Fear-based manipulation is a tactic used by certain powers to control and influence the masses. Karen Bell, a clairvoyant spiritual medium and channeler of Saraya from the Andromedan Galaxy, explains that the mainstream media often employs fear-inducing narratives to disempower individuals. By activating fear, they cloud judgment and disconnect people from their intuition and inner power.

ET Interaction: What’s Real and What’s Contrived?

Karen confirms that extraterrestrial (ET) beings are indeed interacting with humans. However, there’s a catch—some sightings and events are staged by governmental organizations to confuse and manipulate public perception. These staged encounters mimic authentic ET activity, creating a climate of confusion and uncertainty. Karen emphasizes the importance of using intuition to discern the truth and not falling victim to fear-based manipulation.

Why Fear Disconnects You from Your Power

Fear doesn’t just create emotional discomfort—it actively blocks your ability to access your higher self and intuition. Karen explains that fear disrupts your energy system, making it easier for external forces to control your thoughts and decisions. This disconnection prevents you from tapping into your innate guidance and keeps you trapped in a cycle of worry and doubt.

How to Overcome Fear-Based Manipulation

To reclaim your personal power, Karen recommends daily practices such as meditation, stillness, and reconnecting with your inner peace. When you consciously step away from fear-based narratives, you align with your higher self and regain clarity. These practices allow you to stay grounded and unaffected by external chaos, empowering you to make choices rooted in truth and authenticity.

The Role of Starseeds and Lightworkers in Combating Manipulation

Karen highlights the importance of starseeds and lightworkers in raising collective consciousness and countering fear-based manipulation. These individuals are here to bring higher frequencies of unity, compassion, and empowerment to humanity. By embracing their roles and healing ancestral patterns, starseeds and lightworkers help shift the planet away from fear and toward love and connection.

A Call to Trust Your Intuition

In an era dominated by fear-based manipulation, your intuition is your greatest ally. Karen encourages everyone to strengthen their psychic abilities, which act as a barometer of truth. By developing your intuitive senses, you can discern authentic experiences and make empowered decisions that align with your higher purpose.

A Message for 2025: Stay Rooted in Your Power

As humanity moves into 2025, a year of transformation, Karen Bell and Saraya emphasize the importance of staying centered. With heightened global activity and fear-based narratives on the rise, it’s essential to anchor yourself in peace and focus on creating your desired reality. You have the power to transcend manipulation by trusting your inner guidance and aligning with your true self.

Transcript of the interview

Karen Bell 0:00

Are there ETs interacting with humans at this time? Are there genuine, authentic sightings of ETs and craft? Yes, that's true. And what's also true is that there is a sort of directive from certain governmental organizations to also have a sort of event that we would describe as staged to evoke not only confusion, but also evoke fear. So you first want to understand the ways in which you are manipulated, and the ways in which most people are manipulated on your planet at this time is through the mainstream media.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:43

Karen Bell, a warm welcome back to wisdom from north.

Karen Bell 0:47

Hi Jannecke, thanks so much for having me again. It's great to see you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:51

I love having you back for the third time.

Karen Bell 0:54

Yes, so exciting

Jannecke Øinæs 0:57

demand, I gotta say, and you are a clairvoyant spiritual medium. You are channeling Soraya from a drama and galaxy. Yeah, now we also have a collaboration, and I'm so honored to share with our audience today that you are one of our master class teachers in January 2025 where you're teaching a masterclass about how to develop our psychic abilities, and your team members that, and I wanted to have you on the show to speak about that, and also how we can do that, if you can give us some tips today and also about the coming time, like how we can really step into our power more, As in this crazy time we find ourselves in,

Karen Bell 1:43

yes, for sure. Well, it is. I was thinking about that this morning. It's, it's funny that you, you brought that up because I was thinking this morning how very important it is for us to develop our intuition and our psychic abilities at this time. And the reason for that is, is because it's uh, a barometer of truth. Let's put it that way. So there's a lot of activity, there's a lot of stories in the media. And I think when you are when you have a strong connection to your intuition and your psychic ability, what that enables you to do is to really tune in for yourself and to discern like, Is this really the truth? Am I is, is particularly the mainstream media is, is this a story that reflects the truth, or do I feel does it feel a little bit off? Does it feel like I'm being lied to? Does it feel like this is the full truth that's going to be so important in 2025 and even the next two, three years after that? I mean, it's important all the time, but I feel like in the next few years it's going to be even more important, just so we can tune into our own heart and our own energy body and discern, you know, what's true and what's not, and what feels resonant and what doesn't.

Jannecke Øinæs 2:48

So yes, and I can find myself that when we are now bombarded, well at least my feet is bombarded by these drones in New Jersey and the USA piece and all that because I searched for it, and now I get it all the time, you know? And then I'm like, nobody's saying anything. And I don't know. I just wanted to ask, Do you have any reflections about that? I mean, after all, you're tunneling like an extraterrestrial being.

Karen Bell 3:15

Yes, exactly. Well, when it all well, it's, I mean, it's happening right now. It's been happening, happening for, I don't know. I've been hearing it for the last week or two, and so I took a moment to just sit and and meditate on it during my meditation early one morning. Because, you know, I I definitely believe in ETS and I definitely believe in, you know, extra dimensional communication and visitation. I believe in all of that. But when I really sat but it didn't feel right to me when I saw the the the news broadcast coming through, so when I sat down to really feel into it for myself and what, sir, I brought through. And you're welcome to ask her this later if you want to meet a channel. But what she was speaking about was that there is an element of confusion, because what we're seeing with the drones is some authentic activity mixed with a lot of contrived activity. So there's an element of confusion there about what's real and what isn't, and some of it is real, and I think that's where the confusion lies. But I think the majority of what we're seeing right now with the drones is actually a contrived situation. That's my intuitive feeling. And everyone's welcome to

Jannecke Øinæs 4:21

sorry when you're saying contrived, yeah, just explains this. I'm norwegian, and I'm, like, not fully grasping that word,

