so much love and work and effort into this show to raise the collective consciousness. So if you want to support us in doing so, then subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the lights that you are.

Pamela Aaralyn 46:33

Oh, it feels like nap, nappy time, tramping.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:38

My, oh, my. That was very complex and detailed, and that was things I didn't expect at all. And do you remember anything? Or were you in full trance?

Pamela Aaralyn 46:55

I remember some of it, but they've talked to me a lot. I don't remember a lot from trans but they have told me in advance a lot of the things that they would say,

Jannecke Øinæs 47:05

Wow, thank you for that. Thank you. Okay, all right, so we're in for a tough ride

Pamela Aaralyn 47:15

and a beautiful one. I mean, they've also given us opportunities to reach out to them, to have individual experiences, and I feel like a lot of what they shared has geared me towards understanding that this idea that they would just leave us has never been that they've always been here. It's just that in third density, the cones and rods in our eyes can't even see that. We can't even really break through into fifth density constructs such as the council, because our focus is still on collective pain that we believe that we need. We're terrified of the economy, we're afraid of war. We're deeply concerned and and you know what universal law is in that respect? And where our attention goes, that is where that energy will flow. And then our attention is blindsided towards fear, fear, fear. And we're in that wavelength which makes us not see some of the councils that are directly before us, right here, right now talking to us.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:22

Yeah, I was a bit surprised by that, because on on the other side, I also see that, especially on YouTube, like shows, like my show, there are so many other shows. There's so many channelers out there coming out with this information. So it seems like you know, there has never been so much talk about metaphysics and spirituality before

Pamela Aaralyn 48:44

it's true, but it's still not quite enough. If you think about it from the numbers standpoint, as as they've often said to me, when you look at that, ascension is a numbers game, and in that sense, we are individually and collectively ascending. So our individual experience, we're seeing more, but our collective experience. We're still very, very third density in the world. We're still very attached to our status, our class, our economy, fears of war, fears of everything. It's still, if you look at the overall theme of the numbers in the world, there aren't enough awakened people just yet. We're not quite there yet.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:22

And what are they saying, like, when will we get there? Is it like 100 years, or is it

Pamela Aaralyn 49:29

the good news is, according to the council, and when I speak to the humans from the future, they've all given me pieces of pieces of information about this that are in alignment, and that's over the next three to five years, we're awakening fast, fast, fast, faster, so fast. Even though the numbers are pretty low right now, for us to be able to physically see a full disclosure, we will see ships, particularly in 2829 30 we will see ships, and we will have more signals. But. But even the technological signal that they have shared with us is being held back from our third density government. So then, like or they downplayed and say it was probably, it was probably a human signature. But we have our CETA protocol, which prevents us in third density from having that scientific validation. So it's like, it's there. I know it. They tell me it. And then science poo poos it every time. Like, I remember when it happened in 2019 and Kelso said it was going to happen, and science was like, Oh yeah, it's probably just a human thing. We'll take five years to decode it. We'll give disclosure in drips and drabs to the world, because 3d still thinks we can't handle it. So by the time we get the full disclosure of those technological signatures and those biological signatures that Sita and the Oxford teams and the Australian teams are finding, it's like people are kind of like, Yeah, whatever we're having. We're on ships. What are you talking about? Like I was in a ship last night and then they took me from my bedroom, like people are having powerful individual disclosures, and they don't care if the government tells them it's true or validates it or not, because we're already there, even in like our maybe, according to what they've told me, about 20% of the world right now is in 5d it's not enough. We need a lot more. But that 20% is a lot of us, and we're having a lot of experiences that can't be denied, and we won't be told to shut up about it, or that we're crazy anymore, like it's becoming mainstream quickly, over the next three to five years, very quickly,

Jannecke Øinæs 51:44

that's the good news. Well, then I do understand everything that's happening and and some are speaking about some solar flares and darkness. Have you also heard about that?

