Have you ever wondered what lies beyond the physical realm? In this episode with spiritual teacher Lindsey Scharmyn, we dive deep into her profound out-of-body experiences and explore what they reveal about the nature of reality. Lindsey shares her journey into the mystical, including encounters with beings and energies from other dimensions, visiting heavenly realms, and even meeting a “blob-like” entity that she humorously describes as a memorable exchange.

An out-of-body experience leading to a journey of discover

Lindsey recalls an out-of-body experience where she found herself standing beside her sleeping body, only to look down and see herself as a string of glowing rainbow lights—a powerful encounter with her own energy system, or chakras, that she had never learned about prior to this. This experience led her on a journey of discovery, proving that we are more than our physical selves.

This conversation will leave you inspired and open to the endless possibilities of consciousness beyond the everyday world. Could it be that we are all capable of such experiences? Watch the full interview to find out how Lindsey empowers others to reconnect with their own spiritual abilities.

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Transcript of the interview

Lindsey Scharmyn 0:00

In my opinion, everyone's been out of body, and we go out of body all the time. We just don't always do it consciously. So you're practicing to stay conscious while going out of body, and that's something I like to help people learn as well. So yeah, you can see all kinds of beings and entities I once met, like a just a large blob, which just almost like a slug, and we had a chat for a second, and there's just all kinds of entities and beings and energies and consciousnesses and levels therein, and it's nearly infinite.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:37

Hello, Lindsay, a warm welcome to the show.

Lindsey Scharmyn 0:40

Oh, thank you so much for having me back again. It's fantastic to see you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:44

I'm super excited to have you back, like the last time we had a really interesting conversation about your incredible experiences, for instance, going to the center of the universe, and also having quite a lot of mystical experiences as a child, where it seemed, seems like the universe is conspiring for you to walk the spiritual path. And today, you feel like you know this is my passion. You're helping people to take that next step and that and to live from a divine will. And you're a teacher today, and I really wanted to have you back to hear more about what you've actually experienced. Because I think a lot of us are longing to hear that there is something more what what is really out there? What is the nature of reality? And by hearing all these different stories, we get more of the pieces from this big puzzle so, and I know you're also very into obese out of body experiences. You have a dream walking course, and maybe we'll speak about that later on. I would love to hear about some of your obese, like out of body experiences that have really blown you away, because you told me that you've been to places, for instance, like heaven. And then I get super curious, what is heaven? Where is heaven? How was that like? So if you would like to share and start with that story,

Lindsey Scharmyn 2:12

yeah, it's and I really you know this passion of mine, too is to empower other people to see this in themselves, right? And I think that's part of what you're doing, and what people who are talking about this are doing. And I just feel this is so important right now, especially for people to remember who they are and what they are and why they're here, and to realize that it's not you and I, and we're not some special sort of separate from humanity group of you know, but we can help other people access these same sorts of experiences and places. So I really like to put that call out to people to rediscover this within themselves, or to, you know, help it become even bigger and brighter in their lives. But some of these things do happen on accident, and that's how it started with me, and I, you know, with out of body experiences, and especially, you know, going eventually to heaven, I was very again, the this is a common theme for me. I was very confused about what was actually going on. In fact, the first time I went out of body, it was so confusing for me that I lost control and sort of like, spun off into, I don't even know where, and then ended up back in my body. But for a minute, I was just standing next to my own body, looking at it on the bed sleeping. You know, I'm very confused. Like, well, if I'm there, then what's this? Who? If I'm sleeping on this bed, like, Who? Who? What is this? And I looked down at what I thought should have been my body, and all I saw was a string of glowing rainbow lights, which, now I know is chakras, but at the time, I had no idea what chakras were. I'd never seen or heard of chakras, but I looked down and saw them, and they were exactly as we described them, like the same colors and everything and and I so disorienting. I was like, Am I just a string of colored lights? Like, what does that mean? Right? It was so disorienting. Um, so some of these experiences can feel like that. I feel like the more you hear about or know about, the maybe easier it is to find yourself in them and and be aware and be intentional in that space. But it took, it took a while for me. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 4:15

Did it happen by accident, or was this something you were practicing? Yeah, because I have been practicing it, and then I got out of body. But to you, it just happened,

