Jerry Sargeant, known as “The Facilitator,” has an extraordinary story of transformation—from a life of crime and addiction to becoming a globally celebrated frequency healer. His method, Star Magic, taps into sacred geometry, universal mathematics, and extraterrestrial wisdom to unlock our superhuman potential. In this episode, we explore the key highlights of Jerry’s journey and his mission to help humanity embrace its potential.

From Darkness to Awakening

Jerry’s transformational journey began after a near-fatal car crash in Romania. In this life-altering moment, he witnessed the separation of body and soul, awakening him to the profound realities of life and death. Following this, Jerry had numerous mystical experiences, including extraterrestrial encounters and downloads of advanced geometric codes. These experiences became the foundation of Star Magic, his unique healing modality.

Star Magic: Healing with Sacred Geometry

At the core of Star Magic lies sacred geometry and light codes received from advanced civilizations. Jerry explains how these codes can recalibrate the body’s frequency, awaken dormant abilities, and align individuals with their highest potential. According to Jerry, every human has the ability to tap into these energies to heal themselves and others.

Extraterrestrial Guidance

A pivotal moment in Jerry’s journey was his encounter with his Lyran star family on Alpha Centauri. During this experience, he received profound downloads of healing codes and insights into their advanced civilization. Jerry describes these beings as deeply loving, wise, and instrumental in helping humanity evolve.

Why Humanity’s Potential Matters

Jerry believes humanity is on the brink of a major shift but faces challenges that require unity and balance. He emphasizes the need to harmonize masculine and feminine energies, heal internal wounds, and break free from limiting systems. His message is clear: unlocking our superhuman potential isn’t just a personal journey—it’s key to the collective evolution of humanity.

How to Begin Unlocking Your Superhuman Potential

Jerry advises starting with simple but powerful steps:

  • Live a balanced lifestyle—exercise, eat clean, meditate, and practice self-care.
  • Embrace both light and shadow aspects of yourself to achieve inner harmony.
  • Explore modalities like Star Magic to activate dormant abilities and align with your highest purpose.

Jerry Sargeant’s journey from darkness to light is a testament to the transformative power within us all. By embracing advanced spiritual technologies and balancing our internal energies, we can unlock our superhuman potential and contribute to a brighter future for humanity

Transcript of the interview

Jerry Sargeant 0:00

I got arrested, and I was looking at a long prison sentence, and I kind of made a pact with the universe before I went to court, I said; Listen, if you get me off this, I promise you I'm going to do this healing stuff. And when I went into court, I was looking at 10 years in prison, and the judge walked into the courtroom with his two accomplices, and the one lady, she had wings on her back, and I could see them, and she looked at me and winked, and I was like no! Had loads of experiences where things started to happen with healing. I moved to New Zealand, got taken into spacecraft to another planet to meet my Lyran family. Had a big download of extraterrestrial light codes, which then a couple of years later, became star magic. And then..

Jannecke Øinæs 0:48

Jerry Sargeant, a warm welcome to the show.

Jerry Sargeant 0:53

Thank you for having me. Jannecke, it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:57

It's wonderful connecting with you, and especially when we both show up in our red shirts, and I never wear wear red. So that is so funny

Jerry Sargeant 1:09

as well. I woke up this morning and I had this in my suitcase because I'm traveling, and I very rarely put the red one on anymore, but for some reason this morning, it was like, you gotta put the red one up. So yeah, we're here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:20

That is funny. Now I know you've had an incredible transformational story. You are called the facilitator today, and you are a frequency healer. You help people all over the world with your amazing healing abilities, celebrated healing abilities that is actually based on sacred geometry, mathematics of the universe, and alien technology, which has given you amazing results. And I'm beyond excited to learn more about that. Today. You're also an author of several books, especially the activate your superhuman potential, so I'm curious to learn about our super human potential today, but I know there has been a journey there, because you have actually been a drug addict and had something happen, like an awakening, and today you are this healer, this amazing spiritual teacher and healer, could you take us all the way back and share your transformational story? What happened?

