Are you feeling the intense energies of the 3D to 5D shift? According to spiritual guide Jim Self, founder of Mastering Alchemy, humanity is collectively transitioning from the third dimension (3D) into a transformative fifth-dimensional (5D) consciousness.
Understanding the 3D to 5D Shift
Jim explains that the 3D to 5D shift involves humanity awakening from a limited, fear-based reality into one characterized by well-being and empowerment. In the third dimension, life revolves around linear time, duality, and conditioned reactions. Many feel stuck due to fear, uncertainty, and outdated beliefs.
“The mass population is waking up, saying this isn’t okay,” says Jim. This global awakening drives the powerful shift towards 5D, a dimension filled with joy, freedom, and authentic self-expression.
Embracing Joy and Releasing Fear
Central to the 3D to 5D shift is the vital choice we each face: stepping forward into joy and possibility, or remaining stuck in fear and limitation. Jim notes, “The vibration of fear and excitement are identical.” Our conscious choice determines how we navigate the transition from 3D to 5D.
Leaving Emotional Baggage Behind
Jim emphasizes we cannot carry our old emotional baggage—fears, self-doubt, or conditioned patterns—into the fifth dimension. Successfully navigating the 3D to 5D transition involves letting go of past hurts, judgments, and limiting beliefs, thereby stepping into greater clarity and joy.
Practical Steps for the 3D to 5D Transition
Jim recommends maintaining present-moment awareness, consciously choosing positive, empowering thoughts, and recognizing our innate power as creators. “It’s impossible to do this wrong when you allow yourself to be you,” he encourages.
By consciously embracing these practices, we facilitate our own smooth 3D to 5D transition, creating lives abundant in freedom, joy, and well-being.
Transcript of the interview
Jim Self 0:00
But it was Metatron that really came to me in about 2005 and the conversation was, there's a path that's never been walked before. It's about raising the earth back to its fully 12th dimensional, Christed state of consciousness, and it's about creating a space to open a door for all in third dimension to step out, the mass population is waking up, and they're basically saying, This isn't okay. You know, putting people in in camps and putting people behind fences, putting people in situations of distress is not okay. And people are waking up saying, I want my freedom. And so you're watching this freedom movement all over the planet going on, because this is the time of transitioning from this third dimension into the fifth dimension. Those that are panicking need their stability. Are in power right now. They're willing to step on others. They're willing to take advantage. They're terrified of what's happening behind the scenes, but be really clear, it's going to be very clumsy and challenging for the next few years that when I say the next few years, I'm going to say three.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:19
Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love, then I have a self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to Jim Self a warm welcome to the show.
Jim Self 1:37
Oh, thank you so much for having me. It's my pleasure.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:40
I'm really excited about this conversation. I've heard a few podcasts with you. You go so deep. You have vast knowledge about dimensions consciousness. You have a lot of interesting perspectives on the shift of consciousness that we find ourselves in. And you are the founder of Mastering Alchemy. You are an author spiritual guide, and ever since you were young, I read that you have been clairvoyant and CO creating your path with Ascended Masters and the angelic realm. So I'd love to actually start there, because I get super curious, what that was like, how your early childhood was. What is is like living like that, for a person who's never lived like that, and then we can move over to this shift of consciousness and and how we actually can step into 5d consciousness, which I know you're helping 1000s of people well, so tell us, how was it like to be Jim as a young boy?
Jim Self 2:46
It was clumsy and it was uncomfortable and it was unpredictable and it was didn't make sense in real terms. So I grew up in a household that was basically I had uneducated parents in a low income nature, but at the time, the world was really different. So parents would say, go out and play and be back for dinner. So you really had no restrictions. You had a lot of room to go live your life. And so from that standpoint, I got to spend time in the woods with the animals, with but the challenge was in, like other guests that you've had on, excuse me, they basically have said, you know, I see things, and I would say things, and then I would be condemned for what I was saying, And, and etc. And that was the case in my my situation, and I was dyslexic. Nobody knew what that word was at the time, but basically, you know, just confusing things. I would do things like do my math test and write the answers out and hand them in. But they didn't they there was no work. I didn't do the work. I just did the answer. It was like, you don't need to do the work. Here's the answer. And it was a fascinating thing. I can remember one time just getting accused of cheating and having my test ripped up because I was obvious cheat, cheating, and I never understood, why don't you just put me in another room by myself, and give me the test, and then I'll show you that I'm able to do what I'm doing. So like so many people who have their quote, psychic abilities, spiritual abilities, turned on. It's clumsy, because nobody else does what you do. And so it leads people into a place of they're very empathetic. Many people who have these psychic experience. We all have them. I mean psychic experience come with the body. They're not some magic gift that somebody has. Everybody uses these psychic abilities, clairvoyance, telepathies, trance, mediumship, clairaudience. I. Come with the body. But what happens is the third dimensional world, the mom, dad, teacher, ministers of life say, I have a better answer. And so you begin to move to what they say is why you're here. That's why you look at a little kid. That's, you know, six months, 12 months, 18 months, and you look in their eyes and you see forever, and then, as they begin to be 18 months, two years old, three years old, that beauty is pushed way, way back. And so in my reality, I didn't let it all get pushed back. But I was not I was strange, but at the same time, I was one of the leaders. So when it came to athletics, I was very good at what I did. When it came to engaging with others in the classroom or others friends, I was very good at what I did so I had my own set of friends, but I didn't fit into the world. And I think that's the story of so many of us that are now people watching this. And what we do is we begin to move into a place of making some very strategic decisions that set our life in place. And that decision, quite often, is I'm not okay. I don't fit in. They don't like me. In my case, the only word that I can literally remember my father saying over and over was stupid. You're so stupid, and all of a sudden you begin to accept that unconsciously, and that begins to create the frame of reference you move through your whole life, and that was kind of how I moved forward. But at the same time, you know, I wanted to do, I wanted to basically create, because we're all creator beings, and so that passion of joy and excitement and creating and making things happen was always that driving force, and yet it was always confronted with mom, dad, teacher, minister and their story.