Lindsey Scharmyn 4:25

Just happened, and I was very young again. This was maybe 14-15, years old, pretty young and and who knows if it had happened before. Because what I know now too is that we can go out of body and not be conscious of it, right? We can purposely choose to ignore or forget it for some purpose, right? And our spiritual guides and allies can help us do that as well. So in my opinion, everyone's been out of body, and we go out of body all the time. We just don't always do it consciously. So you're practicing to stay conscious while going out of body, and that's something I like to help people learn as well. Um, but yeah, it was just. Totally by accident. And, you know, accident, like, nothing's really by accident, right? Like you kind of said at the beginning, like I was guided and, and sort of called to this path. And this was one of the experiences that started that process, or helped to propel it further. So, but it, it kind of happened in a cluster. It happened quite a bit, and, one of the experiences right before that, I did go to heaven. And what's so interesting is I didn't have the language to describe some of these things again for a long, long time, in my experience, what happened is I went out of body and I was just in infinite darkness, which sounds maybe really scary, but it wasn't. It didn't feel scary at all. It felt like the most infinite, expansive hug. I there was just nothing to worry about, nothing to do, nothing to think, nothing to see. It was such a relief from my exceptionally stressful life. I had a very, you know, traumatic and difficult childhood. So this was just a beautiful experience of nothingness. And again, I think I say that, and some people are like, Oh my God, I don't want to experience that. And not a lot of people do. But what I've learned is some people do, and now I have the terms for this space that I was in. And some people call it the dark light and and it's differentiated from the white light and the clear light. My out of body experience where I looked down and saw my myself as the chakras, the string of chakra lights that would have been in the clear light. And so any out of body experience we have where reality is still reality. The bedroom still looks like the bedroom. If you float it up, the house looks like the house there, you know, maybe other beings there. This is the clear light. But I was in the dark light, and the dark light is this, again, it feels almost, maybe like the womb. Is a really good metaphor to compare it to. It just felt loving and protected and safe and and literally infinite. In fact, in the moment I was there, when I realized I had been there for some time, I sort of like woke up to the fact that I had been hanging out in this dark light for a time. You know, which I believe I was healing. I believe that's why my soul went there. But I realized I had been there, and I thought, Well, what else is here, right? What else is here? And I looked which I don't have eyes. So how else can you describe this? Though, I looked really hard into the darkness, and I tried to see if there was anything else but darkness anywhere. And I saw the farthest, farthest, little pin prick of light, just like the tiniest, like you could miss it if you if you weren't trying so hard to see it. And I saw this tiny pinprick of light. And I just was like that, I'm gonna go see what that is. And I started flying. So at this point, I'm moving towards this thing in other out of body experiences, if I wanted to be a place, I could just be there almost no time at all. I would say, Oh, I'm going over there, and now I'm here, right? If I'm going to another city, like, I just think of the city, and there I am. I'm there. So in this experience, I kind of expected that, like, I can see this pinprick of light, and I'm going there, so I should just be there, but I wasn't. So it was very confusing to me. I was like, why is this different? Why can't I go so I was pushing harder and harder. Again, I'm almost nothing myself. I have no body or anything, and I'm in a place that's almost nothing so to even describe trying to move in this space. So it doesn't even really make sense. But I'm all my will is focused in a harder and harder by faster and faster I'm flying farther and faster than I've ever gone in any sort of experience like this. And I'm going, going, going and, and it's just getting barely bigger this light. I'm like, hardly making any progress. This is crazy. How far this thing is. What is it? So I'm going even faster, even as fast I think, as I could ever possibly go. And this is when I sort of start to realize there's some other being, which now I know is one of my spiritual guides, who realized what I was doing and where I was maybe. And was like, Ah, it's time for you to go back to your body. Actually, you know, like, you might pick up a baby that's crawling away and, like, put them back in the playpen. I was a very loving gesture, but I was, I was aware. I was aware that someone had noticed me and they were going to come after me. And I was like, I have to get to this light first, so I'm just going going, as fast, as far as I can, as quickly as I can, because I know I'm about to be intercepted or prevented. And so I finally, it's getting bigger and bigger. It's just hardly bigger. It's like an inch in my view, and now it's two inches. And now it's, I'm like, Oh, I'm finally going to get there. I'm getting there. And I finally get up to it. It rushes up to me, and it's just a window of light, and this window I just pushed up against and I looked through, and it was the most beautiful, bright, inviting energy that I think I've ever seen or felt in my life, up to that point.

Lindsey Scharmyn 9:54

It's not quite the same as the center of all things. It's very similar. And. I just wanted to be there. I just wanted to go through this window and stay there forever. I just knew somehow that, if I could, everything would be perfect, always. And you know that that being that guide, finally caught up to me, and they said, not yet. We're not supposed to go there yet. And I was so angry, actually, like that seems like the best thing that could ever exist. Why can't I go there, you know, and there? I didn't think I got a very clear explanation, or at least I didn't remember it. And I went back to my body, and I just knew that was heaven. I was focused on it. I was kind of obsessed with it for a little while. I drew it a lot. I drew all these pictures of this window of just light pouring out. I mean, you can't, I couldn't even come close to recreating it, but it was the best I could do. And I was very fixated on it. I really wanted to go back. And it felt like, you know the place to be. And I still, at this point, my life is I was just thinking of these experiences as very vivid dreams, because I had nothing else to compare it to.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:04

That is so fascinating. I was with you all the way like that light and that that being that guide. Do you know that guide? Is that a guide you you have a relationship with anymore?

Lindsey Scharmyn 11:17

Yeah, that's Lao Tzu, which you know his, he was also in the the ship, as I was going to the center of all things. But again, I didn't realize that for a very long time. It took me a long time to know exactly who, who that guide was, and how long we had been working together. And what a profound gift, and what a an honor to work with such a being,

Jannecke Øinæs 11:43

I find it interesting, in a way, that he stopped you, because, in a way, you were there and you saw the light, and we have free will. So why were you not allowed in a way, and how could you come there in the first place if you were not allowed. Like, are there mistakes in the universe?

Lindsey Scharmyn 12:06

No, I think that was not a mistake at all. I was supposed to experience being out of body. I was supposed to experience all three lights, right? I had been in the clear light now, I had experienced the dark light. And even though I was only at the precipice, I had been in now the white light as well. And, you know, I also think about, I had so much trauma, I had so much healing to do, and I don't, I've said this over and over again, and it's just strikes true in my heart. I don't think I would have come back if I hadn't been brought back, right. And then I would just, I wouldn't be here, right? I would have left this life in this body, and that would have been so much easier. And I don't think I could have resisted the relief and how much easier. So, you know, there was a plan involved, and at the highest level, I know I agreed to that, right? So it's not like I was forced. It's not like something came in and against my will, you know, but I wasn't necessarily in the knowledge of that agreement or that plan consciously, right, but some part of me knew exactly what I was doing.

