In this deeply inspiring episode, Julie Poole opens up about her incredible healing journey and how she transformed her life through resilience, self-love, and divine connection. From a traumatic childhood to becoming a beacon of hope for thousands, Julie’s story is a testament to the power of healing and spiritual growth.

Julie recounts her first profound encounter with Jesus during an out-of-body experience as a child. In a moment of unimaginable pain, she found comfort and safety in his presence, sparking a lifelong connection to the divine. This experience marked the beginning of Julie’s healing journey, where she discovered her innate ability to channel energy and heal herself and others. She believes that these gifts are not unique to her but are accessible to everyone.

Ancestral and karmic wounds – part of the healing journey

A central theme of Julie’s story is the importance of forgiveness and balance. She shares how her healing journey was not only about overcoming personal trauma but also about releasing ancestral and karmic wounds. By embracing her challenges and working through them, she found deeper self-awareness, peace, and the ability to help others heal.

Julie also discusses the spiritual significance of the global shift between 2012 and 2032. She explains how this period represents humanity’s collective healing journey—one of clearing old energy, building strong foundations, and moving into heart-centered living. While challenges and conflicts are part of the process, Julie sees them as opportunities to grow, align with our authentic selves, and step into our higher purpose.

An inspiration for your own healing journey

Through her work, Julie inspires others to embark on their own healing journey. She emphasizes the transformative power of self-love, encouraging us to honor our experiences, forgive ourselves and others, and embrace the lessons life offers. She reminds us that by shifting our energy and perspective, we can create a life filled with abundance, love, and light.

This episode is a powerful reminder that no matter how difficult life may seem, healing and transformation are always possible. Let Julie’s wisdom and experiences guide and inspire you on your healing journey.

Transcript of the interview

Julie Poole 0:00

As a very neglected child the sexual abuse that had been taking place, I left my body. I was in the woods, okay, and the next thing I knew, I was high up in this tree, talking to this man who was sat next to me in this lovely white robes, and he had these incredible eyes that just shone kindness. And he had his arm around me, and he's saying, Never mind what's going on down there. Let's you and me Look at the birds. And I just felt completely safe with him. And I asked him, you know, who are you? What's your name? And he said, Jesus. So over the next decade, I talked to Jesus a lot, so Jesus was teaching me directly, and Jesus was saying, we can all heal. You all have it. There's healing energy within your body, and the chakras in the palms of your hand are healing chakras, and when you step into the healing energy, it will just flow you.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03

Julie Poole, a warm welcome to the show.

Julie Poole 1:06

Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. I'm honored to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:11

Oh, thank you so much. I'm super excited to have you because I've been watching tons of episodes with you on other shows, and I just felt I had to have her on, because to me, it seems like you have this direct communication with the divine, with the other side. You've had so many mystical experiences, and on this show, we love to focus on that, because to me, that just brings more meaning to our lives, understanding about who we are and why we're actually here, so to receive guidance and more knowledge about this from different perspectives, is what we're doing on this show. And you are a best selling author, a tarot card expert, a law of attraction expert, you are a speaker. You're doing tons of work, and you have your own YouTube channel, and I know you also have been speaking about that there's something special happening between 2012 and 2032 and I'd love to hear about all the other things, like your story and the mystical experiences, but let's just jump into that from your perspective, what is happening in this time because we're right in the middle of it, aren't we, so what are your guides, or the the collective you're channeling, saying about this time period?

Julie Poole 2:34

Okay, all right, yeah. I mean from 2020 12 to 2032 that 20 year period, you know, we're, we're going into 2025 we're nearly there. You know, there's not much more to do now. And I would liken it to when, when we build a house in the UK, we build the foundations first we've gotta go down into the ground. And before we can even do that, we've gotta clear the ground. So we've got to, you know, get rid of everything that's there. We've gotta dig down really good, firm foundations that are solid and level before we start putting any bricks or anything else on it, so that it lasts. Now they're giving me that as an example. I say they I'm I'm connected with my higher self and my spiritual team when I'm doing this work, when I'm talking and sharing, and this is what they're saying, liken it to a house. If you speak to anybody that has bought a new build house, an Off Plan house from scratch, they'll say it might take six months to do that bit of groundwork, and then the house itself goes up in about two months after that. So it's the groundwork that takes the time. So if we liken that, then to this shift into ascension, the 5d that began in 2012 we spent that first, they're saying eight to 10 years, so up to about 2020, 2022, clearing the ground, clearing out the clutter, getting rid of everything, and then from 2020 to 2026 this is what they're telling me. We're putting all those foundations in, and then you'll see it fly up from 2026 to 2032 so we're going into 2025 now, and they're calling that the year of the light, this is where the light is really infiltrating more and more and more. And so that makes sense when we look back to what was happening in 2020 with COVID and everything else that was making people, making people, encouraging people, allowing people to really make changes in their life, massive changes. You know that they relocating. They're working from home. They're changing jobs, careers, then shifting so there was the groundwork being done, clearing out everything of what, what are you building for the future, and is it what you want to build? And is it allowing the light? Come through. So there's only light and an absence of light that's really all there is. And the light is the love, it is the truth, it is the essence of who we are. So we're rising up into our light, into our truth, and into more and more of our authentic self. Now that's not to say that we're all a bunch of fakes and liars because we're not, but we do live so much for people pleasing, keeping people happy, not wanting to rock the boat, not asking ourself, if am I living the life that I want to live? Is that allowed? Is it okay? Can I do that? And this is what we're shifting into Since 2020 so we're in the last tranches of that now. So 2024 has been a clearing out more, clearing out more, raising the vibration. What we're doing is we're moving from living in the solar plexus, the center of power we've really been over the last 50 years, growing that power in the in the solar plexus, in the belly, the trust, the faith, the joy. We've been working on that after millennia of disempowerment, it's all been about find your power. Find that now we're raising up into the heart. So this next 578, years is about coming up into the heart, living from a place of love and compassion and truth and hope, not in a false sense, a hope. Hope is so important, but we want to clarify hope, because hope is the beginning. Without hope, there's nothing. Hope is everything. It's the beginning, but it's not the end. It's not the outcome, which is why I called my book from hoping to having because hoping is the beginning bit, but if you're going to shift it into having it, there are steps, there are things you need to do, there are actions you need to take, and that includes raising your vibration, raising your authenticity, stop people pleasing and saying it as it is, but try to do that from the heart in a loving way, in a respectful way, but still living your truth. So we're moving more and more into that truth saying now over the next year or two, and that in itself, will shift a lot of things as well, because when we start speaking our truth, things start changing, because there'll be people around us who don't like that, so either they get on board or they get out. But we're moving into that truth, but everybody's doing it. So that's bringing itself its own challenges, because people are not used to necessarily really being their authentic self, and so when we're not used to it, we're practicing. We can cause offense. We might not mean to we can get easily sensitive to it. So that's kind of what's going on for the next year or two. But by 2026 that light is really solid now, and we are getting used to it. We're like the flower really starting to blossom under that light now. So it's hang on in there. You've done an amazing job. Every single person that's watching this, you will all say it's been a ride. Oh My Goodness me. But just trust that everything has brought you to who you are now, where you are now, and this is setting you up for the rest of your life, whether that's 1020, years, if you're old, like me, or if that is another 4050, years or longer, if you're younger, it's get it right. Now you're doing the foundations now. You're setting the scene. Now everything you build on those foundations has got a really strong, solid footing, and so it will last. And that's what it's all about.

