Have you ever wondered about the mysteries of your soul’s purpose, past lives, or cosmic origins? Jen Bushman, an interdimensional channeler and visionary healer, opens a portal into the hidden realms of soul contracts, psychic gifts, and star connections. She shares personal stories and groundbreaking insights that shed light on how our soul agreements and star heritage shape our life paths. Discover how your soul’s journey, guided by unseen forces, may be far more powerful and profound than you ever imagined.

Uncovering the Cosmic Origins of the Soul

Jen Bushman explains that each soul has its own cosmic origins, stemming from various star systems and dimensions. According to her, these origins play a vital role in shaping our spiritual paths and the life lessons we encounter on Earth. For instance, she shares insights into how some people, like Jannecke, trace their essence back to the Sirius star system and the seventh dimension.

Psychic Abilities and the Influence of Cosmic Origins

According to Jen, understanding our cosmic origins can help us unlock our psychic abilities. She shares stories from her own life and those of her clients, where connections to higher-dimensional realms and star systems such as the Pleiades and Andromeda have opened doors to intuitive and healing abilities.

Soul Contracts and Their Ties to Cosmic Origins

Jen emphasizes that our soul contracts, or the lessons and relationships we choose before incarnating, are deeply influenced by our cosmic origins. Through these agreements, we grow and learn from the challenges and people in our lives. Jen describes how recognizing these cosmic ties can provide a new level of clarity and self-awareness.

Fear and separation are challenges of the third dimension, which is rooted in emotion and judgment. We are here to work through these energies and to embody love, inclusion, and acceptance. Jen encourages us to look at each experience as part of a bigger journey, trusting that we are supported by spirit guides, star families, and universal energies that help us fulfill our highest purpose.

Spiritual Growth and Collective Awakening

Humanity is moving towards a collective awakening, where we reconnect with our purpose and soul contracts, Jen says. While we may face challenges, these experiences are essential for growth. Her advice to all of us is to focus on self-love, presence, and the deeper meaning behind every relationship and experience.

For anyone looking to understand their place in the universe, Jen encourages embracing your cosmic origins as a way to connect more deeply with your true self.

Transcript of the interview

Jen Bushman 0:00

When I was in kindergarten, I was tested. They were men in black suits with skinny ties. They were actually testing six of us in our psychic abilities. You know, I'm an interdimensional Channeler, so I'm able to see the different dimensions of you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:24

You see that now with me?

Jen Bushman 0:26

Yes, yeah. So you are a seventh dimensional Syrian is your, your birth dimension and your your birth system.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:43

Hello, Jen. A warm welcome to the show.

Jen Bushman 0:46

Oh, thank you so much for having me. I'm so excited to be here. Jannecke, thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:52

I am too. I'm too. And we've tried this two times before, and the tech has just not been with us. So this is the third time we're trying to do this, we're just going to do it this time. And I'm so excited about finally meeting you. The gods are with us. Fortunately,

Jen Bushman 1:11

Very exciting. I know, living in the mountains here, it can be kind of dicey with the signal, so I'm so glad that this is working.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:21

Yes, and you are a visionary healer. You have been a psychic almost all your life, and you have vast knowledge about soul contracts, and that's your passion, and that's a very interesting topic that I would love to learn more about how we maybe plan our lives and plan who we're going to meet, and how that will propel our spiritual development in this, in in our incarnations. And I know also you've had some et encounters, or at least contact with extraterrestrials, and also a near death experience, so it seems like you have it all.

Jen Bushman 2:00

Yeah, I've had quite a life so far. It's been wonderful.

Jannecke Øinæs 2:06

Yeah, a remarkable childhood as well. And I would love to start there. How was it like for you being brought up and then discovering that you had the psychic abilities that perhaps maybe not. You know, your friends had in the same way, right?

Jen Bushman 2:25

Well, when I was four years old, going on five, I was hiking up in the Pacific Northwest with my parents, and I saw Sasquatch. I saw two juvenile Sasquatch and their mother, and I was with my family, you guys, and but they didn't see them. And I knew something was a little different. I you know, I knew that. I mean, I didn't really understand that others couldn't really do what I was doing at such an early age. You know, when you're little like that in your brain, you know, you think that these are imaginary friends, or you don't, you know. I didn't know. I didn't know to think that something was different, I guess, um, when I was in kindergarten, I was taken up stairs in school to the resource room, and I was tested with what I was told was a group of teachers, but they were men in black suits with skinny ties, and they were actually testing six of us in our psychic abilities. There were two of us left myself and my friend, and I was asked, is there anything that you've ever experienced that you couldn't explain? And psychically, I mean, I was reading this man's mind, and it was almost as if he knew what I had experienced that summer. So, but it turns out that there was a psychic program that was developed in the United States in the 70s, and I am aware of folks that have been in that program and are remote viewers and do that kind of work. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 4:43

wow, you just mentioned that these men were in black. And I'm thinking, the men in black,

Jen Bushman 4:52

it sounds pretty difficult, but yeah, they I remember thinking, you know, because in I was in kindergarten. That end of the school was first second in grades and kindergarten, and you know, they were all female teachers that looked like your grandma. You know that you just want to cuddle, right? And then I was told that these were for teachers, and they were men, and they were wearing these black suits, and I was just, I was very leery. I knew that something was up, but you know, I didn't, I didn't quite know exactly. I just didn't trust them.