Jannecke Øinæs 13:08

Now, for those who are like, a bit skeptical, you know, and think, Well, maybe it was a dream, like, how do you know you're out of your body? And what does it mean to be out of your body? What is it that is out of your body? Is it? Are you just energy? Do you have some sort of physical body? And I know my own experience of this and how real it felt, but I'd love for you to share like, how do you know now that you were out of body? And what were you when you were out of your body?

Lindsey Scharmyn 13:42

Oh, they're great questions, and I have the same questions right when I came to this understanding, because, like I said, I didn't even know I was out of body. Thought I was just having really vivid, crazy dreams. And actually, what changed my perspective on that was an experience where I was out of body and I could hear the television in the other room, and I knew exactly what was on. And I could hear my dog on the other side of the door, and I could hear him sort of scratching and and whining a little bit. And I could hear who had shown up at the house while I had been asleep, and I so I knew, Oh, my sister's friend, so and so was out in the living room, and all of these things, and, and, and even at the time, I was like, well, that's, again, a really good imagination, right? Good creativity, like, these are all things that are likely. But then I was like, well, let's see. And I woke up and my dog was at the door, and that was the show that was on TV, and that friend had come over. I was like, well, that's a bit much like that means I was really there. I was experiencing it. I was able to perceive all these things. And you know, you don't have eyes, you don't have ears, so what is perceiving, even? And then I had to think about that string of lights I had seen, like, what is that? And that is, apparently what I am outside of a body, and what are those, right? And it took me a while to learn what chakras were, because. Again, this is like, 1990 something. The internet isn't around. I do not have a spiritual community. These are just not parts of my life. So I'm piecing all these things together and and I'm actually like, the prime spec skeptic of all, you know, and other people are skeptical. I'm like, I get it. You should be, because I also was, you know, I had to prove to myself that these things were actually occurring, and those are some of the ways I did it. And so, you know, you could even ask, well, what are the chakras like? What if that's what we are? What is that? And even that is just another layer of our our being, or our body, right? And some people call it the soul, and some people call it the causal body. And I just like to call it consciousness, right? We are a consciousness, and we and we form in in divine sacred geometry and emanation, we coalesce into these, you know, organizations or the system. And a chakra is one aspect of that, and the system of chakras is another aspect of that. And then the merging of those energies with this physical body, which is very much not us, right? It is not, I mean, it is we were here in 3d using this to move around and to be but it's not us, right? This is the part that we leave behind when we go on. It returns to the earth, right? This is just a tool that we have, a beautiful, elegant, well designed tool that we get to use in order to experience this life in this way. But even outside of our body, we have sensation and we have emotion and we have thoughts, and we can move around and we can interact with things. So you know, there's something else that we are and that part of us is indestructible and eternal.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:41

Have you met other souls when you've been out of your body? The way I understand it, almost anything is possible. You could actually meet other souls who are sleeping, but they don't know they're sleeping, so they're unconscious, and you can actually see them if they would be out of body as well, or conscious of it, you could actually have a conversation. Then you can find a lot of other spirits and souls in the astral. And I don't know if you felt you went to the astral, but that's the definition I have learned. I've learned call that. But again, you know what is the astral we can get lost in the terms and the names as well. So could you share, like, have you had any encounters with other souls out of body? And how was that?

Lindsey Scharmyn 17:35

In fact, sometimes it'll happen, and then I will meet the person, and I'll be like, Oh, I've I've seen you, I've met you. So not as common, but sometimes this is also what we call deja vu, right? When we will experience something on that level, and then we'll come back to this level and be walking around in the 3d and then something will happen. We'll be like, That's deja vu. Something about this is so familiar. It's like, well, you actually met this person, arranged this thing, maybe even saw this happening because we also we know most of the things that are about to happen to us again, consciously or unconsciously. So Deja Vu is one of those little nods to our higher knowing, right? Like, Oh, you already knew this. That's why it feels so familiar. It's not that you've lived this before. It's that you just knew it was coming, right? But I'm not, not that long ago, I was on a dark retreat where you it's called a light fast or a dark retreat, where you have absolutely no photons for many, many days, and so you're just in pure darkness. And I was in this dark retreat. And so there's a lot of, there's a lot of out of body, but there's a lot of sort of mixing of all of the planes too. So you're sort of like out of body and in body and somewhere else. And you kind of, for me, at least, I got to experience the multi dimensional sort of aspect of ourself, that it's not just one experience at a time. You're actually doing things on many levels at every moment. So that was really fascinating and and very healing too. There's a lot that can detox when you're in a light fast and you're just deep within yourself. And so that was really beautiful. But one of my experiences I I kind of went out, and I was looking around, like the cabin area where I was and and I just saw someone. It was clearly they were in another one of the cabins at this retreat. And it's not like a group thing in the way I did it. Everyone comes and goes different days and is at different parts of their journey, and so there's not really a lot of interaction or anything. You don't see anybody. And so I didn't know, but clearly this person must have been in a nearby cabin and and I just saw them, and I saw them exactly as they look in real life. I didn't know that, right? I just thought, I don't know. This could be anything. This could be someone from some other part of the world. This can be right, all kinds of people, like you said, and beings and levels of consciousness can appear there, but they sort of opened one eye and saw me and were like, nodded like, oh, okay, you're safe. And then we and then went back into their meditation. And, you know, there was a little bit more that I kind of saw and felt from them. And then I, I don't want to feel like I'm spying on people. So I tried to, like, move on. And when I came out of my dark retreat, I was back up at the main house, just sort of saying goodbye and talking to some people who had set up the retreat and just, you know, closing things down. And that person walked in the door, and I was like, Oh, I saw you. And he was like, Oh yeah, me too, like he had seen me also, and it was just funny, you know? And that, I think, is a very special location with very special people. And so I think otherwise that would have been maybe a bigger deal, right? Somebody would have been like, Oh my god. How did we do? How did we see each other? What does it mean? And we were just both like, yeah, that's how life is. This can happen. So, so yeah, you can see all kinds of um beings and entities I once met like a just a large blob. It was just almost like a slug, um, just a large blob creature and and we had a chat for a second. And there's just all kinds of entities and beings and energies and consciousnesses and levels they're in, and it's, it's nearly infinite.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:06