Jannecke Øinæs 7:12
So could you share a little bit about your connection to the angelic realm and ascended masters? Was it all the time, and how did you communicate with them?
Jim Self 7:24
It wasn't all the time, and it wasn't even really conscious. It was this voice that was always there. So, you know, everybody kind of talks to themselves in their rational mind, construct, day in and day out, moment by moment. You know, you find yourself going, Well, should I do this, or should I do that? But this voice was always there, and it kind of fit into that, well, let's go this way. And so it was never really treated as this special, magical voice that comes into my reality, and but it, but it was something that was very aligned with this internal guidance system that we all have. We all know it. It's that space where you do something and everybody else does something. We now say, well, let's go do this. And something here says, I don't think so. And you know that place because the time you did what you heard you should not do it had consequences. And other times, when you're standing on the edge of the cliff and you want to jump, and everybody goes, no, no, don't do that. You go, Yeah, I've got to do this. And every time, 100% if you look back where you followed that guidance, you came out on your feet, and it worked. That was the voice that basically said, Oh, jump, see what happens.
Jannecke Øinæs 8:47
So how do you know, in a way, that it is Ascended Masters, or it is Angel, call it anything like our inner guidance system or the inner architect?
Jim Self 8:59
Well, it became very much that for a long time, where it's just, I didn't know it was just there, but there was one event in my my father left my mother in high school, and my mother went to the minister and told the minister, and the minister told everybody else, and that was not a good thing. And I remember going to the church and walking into the church and walking in to see the minister and confront them. They was not there, and I was really angry, and I picked up this Bible and I threw it against the wall, and I said, I'm done. And it was remarkable, because this massive smile lit up in my space, there's a smile. It was like, and it was very it's just stopped me in my space. It's like, why I'm done. God, this is all baloney. And there was a smile. On, and I really can trace that back to the moment that said, Now find yourself. And from that point on, that voice got a little bit more definitive. It began to be clearly it wasn't me. And that took me into places where many things happened in terms of just my lifetime, literally something where hitchhiking, sticking my thumb out and saying, I'm leaving from New Jersey the East Coast and hitchhiking to the West Coast. Nobody did those kind of things. Massively exciting, the things that you see and learn. And all of a sudden I had permission. And this word permission is another one those things that people fall into a construct that say, I don't give you permission. You don't have permission. I don't allow you. And we step back and say, okay, and we give up our seniority to that other mom, dad, teacher, minister, and so in this space where those beings that you're asking about began to express themselves, Metatron, one of the archangelics, predominantly, was in that guiding space, and it was there and engaged with and it really led me into places, going from, you know, graduating at the end of my list of high school. In fact, I think they just let me out of high school. I remember the teacher saying to my mother, well, Mrs. Self, the world needs truck drivers. And it was like, I don't be a truck driver. And that passion to go and do something else led me into many other things. One of them was an elected official. I became a member of a city council of San Jose, California, very large city, and became the vice mayor of the city. And it was right at that time I was really turning on about 33 years old, and also that voice was there. My abilities became clear. I found someplace called the Berkeley psychic Institute and realized I do this, all these things they're talking about I do. And in that context, it all turned on. I completely turned on. And knew what was going to happen. Could tell people what they were about to say. And that was really weird, as far as others were concerned, sitting as the vice mayor of a major city in the country and being psychic, and so you can see the conflicts. But the interesting part of the conflicts, I'd say, Well, is this what you want? And they would want to argue. And then it was like, Yeah, that's what I want, but let's see if we make this happen and so things move smoothly. And people began to say, this guy's really an interesting person to deal with, because he makes things happen. It was all this awareness of my abilities that began to allow me to operate from them. And the reason I'm telling that part of the story is that's what's about to happen to you. That's what's about to happen to everybody in this place where this aspect of your consciousness is kind of coming out of the shadows, you're beginning to find that if you recognize you do have permission, you are allowed, you're going to start to make choices, watching the World unfold in some very interesting ways. But it was Metatron that really came to me in about 2005 with a conversation. And the conversation was, there's a path that's never been walked before. It's about your evolution, your own personal ascension. It's about raising the earth back to its fully 12th dimensional, Christed state of consciousness. And it's about creating a space to open a door for all in third dimension to step out. And then it was a pause. And then it said, Do you want to play? Well, you don't really say to Metatron. Well, let me get back to you. And it was from that point on Mastering Alchemy started, which is about teaching tools and skills and enhanced abilities and waking up and beginning to understand words like certain and capable and seniority and the ability to choose the path you want and allow others to be on the path they want. And that all evolved, and it evolved into 10s of 1000s of people beginning to recognize, I would say, you're okay, and they would stop and say, I don't know what that means. I don't know. I've never had permission to be okay. And people would burst into tears, you can be happy. And they would begin to start to recognize that their ability to manage their. Their own spiritual direction was really very available to them, and so that's the pathway that has brought me to here.
Jannecke Øinæs 15:08
Hey guys, I want to jump in here to give my thanks for being part of the wisdom from North community. Your support and engagement means the world to us. We put so much passion, so much love into these episodes. And my intention is really to be part of this great shift of consciousness, to do what I can do with this channel, to help people expand their consciousness, love themselves more, follow their purpose and shine their light. So if you haven't yet subscribed, I would love for you to do so thank you so much. You'll find the link somewhere here below. And now let's go back to the episode. Thank you for sharing. I would love to dive into five dimensional consciousness and the contrast between 3d consciousness and like we spoke about in the beginning of this interview, the fourth dimension. Where did that go?