Jannecke Øinæs 5:31

But how did they know what you knew and that you were psychic? How did they know?

Jen Bushman 5:38

Well, I think that they were psychic. I think that they were part of the program in, you know, reading the kids and

Jannecke Øinæs 5:49

so it just happened to be, like in your area, or did they like travel distances to to find you?

Jen Bushman 5:58

Yeah, I think they were, you know, because standardized tests were happening quite a bit then, and I think that children were filtered by these tests, and then, you know, we're just kind of pulled out of the pile. I mean, it was, it's a pretty big program with folks that were participating in it. I mean, I'm not exactly sure, but that's what I get psychically, was that it was kids were tested, and then it was just pulled, you know, just weaned down as they went along,

Jannecke Øinæs 6:41

so but you ended up not being part of it.

Jen Bushman 6:44

No, no, because my friend, he and I used to communicate telepathically, and he was just like, No, don't say a word. Don't say a word. We were communicating it. It was almost like that guy knew it was just, it was a very interesting experience, but I really woke up to the fact then that that there was something different about me, you know, and my friend, yeah, that was the moment that it kind of solidified that something was going on here, but I didn't know what I mean, I was just such a little girl, right? And I didn't have, I mean, we don't have that in our life. You know, where people support you, if you have psychic gifts, then you know there is not really support or validation. We don't talk about it. And you know, our religious traditions, we don't, you know, it's not part of the parenting handbook, so yeah, but I work with psychic kids now. I provide that kind of service to help kids manage their reaction to their abilities and to understand their abilities and and how they are, the superheroes of our future and of now, how they the important role that that gift can play in our spiritual growth and understanding who we are, why we are, and moving humanity along. That's, that's where I sit, you know, in what I want to do with with my gift. You know, I'm an interdimensional Channeler, so I'm able to see the different dimensions of you, of us so and how that plays in our growth.

Jannecke Øinæs 8:48

Yeah, let's, let's talk about that. If you could sort of paint a picture how it's like being you, because on my side, I just see you like you are. I don't see energies. I can somehow, sometimes have an intuition. I can get some random coincidences that I don't think are coincidence. And I could have an intuition sometimes. And I can have, you know, some insights in my dreams, and I've been out of my body, but in my three day world, I don't see anything more. So how is it like being you in your everyday? What are you seeing? What are you feeling?

Jen Bushman 9:28

Well, yeah, I mean, I feel the I feel crystals, I feel rocks, I feel the trees. I I feel you before I learned what my gift is, what it was all about. I mean, I really thought I was crazy. Because, you know, I feel Costco before I would walk into Costco. I you know, back when I was in my 20s, I. Tended bar in Hawaii, and I would know what was going on with people's thoughts, and I you know their lives, pieces of their lives would come in or, like movies. It was, it was quite difficult for me to manage to understand and how different it is. But now, when I was 52 I had the experience of meeting a psychiatric nurse practitioner, because I really have always thought that I was delusional, I mean, and I was told that, and that was reinforced. And when I went in for my appointment, and I had my list of, okay, I want to try this medication. If I have four electric shock treatments, I'll zap it out, you know? And he was wonderful. He had this smile on his face and said, you know, Jen, you're the sanest crazy person I've ever met. And he said, Have you ever thought you were psychic? And I'd had that experience before in my early 20s, and really thought that was part of like a delusion. And but when he said, I know you are because I am that changed my life. Um, it everything just kind of lined up, and my those appointments turned into like coaching sessions where he was explaining to me what my abilities were, what I was doing when I would see things. But yes, like to see a soul, like, if I'm talking to you, Janek, I mean, I will have moments where I'm talking with people, and it's like I see them kind of split out into their dimensional pieces where they are from.

Jannecke Øinæs 12:02

You see that now with me?