Do you know what kind of levels you have been to when you travel out of your body? Can you notice that I'm in, like a higher realm now, and now I'm in a lower realm? And would you say that nightmares? It's a trick of the mind, or is it actually lower realms?

Lindsey Scharmyn 21:27

Yeah, yeah, I do. I in my experience, it is lower realms, either of your own consciousness, which in some way you have to have that aspect of your consciousness in order to even experience it. Like, if there was someone who's just at such a high level of consciousness and so pure, like they could not even have nightmares, right? But we have something in us that is unhealed, or fearful or right, clutching, grabbing onto things, or ego filled. There's all these, these lower aspects of ourself, or something that nightmare beings, if we want to call them, that can sort of latch on to or emphasize resonate with, right? We have to be able to resonate with it for it to even exist in our field. So, you know, just so people know, it's not like something is just coming after you and giving you a nightmare. It's like it's actually is something within you. And that doesn't mean everything that happens in the nightfare is within you, but it does mean that there's something you can heal, there's something you can do in order to kind of put yourself away from that level of consciousness, right? It is sort of a lower dimension, or a lower consciousness, and lots of beings are there, and that we are sometimes ourselves, right? Like lots of beings are there,

Jannecke Øinæs 22:43

I get so confused about the different realms, but who doesn't?

Lindsey Scharmyn 22:48

Right? There's a lot of them.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:51

Yeah, because so when we go out of body, do we then have access to sort of everything, like all kinds of realms and all kinds of or dimensions. That's maybe, you know, another word for realm. And then even could we go to, you know, planetary system and encounter ETs, and go to the Pleiades and see how they are living their lives, like, is everything open or is out of body, just out of body within one universe, if that makes sense, yeah, I don't know answer this. This is like a philosophical question.

Lindsey Scharmyn 23:33

No, it's a great question. And I do everything is open and, you know, again, there's clear light, dark light, white light. It's very good way to sort of classify the three type types of aspects of consciousness that you might visit. And then there's sort of the idea of the vibrations within those. So you can be in the low and the fearful and the ego, and you can be in the high and the love and the pure. So, and those can be in any of those, sort of, well, to some degree. And, and you can go anywhere in the universe, right? And that experience that I shared last time I was on I left Earth, I saw the solar system, I saw other galaxies, I saw other Nebula, and all of these systems and and huge expanses of the universe. And then went to the center of the universe, so you can go anywhere physically in the universe. And then it was also clear to me that that center of the universe, that center of all things, was the highest consciousness that can exist, and does exist, which technically exists everywhere. But that was like the concentration of it, right, which we again could call heaven. I call home. I call it the center of all things also, because it is not just the center of the universe, but it's the center of you, your heart chakra. It's the center of every single thing that is alive anywhere in the universe, it's all quantumly entangled, right? So you can go anywhere in that creation. But it's also true, you know, a good way to think about it might be like, if anybody's ever played an open world video game, like, technically, you can go anywhere in the world, but there's some places that you just wouldn't go, because there's going to be bad guys there that are too big for you, or good guys there that you can't understand what they're saying. And there's so there's reasons why you might not go some places. And also, maybe, again, similar to sort of a video game, when you leave your your little hamlet or your house, you're going to probably just explore right around you for a while, because you're like, Well, I've, I've never been here. What's all of this and and so it's probably going to progress somewhat logically, both because that's what you can understand, that's what you can handle. And again, your own sort of vibration dictates part of at least what you're going to experience and where you're going to go and what you're going to do. And so all of us on the path are purifying, healing, right, uplifting, expanding. And so the more we sort of purify and expand our own consciousness, our own self, then the more we can sort of access around. And it's not because there's someone there. It's like a gatekeeper that says, No, you can't come here. It's just kind of like we just wouldn't, we wouldn't put a kindergartener in a high school classroom, right? And they wouldn't want to be there.

Jannecke Øinæs 26:13

It does make sense. Hi there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you like it, and maybe you've been watching some of my other videos, and if you appreciate them as well and my show, please go and hit the subscribe button. That really helps us to reach out with the videos. We put so much love and work into what we're doing to help to raise that collective consciousness. So be a co creator. Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much. And may you shine the light that you are, um, and then I know that you had an account with God. You know you could imagine that this was not enough. Then you also met God. So what is God to you and what happened?