Jannecke Øinæs 8:49

Fascinating. I mean, that's such positive news. And I could, you know, feel that that that could be really true from my perspective, perspective in Norway, where we have such a safe life. Here it's very calm. Here. We have everything we need, especially in Scandinavia. And then I look at the world, and I see the news, and I see what's going on, and I see also channelers are speaking about that things will happen. Things will arise, natural disasters, and we have the wars going on. So what about that? It seems like, you know, it's more polarized, but saying that, that there will be, like a big shift and loss of light will come within now a short amount of time, or is that in certain areas of the world? Because in the world, it seems like it's chaos right now,

Julie Poole 9:42

yeah, well, it's, it depends where you are and it depends where you are within your own life, everything is a reflection of what's going on with you. So like you just said, Norway is a very calm country. It's very supportive, it's very safe, it's a good place to be. So, you know, perhaps energetically. We did the work 200 years ago. I don't know. I need to ask that. Maybe you're further ahead of us. I'll ask them. Now, hold on. I'll just see what they say. Okay, so they're saying, yes, there is a an advancement with the Scandinavian countries, that you're much more protective of your people in terms of education, support the future in terms of things like pensions and looking after the elderly, there's a lot of good stuff in place. Other countries are learning from you and I know here in the UK, we tend to look at the Scandinavian countries and also places like Holland as more advanced. You know that they're further ahead than we are. And you know us, and you know perhaps America and Canada will say, Well, we're further ahead than perhaps some of the Middle Eastern countries. Everybody's on their own little part of the wheel that they're they're moving on. But when we look at the chaos and the conflict, there is a certain amount of that, and that's happening actually on an individual level, as well as a country level and a global level. But this chaos and conflict is part of that shifting and changing and clearing that is going on, and that includes wars, because this is where the conflict just escalates and escalates until we've got war, but it's bringing stuff up to the surface that needs to be cleared. We don't need to do it through war, though. But there are those of the old thinking that is all about control and force. You know, do it my way, or I'll make you so that's where we have some of the the leaders that are pushing for war or in the middle of war, these are old school on their way out, kind of thinking, okay, and that's actually part of it. If we look back in history, any revolution there was always because the person in charge was a dictator, was a control freak was hurting their people, their country. So the country rose up. And so you're getting some of that across the world, in different pockets where people are rising up. There was some stuff on the news just yesterday about, you know, the trying to bring down a president, I think, was Vietnam, because he's just gone a little bit, Bower crazy. It's this kind of thing, these old types of leaders like Putin and stuff. You know, when that war started with Ukraine, millions of Russian people marched against the war. They don't want it, and they were shut down and locked up and, you know, frightened to death into submission. That kind of thing will continue until the old leaders realize you can't govern like this anymore. This doesn't work in this day and age. So these wars will come to an end over the next few years. But we're in 2025 nearly now we can look back at 2020 with COVID, and that was the biggest chaos and conflict that we can ever remember, globally and so but we look and go, How have we grown from that? What have we learned from that? How has the world changed from that? And whilst it was very painful for many, many people, and there's no doubt about that, that those, those people that passed on through COVID were part of the collective that agreed to be part of that, you know that they would time to go home for them, but the change that comes out of that is incredibly positive, and it's the same with wars, and it's very easy for all of us To look at the news with all its warmongering and scare mongering and fear mongering, and say the world's gone to the dogs and it's getting worse. It's actually getting better. But they don't want us to see that. They don't want us to know that. They don't want to show all the feel good stories and all the incredibly positive stories, because as long as they keep us in this, oh, the world's terrible and it's really scary, then I'm going to do as I'm told, and I'm going to put up and shut up, and nothing's going to change. B

Jannecke Øinæs 14:10

ut who are they? You're referring to; They?