Jerry Sargeant 2:28

Yes, so as a kid, I was a drug addict, alcoholic, and the rave scene with like, parties, ecstasy, all of that sort of stuff in the UK was like, it was massive. So I was just traveling all over the place, dancing all night, popping pills, and, you know, and I did that from sort of 14 years old, and it kind of took me into a bit of a life of crime, drug smuggling, guns, bank fraud, all different things. And I did that for a number of years. And to be honest with you, I loved it at the time, because I was young, and I was earning lots of money, and I didn't care, and it was feeding my ego with all of this material stuff. And then I had some experiences which just completely took me 180 degrees. So the first thing that kind of happened was a car crash. I was with my ex wife and children, traveling to Bucharest airport in Romania from Transylvania, and I was asleep in a cab, and Laura and the children were in the back, and I hear this loud crash, and I wake up and the cars swaying from side to side. There's glass and there's wind, and I thought to myself, we're in a bad accident. We're either going to hit the oncoming traffic or the car. Traffic or the car will flip. And then suddenly we came to a stop, and there was no other cars on the road. And I looked at the taxi driver, and he looked petrified. And I thought, This is really weird. It's like, what's happened? There was a hole in the windscreen and there was blood dripping down my face, but I wasn't bleeding like it was someone else's blood. So anyway, I get out of the car, I look about 30 meters up the road, and there's two ladies lying on the side of the road. About another 100, 150 meters at the road, there's what looks like a dead body. And what would happen is these three ladies were crossing the road. The first one came through the windscreen, hit me in the face whilst I was asleep, got flipped over the car and died. The second one had both of her ankles cut clean off, and the third one was physically okay. So I checked on Laura and the kids. Alaya alai, her daughter, she was underneath the driver's seat. There's no seat belts in the taxi. Laura and Josh, actually, they're both. Their mouths are full of glass. It was a crazy situation. Anyway, I walked past the two ladies, the one with her ankles car, they're both screaming. There was a guy that had come out from a nearby factory, and he was on the phone, and thought, you must have called the emergency services. What can I do? I was kind of just fixated on this, this lump in the road, and I got closer and closer. Realized it was a body, and I see this energy above the body, which was the lady's soul. But I'd never seen anything like this. Up into my life. I was completely shut down to this stuff. I thought it was nuts for crazy people, you know. And I get about 10 meters, I get closer and closer, and this soul like slowly fizzles off into the ether. And by this time, I'm looking down over the lady's body. Her legs are wrapped up over her head, and I remember looking up to the heavens and saying, Thank you like and I don't smoke cigarettes and I don't drink whiskey, but I felt like I wanted the whiskey in a cigarette. It was really bizarre. It was like some whatever was inside this, this body. It was like some someone taking an old car to the scrap heap, like this. This energy had no use for the body anymore. So it had just gone. There was no love lost. It was just gone on its gone on its merry way. And I saw this kind of separation, like there's something else in the body. It was like the university. And was so much more than these physical vessels. This is what woke me up. And then I had loads of experiences where things started happening with healing. I moved to New Zealand, got taken into spacecraft to another planet to meet my Lyran family, had a big download of extraterrestrial light codes, which then a couple of years later, became star magic. Spent time in ancient mystery schools underneath the pyramids, in meditation remembering how to use these codes. I used to go every morning for two hours with my son Josh for nine months. And there were these beings in there getting out scrolls and showing me codes that I downloaded on Alpha Centauri with my Lyran family. And I went through this whole process, you know, for a number of years. And, yes, started star magic in 2016 I moved from New Zealand back to England, and I was actually I got arrested, and I was looking at a long prison sentence for conspiracy to defraud the Bank of Scotland and holding a false travel document. And I kind of made a pact with the universe before I went to court, I said, Listen, if you get me off this, I promise you I'm going to do this healing stuff. And when I went into court, I was looking at 10 years in prison, and the judge walked into the courtroom with his two accomplices, and the one lady, she had wings on her back, and I could see them, and she looked at me and winked. And I was like, No way I'm going to get off but my logical mind was still like, there's no way you're going to get off this. But I could feel it in me, and the prosecution gave their side of the story, and then the my sister gave our side of the story. They went out and deliberated, came back in, like 40 minutes later, and they she looked at me and winked again, and she just said, you know, we can see you're a changed man. We're going to give you a one year conditional discharge and an 80 pound court fee. You're free to go. So at that time, I knew I had to do star magic. And this was like 2015 and 15, and we started star magic in 2016 and just not look back since, really, yeah. I mean, I always say to everybody, like, like, look at what I've been through. And if I can change, you can change. There's no excuses. And it comes to our training, is able to do what I do. So we've, we've trained 1000s of people in more than 70 countries, from like eight year olds children to 98 year old like men and women. And there's not one person that comes in that can't do it like it's this. This is in every single human being. And we just break it down and take people through a process that enables them to come out the other side, fully enabled, fully equipped, their skill sets there, and they can go out, tap into the multi dimensional fields and start accessing the right information to get their results with their clients and create transformation. But it's just about, you know, encouraging them just to give it a go. You know, what have you got to lose? Just throw caution to the wind and just just lean into the process. And when people hear my story, they're like, Well, what have I got to lose if this guy can do what he was doing and change like, I never really accept excuses from people, like, I can't go through what I've been through in my life, and then you turn around to me and tell me that you had a hard life, and you know your parents did this to you, or you grow up in this particular way, it doesn't wash with me, so I will just, I'll just call them out on it and say, Listen, you know, this is bullshit. You know, you've really got to give this a go, okay? And I'll support you every single step of the way. But just, just go for it. You know, you're not happy with your life right now. Why don't you take the plunge, you know, and just however you need to kind of speak to them on their level. And that's what is I find really easy. I mean, I can go into a lawyer's office dressed in a suit and communicate with them on their level. I can go down to the streets in my vest and my and my hoodie and my shorts and speak to anybody on the street, on their level, because I've had so many experiences in life. So it's just about meeting people where they're at and then taking them through the process, through the journey. Yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 9:51

you know, it makes really sense the way the universe is doing this, or spirit, because it's much more believable when you have been. And through what you have, and how that transformation, like, if you had just a wonderful life and wanted to help others, like, it would be like, Okay, how can you help me? So I feel like there's a deeper meaning with you having, you know, this drug addiction and having that transformation. It makes a lot of sense. It makes it more credible, so I can see that, yeah,

Jerry Sargeant 10:22

I mean, like everything has happened in my life, like I'm really happy that it happened. Like, if it wasn't for all of my past experiences, I wouldn't be as equipped to support the people that are going through their own journeys and processes now,

Jannecke Øinæs 10:37

now I would love to dive more into this healing technique and where it came from, and especially the extraterrestrial contact you you had. I know my audience is very curious about it. I am myself, for some reason, I don't know. So you said that you were taking on a ship. Could you take us through that experience?

