Ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly manifest miracles, and their dreams and live the life they’ve always desired? Mike Dooley, spiritual teacher, and bestselling author, has spent decades mastering the art of manifestation. In this conversation, he unveils powerful insights that could completely transform how you view your own potential. From channeling the energy of the universe to acting as if you’re already living your dream life. Mike Dooley breaks down the simple yet profound principles that guide the creation of reality itself.

The real gem in Mike Dooley’s wisdom? It’s not just about thinking positively—it’s about taking action in alignment with your desires. He emphasizes that when you believe you are worthy, act as if your dream life is already unfolding. Then, take even the smallest steps and the universe meets you with opportunities and “miracles” beyond imagination. Mike Dooley explains that your thoughts, words, and actions must mirror the truth of your divinity and power. As you do this, you’ll find yourself on the fast track to manifesting your wildest dreams.

Manifesting miracles

In this powerful discussion, you’ll learn how to tap into the energy that creates worlds and align it with your own life. Discover the insights that have helped countless individuals transform their reality. Spiritual teacher Mike Dooley shares his journey from feeling lost and disconnected to becoming a master of manifestation. With his practical tips and deep spiritual wisdom, he shows us exactly how to manifest miracles.

The key to manifest miracles lies in three powerful steps:

  1. Visualize Your Future: By vividly imagining your desired outcome and feeling the emotions tied to that success, you activate the power of attraction. This step is the starting point for bringing miracles into your life.
  2. Affirm Your Worthiness: Speak affirmations daily that reinforce your worth and capability. Words are even more powerful than thoughts, and when you declare, “I am worthy,” you align your energy with your highest potential.
  3. Take Inspired Action: It’s not enough to dream—you must take intentional steps in the direction of your desires. Whether it’s buying yourself a small treat or booking that vacation you’ve been wanting, act as if your dreams are already happening.

Manifesting miracles isn’t reserved for a select few

Mike Dooley reminds us that we are all divine beings with unlimited potential. Manifesting miracles isn’t reserved for a select few—it’s something we can all achieve. Our beautiful universe is constantly responding to our thoughts, emotions, and actions. The more you align yourself with the truth of your worthiness and the belief that miracles are possible, the faster they will appear in your life.

By understanding how to manifest miracles, you can open yourself to a world filled with opportunities, joy, and abundance. Whether it’s financial success, deeper relationships, or personal fulfillment, everything is within your grasp.

Transcript of the interview

Mike Dooley 0:00

I would visualize. I would speak it. Our words are our thoughts even more powerful. And then, most importantly, I would act as if I was a being of life. I would act as if I was worthy. I would do a demonstration. I would buy some little treat for myself. And one day, you'll look up at your life as I've gazed at mine now for so so long, it's like, what role did I play in my feeble, mortal, bumbling bad mouthing the universe to have deserved so much so fast. This is the beginning of the best the planet Earth will have ever seen, and it'll just get better and better and better. We choose what comes next through our individual focus. In our free will lives, we're gonna see what was previously called miracles happening like, ain't no thing, ain't nothing.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08

Mike Dooley, a warm welcome to the show. How are you doing?

Mike Dooley 1:13

Great to be back, Jannecke, I'm super Thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:16

I'm so excited to see you again, because we connected way back when, actually, eight years ago in Oslo, sitting outside in this beautiful weather, and you were having a talk there, and we talked about playing the matrix and manifestation, maybe we'll go down that path also. However, I know that you have been publishing, or you are about to publish your 18th book, The Great Awakening, where you are featuring six amazing channelers, some of whom I've interviewed already about, really the shift of consciousness, and I'm really excited to hear more about what they're actually coming out with. And you've also been featured on the secret. You have a big following, helping people to manifest. So it's really honored to have you, Mike, here again.

Mike Dooley 2:08

It's my great pleasure. I'm honored to be in your light, and congratulations on all the good work you're doing, Jannecke,

Jannecke Øinæs 2:15

Thank you. Now for those who are new to you, Mike, can't you share a little bit about how you got into spirituality and being passionate about law of attraction in general.

