The year 2025 is shaping up to be a pivotal time in human history, according to interstellar communicators Pia Orleane and Cullen Baird Smith. In a fascinating conversation, they shared insights received from the Pleiadian collective, shedding light on an upcoming cosmic energy shift that will impact humanity’s evolution.

The Pleiadian Collective and the End of the Kali Yuga

One of the most profound revelations from this interview is the prediction that the Kali Yuga, the darkest age of human history, will officially end on March 21, 2025. This ancient Hindu cycle represents a time of war, division, and suffering. However, this closing phase is set to bring about an opportunity for massive transformation.

According to the Pleiadian collective, humanity will experience waves of purifying energy that will support those who choose to awaken and evolve. This marks the beginning of a new era where people can let go of trauma, fear, and separation, stepping into a higher state of consciousness.

A Planet of Choice: The Great Split

The Pleiadian collective explains that Earth is a planet of free will, meaning each individual must decide how they will navigate this transition. There are two paths:

  • Those who embrace the shift will move into a higher vibrational state, experiencing greater unity, peace, and purpose.
  • Those who resist change may find themselves clinging to old paradigms and fear, which could lead to longer, more challenging evolutionary journeys elsewhere in the cosmos.

What Can We Expect?

While the exact external events of this shift remain uncertain, Pia and Cullen emphasize that March 2025 will bring noticeable energetic changes. Some may feel an unexplainable sense of joy, expansion, or clarity, while others might experience confusion or fear as the old structures crumble.

This pivotal moment is an invitation for humanity to embrace love, trust, and unity over division and control. It is not a time for fear but an opportunity to step into the next phase of our collective evolution, as guided by the Pleiadian collective.

Whether or not one believes in the cosmic cycles, the idea of a great energetic shift resonates with many. Signs of awakening, societal transformation, and technological advancements suggest that change is inevitable. The real question is: Will you ride the wave of evolution or resist the tides of transformation?

Transcript of the interview

Cullen Baird Smith 0:00

The Dogon tribe in Africa believes that their ancestry comes from the Pleiades,

Pia Orleane 0:05

as do the Cherokee in America.

Cullen Baird Smith 0:08

The Pleiadians were here with the Maya 5000 years ago. They gave the Maya the Mayan calendar,

Pia Orleane 0:14

which, incidentally, is all about energy. It doesn't have anything to do with time. They speak through us, but they don't appear in the physical form because they do not want to be categorized as Gods again. Do you want to go in this opening that's coming, this portal of energy that's coming and be out of pain and suffering? Or do you want to continue your karmic lesson somewhere else, on another planet and take longer to get where you're going? It's your choice.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:39

So do you know, where in the cycle we are in the universe. Have they said anything about that?

Pia Orleane 0:45

Yes, we do.

Cullen Baird Smith 0:48

The best prediction is that the end of this cycle, the Kali Yuga, the darkest, is going to end on March, 21st 2025,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01

can I just ask. So in March 2025 there will be something external happening that will affect us as humans,

Cullen Baird Smith 1:09


Jannecke Øinæs 1:17

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, a warm welcome to the show.

Pia Orleane 1:22

Thank you. We're delighted to be with you today.

Cullen Baird Smith 1:25

We very, very much. Enjoy your shows. We've watched you for a long time, and we're really quite excited and happy to be here with you today.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:35

I'm excited to speak with you guys, because I know you have quite an extraordinary story, and it's interesting to hear that your backgrounds is such a contrast to what you're doing today, because you Pia, you are a former psychologist, and you Colin, you have been studying and working as an anthropologist and archeologist, and Today you are conveying and sharing and channeling messages from larkima Pleiadians. And you've written many books about this and created a calendar, and you sent me this beautiful oracle cards that I'm using a lot, and I just love them. And I gotta say that I'm especially fascinated by Pleiadians, and I have no idea why. So when you wrote me, I was excited to dive into this today. I just feel like I have a connection, but I don't have the same experiences as you have. So maybe we'll do some channeling today and hear their message for humanity, but before that, could you share how they started connecting with you and how this turned your whole lives around?

Pia Orleane 2:48

Well, we began when they showed up on a birthday celebration for Cullen. We were having a meal that I had prepared, and all of a sudden our shortwave radio turned itself on automatically. We were living high in the mountains, and there was no reason for this to happen, but we got up to turn it off and glanced at the clock and saw that it was exactly the hour and minute time of Colin's birth.

Cullen Baird Smith 3:16

So we went back to finish the meal, and we're puzzled. I mean, we didn't know what had happened. And every day for, let's say, probably a week or 10 days, the same radio would turn itself on exactly at the same time. And we were puzzled. We were absolutely unable to understand what was going on.

Pia Orleane 3:39

We plugged the radio in in different places in the house, and eventually we wound up unplugging it all together, and it still turned itself on. And at that point, we walked into the living room where it was and we said, Okay, who is here? How can we help you? What do you want?

Cullen Baird Smith 3:57

And what we began to receive was thought messages, not auditory messages that we were hearing in our ears, but just in our minds. We were beginning to hear things, and the information came so quickly they shared things about physics, time travel,

Pia Orleane 4:19

binary, number systems, mathematics, advanced medicine, all kinds of things they were telling us. But the interesting thing about this is, when they would give us a message, I would say, Colin, I just got the message, whatever it was. And he would say, that's exactly what I heard

Cullen Baird Smith 4:38

, verbatim, exactly the same words,

Pia Orleane 4:41

and then he would say, I just got this message. And I would say, that's exactly what I got. So we started speaking it out loud as it was coming through.

Cullen Baird Smith 4:50

And this progressed to the point where we sat down every night at the same time for weeks on end. Right, and waited for them to begin speaking with us.

Pia Orleane 5:03

We eventually had to start recording it, because we could not keep up with how much the information was coming in so quickly. And then we had to attend a medical conference, and we were very sad because we were going to miss the time sitting with our new Pleiadian friends and gathering information. And we checked into our hotel at this medical conference, and all of a sudden, the television turned itself on at exactly the same time.