Jerry Sargeant 11:00

Yeah, so this was, like 2009 I was we moved to New Zealand, and we set up a health and fitness center, a mixed martial arts gym, a strength and conditioning camp, and we were training athletes as well as kind of people that just wanted to lose body fat and weight and that sort of stuff. And a guy who he managed the local rugby team. He used to come in and talk to me, and he was into this spiritual work, and he had a pyramid in his garden, like a copper pyramid, and he was saying to me, Jerry, you've really got to start meditating. I didn't. I'd never really meditated up until this time. So anyway, I used to go around his house every day and sit in this pyramid. And he taught me to meditate with my eyes open. And I had so many amazing experiences in here, but the one that we're talking about now, I was there meditating one afternoon, and this little space pod comes and lands by the pyramid. It's only where I can describe it, and there was a blue being inside of it. And I brought my light out of my body, which I'd been trained to do. Like part of my story is like, when I started, I had this kind of car crash. I also met, like, my first spiritual teacher, and she worked for Scotland Yard in the psychic division. So she helped solve crimes with the psychic abilities, and she had a past life regression business. And so I used to go and see her, like, two, three times a week for several years, and she taught me how to remote view, how to bring my light out of my body and travel. She kind of like fast tracked me, so when this spaceship landed in the garden, I knew how to bring my light out of my body. And I went and got inside the spacecraft. And this blue being his name was Derek white, or his name is Derek white because he's with me all the time, and He guides me all the time, and everything that he tells me to do, I just kind of follow like a robot, and everything's just working, but I'm in this craft. There's no buttons. It's just kind of like this crystalline, kind of dashboard, which is like a crystal, and you can see that he's he's operating it with his consciousness. And somehow what he did is he took my consciousness and he put it on the other side of the portal that we went through, so I knew where we were going to before we went there. And then somehow the rest of me and the ship and him caught up in like four or five seconds, we kind of went through this portal, came out the other side, and we were above water, and there was a beach, so I get out of the craft, go up the beach, and there was about 200 of these blue beings, and they were like six and a half seven feet seven and a half feet tall, much bigger than me. They had no clothes on. They were androgynous. I knew that they were lions. I knew that I was on Alpha Centauri, and I'd never heard of lions and alpha centauri, and I started getting this information on, like their pregnancy cycle and the food that they're eating, it just this information was coming. So I was there in the middle of this beach, and they all came around to me and hugged me. And I felt this, like the love was, like a level of love that was just It blew me to pieces, like I didn't want it to end, like I just stayed there on that beach forever, and I felt like I was home. Like it really felt this is where I belong. And so they hugged me for a little while, and then they let go of the hug, and they kind of made this kind of like walkway, and one of them took me up the beach and through this jungle, and we went to this kind of like pyramid that was made of light, and inside there was this really ancient blue being it reminded me of like, imagine you went to an eight a Native American reservation, and you met like an ancient chief, like an elder. It was like some kind of Chief from this Lyran civilization, like he didn't look really old, but you could tell he was wise and ancient, and he asked me to kneel down on the floor. And then all of this orange light started pouring down from my crown, and in the orange light was this code. And it was this spiralistic code that was moving and changing, but kept its kind of baseline formation, but always changed at the same time. So I had this big download of geometry, and it was, it's this geometry that became star magic. So had the. The the downloads, and then it stopped. And I don't know how long it lasted for. It could have been like a minute. It could have been an hour time just was just weird. And then two of these blue beings came and picked me up underneath my arms, and frog marched me back to the space pot. They put me back inside. We went back through the portal, back into the garden. I got out and went and sat back inside my body. And that was the first time that I met these Lyrans. And then we nothing really happened in my life. Then for about two years, and I was waking up every day and thinking, what's next? What's next? Like I was like a dog with a bone. I wanted to find out what the next piece of the puzzle was, but nothing happened. And then one day, I woke up and thought, we have to go back to England. And Laura and the children were like, Nah, we're not going like, we've just set up this amazing business. The children are happy at school. Like, we love it here. I was like, we've got to go back. I don't know why, but we've got to go back. And anyway, after me like persuading them for a couple of weeks, we put all of our stuff in storage, put a manager in charge of the gym, and we flew back to England. And then I started seeing angels, fairies. I was told to write a book called into the light. I wrote the book, and as soon as I finished writing the book, I started seeing all of this code everywhere. And then I was asking my guides, what am I supposed to do with it? They said, You need to meditate more. You're being really lazy on your meditation. So that's when I started getting up every morning with my son, Josh, at 5am and we were going to these classrooms underneath the the pyramids in Giza. And we were sat at these wooden desks, and there was loads of other human beings in there from all over the place. And this guy was getting out scrolls. It was thought. And he was showing us these codes and showing us how to heal people with them. And then after that, people just started coming into my life that needed healing. And one thing led to another, and then star magic was born. Wow. Okay,

Jannecke Øinæs 16:56

I have to circle back to the alien stuff, because I feel like this is explaining so much more of nature of reality. So okay, my first question is, how do you know that it was real? What happened? And I didn't understand if it was your body or just your consciousness taking into that ship? That's my first questions. Let's start there,

Jerry Sargeant 17:22

So we can bring our light body and our soul out from our physical vessel, and we can walk around. It's like an out of body experience, but you can consciously do that. A lot of people, when they go into an out of body experience, it kind of happens sometimes, and people don't plan it, but you can actually have a controlled out of body experience if you know how to bring your light out of your body. So I brought my kind of, my soul, my light out of my body, and walked and when you bring your soul out of your body, it feels realer than being inside your body. So like you have the same thoughts, the emotions are more amplified. Everything's a much deeper connection. So I walked across the grass in my friend's garden, and when it got inside the craft like my soul, my light, body together, the two things. So all of my multi dimensional architecture, all of my geometrics, and also my soul, my light. And so it was like a physical experience. And I could look back, back, back out of the craft, back at my body, which was over to the left, and and see my physical body just kind of there, but kind of like lifeless, like just sat in the chair inside the pyramids in the garden. So yeah, it was like it was a real experience. It wasn't something that kind of like, was just my consciousness projecting to another space, like, it really, really happens. Yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 18:45

and was it? Did it feel so real because it felt even more real? That's why, you know it was real, because it felt more real than here. Is that fair to say?

Jerry Sargeant 18:59

I think it felt real, because it was real, like, like when I went to Alpha Centauri and these lions gave me a hug. It was like, You coming into my space now and giving me a hug, like you could feel the arms around you, and they were all around me, like it was like a group hug. I was in the middle, like, like nestled like cocoons, and they all had their arms around me and just were holding me. And it went out several meters deep, because there was loads of them, and it was very physical, very emotional.

Jannecke Øinæs 19:27

Now, what can you tell us about what you discovered about that civilization? You said something about that you noticed, you know, they were and John and and just, I can't say that either woman or neither woman or neither one man and what they were eating like. How did they function? How is their life like over there?

Jerry Sargeant 19:52

Yes, so, so these Lyrans had, kind of like transcended through the dimensional spaces to. To Alpha Centauri, and they're in like a fifth dimensional form when we were on Alpha Centauri. So the Lyrans themselves came from a higher dimensional form when they were on avion, and Lyra back in the cradle of Lyra in their own system. But after the wars on avion with the Draco Reptilians, they a lot of them got murdered. A lot of them got slain. A lot of them got tortured, but some of them escaped and started new civilizations. And one of the places that they ended up was Alpha Centauri. And so they were in a bit of a lower dimensional space, but still much higher than we were here on planet Earth, in our third, fourth dimensional space. So they were eating berries, they were eating fruits, and they could get these berries and fruits from a tree. And they could also create the tree to get the berries and fruits from I saw these, like, these blueberries that were, like, probably the size of an apple. Like, they were huge, like, massive blueberries. They had these kind of other kind of, like, limey, green and orange fruits, which were, they were long and fat, like, not not thin, like a banana, but like, what's those orange fruit? Look at what's those orange fruits that you get that are really tasty, not a guava. I forget what they're called now. They, like, got a yellow skin on there, a little bit like that, but they didn't have skin, and you could just pick them up and eat them. They had all these like wild fruits that they that they were eating, and they didn't eat often. They could literally feed light in this space. But when they ate it was all berries, it was fruits, it was just stuff that was really kind of high frequency. They didn't have any meat on this planet. They didn't have any anything like, like rice, or any of those kind of foods. Their pregnancy cycle was around six months, and when they incarnated, it was done through like telepathy. So they would create this kind of like energetic frequency, and they would download codes, and then the codes would be become something like physical and it would grow inside this kind of room that they were creating in the space. But they wouldn't do it like in the out in the open. They do it in these kind of chambers. And the chambers were like octahedrons, different kind of like Temple spaces, and they had these kind of flames and these fires in the middle of them. And then what they would do is create this kind of like it was like a womb, like a multi dimensional womb that they would create in the center of the fire. Could put something in telepathically, and the baby would grow. Yeah, interesting.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:39

And you that that's your star family. You feel like that's your home.