Jen Bushman 12:04

Yes, yeah. So you are a seventh dimensional Syrian is your, your birth dimension and your, your birth system. So we, let me explain, when we are born, we plop out of the light. Just imagine a golden source, a ball of light, and we literally like, ooze out, kind of like and we join our soul family. And so imagine a ring of souls as like tennis balls, 26 to be exact, and we go off and we do our work between dimensions six and 15. It's almost like we complete that work. We get a merit badge, right? And then we join our soul family. When every soul is completed this work, we reunite, we become a collective consciousness, like one soul. And then we ascend back behind the Sun to the sun, I say, to that light, and we do more dimensional work, but we are like one. So no one. So just imagine that you hit the table and all the tennis balls bounce into their birth dimension. So in our solar system, we have Earth, which is a third dimensional experience, and we call it a third dimensional experience, because no one is born in the third dimension. When you hit that table and the tennis balls bounce into their dimension, they don't bounce into the third it's six to 15 that they bounce into third dimension is all about emotion. That is why we are here, our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, our energy. And that is soul contracts. Soul contract work. That is the reason why we are here is to work on our soul contracts. Now, soul contracts are not with people. You don't have a soul contract with your wife, with your husband, with your mother, with your child. They are through people. The soul contract is between you and the God force or spirit or or God, however you want to, whatever you want to call it, right, um, but it's with source. Soul contracts show up through people. So like, if you have a soul contract like I do, I'm not enough. And. And what was being reflected back to me, that energy of not being enough. So what I'm saying is through relationships, like with my mom and my dad, with significant life partners that I've had, that was kind of the dynamic, and so what that was teaching me was to stand in my power that I am enough, right? So soul contract is about, or soul contract work, excuse me, is about the energetic work of understanding what is being reflected back to you that your soul needs to learn in order to rise, to grow, to ascend? Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 15:53

Definitely, it makes sense. I was just like stunned when you said that I was from Syrian and I'm happy to take myself as an example, so that people can understand what you were explaining, and that I was seventh dimensional, but that nobody on earth is three dimensional. That is something we sort of opt into. That was sort of, well, I guess it wasn't new to me. You just said it in another way. I haven't thought about it. I reside in the seventh dimension. That's really who like I am. I'm more like a Syrian kind of gal.

Jen Bushman 16:32

Yeah. So it's cool to know what star system you come from, but it's but it's separate than what dimension you were born into. So there's like traits of Syrians. You know, Syrians are the thinkers. They are the Questers. They pull back. They're they like to kind of isolate and think that's that higher thinking. It's that pondering. Syrians also can be prone to autoimmune disease that kind of these idiosyncratic illnesses that they don't understand. You know, doctors don't understand, like where it comes from. You know, Syrians are very delicate in your physical makeup. Kind of allergic to the earth. Yeah, you need to, you know, eat cleanly. And it's really important that you understand that your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, can evolve into disease in your body. That's a real Syrian trait. Syrians love water. Kind of water? People? Um, definitely. Can be a little emotional um, but seventh dimensional beings are that's the sacred geometry of the square. So it's where universes can intersect, um, but it's you are the type of human that needs that kind of balance. But you build a foundation for others. You build a foundation emotionally for others. I mean, look at what you're doing here. You are spreading love and goodness, and you are Questing in your spiritual work and helping people move along. Syrian seventh dimensional folks really love to build that foundation for energy, for humanity, to move humanity along, so that we can grow in in who we are and evolve so you are right on track, Jannecke,

Jannecke Øinæs 18:49

and the other thing I noticed was that I thought soul contracts, that you meant, you know, the contracts we have between people, but you were more referring to sort of like A curriculum we have, or like an agreement with our guides or God about what we're going to learn in this incarnation. However, you did mention soul family. So do we have a soul group? You said that we incarnate with

Jen Bushman 19:19

Yes, so we do incarnate with members of our soul family. We may incarnate with them as members of our family, like your child or your your mother or you may run into them in your lifetime, like for me, I just have run into a member of my soul family, who is become very significant in my life and has propelled me in my growth. And that will happen. It doesn't mean that you may begin your journey here, you know, with a member. It may. You know, I'm 57 and and just ran into this person. So it's wherever you are along in your journey, in your life, you can, you will meet these folks. You can, yeah, but not with Yannick. It's not with every member. I get that question like, is it, you know, all 26 souls, no,

Jannecke Øinæs 20:24

yeah. Are you saying it's so specific, 26 souls that we we have each soul have a family or

Jen Bushman 20:33

right. So when we ooze out of the light and we join the ring of souls, there's 26 of them.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:40

That's very specific. Yeah,

Jen Bushman 20:42

I was really shocked at that. So my guide, Courtney is my et guide, and this is who I get this information from, the downloads on why we are here, the dimensions, the star systems.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:59

Now I have to ask sort of a critical question, because I hear different numbers, often, like there is 144,000 souls who are here now to do this, and soul families or soul you have soul contracts with this many souls, And I feel like that number is varying, and why is that?