Julie Poole 14:14

Okay, so when I'm saying they, I'm talking about the powers that be, people like Putin that want the war, people that are trying to keep us suppressed and controlled, um, the media, the news, you know, it's like, let's show them as many frightening stories as possible. Get them all worked up and and then they're going to calm down. You know what? I don't watch the news anymore because it is so incredibly biased, it's unbalanced, and it is purely there to make a mountain out of a molehill and make you feel really anxious. Because anxious people are easy to control. This is basic psychology. So when somebody is scared, they're looking to somebody to save them, rescue them, keep them to. Faith. But if we start to take our power, which is what we're in, and we come into the heart, and we're not frightened anymore, why do we need somebody to control us and govern us and lead us with all of these rules? Because actually, when you're living from your heart and your authentic self, from a place of love and compassion, your inner voice is your rule. Is your guidance. Your inner being says, I don't want to harm another. I don't want to, you know, hurt myself or others. We start to live the way that we are actually designed to be, which is, we are love and we are light. Nobody, if you speak to even the soldiers in war, they don't want to be at war. They want to be home with their family. They're following orders. They're doing what they're told. So it's this power shift. Okay, so when we look at it, just like the leaders of the world, you know, Trump's coming back in, what is the 80 odd Putin's really old. All of these are old school back in the day where you could rule and these days, no, it's not about ruling. It's about leading, and it's about leading from the heart and leading from a collective of what is good for the populace, the general people, rather than what's lying in my pockets. And how much power can I get from that? So these leaders, they're on their way out. And I'm not saying there's going to be a massive revolution worldwide, but there are pockets of it where people are standing up and saying no, and as these old leaders are taken out, old age death dying, you know that some of them will be overturned with, you know, kind of coups and stuff like that, then the new younger people will come in and say, We don't want to rule. We want to lead. We want to lead by example. We want to lead through respect and love, not through fear and control. That's what's shifting now. I'm not saying that we're going to be there by 2032 living in Utopia, and all the world is beautiful now, moving that way, I mean, to get fully into that is going to take another 234, 100 years to really get us where we need to be. And that might seem like forever, but we're building here for our future generations, and we're building for the sustainability of the planet. Now, you talked about floods and earthquakes and stuff like that. That's part of it, because if we just go back a little bit Norway, you say safe place, lovely place to live. Other places, not so much. They'll come up to that level. But although the country on its on a whole feels stable within individual people, marriages, jobs, friendships, relationships, they'll be going through the same chaos, conflict, exiting friends, leaving marriages, finding a love that is more aligned with who they are now. So it's happening on an individual level to all of us, wherever we are, whether we're in a war zone or whether we're in a very safe place. Individually, we're going through that. You know, I'm in the middle of creating on YouTube my 2025, general guidance for the year for each of the 12 signs. And everybody is getting a similar message in a different way, you know, depending on the emphasis for the signs. But 2025, is is a lot of chaos and conflict, of shifting and changing, you know. And so when we have change, it can be chaotic. I've just moved home, as I was talking to you earlier about and I moved into a home that I've known since the beginning, since it was built. I bought my daughter's house, and you know, it's a lovely house, but it wasn't my style or taste, and so I spent two months changing everything. I've had plumbers, electricians, decorators, our carpet fitters. I've had builders. It has been chaotic. It has been conflictual at times where people are not turning up or they're not doing the right job. But would I say, Well, I don't want chaos and conflict, so I'll just leave it as it is. Yeah. It's like, No, I want that change, so I am prepared to embrace the chaos that comes with moving house and ripping out things and starting again, and I'll deal with some conflict if I have to. Now, most of us don't like conflict, and we'll do everything we can to avoid it, but conflict is actually part of our inner strength. The sign of a good, healthy relationship isn't how happy you are, it's how you manage conflict. Can you be authentic and truthful and respectful? Can you stand in your own path? Hour to say, I don't want to do that. This is what I want to do, without sounding like a tyrant, without sounding like a control freak. It's the conflict that actually enhances ourselves, our relationships, our authenticity, our connections, we learn. So avoiding the conflict. It's like, I'll just say nothing. Put up and shut up. But all that does is breed resentment, and it's all going on, but under the surface, and it's damaging. And that's what's been happening in countries like America for hundreds of years. There's huge amounts of resentment under the surface, and now it's all been coming out. It's been coming out since the 50s. This was a five year program. This is a long term. All of this needs to come up. And in other countries too. There's a lot of resentment in the UK too. So it's moving up, right? And within our relationships, personally, it's moving up. It's moving out, but it's bringing us into a far more deeply connected, more authentic sense of self, and therefore sense of relationships with others, which beautiful.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:11

I think it's very helpful. Actually, I've been debating about this. In my mind, if it's good to ask you know guests about, you know, the future, because I know they have high highly like they're highly connected. But I think it's helpful to get this advice on, okay, chaos might come, but this is how you deal with it. Because when I then see chaos is coming, like you're talking about conflict, then I look at it in a positive way, like I observe it. I'm like, Okay, so I'm I'm learning something from this. This is part of the great shift. I'm more prepared and and I just wanted to comment that I see a purpose in that. However, now I would love to learn more about you, Julie, because from a young age, you've had this connection with the divine, and you say that we all do, but for you, it seems like it's more a conscious connection. And you also had a meeting with Jesus. You've been out of your body. Could you share a little bit about how your life has been?