Lindsey Scharmyn 27:02

Yeah, and this is so beautiful for me, maybe for obvious reasons, but also because there's actually a progression here too, and it's really fascinating for me, and it helps me also to explain some of the stuff we were just talking about, about who goes where and why and when, and right, who's making the rules and who's the gatekeepers, if any, and and this, these experiences helped me, because I've met God now three times, and the first time, I was still in a lot of darkness myself. You know, I always talk about this, but it's like I always had the light within me, and I a desperately loving person, like I want everyone to be happy, and that's always been my truth. And I also felt into, fell into a lot of self self abuse. And, you know, in that trauma that I experienced as a child, I I went into some dark places. So when I talk about that darkness, that's kind of, you know, confusion and anger and just and these types of things that I had to heal. And this first experience I had. I wasn't too far kind of out of all, I was still just right on the edges of all that dark it's like just starting to maybe sort of come back to my real self and and my real purpose here on on Earth, right? And so things are starting to clarify a little bit. And I had this experience. And again, you know, at this point, it's, it's not quite out of body feeling to me, but it's a very, very clear and lucid experience. And in a dream, a mystical dream state, which is part of what, again, is a theme in my life and and what I love to share with people. And in this experience, I was in a big field. It was bright, it was beautiful, it was, it was kind of please, pleasant and and simple, and just little flowers and some trees on the edge of the field. And I saw up in the corner there was someone at a table. And I was like, Oh, who's that? I'll go check that out. And so I started walking up the field. And as they were getting closer and closer, I noticed this table there was huge, huge table. And then I realized it's covered and like, food of all kinds. So much food, there's just one person there. I realize it's just large African American man with a Hawaiian shirt and just very, very big, and he's just laughing and laughing like the most, you know, it reminds me of like Santa Claus or something like just this, like, happy, joyful, like, big laughs. And I started laughing. You know, when someone's laughing, you kind of just laugh like someone's crying, you feel sad. So I started laughing. And I was like, What are we laughing about? And he's just laughing and laughing. So I was like, Why do you have all this food? And he was like, why I have everything? I have everything. It's not just food. I have anything. And I was like, Why do you have anything and everything, how? And he's like, I'm God. And I was like, You're God. He's like, Yeah. And I just felt so happy. I felt that joy of that laughter. I felt that there's anything available to me and to anyone, that there's just abundance and that it's infinite, and then the experience. was over, and I woke up, and I was like, Wow. I, you know, I guess, I guess God is a giant African American man in a field. I mean, like, it was, it was confusing again to me. And I was like, Well, what is this? What does this mean? And I was like, you know, I don't know what it means, but I, I experienced abundance feeling. I experienced this joyful feeling and, and it was really reassuring to me at the time as well. Somehow I just felt like there's something that you have in these experiences where it's just beyond what you could describe. It's beyond what someone could tell you, it's beyond what you could read you just now know it. I know this feeling. I know that there's an abundance. I know that there's a a joyful mirth in all things, just from this one little conversation with God. And, and I, even at the time, was like, I mean, that's not really God though, right? Like, that's not really God. And, and it was many years later, I was even more healed. I had come back to myself even more deeply. I was living even more deeply in my purpose. And I again, had another experience, and this time I did go out of body I am instantly, was just immersed in the light. This was my first full white light experience. So I'd seen the white light at the window, but I hadn't gotten into it. And in this I went into the white light, and it was even better than the dark light. The dark light was just release. I had nothing to do again. It's pure relief. But this white light was like healing, nourishing, right? It was like, it was like pouring into your body everything you could ever need. And it was very fulfilling. And I felt like I was surrounded by this light. And the light was God, the just pure golden light was God, and it was holding me like a baby, and I loved it. I was just like, yes, let's just do this forever, please. Again, very nourishing, very nurturing. And I thought to myself, well, this is God. And so I kind of, I kind of like, pushed it into an image, and it's pretty funny, but it was almost like Gandalf. It was very wizard, like, like it was old man beard. It was sort of the almost traditional Western, like, vision of God and but it wasn't that, right? It actually was just the light, but I sort of, like made it into a sort of being so that I could interact with it more easily, God, and God was answering all of these questions. And it's so ironic because I only remember the last three or four questions I asked, and by that point, they were so almost pointless. I know I had asked much better questions, but that was not the level of consciousness I got to bring back with me when I came back to my body, for whatever reason. But the some of the questions I asked, I was like, oh, oh, what about art? Are you? Are you all art? And he was like, of course, I am. Of course, all art is, God, it's expression of love, of creativity, it's it's art, it's me. I'm Yes, that's me. I was like, even, even Michelangelo. Like, why wouldn't it be but again, I was just like a little child being held. I think I was just so excited. And I was just asking all of these questions. He's like, yes, Michelangelo, too. And I was like, oh, oh, are you? Are you also coming through dogs and animals? Because I had had this old debate with some Christians who who thought that no animals had souls. And I was always like, Oh, it's so obvious that animals have souls. Of course, they have souls. So now I had God on the line, right? So I was going to ask, What about dogs? What about animals? And he's like, yes, of course, all living things are me. I am all of them. And I was like, That is so cool. And then I asked. I got kind of serious, and I thought, well, if you're if you're dogs too, then that means you were my dog. When I was young, I had this dog that was my best friend, my soulmate, deeply connected to this dog. And I, I said, Could you bring my dog back to me? Can I see him again? And God, kind of got a little serious, and he and I just felt like there was something in him that was like, Sure, but that's not actually the best choice for either of you. It's not horrible, right? Or he would have said, No, maybe, but there's just something in it that's like, be