What if you could tap into the knowledge and experiences of your parallel lives? What if time as we know it is shifting, allowing us to merge different versions of ourselves into one strong, empowered path? In this fascinating episode, Jamie Butler, renowned medium and intuitive teacher, shares her insights on the energetic shifts of 2025 and what they mean for humanity.

Join Jamie in her free 60-minute event on Shift Network where she will guide you through an eye-opening exploration of how to read light energy and build confidence in your intuitive abilities.

The Power of Parallel Lives: Accessing Alternate Realities

According to Jamie, 2025 is a turning point where the definition of time will change significantly. More people will experience stronger connections to parallel lives, meaning we may start feeling the lessons and wisdom from choices we never made. Instead of wondering “What if I had chosen differently?”, we will actually gain knowledge from those alternate versions of ourselves.

She explains that these parallel lives exist alongside our current experience, and in 2025, we will have greater access to their wisdom. This means we can integrate insights from different paths, making our current journey richer and more aligned.

Telepathy and the Shift in Consciousness

Another key change in 2025 is the rise of telepathy. Instead of relying on traditional learning, we will begin tuning into universal knowledge and accessing information intuitively. This shift in consciousness is part of a greater evolution in human awareness, allowing us to move beyond linear time and embrace a multidimensional reality.

Choosing Your Timeline: How to Align with Higher Frequencies

Jamie describes a split in consciousness—where some will embrace higher frequencies and expanded awareness, while others may resist and remain in denser realities. But this isn’t about right or wrong. It’s about choosing where you want to be.

The Art of Reading Light Energy

Have you ever experienced a moment of deep intuition or insight, only to immediately second-guess yourself? Maybe you wondered if that intuition was just your imagination or felt unsure about how to trust what you sensed.
We all encounter subtle light energy fields teeming with information every day, sais Jamie, but without guidance, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or doubt our abilities to tune in.

Jamie believes that connecting to these energy fields isn’t about doing it “right” or comparing yourself to others — it’s about discovering your unique way of perceiving energy, and trusting it to guide you.

You’re invited to join her in a new and free 60-minute event on Shift Network where she will guide you through an eye-opening exploration of how to read light energy and build confidence in your intuitive abilities.

Yes, I want to take part in this free event! >>

Transcript of the interview

Jamie Butler 0:00

2025 is actually going to lean into the definition of time. That's going to shift quite a bit for you, and you will have these parallel lives showing up stronger. So you will very much connect to who would I have been if I turned right, who would I have been if I said no, I said, Yes, and you will feel those lessons and knowledges that you've learned from that parallel path, and you will merge them into the strongest path. And so you can move back and forth in your conscious mind, in this incarnation, through other incarnations, to pull information and lessons forward. You won't have to read the book. You'll just be able to connect to the information. Telepathy is going to be very important. That's coming online in 2025 for all people.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:57

Jamie Butler, a warm welcome back to the show.

Jamie Butler 1:02

Thank you so much. It's nice to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05

You know, it's so nice to connect again. We connected many years ago. I'm not sure if it's like seven or eight years ago, and I remember it was such a big deal to have you on the show. I was so excited about it, because at that time, you were doing a lot of channeling together with Elisa Medhus, and I think a lot of you guys who have watched this show know who channeling Eric, what that is all about. It was a young boy who took his life, and you collaborated with Elisa Medhus, and I think she's half Norwegian, something like that. And you did a lot of channeling for her. And then we did a video where you were actually channeling Eric, and he had a lot of messages for me, and I remember it was so exciting. And also you just your ability to channel so many different beings, like I remember you channeled some tall, white beings at one time, and it seemed like you have this ability, or I know you have this ability, to connect with various beings. And even though you call yourself the everyday medium, and you're still down to earth, and you're a beautiful author of the book with love and light, and you're just, you know, you're passionate about helping humanity also connect in their own way. So how have you been what has happened since last time?

Jamie Butler 2:31

Oh my gosh, since 2016 I think is what it was. Nine years, so much has happened. Of course, we've all participated in the increasing of mass consciousness through COVID and all of its adjustments that we've made, but I have fallen more into focusing on teaching, you know, putting out courses to help people learn how to connect to satellite energy, how to perceive it, and especially connect in their own way. I'm very aware, you know, as as I came into my abilities very young, but then in college, it was like, What do I do with this? What is it even called? I don't know. Now we have much more language around it, so it's, it's easier to talk about. But you would go to a class and a teacher would sit down and say, this is the approach. This is how you do it. And it was just like a classical follow my lead to get results, repeat these steps to get this outcome. And I remember being so frustrated because I didn't feel like either I couldn't do it or I wasn't as confident enough. I just didn't know if that was going to be my path, there's my path. So now, as I'm coming forward and teaching things like trans channeling, perceiving energy, how to get information from satellite energy, I'm hyper aware of making sure that the person showing up has their own language, has their own connection, their own validating points, and builds that trust. Because I think if we have more of this happening, more individuals shining light, that's going to help the overall lift or shift in conscious, oh, consciousness in the end,

Jannecke Øinæs 4:15

that makes sense.