Jerry Sargeant 22:46

I definitely had some amazing experiences there. I mean, I like so about a year ago, I met this tribe called the Kara new tribe, which were from avion, and they were like diamonds and crystal white lions and lionesses, but they had like human bodies, but lion and lioness heads. And so when I was in the Mystery Schools, and I was working with Thoth, and I looked into his eyes, I saw the same eyes as Deron, which is one of my Lyran like connections. And I also saw the same eyes in Saint Germain. And I also saw the same eyes in some of the Kara new tribe on Cavium. So I realized that all the way through my kind of like galactic kind of journey finding my way to planet earth, I've been kind of looked after by the same soul in different bodies, because you could see the light in the eyes was exactly the same. And so they've taken me back to the Kara new tribe, where I remember being on a Vea on and I remember all the wars. I remember being chased. I remember some of my family dying, being vaporized, like with these kind of crazy technologies. And I remember going through a portal in a craft and escaping, like all of this stuff. I remember being in the in the Emerald pyramids they had there, and sitting in these circles where they'd bring up crystals, and then there'll be 26 crystals, and then there'll be another crystal at the top, on the bottom, which were a little bit bigger, and they bring the crystals down into the center, and they it would open up a portal, and then we'd be able to walk through the portal into a different dimensional space. So we could phase out of reality and phase into reality depending on where we wanted to go through our intention and the coordinates that we'd set. So I've been back and kind of had multiple different experiences, where they've showed me different technologies, where they've showed me things that went not very good that we could improve on and and just different bits and pieces through those like points in in our galactic history to help me kind of get a better understanding of where I came from and how I could be of better service to people right now with these kind of technologies. And so we use these technologies to help facilitate healing and. And all different things.

Jannecke Øinæs 25:00

Yeah, wow, that's quite amazing. And you remembered all of this in your adult life like it wasn't in your childhood that you remember this.

Jerry Sargeant 25:12

No, so if, if I go back like when I first was born, like I was adopted and fostered, and I found my real birth mother when I was 2425 and anyway, we had a whirlwind relationship fan. I had two half brothers, all of this sort of stuff. And my real mom, when she gave birth to me, she didn't tell her parents that she was pregnant, so she went to this kind of home to give birth to children when you're out of wedlock, because it was frowned or not to be married and have a baby. So she went to this kind of like this place, and when it was time to give birth to me, she she was taken into a room, and she was left there like crying for hours. No one came to see her. And then when it was time for me to be born, which was 350 in the afternoon, which is an eight, but all my life's about eight, and these two men in black masks, like walked into the room. There was a nurse in a black mask. They didn't say anything to her. They patted her legs, got a big pair of scissors, cut her vagina open, pulled me out, went and stuck me in another room, and they left my my mum there crying for hours and hours in pain, and then they came back in hours later and stitched her back up with no medication, and then just sent her on her way. And then that was the last time she saw me. So I know I came down onto this planet for a purpose, and they tried to, like hinder it from the start, because after that, I was put into this, this foster these foster parents that raped me. I've had all the recall. There's lots of crazy things, but that's a whole other story. But they tried to kind of stop me from the start engaging with this kind of other worldly information. So I was kind of very closed down at the start of my life. And I always remember when I was, like, from about maybe seven or eight years old, maybe a little bit younger, all the way through to about 12 years old, I used to wake up in the night screaming, and I'd be running around in the house like something was trying to chase me. I'd be climbing up the walls, and I would be so scared. And it wasn't. So I got a little bit older and into this kind of, like spiritual stuff. And I knew had to go back through the timelines and saw what happened. I realized that I was being taken onto crafts by negative beings, and they were doing things to me that weren't very nice to try and, like, scare me and keep me in fear, and, you know, keep me on this kind of, like, darker road that I was going down with drink and drugs and all of this sort of stuff. So they just wanted to keep me in fear, keep me locked keep me shut down. And all of the people in my life from an early age, all were really conspiring, I think, unconsciously, to make this happen and for me to go down this road of drink and drugs and crime and and stay within the darkness.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:00

Wow, yeah, so sorry to hear what you have experienced. And I realized that this is really like your story is really, really complex. Now the extraterrestrials, the good ones, the benevolent ones, are they helping us and supporting us through people like you and others, is that part of the great shift that you and others are giving us now, knowledge about healing and other other things like wisdom, like bringing it to humanity, because it's needed

Jerry Sargeant 28:36

absolutely like I meet from Time to time I meet, I meet new beings. And literally, I mean, we're in we're in October. Now we're in October. Yeah, it was June this year. A few months ago, I was going through a bit of a process myself, and I ended up meeting these, these beings that called themselves the cosmic grandfathers. And they took me up to their realm in space. There were eight of them, and each of them that, I mean, these guys are huge, and each of them represents like a multiverse. So there's like, multiple dimensions in each of these beings. I mean, they're like 70 meters tall. They got massive heads the size of a car. I mean, they're huge. They're so kind, so fierce, so loving. They're everything rolled into one, just like a grandfather, and they were teaching me these values of the grandfather and explaining that it's the grandfather energy that is really important on planet Earth right now to really nurture the mother, because the father isn't mature enough to nurture the mother. Only the grandfather can merchant nurture the the mother, because women and men, not just on Earth, but throughout the galaxy and beyond, they they mature differently. We have like different processes, and it really is the grandfather energy that comes to earth. Now, they gave me these 15 locations, and they said you need to go and buy 15, two point and clear quartz crystals, and 15. Nakai eggs. And you need to go in August to these 15 locations. You need to bury these crystals in the ground, because you're going to build the new seventh dimensional architecture. So anyway, I had a really busy August, and I canceled everything, and I went with my girlfriend and another lady who's our videographer, and we went to Ethiopia, to Tibet, Russia, Syria, Easter Island, like all these wild countries, and we buried these crystals in the ground. Now, when, when they told me the 15 locations, I bought a map of the world, put the dots on the map, joined them together, and it made the dragon's wing and an exact Dragon's wing. So, so they were explaining to me that the the new seventh dimensional grids are called the fusion grids, and it's to support, like the the architecture of the planet, to hold the new divine mother frequency coming to earth. So anyway, in August, we went to all these 15 countries. We buried the crystals. We had some wild experiences on the journey. We were supported by many beings throughout the process, because there was a lot of interference too, trying to stop it happening, like just little things that all of our suitcases weren't missing. We had no clothes for two weeks, so it was wild, you know, like they tried to, like, interfere in different ways, but the good beings were supporting us and making sure that everything went went as well as it could do. So it was a beautiful experience. And these new these new grandfathers, are teaching me some amazing things, just about being a divine masculine and being a man and and had to support the feminine and in a greater capacity. So these there are so many beings supporting us when, when we're in the Bosnian pyramids, there were Arcturians walking through the wall, and just like when kin said that you're on the right path, go here, go there, and we had so much support. It was amazing. Yeah, hey, there.