Julie Poole 22:17

Yeah? Connection, yeah, of course. Yeah, no problem. So we're all born psychic. We're all born connected, because we are. We're always connected. And if you look at any baby, they they're lighting up. They've got a lot of light around them, and toddlers will be talking to their imaginary friends. And you know, that's who we are. What happens is we start to close it down, mostly once we start school and we're getting on with life, it's it just starts to go more into the background for most people, but it can be reactivated at any time. And for some of us, it didn't really close down. And so for me, it didn't. I was very aware, even at five, six and seven, of light and energy, and I was very sensitive, and this is what they'll say. You're a very sensitive person, but you were aware of mood and energy and anxiety and hostility and happiness too. You're very aware of it. But when I was around about eight, so seven and a half, eight and a half, somewhere around there, my life was not good at all. And so my parents were had split up, and it had been very nasty. Run up to that split up, there was violence, there was screaming, there was lots of crying. It was an unsafe place to be. And so I kind of hid from that within my spirituality. I didn't know what it was, but I just knew that if I sat under the tree and I talked to the tree, I felt safe. I felt safer sitting under the tree at the bottom of my garden and talking to what I would I didn't know was spirit, but lovely lights and energies and things around than I did in my house. So I was just always open. And then after they split up, my mother basically had a breakdown. She was drinking massive amounts of alcohol. She was using a lot of medication anti anxiety. In those days, it was valium in the 70s, 60s and 70s, and drinking alcohol with valium is not a good combination. So basically, my mother was stoned out of her face for most of the time on legal prescribed medication and alcohol, and so was not present as a mum. And I did see my dad, but he lived 100 miles away, so he'd come and pick me up, take me out for the day, and occasionally I would stay with him. But basically my dad was absent, and my mother was emotionally and physically absent unless she was kicking off, which she did a lot. So she would be screaming, crying, lashing out, very violent. I was constantly covered in bruises. It was not a nice place to be. And so I dive more and more into my spiritual side. I would cry at night in bed, and I would talk to Jesus, and I would say, I need help, and I would just feel a lot of light around me anyway, as a very neglected child, these kind of children, and I've studied this, these kind of children are targets for not so nice people, like pedophiles, like abusers. They They target the children who are invisible, who are not likely to tell and I was targeted by a local neighborhood not very nice man, and he groomed me for the best part of a year. And it's it's an interesting dynamic that happens between a child and an adult that is in that kind of energy of sickness. So it culminated over this year with an event where the abuse, the sexual abuse that had been taking place, molestation over quite a long period, um, culminated in a full blown non abuse, physical abuse, rape session. So during that session, I left my body, um, I remember the pain and the fear. And then I remember, I passed out. I think, okay, so I left my body. The next thing I knew I was it was in the woodland. I was in the woods, okay? And the next thing I knew I was high up in this tree, sitting on this branch, talking to this man who was sat next to me in this lovely white robes, and he had these incredible eyes that just shone kindness, and he had his arm around me, and he's saying, Never mind what's going on down there. Let's you and me Look at the birds and look at the the the trees and the leaves, and we were looking at the nests in the trees. We were having a lovely time, and I just felt completely safe with him. And he was saying to me that, you know, he comes and sits with me and he talks to me, but I've never seen him as clearly as this before. This was, you know, full blown on, like a man sat next to me, and I asked him, you know, who are you? What's your name? And he said, Jesus. But it sounded different, and I couldn't quite get it. It took me about another probably 20 years before I realized that what he said was Yeshua, or something close to that. But I knew that it was my friend from the book and the Bible, that it was the man that I had books on. My grandmother had given me books about Jesus, and I knew it was him. And he said to me, I'm here anytime. I'm always with you. You can talk to me anytime. And I just felt totally safe. And then he said to me, it's time to go back to home, to your body in a moment, and it'll hurt, and I'll be here later to talk to you, and it'll be alright. So I said, Okay. So the next thing I knew, I was in my body. I've never known pain like it the head. The headache was I felt like my head was going to explode. It's the trauma response in the body when something bad like that happens. So anyway, I went home. I cleaned myself up. I remember sneaking in the house and getting a clean dress and going down to the shed at the bottom of the garden and changing my clothes because they were messy, and putting them, stuffing them, hiding them in the shed, and going back into the house and acting like nothing had happened. So that was that first experience when I left my body. And I look back now with the benefit of hindsight and think I must have passed out. Then this man was laying on top of me, full blown adult on a small child, probably crushed my chest to death, and I probably didn't have enough oxygen and passed out. But you know, it was an out of body experience. So over the next decade, I talked to Jesus a lot. I went to church a lot, and I would listen to the vicars and the ministers and the priests, and I'd be like, No, that's not right. That's not right, especially when they're talking about hellfire and damnation, and bow down to God, and Jesus is saying to me, God doesn't want you to bow down to him. God loves you, reveres you, doesn't doesn't need you to to humble. Humble me. Please, please, please. You know. So Jesus was teaching me directly and and he was always there. So I was a very strong Christian. But as the years went on, I realized that the Bible and the Christian philosophy, and I read the Bible back to friends, you know, I went to Bible study class, I was confirmed, I was baptized, but what I was seeing and knowing was Satan in the Bible. You know, you're not supposed to be able to. To heal. I could heal from 1213 I could put my hands on something, they would get very hot, and pain would go away. I would heal my period pains from my monthly cycle. I could heal a headache. And Jesus was saying, we can all heal. You all have it. There's healing energy within your body, and the chakras in the palms of your hand are healing chakras. And when you step into the healing energy, it will just flow. And we can all do it. And he was showing me when I was a child, he would look at he would say to me, see that child has just fallen over and grazed their knee. The first thing they'll do is cup their hand and put it on their knee. We do it automatically. Something hurts you automatically, there's healing energy going into it. So I was healing, and the Bible was telling me I was Satan, because I was healing, and because I could talk to Jesus, and because I could see the energy around things. So I went through a real horrible period, sort of 1314 of trying to figure out, am I allowed to be like, this is this bad, you know? But every time I felt into it, I was told, how can this be bad and wrong when it feels so good and loving and safe and beautiful and when you're helping other people as well, how is this wrong? So I started studying more spiritual type things. Then there wasn't much around in the 70s, but I went through more abuse. I went through more violence consistently until I was about 21 when it finally stopped, and that included more physical, mental sexual abuse that went on through my teens, and each of those situations created damage within my energy field, within my mental health, within my emotional health, I was full of trauma