Karen Bell 4:29

yeah, so my So my feeling is that so contrived, meaning it's a staged event. It's a staged event. Now, some now I'm just saying, with this particular situation, it feels like what all these people seeing, all these lights, not just in New Jersey, but in many places, that some a portion is authentic, but a portion is is staged or contrived by a government organization. So that's my that's my personal feeling and intuition about it. And. And again, this is why we need to tune in to our own interbarometer and really feel, now, again, it's not because I don't believe that we're having contact with the ETS I do, but I also feel like there's some government manipulation, and that there will be an even increasing amount of government in like contrived interaction, I guess, to put it that way. And so we really have to discern because when I feel into the mainstream media, certainly in the last few years, and certainly going forward in the next couple years, it feels to me like we're being fed stories to activate our fear, our worry, our concern, and that we have to understand that when, when we're activated in that way, that that that fear energy in our system actually pulls us out of our own intuition, pulls us out of our own guidance system, and it takes our power away, because we're not we can't tune in to our higher power, our soul, our source, when we're in the vibration of fear. So to me, there's a lot of manipulation through the mainstream media that's fear inducing to keep us from our power. Let's put it that way. So this is why it's so important to have a spiritual practice, to meditate, to have times of stillness, so we can really tune in to our higher self, to our source, to our Creator, you know, whatever that means to you, and really have our own solid connection and discern what feels true to us.

Jannecke Øinæs 6:20

Mm, and maybe we get to hear Sarah's perspective on that later on. Yes, however, I wanted to move over to psychic abilities, and of course, my members are going to learn that, and everybody's watching. You're so welcome to join us in the membership, but I want to still in this episode, if you could share a little bit, because I know, for once, you say that everybody is psychic, and the other perspective of that is that, well, are some more psychic than others, because I know you are a makeup artist. Yes, you're starting to receive, like intuitive hits and information about who you were putting on, makeup on, yes, that hasn't happened to me. So can you share a little bit about how you see psychic abilities and in general, what it is, and your perspectives on it?

Karen Bell 7:15

Yes, 100% so, so, first of all, I do believe that everybody has an inherent psychic abilities. For many people, it's latent meaning they're not actively using it, or they're not actively aware that that's what it is, because in our society, in our culture, we are actually conditioned to kind of either turn it off or to disregard it. So even though we may be receiving psychic impressions, psychic information, number one, we may not recognize that that's what it is, because you have to, you have to, you have to learn to identify it, right? It's a very subtle, it's a very subtle experience, so not everybody is recognizing that that's what it is. And we're also not taught to really honor it, because we're taught to favor logic, that you know that that side of things and sort of turn off our intuition. I believe in having a balance, for sure, but I think in our culture, we're sort of taught to just tune in to logic and Intel and reason and to turn off our intuition. So psychic, one thing I love to tell people is that the word psychic itself means of the soul. That's the etymology of the word. So we have to keep that in mind, because there's a lot of misinformation about what psychic means, and there's a lot of aversion to it. There's a lot of there can be a lot of fear around it. There's really no reason to because our psychic abilities, in my opinion, when you think of that term of the soul, what that really means is this is the way that our soul speaks to us. This is the way that we receive energy and information that is outside of the bandwidth of our physical senses. So we are aware that we all have these five physical senses and that we are interpreting vibrations. So for example, when we are hearing the human ear, can hear a bandwidth of vibration between about 20 hertz and 20 kilohertz. That's our bandwidth that we can hear frequencies. We also know there's frequencies outside of that bandwidth, right? Dogs can hear frequencies we can't. In terms of vision, bees can see frequencies of light that humans can't. So we first have to be aware that there's this whole world or realm of energy and information that's outside of our physical senses, and our psychic senses, or our intuitive senses, are how we access that, right? So we we we honor our physical senses, but we also realize we have this whole other set of psychic senses that we can also use to receive and interpret energy and information that's all around us all the time, where you just might not be aware of it,

Jannecke Øinæs 9:47

and then yet you sort of just it just came to you like,

Karen Bell 9:54

yes, well, that's a good point. So this is. The way I would describe that. So, so yes, everybody's born with inherent psychic ability, because we're all vibrational and and I but I do believe that some people have a more heightened awareness of that, for sure, but that doesn't mean that people who don't can't develop it. So if I ask you, Janica, have you ever had you may you may say that you haven't had a psychic compression, you know, in the same way that I have had doing someone's makeup. But if I ask you, Hey, have you ever had a good feeling or a bad feeling about somebody or about something, what would your answer be to that? Could you feel into that and know that you've had some sort of feeling, right? So that's actually a psychic ability called Clear sentience, and that's our psychic sense of feeling. So this is what I mean about us all having access to these incredible abilities. We just don't always recognize that. That's what it is. So this is why education is so important, because even when you just learn what the psychic senses are, then you can say, oh, yeah, I have had that experience. I have had I have had a feeling, or I have had a little vision pop into my head, or I have, I have heard like a song lyric playing over and over that I couldn't get out of my head. Sometimes that's a message from your guides or your guardians or loved ones in the other realms, right? So when we start to recognize what these senses are, then we recognize, oh, I have had that experience, and maybe that's what it is. And from there, you can start to develop it simply, just by paying paying more attention to when that information is coming in and how it's coming in, pay more attention to it, and then it gets stronger.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:36

You spoke about fear, and I can understand why there's fear around sick people, because we can feel and I remember way back when, when there was not so much communication about it on YouTube, when people were psychic, I was like, Oh no, she sees through me. And I felt that the psychics themselves, at least in Norway, those I met, were like, they put themselves on a pedestal, yes. Felt they were looking at me, and I'm like, Oh, what do they see? They see all my shadows on me, and maybe they see a bad future, and they don't want to tell me yes, so. And also, a thought I've had is people who are, I don't know how to pronounce it schizophrenic, or like a friend, sorry,

Karen Bell 12:27

schizophrenic, schizophrenic.

Jannecke Øinæs 12:29

Thank you. I think they might be opening up to the spiritual world, actually, that, yeah, hearing voices taking in and speaking of fear. You know, people might be afraid. Why? What if I take in bad spirit, negative entities? I'm of the impression that, not to you know, share fear here, but I don't want to be naive like I am in of the impression that there are negative entities out there yet. So I think it would be important to channel, and like yourself, channeling, you know, higher intelligence is that are benevolent.