Jannecke Øinæs 31:44

Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you enjoy it, and perhaps you've been watching some of my other videos as well. If you do appreciate them, I would love for you to hit the subscribe button that really helps us reach out with these videos, because we put so much love and work and effort into this show to raise the collective consciousness. So if you want to support us in doing so, then subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. Wow. What do you see is coming for humanity. Now, I've had some guests saying, you know, humanity won't make it, and others are saying it's going to be tough, but then it's going to be beautiful. Most are saying is going to be beautiful. But, you know, there are different opinions. What is your take on this?

Jerry Sargeant 32:37

Yeah, I I feel deep in my heart that we've got a lot to go through before we come out of the other side properly, but we're definitely going to make it 100% but it's going to be very challenging, and I don't think as many people are going to make it as people think, you know, I don't really know How many people on the planet at the moment. People say 8 billion, 9 billion, maybe a billion. Of us make it. I don't actually really know the numbers, but what I do know over the next years and stuff, there be some really challenging things that we've got to go through, and we're going to have to really pull together as as a human family. And if we don't do that, and the separation continues, it's going to be really tough. There's going to be a lot more, like deeper levels of enslavement. I mean, a lot of people think they're free on this planet. They're not. You know, we're living in this holographic matrix, and we can be free to a certain extent, but unless we as a humanity, or as individuals within humanity, remember how to change our internal mathematics. We're going to get stuck in this reincarnation cycle over and over. Because once you leave your body, it's not that simple just to leave this kind of this 15th dimensional Time Matrix, because there is a reincarnation cycle and we get sent back down again. So what we have to do is to unify, come together as a family, love each other, support each other, nurture each other, you know, shred this kind of like competition and judgment and all of this sort of stuff, and start building communities and really work together to elevate humanity, create new systems, finance and all this sort of stuff, which we can do, but It really requires the masculine to step up and hold the feminine, because the feminine is the feminine energy. Is the magnetism, and it's the feminine energy that is the creative force. But the feminine energy can't really be created without that electrical masculine. So unless you bring down this grandfather energy, and they start becoming fierce and ferocious. Again, not because you have to fight, but fear, some ferocious in your ability to be strong and to stand up for what you believe in, what you know, what you feel, your values and to look after humanity as a unified force when you've got all of these systems that are trying to come in and. Crush us even more unless the divine masculine really stands up and supports the divine feminine, and the feminine allows the the masculine to do that, and they work together in harmony. I don't see that it's going to be a pleasant right? So one of our big focuses at the moment is is really helping the divine the masculine become that divine masculine again, and really honor themselves and really step into that kind of hunter gatherer, go out there, be electrical, and stand and be strong, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, support the feminine and love supporting the feminine. And we have to do that as humanity go down this road of the masculine and the feminine really uniting instead of being separate. And it's happening, definitely happening, but it needs to speed up, because the lower vibration, the darkness, whatever you want to call it evil. I mean, they're just they're just words, but like, there is polarity, and there is a force that is trying to, you know, enslave us. But at the same time, if you look at this from a different perspective, that in itself, is also really beautiful, because one of the reasons that we're here on planet Earth is to be trained to be the best we can possibly be. And if you didn't have the darkness and you didn't have the stuff that was going on that was kind of so called Evil, then it wouldn't be compressing us and pushing us to be our very best versions. And the way that I see Earth, and the way that the grandfathers have showed me earth, and the way that the Lions have showed me Earth is that Earth is a training grant, and we come down here to find our way back home amongst all the chaos and all the mayhem and the matrix that stacked against us all the systems every day to try and demoralize us, pull us into a lower frequency state of guilt or anger or rejection or whatever it is, to keep us small. We've got a battle against all of this stuff. But if you can do it here on planet Earth, you can do it anywhere. So this is like the training school for Jedis. You know, if you know, if you want to go into the military in the UK, you're going to go to the SAS. It's like the highest form. It's like the highest like thing that you can do in the military, you become SAS, like the Special Air Service, the best of the best. You know, if you go to in America, it might be the Navy SEALs. So planet Earth is like the SAS and the navy seals of the of the galaxy, to train humans to be their very best versions. So we can activate our 12 strand DNA template, switch on our multi dimensional architecture, learn, remember how to travel inter dimensionally through our merkabah fields, and remember telekinesis and bi location and all of this sort of stuff, you know? So we've got a way to go, but we have to remember, it's all about our internal mathematics, and we've got to work together to do that. We can't do this on on an individual basis, that we have to do this on mass.

Jannecke Øinæs 37:50

Wow, there's a lot here. Okay, yeah, I think is something in becoming the superhuman. It seems like that is important to wake up to these abilities, to move beyond the enslavement. Because I feel like whether I mean enslavement is just another word, but we are. I believe we are in a matrix where an illusion, where we don't see our real powers. So we buy into the fear, we buy into the thought and belief that I'm not worthy, I'm not enough, and we are being led often by leaders who are not worthy of having that position. So it seems like you know, if we could wake up to these super abilities, we would know for sure, I'm manifesting my reality and I can make a change. But what is your advice on how we do that? How do we do wake up to the possibility of, what did you say, travel multi dimensionally and being telepathic? How do we do that?