Jim Self 16:04
Yeah, where did that go? So, so one of the things that you that people don't talk about, but dimensions all have their own characters, characteristics. It's a third dimension, fourth dimension, fifth dimension, and they all have the ability. You have many people talking about dimensions, and they can be seen from mathematics, they can be seen from science. They can be seen from consciousness, but they can also be seen from that guidance structure you choose to live your life. So for example, when people, you're less people, many are waking up right now. So there's lots of curiosity and lots of words thrown around in trying to define who am I and where am I going. So let's, let's start with something. Let's be really clear. Let's third dimension is far more than the space you just walk around in. And in real terms, the third dimension is formed, the creation of physicalness in form in this third dimension. Let's also call it a game board. We've come here to play in this game board. And the game board has rules and structures, and in those rules and structures we all just kind of wander around in third dimension. Well, in the third dimension, one of the one of the structures, is linear time. Everybody you walk out in the street and you ask people, is there anything different about time and looking at your wristwatch? And most will say you're crazy. But time is not only linear, there's five different applications of present time, but in third dimension, linear time is a very big part of the rules in the game. What is linear time? Past, present, future, then you die. But what happens is and you also hear, once you have an experience, it moves into your past, and the past is fixed, and you can't change your past. That is not true. So you can absolutely change your past. But basically, what is the past? And so when you start to look at it, the past is made up of two things. One is the event. So at five years old, I stole a candy bar. Well, I didn't steal it. It was there, and I looked at it and I wanted it, and I picked it up and I took a bite of it. Wasn't stealing until my mother and the store owner started screaming and yelling, you're not supposed to steal. This is bad. What's wrong with you? And then they would throw that energy right into the center of your head. And then for the rest of my life, I'm walking around thinking, I steal things, and I'm a bad person. Does that make any sense? Your structure begins to be created. So here I am at this age, and I look back and I say to myself, dice stole this candy bar. Does that have any value to your life right now? And basically answers, no, but, but it's my past, and a lot of people begin to hold that as I did something bad, and I'm a bad person, and I can never get over it because it happened in the past and it's fixed, but the past is made up of two things. One is the event. Did the event happen? Yes, the event happened. But when you I say to you, let's talk about something in your past that has guilt or blame attached to it, what do you do when you put your attention on that, you say, Oh yes, I stole the candy bar. And you shrink down, and you go into an emotion that occurred at the time. There was blame and guilt. And so when you say, at this age, does that serve you, a person says, oh yes. But. So I'm a bad person. Well, are you at this age, really? So that event happened, and there's an emotion. But see, in third in all of this, emotions only occur in the present moment. You can only feel guilt, blame, love, happy in the present moment. But what happens is you put your attention back on that candy bar, and you also have the feeling of what happened when you did that being experienced right now. Yes, I'm guilty of but if you divide the past into two pieces, the event. Yes, the event occurred. No question about it. Does the event serve me right now in this space? And the minute you get yourself into present time, and you step out of the feeling of the guilt and you ask that question, the answer is absolutely no. But what you don't understand is the minute you say, this doesn't serve me, I don't need to hold guilt in my space. You literally have the ability to neutralize the guilt and the memory of that circumstance begins to fall into neutral and disappear from your reality. Very simple set of techniques. Did anybody ever tell you you could completely rearrange your past? No, because the past is fixed, absolute. That's it. So the game board, linear time is one of the conditions of the third dimension. And what we do is most people play in the past, in the future. I hope this doesn't do that to me at my future, or they told me I would be I if I did this, I would be successful. But in fact, those things don't necessarily all pan out, because you are moving on in different ways, and so when you begin to recognize, when you move into the fourth dimension, I'm a little ahead of myself when you move into the fourth dimension, the fourth dimension is made up of three things in simple terms, present time. What's going on right now? How do you choose to live yourself right now. A funny word called paradox, which simply means what was true a moment ago may not be true in the next moment, and the third choice is odd choice. You see, one of the rules in the third dimension is reaction. You don't have choice in the third dimension. You have no choice in the third dimension. Now people go, wait, wait, really,
Jannecke Øinæs 22:52
yeah, I have not heard that one before.