Mike Dooley 2:28

It's one of those things that has, like always been with me. I was raised pretty conventionally. We went to church. I was Catholic. Every Sunday. It was, you know, obligatory, but early, early on, I was one of the kids who would ask a lot of questions, things didn't make sense when you begin trying to interpret Scripture literally. And I can remember, gosh, in my early teens, if not a little earlier than that, I was just like, like, why are we here? And mom, you know, God has to be in everything and everyone, and everyone's doing their best. And, you know, just trying to line up what we had been taught culturally, religiously in my own household, and they weren't lining up. And the pitch in my desire for wanting to have answers really grew until I remember as a freshman at university. I mean, I It's like all I could think about was death, and not in a morbid way, but it's like, Are you kidding everyone? Everyone dies, Mozart, Beethoven, everyone, and they're gone forever. It's like, what's the flipping point? And unbeknownst to me, you know, when given our connection to Source energy and all that is when you're asking deep questions, there's an implication that answers must exist and you begin attracting them to you. And so that's what happened to me. You know, when the students ready, the teacher appears. It's another way of saying that, and either people or books showed up in my life that confirmed my own inner suspicions and or that took me even further, and typically, they would be channeled works. Richard Bach channeled illusions and Jonathan Livingston, Siegel, Jane Roberts channeled the Seth material. My mom would send me, these books, I thought she was bonkers, and she was like, just shut up, forget the source. Read what Seth has to say, and then pass judgment and being a good son, and at the end of my rope, trying to figure it all out, I did what she said. Nothing was ever the same when we are exposed to truth. And there is a truth in all circumstances and for all issues. We know it, we light up. We start resonating. This is what happened when people saw the secret for the first time. It's like I knew it. I knew I was powerful. I knew I wasn't being judged. I knew I could make my dreams come true. It's like I knew it, and that's how I felt, and still feel to this day, as I come across new concepts that kind of add to the mosaic of my understanding. So I've always been spiritually rooted, wanting to know about who we really are, how we got here, what we can do with our time in space. I applied that as an accountant. I applied that as an entrepreneur, and for the last 24 years, I've been applying it as a writer, speaker, author, teacher on the nature of reality, from the law of attraction to the Great Awakening that's now before us.

Jannecke Øinæs 5:55

Yeah, could you share a little bit about how these spiritual principles that you've been following has actually changed your life. I mean, now we're in this big awakening. I believe that a lot of people are waking up, and you've been on this path for so long. So like, I imagine that you are manifesting pretty quick. Like, how did your life change after you started applying everything you're teaching others to do

Mike Dooley 6:22

Well the premise here, and I don't think this is novel or too strange of an idea, but there are fundamental truths that hold our lives together and that make it possible to have our adventures in These sacred jungles of time and space, and be able to kind of find things dependable, rock solid, more predictable than gravity. And those truths are few and far between. They're really benign, they're gentle, they're loving, to name a few. And there's only a few. You know, we are all of the Divine by the Divine for the divine. We're all of God by God, pure God, not God of any religion I'm aware of, but just source energy. If that's easier, we are it okay. Now somebody could rightly say source energy is way more than Mike Dooley, and I would totally agree. But we are also individually, more than we've ever comprehended. We're multi dimensional beings, as all the channels teach. And that makes sense, given that time, space and matter are illusionary, as known science tells us. So. When we peel the layers of the onion, looking for truth, we will find it, and lo and behold, it'll set you free. It'll light you up. It pushes you on to greatness. There's no tests, there's no angry god, there's no judgment or punishment. We are all here as that God that we once revered, and we can still Revere, playing and exploring in this optional playground called time and space where, unfailingly, our thoughts become the things and events of our lives. That's the second truth. Okay, we're all of the Divine, all of us. There's no separation, every moat of dust, every penguin and cockroach, every human being and black hole is all pure divinity. Our thoughts become things. Our words are our thoughts. Our actions are our thoughts. But demo in in the demonstration of what we're actually believing and using these levers, we can start creating and installing beliefs that will serve us. I'm worthy, I'm good enough, I'm all powerful. I get the final word here. My dreams are attainable. Everything I touch turns to gold. These are beliefs that that are free, that anybody can adopt and embrace, and very quickly after doing so, they're going to start seeing evidence of them, our positive thoughts, and this is another one of those simple truths are at least 10,000 times more powerful than any other thought. So you don't have to worry that you're going to self sabotage because you're fearful or you're worrying, just do your best to get back on track, remembering the truth of your ancient lineage of the Divine, that your thoughts become things and and given the eternal nature of consciousness and reality of God, you can understand these hallowed jungles of time and space as as just a place to go adventure. Not every god particle comes here, but we all had the choice, and we came here as if, and I mean this literally, that.