Pamela Aaralyn 51:54

I have, but it doesn't come to me in that way, and I disagree with the sense that we will have complete darkness, like where you just don't see light in the sky, we will have natural disasters that cause Periods of rain and floods and darker skies because, well, there's storms, you know, very physical things happening to us, but not in the sense of three days of darkness and we're all fighting and there are terrible things happening. It's more like portions of the world won't have access to internet because they've just had a tsunami. When I experienced the the predictions from three days of darkness. It looks more like a connection to the natural disasters going on,

Jannecke Øinæs 52:34

right? And then regions we are very used to the darkness anyway.

Pamela Aaralyn 52:39

Yeah, right. You're like, What are you talking about? We have that. We have

Jannecke Øinæs 52:45

that it's dark, and now it's getting like dark. It's, you know, I was curious. I didn't quite catch it. What did happen in 2019

Pamela Aaralyn 52:59

in 2019 the council told me that there was a technological signature discovered by SETI. And yeah, and they correct. They have created protocol about how, when or if these obvious. You know, to me it would be obvious extraterrestrial technological signatures and biological signatures would be disclosed. So they had this protocol, so they found it, but then they spent about three years deciding how to release it, and then they dismissed it and invalidated, in a sense, most likely just human. Even though there was no evidence that it was just human, there wasn't enough evidence in their mindset to be able to disclose it, because they want evidence that can't even be measured by third density science, like you can't even find it with our limited resources in science. So then it just got buried. I see we had this signal, we had this signal, we had this message, and they buried it. It was vibrational. It was definitely an unusual hertz frequency that they thought, I think it was, let me ask the council again, they said it was just, eventually, scientists said I was probably just a scramble signal that was interference from humans somehow. Probably, that's what, that's what science said, is probably was that. And then they just nothing happened. Happened again, 1021 and now people are talking about it and saying, but you don't have evidence that is human. So why are you saying it's probably human? So same thing happened again, same signal, and the council said it was from Proxima Centauri. Okay, and that's not far

Jannecke Øinæs 54:49

interesting, exciting. I want to ask, if you could ask the council how wisdom from North the show can support in the very. Best way, the ascension process, everything we've been speaking about, I feel in a way that is not me doing this. Yannick from Norway, you know, I feel like it's bigger than me that is happening still. I want to make the right choices in who to interview, what to speak about, what to bring forward so, and I really trust your your channeling ability, so I would love to get some guidance on how our show can be of best support. You.

Pamela Aaralyn 55:43

Coming home is the message I'm hearing from your higher self. From Higher Self, yanika, she said so wisdom from Norris, represents this essence. Becoming a walker of Wisdom means that we share that knowledge and we encourage people to follow that North Star that leads us home to ourselves. So in that sense, we encourage discernment. We encourage the middle way, as you often have, we encourage each person to understand how to follow their discernment and also work with the discernment of other human beings. So we work with each other, we encourage each other, we collaborate. We begin to understand that the North Star is the construct of the self. It is the construct of the soul itself, and it is within each of us. It's impossible to be disempowered, it's impossible to stay asleep. It's impossible to stay in pain unless we choose it. So we need to understand the power of choice and to present people the options and understandings of that North Star and the power of discernment when we follow it,

Jannecke Øinæs 57:02

that was beautiful. And do we need to have a goal doing this? For me, it seems like I'm just doing it, and I love doing it, but I'm not quite sure where I'm going with it. And is that okay?

Pamela Aaralyn 57:18

So a star has points. Those points are keys of consciousness. The wisdom walkers of this world, such as yourself, are accessing those as keys of consciousness. So you begin to develop and understand and divinely remember those ancient vibrations, and then you pioneer them in a world who has forgotten them. So there are vibrations. That's why you came in with a love of sound. Every point of the star holds a unique cosmic vibration that activates the mind, body and soul. Every point of that star, and that's why it's so important to remember those codes. They are light, they are sound, and they are everything that accesses the awakening of the world between light and sound. You were born with those codes. You hmm, all right,