Jim Self 22:55
Okay, so third dimensional game board is made up of linear time. Conditionality, there is nothing unconditional in the third dimensional game. Oh, well, this is getting really strange. Now, in the third dimension, you have duality, right, wrong, good, bad, should, shouldn't in third dimension, when you get into a circumstance in the linear time construction, and I say, Well, you did such and such, you go right into an emotion of reaction, reaction. Third dimension, I remember I said, each dimension is different, and all fourth, third, fourth and fifth are laying on top of one another. You're in all three dimensions at the same time. It's how you choose to experience yourself, in terms of what the experience is. So in third dimension, you did such and such, and you go into reaction or something happens, and you go, Oh, this wasn't supposed to happen. You're in third dimensional, present time, present time reaction. But if I say to you, what would you like to have for dinner tonight, this or this, you now have choice. You're not in reaction anymore. You're choosing. So third dimension is a reactionary game board. Fourth Dimension is present time, choice and paradox. And this word paradox is so important right now, because in third dimension, people have a tendency to live in all ways and never she is never going to be a nice person. He's always going to be like this. There's no movement in that energy. It's fixed. And so the person who is blaming condemning structuring things and always and never structuring things in the past, and my problem is structuring things in my past is structuring my future. Uh, structuring things in good, bad, right, wrong, dualities. Just put all those words together and step back and what happens. And I'm in a reactionary protection construct all the time, making sure that isn't going to cause me this problem. Does that make any sense? That's people how that say they live their lives. But if you can get into present time, stop right now and choice, how would you like to live your life? If I could give you a set of choices, just like I just did, would you look at something you have done in your past? I'm talking to the audience, and simply that, and notice if it gives you an uncomfortable feeling, and then recognize what is attached to it. My mother said, My father said I was stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid. And all of a sudden I believe I'm stupid. And then the beauty of who I am simply gets pushed aside because I'm stupid and I stole a candy bar and nobody likes me. And that sensitivity of every one of us that's really turning on right now, that sense of excitement begins to be tempered by I'm stupid. I'm not okay. They don't like me. I don't fit in. Now here's one of the key factors to stepping from third dimension to fifth dimension, is you cannot take your baggage with you on this journey you cannot take. I'm not okay. Nobody likes me. I'm not a good person. Now that's a pretty spectacular piece of permission I just created. You can let go of all this stuff once you understand the moment you get into present time right now. I let go of my conditionality, my past and my anticipation of the future, and I basically say, What do I want? What do I want? And in that space, you begin to have this understanding of what's sitting in the heart space. You see, you can't be not okay. You cannot do it wrong. It's not possible. Can you make a mistake? Can you go for something and have it not work out exactly correctly? Sure, I put these pieces together in an order that I thought would work. Oh, they didn't work. Like they told me I needed to open the door. And I push and I push and I push and I push, and this must be a lie, because the door doesn't open until somebody says you can also pull the door,
Jannecke Øinæs 27:42
Jim Self 27:44
and the door opens. It's really your life is that simple. It's the rules, the structures, the beliefs, the constructs of the third dimensional game board that kind of keep us in the game. Okay, so far. Yeah, so let's just go to fourth dimension for a moment. The fourth dimension is a thought realm. There is zero physical in the thought realm, nothing's physical as you define physical, the tree, the house, the chair, that doesn't exist in the fourth dimension as a physical experience, the thought. Fourth Dimension is a thought realm. It's where you have dreams. It's where you construct your thoughts that then densify into an action or a reaction. The action is, this is exciting. I'm going to jump off the cliff and fly, and you believe it from your heart, in that internal guidance system, says yes, and everybody else says no. And you smile, and you jump and you succeed. See that's you being the creator, being creating, versus the mom, dad, teacher, minister, who say, Oh, the rules. Follow the rules. This is how we do it. Money defines your life. You go to college defines your life. Marry the trophy Husband. Wife, the two kids, the white picket fence. That's what is success. And yet the little kid is saying, No, I want to play the guitar. I want to draw pictures. No, this is how the world works. So that's where we are as a world, playing this game of third dimension that is now coming to a completion. It's coming to an end. We are in a massive transition, and in the transition, you have permission to allow yourself to let go of I'm not okay by somebody else's definition.
Jannecke Øinæs 29:52
Would you say that is also because we're noticing, on a global scale, all this contrast is happening, child? Just chaos, because that is our shadows that are coming forward collectively, like we also have to look at our shadows individually,
Jim Self 30:10
yes, absolutely everything coming to the surface, because you cannot take your baggage with on this journey. Now it's an interesting space where we're playing as a society is, there's, there's a part of your brain called the amygdala. And the amygdala does really kind of many things, but two things in particular, it has two points of view. One is security, stability, family, grab all the people that are like me, and group them all together. And the other one is possibility, opportunity, move forward. Love your neighbor, enjoy the people. Let's create something that is wonderful, really, in simple terms, it does those two things. And right now we're in a massive transition. We're in the second of four transitions. We'll talk about that in a moment, if you like. But in this second transition, everything is unraveling, and those that are playing in that side of the amygdala that says panic, worry, fear, something's wrong, I better gather up the tribe, authoritative leadership. You're watching it in spades begin to appear all over the country, all over the world. At the same time, the mass population is waking up, and they're basically saying, This isn't okay. You know, putting people in in camps, and putting people behind fences, putting people in situations of distress, conditioning people is not okay. And people are waking up saying, I want my freedom. And so you're watching this freedom movement all over the planet going on, because this is the time of transitioning from this third dimension into the fifth dimension. And so it's all happening. Those that are panicking need their stability. Are are in power right now. They're willing to be abusive. They're willing to step on others. Are willing to take advantage. They're terrified of what's happening behind the scenes, and each one of them, all of their baggage is coming to the surface, and they don't know how to deal with it. And so we're in this very clumsy space, moving to something quite extraordinary. But be really clear, it's going to be very clumsy and challenging for the next few years. And we can talk about that when I say the next few years, I'm going to say three. I'm not going to say decades and years, and into this fifth dimensional space. You've got three years that are unfolding that by the time, I'll let him say 2030 by the time you get to be in 2030 this conversation will be preposterous, and it'll be old. It will simply be you won't remember this, everything that's going on. Now I'm saying this very positively is going to be dramatically different. By the time you get to 2030 you're gonna look back at this and go, Wow, the trains is tremendous.
Jannecke Øinæs 33:22
How will we feel this difference? And I know you also said next five to 10 years, we will all be turned on, and I understand it from one perspective, but I'd love to hear how you see we will actually change. Like, what is this change about?