careful what you wish for. And and he said, of course. And then the experience ended, and I came back to my body. I woke up in my bed, and I thought, Whoa. I just talked to God. And he told me, the most exciting part for me, he told me I could see my dog again. I could see Ranger again. And I was so excited. I was like, how's he going to make good on this promise? And I heard it from the living room, a sound, and I was like, what is that? I was like, it's Ranger. And I jumped out of my bed. I ran into the living room, and there was Ranger, my dog, in my living room, and I fell apart. I just like crumpled on how I was crying. I love him so much. It was so good to see him. But as I was hugging him, I realized how old he felt and how fragile and how hard I think it was for him to have appeared like this, and something in me then felt a little bit bad for asking for him. And then I remember that sort of feeling that God was like, okay, but here's here's what you've asked for. And I just look back on it, and even though it was incredible and beautiful and heart wrenching and intense. I, I wonder what it cost Ranger as a soul to hold on that long, to be able to come back to me at that point, you know. And I, I just also have understood the value in allowing things that are dead to die, including people that we love and beings that we love. And so there was just something in that of a lesson of, yes, it was great for me, and also it's not quite the natural order of things, and it might not be the best for everybody. So it was a confusing moment as well, and this was all just brutally real. And then I woke up in my bed and I realized that the previous time I had woke up had not been real real real, even it was very real to me. Felt real. I touched his fur, I cried on his fur, like I smelled him. It was very real, but that was also just an out of body experience. And now I was really awake, which was also exceptionally disorienting. And then my whole next two days, like I was not capable of interacting with reality very well because it was disorienting. It was confusing. It was intensely emotional. It was very purifying. It was it was it was very intense. And people who have had really intense spiritual experiences, I think can relate. Sometimes it's really, really difficult to just go on with mundane life, even though miracles have occurred that no one's going to really be able to accept or, you know, hold with you. They're they're kind of lonely. So that was the second time I got to meet God. The third time I met God, I actually was on a spiritual journey, and I, and I'm so I had the assistance of some earth medicine, and which I don't normally use, even though I do shamanic healing and shamanic practice and practitioners all of the things I do, I don't really, necessarily use those things, although I'm not, I'm not for against, I'm just, it's just not my way, right? But I had been very specifically called by my my guides and my allies to sit in ceremony with this medicine. And so I did, because I've learned to listen and do and do what I'm told, as I say. And so I followed my heart and my soul's guidance to this experience, and in this experience, I also went all kinds of places. It'd be impossible for me to tell the full story today, here and now, but the part that we're interested in, I met God. And when I met God this time, it was very different, because it was very much in 3d reality, there was no, there was no out of body sort of aspect other otherwise I was, I was here and now, I was looking through my physical eyes and hearing through my physical ears, and I saw I was outside, which was beautiful. So there was pine trees and there was birds, and there was the sun and the clouds and, you know, bugs and butterflies and you know, everything was there with me. I was in it all. And so I looked up and I saw, too perfect to even describe it was like, it was like, this tree bow was God's eye, and this, you know, cloud was God's other eye, and this tree trunk was God's nose, and here was God's mouth was the ground, and it was looking right at me, and I said, oh, oh, you're God. And I said, yes, you're a God. And I said, Oh, everything is God. And it said, yes, everything is God. And I was like, How is everything God? And it was like, every thing is God. And it was like the bird would fly by right at the right moment, and the bug would fly the right moment, and the tree would sway at the right moment to make the face of God be talking to me perfectly. I I, and I just understood exactly that every single person is like an antenna. I there was a few people in my vision as well who were actually there, and I saw them unlike I ever had before. I've seen auras my whole life, right? I can feel and see energies from people. But this was something else I saw like this electric current that was both an electric current going through them and animating them, and that was God. But also it was like fractal fractal lines were just coming off these electric lines and and spewing out into everything else, and everything else was then connected, and it was all actually just one electric stream, going through all things at all times and all ways. That was God. And I said, and I just I and I asked again, like, how is everything you do? They know it? And it was like they just are, whether they know it or not. And I loved it. I it broke me apart, and I had such joy and gratitude to feel this presence of God within me, while seeing it around me, while understanding there's nothing that could not be God. All things are God. And it was just so perfect. It was that oneness, consciousness, that unity, consciousness. I saw it, I felt it, I heard it, I understood it. I knew it. It was in me. It was all around me. Was outside of me. It was all things of all times and and it's indescribable, really, it's indescribable. It changed me, you know, things I already knew. I knew it's all one. I knew that God's in all things. But to then know it, to really feel it, to see it, to talk to it as it to to experience that level of God that's very different from what I had before and And what's fascinating to me is I looked back at the three times I had met God, and I saw that each time I met and understood and experienced exactly as much of God as I could. I received exactly as much love as I was capable of receiving in that moment, which is equal to the amount that I love myself. And that actually had been the key. There was never any restriction. It wasn't like I couldn't have known God in the way that I experienced God in the third encounter from the beginning, except that I wouldn't have been able to receive it, right? I wouldn't been able to accept it. I wouldn't be able to understand it, and so I just couldn't, I just wasn't capable of it, right? And so I just saw that so clearly, that first time, it was just, it was just a conversation, it was just a sort of glance of the abundance and a simple view of the joy that was as much as I could take. And the second time was actually in God's embrace, and I was receiving like that much love. And then the third time, everything I have ever been and ever was, was God perfectly, right.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:14