Karen Bell 13:09

Yes, I 100% agree with you. So I I agree, and I have experienced that, just as in our physical world. You know, if you look out into the realm of humans, there's a variety of humans there. If you were look at the look, if you were to look at them in terms of energy, they're on all different frequencies, right? There's some that are more high frequency, there's some that are low, right? And the same is true with the non physical realms or the spiritual realms. So there's all different types and frequencies of beings that we can interact with. And I do think it's important to be aware of that, so that you have discernment. Because again, coming back to your own intuitive ability, what you want to ask yourself when you're interacting with any being, telepathically or energetically, is, how does this interaction feel to me? How does it feel to me? Because your own energy field, your energy body, is an incredible indication of what resonance that other being is. Now another thing that can bring people comfort, though, is that we all tend to both in the physical world and in the non physical world. We tend to attract to us beings of a similar frequency or beings of a similar bandwidth or wavelength, we tend to do that. And the reason that's important to know is is so that whenever you go into your psychic work or your spiritual work that you really take time to address what, sir, I calls your state of being. So you are noticing how you're feeling. You're noticing where your energy is at, and you're deliberately taking time to shift into a higher frequency. That's actually how mediumship works, is that mediums shift themselves into a higher frequency that's more in alignment with the spirit world, and through that connection, or through that resonance, then we can have an interaction. So that's really important, because if you're taking time to shift yourself. Into a higher frequency, through prayer, through meditation, through small rituals such as smudging or whatever feels good to you, lighting a candle, if you're taking time to do that, then your higher frequency when you uplift yourself, then the beings that you're going to interact with are of a like frequency or slightly higher frequency, you're not going to be interacting with beings of a low frequency. So I say if you're having a bad day, if you're not feeling well, if you're sick, if you're tired, right? It's probably not a good day to to to interact unless you can shift yourself or say a prayer and feel a little bit better. I also advise people you know, you don't want to be drinking and and doing this work right. There are certain practices that actually lower your frequency, lower your vibration. Not saying there's anything specifically wrong with that, but you want to be really aware of how you're feeling and where your energy is at, so that you when you have an interaction, that that will be positive.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:01

Hm, we speak a lot about high vibration in the I don't know what to call it, metaphysical community, or those who are open to this, and sometimes, well, I have an intellectual understanding that, yes, in one way, we need to raise our consciousness in another way, and our vibration in another way, our shadows need to be embraced, and we cannot remove things and say, That's not me. I'm not feeling this jealousy, I'm not feeling this fear, and sometimes I think it's sort of hard to actually do in practice. Yeah, so let's say I'm angry about something, and I'm feeling angry because it just feels so unfair, like what somebody has done or something that has happened. I feel this anger, and I have, I know I've had a lot of resolved anger, and then I'm like, okay, so don't go into fear about it. Don't go into fear about it, but somehow, like this, anger is still there. Yeah, you will know how not to go into fear. Because I'm actually afraid of this person or this situation, and that's real fear, because there is a potential that that can happen. So you have, maybe from sorias, or, I don't know, your intuitive abilities. Any advice on, okay, you feel how you feel, so how do you raise your vibration? Yeah, fear and anger?

Karen Bell 17:30

Yeah, that's such a good question because it's sort of one of these paradoxical answers in terms of spirituality, which is the the way that you raise your vibration in that situation is by allowing yourself to feel all of that because all of those emotions, those I would say, in my perspective, and likely, sir, I would say this too, it's not all of those emotions that are necessarily the problem. It's it's our rejection or our aversion or our our need to push that away. One thing I've noticed in my own experience is that if I just let myself sort of feel and process what I'm feeling, if I'm not judging it or trying to push it away, then my body, or my energy body, tends to process it right now. That's an ongoing experience, because we're a human and we're having all these experiences all the time. But I think what creates that lower frequency, that heaviness around emotion is that when we're trying to, when we're trying to pretend we don't feel that way, and when we're judging or criticizing ourselves for having a certain emotion. So anger is a really incredible energy because it's, it has a lot, has a lot of movement to it, right? So anytime people are feeling anger, one thing that I find works for most people is to actually use that and move, move your body. Go for a run, go for a walk. Um, you know, sometimes we do need to yell into a pillow or whatever it is, but our bodies need to express and and let that energy move through. When we try to shove it down, it feels like we're just adding more density that makes sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 19:02

Yeah, it sort of, to me, feels like an important feeling, because it's also about boundaries like this, yes, definitely, but I don't want to burst it out, you know, in the situation or to a certain person or whatever, but I agree it's something about releasing it, or, like, expressing it, like, in a safe way to yeah, whatever, yeah, and

Karen Bell 19:25

100% percent, well, we can't, and we can do that. That's the thing. We can express it in a in a safe way that is not necessarily directed at a certain person, right or and we can have support in that if we need it, if we need, you know, a therapeutic container with with someone that can just that's just the witness, maybe not the person we're angry at. But if we feel like we need help or support with that, then you know there are certainly healing methodologies that can help us with that. But I think me paying attention to emotion emotions and emotional energy is so very important, because it is sort of a. A very good indicator of what energy is moving through us in the moment, and also what energies might be not, I don't want to say stuck, but sort of in our fields that either we want there or we don't want there, maybe we want to move that through. Maybe we've been holding on to that for a while, and we want to start to move that through. So it's so important to be aware of your emotional energy. And I would say in terms of intuition, that's also a part of intuition, right? What am I? What am I actually feeling in this moment, and, and, and what's that saying in this moment? What is what does that sensation, or that feeling showing me, if we're turned off, or if we're suppressing or trying to push away our emotions. If we're not comfortable with the full spectrum of feeling, our emotional experience, then we are. We're tending to suppress some of our intuition in terms of that ability that I mentioned before, called Clear sentience, because that is our psychic sense of feeling, if we if we don't let ourselves feel, if we don't give ourselves permission to feel, if we're not comfortable with feeling, then we're automatically shutting down that intuitive sense that is, for most people, that's the their primary intuitive sense is clairsentience. So we want to be able to feel, so that we can be attuned to that energy and information.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:19

Yeah, and a practice I'm doing. Sometimes it's like, what's behind this feeling, what's behind that feeling, what's behind that feeling. And then I come to a core that is like, Oh, my goodness. I had no idea it was about that. Another thing I want to say, of course, I think it's important to say, sometimes it is very healthy to be angry. If somebody has, you know, really like to set those boundaries, yes, not okay to, like, treat other people bad. Like, sometimes I feel like, oh, just, you know, just meet everybody with love. But you know, talking love can also be like, This is not okay. You can't this way.