Jim Self 33:39
Well, this change is basically moving to a state of well being. So this fourth dimensional space is really important, but let's go the fifth which is simply one word, well being, and the fifth dimension, there is no fear, there is no doubt, there is no words like trusts don't exist because there's nothing to distrust. Safety is not even a word because there's nothing unsafe. Now this is where the challenge comes in. I said earlier, this third dimension is form. You know, we have form in this third dimension, the trees, the house, the chair. All of that is form. That is not a dimension. The form the chair you're sitting in this engagement we're having right here is see, you're the creator being, and everything about your creation is the backdrop, the props, the staging, the other actors and actresses, the sub actors and actresses that you pull into your Play to have this moments of experience. That's what you're about, being a creator, being now what's unfolding is in the fifth dimensional space. You can't take your baggage with you and so. So it's a it's, you know, the fifth dimension. It's the great dinner party, it's the laughter, it's the engaging with somebody that you haven't seen saying, Whoa, it's so nice to see you. It's that present time moment of passion, joy, excitement, buoyancy, laughter, joy, ease. That's the fifth dimension. That's the game board of the fifth dimension. And when you're in that state of being, you simply hold out your hand, and the apple begins to appear over and over, because you don't have doubt. You don't challenge yourself. I'm not okay. Does not exist in the fifth dimension. You cannot hold on to I'm not okay. It's impossible. Now, what happens is, this is where I think there's a misunderstanding, where I listen to a lot of people talk, they have an assumption that, well, we're all going into the fifth dimension, and it's going to be wonderful, yes, but you can't take your baggage with you now, is it difficult to get rid of your baggage? Actually? No, that belief that I'm not okay is usually somebody else's statement saying you're not okay. And what we did is we stepped back, gave up our seniority, and said, Okay, I must not be okay. That's baggage. It is impossible to be not okay. And so when you start to begin to recognize, and this is where playing and Mastering Alchemy has so been so wonderful is the ability to simply dissolve that whole thought and that whole memory, see, the memory isn't even important to you. Me, stealing the candy bar at five years old has no value to me. And so if you have the ability to understand how to shift that out of your reality, it's gone. Let me be really clear when I say gone, I mean gone. It has it's gone. You don't even have the memory to reflect back on the event, because you're the creator every step of the way, creating events to begin to play your game out. But there's a lot of events on your game board that have nothing to do with you, their baggage and their clutter. So clearing that off is something that's very doable. This fifth dimensional space that we're stepping into is all about ease and movement and freedom. If you think about your greatest dinner party, your greatest time, your greatest enjoyment, your greatest vacation. Were you thinking about how bad you were in your past? What's wrong with your current circumstances that you're living in when you go out of vacation? No. And do you have a good time when you're holding your attention on well being Yes. And so you everybody can hear that, but there's, but you don't understand my circumstance is the next set of words that come out of that person's mouth. Yes, I do. Would you like to step out of your circumstance? See, this is where this transition is being really exciting. Is because you don't have to be responsible for all of your baggage. Now hear that, as you don't have to be, you want to be a player in getting rid of your baggage. But as this is moving on, it's like the day is beginning to dawn, and you may be looking out into the woods in your backyard, and you it's dark and still four o'clock in the morning type of thing, and you see only what you see. But as the sun begins to come up in the next seconds, there is more of the shadows that disappear, there begins to be more light coming into the circumstances. That's what's happening in everybody's reality, and it's a whole lot more fun when I can recognize, I can look into the into what I've been looking at in the shadows or eliminating, and I don't have to put my attention on but what's wrong with me? What if it continues happen? What if they don't like me in the future? See, all you're doing is holding your attention on an unconscious shadow in your reality. But when you step into kind of this fifth dimension, this next octave of choice, it's like stepping into a great theater where there's wonderful restaurants and people are laughing and the music is delightful, and the garlic smells great from the Italian restaurant. And it's like, Yes, this is really exciting. Do you remember the stealing the candy bar at that moment? See, this is where we're going. In fact, that candy bar, in all of the I'm not okay, is simply in the shadows, being dissolved by the light coming into the space. But you do want to pay. Attention somewhat. So you do, to some extent, want to pay attention to the joy of going forward without holding on to the baggage. Now, this is where, right now the world is in this transition. It's letting go all of the baggage. And so you're watching different characters all over the world, in in one in the United States, you're watching this whole authoritative structure coming to the service, this whole domination over and it plays out into everybody's life. It's just not sitting at the top of the leadership. It's in every This is personal. It's all about you. Where do I hold others lesser? Where do I hold racism, sexism, misogyny, all of those isms in my space, because the reality is, who's uncomfortable them or you. So I'm angry at you and you don't even know I'm angry at you because you did something, and I'm angry who's got the baggage in their backpack, me or you. And so this space of looking at them when they change, then I will be okay, is a fallacy in the moment, you can begin to recognize they are not your problem. It's the feeling I'm running through my body. You see something's very interesting. The vibration of fear and excitement are identical. It is exactly the same vibration. One steps forward into joy and passion and opportunity and possibility, and the other steps back into doubt uncertainty. I don't know. I'm not sure I can do this. The vibration is exactly the same vibration, one stepping into joy, one stepping into doubt and uncertainty, and here comes that fourth dimensional word. How do you choose? How do you choose? Because right here, do I step back or do I step forward? Welcome to the transition that is taking place right now.