Mike Dooley 9:59

These gigantic tidal waves of awesome, loving energy to explore the bounds of our creativity. And so we came here with this inclination, with this power to create worlds, the world that we inhabit, and therefore the thoughts we choose at an egoic level that are in alignment with the majesty of the truth, as I've been laying out right now, those thoughts go with the current. It's like, oh, they're just swept along our so called positive thoughts, or thoughts in alignment with the truth of our power and life's beauty, they become things really, really quickly, thoughts out of alignment. Like, I'm not good enough, you're God, okay, you are good enough. I'm not worthy. You were born worthy. You don't have any tests to pass. It's not easy. I'm not that kind of person. It doesn't work for me. I must be sabotaging. It's like those are all the lies, and it's hard to make lies come to pass. We can do it. That's how powerful we are. But when you understand your innate inclination, your natural born default, levels are through the roof to soar in financial prosperity, friends and laughter, creative expression, fulfillment, rocking relationships, longevity, whatever you want, that's your norm. That's who you really are. Thoughts in alignment with truth become things much easier than thoughts out of alignment, and that never will be in alignment with truth. So even if you have pity parties and you feel sorry for yourself or like myself, emerging from the dark night of my soul, 24 years ago, I'd go to my mom's house across town and be like, where's the flipping magic? You know? Why? Where's the universe? Why isn't this working? It's taking forever. Nothing's changing. But simultaneously, I always began every day with a five minute creative visualization, imagining things, working my life easy, happy tears, joy, friends, laughter. I also would dabble with affirmations, you know, these little statements you repeat to yourself, and mantras, you know, like I am the eyes and the ears of the Divine. I was born worthy. I'm pushed on to greatness. Every day, everything I touch turns to gold. My life is easy. Money grows on trees and okay. I was rooted in truth. I would visualize. I would speak it. Our words are our thoughts, even more powerful than just the 60,000 that flow through here, you articulate a few empowering words to an affirmation very, very powerful. And then, most importantly, I would act as if I was a being of light. I was act as if I was worthy. I would do a demonstration. I would buy some little treat for myself. I would go on vacation, and if I couldn't afford the five star hotels, which I couldn't back, then I'd stay one night in a five star hotel and six nights, you know, in some dump along the beach or blocks away from the beach, but that one night, man, this is who I really am, and I would savor it, and I would feel great gratitude I would demonstrate and embody the belief that this is possible, that this is happening. This is my life, and so behaving in alignment with truth, and behaving in a way that implies you know of the inevitability of your dream coming true and behaving with baby steps in the direction of your dream, however humble, sometimes embarrassing, you know, circulate your resume, make some cold calls, do some networking, press the flesh, ask for help by You giving the universe this fodder, these dots to connect, it will create a masterpiece when you're least expecting it, and one day, you'll look up at your life as I've gazed at mine now for for so so long, it's like, what role did I play in my feeble, mortal bumblings bad mouthing the universe to have deserved so much, so fast and so summary, get rooted in the truth it does exist. Don't be thinking everyone has their own truth. That's crap. Your power goes out the window. Everyone has their own way to truth, and every path should be honored. You pick your path. Recognize the truth as identifiable. Everything plays to your greater good. Thoughts become things you are of the Divine Love is the glue that holds the world together. And start living it, grounded in truth. Start thinking it, speaking it, behaving it, moving in. The direction of your dreams, even though it seems futile, even though those baby steps don't take you but a couple of inches when you move the universe moves. You don't get to see what the universe is doing, but you can know that this is how it works, and the more you do, the more opportunities you give the universe to enter your life through serendipities, a new best friend, a bright idea, and prepare to be astounded.

Jannecke Øinæs 15:28

That was the most inspiring 10 minutes. That was like a full bodied answer. Thank you so much. That was truly, truly inspiring.

Mike Dooley 15:36

Thanks for the set up. Thanks.

Jannecke Øinæs 15:39

My, oh, my, oh, my goodness, all right, okay. I'm curious to hear more about your book, The Great Awakening, because you have collected these amazing channelers who are channeling, like Darrell, Daniel Scranton, who have interviewed, I think Matt Kahn is there? Darryl Anka I just interviewed as well. I'm I'm curious about what is the main message that they are coming out with, about the times we're living in?