Karen Bell 21:56

Yeah, yeah, I would agree with

Jannecke Øinæs 22:00

like, so accepting of relationships, and then they find themselves in a dysfunctional relationship, and they're like, Oh, but I feel what he's going through. So I love everything, but then you're not loving yourself.

Karen Bell 22:15

I completely agree. I think, I think this is an issue, and in of course, the spiritual community, or the metaphysical community, because we do. We are loving and we are caring and we want to be all love and light. And yes, we do, however, we have to understand that in any given moment we have these two aspects of ourselves, right? We have our soul. That's who we truly are. That's the part of us that is expressing through this human form. But the human form, the vessel, the vehicle, is important too. And if you're in an experience where you've been mistreated, you're going to have a very natural human, almost primal response to that, that you want to honor, because it is saying, it is a part of you that is protecting yourself. And so there are healthy ways to express that, but I think we do have to allow that to be expressed again, maybe not to the person. If that's not safe, maybe we don't express that to the person that that crossed our boundaries. But our body actually does need to process the impact of that experience, right? And to to just, if you see animals, for example, if you see ducks getting mad at each other, or any animal they have sort of, there's a lot of movement, right? They, they, I don't want to say they attack each other, but they express that energy, and then they're fine. The difference with humans is that we hold all that in. We don't let that, that energy flow, right? Because it's not, especially for women, it's not, it's not okay, it's not, it's not safe to be to be angry as a woman sometimes, right? But our bodies definitely need to to feel that. And it's so brilliant that you bring it up, because it is so intimately connected with our intuition. When we can feel and we are, we honor and acknowledge ourselves, then we honor and acknowledge our intuition as well.

Jannecke Øinæs 24:05

And I heard in an episode, he said that I'm jumping a bit. There has never been time for more Star seeds or light workers, like speaking of empaths and sensitives, what in your perspective, is light light workers and star seeds, and what is their role in this shift of consciousness?

Karen Bell 24:25

Yeah, so to me, a light worker or a star seed is a soul that's that's purposefully or intentionally incarnating on earth at this time to shift frequency, to help humanity shift into a higher state of consciousness. So we hear that a lot. But what does that mean? It means, it basically means that for eons, for many moments in time, humanity has been at this level of consciousness where it's held certain thought forms, certain beliefs and certain perspectives. I think many would agree that as we look out at what is how, how that is working out for us in terms of in. Environmental destruction and the wars and all the events that that that level of consciousness is we're at a place where that's not going to serve us going forward. It's creating a lot of destruction, if you were to whittle that down into you know, what is? What is that about? It's the consciousness of separation. And so light workers and star seeds are here to bring a different perspective and a higher frequency that we are all interconnected. We are all one. And so star seeds in particular, are souls that often have, or do have these connections to other civilizations in the universe that have already reached these higher levels of consciousness. So so they've already, in other words, Star seeds, have already lived lifetimes. And actually, sir, I would say they're having, like, simultaneous or parallel lifetimes in these other civilizations. And because they have that link within their soul, they can actually pull through and draw in energy, information and perspectives from these other civilizations that are more reflective of unity consciousness, basically. So when a star seed or a light worker incarnates, their whole mission or their whole directive is to shift energy, but the way that they primarily do that is through their own human system. So they transmute system. They transmute energy through their system. So this is why many, many light workers and many star seas, you'll find that they are they're born into family systems who have a lineage of some sort of trauma or difficulty. Because what they're actually doing is they're incarnating into that family line so that they can shift the perspective. They can release the thought forms, the beliefs, the perspectives that are being held at that lower frequency. They could be thought forms of inadequacy, scarcity, lack. Sarai talks about the four main categories being survival, struggle, scarcity and separation. Those are the main categories of where these thought forms lie vibrationally so when light workers and star scenes in incarnate, they start to shift all of that through their own life experience, basically through their own healing journey, through their own lived experience, if that makes sense.

Jannecke Øinæs 27:16

Yeah, so. So some of us are light workers and Starseeds, and others. Are other things,

Karen Bell 27:26

some of it, well, I think what it goes down to is we're all souls, right? We're all pure consciousness. That's That's who we are in our in our heart, in our core. But as souls, souls, the way that I would describe a soul is that it's an individualized expression of source, so source, energy, God, consciousness, or these individualized expressions of source. And so in that individualization, we It's just like being an individualized human. We are all having these incredible individual experiences, and they're all different. And so, and a soul is that is, is that it's just that a soul has experiences here on Earth. They have experiences in other dimensions, other civilizations. So there are some, some souls on the earth who really prefer Earth, and who have been incarnating here, and who have a ton of Earth experiences. They're sort of in a more earthly soul. They're very comfortable here. There are some souls, and I, I bet many people will relate to this, that they just feel like this is such a strange place, like they just feel like they don't fit in. It's hard to fit in on this planet. They just have a different way of being. They have a different perspective. They feel like they have different energy. Many of those types of people are star seeds because they're they're actually more comfortable with these other civilizations where there's completely different energy, completely different perspectives. So when they have this experience on Earth, it's very foreign and very uncomfortable. But I want to, I just want to, I want to drill in that it's not an inferiority superiority. It's not a hierarchy at all. So it's not that all those star seeds and light workers are better or higher on the ladder, than than than others. It's not that at all. We're all we're all of the same source. We're all inherently creations of the Divine, at least in my perspective. So it's not a hierarchy. It's just that Earth is in this bandwidth of frequency, and now we we need assistance to shift out of that. And so that's where the light workers and the star seeds come in.