Jen Bushman 21:24

Well, see, and that's the thing, and that's all for you guys, for your discernment, your discretion, what speaks to your soul. I mean, we hear all kinds of information out there about the fourth dimension. The fifth dimension, we hear, how many souls over here we hear, you know, do ETS engage in war or do they not? You know, there's all kinds of interpretations, and I say none of it is wrong, but none of it is right either, because understand we are all us, channelers, US psychics. We are human first in this experience, bringing in this information. So we're just getting our information. It's just like timelines. Timelines exist in the eighth dimension. That's where the Akash is, the Akashic records. So this is our past, our present, our future at any given moment. But it's also when we talk about timelines, they are parallel and they are also stacked. That's a whole nother topic we can get into. But see there is no right answer. There's no wrong answer. I think the most important message that I want to come through is that you are all powerful in driving this ship of your spiritual journey, taking in information. If that rings true for you, then, you know, hang on to it, and if it doesn't leave the rest, I, I don't say that there is a finite, you know, meaning to what people interpret, what people say, the information that people share. This is just the information that I get from my downloads, from my meditations, from my channeling of Sire, from Courtney from Pink. These are my guides, Camus. This is the information that I've gotten. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 23:40

yeah, makes sense. And sometimes I feel like mystical experiences is just happening, and I don't understand why, and maybe I will understand many years later, I just had a sort of a mystical experience. It wasn't huge, but I feel it was significant because I had this dream. It was very vivid. There were two characters in it, and I'm not going to tell what the dream was about, because I just feel it was symbolic and maybe personal. But it was all about these characters, and the one character was a girl that I went to school with in New York 20 years ago. The other character was a Hollywood actor, yeah, and I was going to save them somehow. I wanted to save them. They were in sort of danger. And the next morning, and this person that I went to school with, I haven't thought of her for 20 years. I didn't even know we had each other on Facebook. And then I go to my phone, like in the day the next day, and I, you know, swipe up the app, and the first post that is, there is a post from her, and that freaks me out, because I haven't heard from her, spoken to her in 20 years. Why would she be there on my Facebook app? Like, in my face right after, like, it's the first Facebook, you know, first time that day that I swiped through Facebook, and she's the first that pops up. And I'm like, is Big Brother in my mind? Or, this is not algorithm, because, you know, it's in my dream, right? So I was just like getting chills. Um, what is that about?

Jen Bushman 25:28

Yeah, well, folks show up. Uh, energy show up when there is a message. Our guides are always working to reshape our environment to match our greatest and highest good. They're bringing in the energies, the experiences, the people, the dreams, right, the consciousness that supports our greatest and highest good. We all have spirit guides, you guys. We have a team, and they are seriously always working to provide these things. When you bring something into the forefront of your consciousness, in the forefront of your mind, it moves to your subconscious, where our spirit guides reside, is in our subconscious. So something happened Yannick that was important for your soul to work on, to think about, to ponder or to reshape, to support you and your greatest and highest good. So our guides are like peering. Just imagine them peering through a window, because they're in our subconscious. When we bring things to the consciousness, when we think about something, when we see something, we make a list, they are seeing it too, and their job is to support us in our greatest and highest good, to reshape our environment, to match our greatest and highest good. So a lot of times, you guys, the stuff comes through in dreams, and it's convoluted, and, you know, we all know that they're kind of weird and, you know, and shocking, like you you were thinking, why is this, you know, but look for the message. What was the message in that dream? This woman just showed up in a way, your guides used her in a way, because there was a familiarity there. Your guides will always bring in what is familiar to you, if you have the you know, the the opportunity to see your guide, they will present themselves in a way that they think is relevant to you, like when I first met my spirit guide, pink, you know, he was wearing a black and red, you know, flannel shirt, because at that time, I was 19 years old. Grew up in Seattle, Washington, where the grunge scene was really big, and I was kind of a part of that. So, you know, he was trying to appear relevant to me, so they will show up or use folks that we recognize in in order of relevance. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 28:23

Yes, I just felt like she was not so relevant to me. But I guess maybe that was the point that I haven't seen her in 20 years, and that's why, like, when she showed up on my Facebook, like that was like, I haven't actually had been in contact with her, so it was significant, like it was not a coincidence that she popped up. So, yeah, it was something about near death experiences that I was going to communicate that more something around that. Yeah, okay, so I'll have to go deeper into that. Speaking of near death experience you had one would you like to share that experience? What happened?