Mike Dooley 16:08

Well, I've perhaps expected, always been enthralled, not just about the nature of reality, but stories of Ascended Masters, Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, you know, and the miracles they performed, the love that they exuded, and the sentiment that what they've done we can do and greater. And so in 2019 just before covid, I was doing a journal on enlightenment, you know, just making my own notes, copying pasting some of my favorite passages from different books, just thinking, Mike, you know, my cups were overflowing. I've been living a fairy tale for a long time now. I've lost track of how many times I've been to Tahiti and traveled the world. And of the love of my life, have the daughter of my dreams. And it's like, you know, I know I'm not, not that I wasn't grateful. But it's like, I know there's more. I know I can go deeper. And so this journaling was the beginning of that, you know, and there were some biblical quotes, because there's a lot of beauty in the Bible, as I'm sure is true of all holy books. And serendipitously, at about that time, I got a call from a brand new friend, Sarah Landon. She channels the council, and it was all about enlightenment, and I hadn't told her about my my newfound quest to seek Self Realization, spiritual illumination, I mean just just to go beyond where I had gone at that point. And she and the council are the ones that that kind of tied in this great awakening that we're now living through to the quest for even greater truths and deeper peace and more joy. I have to admit, while I can manifest pretty well, I still have always found myself stressing, pushing, shoving, trying to make it happen. And you know, it then it happens, but I would like it to be easier, and so that conversation led to more and to more. I was lit up. The serendipities involved were like, can't believe they're talking about this, and that's what I'm journaling, and that's how life works through serendipities and so called coincidences. Fast forward two years to 2022 we're emerging from covid. I was doing a lot of online events, and I decided to host some of my favorite teachers, invariably, their channeled folk channelers, just like Seth was channeled by Jane Roberts, some of the deepest stuff comes from from such such folks. And I thought, let me do an online awakening adventure, speaking to what the world is now, moving through, correlating it to manifestation, the life of your dreams and and performing miracles, literally Jesus like miracles, and get their take on it. And I got 3300 people signed up, paying attendees. It was stretched over six weeks, one channel per week, being interviewed by me and given the stage to present whatever they wanted to present. The feedback was like people were crying and euphoric and filled with inspiration and clarity. And I remember when it was done, it's like, I didn't want it to end. This is like, so good. It's so reassuring, given the chaos. It's so empowering given the the animosity and. I mean, juxtapose the truth juxtaposed to what we're now living through. Is like it didn't seem to add up, but they were making sense of it. So when it was done, not wanting it to end, I thought, you know, this has to become a book. And so Darryl Anka, Lisa royal Holt, I'm reading from the back of it. Matt Kahn, Sarah Landon, Daniel Scranton, Sal racli, they were all on board. They all wanted to do the book version of it. It began with the transcripts, and then everybody edited and improved and perfected what they wrote and so so it's dropping on October 120, 24 the Great Awakening, our prophesized transformation and the attainment of embodied enlightenment. And it's promising exactly that an explanation and a reconciliation of the chaos in the world today, and how that bodes well in our favor and fortunes unexpectedly, and what life is going to be like in our lifetimes as this transformation takes hold. And if I if the thought that I'd really love to share, you know, in the beginning, I was like, okay, Armageddon and the apocalypse, you know, that seems to have been pretty eerily pointing to what we're now moving through, but yet the connotations are just doom and destruction and Bedlam and so over the course of these couple of years, and thanks to the panels of channels that I had, as would be expected, as was true of many holy works and spiritual Tomes, so much was misunderstood, mistranslated or deliberately altered to inspire fear in the masses. Apocalypse, that means the deconstruction making way for a new construction of life on Earth. That means old systems that have run their course and are no longer serving us, whether political, educational, commercial, financial, currencies, etc. Those that no longer will meet their objectives. As we move with greater energies into the light, are going to deconstruct so that better systems can come online. This is like a really good thing. We've outgrown the training wheels. We don't need, you know, banks to be having their fingers in our savings accounts and nickel and diming us everywhere. There's a much better way and and we see new currencies, emerging governments could stand to be organized better, so that people are more involved, not just, you know, lifetime leaders, the old systems are going to collapse, which sounds like horrible, until you realize that's the best way to bring about new systems. And the change in transition does not have to be, you know, chaos and fear. It's like, okay, this is outgoing Armageddon. The final battle. Does that not stir fear or what the final battle implying? The End of Time?