Julie Poole 31:59

and not in a very good place. And when all of the abuse finally stopped, and when I left home, I got safe, I moved into my own place. That's when the PTSD really kicked in. But back then, in 1980 81 through till probably in the 90s, but I was really struggling with my mental health. From about 82 to 85 I was incredibly depressed and anxious and panic attacks and flashbacks. I was to the point of being suicidal, where I just couldn't cope. I just couldn't cope. I mean, when I was a young girl, 2122 I'd had the most horrific 15 years that nobody knew about. I hadn't told anybody. I hadn't had any help. I'd gone to the doctors because I was having such terrible pains in my chest and throat, which I know now to be a panic attack, and they just gave me Valium, and I didn't want that. I'd seen what that had done to my mother, so I chucked them in the bin, and I was just struggling on. So eventually it just got too much, and so I just said to my spiritual team, I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore. I had no fear of death. I never had had because every time I connected with the other side, it was just pure love, and that was so the bliss, so beautiful and so safe and so wonderful. And I looked at my life, which was full of pain and angst and horror, I just wanted to be up there and not down here. So I made the decision. I had a child, and he was three, and I said, you know, he went to his dad's for a week, and I just intended that I'm no good to him. I'm no good to anybody. So I made the decision. So the doctor at that point had given me sleeping tablets and had given me valium and had given me paracetamol because of all the pains, the headaches and all the rest of it I was having, and I just took the whole lot with the intention of checking out and going home. And I do not recommend this, but I completely understand when people are so desperate and living in despair and fear, 24/7 and you can't see a way out, and you can't see an end to it, that you think the only way out to stop the pain is to die, and it's not. But for me at that point, it was so I took these pills and I went to sleep, I left goodbye notes and all the rest of it. You know, this wasn't a cry for help. This was an absolute, determined, you know, I'm going home. And it's interesting, because when I was writing my book on abuse, which I wrote in 2017 and I did a lot of research, there's over 20% of children who are abused sexually commit suicide before the age. 25 so it's, you know, there's, there's a lot this happens to a lot of people. You get you can't cope with it. So anyway, I went to sleep and expecting not to wake up again, and the next thing I know, I'm lifting up, I'm rising up, and I'm suddenly in the white light, and I am surrounded by beings of light. And I said, Great, I'm home. I you know, I thought I was dead, I'm going home. Great. This is fabulous. And they said, Oh, no, you're only visiting. But they took me to the angelic temple, and it was the most incredible place. It's got huge pillars at the front, there are steps going into it. It's a little bit like the old roll Roman coliseums type thing, you know, big, high marble steps, round pillars. You go into this huge kind of amphitheater filled with light and filled with angels. And they took me into the center, and there was a lot of beings around me, and these were my spiritual team and my guides. There were a lot of angels there, and they laid me down, and they were healing me. And I said, No, no, don't heal me. I don't want to go back. And they said, Oh yeah, you're going back. It's not your time. It's not your time. And I remember them saying to me, you will go when you're 67 now, when you're 21 that's a long time away. And that was enough for me to know I had a long life since then. And this was cut out, edited out of another interview I did. I did a lot of healing, of all of my trauma about 20 years ago, and I've then helped many other people heal their trauma, because I figured out how to get it all out and how to reset you and my spiritual team tell me I'm going to live until I'm in my 90s now. So that's shifted. It would have been the trauma that would have taken such a toll on the body. The body would have aged too fast, and I would have been going at 67 but because I've done the healing, I've now got a longer lifespan, so I'm going to be here for a good 20, potentially 30 years more. So we will see how that goes. But anyway, at the time, they said, no, no, it's not your time, and we will show you, and we will explain. So I was there having this healing, and then they were talking to me, and they were saying to me that I'm a very old soul, that I've coming to the end of my lifetimes, that I'm a teacher and a healer, and that I had chosen to experience this lifetime, including all of that trauma that I'd actively chosen this and this is where they were explaining to me that I chose my parents who would be neglectful, who would not be keeping me safe. I chose all of these experiences in order to heal my own wounds, my own karma, and also ancestral wounds that I have chosen to take on for my own ancestors. They explained to me a little bit about numerology, which I didn't know anything about at the time, and I don't know much about it now, but I know a bit more. And they were saying to me that I'm a number nine, I'm a ruling number one, and that's why I'm the leader, and I have to do what I'm doing, but I've got 99999, all the way through my chart. And so nine is the number of nearly there. 10 is Completion. And you know, so it's kind of you have to finish all this off so that you can ascend, so that you can reach enlightenment, so that you you finished with this planet Earth, and we suggested. They told me that this would take three to four lifetimes to finish off all of these bits. And you said, no, no, no, no, I want to do it in what? Because I don't want to keep doing this over and over and over down on planet Earth. And we did say to you, they said, I can remember that they're here now laughing. They said, We said to you, it would be ever so hard. There's ever such a lot to finish off and balance up, and I can do it. I can do it. And they said, Okay, so then they're laughing at me and saying, so here you are at 21 saying, No, I can't do it. I've changed my mind. I want to go home. We told you it was too much, and I kind of got it then, and I'm like, right, okay, all right. So part of that despair so I learned, as I grew a little bit older and wiser, is this victim mentality. Why me and life is so hard, and you know all the rest of it well, when they were telling me all of this, the victim mentality fell away, because I realized I had chosen this, and I am responsible for this, and I chose it to be this hard, and so I. You know, I've got to deal with it, and I need to get on with it. So we spent, you know, the rest of the time discussing the future. They were talking to me about ascension and the day of light, the day of reckoning, and they were saying that, you know, that by the time I got into middle age, life would be a lot, lot easier, and that by the time I got into my early 60s, that my life would be completely transformed, and I would have everything I've ever dreamed of, and more, that it would all be worth it in the end, but that, yes, it was going to be a struggle, but hang on in there. So with that, I woke up back in my bed, back in my body, and was quite surprised to discover that three days had gone by. So I've been there for three days. I've been unconscious. Basically, I'd slept off all of that stuff that I had taken. And when I got up I was still quite stoned, you know, I was staggering. I was obviously dehydrated. I was very weak. I was woken up by a banging on the door from one of my friends who hadn't seen me for some days and was concerned. And so, you know, I let her in, and she said, What have you done? What have you taken because I was obviously very pale, very weak. So she got me dressed, she put me in the car, she took me to the doctor, and she said she's being stupid, sort her out. And the doctor sent me to the hospital. It was too late to have a stomach punk, but I was sent to the hospital to be assessed. And I was assessed by a psychiatrist, and then I saw a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with PTSD, although it was not called that in 84