Jannecke Øinæs 58:25

is there anything I should be aware of or do differently or step more into

Pamela Aaralyn 58:34

i yourself? Jannecke says she never gives a name. She says, I wish for the divine remembrance of everything that is peaceful and sacred and beautiful and creative and empowering. Those codes are being remembered within every portion of my divinity right now. I don't need to have a goal for the coast to work. I don't need for my ego to say this is what I will do next. Is that those codes are just coming out. When you look at the sun, you see them. When you look at the moon, you see them. The trees speak them. The land beneath your feet embraces you when you walk your boots on the ground, girl,

Jannecke Øinæs 59:30

you're here for Earth,

Pamela Aaralyn 59:33

and Earth has always been here for you. So stay connected to those elements as you always have, and all of those ancestors are embracing you and bringing you into everything that Earth needs, and everything that humanity needs, all the healing that we require, you are what's called a beacon for that. That North Star is a beacon.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:57

You. You. Thank you. Thank you so much.

Pamela Aaralyn 1:00:03

You're welcome.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:05

Alright. Are you Pamela now? Or I wonder how it's like being you having access to all these amazing beings that can give you answers, like, is there any limit to what you can get answers to?

Pamela Aaralyn 1:00:24

Oh, yeah. I mean, yes and no, it's that, for instance, say we're given, as individuals, a timeline. But when I read the council, they work with collectives, so they give me the most likely timeline. And then the paradox of that is, if we don't like it, they can help us change it. They give me things that I wish I didn't know, things about war, things about death, things about pain, and then they say, Okay, you want to change it. Go do your part. Let us be your voice. Let us share with the world how to change it. But yet, the paradox that I'm in is that when I share the harder things coming I am as a human getting lambasted, and people forget that I am a human. I just had to remove a video from my channel the other day, because I told you that it was like looking towards the Trump outcome. And, you know, and people, Oh, my goodness, it was terrible. They did not like it, and I'm not tough like the council never said, Oh, you need to develop a tougher skin. They said, Be open. Be vulnerable. Be compassionate. And when your feelings are hurt, Show it, show who you are always, and do not speak a lie. And that has been personally, very painful. As a human, people forget like I'm a human behind all this. I'm giving you the outcome, and then it happens, but you don't want to hear it, not you personally, but the world doesn't want to hear it because it's painful. So then by the time I tell you, Okay, this is bad, but it's you can change it. I lose them. I don't. People don't want to hear how we can change it, because I've said something difficult.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:16

You just spoke what I was wondering about, because I feel you're so courageous sharing this. And how is that like for Pamela? And I hope you are somehow being protected. And I guess you are, in a way, otherwise you wouldn't be able to do this in a way,

Pamela Aaralyn 1:02:34

yeah, I mean, I I've got to thank people who understand me, the people around me in my life, I have exceptional friends, like my wife, is an exceptional human who guards me and protects me from those painful comments. And then the predictions do come true. Unfortunately, the painful parts of them, they do come true. But then the other thing is, if I can sway it, I will. And then I'll say, Okay, let's talk the council about how to sway it. Can we make it more positive? And then we all swayed. I'm like, Okay, let's work together. We work together. For example, with the hurricane in Milton, it was headed in a bad direction, and it went from like a five to a three, and I believe that was because we're all working together, but it was originally predicted by the council to be a five, like it was going to be devastating, and Florida just couldn't handle that. And I'm like, Well, I just don't want that to happen. It just is so painful to consider. So we all meditated and prayed and worked together and sent our vibrations and and just did everything we could, and it shifted to a three, and we were so grateful. But then the people who saw me originally predicted as a five, they didn't see my other prediction, saying, let's change it. It's going to go to a three. They just remember the five. So I'm kind of like I feel it's an interesting paradox as a human to be kind of darned if I do, darned if I don't. I don't want to be predicting all the negative things, but I feel responsible to tell you, because I think we can change it, and then when I change it, you get mad, or if it's negative, you get mad like it's hard. It's hard for me right now I'm struggling,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:13

yeah, but I can see that the more we put focus on this is going to happen, maybe that's more likely to happen as well, because then we believe it as well.