Jannecke Øinæs 42:25
Oh, very interesting. This was, in a way, shared and explained in another way that I've heard it before. And I don't know if it's important, important with the details, in a way, but it made sense to me when you say said that these are layered upon each other. And when it comes to third dimension, I don't know if you mean that we don't have a choice in the sense of that we're jumping back between dimensions fourth and fifth, that I make my choices in the fourth dimension, but in the third it's my conditioning that is reacting. I wish I can definitely feel in myself. But am I also jumping into fifth dimension? Or don't I have any access there? Because I have a lot of shadows and baggage that I'm not done with or have let go
Jim Self 43:20
of, sure, but you have a lot of joy and you have a lot of passion also. So let's, let's look at it this way. Let's decide we're, we're looking at it as a house, and there's three rooms in the house, and simply, you move back and forth between those three rooms all day long. And that's the way these dimensions are layered. Also, everything is in layers. And so you you basically the question is, what do you give your attention to and see when this fifth dimension you begin to recognize when I have an intention, and I can place my attention on my intention, and I can be excited about that intention, and excited about my vacation, and it's going to be really wonderful and and I have a way of getting a good advantage on my hotel. And what this is really good. You're in that excitement, possibility, opportunity, moving forward, and the density of the thought I'm not okay. It doesn't work. I don't have permission. That's dense. Let's put it this way. And let's put you know what joy, excitement, happy, laugh fall on your butt, enjoy this moment feels like. And you know what anger, rage, resentment feels like? And you should put each of those in one hand, which feels better, which feels better? And the answer to the experience is, if the joy and excitement and passion feels better, you ever notice that it just kind of seems to work, or very less effort in the way of it, but you get over into resentment? Combination power over control judgment in that concept that density gets very thick and so very similar, it's like trying to push your way through very freezing, cold, icy water or into the atmosphere, and the water vapor and the apple appears in your hand.
Jannecke Øinæs 45:22
But why do you think that we don't have leaders who seem to be fifth dimensional beings like it doesn't seem like they have followed their heart and their joy. It feels like it's coming from another, uh place for some leaders in the world that is coming from, you know, a desire for power,
Jim Self 45:45
sure, because that's all the choices on the game board. And so when and we have that amygdala, and that amygdala says power over push, you know, make your way, be the leader. But also there's a whole aspect of where some people they make there's lots of leaders, and then in that leadership role, do I be abusive and take power? Do I step on you, or do I basically figure out to create cooperation and working together? That's a choice. See, you're here playing a game, and the game is really 100% about you. Everything else is backdrops and staging. And so do you listen to the rational mind that says, Oh, this is what I should do, which basically makes up all kinds of structures for you, or you have conditioned it. Or do you listen to the heart? And when you listen to the heart, everything is one in one is three. How do you take all your challenges and look at them and figure out how to take them to a higher road? How to take them to cooperation, co creation? How do you take them to helping that other person be the magnificence that they are. See that's both choices are there for you all the time, and some play the game out in one way, and some play the game out in another way. But it's always about your game, and so you're watching all of the movies on the screen being played out. And every single movie that you're watching has value added. The value may be, I don't want to do that, and now I'm seeing how they're doing that, so I choose not to do that. Put it into my repertoire to recognize what kind of result I get if I play this game this way, seeing marvelous things happen, it's like, wow, I want that. And so I begin to shape myself based on what's in front of me on my movie screen. And see you're a creator being so when you step out of the moment to moment is what that leader doing, good or bad that's in the moment, and you step back and you basically say, How do I wish to have this create unfold, this creation unfold? Then it begins to be a little different when you start to play in this fifth dimensional space, and that's where so many of you are actually wonderfully stumbling into and I say that with great excitement and respect, you are stumbling your way into it because of your clarity of this is not right, and this is where this world has to go, and this passion arises. That's that moment and that movement in that moment. But right here, we're at that point where you have a choice of starting to define yourself differently. Now if you were, if I let me ask a simple question, I'm asking your whole audience, do you know what certainty feels like? Or do you know, have you ever been certain? And people will go, oh, sure, I've been certain. Okay, now take a breath. And would you feel certain? Would you feel the feeling of certainty? What happened all of a sudden, I have a sense of sitting back, kind of raising up. I got stronger. Something moved in my space. Does that make any sense? It's like, it's like, you move closer to a yes, you move closer to a smile. So what if you could basically become conscious of the feeling of a certain capable seniority, happy? Would you be a different person in this moment if you aligned yourself with all the feelings of those words?
Jannecke Øinæs 49:55
If I just may jump in, I was just thinking about something that I hear again and again. In my webinars and from our members and course participants and people on YouTube, and I've noticed myself. Yes, I know what I want, but I don't know the how, like people constantly look for the how. How do I love myself? How do I find my purpose? How do I do that? What steps do I take? How? How? How? I know what, but I don't know how. And then we could limit ourselves getting stuck with but I don't know how, and then we end up maybe not doing anything or daring to take the step, because we just don't know the how, especially in following our dreams and our passions. But how can I do that? I don't have the right education, you know, stuff like that.