Jerry Sargeant 38:59

I think to start with, you've gotta, you gotta break it down and make it simple. So a lot of people over complicate what is going on in this spiritual world, and it isn't that complicated. So to start with, like, what we always suggest to people is you've gotta live the lifestyle like you've gotta look after yourself, and you've gotta put yourself first and foremost. So you've gotta be doing a little bit of exercise. You've gotta be intermittent fasting. You gotta be eating clean. You've gotta be meditating, you know? You've gotta be getting to sleep early and waking up early like these things don't cost you anything. They're completely free. So it just comes down to helping people understand that they need to be a little bit focused, a little bit disciplined. And if you do that, this is what's possible on the other side. So the first thing you need to do is just to adopt a basic daily lifestyle of doing the things that are going to keep your frequency high, keep your heart open, keep you in a present state of awareness, so that you're not reacting to your environment. And then from there, you can start to build, you know, then you start going into, like, deeper meditation and deeper. Of presence, where you start to feel who you are as a human being on a really deep level. And it's so much more than these physical bodies. You know, we're we're multi dimensional beings, like inside this physical structure, and it's beautiful being inside here, we just don't know how to operate it properly, like the bodies, has so much potential, but we just only Noah, a very small slither of it. Like we're not supposed to get old and die. We're supposed to exit when we decide to exit, and if we want to take our bodies with us, we can. But again, we're in a system that teaches us to get old. It manipulates us to get old, and it feeds us things that make us get old and all of that sort of stuff. But once you get to that point where you're living the lifestyle, you can start to break free from all of the the illusory stuff that's going on, and you start to step into your power. You start to grow. You become stronger, fitter, mentally, emotionally on all levels. And then from there, there's certain protocols that you can follow that will bring online your multi dimensional architecture. So we have a merkaba field around our body, which is two tetrahedrons. And if you look at a woman, when she get when she gets pregnant, 49 days after conception, eight little cells appear in the woman's womb. Those eight little cells actually form a merkabah field. So we're literally a merkabah field, and nine and four is 13, which is the number of the divine goddess. So when we enter this incarnation, it comes with the number 13. If you want to exit this matrix, it's all about the number 13, but that's like a whole other mathematical equation. But also on 49 days, DMT, demine appears in the womb. So this merkabah field, these eight little cells, they're otherwise known as the egg of the Kundalini, or the Genesis cells. And they store all of the information on our soul, records, ancestral records, everything that ever has been, is and will be. And they're down between our genosaurs and our anus in our perineum. Now we've also got this mercury field around our body, and we've also got a multi dimensional Mercury field, which is 10 tetrahedrons, and those 10 tetrahedrons create a 12 pointed star, and those 12 points, when they spin, create a sphere, which is the number 13. Now we've got 13 multi dimensional chakras, or transmission centers. We call them. They go from down below our feet to way up above our crown. And the 13 points on your multi dimensional merkabah field plug into your 13 transmission centers. They plug into 13 star gates on a planetary level, on a universal level, on the galactic level, once you get this kind of structure functioning, it switches on your kind of tree of life, energetics inside your body, but the real tree of life, which is 12 points, 12 spheres, which is, which is a representation of source, which is a representation of the time based matrix that we live in, it's the original source code which spirals out from the creation energy, or from the source point, the zero point at 45 degree rotation. So when you start to switch on all of this math, mathematics, you plug back into source, which is the crystalline mathematics, and not the Fibonacci mathematics. Because most of humanity, most of Earth, the banking system, everything, even our human bodies right now are running off the Fibonacci mathematics, and that doesn't connect you to the zero point. So if you look at one plus two plus three equals five, two plus three plus five equals eight. So eight has to eat five and three to create itself. It's never corrected back to the connected back to the zero point. If you've got the crystalline mathematics, you've got zero plus one plus one equals two. Zero plus one plus one plus two equals four. Zero plus one plus one plus two plus four equals eight. So eight is always plugged into zero, and then the next number always plugs back to zero. So we need to reinstate the crystalline mathematics. Then our bodies start to recalibrate. The whole of nature is running a false mathematical template, the trees, everything like I first realized this several years ago. We had a guy that contacted us, and he said, Jerry, I woke up this morning and my head has literally grown huge, but my brain has stayed the same size. And he said, When I lie down, my brain. Hits the side of my skull. He goes, When I walk around, my brain's rattling. He said, but can you help me? And I said, Of course, I can. I didn't have a clue how I was going to help him. I was so fascinated by this. So I met this, this, this, this guy. He was about 2122 years old. He was from South America. I met him on on Skype, and I realized that he'd been meditating, he'd connected some off planet frequencies, and it triggered his DNA. And so his head had gone back to his original extraterrestrial head, but the rest of his body had stayed the same. So he's saying, Jerry, look at me. I look stupid. Please help me get my head back down to its normal size. And I was saying to him, Listen, brother, you know. Know, why don't you try and grow your brain? I mean, I didn't know how I was going to try and shrink his head, but I didn't, but I thought, if we're going to try and shrink his head, why don't we try and grow his brain? But he said, Look at me. I look so stupid. My head's massive on these tiny little shoulders and stuff. So anyway, after a bit of like, backwards and forwards, I we went into this healing process. And we were underneath the pyramids and these healing pools that we take our clients to, and I ran him through this kind of futuristic MRI machine, and as he did, as we did it, his head went back to its normal size. It was crazy. I mean, I wish I'd have recorded it, but I never knew that was going to happen, you know. And since then, like people write into us and they say, Oh, my feet have just suddenly gone from size seven to a size nine. My ears have just suddenly grown. My hands have just suddenly grown like but their body parts, they just grow from certain meditations or certain activations they're plugging into off planet frequencies. So what we have to do is to bring back online that architecture we've become our Angelic Humans, which were were on other planets where we had six digits on each hand, our Pioneer glands were huge, and we had all these abilities.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:10

Wow, did you actually see the head being that big?

Jerry Sargeant 46:14

Yeah, it was huge. Yeah. Like, if I, if I look at your head, now, probably three times the size of your head so it was way out from your shoulders, like this, you know? And his brain was like, the same. And, yeah, I mean, it was crazy.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:29

I have to ask for those who are really skeptic, and I have some people around me who are who are like, What are you doing? Yannick, I don't get it. Like, what are you saying to people are saying, you know, what you guys are speaking about is totally blocks.