Jen Bushman 29:04

Oh, sure, well, you know, I grew up? Well, I was just a very depressed teenager. It was kind of difficult for me with my parents. I'm not blaming my parents. They just did their job very well at reflecting back to me the contract that I needed to learn. So I really struggled with depression and not being enough, and I felt like I was never going to be enough for anyone, and just very seriously depressed, you guys. So when I was 19, I had a suicide attempt, and during that attempt, what I thought was a volunteer firefighter in my bedroom was actually my spirit guide. So I took a bunch of pills and was. Lying in bed, and kind of came to, and there was a man in my room standing next to my bed, very tall, very slender, but when I had attempted, you know, I saw a tunnel of light. I went down. I was really excited. This tunnel was so warm and loving, accepting it provided such a peace and an ease, you guys, that I was not experiencing that just kind of whole body love. I hadn't felt that in a long time. So it was, I was drawn to that light, and I was walking down that tunnel, and there was my friend Chris, who had died of a brain tumor when we were little, and my grandma, leela, and they were waving and like, you know, hey. But when I reached them, and I was in front of my grandma, Lila. She shook her head, no, like no, it's not your time. And then I was pulled back, and I was in my room and turned over, and there, there was this man who I thought was a volunteer firefighter, because I grew up in a place that was very rural and we didn't have those kinds of services. They were all volunteer. So to me, that's kind of what made sense. It wasn't until later that I realized that he was not that. How is it that this person would be in my room if nobody made a phone call so but he said to me, it is not always going to be like this. For you, life is not like this. Your experience is not going to always be like this, love and joy and feeling like you belong. He said those things to me are, you know that is what life is about. That is what this experience is about, and that get through this, you will get on the other side. Was kind of his message. So I realized, I didn't realize that he was a guide, then you guys, because I went to the hospital and, you know, got home and I had my car was parked up at on the street, and I had a blue car, mangia, which is a Volkswagen. And also I had a good friend who had a yellow one. So we were kind of like into these cars. We would commute to college together, and on our way, my friend would be driving, and I would see this pink carmigia, like at the stoplight, or we'd pass through an intersection, and there it would be this pinky purple color. And I thought, oh, man, that's so cool because, you know, we always have our our eyes out looking, and when I was walking up to my car, up to the street, that pink Carmen GIA came and and just slowed right in front of me. And it was, you know, it was just such this beautiful pinky purple, it kind of glowed. It was so weird. And then that volunteer firefighter was driving, and he just waved at me like it was like in slow motion, you guys, and my jaw dropped to the to the ground, you know, I was just stunned as he drove by. It didn't hit me until much later that he was my guide, because I would see him. I still went through periods in my life, battling depression, going up and down with my mood and just, you know, life, I was just so different than others. And when I moved to Hawaii, I would see, you know, pink on the beach. I would see him sometimes in the grocery store. And it would always be in times of my life where I was kind of struggling and I just thought he was a permanent delusion. I didn't realize who he was in my life. So that was that experience got me to. Pink to that beginning of that relationship, but as far as my relationship with him now in using him as a and understanding that he is a guide and guiding me and can use help me when I'm helping others to get guidance, you know? So that wasn't until when I was about 51-52

Jannecke Øinæs 35:27

and when you say that you see him like for me, who you know, who don't see guides or spirits like do. Did he appear physical to you? So you

Jen Bushman 35:39

Yeah, standing right there in his black and red checkered shirt, just like a man and Courtney is my other one who I met 22 she was in physical human form, but she's from Sirius B and she looks like a little white I see the same blue eyes that she had when I met her as a human, but she she looks like Casper, the Friendly Ghost the Syrians. There's a certain race where they look

Jannecke Øinæs 36:11

so you mean like human, or she's not a human, or I'm confused,

Jen Bushman 36:17

as I'm sorry, Janecke,

Jannecke Øinæs 36:18

you mean that she is a human, or she looks human and or she said, Is she a spirit? Or is she a human, and then a guide? Or is she appearing human?

Jen Bushman 36:30

She was a human who was a walk in from the theory. And so now I see her in her in her guide form. That's, it's like her spirit, but she in physical form to me, that I see with my eyes looks like Casper, friendly coach. She's just this little white and with her eyes, the same eyes that I met when I was 22

Jannecke Øinæs 37:00

The thing is that I feel it's so fascinating to, like, interview you and other psychics, because you see the world in such a different way than I do. So I'm, like, trying to understand how you see the world. And you probably are, you know, feeling like, Oh, she, she doesn't get it, you know, but the to me, you know, it's either real or not, because I'm not magic, I'm not able to imagine how it feels like that you communicate with guides that are that, in a way, are there, but they're not really there. And to me when I'm communicating with guides, I don't know if I'm making it up, you know, it's just myself, just okay. I'm trying to I'm communicating with guides right now, when I've been out to my body, I know I've been out my body, and what I saw there felt real, but in my physical body, it just feels like very physical and that's it, nothing more.