Jim Self 50:45
Yeah. Well, welcome to Mastering Alchemy. I mean, I'm being really simple. Is this isn't a play. I'm not here to sell Mastering Alchemy, but basically answering your house, if you could change your focus from I'm not okay to I'm okay. Would that make a difference? If that one step I know what I'm not okay feels like, and I do know what I'm okay feels like. If you could basically recognize what gets me into this place? So let's put it in a perspective here. Thoughts are electrical, emotions are magnetic. That is probably the single most important thing I can say on this whole interview with you. And it makes no sense. It's just like, Yeah, okay, well, whatever. But what it really says is, is, when you begin to have a sense of thoughts, you immediately draw emotion to them. In third dimension, you see something. You say, this makes me angry, but all you did was you created a thought and you attached an emotion to it, and then you experienced it. And you generally do that very unconsciously, because you've created a whole backpack full of baggage that says I'm not okay, I'm not okay, I'm not okay, I'm not okay. And so the not okay begins to drive it. And let me just step back one step again, law of attraction. Oh, everybody knows the law of attraction. No, they don't. Because if you understood the law of attraction and is ridiculously simpleness, and you applied it to who you are, your life would be spectacular. So I mean, what does it say? Law of Attraction? What you put your attention on? I The universe who absolutely adores you will provide you with what you are asking for, period 100% law of attraction. Except the universe doesn't understand English, French and Norwegian very well. What the universe understands is vibrations. So I asked earlier, happy, joy, fun, laughter, anger, rage, resentment, which feels better. So what happens is, all those years of being told I'm stupid, I don't count, you're never going to amount to anything. Nobody likes you. First of all, what happens is, you can't hold on to that consciously very long because you don't feel good, so you push it over to the side and but it didn't really go away. So the mechanics are, I'm going to make a deal with it. If you this bad thing, kind of don't come back and bite me in the butt again. I'll put you back here out of the way, and if you I'll never go over there again where that bad feeling was created. And so it goes away. But did it go away? Am I still guilty about stealing the candy bar at five years old? Average person? Yes, I'm carrying it in my backpack. And how many other things do I put in my backpack? I'm not okay. I'm not okay. They don't like me. And so now I've got a very full backpack. And what does the universe say? I will give you exactly what you put your attention on. And so you say, get up in the morning. I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. And then you step out the door and you go, Oh, this is going to be a bad day. They're not going to like me today. I hope I don't make a mistake today. What is the vibration you're holding on to, unconsciously, repetitively over and over, and then, why are you amazed that you didn't get the job, the opportunity failed, you didn't accomplish what you wanted because it's all sitting in your backpack that you give more seniority to not okay, then this is going to be kicking the ass state. I'm going to have a great day. How often do you where do you hold your attention? Walking around in your day? Welcome to the third. Dimension and how the third dimension game board plays, and so that law of attraction is flawless. So what if you could begin to recognize that if I put more attention on certain seniority capable I like me, and I bring it into present time, rather than letting my past in my backpack dictate my direction in the next present time moment. What if you could be that conscious and start to structure yourself differently? Is that hard? No, actually, but it requires the attention and the recognition and so see, now you ask the question, well, how do you do it? Well, first, understand what it is you want to do and what gets in the way of it, and it's what's sitting in this backpack that is somebody else's. You're not okay. You don't deserve you're not good enough. See, you never have thought that thought you have never, ever originated that thought somebody else said, That's stupid. Why did you do that? That's not okay. You're not allowed to do that. I don't give you permission. And we go, okay, and we give up our seniority. Now take another breath, because all that backpack See, one of the fun things in my reality is I talk about this, you're doing it. This is going on right now. We're all that stuff you're raising in your mind right now. I'm talking to the audience. You're sitting there going a flashing thought came up that said, Oh yeah, I stole that candy bar too. Oh yeah, they didn't like me in fourth grade. Oh, that bad thing I said to my ex boyfriend, that should I my fault? See, right now we're talking, I'm just simply lighting up your pictures. They're all coming up, but I also know from where I play, they're all going away, or the ones you're being conscious of in two three minutes. If I said to you, do you remember when you did such and such, you're going to say, I don't know what you're talking about, but if I asked you that question five minutes ago, you would say, oh, yeah, I was really I didn't do it. Well, talk to everybody. Take a breath, because right now you're in my universe. Construct where I get to play is welcoming to well being. Welcome to well being. You cannot do this wrong. You cannot be not okay. It's impossible when you allow yourself to be you,
Jannecke Øinæs 57:47
when you said that in the next five to 10 years, we will all be turned on, do you imply that we will receive the help, that it will sort of happen for us because all of this energy coming into the planet. Right now, we're receiving help from other beings, etc. So will this also just happen naturally, instead of us individually making conscious choice of moving into well being and letting go of the past?
Jim Self 58:17
Yes and no. So in three to five years, 10 years, will you be functioning from a different place than you are functioning right now? And the answer is absolutely yes. And keep it simple, yeah, I know we're 10 years later, so I'm different. No, the you here will not be the you there, so, but you're the creator being and see. So some people will be passionate about, how do I really get into this state of well being? And other people will be simply go along for the ride and wind up in a better place. So both the answers are going to happen, but the direction here to the audience that's paying attention is you're not here by accident. You're an infinite being that has no beginning, no end. You're one with creator, and you're here to play a certain game, to have an set of experiences to create. So some will basically be more of a spectator and have gone to the show, and at the end of the day, we'll be in a better place, because that was a lovely movie, and I really that turned me on. And they'll be in a better place. There'll be other people who will watch the movie and basically go, I can do that. I can make this happen. I can create this. I can do more for others, and for me, see, the game is really it's an interesting game. It's 100% about you, 100% about you, and 100% service to others. And those are not a con. Addiction, because you look around at the grocery store and there's somebody walking out with bags in their arms and clumsy, and you reach back and open the door and they say, thank you, and you go, my pleasure. 100% same time occurring. That's the game. How can I be 100% in service to and 100% enjoy for. And it's not complicated when you begin to understand how the game boards are structured. Fourth Dimension is a thought realm. How do you choose anger, rage, resentment, stepping back doubt, uncertainty or stepping forward into joy possibility and creation and excitement. Or do you simply watch both are perfectly okay. You cannot do this wrong. But would you like to be the lead actor and creator in your play rather than watching the movie,
Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:04
this was highly interesting, Jim and I think, very inspiring and certainly empowering, again, sort of underlying everything. I believe that we have such a great power inside and we that I can my choice in the moment. What I focus on is something to really pay attention to. It's it's so easy to go on the autopilot and not notice how much we're creating from the conditioning, and the more we train ourselves to Oh, okay, I can choose. I can I can shift my inner state. I can actually do it, but I haven't done it all my life, so it's unlearning, and it's learning a new practice. But I do have the power, and it's and daring to trust this, because I can notice my default mind is a bit like but what if it's not true? You know that it's something that wants to say that, what if this is too good to be true, what if we're not in a shift of consciousness? You just want to believe it. But when I do go into but this is real, I mean, this is happening, it's like my my heart opens, and it just makes so much sense.