Mike Dooley 23:31

It is the final battle, but the battle is between ignorance and truth, ignorance and love, ignorance and clarity, where people finally know who they really are, and the reason it's the final battle is because ignorance is on its last legs. People are waking up. People are having discussions they've never had before. People are realizing their power. People are throwing out these childish ideas of damnation and punishment and judgment. God doesn't judge. God. We're here for the adventure of it, and each of us has the opportunity to create and craft our own heaven on earth, even right now, but as more and more people come online with the truth and live with love in their heart and see the unity of all of us, no matter the color, no matter the sexual orientation, no matter the gender ID, it's like, look, we're all doing the best we can, and none should be casting any stones. And in spite of the chaos, which are the pockets of resistance everywhere, and there's some humongous pockets. In spite of the chaos, at least this is bubbling up to the top where it can be addressed. I mean, we didn't have any idea of how many young black men were being shot in the back until cell phones came online, and we weren't talking about it, and you were. You were racist in the wrong ways if you did talk about it, but now it's out in the open, and we're horrified, and we're making amends, and patterns are changing, and respect is being granted. It's never been so good on planet Earth, but if you read only from your physical senses, you're only seeing the last vestiges of ignorance, flailing for its breath. The final battle is at hand where we won't be battling anymore, because we'll be living lives in truth, and so the truth will usher in a golden age where people know who they are. They love who they are. They love themselves and their neighbors, we work in cooperation, and a new world order will be born. And this was foreseen by the ancient prophecy makers. This is the arc in the evolution of consciousness. You start out in a bland, new playground, and you're terrified. You're scared, you're suffering because of the junk you run through your head, you're only using your physical senses, but in spite of ourselves, we have evolved to this point to start asking bigger questions, and not just assuming that our political or religious or civic leaders are right, asking for ourselves, as I did, and no doubt many in your audience have done for their whole life. And when you ask those questions, the answers are drawn to you. You see the silver lining. You see it solid gold. Things just get better. You're a faster manifester heaven on earth. And this, this prophesized time we're now going through, according to many other historians as well, marks a 26,000 year cycle, with emphasis on the second 13 year 13,000 year cycle to brand new beginnings. The Mayan Calendar ended in 2012 everybody thought that was the end of the world. Well, many people speculated that was the end of nobody thought, oh, this signifies a new calendar, starting an exciting, more joyful time to be alive. This is the beginning of the best the planet Earth will have ever seen, and it'll just get better and better and better. And that's what these channels and my own contemplation, meditation, meditation, interaction with folks has has revealed this is the most exciting time to have ever been on planet Earth. We choose what comes next through our individual focus in our free will lives.

Jannecke Øinæs 27:39

I'm curious about these six channelers. Are they, okay? Who are they channeling? Is there a connection between who they're actually channeling? Because from my or I have a feeling that they, a lot of them, are channeling extraterrestrials. And then I get curious about the extraterrestrials connection with humans. So if you could share a bit about that,