Wow, I'm I'm so grateful that you shared, especially the last part where you met God, because I had an intuition that they all were linked together. And it just explained so much to me, because I think a lot of people around the world have had mystical experiences, and then they see God or Jesus or Buddha or their God in a certain way, and they, some think that, okay, that's Jesus, and He is the Lord of everything, or that is Buddha, or that is Krishna, or that we could think that that's the answer to everything, not realizing that that is just one perspective that the Divine is showing itself in a limiting perspective, actually, because you are familiar with it. Maybe you had, you know, been brought up with a certain religion, and you are religious, and when you have a mystical experience, that is how the divine want to appear to you the way you have encountered God is that God is showing himself or itself or herself in many different ways. And that resonates so much with me. That is not that one thing, and that it's everything, that we are God as well. That's why we can't explain what God is. It's just everything, all there is. And I want to jump over to another thing, because you've had these incredible experiences, and you said that it has changed you. And then there's a lot of people out there, you know, who feel, well, why can't I have these experiences, and I know many write to me, and I see all around me that there's so many who are struggling with abuse in some sort of way, if it's exercising too much, working too much alcohol, other types of drugs. It seems like so many of us are trying to escape this reality or get a hype or because life is too hard or too dull. So could you speak to sometimes I wonder, so how is how we're going to do this, because it seems like we're all trying to escape being here, and we are yearning for this high and yearning for, you know, to celebrate and rewards and get that dopamine in our mind so we could feel exalted. So is the only way to this you know, meditation and divine bliss or mindfulness. What are your thoughts on that?

Lindsey Scharmyn 42:15

Oh, it's fantastic question, because this is the heart of the issue, truly. And you know, there's a lot of sort of bypassing and escapism, even in spiritual world, or maybe especially in the spiritual world. Because, like you said, a lot of people are trying to escape, and they want out of here, or they want these experiences that I'm talking about, and I was just talking about this today too, that these experiences are really, really hard. And I'm not saying I don't want I'm so grateful for them. I'm so grateful, deeply honored and and it's beautiful. And, like I said, with the experience with God and my dog coming back, I couldn't go to work for two days. I mean, like, I couldn't, I couldn't talk to people, I would just be crying the whole time. And I was going through like, a deep purification. And anytime we're going through these purifications, it's difficult, right? We're healing something. We're releasing something that was heavy and dark and not quite who we really are, what we really are, but we held on to it for so long, and to let it go hurts, right? And there's a lot of transformation and release that comes with that. And so, you know, this is part of why. Again, some people say, oh, I want this. I want this, I want this. And then they don't necessarily get it is, they're not actually focused on that, that healing part. There is no way to bypass that, like, we have to go through it, right? And if we're really trying to get out of anything, as as we've heard a million times, the only way out is in, right? And where, like I've said, is actually the center of all things. It's like, right here in your heart. And so you cannot escape it. You cannot find it externally, right? You cannot create it for yourself. You just have to be exactly what you are right here, right now, and you have to accept it fully, and that authenticity and honesty are like the only things that are going to get you anywhere, right? So you can meditate all you want, and you can go to whatever, and you can do all these things, and a lot of it's going to be really helpful for you, if it brings you back to right here and what and who you really already are, right? And you have to be honest about that. You can't just wish yourself out of the place you're at. You know, people will come to me and we'll be working on, you know, a relationship that's difficult or some fear that they have. And the truth is, like, we can't just stop the thing that is real. We can't just say, Oh, I'm just not going to be afraid anymore. But you are afraid, right? You can't pretend your way out of it. The way out of the fear is to go into the fear and to through the fear, right? The way out of the abusive relationship is to go into it and really see it. Oh, my God, no. I don't want to abuse myself or you anymore, right? And then release it. You can't get rid of things by ignoring them or pretending them away. So the more honest we can be, brutally honest with ourselves, the better, right? And the more we can love ourselves in that. Say, yeah, I really mess up. Sometimes. I have a really powerful ego in these situations, and I treat people poorly when this sort of thing is going on, and it's okay I love myself, and also I'm going to do better now. I'm going to find out what it is that I can do to transform that, release it, and heal it. And so it's actually somewhat difficult. I think it's the hardest work we ever do, actually, is this internal work of being really authentic and really honest with ourselves and really real, especially because we have so many invitations to be false and to be, you know, shallow and to be in our ego so many, so many pitfalls along the way of that trap. Um, you know

Jannecke Øinæs 48:33

that piece is coming when we are, uh, brutally honest with the moment, um, accepting the moment as it is, no matter how,

Lindsey Scharmyn 48:43

even if you're freaking out in anger at something, just say, like, okay, okay, well, then I am. So what is it? Right? What is it? We can't just say, No, it's better to not be angry. So I'm not going to be angry, but you are angry. So, right? You can't ignore that. And this is most of the work I do. We talk about soul retrievals, and we talk about, you know, past life, healing, and that's really what it is, is it's bringing back the things that at the moment we said, No, I'm not this. I'm not angry. I'm not going to be angry, I'm not going to be whatever. I didn't make this mistake. You made the mistake, right? All those things, and bringing them back in because we can't cut pieces of ourselves off. We can't ignore the truth of ourself. We have to actually bring it into this central flow, which means we accept it, we see it, we accept it, we love it. To pieces, I say,

Jannecke Øinæs 49:34

Right. Wow. This has been highly interesting. What a life you've had, and now you're helping others with this dream walking course. And I would love for you to share about it, because I'm so into dreams myself, and I have my own masterclass in my own membership about lucid dreaming. I'm not that skilled in out of body experiences, but I'd love to hear what. What's that program about?