Jannecke Øinæs 29:24

Hey there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you enjoy it, and perhaps you've been watching some of my other videos as well. If you do appreciate them, I would love for you to hit the subscribe button that really helps us reach out with these videos, because we put so much love and work and effort into this show to raise the collective consciousness. So if you want to support us in doing so, then subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. Yeah, that's my perspective, too. I. Remember I used to, like, discover that I was a star seed, and then I felt so much better about myself. That was because I was playing that game. Like, oh, I'm something special. And then, yes, you know, you you develop more, you expand your consciousness, and you're like, Oh, get so embarrassed of yourself, you know, yes, ego,

Karen Bell 30:19

yeah, yeah, it's not, yeah, we're not. We're not playing that game. I also that's me. That's such a good point. Yannick, too, because when it comes to psychic ability, let's just, let's just touch on this, because it's so important. People sometimes, when they discover they have intuitive abilities or psychic abilities, they all of a sudden do that too. It's like, oh, I have a gift, right? And we hear people say that. People say to me, like, you have a gift. I So don't think of it that way, because I think, well, we all have that gift. It's just we have to, we have to pay attention to it. We have to develop it. This is the a gift from our soul that we want to develop. So we don't. It's to me, when people say, when people call it a gift, I tend to kind of cringe a little bit. I'm not, no, it's not really a gift. It's just, we're all vibrational, and we can all sense energy, and we may not be aware of that, but that's okay. It's not right, it's not a, it's not a, it's not a competition, and it's not right, it's not a hierarchy in any way.

Jannecke Øinæs 31:18

True, I think, I think maybe our audience is curious now to meet Saraya. Do you think she's ready to come on the show?

Karen Bell 31:26

Yeah, sure, yeah. Just give me. I need a couple minutes to shift my state, so just let me get a drink and,

Jannecke Øinæs 31:33


Karen Bell 31:35

and some essential oils, and I'll, I'll shift my state one moment,

Karen Bell 31:54

we've been very much looking forward to this interaction, and we appreciate your participation with this interaction, and to begin with, just briefly, we'd like to speak about, we'd like to chime in on the topic that you were just discussing, and that topic is the energy or the emotion of anger. And we would say we would like to express that, that honoring, acknowledging that energy in your body is so important right now, because, yes, that energy of anger, what it's often expressing is that there has been some mistreatment or some crossing of boundaries. As you have mentioned, it's so important to honor and acknowledge that feeling, or that sensation within the energy body. Because what's true right now on your planet Earth is that there are many unfoldments occurring, many situations that do not honor life, life with a capital L. And so you will notice, if you are really attuned to yourself, to your own feeling body, that when you witness these situations occur, there is this amplification of anger energy within you. And what that anger is really saying, if you were to tune into it, is, this is not okay. This does not honor life. And so this aspect of yourself is really the aspect that wants to honor that feeling and move forward and create positive change. Now, what we would say about anger, though, is that although it's important to honor and to move through and to feel fully in your system, that you don't want to get stuck in the anger, meaning you don't want to be in a perpetual state of anger, you do want to honor it, let it flow through you, and then begin to ask yourself, what is it that is not appropriate in this situation, or how have I been mistreated? How have others been mistreated? How has the earth been mistreated? And when once you figure out or unearth or reveal what that is, then you can move forward with beginning to focus on your desired outcome or the feeling tone of resolution, meaning, if you do not want this unfoldment or this negative situation to be present either in your individual reality or the collective reality, then what would you prefer? And then you begin to focus all of your energy and attention, perhaps even your resources, whatever that may be, in the direction of the solution you will find as you go about that process of honoring your anger, processing your anger, and then focusing on a resolution, or the feeling tone of resolution, that You will move through these cycles of energy much faster, and you will do what you came here to be, to do, which is be part of the energy of the solution. Yes, you have to honor what is unfolding. You do not want to have your head in the sand. But most of those listening, if not all of those. Listening are here to create new situations, new unfoldments, new circumstances that are of this higher frequency in order, in order to do that, you must, number one, have an idea of what that is, and number two, begin to focus your mind on that with all of your energy, all of your attention, so that that starts to become anchored in your reality. And so with all that in mind, how may we serve you on this day? What questions do you have for us?

Jannecke Øinæs 35:31

Thank you for clarifying that, and thank you for being here today. Um, I have a few questions, and I, I felt drawn to actually start with the biggest question of all that I actually always ask my guest at the very end, and I want to ask you, so what is the deeper meaning of life, and why are we here?

Karen Bell 35:51

So this is a beautiful question, and we have expressed a sort of formula through Karen, which we appreciate very much. And it is a simple formula, but it will give you an understanding of the the various reasons why you are here. We break it down into three main reasons why you are all here, and we call this the three E's. And the 3e are experience, expression, expression, expression, and evolution, and so let's speak about for just a moment. Let's speak about each of these three E's. Let's unpack it, and let's discuss what they each mean. Before we do that, what we'll say is that if you were to think of each soul as having these three intentions, expression, experience, expression, evolution, what you would find is, if you think of it as sort of a pie chart, you would find that they are not all equal for every soul, meaning, some souls are here more for experience than expression and evolution. Some souls are here mostly for evolution or mostly for expression. But we would say this formula is a beautiful explanation of of why you are here. So first of all, the first E is experience. And so this one is quite simple, and what it means is that you are here for the simple and beautiful, the sacred experience of being human, of living a human life, of of knowing what it is firsthand to be in this physical body and to experience this this vessel or this vehicle that is the human body, that is the human construct. And so if you think about all of the incredible various experiences that you've had in this lifetime, both positive and negative, you would understand that it is, it is quite an incredible, amazing experience. So in the same way that you go to a movie and you experience the storyline, and there's usually highs and lows, ups and downs, there are a variety of characters, a variety of experiences, and you really enjoy that story. In that same way you are here to have this incredibly unique, amazing human experience. You're living firsthand through this physical vessel. So that is the first e experience. The second E is expression. And so understand that your soul energy as an aspect or individualized emanation of source. You inherently have a creative energy built right in to the energy or the identity that is you. So there is a pull to express through your life. And we would say for most of you, how that manifests is through the creation of your life story. You are writing this life story. You are writing the transcript, transcript, day by day, through the life that you live, through the choices that you make. You are expressing your soul energy through this human life and through this human construct. Now some of you are also more creative in other ways. There may be writers listening, there may be artists. There may be photographers or those that have a more amplified creative energy. And so the creativity, or the expression aspect of the purpose of life also includes that creating or expressing energy into form through, again, this human construct. So that is the second E, which is expression, and then the third is evolution. And now you don't necessarily have to think about this one too hard, because what's true is that as you live, as you have your experiences, as you express your yourself, you very naturally evolve. You would recognize this in your own human life, that as you have grown and as you have moved through time, that you have changed and evolve simply through the living of your life. And so that's true to all of the energy and information that you garner through your lived experience creates a very natural sort of evolution. Now, some of you are more intent on evolving. You are more interested in evolution. And so some of you are. More deliberate about that. Meaning, there are some of you who are who are very focused on, how can I grow? How can I be more of myself? And so there are some of you that where evolution is a bigger part of that, that pie chart, you are more more focused on evolution. It's a desire of your heart, and it brings you joy. It thrills you to evolve, to change, to move forward, ideally or ultimately. When we speak of evolution, what we are speaking of is we are speaking of this integration or evolution that occurs when the soul incarnates and has many experiences. And what they are actually doing is learning how to integrate or channel or express more of their true identity, their soul self, through the human vessel. Ultimately, on a spiritual path, that's what you're doing. You're learning how to release all of the false beliefs, false thought thoughts, false constructs. And as you do that, you you create a clearer vessel for your soul self to shine through and express through you. Ultimately, that's the path of evolution for many of those who are listening. And so ultimately, those three E's, the the purpose of all those 3e is joy. When you put all of those together, experience expression, evolution, what you get is the feeling tone of joy. Life, Source Energy. Life with a capital L, loves to experience, loves to express, loves to evolve, and it, it, it experiences great joy in doing those three things. So we hope that answered your question.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:36