Jim Self 1:02:16
Yeah, yeah. Think about it. From the standpoint of you've gone to a movie. I mean, physically, you've gone to a movie and you've been in the movie. I mean, you're in the movie. You know, you have no recollection that you're sitting in a chair in a theater watching the movie, you're in the movie, and then all of a sudden, it's like, take a big breath, and it's like, no, I'm sitting in a chair watching the movie. That's the circumstance that we're in. And one of the things that now you can begin to realize is I don't like this movie, you know? I mean, it's scary. It's a horror movie. I didn't really plan on coming to this movie. I didn't think it was going to be this right now, when you realize I'm sitting in the chair, you right now, have the ability to get up and walk out of the movie. You can stand up and walk out of that theater. That's exactly what's going on right here. You're not locked into this case. I'm not talking about dying and leaving the body. I'm talking about moving from fear into joy, basically recognizing, oh, I stepped into the wrong theater. I was really meant to be over there. Now that's a funny statement, too, because how many times have you heard people say, I don't, I'm not. I don't even know why I'm on this planet. My life doesn't fit. I don't fit in with this. You're correct. You're in the wrong movie. Well, actually, you're in the right movie to recognize you're in the wrong movie. And now, as that light begins to shine into everybody, an interesting thing happens. The shadows are beginning to dissolve, and you're starting to see the same movie in a way that has other possibilities and others choices that were not clear to you prior to that moment. That's what this transition is for most everybody, as those shadows begin to disappear, I have choice. There's that word, I have choice, and I can choose differently. And in some of these movies, I can literally stand up and walk out what's coming on the other side of this is spectacular because it simply begins to manifest much quicker. Now, in a way, the reason that so much of your backpack is being dissolved without you even knowing it is. It has no value. That example I keep giving, stealing the candy bar has no value in somebody's backpack. And that shadow is starting to just disappear as this light is coming in. So the real key is here, is this? Story is all about you. It's not about the pain in the world. It's not about the domination in the world. It's about you are the creator being. And if you hold your attention on this is terrible, and I hate those people and they're doing these bad things, you are the creator of the extension of the game. But right here, if you can begin to recognize I'm just sitting here in my chair and I'm going to have a pleasant moment, the radiation of the heart from this space begins to be significant in terms of impacting other things. If that makes any sense, oh,
Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:39
it makes a lot of sense. Just what I mentioned. I just remembered when I woke up this morning, I was in shock, and I looked at my boyfriend and I was like, I have never been so far away, ever. I was so far away. I don't know where I've been, but I've been far, far away. And it was a shock to wake up to this reality, so definitely playing into what we spoke about today, like this is a movie, like, I just woke up to this movie, like I'm Jane, oh my goodness, I've just been to another movie.
Jim Self 1:06:17
Yes, yes, yeah.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:20
Well, Jim, this was highly interesting, and there are a couple of questions I ask all my guests. And the first one is, what is self love to you?
Jim Self 1:06:29
So is a space where I can smile, a space where I can admire, a space where I can be fluid and in mobile and very flexible. It was place where I can say hello and a smile is generated from the other side of that Hello. It's a place where you begin to recognize well being abounds far more so than my attention point on I'm not okay,
Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:02
beautiful. And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,
Jim Self 1:07:07
the ability to create as the creator being creates, and see, there's there's only oneness here. It's like uses example, there's only one Creator, there is no next. There's just one. And in that creator, it's almost like there's the crater. Is this gigantic lake of inertia on one side of the coin, and it sits all thoughts ever thought sit in this lake to be chosen from. And you creator says, I wish to have an experience, and you're the experience. And so you evolve, you evolve from creator. And then you go along and you begin to the job is to create. And so you have that lake to pull from, and I wish this, and I wish that, and you start to assemble from creation, creation, and it The purpose is to add to and your purpose is to reflect back to the Creator, what the Creator is
Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:23
highly interesting. How can people connect with you, Jim, if they want to and work with you?
Jim Self 1:08:29
Sure, so I'm going to give you two places is really the how to I mean, what we've done for years is, how do I how do I choose this feeling of certain it's not complicated, but it's the answer to the How to it's the tools, the strategies, the energetics, the ability to shift from one feeling to another feeling choose a different outcome for yourselves. So but there's another piece right now. We put together something called Project park bench. And if you remember at the beginning of this, I said the task was to open a door for all of those in third dimension to step out of the game. And that doesn't unclose just this planet. There are beings in this third dimensional construct, in universes that are asking to step out. And so we put together this project, park and it's a gathering twice a month where we simply talk about, how do you build this new realm of this fifth dimension? How do you create a new octave of joy and passion and excitement and begin to hold your attention on it, so that light is so bright, every one in third dimension begins to have a conscious choice where they've had no choice in the past three, four or 5000 people at a time are playing in this game. Welcome, free. Come and play. Become that construct to choose to be the actor in your play. So you're welcome.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:10:08
Thank you so much for coming to the show today. I really enjoyed it, and thank you for doing your beautiful work, inspiring and transforming lives.
Jim Self 1:10:18
Absolutely my pleasure. And please keep doing what you're doing, because it is really, really important.
Jannecke Øinæs 1:10:24
Thank you.
Jim Self 1:10:26
My pleasure. Blessings.
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