Mike Dooley 28:05

oh, I am, Gee. I would never have guessed in almost all of my life that I would be speaking on this topic with the conviction, passion and confidence that I can now speak to it on but let me begin this by sharing about six years ago, I co authored a book with a friend named Tracy Farquhar, who I met through my infinite possibilities program and@tut.com my my home base for the last 24 years. She's a channeler. She's a psychic medium, and she said that she has been in contact with Frank, Frank, a collective of eight from Planet brohoshka. And right away it's like, what are you serious? Well, I was enthralled by some of the things she shared vis a vis Frank, some of the stuff she had channeled I was I'd learned enough from my mom not to be judgmental, even though I felt like, I know this is cuckoo. I know this is not gonna fly. I know she's making this up. It's like, just shut up, take it in, and then consider whether or not these ideas can powerfully and wonderfully impact your life, and then connect the dots later on, it was to where Frank is coming from. Maybe, maybe Frank's, you know, lives down the street, but they're pretending to be aliens, but maybe what they have to say is good. I don't care where they came from. One of the questions that I asked Frank really brought so much clarity and so many aha moments. I'll share it with you now. I asked Frank in the midst of one of many profound and deep conversations about consciousness, about spirit, about living deliberately, about. About joy, about love. I said, you know, so what do you guys look like? Because they they claim to be from deep space, where our telescopes can't even see, and they don't have the technology to come here. Their planet is extremely barren. I said, What do you guys look like? And and what are your lives like? And Frank, the collective answered, We are unimaginably different than you and our lives are unimaginably different than yours, which really kind of creeped me out. Like, am I talking to lizards or spiders or octopi or or whales or Bigfoots or like, when, when, when somebody that wise, based on all else they shared with me, tells me that their existence and their creaturehood Physically is unimaginably different. I'm just like, I don't, in fact, I didn't even have the courage to ask in what regards they meant, or what they actually look like, because the material was so profound. They said, while we in our lives are unimaginable, unimaginably different than yours, our spiritual growth and the evolution of our consciousness is virtually identical to yours, meaning they're learning patience, empathy, compassion, trust, faith, love, cooperation in all the things that really are the most Important things in our lives, you know, joy and friends and camaraderie and family, that's what they're learning as well. But they are much further along in the terms of what they've uncovered, what they've discovered, how they live. They did have government, they did have currencies. They did have occupations. Their systems all collapsed and and they they said they did away with currency, which immediately, in that moment, made impossible all forms of corruption. And I was like, and did away with currency like, Did you barter everything? And they said it was like a bartering. You can't just put it in a, you know, a one liner sentence, but it was like a bartering. Everybody did what they felt called to do, if you if you like, to paint, if you're good at painting and you can paint houses, you go paint. Everybody found their way. And they said, while at the beginning of these new systems being created and invented for them, there was pockets of resistance. There were people who were sure that they were out of their mind. There were folks who went into the to the boonies and never came back out with their families. They were so terrified. But Frank said that faster than they had ever imagined, every element of their existence began to soar and thrive and prosper, the arts, business, trade, education, creative expression, everything beyond their wildest imaginings, compared to when, you know, they saw their separateness and there was competition, and there was, you know, the things that that, that we so know, that we have been living to this very day, those old systems were holding them back in ways they had never appreciated. And by the time they were able to talk through Tracy, they said it was 1000 years ago when we went through what we went through. And now that they've developed their psychic abilities, and they can travel out of body and travel, you know, the entire physical universe, given that love is the glue that holds it together, and that that they are beings of God, like we are beings of God, they wondered, who's going through what we once went through on that very scary slippery slope where resistance was everywhere, and maybe we can lend a hand just they said it's like a humanitarian adventure that they're on while they tend to their own lives on brohoshka. And so they have found many other civilizations. The physical multi universe has millions upon millions, if not billions, of sentient beings living on planets like ours, all of whom are of the Divine, by the Divine, for the divine, because, as I said at the outset, everything, whether a cockroach or a moth or a butterfly or a moonbeam, is pure God, pure source energy. And so are these aliens, these ETs. And their lives are made of love, and their games and lessons are all about love. And so just like someone doing well here in time and space might start a foundation or give more money to a charity or visit schools and give speeches. So does this happen in our Interstellar, uh, brotherhood and sisterhood? And of course, it turns out that there are ETs from tons of solar systems who are on an equal um mission to bring light and love to their interstellar brothers and sisters, you and I and everyone on planet Earth, they can't learn our lessons for us, and these are lessons we must learn for ourselves. But they have all said that they can help if we first ask. And of course, they're not going to come and hand out loaves of bread, they're going to give us the tools psychologically and emotionally, so that we can come to terms with who we really are. Most people don't know the stuff that I've been sharing with you, that you already have known for so long now, that that life is this adventure, that we're here by choice, that we're eternal beings, and so they're out kind of helping wake up other civilizations who are poised to wake up as we on planet Earth are energetically and for all kinds of scientific reasons that I could never articulate, But the channels could This is that time on planet Earth, where in our lifetime, we're going from millennia in the darkness, the darkness of ignorance, into the light in this lifetime. Can you imagine, and they all say, to be alive in the material is such a privilege to be alive in the material at a time when the lights are coming on, even though it's scary, even though there's pockets of resistance, even though people think some of us have lost our mind, nothing could be any cooler, more fun, more exciting than what we're Getting to live through right now. Each of us are Bringers of the dawn, if you will. Everyone watching right now is going to have a role to play in this rapid unfolding and blooming of life on planet Earth. And so, yeah, there Darryl Anka channels, Bashar. Okay, and Bashar is an asinian. I forget the but he's an ET. Bashar has a physical body. He's not from the astral, angelic realms. Bashar is alive on a spaceship over Bell Rock in Arizona, most of the time, with a sleek, slightly tweaked, energetic field so it's imperceptible by us and our instruments. Lisa royal Holt channels Sasha. Sasha hails from a planet in the Pleiades star system. Sasha lives most of the time on a spaceship over Mount Fuji in Japan, and Lisa has been channeling for Sasha for like, 40 years, and is part of their soul agreement to to be of assistance to that part of the world. Matt Kahn channels love, Daniel Scranton channels the Arcturian. Sarah Landon channels, the council from spiritual realms and Salvatore. Rochelle rickelle, excuse me. Channels, the founders, which claim to be like Sarah's the council future higher versions of ourselves and so folks, you don't have to judge or believe in ETs, okay, don't go there. But that doesn't give you comfort. But listen to what they have to say about the beauty before us and the power that you own, and that just needs to be released.