Cullen Baird Smith 5:27

And they immediately said, we just want to let you know that it doesn't have to come through your radio. We can communicate with you through any electrical device.

Pia Orleane 5:37

And they said, Actually, we don't even need the electrical device. This is just a signal to let you know we're here. We can give you a sensational sort of nudge where you sense that we're here, and we could just begin to talk anytime you would like to communicate. So that began a very long, wonderful career change for us, moving from what we were doing into becoming interstellar communicators and traveling all over the world and then writing books for them all at their request, we started with a small gathering in our home, and it just grew and grew and grew and grew.

Cullen Baird Smith 6:16

It's interesting that we had very unusual childhoods. We would say that we were born awake. We We were communicating as small children with other realms, fairy kingdom, little people, water sprites, angels, many, many, many different kingdoms were communicating with us as children. So if we go very much fast forward to 20 or 25 years ago, it wasn't that astonishing to us that this would happen,

Pia Orleane 6:52

because didn't expect that we were going to give up our professional careers and make this our profession.

Cullen Baird Smith 6:57

Or would it be, or would it be Pleiadians specifically, but it wasn't that big of a stretch or a surprise that this happened to us.

Jannecke Øinæs 7:08

Fascinating. I get curious about you choosing though academic careers when you actually have this strong connection to the other side and other beings was that sort of because maybe there was a feeling that it wasn't okay and accepted to work within this field, or that, I'm not sure where, perhaps there were some doubts that this was real, because a lot of those I interview, They had a childhood where they were quite open, and then life starts to happen. And they sort of their abilities. It dissipates a bit. They start maybe to doubt a bit, and they forget about it, and then it comes back. So what's the reason why you didn't choose this from the from the get go?

Pia Orleane 8:00

Well, we can both say unequivocally, there was never any doubt, I would say, and Cullen can speak from his perspective, but I would say it was sort of like having family around. You. Have family. You get used to seeing them, talking to them, visiting with them, going on an outing with them. The family's always there. But that doesn't mean the family determines what you're going to do in the world. We both wanted to be of service and some sort of career that could help people and raise human consciousness. That was always our goal, and we communicated and continued communicating with our family of other beings of light, but they didn't start speaking through us at that point.

Cullen Baird Smith 8:37

I think the choice for our two professions also came from, for Pia, being a psychologist, she would be working with people, and, as she said, helping people. And through anthropology and archeology, I was also absolutely, completely involved with people. So I think choosing those professions prepared us, in a way, to be maybe better speakers, better communicators. And I think it all goes together, actually, if we had become something else, my personal family was in the law business for generations, and I did not want to become a lawyer. It was like, Oh, that would be terribly boring. That's not interesting to me. I think I chose anthropology and archeology because would be more exciting, more interesting to me. So I think it helped us develop as humans to be dealing with people, but dealing with people from a different point of view than just maybe an ordinary job.

Pia Orleane 9:47

And one of the key things that larma has always told us and other interstellar beings and angels and everybody we've talked to all of our life is that there's nothing to be afraid of. And yet, the biggest thing any. Human Being faces is fear, fear of not being loved, fear of not having enough money, fear of their family not approving. Fear is the number one thing they have to glare out get over work with and so going into psychology was well, let's get rid of the fears. Let's help you become more empowered. Let's help you be who you are. So the professional careers were chosen in alignment with our energetic family,

Jannecke Øinæs 10:27

and we definitely need more sort of people who are who are open to spirituality in traditional careers. You know, not just, but yeah. So that makes a lot of sense. I know that you've spoken about in an interview that you actually have seen these beings, and from me, who have never seen an extraterrestrial, maybe in a lucid dream, I get so curious, because in my life, everything is like physical I hold this book, you know, but I believe in this because I've been out of my body, so I've had certain experiences. That's why I'm also open. However, I'm still, like, amazed that it's possible to see such a phenomenon. So could you share what you saw when it happened and how they looked like?

Pia Orleane 11:22

Well, larpa is able to manifest in any form they choose. So the first time we saw them, we saw blue, little blue beings, about maybe five feet tall, walking together six of them. That was the first time that we saw them. The second time that we saw them, we saw them as blue swirls of energy. They were present at the medical conference we went to and they showed up in the lecture room. And we look kind of looked over to the side, and they were blue swirls of energy. And then one time we came home in a snowstorm, remember that? Oh, I do. We pulled up in the driveway, and there were six blue deer standing in our driveway. Well, they weren't standing, they were floating. And then as we looked closer, they weren't exactly standing, they were moving above the ground. We just thought, oh, there's deer in the driveway. Look where they're standing. And then oh, they're blue. And then it was, Oh, they're floating. Look at that. And so we went in the house, and we talked to LARP when they said, You see, we can manifest in any form we want. So I think we can't pin down etheric beings into a particular form. So many people try to make them look humanoid, and maybe some do appear in human form, and sometimes and of other interstellar beings, larma doesn't, but maybe some do. But we can't really anthropomorphize and make these beings be like us. On a physical level, they are like us at a heart level, with love.