Lindsey Scharmyn 50:02

Yeah, oh, it's fantastic. I love it because I can work with people one on one, we can make all kinds of progress. And also, when we do things like this dream walking course, we give ourselves like a lifelong tool that we can use forever for anything that we need to use it for. And dreaming is actually one of these states of being where we are in deeper connection with our higher self and our subconscious self. So our shadow work can be done there, our higher self connection can be created there. And we can create this sort of communication cycle between our waking consciousness, our highest consciousness, and our subconscious, right? And we can keep that going all of the time, and it will flow over past your dreams as well. There's also a piece that I sort of bring it into our waking life as well. You know, as as many have said, this is but a dream within a dream, right? We're not, we're not, not dreaming right now. So, so I love to teach this and give the people this skill so that they can create for themselves, this trust in themselves, this ability to have any answer to any question that they've ever asked. You know, we talked about this, even in this episode, like there's some doubt, what is this actually, and where is that, and what are we doing, and what are we supposed to do? And really, like, I've said it, if it comes from within you, it's the most trustworthy you can get past the skepticism. And you can really see, like, Oh, I'm telling myself this from my highest place. So I know that it's true, I don't need to have anything else sort of give this to me. I've given it to myself, so I love to empower that as well. We also can communicate with our loved ones who have passed on. When my grandmother died, I wasn't able to go to a funeral, and that night, she came and got me and took me to her funeral. And so we're able to connect with people who have passed on. We're able to receive messages. My father has passed. I ask him for a message every once while he comes through and shares with me. And you know, so we just have this much more expansive and and like I said at the beginning, we start to realize it's not other people who just were born this way, and they're just special, and they're called to the path. It's actually every human being. This is our birthright. This is just a part of who we are. It's a, you know, someone called it a human tech, right? It's built in, like we have this. We don't need some outward device or outward thing to give it to us. It's, it's right here, right now and, and that maybe is, you know, the most healing part of of a class like this, of a journey like this, is, is seeing yourself as you actually are.

Jannecke Øinæs 52:31

But is it through meditation or lucid dreaming or out of body, or, like, what kind of..

Lindsey Scharmyn 52:37

Regular dreaming and the dreams that everyone has every night? And I know some people say they don't dream, and that's not really true. So we start, we work on dream recall. We work on dream increasing the amount of dreams. We work on dream analysis. So, you know, loose dreaming and out of body are part of it. It's part of what I teach. But we're actually focused on the the easy stuff, the stuff that anyone can access, and that that's actually where you can get all the answers manifest, better connect with your past, loved ones, all sorts of things, just in that regular, normal dreaming, right that everybody gets.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:11

This is a course for me.

Lindsey Scharmyn 53:13

Yeah, it's a really cool course. I really grateful. And you know, it was guided my my spiritual guides and allies were the ones that were like, you need to do this course. Now you need to start teaching this so. So here I'm doing it, and the people who take it, I mean, they'll say, like, my life is is changed, like I have these skills now I have this ability, now I have this trust. Now life seems easier because you just know that you have something to rely on that's beyond you know, the physical reality, and it's just a different level of being, and it's very empowering.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:44

Yeah, I've received a lot of help through my dreams as well, and I just felt inspired to start working with it again. But it demands a level of awareness and focus that I need to actually focus and do it. I'll put a link to the course below. This has been so fascinating. The last time I probably asked you these questions, but I'll ask again, maybe I'll get another answer. What is self love? To you?

Lindsey Scharmyn 54:12

Self love is exactly what we've talked about a second ago, where you just look at yourself exactly as you are in the moment. And no matter what it is that you're being or doing or showing yourself, you just say yes, I love I love me still, especially now, no matter what it is, it can be ego filled, it can be anger, it can be dark, it be tears, it can be gross looking. And you say yes, even now, I am love. I'm loved. I love myself. And what is happiness to you, happiness is similar. I think it's accepting again, what's actually already here in your life, and seeing how beautiful it is, how valuable it is, maybe even like how much you worked to achieve it, or what it represents about how far you've come or where you've gone in life, but looking around at what is actually already here right now and saying, Yeah, this is pretty awesome. I am very content, very grateful for all of these things that are here now.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:09

And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Lindsey Scharmyn 55:13

It is to find again who we really are, what we really are, and then live in accordance with that, especially to see that interconnectedness that I was describing, whether you physically see it or not, to know that that is true, that all things here are actually one thing, and to and to love it, right? Just and again, just like, just like you're doing with yourself and self love to say yes, even that. I love that that's a part of God too

Jannecke Øinæs 55:44

beautiful. Thank you so much. Lindsay, this was so inspiring. I loved having you back and all the best with your dream walking course.

Lindsey Scharmyn 55:52

Oh, thank you so much. Your audience is so amazing, and so are you, and thank you for doing what you do.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:02


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