Julie Poole 41:46

he said it basically said, it's all the trauma I've been through that now that I'm safe, that trauma is working its way out. And I remember saying to him, so I'm not mad, because it felt mad. You know, when I was going through all that horrible stuff, I was coping but once the horrible stuff was over and I've got a job, I've got a flat, I've got friends, and I'm falling apart, it didn't make any sense to my brain. Of course, these days, we've studied PTSD extensively, and we understand now that the trauma only starts to really come out once you're safe, not while you're in it. When you're in it, you've got to keep alert and you've got to keep it all in and keep it together. It's almost like your body says, I haven't got time for a nervous breakdown. Now I'm not safe, you know, but once you're safe, it comes. So once I understood that I was okay, but spiritually, what that did for me was push me to the next level, because for those 21 years, I've been spiritual anyway, and I gone to church and I meditated and I spoke to my guides, and I could see my guides, I think I said in another interview, you know, I saw my my guides for the first time when I was about 17, and that's when I knew I could see spirit, and that's when I had to decide and discern what part of the spiritual sight, because I'm clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, I could, you know, it's all there. And I just thought, I'm not comfortable with seeing dead people. That freaks me out somewhat. I don't want to see my dead grandmother. She wasn't dead then, but, you know, I don't want to see people. I know that that's too scary, Harry, but I'm happy to see my guide, see Jesus, see God, you know, to see the energy around trees, around people, and to sense their feelings. And so, you know, I was able to, and they told me, you discern. You decide what you want to see and feel and be aware of, because you can tap into it all. You all can. You just need to know how and be willing and want to do it. So I started moving forward with my life, and ended up at around 40, doing well, 37 ish, doing a huge amount of healing, allowing all that trauma to finally move through me, and then allowing my spiritual gifts to really take off. So I prioritized it, you know? I mean, from sort of 20 to 4021, to 40, I built a career and family and children, and it's kind of I'm busy. I'm busy. It was always there. You always talk to them, and it was part of my life. But I had a job and a salary and I had commitments and responsibilities, but around 37 I said, No, I need to be who what I was put here to do. It's time for me to teach. Now. It's time for me to share my knowledge. And I started setting up classes, spiritual development, psychic development classes, and I would channel and the information would come through, and that's what I've been doing for the last 25 years. So, yeah, we're all good. And, you know. I'm not going to die at 67 now, I'm going on for some time, but that connection is very strong. And, you know, I connect with the angels a lot. I connect with beings of light and masters, and predominantly, I connect with source, with the I Am. And I work with the law of attraction, and I try and help people to find their voice and their empowerment and their their soul. Listen to your soul. We've all got one. It's listening to it, you know. So that's a bit about me.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:34

Wow. Thank you so much for sharing so open heartedly. Your story touches me so much, and somehow it's I feel it's difficult because I'm like, Why did you have to go through so many horrible things just to grow? And you're so empowered today, but still, that little girl had to go through all these things. And to me, I get like, words like, this is gruesome, this is awful. And at the same time, I know it's part of the world we're living in. It's not just growing though.

Julie Poole 46:12

It's not just it's not just to grow. It's to balance karma. Okay, so you know what goes around, comes around, and it isn't about punishment, it's about experiencing it from all levels. I've had lifetimes where I've been the abuser. So this lifetime, I needed to be the abused to understand, to balance it out, to right wrongs. There was sexual abuse in my family going back several generations, and so according to my spiritual team, my experience balanced their karma too. I chose to take on their karma to clear a lot, not just from my own energy, but from my ancestral energy, and also from the collective and us, people like you and me, who are the Light Workers, if you like, that. We're putting light into the world. We're putting truth and information and knowledge. We are uplifting the collective, and we're helping to balance a lot of the karma in the collective as people come into their light and power. So it isn't just about growth, it's about balance. The universe works on cause and effect, and so for us to ascend fully into enlightenment, all wrongs need to be balanced and righted and understood and forgiven. And so it is part of that forgiveness was my biggest lesson in this lifetime. So you know, when you we will go through various lessons at a small level and a bigger level and a huge level. You know forgiveness of a small rung. You know can be challenging when you're somebody that doesn't forgive, but you know, you master that one and you can tick that off. I've learned forgiveness. Okay, so can you forgive the being raped? Yes, yes, I can. And as I did, my heart opened, and I feel hugely emotional just saying that, not because the abuse, but as soon as I feel that, look what I've achieved, my heart has opened to another level, because I've been able to forgive my mother, my father, the abuser, the other abusers that I've had in My life. I hold no malice against any of them. I forgive them all. Now that is near now as ascension. Hopefully, I've done what I need to do in this lifetime, and you know where we go next. We're all raising. We're all rising. I don't know if I'll ascend in this lifetime, but if I don't, I'll come back and I'll keep going until I do. That's what we're all here for, but we're here to love, and that's what we're doing,

Jannecke Øinæs 48:47

yeah, because sometimes we can get the thought that can I only grow through pain, you know? So if I want to grow and expand, I go into beautiful relationship, or life starts to look better, is something awful going to happen? Because that's how I grow. So my question is, can we also grow through wonderful and beautiful experiences?

Julie Poole 49:12

Absolutely, absolutely, and actually, we do. We grow through both. But it's the painful lessons that tend to stick in the mind. More and painful memories stick in the mind more than happy ones. You know, if we think back to childhood, you might only be able to remember a handful of really happy times, but I bet you can remember in great detail the difficult times. And that's just the part of the way that the humans are wired. It's part of our survival mechanism. But yes, indeed, we grow just as much through joy and love and happiness as we do through pain and sorrow and difficulty. So when we can see that it all balances up in the end, that everything is the opportunity to expand into. To our best self. You know, when we go through a wonderfully happy experience, it shows us this is what happiness is. How do I get more of that? How can I expand that? How can I tap into that more and so, yeah, we're on a trajectory towards more happiness. But when we go through sorrow and challenges and difficulties. You know, can we learn from that? I mean, my angel said to me, the reason one, there's many reasons why I experienced what I did in childhood, but one of those is that I would eventually be able to help and heal 1000s, 1000s who've been through the same thing. So I one person experienced that, and I have helped through my books and through my sessions, my private sessions, which I don't do the trauma work anymore, but I did specialize in trauma for 15 years, I worked with hundreds and hundreds of people and helped them to heal. And it's not just those people, but their families would heal, and they would tell people and so, yeah, one difficult experience. It's that pay it forward. So I've helped 1000s. Does that balance up what happened to me? I think so. I think so and more. You know, it's, I think that's incredible. That's something that I went through and didn't know how to heal, and didn't know how to get past and so tried to kill myself because I didn't know to get past it. I found a way past it, found a way to heal, but only when I was wise enough. I found when I was doing the trauma therapy that most of my clients were between 35 and 45 it's that age around, sort of middle age where we are wise enough and strong enough to say, I'm ready to deal with that now, and that's when we go through that transformation and that change. And so, yeah, that's when I did my own healing, and then I learned from that, right? How can I help other people to do this too, so that life doesn't hurt anymore, so that you don't wake up frightened anymore, because all of us deserve to wake up and know that we're safe. But when you take a child that has been unsafe consistently for a long period, it creates a program. You know, I'm a retired hypnotherapist of 20 odd years, so the programs in the mind I understand, and it creates the program of, I'm not safe. Life isn't safe, and you're constantly on danger alert, and that's horrible way to live, and I know that because I lived like that for nearly four decades. So you know, we can shift that, and it's the same with abundance and money and flow and luxury. Many of us, me, included, spent decades living in poverty and struggle and lack because the programming is life is hard. There isn't enough money, and there's always struggle, and so that's what we create, and this is the law of attraction. And we start to realize how powerful these programs are that we hold and how easy they are to change once you understand them, and when you change the program, you change your reality, and everything shifts. You know, I changed my program about lack of money and struggle and everything in 2019 and within two years, I was buying a house, and it's like, I'm 57 years old, and I'm getting a mortgage that I couldn't have got before. And now, two months ago, I moved into my dream home, my forever home. I could not have imagined this five years ago, but I 10x my income in five years by changing my programming, by realigning with abundance and flow, and life just gets easier and easier and more beautiful. But I've learned from those lessons, and they were beautiful lessons, like, you want your income double, let's show you. And it's like, wow, that was a fantastic lesson. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Yeah, we can learn and grow through anything. It's perspective, and it's remembering, remembering you grow through the happy times too. You know,