Cullen Baird Smith 12:57

Many, many people describe Pleiadians over the years as very tall, very, very Teutonic, very, very powerful beings, and we have never experienced that in our own seeing the forms that they come to us as we've seen them in Many, many different forms. But the the blue is a characteristic of them. They always appear as a blue energy. And we asked them about that early on in our communication, and they said, the reason that we show ourselves in a blue sense, to you a blue color is because we believe Blue is the color of trust,

Pia Orleane 13:44

and we want you to be able to trust us and feel safe with us. So we bring that blue energy when we come. There's other energies that we have seen also, besides larma, the angel of light is how the angel describes itself, has appeared as a big flash of white light energy with wings, huge, very, very big as that energy has appeared in our living room with other friends there who also witnessed the same thing. We have many, many experiences like this. We're just giving you a couple of them, but nice to be able to see them.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:23

Hey guys, I want to jump in here to give my thanks for being part of the wisdom from North community. Your support and engagement means the world to us. We put so much passion, so much love into these episodes, and my intention is really to be part of this great shift of consciousness to do what I can do with this channel, to help people expand their consciousness, love themselves more, follow their purpose and shine their light. So if you haven't yet subscribed, I would love for you to do so. Thank you so much. You'll find the link somewhere here below and. Now, let's go back to the episode. Yeah, you're fortunate. I would love to see that now. I heard that, yeah, like you're saying, many are experiencing seeing pleia dance or other extraterrestrials in different shapes and forms, and some are speaking about them as a Nordic, looking tall and blonde, and at the same time, I'm thinking that Pleiadians is a huge place. It's not a place, but so I mean, there can be different species, is what I've heard as well. So I think it's difficult to be concrete about this, especially when they're shape shifters. Now, what have they said about their connection to humans and the work they're doing now, through you and other channelers,

Pia Orleane 15:50

I think no matter what shape they appear in to whomever they're appearing, the essence of their heart, energy, their love energy, their light energy, is what identifies where they're from and what they intend to do and how they want to help us. And their message has always been, we want to help you evolve. We love you. We've been through an evolutionary process. We want to help you evolve.

Cullen Baird Smith 16:15

They they have been here on earth for many, many millennia, many experiences they came. There are so many mythological stories about special beings who have come here. The Dogon tribe in Africa believes that their ancestry comes from the Pleiades,

Pia Orleane 16:35

as do the Cherokee in America.

Cullen Baird Smith 16:38

Many, many, different, I guess, what we would call first people, tribes. Heavily believe in a et or a star based, Star based society coming to earth to teach or guide. And the Pleiadians were here with the Maya 5000 years ago. They gave the Maya the Mayan calendar, which,

Pia Orleane 17:06

incidentally, is all about energy. It doesn't have anything to do with time. And larchma tells us now that the reason they choose not to walk among humans now teaching them, although they can manifest on him before, if they want to, they say they choose not to, because every time they have tried this in every single culture, the culture of humans involved always tries to make them Gods. Always tries to say, Oh, look, we have to worship you. And larma says, very clearly, we're not interested in being worshiped or being perceived as gods. We're interested in showing you what you can do and helping you to empower yourself to be a cosmic citizen. So therefore, they speak through us and others, not Lord, not through others, but Pleiadians, through others. They speak, but they don't appear in the physical form because they do not want to be categorized as Gods again.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:05

They are obviously then benevolent. Is there sort of a cosmic war out there? I mean, I've spoken to others who channel other star beings from other star systems. What are you your perspectives on that? Because we have seen UFOs or UAPs, and I'm just watching right now this nest. No, I think HBO series about Roswell, which is highly interesting. So what are your what? What is your take on that? Like is everybody in the cosmic cosmic wanting to help us, or is there some force that is also working against our evolution?

Cullen Baird Smith 18:51

I think that's a great question. And there are many schools of thought about this. What we understand from larchma and other beings that do communicate through us is that, yes, there are wars, there are tensions, there are disagreements about who owns what, how, who controls who? Who controls the big the big cosmic picture.

Pia Orleane 19:21

Who controls beings on earth.

Cullen Baird Smith 19:23

There are, there are many, many. I don't know if war is the right term. I probably would choose a less dramatic or negative term, but the tension, I like the word tensions. There are tensions and feelings of, well, this territory belongs to us. We're older than you are. Our civilization has been here for many, many, many, many, many millions of years, and we feel like this belongs to us. This is something that that we feel we should be in charge of.

Pia Orleane 20:04

But here on planet Earth, we perceive everything from the human viewpoint and polarity. Everything is dualistic, dark, light, good, bad, male, female, even everything is perceived as perceived as an opposite. And larma tells us it's very important to recognize that the opposite perspectives we have are intended to broaden our ability to see the whole picture, and that through perceiving opposites, we can find our way back into unity and harmony. And they say, rather than saying, dark is bad, remember the night sky and how peaceful it is and it is dark. And they say, when you're thinking about energies that are coming to you that are not benevolent and that may be trying to control or harmful, remember, send them love, because the dark is part of the love, and they've just lost their way. They need to be invited back into the light

Jannecke Øinæs 21:02

now that's beautiful. Have they told anything about their own life civilization? Is it anything similar than humans? Are they way ahead of us, like I'm just so super curious about how do they live their lives?

Cullen Baird Smith 21:24

Well, they are absolutely beyond our evolutionary track. They they are so much older than than humans, homeo Sapiens, they, as Pia said earlier, they have been through an evolutionary process of their own that was quite painful, quite frustrating, like we can say here on Earth that we wish more and more people would wake up. We wish more and more people would be kinder, more generous, more heartfelt. They went through a process much like ours, but they didn't possess the emotional aspect that we possess. They didn't have to evolve through their emotions to become as they are today. They had, they had more of an intellectual, more of a philosophical process that they had to go through to evolve to the stage they're at. But I just want to say one more thing, but to answer your question, they say that our technology. And this is, this is very funny. This is very funny to us. They say our technology, which we humans, think is cutting edge, is very barbaric and very unsophisticated and archaic compared to the technologies in the rest of the universe. So in a way, they are. They are such loving beings. They don't, they don't say things to harm us or to make us feel belittled, but they do say definite things about we have a long way to go.

Pia Orleane 23:14

So your your question brought up, and Cullen was describing emotions, which is part of our evolutionary pathway, and larma has a very distinct perception on that they have a division between our natural feeling state, which is love, joy, trust, compassion, kindness, generosity, gratitude, patience. These are all our natural feeling state which we come from, that's who we are, emotions they see as signposts or signals that something within us is out of balance. If we're getting upset about something, either we're not perceiving a situation correctly that we need to change, or we're reacting to it inappropriately, or we're perceiving it somehow out of alignment with the truth. There's something in us that needs to change. So they see emotions as a very valuable tool for evolving to a non emotional state where we where we respond with love, respect, kindness, caring for each other. So it's very important that we get that in the journey that we've been given as a gift, rather than going through the process, they did philosophically.