Jerry Sargeant 46:43

Yeah. I mean, I just don't even pay attention to it anymore. I mean, if I listen to everybody that told me that I was crazy, that I was this, and that I was that, and I just I would never get anything done. So I when I first started this, I tried to convince everybody that this was the best thing since sliced bread, but I realized I was just wasting my time. So the best thing to do is just to keep your frequency high, go about your work every day, focus on what you're doing, and then whoever gravitates towards that energy will come and those those people that think you're crazy, let them think you're crazy, and just focus on what you're doing. And you know, that's the best way to be I think, yeah, not care about what other people think otherwise. You know, it can, it can drain you. Yeah, you know, paying attention to all this stuff,

Jannecke Øinæs 47:28

I, uh, you mentioned that there are some forces working against the light, and that's part of it all. Do you feel like there are forces that are working through certain leaders in our world that is contributing to all the contrast.

Jerry Sargeant 47:47

Absolutely, 100% definitely. I mean, if you look at some leaders, you know, and you you kind of become very present. You'll see their true form underneath, you know. And you'll see that there are other beings from other planets that are completely either controlling the human or they've actually taken over the human vessel. So we have a product on our website, and it's what we spend the whole day on our training on it, which really only scratches the surface, but it gives people a decent bit of knowledge and decent skills, is Shadow parasites. We call them shadow parasites. So these beings, they hang around in the ether, and they operate through humans. They can control people's thoughts, emotions. They can even take over the human beings consciousness. And they work in the shadows. So you look at someone and they look like a normal human being, but there's something else operating them. And so what we do is we remove these things from people, and sometimes these beings that we remove, they really don't even want to be there. They're They're controlled by a hierarchical system. And sometimes you get ones that do want to be there and are enjoying the process. So we help them, if we can go back to source. But sometimes you've got to take these beings to other dimensional spaces, because they've got lessons to learn, but our aim is just to get them out of the human and set the human free, and then off the back of that, whatever happens to the entity is determined in the moment based on that that entity's level of experience and learning.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:13

Who are the good ones? Then helping us right now and working for the lights like what kind of help are we receiving from our galactic family.

Jerry Sargeant 49:23

Yeah. I mean, like me personally, I get lots of help from the Lyrans, from my dragon families. Now, I've been introduced to these cosmic grandfathers. They're helping me a lot. I sometimes work with Arcturians, you know, especially some of the healing technologies that they bring forth. You know, normally when I'm in a healing session and something, there's something new to come forward. It comes through the Arcturians. Sometimes come through the Lyrans, but the Arcturians just really good with technology. That's for me personally, we have a couple of play the beings that we work with. Okay, they're part of our kind. Star magic team. Like everybody that we train, we introduce them to a galactic team. And there are some palladians in that team. There's some unicorns, there's some Pegasus, there's some centaurs, different galactic beings, dragons. There are people that I know at the moment that are working with andromedans, Arcturians, they're working with some insectoid beings, which are really awesome healers. There's a whole variety of different species. You know, there are some beings that are coming down that are literally just pure, cold, pure geometry, like they come from such a high frequency space outside of this matrix, and they come in sometimes, I've experienced and cared some of those

Jannecke Øinæs 50:44

ice are on earth.

Jerry Sargeant 50:48

Earth is so important. I mean, Earth is like number one. It's like a living library, like, if you go back, like, 12 to 20 ish, million years. Merlin, okay, created a number of living libraries, and Earth was one of them. You know, like Earth was supposed to store information, as well as it being like the heart check of the galaxy. I mean, Earth is a lot older than 12 to 20 million years ago. I mean, it's hundreds of millions of years old, but it was actually instigated and corrected and used specifically to store knowledge and data, sort of 12 to 20 million years ago. And there's other planets like that too and like that's why there's a lot of lot of wars on planet Earth, because of the crystalline grids, because of the Stargate, because of its mineral and gold content. Most of it's over intra multi dimensional travel and taking control of the star gates. But there are other reasons too. Earth is a beautiful place, and if you go back to like 2012 and the end of the main calendar, it was supposed to be the end of Earth, you know there were other forces that wanted to completely destroy Earth, because all of the energy that they would have created in that kind of explosion, it would have fed some of their other systems, their negative systems. But there's no way that the beings of light, of justice, of truth, are going to allow something like that to happen to Earth, because Earth is too prominent. Earth is too instrumental. Imagine you've got a human being, and you go and rip the heart out that human being, the human being is going to die. Our Galaxy is the same template as a human or as a human body. Your planets are livers and eyes and organs and kidneys and adrenal glands. And, you know, there's grid systems which are like our veins and our arteries, which are a huge galactic level and a universal level, just like the arteries that transport, you know, blood and fluids around that body. Okay? So the it's like as above, so below. So Earth is really, really important. And if Earth blew up, it's like the heart chakra of the galaxy, the whole system starts to cry. So you they can't really let that happen.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:02

Wow, I didn't know. So you would say, just to end on the positive note, if that's possible, I still wanted to be authentic, though. But the light do you think is greater than the darkness or the the light force is greater than the dark forces when it comes to earth right now,

Jerry Sargeant 53:21

I think light and dark is an equal proportion throughout the whole Multiverse, but what we have to do is to make choices, and the choice is to balance light and dark, because in every single human there is light and dark. You can get a knife and you can go and stab someone and kill them. You can get the same knife and go and break bread and feed them so you can nourish someone or hurt someone with the same apparatus. What we have to do as humans is to become very balanced, get into alignment, alchemize our electrical and magnetic frequencies, which is like that holy grail, connecting to the god worlds, connecting to Earth at a higher dimensional level, run those frequencies become balanced and alchemize dark and light, because you can't move into the light and be powerful. You can't move into the darkness and be and be powerful. You have to bring both sides of the force into equilibrium and master all of you. And that's where we become extremely powerful. And that takes a little bit of discipline and dedication it takes, you know, a brave soul to dive into their heart and do that inner work, to bring up their shadow sides, to alchemize their shallow sides, and then to step into their full superhuman potential by switching on this, these multi dimensional elements of them, but you have to optimize Dark and light,

Jannecke Øinæs 54:39

right? That's very interesting, because often I feel there are two discussions. Is the darkness and it is the light, and you're saying they need to come together, basically doing Shadow Work and light work. They go together.