Yes. Thank you so much. I'll jump over to something completely different, and I'll put more questions in there, because I know that you're talking for a quite long time. So Karen and I spoke about the drones that are being or the sightseeings that are happening in the US, especially now probably other places as well, but it's I'm being bombarded by it in my feeds, and I'm curious about your perspectives on that, and whether you are involved with this, and you could share a little bit about your connection to humans and overall, what's going on, like, is it disclosure? Is disclosure happening? Have it? Has it been happening all the time? It's just now that we're actually seeing it, because we are raising our consciousness and our vibrations, so all of a sudden we have more superpowers, and the the veil between the worlds are thinner. Is that because we're seeing it, and are also the governments involved in this and are trying to confuse us,

Karen Bell 42:45

yes. So there are many incredible things that we can offer in terms of this discussion. The first thing we want to offer is that understand that when it comes to extraterrestrial interaction, that many people automatically assume that an interaction will be in the physical world, meaning they will see the beings or the craft with their physical senses, their eyes, they will hear, and that is accurate, that is and we'll touch on that in just a moment. But what many overlook is the energetic and the telepathic interaction that is also occurring. Now. Keep in mind that there are many different beings, meaning many different races, many different civilizations that you are all interacting with at this time, and they are all of different frequencies. Some are of a frequency or a density that you can have physical interaction with. Others are not. That doesn't mean that those that are not are not interacting. It's just that they the way that they are interacting is very different. So for us, we are not associated with this particular phenomenon that you speak of in New Jersey, but we are having an interaction. The interaction is telepathic. The energetic is there. The interaction is telepathic and energetic. And that's true for many other civilizations or star races that they are interacting. But it's not so obvious as the physical interaction. It's a more subtle interaction. Again, this is why many of you will feel drawn or interested in developing your intuition or your psychic ability so that you can know and honor these interactions and use them for your own benefit and for the benefit of of all on your planet. Now, when we examine this phenomenon that is occurring and has been occurring, as Karen said earlier, what is confusing about it, or what is causing the vibration of confusion, is that there is some authentic experiences of ET interaction, but many of many of the experiences are contrived in nature, meaning they are staged in nature. And the effect that this is having on the collective is a vibration. Of confusion, because some of it feels accurate and it is and some of it feels inaccurate. And so that would be a that would be an accurate perception, too, that there's something about this that doesn't feel right. Certainly, when Karen started witnessing the stories in the news, there was a sensation within her system of something doesn't feel 100% right. And so we would ask each and every one of you to honor when something doesn't feel right, it it likely means that there is something off about it. Now, are there? ETS interacting with humans at this time? Are there? They're genuine, authentic sightings of ETs and craft. Yes, that's true. And what's also true is that there is a sort of directive from certain governmental organizations to also have a sort of event that we would describe as staged, to evoke not only confusion, but also evoke fear. Now you have to understand the ways in which the quote, unquote powers, we were going to say higher powers, that's not the best term, but the leadership on your planet. You have to understand the ways in which they seek to control you, and that is through your energy system. So if they can evoke a vibration of fear, if they can evoke a vibration of confusion, concern, doubt, worry, then what they have done is they have hijacked your energy system, and you are not as attuned to your own intuition. You are not as attuned to your own barometer of truth when all of that that that emotional energy, or those frequencies are present. So you first want to understand the ways in which you are manipulated, and the ways in which most people are manipulated on your planet at this time is through the mainstream media. So we would say we're speaking of two different topics. Here we're speaking of disclosure, and we we do feel that genuine, accurate disclosure will happen at the right time. We do feel that that many governments have had interactions with with different et civilizations for many moments in time, and they have not been transparent with that. So we do feel that that will come out in time, but we feel that this particular situation that you are asking about meaning the the phenomenon in New Jersey, we would say most of that is a staged or contrived situation blended with some genuine sightings. And so this is, this is where it gets confusing. The other aspect will mention that adds to the confusion is that the the shape or the the physical appearance of these drones or these crafts mimic the shape and the lights and the physical appearance of genuine et craft, and so this is where it gets confusing, but understand that the confusion is very, very much intended. There is a desire to confuse. There is a desire to invoke fear. There's a desire to invoke concern. If that makes sense, yes,

Jannecke Øinæs 48:17

thank you for sharing. I just don't still understand the intentions of the media. And another question I get, like, who is the media? You know, media is a general thing, like, Who's behind, who's behind, who's behind, the person who's behind, you know, like, Who is this person or this group, or and another, yeah, my question is like their intention. Because for many, many years, it seems like their intention was to hide this. Yes, everything was classified, and they were so afraid of us being afraid, yes, but now they want to make us afraid and confused by putting what they have tried to hide out there. So it's like a big contradiction to me. I don't get their intention.