Jannecke Øinæs 24:27

What are they saying about the times we're living in now? Are they also saying what very many are saying, that we're in this shift of consciousness and that we're really like 2025 this year, that really propels this forward.

Pia Orleane 24:42

Absolutely, they have they they do not make predictions. They don't like that, because this is a planet of choice. And they say, on a planet of choice, human choice always changes the predictions, because humanity can stop doing what they're doing and change at any moment. So they don't make predict. Actions, but they do give perspectives of perception of what they see at the moment, and they tell us that at the moment we've we will be receiving waves of energy that come in right around Solstice, sometime in March, that are going to absolutely raise us up and begin a purification process where we can get rid of the trauma, the drama, the things that separated us, as long as we can remember as a species,

Jannecke Øinæs 25:29

can I just ask? So in March 2025, there will be something external happening that will affect us as humans.

Speaker 1 25:37

That's absolutely, absolutely what Go ahead. Well, Part No, finish your thought.

Pia Orleane 25:42

I was going to say how that affects us. Is our individual choice. This is a planet of choice. And they talk about this is the time of the great split, and that means there are people who want to ascend, who want to evolve, who want to go with the Earth as she is reformulating herself to a higher vibrational level, and who are interested in everything of the light. And there's another group of people who want things to go back to the way they were, because they feel comfortable there, and they are frightened and they want to control and they're competitive and they're greedy, and they said, That's okay. It's all right. Either way that you go is there's no judgment here. You have a choice. Do you want to go quickly? Do you want to go in this opening that's coming, this portal of energy that's coming and be out of pain and suffering? Or do you want to continue your chronic lessons somewhere else, on another planet and take longer to get where you're going? It's your choice.

Cullen Baird Smith 26:37

They they talk about the idea of we're all going to get to the same place eventually we're all we're all moving in a evolutionary process or pathway, but the people who are waking up are going to move more quickly to create what so many people are calling the new earth, the the the the heaven on earth. There's so many different descriptions, yeah, descriptions, um, and it doesn't really matter, because we all evolve at our own pace. Humanity doesn't evolve in a completely massive everybody evolves at the same pace. We're all of different ages. I mean, some people are old souls, some people are young souls. Some people have been around for a long time, and so they're trying to make everyone understand that it's not a contest. We will all evolve. We will all get to what many people say, returning to source at some point. But depending on your level of consciousness, some people will make it much more quickly, and that will make it easier for them, because they won't have to go through the pain of the emotional suffering all of the things that that seem to make being human difficult,

Pia Orleane 28:03

but that also means that when these waves of energy start rolling in, and they're already coming, but big ones are coming in March, they'd be available and offered to everybody, but as a planet of choice, it's our choice to Take advantage of that and transcend problems, change, drop old patterns. That's our choice. If we want to cling and say, I'm afraid and I want it to be like it was, that's our choice too. But the energy and the opportunity is offered to everybody.

Cullen Baird Smith 28:35

The The Pleiadians have a different slant on on choice. Pia has been talking about choice many times in the past few minutes. They have a bit of a revolutionary idea about choice, and what they tell us and the public is that humans have 50% of choice that the universe brings us 50% it's a it could be called destiny, it could be called fortune. It could be called karma, opportunity, opportunity. Their their idea about choice on this planet is that we have 50% to decide how we want to work with our energy.

Pia Orleane 29:24

We have 50% to decide how to respond to what is presented. So we have to do 100% with our 50% that's our job. We do the best we can with our 50% by making conscious choices, moment by moment. Every time we do something, stop and ask ourselves, does this feel good to my heart? Am I feeling loving and kind? Is this for the highest good of all? Am I causing any harm to anyone or anything? These are the choices that we have to make, moment by moment.

Jannecke Øinæs 29:59

What is the last. 50% is that the universe of God or the Destiny part. Do you mean so it's the universe who decides something, and then it's the individual.

Cullen Baird Smith 30:10

It's exactly, it's exactly that. It's how we respond to what happens in our lives. I mean people, some people say, Well, life is just random. It just things, just occur. But from, from, but from what larma brings to us. That's not the case. Energies come here and present something, and by something, I mean, we're given a choice do if we see someone drop some money on the ground, we have a choice to put it in our pockets and run away, or we have the choice taking the higher road to say, Excuse me, I see that you dropped some money. Here it is. I'm going to give it to you. That is a higher choice for the good of all. But that money didn't drop randomly out of the sky. Someone created that experience for that particular person to make a choice.

Pia Orleane 31:09

It's also important to know, according to larma, that the universe has cycles, just like we have cycles, we have biological cycles that we deal with as humans here on this planet, and we know that there are astrological cycles that we've been thinking about and learning about for a long time, since humanity's been interested in watching the stars, but there are bigger cycles than those that involve the entire universe, and those cycles have to be included in what the universe is bringing us. We can't just stay in our own little world of what the cycles are here on earth or in our own little even solar system, of what the planets are doing, from Mercury all the way out to Pluto and Sedna. We can't focus only on that because there are planets. There are other energies, stars that are out there, that are moving in their patterns, that also affect us, because everything's connected. So that's how the universe brings us whatever energy it brings.

Jannecke Øinæs 32:12

So do you know where in the cycle we are in the universe? Have they said anything about that?

