
Align with your soul and transform your life 

A unique meditation bundle of 11 downloadable meditations to help you connect with your soul

I have created these 11 meditations that have made a big difference in my own life,  to help you connect deeper with your soul, find that inner anchor within and to empower you so you can go out there into the world shining that unique light that you are! 

If you practice these these meditations on a regular basis this is what might be possible for you:  

  • let go of many of your old and negative beliefs
  • heal smaller traumas
  • become a more conscious creator
  • integrate lost parts of yourself
  • silence the mind
  • forgive yourself
  • claim your own self-worth
  • love yourself more
  • step out of victim mentality and take your power back
  • expand your consciousness
  • become a powerful manifestor
  • step into your higher potential
  • open up to your soul's purpose

When we anchor ourselves in our "beingness", we start to live in alignment with our soul and become our authentic selves. 

And here is also where we can develop a more expanded awareness and the gifts that come along with it; a stronger intuition and extra sensory abilities.

This is the time, where we especially need these extra sensory abilities.
This is the time when we need that guidance from our inner intelligence to navigate more easily in this time of turmoil. 


You are meant to thrive, not just survive! 

Receive my 11 life transformative meditations  

and manifest the life you long to live!

Here are the meditations that can be YOURS today:

1. Meet Your Inner child 

inner child

Meeting and acknowledging your inner child is a powerful healing method. In this meditation you have the chance to be that loving mature parent for your inner child. Practicing this meditation often, will help you integrate lost parts of yourself and help you feel more whole and complete. 

2. Transform your shadows  

transform you shadow

Inner child work is connected to shadow work. The shadow is a psychological term for everything we can’t see in ourselves. Shadows are parts of ourselves that we suppress or are ashamed of due to the strive to be “normal” and to fit in. In this meditation you will meet some of your shadows, and transform them into powerful allies, helping you love yourself more.

3. Instant and lasting relief from stress & inner chaos

lasting stress-relief

In times of turmoil and chaos it is easy to go into fear, anxiety and resistance. However when we go within and tap into our inner resources we find that inside there is a presence we can always connect to that is loving, calm and eternal. In this guided meditation you will meet this presence and learn how you can always tap into this state of beingness if you find yourself in worrisome thoughts, or feeling anxiety or stress.

4. Connecting with Gaia, 
embracing your human experience 

connecting with Gaia

As a spiritual practitioner, we may fall into a trap of spiritual bypassing, escaping our human-ness in order to connect with the higher realms. However you are having a human experience for a reason and the more resistance you have towards your human nature, the more pain you will experience. In this meditation you will meet Gaia, the Goddess of Mother Earth. She will bring you a gift. This gift will be something you need to know, learn or embrace, so that you can stay grounded and connected to your body, seeing the gifts of the human experience.

5. Change your beliefs and manifest your dream

soul gallery meditation

In this meditation I will guide you into your very own soul gallery. Here you'll work on a specific thing you want to manifest and discover what beliefs are standing in the way. You will also replace old negative beliefs with new powerful ones and by doing this, you will be able to manifest more easily what you dream about. 

6. Self-love & Self-Empowerment affirmations

self love meditation

This is meditation practice with affirmations designed to strenghten your self-love and to help you empower yourself. I advice you to listen to this in the morning right after you wake up for optimal effect. This is a powerful way to reprogram your subconsciousness and in that way transform your self-image and boost your self-confidence and self-esteem. 

7. Letting go of Comparison

comparison meditation

Comparing ourselves to others is a very normal thing to do. However the question is whether the comparison is a healthy one, coming from a place of inspiration and joy, or unhealthy coming from a mindset of scarcity and competition. In this guided meditation, you will discover your own true value and worth by letting go of unhealthy comparison. You will also discover what a healthy comparison is, and how you can use this as a navigation tool in your own life. 

8. Daily Meditation Practice

daily meditation

This meditation consists of different elements combined together and it is an ideal meditation to practice on a regular basis. Here you'll practice silencing the mind and opening up to gratitude as well as sharing your love with the world. By practicing this on a regular basis you may discover that your heart is opening and your mind gets calmer. 

9. Grounding yourself

grounding meditation

This is a short practice where you'll learn a quick and easy technique to ground yourself. Many spiritual practitioners are often ungrounded which is why many struggle with for instance manifestation. By knowing how to ground yourself, you will be able to be more present in your life, have better boundaries, protect yourself from negative energies and increase your manifestion abilites. 

10. Meeting your future self

future self meditation

In this guided meditation you will use your imagination to discover and meet the brightest future version of YOU, so that you can create the future you long to experience. This meditation will help you in manifesting and discover your highest potential so you can live and discover your soul’s purpose.

11. The transformative Ho'oponopono

Hp'oponopono meditation

We experience our reality from what vibration we have. But due to past traumas and emotional baggage certain unwanted energetic patterns remain with us in our energetic field. The Ho'oponopono meditation is an ancient powerful technique that helps you to heal these energetic disturbances.

This ancient Hawaiien practice has been used all over the world and as you do this meditation, you'll tap into the collective consciousness of the healing technique itself. Accessing this collective energy makes healing much more powerful. I advise you to practice this for 21 days and see the results. 

Get instant access
to 11 downloadable meditations


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10 meditations in video format AND in downloadable audio files.

1 downloadable audio meditation (The Ho'ponopono).

You have 1 year access upon purchase.

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All the meditations are available in The Membership.

Janencke Wisdom From North

Enjoy the meditations

Much light from Jannecke

You are free to download the meditations included in the meditation bundle and use them for personal use.
It is strictly prohibited to use these meditations for commercial use. This is for personal use only.