Jerry Sargeant 54:53

I think then, I don't think they're different, but you can, can frame them differently. Absolutely you can. Say, listen, we're going to do some work in the light today. We're going to go and do some grid work, and we're going to really help the Celine grids of the planet. Today, we're going to dive into our shadow side and see what we can, we can, we can facilitate the healing of there so you could separate them. But ultimately, separation is, is what's created a lot of chaos and they have on the planet. So what we have to do is to bring unity to the equation. So if we can alchemize dark and light and unify these two forces, then we're going to become powerful. I mean, even if you go back to the movie Star Wars, okay, the force is the force. Now you can, you can be Darth Vader, and you can go and use that force for dark purposes. Or you can be Luke Skywalker, and you can go and use those the force for life purposes, the force, the underlying force, is exactly the same, but if we outline it and bring it together, it's just the choice. How are we going to use this force? You know, good purposes or not so good purposes. Are we going to bring balance and harmony to the universe? Are we going to bring chaos and destruction? They're all choices, and we all have the opportunity to make whatever choice we want, but I think the contrast, which you were talking about earlier is the beautiful kind of ingredient that enables us to make those choices. When there's so much light, you can get lost in the light. When there's so much darkness, you can get lost in the darkness, but when you've got dark and light, you can move into the light, bounce back to the darkness, and you'd be like, You know what? It feels better right in the middle, you know? And it really does. When you're alchemized walking that middle way, it always feels better because there's no judgment, there's no nothing. You just you're in pure acceptance. And it doesn't mean that you have to be like, Oh, evil things are good, no, because evil things aren't good, but they're like a necessary evil to show us where we don't want to be. And so that pendulum gets pushed back to the center point, and then you can be there. And every now and again you go like this, and you're like, don't really like it out here. It's much better here in the stillness, but having that contrast shows us where we don't want to be and where we do want to be.

Jannecke Øinæs 57:01

Yeah, I understood that there is a true, deeper purpose to darkness in general, and still it's nothing to fear. Well, this has been highly interesting, totally new perspectives for me in this episode, uh, thank you so much for being bold to speak your mind about it and open up about your experiences and and helping people all over the world and also Earth with putting all these crystals around. So all right, so I have a few questions that I ask all my guests. Um, the first one is, what is self love to you Jerry.

Jerry Sargeant 57:45

it's self love, self honor, self respect. I think putting yourself first and foremost and always doing what really feels right for you. And if someone's trying to get you to do something that you don't feel is right for you, don't do it like whatever is happening in the world like do what's right for you, you know. And if you just do that every single time, then you're loving yourself. You know. You've got to put yourself first. You've got to nurture yourself, love yourself, respect yourself. And if you do that, everybody else will. So it's an inside job. It's an it's an inside mathematical equation. Just look into the mirror, go deep into your eyes, deep into your soul, and absolutely love every tiny, last little Morse, love you like and beyond you know

Jannecke Øinæs 58:30

and what is happiness to you?

Jerry Sargeant 58:34

Happiness like I'm happy when I'm working my mission. So a lot of people say, Jerry, how do you do what you do? Because I put out loads of content. I'm always traveling. I'm always running trainings. Like, there's not a day really that goes past I'm not kind of serving in some way. And people that travel with me are like, you know, how'd you get up at five o'clock in the morning, you go to the gym and you do all this work, and then you do a training for 12 hours, and then you'll do something else, like, How'd you keep going? It's because I'm I'm living my mission. So I think my mission is happiness, like, and my mission isn't just star magic. It encompasses my family. It encompasses the whole tribe in Star magic, all of our team. Like, seeing everybody grow, seeing everybody flourish, seeing everybody amplify and heal and expand, and like, this is the mission. The mission just fills me full of joy. It fills me full of happiness. And I don't see it as work. I just see it as something that I was, I came here to do, and I love absolutely every single second of it. And because I love every single second of it. I could not be unhappy doing it. So it's like the progress of going on this mission and just seeing everything that's encompassed in that mission. It's just Yeah, it's beyond happiness.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:53

Wow, inspiring. And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Jerry Sargeant 59:59

Yeah. That's a massive question.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:03

I know everybody gets it.

Jerry Sargeant 1:00:08

I think there's multiple meanings. I don't think that there's one meaning. I think the meaning of life is ultimately to be completely and utterly present and realize that you're everything, and then when you realize you're everything, you also realize that you're nothing. But to get there, there's all of these different frameworks that are set up, and you could choose multiple paths to find that state of consciousness where you realize that you're the whole universe, and there's nothing to fear, there's nothing to worry about. There's nothing to there's nothing to even accept. There's nothing to even judge, like it is what it is, and that is it just is, and that is frequency cold information, and it's the same frequency and cold throughout the whole Multiverse, you know, Source Intelligence, I mean, yeah, this is, I think, presence, the meaning of life being presence, but also, as well, like the meaning of life for me, is also actually experiencing life as a human. So if you look at it from that kind of standpoint, when I get to my death bed, or my transition beds like and I move out of this physical form into another form, wherever. What happens next? Maybe I take this with me. I don't know this body, but I want to have no regrets. I don't want to I don't want to get to my death bed and think I wish I'd have done this. I wish I'd have done that. I want to be there thinking, You know what? I've experienced it all. The only thing that I've not experienced is coming out of this body and going into a new one. So let's get the music up. Let's drink some Ayahuasca. Let's do some magic mushrooms. Let's get let's party and go out with the band, you know, and look forward to that transition like that's the meaning of life too. So I think there's, there could be so many different meanings depending on the perspective. Oh, yeah, you know. And there's other ones that I could talk about too, but I've been here for days, you know,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:06

that makes sense to me now. Jerry, this has been so interesting. If people want to connect with you, work with you, be inspired by you, go deeper into your teachings. How can they do so?

Jerry Sargeant 1:02:20

So the website is, that's the best place to go. You get access to all of our social channels. You can connect with our team. Get access to our trainings, our monthly memberships, our you can download our app getting involved in our global meditations. I mean, there's so much stuff that we're offering for free and paid, so go and check it out. If you've got questions, you can book a free call with a team member who will talk you through all the stuff we do. So yeah, just go to and you know, I look forward to seeing some of you at some point.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:52

Thank you so much for coming to the show today and sharing your story and your perspectives. This was so inspiring.

Jerry Sargeant 1:02:59

Thank you so much for having me. It's been an honor and a pleasure. It's been a beautiful to connect. Thank you for the questions and just the space that you created for us to be together.

Jerry Sargeant – Official site


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