Cullen Baird Smith 32:18

Yes, we do. I we we are. We are at that's a fantastic question. Thank you. We are at a very auspicious time in planetary and human evolution. We have never been given this opportunity. There are differing ideas about how long humans have been here on this planet. I tend, for my training, to say we've been here as advanced sentient beings for about 3.2 million years. None of our ancestors have ever been at this place of evolution choice or the ability to make conscious leaps where we are today. One of the reasons I say this is because, from a really, really big, cosmic point of view, the cycles of the Kali Yuga are the yugas are part of what P is beginning to speak about. We are at the end of Kali Yuga right now. It is predicted for the first time by a really intelligent person, a really widely researched man, that the end of the Kali Yuga, which is the darkest of the yugas, the most war like

Pia Orleane 33:46

each Yuga is an age, an age that's a certain period long, and it goes from light to dark and then back to light again in a cycle.

Jannecke Øinæs 33:55

Because you're an ecologist, right? So yeah as well,

Pia Orleane 34:00

yes, but Cullen knows more about the Kali Yuga cycle than I do, but he's the expert on that.

Cullen Baird Smith 34:05

But just but just briefly, we are at the very end of the Kali Yuga, which is the darkest in all of the cycles. It's where more war, more tension, more disagreements, come to the surface. And it's an ancient idea. It's an ancient system derived from India. And the best prediction is that the end of this cycle, the Kali Yuga, the darkest, is going to end on March 21 21st, 2025,

Pia Orleane 34:44

and then we go. Then we go through a purification cycle. So this wave of energy that we talked about, this coming in March, that larma told us about, is the opening for us to go. Oh, we're not in the same place anymore. We're not experiencing it's the same anymore. More, and then we will have opportunities to purify and get rid of the trauma, the separation, the pain, all the ways that we have thought and acted that have kept us separate instead of acting as a family, a human family.

Cullen Baird Smith 35:13

So there are different systems, whether whether we use astrology, or we use the the Yuga systems, or we use just guidance from, from beings, from from other places. Everything right now seems to be pointing at this spring as a incredible, incredible possibility for an evolutionary leap for humanity.

Pia Orleane 35:41

One of the things that's really interesting is that the Yuga cycle Cullen is describing coincides exactly what Western astrologers call the procession of the equinoxes, how these energies are affecting us here on planet earth. What I do primarily in my astrology system that Cullen and I were given by LARP, by when I'm doing a chart for somebody or a reading for somebody, is I incorporate, what is your energy? What is the karmic pattern you're trying to break? What are the gifts that you have, and what is the energy you are here to discover and work with? And what is the energy you brought with you from the cosmos? Put those together and then look and see how you can apply your energy to the everyday energies as they arrive, because they arrive as we were talking about earlier, in certain patterns, and when we know which ones are coming, we can say, okay, that's not the best day for me to do this, but it's an excellent day for me to do that, and It helps us navigate our lives with energy, instead of calendars of time.

Jannecke Øinæs 36:45

Yes, you you gave me a calendar that was really fascinating. It was not about time so much. It was about like a new energy each day that fascinated me. I have to ask, do you think that we will notice a change, or will it be so subtle that you have to be really sensitive? I'm, I'm speaking to march 2025, like, Will I all of a sudden notice, oh, you know, something is happening within me, or I see or feel a shift. Or is it really subtle and you have to be really awake to notice it?

Pia Orleane 37:20

I think everybody will notice something. I can only speak for me, and I can say, well, I can speak a little bit for Cullen too. I can say that we both are already experiencing the edges of it, but we always experience things before they come into the predictable time or the collective time. We always do. One of the things that I'm experiencing is feeling like I'm larger than I am. It's like my energy is extending outwards, and I feel, Oh, I'm much larger. I'm not really encased in this physical body. And I feel it, and it feels fluid, like I can move easier. There's just something about that that I feel and I notice, that's just one thing that we notice. I think people are going to either they're going to notice something, and either they're going to have a feeling of apprehension, because they're connected so deeply to their fear that they're going to go, Uh oh, something's different, and I don't know what it is, and I'm scared or that I'm going to go, I woke up happy this morning. I have no particular reason, but I feel joyful. So yes, I think everybody will feel something.

Cullen Baird Smith 38:26

I totally agree with that. And I think what you said a moment ago, I think people who are more awake, more more connected to what's really important, not not the, not necessarily the physical things. This physical attributes of what it's like to be a human, but more of a spiritual or or more nature connected, or nature based understanding. I think those people will have a better idea that that what's happening makes sense. I think they will get, oh, maybe this is what I've been waiting for. Maybe this is why I'm waking up. Maybe this is why I feel differently than I did five years ago, 10 years ago. But on the other hand, I think people who are, and I'm going to use this phrase loosely, but more asleep, I think I agree with Pia pretty much that they will notice something, but they won't understand why. And I think that's the difference between, why is this happening? I understand something's happening. It may not make sense to me, but I welcome it. It's, it's, it's a curious thing. I like it because I'm changing. But people who are clinging to old paradigms, people who are clinging to old ideas, may not have that joyous sense or that uplifted sense, because they feel like the rugs being. Pulled out from under them, they feel like this isn't very comfortable. What do I do with it? And I think those are the distinctions that we're going to see in what larcma calls the big split,

Pia Orleane 40:11

there'll probably be a lot of confusion, and will be called upon all of us who have an inner sense that this is a good thing, will be called upon to extend a helping hand by those that are lost and confused. It's their job to help others.

Jannecke Øinæs 40:26

And it was March 21 What was that that's super specific?

Pia Orleane 40:31

Well, that comes from the colleague, the Yuga specialist, who has studied this system for years. That's his predicted date. A lot says the energies will change around the equinox. They're looking more at the seasonal changes of when energies come in, and they say it has to do more, which is March 20. So they're still pretty close, but Yeah, mine, larma always says things don't happen on Gregorian calendars. They happen when they're energetically ready. So that's a very loose prediction. So we say sometime in March, sometime in March.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:04

Oh, I'm excited. That's not long. I mean, it's a couple of months from where we're recording, when we're recording, um, would you like or are you open to channel larma Today?