Pamela Aaralyn 1:04:25

What if we just all decided we want to change it? What if we're given a negative prediction, but then we say, okay, what can we do to change it? Which I always try to give in every negative prediction. If we're headed down a hard path, the council will say, well, let's do this. And this is what changes, which they did today, but people don't hear that like that isn't heard, and then I go to bed crying at night. I'm such a sensitive person, and I'm not I'm not meant for it, really in that sense, like I cry myself to sleep over negative comments. It's ridiculous. I'm just so sensitive in that way.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:58

Well, I feel you. I don't handle that very well either. And I think the more sensitive you are, you you sort of want to do something positive, and when it's missing, it's hard, and it's

Pamela Aaralyn 1:05:10

like but I want to warn you, because I want to give you a chance to get out of the path of a hurricane or a tsunami or an earthquake, or, you know, I want you to have that chance to change it as well. And so it's tough right now, but in that sense, I also feel that what I represent as a human and a futurist and a mystic and a channel is the capacity to 100% be myself. So I give permission to just say, You know what, I'm not going to toughen up. My YouTubers right now are saying, Get with it. If you want your work to be seen, you need to get tough. If you love yourself, you should not blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, fill in the blank so that that advice about toughen up is a bypass. It's a bypass. And this idea that we have to 100% if that we don't love ourselves, if we're afraid that we don't love ourselves, if we're sensitive to things, if we don't you know what I'm saying, that advice seems dark, it seems inauthentic, it seems off, right?

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:21

And you just get gave your voice to this now. So probably those you know, those who are listening, heard you now. And I also thought one of the greatest takeaways here was like a duality. I'm just coming out with a Norwegian course, my very first course in January, where I speak about self love and about loving your shadow and accept, you know, the dark sides of yourself, because that is also part of ourselves. And I just got that very confirmed today. It's not about bypassing and the positive, positive, positive, be strong, yeah, yeah, yeah, and don't be afraid. And

Pamela Aaralyn 1:07:02

if you love yourself, that anybody can say anything about you, and it wouldn't hurt you. And I feel like that's more of a very wounded masculine approach that's coming to the world still,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:13

yes, and that divine feminine, I think, is all about embracing that, like as a mother, embrace being the mother for yourself, embracing all those parts, those in their child parts. And yeah,

Pamela Aaralyn 1:07:26

I love that you're doing that, that you're

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:29

it's exciting. It's my next step, in a way.

Pamela Aaralyn 1:07:34

I can't wait to hear if you are going to work with those codes on those points of the star that they were talking about. I'm like, I wonder what that is. I wonder what that is too.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:46

That's beautiful, yeah. Oh, all right. This has been so wonderful speaking with you again, Pamela, and thank you so much for your courage. I'll ask you again. I asked you the last time, what is the deeper meaning of life? From your perspective,

Pamela Aaralyn 1:08:06

the meaning of life is simply to love each and every moment, to be in love with the gift of life itself. To me, right now, the meaning of life is gratitude.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:22

Ah, right, powerful and Pamela, if people want to connect with you, work with you. How can they do so,

Pamela Aaralyn 1:08:30

yeah, right now I'm mainly working on YouTube. You can find me on my YouTube channel at Pamela Aaralyn. I have a very strong, growing Patreon that you can find me at. What I do, like twice a week, a bunch of channelings there. So there's that I will be at the body, mind spirit Expo in Chicago coming up very soon on March the first and march the second. You'll see me in room three there at both 10am and 11am so I've got some that in person work coming. And it's, it's wonderful,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:01

exciting. Thank you so much, Pamela, it's always such a joy speaking with you.

Pamela Aaralyn 1:09:06

Thank you.

Pamela Aaralyn – Official site
Previous interview – Navigating Destiny and Exploring Multiverse Mysteries!


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