Karen Bell 49:07

Yes, well, we would say, we would just, we would like to offer a different perspective, which is that they're there, the perspective that they were hiding things in order to prevent fear, we would say is a misperception. We would say they were hiding things in order to buy them time to study and replicate certain technologies that would be our, our perspective on it, and so as they are able to replicate certain technologies, we would say again, so when you when you ask about. It's not one person, but it is a collective of people who are holding the power. Now, when we say holding the power, we would say, this isn't genuine power. This is a power that that they feel powerful, but we would say, ultimately, this isn't true power. But when they. Hold this power. What happens is that they benefit from the ways in which the collective or the the ways in which humanity react. And so understand that when you project a vibration or emanation of fear, and you hold many, if not most, people in that vibration of fear, that they are more easily controlled, they require distractions in order to, in order to to to manage that fear, because in your culture, in your society, many, if not most of you have been taught how to effectively manage and release fear from your system. So when you are in survival, or when you are in fear, you are more easily controlled. You spend money in certain places, you take certain actions, you are not connected with your true power as an infinite being. And so those that are, we would say, seeking to control the situation. Now, recently, we've begun to label them or call them the toddlers, and now we say that. We say that for two reasons, number one, because it reflects a lower level of consciousness, and number two is because it starts to ease a fear. Now many people, when they think of this, these beings or these humans that are seeking to have control over them, that even just the acknowledgement that exists creates more fear in their system. We do not wish to create more fear. We just wish to say these are a group of people that are holding the old consciousness of separation and control and so and so as they are holding that frequency and that level of consciousness that is a lower level of consciousness, it is an immature, it is an outdated level of consciousness. And so the reason they are holding that, by the way, is because they, too, are in fear. You could not hold that level of consciousness if you weren't in fear. As you go up the ladder in terms of vibration and perspective, you release fear, and you do not need to to control another being. So they are holding on to this false sense of power. They are trying to hold on to that as energy comes in, and as energy shifts, and people are start to tune in to these, these higher frequencies and shift their perspective. All the entire world that is built on that lower level of consciousness is starting to crumble, and that evokes an even greater amount of fear in this collective of humans that is seeking control. So nothing has gone wrong. But this is a time in which there are varying levels of consciousness and frequencies on your planet. And it there is a sort of, you could say there is a sort of Battle of frequencies going on where there are some at a lower level of consciousness that are seeking to maintain and there are many coming in that are of a higher level that are seeking to uplift and inspire and awaken humanity. So that is why there is this appearance of chaos, because there are these two two energies seemingly opposing that are. We don't like to use the word battling each other, but they are certainly in conflict with each other at this time.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:09

And of course, you can't say who these toddlers are.

Karen Bell 53:14

Well, we, we wouldn't even be able to specify that, meaning it's not a specific group that is in the forefront that you could identify. But we would ask any of or all of those listening to start to feel into for themselves. If that's true, we would also say that many of those that that are a part of this collective have been for many eons. It isn't new it isn't a new group. It isn't a new association. We would say maybe a clue, or a hint, is that many have taken the guise of certain religious organizations or religious figures, right? And if you think of the way certain religious organizations or figures have sought to to control others through their controlling of their mind, right? But we not. We would not specify a certain being or a certain collective of beings at this time,

Jannecke Øinæs 54:12

alright, that makes sense. The last question I want to ask that I'm personally very curious about having interviewed and still interviewing so many different guests who channels and have psychic abilities and spiritual teachers. There are some times where I come across really contradicting teachings. Yes, like most of the teachers are saying, We're all one, and it's yeah, like they have sort of a similar approach. And then all of a sudden I hear something completely different, and that could be spiritual teachers that are very well known and recognized. So sometimes I find myself confused for for me, I find that, well, somehow it's an umbrella for me and all. Truths can be true at the same time. That makes sense in one corner of my mind and in another corner I'm like, but these are totally contradictions. So what can you say about that?

Karen Bell 55:12

Well, we would say first that whenever there's a channeling situation occurring, meaning whenever a human is channeling another being, when that energy and information is coming through, one has to keep in mind that the faculty that is receiving and translating that information is the human mind. There cannot be any other vehicle for translation other than the human mind. And so when that energy and information is coming through, many times it is colored. Let's see, is that term colored by the human mind, that it is being transmit through, and because each and every human being has a different mind, meaning they are holding different thought forms, they are holding different beliefs, different perspectives, that when that energy and information comes through the human mind, often what happens is that the individual's thought form or perspective, meaning the channels thought form or perspective, begins to on the at the very least, color that information, and at the very worst, distort it. And so that is the reason for the discrepancy. We totally understand your confusion, because you you would think, well, if these these humans are all channeling, then why is there a discrepancy? We would say most of the time, the reason for that discrepancy is because the mind of the of the medium or the channel has created a sort of distortion. Now, if you think of your phone when you take a picture, you have the raw image, and then you have all of these interesting filters that you can put on that image to make it look different. And that's a brilliant analogy. So as that information comes through, it is filtered or colored or even distorted through the mind of the channel, the mind of the medium. Now this is why, for each medium or each channel, or each person that desires to be a medium or a channel, what is of utmost support importance is that you're always seeking to clarify your mind. And this isn't about being perfect, because you never completely clarify your mind or your mental construct. There's always software running, just as there always needs to be software running on a computer. There is always software or thought forms running in the mind. But at the very least, you seek to be aware of what's in your mind or your mental construct as a channel, and you hopefully begin to clear it out, or at the very least, tune into the being that you're channeling and seek to understand that perspective so that you can be a clear channel for that perspective. Most of the time, when beings are choosing a channel to work with, they try their best to choose a channel that at least aligns with their perspectives, or who are who could possibly be a more open channel for that perspective. The other consideration is that when you are thinking about all these different civilizations in the universe that humans are channeling. It is true that many of them hold different perspectives, and so that isn't the element to there's the fact that that they are holding different perspectives, and then that energy and information is coming through and and being colored through the medium or the channel's mind. Ultimately, though, as you go up the ladder in terms of closer and closer to source energy, there is only the vibration of that which you may call love, unconditional love, compassion, harmony, beauty. And so our advice to any channels or those who are seeking to become channels, is to to seek to align yourself with that higher frequency that has the the effect of sort of clearing out your energy body so that you are more of a clear channel. Does that make sense to you? Does that clear up your confusion?

Jannecke Øinæs 58:57

Yeah, a little bit. But I don't think I can find the ultimate truth. But I never thought I could. But no, it does make sense. I would like to ask if this will probably air at the beginning of January, 2025 Do you have a message to my audience today as we're moving into this new year?