Pia Orleane 41:16

Sure, sure. They will come through and and announce who they are. And then they will ask for your heart song. And what they mean is for you to give your name and your voice so they can synchronize with your energy, to hear your questions.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:29

Okay, okay.

Speaker 1 41:32

They will be speaking only through Pia's is voice, as as you described. We have to be together. We have to be touching. But the information comes through both of us simultaneously. If, if I were to move my my lips, people would think that I was speaking simultaneously also, but we stopped doing that years ago

Pia Orleane 41:54

because people watching did think they were looking at a tennis match back and forth and didn't know who to watch.

Cullen Baird Smith 41:59

So Pia will be the speaker for this particular session.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:07

All right, nice, okay.

Pia Orleane 42:18

Hello, dear ones, we are larma, please give us your heart song.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:27

Hello. It's nice to connect with you today. My name is Jannecke Stenfeldt-Foss Øinæs, if you want my whole name, and I'm from Norway,

Pia Orleane 42:38

Jannecke, what a lovely musical tone. We like that very much. It feels good. What would you like us to address this day in our conversation with you?

Jannecke Øinæs 42:50

Well, we spoke a bit about the evolution of the soul and humankind, and that we're in a great shift of consciousness, and also we touched upon technology, especially before we started recording, having some issues with technology, and that leads me over to AI, because the worry that I've had myself, personally and many others, is that, how can I trust what's real out there when we can create AI tools for anything we can create, even our own voices and make videos of ourselves where we're speaking, where we're not really live or speaking at all. So how can we actually know what's true out there, and especially in 2025 this is a crucial question. But I mean, this will just develop even more in a few years. So how will Earth look like with this new technology?

Pia Orleane 43:48

You are very wise to question the introduction and the advancement of artificial intelligence. We find that a very humorous term, artificial intelligence that can be no such thing. Intelligence is natural. It is either there within the person, or it is not, because machines do not have a natural intelligence. AI is a dangerous energy that people readily accept because they think it makes their lives easier. We would answer the second part. First, we would say the way that you deal with this is by trusting your heart when you want to know if something is real. If something is real, you will feel good about it. It it will feel good to you. There will be no doubt you will feel like I can count on this. It feels right to me. In the waves of energy that are coming to humanity, you will become more and more telepathic. It's a gift you've always had, but it's been blocked because of your focus. Focus upon what you consider to be advanced technology. Therefore, your intuition and your ability to be telepathic has been blocked by yourselves. When the waves of energy arrive, your telepathy will increase. So when your heart speaks and says, this feels right, it will be from a telepathic knowing from another living being, not something that is recorded, not something that is artificial, not something that is man made. You will telepathically receive a message, because you will feel it. That is how you will make the distinction. In the interim, we are advising everyone to move away from anything connected to artificial intelligence, because AI and those who promote AI, both on this planet and off of this planet, have an agenda to control your population as a slave species, the more you rely on artificial intelligence to do things for you, the more you give away your own power. When you see things that pop up on your computer that say, let AI write this for you, or let AI auto correct this for you, and you give in to that you're giving away a little bit more of yourself, a little bit more of your spirit and your soul allowing something artificial to believe that it can do whatever it wants with you. So you have to be very diligent about saying, No, I want to do this myself. I do not want artificial intelligence intervening. Get rid of the devices where you say, Alexa, please do this for me. Get up and do it yourself. Stop carrying your smartphones around, clutched in your hands or stuck in your pockets, and Googling every time you want something and getting an artificial intelligent answer. Begin to go back to human to human communication, research things in ways that you have available to you, perhaps you have not used for a long time. For instance, talking to one another, sharing ideas, looking something up in a dictionary, looking something up in a library. There are ways to do things that are not based upon your need for speed. The more sped up you come become the more you separate yourself from nature, the more you separate yourself from nature, the more artificial intelligence has an opportunity to control you, and the less you're able to make conscious choices yourself. Does this explain, in some measure, for you, our perspective?

Jannecke Øinæs 47:41

Yes, it's interesting what you're saying. And it was a bit of a surprise, because from my perspective, I feel like AI could be good in many ways. I think nothing is just bad or just good. I think it's the way you use it. And I think the way I felt is that it's neutral, but we put the intention in it, but, but it's, it's a big question. I just feel like I to me, I don't want to stop using it because it's helpful. It's just to keep the balance there so you don't lose yourself in it. To me, it's always all all about balance, but that's my perspective.

Pia Orleane 48:24

We do not disagree with you at all. It is entirely about balance. It is entirely about how it is used. The problem is you're not in control of how it is used. It is being controlled by others outside of you, who are putting satellites in the sky and putting chips into the devices that you use that have an electromagnetic impact upon you so you gradually, as a human, become controlled more without even recognizing it. Yes, we understand, and this is a planet of choice, and we do not recommend that you stop doing your shows which we are happy to participate in, or stop doing the ways that you do use it currently, we're just saying, Do not be addicted to it for your general listeners. Do not have it available all the time, and begin to balance yourself a word that you chose by being more in nature and making sure that you make conscious choices guided by your heart, rather than doing things that are easy because they are made available to you. Does that feel a little more balanced to you?

Jannecke Øinæs 49:33

Yes, that does make sense, and I can feel the pull to go to Chachi pity quite often, and that all of a sudden I'm not writing so much myself. So it's a good point. I want to move over to something completely different that I've been very curious about, and it's healing so humans get sick every now and then, and some have healing powers. I think we all have healing powers. Some. Maybe have activated them more. Now, why are some people healed by healers, by themselves and others are not?