Jen Bushman 38:08

No, that is, you know, that is such an excellent, you know, question, comment and experience. Because, yes, I mean, how I experience the world is very different, and it's wonderful that I thought I was nuts, and that we've kind of in our reality. We do that, you know, we don't entertain Sasquatch, we don't entertain you. Know that their consciousness and explore who they are. We've always laughed at it or made fun of it, that if people can see other spirits or things, then they're crazy. You know, we've kind of had this, this belief instilled in us as humans. It's absolutely beautiful now that we're going through this collective awakening, and we're entertaining it. You know, all the readings, the consultations I do with folks, I love it, because they're like, well, three or four years ago, I started to have this wakening where my perspective shifted, and I just can't stop, I can't stop this quest. I can't stop this, you know, the watching podcasts and reading and entertaining, but it's so wonderful yannica, for somebody like me who experiences reality this way to now run into people that are just like, yeah, Jen, you know, I get it. It's just, it's great. So also, I just want to say that we can develop a relationship with our spirit guides, that we can build a foundation with our spirit guides, that we can start to work with. Our spirit guides. It, it, you know, understand, gang that we are all driving our spiritual ship, that you can drive it any way that you want to. You are in the driver's seat essentially that you can you start to understand dimensional work. You start to understand guides, the different levels dimensions of guides. When you start to do that, you can begin to develop a relationship and change your perspective. I think we get the idea like from watching YouTube podcasts that you know, only special people can see their guides, or work with their guides, or get messages from their guides. But I'm telling you that everybody can, because we all have a guide team. Now it may come through differently for everyone. Some people may see some people may hear them. Some people the right shoulder may tingle, or they'll get a a tone in their ear. But all of it is equal. All of it works. There are famous psychics out there who were on TV, who did not see guides, did not hear a voice, they just had an incredible knowing. And so we all have this ability to develop our gifts, to develop our our psychic and spiritual sense,

Jannecke Øinæs 41:44

and as a psychic, who are aware of your psychic powers, what do you know about what's coming to humanity? Like several channelers are saying that the weather is changing, and we already see that, that there's a flash of light coming. This and that is coming. Some are saying there's a storm coming. What do you see is coming?

Jen Bushman 42:08

Well, I see that things are we are going to experience challenges to us as humans, but it won't be anything more than we can handle. Like, look at what we went through with COVID. COVID really sucked, and it was difficult. You know, it changed our lives, and a lot of us went through, you know, fear, physically and financially. It changed our lives, but it needed to happen. Look at how it slowed us down. We just stopped. I mean, I was down in Seattle, and right there in the harbor where all the huge freighters come in and load up, there were seals that we're playing in the water, in this, you know, variety of porpoise that we have in those waters, they were out playing, and you would never see that, that healing that began, but that how everyone it just seemed to wake us up. It was a collective consciousness awakening, and that's what we are going to continue. Things are moving quite quickly, you guys, and we're going to have more challenges to us as humans. But do not be afraid. Do not be afraid of what's coming, because what I see are challenges that are coming, but it will be nothing more than we can handle, because we are meant to handle it. It is all for our growth. Remember, we are here to understand what is being reflected back to us, that the universe is set up like that, that if we don't have the dark, you know, dark, I'm not into that ooga booga, booga stuff, but if we don't have kind of that darker energy, we we can't measure our progress in the light, and so what I see is I know that we are geopolitically in our politics. We're very divided. It's very it's intense. It seems like we're experiencing incredible struggle and strife at times, but we would not if we weren't moving in such a positive direction collectively. And I know that that's an interesting position. You know that some people don't see it that way. So. But that is what I see, and I do see that we are going to struggle. I also know that Mars was once a very thriving third dimensional experience, and third dimensional beings, this is what we do, because we have emotion, because we have judgment. We are a very selfish, self absorbed experience, and it's meant to be that way, you guys and all third dimensional experiences kind of kill themselves off, but that's not going to happen soon, but that's why we see such changes in how we live, how we treat each other, how we how we treat the planet. How we treat Gaia so

Jannecke Øinæs 45:43

but will we make it you said that three dimensional beings? Did you say destroy themselves? Something?

Jen Bushman 45:51

Well, they destroy where they live, but there's many third dimensional experiences out there in the universe where us can go on. I mean, don't worry about human beings being on planet Earth. Our souls are huge. I mean, we are meant to have this experience and move on to other planets, to other dimensions. Exactly. See, other star systems are tirus Andromeda lira, you know, Pleiades Orion. These are all this is our neighborhood, and we reincarnate within our neighborhood. Because you hear about the Galactic Federation, the the Council of light, the Federation of white light, has many different names, but they are here to oversee our consciousness. Imagine the megaverse. The universe is broken up into different states, different, you know, like states in the United States, right? We it's broken up so that these councils, and there are several of them in the universe, they kind of oversee their particular neighborhood. So when we reincarnate, we reincarnate within our neighborhood that way our consciousness is overseen. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 47:17

Yes, I'm just a bit worried about Gaia like Gaia survive? Or won't we humans survive?