Jamie Butler 4:16

It's so excited I don't swallow What is wrong with me.

Jannecke Øinæs 4:21

Now, for those of of us, or those who are new to to your work, I know you, you started communicating with beings at a very young age, could you share a little bit about how your spiritual journey started and how it was like for you growing up with all these extra sensory abilities.

Jamie Butler 4:42

Oh, I loved it. I don't know if I have a start point. It's just something that I always had. I could see energy light shining off of people. I could see spirits in the room. They just felt like familiar. Your friends, you know, having a big support team. But then when I would go and talk about it with my family as a kid, you know, Mom, do you see Bob? Do you see Cheryl? No, this is your imagination, Jamie, this isn't real. But I would have such a visible reactions if my brother would sit on them or tease the area where I would tell him that they were and it just it was unnerving. And so my parents kind of well, my mom agreed mostly that when we were on a vacation, that she would convince me that my imaginary friends really liked where we were on vacation and that they needed to stay there. So it was a big turning point at the age of six to having so much energy and voice and love, guidance around me, talking to me, and I believe I developed the ability of sight and sound the way I have it, clairvoyant clairaudience, based on me trying to normalize it as a kid, making it look like they're people, and listening to them like they're people, because I hear their voices with an outer ear rather than an inner ear. So when we went on the vacation, my mom was like, okay, they want to stay here. Let them stay here. And I love her. I respect her. I followed suit, and eight hours driving home from Georgia to Florida, you know, it's me crying and sobbing, because it's the first time being alone, not having that big support team. And so from 6 to 18 until I moved out of the house, moved out of my mom's, you know, home, it was more of having dreams or feelings that just felt odd and out of place. But as soon as I left, it all started rushing back, and that was that was way too much to handle. Like, I really have a ton of compassion for all of you who woke up one night and was just like, this is coming online, like you went from nothing to something, because it is a lot to manage, and I just want to let you know like you're not crazy. Deep breaths, hang in there, like you'll find your tribe welcome. So from 18 on, it was learning how to turn it off, how to manage it, and then finding the excitement, the connectivity of having that ability and wanting to include other people in it. So that started with doing readings, and then it started to, oh my gosh, you have something similar. I see that in you. Let me help you develop it. And that's turned into these 16 week courses, these classes that I teach, and I'm just I love it. I love helping people wake up.

Jannecke Øinæs 7:46

But when you were young and did not get support, that must have been challenging. But did you start to doubt that? You know, this is just fantasy. This is not real. No?

Jamie Butler 7:59

That's crazy. No, I've never been asked that. I never doubted they there's they look so real, like Jannecke. You you see them, but you can I can look through them, but I see their clothing, their outline. I hear them. And imagine, like all of these entities that came to support me were full of love. They would teach me about self care, self love, communicating to animals, communicating with nature. It was just so much information. I never once thought it was imaginary. I just thought it was something that everybody could do, but my parents just weren't interested in it, like maybe they were old, I don't know, but I never doubted it. And it was really, really sad when I said goodbye to it.

Jannecke Øinæs 8:46

So I can just imagine you being in school, you know, and you taught all these things, and then you are being taught, or before you were six, about, you know, how the universe works, how to speak with animals nature, like you said, Didn't you like, constantly raise your hand, hand and be like, No, it's, it's not that way. You know. It's another way. I know. I know

Jamie Butler 9:11

You nailed it. I would. I've been uninvited out of a lot of situations because of that mouth when I was a kid, I was actually uninvited out of church. My family was Baptist, and my grandparents, you know, we'd all go to church and there's the preacher sharing stuff, and I would just howl, that's not true. That's not right. That's not true. And I remember my grandma like jerking my arm and like taking me out of the sanctuary, walking down the middle of the aisle while he's still preaching. It's like, I don't understand, but that wasn't right, so they put me in Sunday school. I got kicked out of Sunday school. I got kicked out of art class. Was one of the, Yes, one of the one of the assignments I was six. One of the assignments was, draw what you see. And I thought, Oh, I'm getting this right. I drew the person. I drew the clown buttons, you know, all the colors. I drew the layers of light around the people, the purple people, the blue people. Nailed it. The teacher came by and took my paper, and I remember he crumbled it up, and he said, You don't understand, I'm asking you to draw what you see. And I thought I didn't put enough color in it, obviously. So I did it again, and he considered me a disruption to class because I couldn't follow directions. So he told my mother I couldn't come back to art class.