Jannecke Øinæs 39:11

Yeah, like, what they have been saying a lot of my guests that are channeling is that there will be an open contact very soon, and then we'll know. If that is true, we'll know. And I'm curious to hear, has that come out in your book, in the channelings, that there will be an open contact within or at least in our lifetime, or even just in a few years? Because my experience is that a lot of my guests are talking about just a few years, like even four or five years. Is that your experience as well?

Mike Dooley 39:48

That's what I have heard as well. Lisa and Darryl both talk with some subtle references to direct contact and its implications. But. Both would also say that that in the scheme of things, while it's inevitable that we would one day join our interstellar family, just like on a primitive planet, where there's pockets of tribes on different continents, and each thinks they're the only one, the day's going to come when, through their own natural evolution, they're going to realize that they share the planet with a lot of other tribes and and they all say the day is going to come when you know every planetary civilization is going to wake up to the fact that they're not the only one in the entire multi universe, and that there are perhaps billions of others, and so while it comes up, more overarching is the lesson that you know, to make this transition as smooth and joyful and rapid as possible, so that we can be fully living our lives in The light. Lisa Sasha said it the best. She said, Because I was asking about, you know, the the miracles, um, teleportation, by location, clairvoyance, telekinesis, all ascension, superpowers, the superpowers I was asking about that. And she said, Yes, yes, yes, yes, that's all on deck. But first, dear, mastery of self comes before mastery of the elements. And so this book is significantly towards mastery of self, which is echoed and shared by those ETs who channeled here. And that means, you know, unloading your baggage, processing repressed emotions, various meditation techniques and to do's are referenced in the book. But, you know, it's the the inner work that we need doing and and all else will follow so they didn't get into predictions or into likelihoods or probabilities. But yes, I'm aware that many of the channels today who share some of the most empowering, beautiful truths about reality, have also said that within a couple of years, there will likely be an indisputable event that will quickly convince everyone aware of them, and designed so that everyone will pretty much be aware of these events that will bring us up to speed and acquaint us and familiarize us with our interstellar or galactic family, as they often reference it. So yeah, that's coming. That's coming. It'll just be an extension, an automatic byproduct of our own self mastery, which is coming first and the similarly the miracles like Richard Bach wrote in his masterpiece, novel novelette illusions, the hero, Don Shimoda said, Richard the other character in the book Named after the author, Richard, as soon as you understand, truly understand this reality and how it functions, you're automatically going to start getting miracles automatically. I mean, wild and crazy overt Jesus like miracles, will be commonplace in the years ahead, not lifetimes or incarnations, but in our lifetime, we're going to see what was previously called miracles happening. Like, ain't no thing, ain't no thing.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:56

So in a way, it's in one way, it's individual, and in one way, it's collective. So the quicker we wake up, the quicker we'll and do the inner work, the spiritual work, the quicker we'll have these superpowers and open up to the Golden Age. However, they are probably cases of those who are resisting as well, but they'll also sort of get the push and the possibility to wake up.