Jen Bushman 47:26

Just we are bigger than our bodies. We are bigger than this experience here and third dimensional experiences because of our choices, because we have free will, and we are in our will more than any other dimension, because we have emotion. We tend to they tend to kill themselves off, but don't. It's not going to happen soon. You know,

Jannecke Øinæs 47:56

this is not what I hear. Generally, I hear it's going to be tough, but we're going to make it like there's been a decision and but I don't know, maybe you see a timeline where we're not going to make it. Yeah,

Jen Bushman 48:09

well, remember, the universe is expanding at a quite a rapid rate, and that means that other places are building and being developed other planets, other star systems. That's what the Galactic Council is all about. They are part of developing the consciousness overseeing the consciousness of that which will be seated in these other places. It's very hopeful. It's kind of limiting to hang on to this idea of, you know, earth and getting upset about what we do to it. I agree. I mean, I I do not want to choke Gaia. I do not want to pollute and hurt and change that. You know, the molecular configuration of the universe by our choices. Believe me, I'm not into that at all. But as a psychic, as a dimensional Channeler, I see that it's all part of a plan, and it's okay. Just understand that this is not the only place in the universe where you're going to have this experience in the third dimension, our souls are huge, and we spend time in other dimensions simultaneously. When we move on from here, this is not it. This is not it for our experience. So just take comfort in that there's joy in that there's hope.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:53

Well, I choose to believe that humanity is going to make it. Is that what I've heard? Um. All over the place. Actually, this is the first time I hear the opposite, actually. Well,

Jen Bushman 50:05

I I don't see it as humanity discontinuing. I think it's it's seeing it, that it is continuing. It's just part of an evolution that we're kind of getting stuck on one little piece of it that's kind of limiting us.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:24

But don't, do you think that we're moving into sort of another dimension on earth that's that's Dolores Cannon, sort of work she's talking about, the split of the two Earths. Is that sort of also what you're speaking about here? Or is there a parallel to your perspective that sort of there are two choices here, those who want to continue the old way, and those who are going into the the other higher dimensions, but on Earth, but living from love and living from a deeper understanding.

Jen Bushman 50:57

See Dolores Cannon, and I, I've channeled her actually, and we've had these discussions about QHHT and what it means that really, she wanted to get the message across that when you are taken to the sun, when you are taken to the face of God or source that what is it that you were to learn that lifetime? And if you can see the parallels in being regressed back through your lives, you will find that it leads to who you are today, the whole point of being here, you guys, is soul contract work, getting it figured out here and now. It's cool to regress and go back and see you know where you've been, but it all points to and pertains to today. Um, she was my understanding. This is just my understanding that it's about a choice, that it was a choice to live in the here and now, or the choice to live in the possibility of what could be. That's what my understanding is when I have had my channelings with her. So understand, when we die, we here we are in the third dimension. When we die, we go to the fifth dimension. It's a hologram of who we are in the third but it's not all of us, we do a life review, and we get perspective. And so she has perspective, but her soul is huge and growing. There's always that little Dolores Cannon. There's always that, you know, Jimi Hendrix, Coco Chanel, it will always be who they are in the fifth with all of those emotions that they experienced and all of their experiences in that physical form. But that's not all of who they are like. I'm from Seattle, so Jimi Hendrix comes through for me. I love Jimmy Hendrix, but he's reincarnated now, and he's a four year old boy who plays the guitar, and he's quite exceptional. He will grow up to play the guitar, but he will not do drugs, and he will move humanity along. He was quite a spiritualist, a very forward thinker, and that's what this boy is going to do. But how is it that Jimi Hendrix will always be Jimi Hendrix that will be able to channel these people, those pieces of who they are will come through, but yet we reincarnate. See, see how our soul is. Our soul is big. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 54:07

all right, this is quite a stretch for me, but I'm opening my mind because you're, I feel like you're giving me like a big picture. Like, do not focus too much on your incarnation right here. Think about yourself as a huge soul who has a mission here, and you can, you're always alive, and you can incarnate all these places. I just have felt that humans have a big role to play, and that all eyes are on us now in the universe. But that's like a typical like, uh, ego, human thought. Again, like so important. But I still, you know, Gaia is a beautiful place, and I, I still want to believe that she's going to survive.

Jen Bushman 54:51

Oh, she's surviving in other dimensions, sweetie. And I love that you said that that was great. What you. That was awesome.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:01

Alright, okay, so, so what's your most powerful message that you want to share with everybody listening right now who maybe feels like me or they're like a bit attached to Gaia and earth and this incarnation?

Jen Bushman 55:16

Oh, well, that. Focus on the love, focus on looking at your experience and why you are here. What are you here for? What is it that you are learning? What is it that you you know spirit is trying to teach you about your relationship with yourself. But what is spirit trying to teach you about your relationship with spirit through all of this? You know, Gaia is an energy that exists throughout the universe. It is beautiful and it's here, but it's here in other places too. So there is hope. It's all about inclusion and belongingness. It's not about fear and separation and exclusion, about love and we. We are. We are love. That is what we are meant to be. So get into your soul. Contract work. Figure out, why is it that you are here? What is it the energy that is being reflected back to you, that which you need to learn,

Jannecke Øinæs 56:32

and what is the deeper, deepest spiritual insight that you have received in your life?