That is so sad that one actually hurt. I did want to be an artist. You watch how I draw things today, and we will giggle like girls for hours because it's ridiculous, but I did want to be an artist. Wow, not so good.

Jannecke Øinæs 10:54

Now. I hope well, I think times are changing. You mentioned blue beings, and they. So who are they?

Jamie Butler 11:07

Where do you want to go with this? Um, well, also looking at people. So when I was little, I would look at people, and they would have the clown buttons, is what I call them. But they're, they're chakras, so all the colors. But sometimes their their skin, their their body, would be like a blue hue. So I was seeing their orc field, so I would color their skin blue, because that's what they look like. That's like the color they were given off. But then with entities that would show up. Of course, I didn't call them entities. They were just my friends. And I would find out what their name more was, and I would say, Bob, you know, it wasn't much. It wasn't until I was much older did my aunt ask me a question. My mom never asked, but she was like, Do you remember your imaginary friend, Bob? I was like, Oh my God, yes, you kidding me.He was with me, like the most of my life. She was question for you, how old was he? And I was like, Oh, he was probably 30-32. She was like, that's blowing my mind. She goes, we just thought Bob was a little kid like you, because it was your imaginary friend. And this whole time, he's like, this man in energy who was playing with you and taking care of you. And I was like, yeah, he was really great to me. She was like, Oh, I wish I would have known, you know, I wish I knew what to ask you. And I was like, nobody, did you know back then, it was just your imagination, because back then that was, like, a little over 50 years ago,

Jannecke Øinæs 12:39

right. Have you asked them why you see all of these beings and why they're here supporting you? And for a lot of us, we don't feel like we don't have that support team.

Jamie Butler 12:55

I have. I've done the why me several times, and not wanting to, you know, make myself a victim or anything, but it's it's uniquely different to see these things and not have other people see them as quickly or as steadily as you do. But it was never a why me. It was you're the normal. You're not different. Jamie, you're the normal. Everybody else is waking up, and we want you to be there to help them wake up. And I remember when I was older, they would coach me. We don't want you to get tattoos. We don't want you to get piercings. We don't want you to dress awkwardly. We want you to look like an everyday like everyday person, so that people feel comfortable talking to you. And I were like, what? So I did that for a long time, but, you know, now you reach a certain age, it's like, I'm going to dress how I want to now, I did my thing when the woo woo was like, in a box, in a closet, put away. It wasn't seen as norm, taboo. That's, you know, that's coming out. Thanks to you, thanks to many of people out there putting information out with part of a conversation now,

Jannecke Øinæs 14:05

yeah, yeah, I've seen you say that it's not woowoo. It's true, true. I love that. Yeah. So what are your guides saying about these crazy times that we find ourselves in? It just seems like things are going faster, faster. There's never been a time with more consciousness, more energy, more this, and more that. I can assume that for guys like you who have these abilities, it's maybe, you know, a relief. You know, finally, it's happening. More and more people are speaking about this. So

Jamie Butler 14:41

That's true. It is very it's very comforting having other people wake up as well and want to have dialog about it and want to normalize it. But we still get into situations, whether it's based on location, environment, misunderstanding, where you know what we're experiencing. Seen is still seen as you're overreacting or you're over emotional. And, you know, we try to govern our experiences so that we're accepted by others and circumstances. So that's still a bit of a navigation. But most of my guides, like I channel a guide named Maitland. She's a younger entity, very, kind of very creative, very she can take the most complex, crazy information and just say it very plain and very digestible. And sometimes she'll say, put your seatbelt on like the energies are running so high, make sure you stay grounded. She'll like pretend to put a seatbelt on for the month, because that's what we're going to need. And then another entity that I'm very close with that helped me write my book with love and light. Her name is Grace, and she has been a wonderful just steady voice talking about how to really connect and get grounded into change. Don't ground into your daily routines. Let's not ground into our reliables, those things that we look at, that we feel are always going to be there for us, because the only thing constant in life is change. So let's practice grounding to the element of change this way, as consciousness lifts, the heartbeat of the earth increases. You know, as times definition dissolves in front of our eyes, we don't feel so untethered because we're grounded to the change.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:34

Yeah, that makes sense. What are sort of other skills that you guys are speaking about that is important for us to cultivate in these times,