Jannecke Øinæs 54:09

it must be amazing to have a direct communication. I know you say that we're all psychic. I just don't feel that I am, and I know I am, but it's just, you know, I cannot do what you're doing. And I think maybe that's it's a reason for that as well. But yeah, I agree. And law of attraction, what is your perspective on how that goes together with destiny? Because you do Tarot reading, and tarot reading is often showing you, yes, what is but also what's coming, and then you also can see what is coming. So how does that go together, with the law of attraction and what we're creating here now?

Julie Poole 54:47

Okay, so everybody's on their own path, and on a soul level, we've agreed to certain contracts and certain experiences and certain people, and that is set for that soul. Although the soul has the choice to say, I've changed my mind, you know. But generally, you know, when you look at your birth chart with astrology, there are certain things that are are mapped out. And it's interesting when you look at my chart, because I'm not an astrologer, but I've had my chart read, and in my birth chart, it's showing absolute agony for the first 20 years. It's showing poverty for the first 50 years, and then it's showing massive abundance in later life. And that's in my chart. And it's like, wow. Okay, so the time you're born, the day you're born, the month you're born, this is all relevant, and the parents you're born to, and the experiences that are planned for you, those are all sort of destiny, if you like. Okay, now within that, we will get the energy flowing around the universe and around the planet at certain times of the year and of the months, as we're going more into the light portals are opening. New Light is coming in, creating new opportunities. So when I'm doing tarot readings for each of the 12 signs, which I tend to do every two weeks, that I'll say, this is the energy that's available to you at the moment, and if it's aligned with you, you will tap into it and you will work with it, yeah. So it may be that, you know, there's a lot of energy around community, for example, and that might be for two or three different star signs. It's the emphasis at the moment, is community. So if you align with that, then you can open up to joining things, making new friends, perhaps meeting a new partner for a relationship. But you don't have to, and you can choose not to. This is just energy that's present. So my job is to tell you what the energy is that's available and how to tap into it if you want it, and if you do tap into it, what the likely outcome would be, and to give you a rough timescale. So it's quite different than when I do a private reading for somebody, because when I'm doing a personal reading, I tap into their soul, their energy and their guides and higher self, and I'm talking directly to your spiritual team about you and your life and where you're going. But when I'm doing a general reading that about three quarters of a million people a month watch me, so you know I can't do it specific for you, but I can talk about for your star sign. This is the energy that's around for the next couple of weeks. And if there is challenging energy, you know, as an ex therapist, well, I'll always be a therapist. But then, because I'm channeling the information, if I've got to give you some challenging information. I will tell you exactly how to handle it in the boss, best possible way. So if there's challenges coming up, this is going to grow you. And the answer is, here, you need to step into your power. You need to find your voice. You know that will come through. I might get the Speak your truth card and some boundaries card. It's like, right? Okay, somebody is taking advantage of you, and you need to stand up for yourself, and you need to say, No, that's what's going on here. And that can be a little bit hairy, scary, but this is what the angels want you to know, and this is what you can do to to benefit you know yourself. And so those are the kinds of readings that I do, and I set the intention right from the beginning that any reading that I give comes from a place of love that it is to inform, inspire, uplift and heal. So I do get emails sometimes from people saying they had a reading and it's left them traumatized. Not with me. I have hasten to add that you know that it's frightened them. A reading shouldn't frighten you. It should inform you and guide you and uplift you, but it shouldn't frighten you. So you know there are people who are highly psychic, but they don't have the ability to couple it with being a counselor, like how to deliver bad news in a good way so that you can cope with it. Do you know what I mean? So when you're a reader, there is a certain responsibility, you know. So you need to be careful, you know. Don't dress it up. I will always say what I see, and I will always speak the truth, but there's a way of blurting it out and frightening people to death, or there's a way of explaining it from a place of love, how this is benefiting you?