Pia Orleane 50:09

That's a very interesting question. There are two answers we would give for this question. One is some come to this planet with a life purpose, that they will suffer a certain malady, disease, and we mean that as dis ease, being out of ease, because there is no such thing as real disease from our perspective, but you come with a certain karmic pattern, or to be of service to someone else who needs to learn compassion. So some are ill in order to help others learn how to be compassionate. And they do this by choice. Some come because they're working out a karmic pattern of something they need to understand to move beyond a blockage they have in their system of evolution. Those are some of the reasons. The other reason is because many people are disempowered and do not believe in themselves that the power of healing is possible. There are several levels to this. Some run to their doctor or medical practitioner, thinking they are the only ones who can cure or heal them. Some turn to energy workers, thinking they are the only ones who can cure or heal them, and some recognize the truth of what you said. Healing ability is available for all all they have to do is to listen to what is needed within their own lives. They need to let go of patterns that do not work. They need to let go of choices that are harming them. They need to find things that rebalance what is out of balance, and they need to trust the process. Now, healing is not always the same as curing. Curing eliminates the condition entirely. Healing heals you into the higher state you need to be. Oftentimes, it is manifested physically or mentally, but oftentimes there is a peace and healing where the person says, Ah, I understand I have this condition because I needed to show someone else how they could deal with difficult circumstances in their life. I accept this position and this time in my life, and I will make the most joyful life I can have in the condition I have chosen to be that also is healing. Healing also can appear in the form of it's time to transition into another form. Healing comes in many, many ways, and each human being does have the ability to heal themselves. Those who call themselves energy healers are not specifically healing anyone else. They're just opening the communication pathways between themselves and their clients to understand how to empower their clients to believe that healing is possible. Once that belief is grasped the person then turns on their own healing powers and the presence of the energetic support and the healing begins. Does that make sense to you?

Jannecke Øinæs 53:11

Yes. Thank you so much for replying to that. Pia mentioned time travel. I just have to go there is time travel even possible for us humans right now and and why is it relevant? Because obviously Pia and Cullen has received information about this.

Pia Orleane 53:34

Well, first of all, we don't believe in time as you do so. We see everything dimensionally. So what you would call time travel, we would call moving between dimensions. And yes, all of you are capable of doing that. One reason for doing that would be to gather together some of your gifts to use in this dimension at this particular moment of your revolution, becoming conscious of yourself and other dimensions may help you gather those gifts and remember more wholly who you are, so you can integrate that into who you are. Another reason for traveling into a different dimension, or what you may call time, is to say something happened to me that I'm still carrying a scar from or a trauma from here in this dimension, and I wish that to be healed. So I'm going to investigate what caused this thing I'm experiencing now, and how did it happen in a different dimension, and what can I do to integrate healing in both dimensions by investigating it just knowing that it's possible to move into other dimensions for reasons of your own choice, for how to heal, how to gain wisdom, how to integrate yourself more fully into the full being that you are. These would be some of the reasons you may wish to do what you call time. Travel. But we do not see it as moving into the past or the future, because from our perspective, you're only living in sequential now moments, this Now moment of multiple dimensions, and then the next, now moment of multiple dimensions. It is here in your time frame structure of always looking at the past and always looking at the future, that you see it as a timeline of moving backwards or forwards? Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 55:28

Yeah, that makes sense. Um, do we all as human have a life purpose or a soul purpose that we have agreed upon before we incarnated? And is it very specific, or it can, can it be different from for people? So maybe some life purposes are more specific for some and others have more broad and general life purpose per purposes, perhaps,

Pia Orleane 55:54

well, you all collectively as a species, have one life, person purpose, and then you have individual ones as well. Your one life purpose is to remember that you are a being of light and a being of love and figure out what that means to you. That's an evolutionary step just remembering who you are. That's a very big evolutionary step for all of humanity. Some people who come come with a purpose, as we mentioned, of I came with a purpose to serve and help someone else learn to be compassionate by showing that I need care and that I have something that appears to be wrong with me, my purpose is only to help this loved family or this loved member recognize more compassion and how to be of service. Someone else may come with a purpose of I know how to use energy to provide a space where others may heal themselves. And this is a purpose that is right for me. Someone else will be like you. I have a life purpose. May we speak of your life purpose? Yes, sure, I have a life purpose to help humans raise their consciousness and their awareness so that each person has proper choice of becoming the highest version of themselves by sharing everything that I can find to share about human evolution, that is a very big life purpose for you. Pia and Cullen have similar life purpose to what you have helping humanity evolve to the highest state of being by recognizing that they are so much larger than who they perceive themselves to be. So there are many levels, as you suggested, of individual life purpose those that you perceive as just having blah or not much life purpose are just deeply asleep, and they have not tuned in to, I'm a being of light and a being of love, so they can't unveil or unravel what their purpose and their lesson here right now might be. Therefore they have a more difficult path to walk because they have not taken the opportunity of the choice to take the next step in awareness. Also, one more thing we would like to say, and that is that as the energies change, you have the opportunity to say, Oh, my life purpose is changing. I see that I've been providing this great service. And now here's another opportunity, and I wish to accept this mission as my life purpose. In other words, as each now moment unfolds, your life purpose grows and expands if you choose it to this can be seen, for example, for many people who are in a corporate world, thinking that their purpose is to make money or provide a particular service, and third dimension, and something happens, and one day, they say, there's a bigger picture. I think I need a different life purpose. And they wake up to another level of who they are and what their life purpose is. Does this make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 59:04

Yes, and thank you for sharing. I'm very passionate about life purpose, and you just gave me some more dots to the whole picture, or some of the picture. Um, what is the most important question we can ask ourselves right now,

Pia Orleane 59:25

the most important question at this moment is, what am I afraid of that blocks my trust to evolve? Where is the fear keeping me stuck so that I cannot evolve to re empower myself and remember who I truly am and how to live a life of abundance and joy. Discovering the fear is a very key point. Working on it and releasing it, to allow yourself to experience trust in yourself and trust in the universe is a major step. This would be one of the major. Things we would tell you is important right now. It exists right along remembering that you're a being of light and you're a being of love,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:11

and what is your final message to the audience listening or watching this episode today, that this