Mike Dooley 44:27

Exactly perfect summary. That's exactly what's going on right now. Nobody has to do anything. I've got a forward in this book by Jesse Herman, who channels vagrian and an Epilog by Tracy Farquhar, who channels Frank and so there's eight channels in this book, and they make it really clear, like, look, no pressure here. This is going to happen anyway, but to the degree that you can realize it's part of your own. Natural evolution, then you can tamp down the fear. You can let go of the fear. You can get low, let go of any resistance, and trust in the beauty and the magnificence of spirit and that we're not alone, and that we are being guided, and that there are angelic realms as well, with love unimaginable for each one of us. The path is clear. It's it's gonna play out. And they all say that, that the the higher realms of manifesting is not one where you necessarily have a vision board and you make it happen. Use the affirmations all that works, but they say now we're going to be actually entering into a phase it's already begun, where we experience and perceive reality in a slightly different way to the physical senses that look the same, but we're going to have a certain amount of trust and a certain amount of confidence and and a certain amount of release so that we don't feel that we need to micromanage, you know, a bigger paycheck or Romeo or Julia, it's like there's going to be a trusting and a faith that shows up and literally, before we ask, things will arrive in our life that Complete us, that compliment us that we didn't even know we wanted, but will suddenly be there. This is kind of advanced manifesting, just allowing and trusting, which is par for the course, when we get out of our own way and we're no longer steeped in fear.

Mike Dooley 46:54

Oh, that's beautiful. Well, you know, the council in the books, sad, because, you know, okay, so meditating will help, and so these techniques will help. And so, you know, I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna make this happen. And the council said, Love will take you all the way. Just love will take you all the way, and again and again on all these conversations, love, love, love which brings Trust, which brings confidence, which brings abundance, which brings clarity, which it's like, love, love, love.

Mike Dooley 47:38

I'd say approval. Uh, acknowledgement, um, even to the degree of celebration. And in fact, I had a conversation with vagrian today as we prepare for the launch of the book next week. And And vagrian was saying that you just need to just allow and know that every single thing that shows up was by divine intervention, and that will serve a high, higher purpose and a higher calling, and is exactly what you most needed then. And so there never needs to be a tailspin or a downward spiral, or, Oh no, or I'm doing it wrong. It's like, just allow surrender, allow

Mike Dooley 48:36

I think adventure sums it up the best. It's fun, it's joy, it's exploration, it's discovery, it's all those adjectives that we usually assign to adventure, the deepest in the deepest sense. You know, everything's already perfect, everything's already done, we've already awakened, we've already illuminated. But we fleetingly get to play this game where we believe that we're separate, that we're mortal, that is difficult, that we don't know, and by playing this game, we can move towards a new kind of understanding. A note from the universe I once wrote said, you know, it's one thing to get to the top of the mountain, but it's a whole nother thing entirely to get to the top of the mountain when first you were lost, scared and thought it might never happen. And so we're putting ourselves through that like, okay, amnesia, confusion is poor little me. Life is happening to me. I need to play my cards, right? None of that's true, but it so adds to the drama, and so adds to the exhilaration and from all of that, desires are born and implanted and instilled, and a journey begins, and we fall in love, and fall in love with ourselves, and we are loved by others, and say, oh my god, oh my gosh. The adventure.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:02

Wonderful. Now, Mike, if people want to connect with you or work with you or read the book, I'll of course drop a link in the video description, but share, how can they connect with you?

Mike Dooley 50:15

My base on the internet is t u t.com the universe talks is the acronym T, U, T.com, and there I send out a daily free note from the universe, just like one little sentence or one little paragraph that goes to 1,000,000.2 people, Mondays through Friday. And in the notes, there's usually a little space that talks about the next adventure or travel or workshops or online courses, and people will find out automatically what else is going on or what else I'm offering through receiving the daily notes from the universe.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:53

Amazing. Thank you so much for coming back to the show. This has been so much fun and so inspiring.

Mike Dooley 50:58

Thank you, Jannecke, much. Love you.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:37

Well, this is good news. Well, it's been so inspiring to speak with you. And I want to end with asking some general questions that I ask many of my guests. And the first one is, what is the deepest spiritual insight you have received in your life?

Jannecke Øinæs 47:31

And speaking of love, what is self? Love to you? Mike,

Jannecke Øinæs 48:29

beautiful, and what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Mike Dooley – Official site
Previous interview “When thoughts become things


The book The Great Awakening

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