Jannecke Øinæs 59:26

Yeah, and there's always a choice there, right? Like

Julie Poole 59:30

always. So this ties in, then, with the law of attraction, because the law of attraction is basically a magnet. That's all it is. It's a magnet, okay? You don't get what you want. You get what you are, alright? So whatever you are is what you attract. So if you are negative, if you are victim, if you are mean, you will get people being mean to you. You will get negativity. You will attract what you are. If you. Money, but you're in an energy of lack and poverty and struggle, you will just experience more poverty, more lack and more struggle, because that is your energy. That is the programming, the energy within you. It's in your belief system, it's in your heart, it's in your energy field. But it doesn't have to be so some souls have chosen to experience a life, a whole life of lack and struggle. And it doesn't matter how much I teach you about abundance, you will never find it because your soul fate has chosen to have a lifetime of lack and struggle. So you I can recommend books to you and you won't read them. I can recommend watch this or do that, and you'll be like, ah, later, and you won't be aligned with it, because it's not on your path. So those kind of souls would be, for example, you've had a lifetime of being very, very wealthy, and you've abused it right. So now you're having a lifetime where you are poor and you are experiencing that poverty, and you've chosen to do that to balance up that other lifetime, then you won't be aligned with abundance, no matter how much I try and teach you. So the people that find their way to me in my teachings, like in my latest book, from hoping to have in the formula to wealth and success, there is an absolute formula there, and it works, okay? And those people won't read that book. It doesn't matter. I'll say, this will help you be rich. This will help you find a life of ease. They won't read it because they'll say, because they're not on that path. All right, so we've got to allow kind of tarot, which is guidance, the energy that's available to people, but also the soul alignment and their law of attraction. Are they attracted to that? Are they lined up with it? And if they are, and they they want it, and the soul wants it, they will find their way to it, and it will click, click, click into place, and the life will transform. It's a little bit like when you want love, but you've been hurt, you've been burnt, and your heart says, Oh, love is too scary. I don't want to go there again. Then your head might be saying, I'm ready for love, but you keep not finding it, because the heart is saying, No. So I can work with some people like this, and they're watching me and I'm saying, are you ready to open the heart? Are you ready to trust again? Because it's there for you if you want it. And so go for it. The the cards are showing this is the right time go for it. And many of them will and they will email me or comment, I've met someone, and it's wonderful, right? But if the heart is closed, then it doesn't matter how strong the energy is, they're not lined up with it. And the law of attraction is about lining up your ducks in a row. All of you wants all of it, and then it clicks, yeah, but if the soul can override it by saying it's not in my path, and it won't be consciously, it'll be energetically, okay, but I found say to my angels, let the people come to me that I can help. Let the people find me that I'm aligned with they're aligned with me. And that's what happens when I before I do any reading for YouTube, any talk I whatever I'm doing, I set the intention that those that I can help find their way to me, and those that I can't help find somebody else because they're not aligned with me. And so what happens is that I'm able to help an awful lot of people because we're on the same wavelength. And yeah, when I'm talking about this is available. That's available. Try this. Try that. They do and it works. So does that make sense? Does that answer your question?

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:45

Yeah. And I think people watching and listening to shows like this are open to changes and vibrate on the same, you know, frequency. It is a lot of attraction going on. I'm just thinking that if there are people out there? Oh, no, did my soul choose, you know, not to have abundance or love, but then they probably wouldn't have watched this show, right? Because they would have watched your show.

Julie Poole 1:04:09

On my show, they tend to be those on a higher vibration. And their heart is more open, their mind is more open, these people who are more aligned with it, but I didn't find abundance until my late 50s. And so, you know, why did I have to go that long? And I was a hypnotherapist, and I understood the way the mind worked, but there was like a little missing piece that was hidden from me until it was the right time, and when I, you know, it suddenly clicked into place in 2019 and I was frustrated.

Julie Poole 1:04:48

Yeah, I knew about the law of attraction in 2007 and yet it took me till 2019 12 years to find the missing pieces of the jigsaw. And when I. Did, literally everything took off really quickly within three months. You know, my income went up double in three months, and then it doubled again. And I said to the universe, quite cross, you know, why didn't I know this 12 years ago? And they're like, Well, you did, but you weren't seeing that bit because you weren't ready to see it. You was too aligned with struggle and lack and poverty, because I've been street homeless, because I'd been starving to the point of malnutrition at one point, because I was so programmed with poverty, life had become easier. I was no longer in that level of of lack, but it hadn't. There was a block within me, which is why, when I started creating some courses and programs, I called them, unlock your block. Because we find these blocks, we clear them, and then whoosh, the gates of abundance can open, whether it's love or whether it's money or whether it's confidence, whatever it is. You know, we want to live a life that is abundant in all areas, including our connections and friendships and health and well being and happiness. It's not all about money.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:10

I know what you're speaking about, because I had my shift in abundance in 2018 where there was a friend who was like, you gotta come to this course. And I went to the course, and it changed my financial life. That changed my programming. It took a bit longer with love, but I think I've changed that too, that, like last thing, that that shifted for me, this has been an incredible conversation. I'm just filled with love in my heart and joy and gratefulness, actually, Julie, it has been a wonderful conversation. Thank you so much for sharing everything you've had today. It has been incredibly help, helpful. I feel and healing. And I have a few questions that I ask all my guests, and the first one is, what is self love to you?

Julie Poole 1:06:59

Self love. To me, it's allowing yourself to love all of you unconditionally the way, the way that we were designed to be our heart is pure light and pure love. And the experiences that we may think paint us or blot us. You know, the the warts and all bit they are just part of our growth, our learning. Self love is to honor all of you, without complaint, without criticism. It is to say I am perfect within my imperfections, because they make me who I am, and my vulnerabilities make me stronger, and my strength makes me more vulnerable. And that is a beautiful combination, and that is real Self Love is to really know thyself, know who you are, and be alright with who you are, exactly as you are right now. That doesn't mean you can't have a desire to improve and to grow and to expand, because we're all a work in progress, but to love you exactly as you are right now and accept you fully and wholly. That's self love,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:17

beautifully put and what is the deeper meaning of life? From your perspective,

Julie Poole 1:08:24

the deeper meaning of life a little bit similar in that it's the wholeness we tend to compartmentalize. There's work, there's home, there's children, there's family, and we put ourselves in all these boxes, the wholeness of life is to say life is that all of that and more, it is also my essence, my spirit, my past, my past lives, my ancestral lives, my soul, my connection with the universe, with source, With all that is. And then we go even further into oneness, because once we have got that connection with our job, our life, our family and all that, and our soul, our spirit, with source, with God, God, that's all that is, then we step into I am one with the stars, with the moon, with the energy, with the trees, with the air, with the water. We're one because everything is a flow of energy, and I am a flow of energy. So the meaning of life is to be in the energy of who you truly are. And you are a river of energy that flows like the air through and with everything in oneness, beautiful that was channeled because I did not say that

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:48

that was just beautiful. Um, if people want to connect with you, learn more from you, how can they do so

Julie Poole 1:09:55

they can find me on my website., They can find me on YouTube, Julie Poole. If you put in Julie Poole tarot, it's probably easier to find me, because I'll pop up then and that's it. I'm on Facebook, I'm on Instagram, but those links will be on my website and on my YouTube channel as well.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:10:16

All right, thank you so much for coming to the show today and for your incredibly beautiful and healing work.

Julie Poole 1:10:22

Thank you so much. Thank you for having me. It's been a joy. I've really enjoyed talking with you. Thank you. You have a lovely day. Bye, bye.

Julie Poole – Official site


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