Jen Bushman 56:41

That's a really good question that I know it is stitched on pillows. I mean, it's needlepoint expressions everywhere. But truly, when you fall into the flow, when you trust God, trust spirit, or truly surrender to that, to let go of your guilt, your pain, your fear. And I know that's hard, like if you have 200 bucks in your bank account and you owe $2,000 tomorrow for rent. I know that that can be difficult, but my experience is truly when I have surrendered to that, my life is opened up, and I feel a peace and an ease and a love. It's it's real, so that, that is my deepest spiritual experience. Like I just feel this. I just feel like God, or the God force is just holding me like this, through my guides, through all these positive energies, through the people that come into my life, trusting that the people, the energies, the experiences, the support my greatest and highest good show up, that my environment is always being tweaked. I don't worry about it now anymore, you guys, truly every day It just shifts so that my highest good is being supported. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 58:29

Yeah, that's beautiful, the surrendering and the trusting and that God, I believe, God and or the universe, is speaking through us all the time. And if you know, we start just to trust it. And I feel so much that there's two forces within me, that part that wants to understand and figure out and control and the fear, and the other one was just like, let go and let God let go and let God that go and let God and I also, at the same time, feel that that part of me that wants to control is something for me to experience. It's something I chose to experience. So I'm not judging it, but I'm still like, it's really strong.

Jen Bushman 59:17

Oh, that's so beautiful. That's awesome, awesome.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:21

Well, thank you so much. Jen, I have a couple of questions I ask on my guest and what is self love to you? That's my first one.

Jen Bushman 59:30

What is self love to me? Wow, good question. It is. It's just, it's love. It's love when you reside in love that is self love when you reside in the here and now, in the moment when you're not living in the past, the ruminations of guilt and pain and what you. Have done what the people have done in your life, self love, to me, is understanding the role that people have played in your life. What is that energy that is being reflected back to me before guys, I used to live in that pain. It was like I couldn't slow down the monkey mind of all the things that I had done, all the things that I had lost, all the things that I had not done that didn't happen to me, the near misses, the near successes. It was like I lived in that energy, but now I just, I live completely in this moment here and now, talking to you right, that is self love. Love is letting go of all that crap that's self that's getting back to yourself

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:03

and what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Jen Bushman 1:01:08

that it is that this is the third dimension. The third dimension is all about emotion, our thoughts, our feelings, everything. These are frequency that through all of our interactions with people that is soul contract work being reflected back to us, it leaves an energy imprint on our soul, and our whole point in being here is to understand that, what is it teaching us about our relationship with ourselves. What is it teaching us about, ultimately, about our relationship with spirit? And then ascension is transmuting that energy. It's letting go so that you reside in love, in peace and ease, inclusion, belongingness, to me, that is, that is what the meaning of life is here on Earth, this existence as a human, but ultimately, our existence as A soul is about love. It truly exists. It's that inclusion, belongingness that runs through the fabric of the universe, through the cells, the atoms, molecules of the universe. What binds us all is that love in getting back to that place of love.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:43

So nothing to fear, really. ,

Jen Bushman 1:02:46

No no, no, no,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:51

beautiful, good.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:00

All right. Well, Jen, this has been highly interesting. Now, if people want to connect with you, could you share a little bit about your work at the end?

Jen Bushman 1:03:08

Oh, yes. Well, I'm at Jenbushman.com my name is Jen Bushman, so Jenbushman.com I have a rock shop that's online. I love the frequency of stones, and I believe in them to heal. I just, I have this unusual relationship with rock, but that's a Syrian thing. And then I do readings, consultations. I do medical intuitive I do star seed readings, where I can see your origins in the universe, and it helps to understand your soul, contract energy, like what it is that brought you back here. It can be very clarifying for folks to understand why they are here, what this is all about. I do soul path, integration, sessions. I do coaching and mentorship, but I teach classes, teach soul contracts, teach dimensions, meditation, spirit guides, divination tools, tarot classes. I love Tarot, so there's a lot going on, and I've got workshops coming up. We've got one in Honolulu in March, and I'm going to teach about pono, pono and the power of forgiveness, and I'm going to channel, say our and it's kind of all that's my part. And I've got two other colleagues that will be there as well, Lena and David. So that's all on the website. Jenbushman.com,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:44

so wonderful. Thank you for coming to the show today, sharing your perspectives and also following your your calling, um, being open about your gift and sharing your gifts. You know you could have hid them, you could have not to use them, but you. Daring to do so and helping humanity. So thank you so much for doing that and for coming to the show today.

Jen Bushman 1:05:06

Oh, thank you. It's been an honor. Jannecke, thank you so much. Thank you.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:11


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