Pia Orleane 1:00:19

is a fabulous, amazing, exciting time to be here on this planet and that you chose to be here as the energies are shifting. So do not be afraid of things you do not understand. Do not try to plan your future based upon what your past experience has been. Instead, open your heart and listen to the intuitive guidance that will continue to flow to you more fully, more completely, in a way that you can be guided by all of us who are here to help you make this tremendous opportunity real for you as you make an evolutionary leap, there will be times that are challenging and some will be downright difficult. You will see catastrophes around the planet at different places. You will see that some souls choose to leave because they choose to continue their lesson somewhere else. Do not grieve for this, but be compassionate and your feeling of what occurs trusting that on a planet of choice, even those who seem like they may not have had a choice in a particular instance, have chosen to be there at that moment, and everything is unfolding as it should be, open to your own guidance about all the good things that are coming to you, and your awakening To become the full version of the Light and Love being that you are, be curious, be courageous and be in love with life, with yourself, with the planet, with us from the stars, with everything.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:56

Thank you so much.

Pia Orleane 1:01:59

It has been our great pleasure to share with you today, and we would enjoy having a conversation with you at another time, if you so chose. We remain in service to this species and their evolutionary journey, and we do this because we love you. Thank you. Good, always.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:22

Oh. Oh, wow, are you okay? It was

Pia Orleane 1:02:31

more than okay. They give us energy. Every time we connect with them, there's a lot of energy, yeah,

Cullen Baird Smith 1:02:38

that it's great. That's that's something that many, many challenge channelers, I'm not quite here yet. Many, many channelers say that their energy is depleted or taken from them when they channel. And I can tell you that P and I have absolutely the opposite experience. We are enlivened. We are filled with energy. We are opened. We are we are energized by these, these conversations. It's, it's indescribable. It's so big, it's so energetic that it's,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:19

do you remember anything of what came through everything. Okay, so you're not in a trance or anything. You are. No, we're conscious.

Cullen Baird Smith 1:03:27

We're conscious channelers. The only, the only difference, and that's also a very good question, yeah, the only difference is, when larcma is involved with a personal session with an individual, they do something that we think is quite funny. They they turn us off. We're not allowed, we're not allowed to listen to personal sessions, because they want that information that's given to them to be only for them, not for anyone else.

Pia Orleane 1:03:56

It's confidential. So they they laugh, and they tell us, they switch us off,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:01

and then you don't hear or or you're not

Cullen Baird Smith 1:04:03

we don't know. We have no recall whatsoever. And it's really pretty funny, because after a session with an individual, an individual might say to us, well, you know, I don't really remember this particular part. What? What did they say? And we have to look at them and say, We have no idea, but

Pia Orleane 1:04:22

we do record them so they can listen and get whatever they missed.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:26

So that's fascinating. Wow. Thank you so much. This has been highly interesting. And of course, I had many more questions. And I mean, these are huge topics, you know, and then I only get time for this much, but I thought it was very interesting what came forward and helpful. So I have a few questions that I ask all my guests, and I can start with you. Pia, what is self love to you?

Pia Orleane 1:04:57

Self love to me is accepting and loving. Not only myself, but everything, all of life. If I love all of life, I'm loving myself because we're all connected. I'm connected to nature, the animals of the people. And if I am in that space of complete connection and unconditional love with everything, I am really giving myself a love bath that's self love,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:22

beautiful. And what about you, Colin, what is self love to you?

Cullen Baird Smith 1:05:27

Self love to me, is accepting me exactly as I am. No no judgment about well i I wish I was taller, I wish I was thinner, I wish I was smarter. Self love to me, is accepting the package that I chose to bring here to this experience, and by doing that, I don't, I don't have to feel like I'm not good enough, or I don't. I don't broadcast any negativity or or any any harm to anyone. Because if I love myself as I am, I'm, I'm living the life of of the light and the love that I simply am, that's it.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:14

And I'll give this to both of you. What is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Pia Orleane 1:06:20

I would say expansion service and experiencing love on all levels.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:31

And Colin,

Cullen Baird Smith 1:06:33

mine is really pretty simple. I think acceptance, surrender and love are the meaning of why we're here on earth at this time.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:48

Lovely. Now, if people want to connect with you, read your books, be part of your community, how can they do so?

Pia Orleane 1:06:57

We have two websites. The major website that we work from together is that's l, a, a, r, k, m, a,, and you'll find there all of our books, our pleiadien energy calendar. You'll find podcasts. We've done articles, we've written, we've written a lot of articles. You'll find personal sessions. Everything that we do is there. If you sign up on the home page, then you will get a newsletter of what we're doing. And you can also join our YouTube channel, which is Laarkmaa Youtube and and get different YouTube messages we're giving to people. The other website is Pia Orlean, P, I, A, O, R, L, E, A N,, and that has books that I've written separately, and it has other workshops that I offer all kinds of things, including the astrology system that I do, and the charts that I provide for people, and the personal, intuitive sessions that I do for people, or if they want to talk to other voices of The life that come through just me. So that's both of our websites, and we'd be delighted for everybody to find us.

Cullen Baird Smith 1:08:06

a there's a tremendous amount of archival information in both of the websites. There's a lot of interesting and and very educational material. It's, it's really quite interesting. I think when people look into our websites, they're kind of amazed that there's so much there to to look at and to become involved with.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:06

And I want to recommend something like, I really love this card deck. I used it every now and then, and I just it just spoke to me. And that's you guys who have made this with the play, and so I'll drop a link for that as well. Well. Thank you so much. This has been so fascinating and lovely to get to know you and connecting with larkma. So thank you so much.

Pia Orleane 1:08:53

Thank you for the opportunity. We very much. Enjoyed it.

Cullen Baird Smith 1:08:56

Yeah, it was absolutely our pleasure to be part of what you're doing because you're making a difference in the world. What the information that you're bringing to the public is essential at this time for for expansion, growth, evolution. So we honor you because of what you're doing. It's very important and very special.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:18

Thank you for that.

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