Karen Bell 59:18

Yes, we would say, as you're moving into this new year, understand that there will be, as you move into this year, as you move into this month, as you move into this year, there will be a lot of what we would call static on the airwaves, meaning a lot of energy, a lot of story, a lot of frequency. There will be a lot unfolding, a lot happening. And we would say for some of you, that will be somewhat disruptive, that may be causing a feeling tone of unease in your system. So if that is true for you, if it is feeling too much for you, or if there is, if there is too much unfolding and you're feeling affected by that, we would say, take time. Every single day, to go into stillness and to go into silence and to reconnect with your true self, your true identity, your soul self, there is an aspect of you that is always at peace, that is unaffected by all that is unfolding at this time. And so if you can connect deliberately, intentionally connect with that true identity or that aspect of who you are, it will bring you great peace, and you will be, we've said this before, but it will be very much like you are in the eye of the storm, meaning there will maybe much unfolding all around you, and yet you are able to stay connected to the aspect of yourself that is peace. And so you will be able to feel that peace, and it will alleviate stress, it will help you sleep, it will help you smile, and you will be able to intentionally create your year the way that you want it to be. You'll be able to project and use your mind to envision what you want to create with focus and with intention. And you'll be able to do that, if you can maintain this focus of peace, if you are distracted or set off balance by all the energy around you, then you will understand that you will your energy will be dispersed and you will not be as effective. So So take time to tune into yourself. Decide deliberately what you want to create this year, and then know that you can create it. You are a creator being, and you can create what you desire to experience this year,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:25

beautiful. Thank you so much. I think we'll bring Karen back now, yes,

Karen Bell 1:01:30

so we'll just leave you with the greeting Sat Nam, meaning true identity. We hold that frequency of your true identity, and we broadcast it back to you in every moment. Sat Nam to you.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:48

Uh, nice. How do you feel?

Karen Bell 1:01:51

I'm good. I'm always a little spacey when I come back, but it's, it's good. It's a good feeling. I feel, I feel an incredible amount of energy, but in a positive way, good, like, depleted. No, I don't feel depleted. I feel like there's the vibration I feel actually is more positive anticipation, excitement. So, yeah, I feel good. I feel I feel good about 2025, actually, for for all of us. I feel like we really are. We really are in a time of awakening and and I feel that building, so I'm excited about that.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:26

Nice. And do you remember anything that came or were you aware of what came from?

Karen Bell 1:02:31

I was aware of it. Um, it's kind of like saying, What did you dream last night? That's, that's always how I feel. Like, what did I dream? Um, I know that you guys spoke about the drones. I'll look forward to hearing that back actually. And there was, I remember confusion about that. That's all I really remember in this moment.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:52

It's sort of like you you're outside yourself, or like, Where does Karen go?

Karen Bell 1:02:56

Yeah, I always feel like I'm on. I kind of exit to the right to some degree. So I kind of feel like I'm over here and I am listening. It's just that because of the altered state, it is so much just like that twilight zone when you're just waking up in the morning and you're kind of remembering a dream. You know that you're dreaming, but you can't really, right, you're not awake yet. It's sort of that altered state. So I've always wanted someone to hook me up to, like a monitor to figure out what brainwave state I'm in. I know Darral Lanka, who channels Bashar wasn't the gamma, yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:30

and he was in gamma, yeah,

Karen Bell 1:03:32

which is a very unusual brainwave state, because for for most of my trance training, it was like you want to get to, like a slower brainwave state, not necessarily a faster one, but gamma is a faster brainwave state.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:45

But I've heard you there, when you're doing talks and stuff like that, you're like, super focused then, yeah,

Karen Bell 1:03:52

yeah, yeah. It's interesting. It's so fascinating.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:55

Well, Karen, thank you so much. Um, my last question to you, what is self love to you?

Karen Bell 1:04:02

Oh, what is self love? Um, well, since working with Sarai, I wonder if did you ask me that last time, it'd be interesting to see like I feel I am having deja vu. Yeah, did I respond? I'd be curious to see how I responded last time. Um, well, since working with Sarai, what I really feel is is a big part of self love is just recognizing where in my own mind, or she would say, my own mental construct, I'm judging myself or criticizing myself, or holding those thought forms right and and releasing that so that I can be a friend to myself, right and think positively and and tune into the aspect of myself that that does love myself and isn't judgmental or isn't critical. So since I've started working with Sarai, I just feel much more aware of those times when my mind is tending to go into that old stream of criticism or right because for many of us, that's that's the way that we think, that we motivate ourselves, like if I can just be. V if I can just criticize myself, I'll be motivated to do better when really it has the opposite effect. So I'm learning to love myself by releasing those old narratives that are too critical, too judgmental.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:15

And I have to ask you as well, Karen, what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective, from like human capital,

Karen Bell 1:05:21

yeah, well, I'm quite creative. I've always been, you know, since I My earliest memories, I've always been into arts and crafts and music and singing and just creating. So for me, life is about creation, right? That's where my passion lies. And so when I'm creating, I feel alive when you know. And so my my work was Sarai, my videos that I make, that to me right now is where my creative outlet is, but I always know that, like I'll have to be creating something that, to me is the the energy of life. Is creativity so

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:55

beautiful. And then my last question is always, how can people work with you? And then I can start by sharing that if anybody wants to, of course, join the masterclass that Karen is having in January, you're so welcome to and the link is right below. We'll also have a live Q and A where our members can ask you direct questions. So I'm so excited about that. Other than that, where can people connect with you if they want to follow your work, Karen.

Karen Bell 1:06:21

yes, for sure. I'm so excited about January. By the way, I'm so excited to connect with your community and the Q and A so. So everybody that feels resonant with that, please sign up. Um, but as for me, my website is intuitiveKB.com, so you can check out that my website there and all my links are at the top, and then on YouTube. My if you just type in, if you search intuitive Karen Bell, you'll find my channel so

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:45

beautiful. Thank you so much for coming to back to the show today, Karen and have a wonderful holiday. We're recording this right before Christmas.

Karen Bell 1:06:54

Yes. Thank you so much. Jannecke, thank you for having me. Appreciate all you do.

Karen Bell – Official site
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Previous interview – Soulmate, Twin Flame, and Karmic Love: The Secrets of Spiritual Relationships!
Previous interview – Navigating Chaos – Andromedan Healing Perspectives!


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