Jamie Butler 16:44

besides grounding and to change, I think what I have found most useful is to identify when you are uncomfortable, even to the smallest degree, because a lot of people are coming online with their clairsentient their ability to feel, their empathy levels are increasing, but they still have this steady, trained, indoctrinated mind that says, Put your head down, persevere. Keep going. You know, don't stop. And that just runs over all of those sensitivities and all the signs. So if we can acknowledge when you're uncomfortable, just like by this much, just itty bitty, bitty, then imagine that being the biggest scream of pay attention from your intuitive self, your sensitive self. That way you get to acknowledge exactly when a boundary has been crossed, or when you gave away a boundary accidentally didn't mean to when you're in an environment that's not serving you, or when you're around frequencies that aren't in alignment with you, I think knowing the definition of being uncomfortable and being able to recognize it right when it happens that way, you're catching it, and You're staying very present with your sensitivities, instead of going, like, an hour later or three days later. Oh, do you remember when that happened? Why didn't I say, Excuse me, I need to leave, or let's stop this conversation. Like, why didn't we?

Jannecke Øinæs 18:17

Yeah, that makes sense. We're going to have a visitation from Grace later on. Could you share a little bit about who she is and how she came to you like, is she human, or has been a human? Or is she an extraterrestrial or interdimensional or angel, or she can be so many things.

Jamie Butler 18:41

When I first met her, I was writing my book, and I was just struggling with, how could I put words down on a piece of paper? I'm just this single like small woman i Who would want to hear my voice. And she came in and really helped me find that confidence and her energy was quite stern and very peaceful, and it was like a Yes, ma'am, no ma'am, kind of experience, very respectful. And then through the years, I've gotten to know her. I've learned more about her. She has been on earth not many times. One of the incarnations that she links to the most is one in the mid 1850s in England, and so she sometimes mentions where she lived, how she lived, and what her life was, relationship with her mother, and when she transitioned, she found she really wanted to help people understand what it was like to go back to Earth. So she considers herself like a spiritual counselor. So when you think about incarnating and you think about what lessons you want to learn and who you're traveling with in your group, she's kind of a voice of reason. She'll listen to you. Help you pick that time frame. Help you understand that you have too much on your plate. She likes to say that a lot, most of the time, I'm there going that's too much. Why don't we lighten the load a little bit. You know, being human is enough. You don't need so much on your plate. And so she helps people find their paths. And it's nice, because when we get into talking with her, she's very good about sifting through you might call it your Akashic records, your contracts, your agreements, you know, and highlighting that for you and understanding how that linked to other incarnations and why it's helping you this go around. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 20:24

all right, yeah, speaking of that, do you think are a lot of souls coming to earth right now to be part of this great shift of consciousness?

Jamie Butler 20:35

You've given me goosebumps. That's not my normal sign, but I liked that question, yes, I think you can feel that too, right? The even the Should we call it needs? The needs of kids are changing. Like my I have a daughter. I have a son and a daughter. My daughter is 17, and and there are things that I did at age 17 that I just thought were just normal life, like, you know, sneaking out or telling some lies, you know, like being teen, eating food that's not good for me, but it tasted good, so I'm going to eat it anyways. Or just all this. She's like, why would I do that to my body? And she has a really strong sense of her temple, and that's not something that I instilled into her, something she came with. And she has a very strong antenna on. I like being with these people. I like how this feels when I don't like it, she will just walk away. Choose leave where I've been taught, be polite, stay put, you know, make sure you're kind and give, and then say thank you, even though you didn't like what happened. Say thank you, and then be on your way. Oh, not her. She's like, I gotta go. I'm like, okay, I get you. She takes off and takes care of herself. So she's at 17. Imagine the knowledge and the information coming in with these newborns. I think they're all ready for the, I guess, the new earth, or the shift that we're co creating right now.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:15

Hey there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you enjoy it, and perhaps you've been watching some of my other videos as well. If you do appreciate them, I would love for you to hit the subscribe button that really helps us reach out with these videos, because we put so much love and work and effort into this show to raise the collective consciousness. So if you want to support us in doing so, then subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much. And may you shine the light that you are,

yeah, and she has you as a mother as well. I think that helps too to become a conscious person. Um, I remember we spoke a bit about this the last time as well. Like prediction and because when you can see things, I assume people come to you and they want to know their future.

In what way do you see our our future? Do you see that for me, individually and other people? Do we have multiple timelines and multiple potentialities. Or is it more like, okay, no, you have a destiny. I can clearly see it. You're meant to meet this person. Like, I find that question so or that topic so interesting, like the free will and the destiny. And I would love to hear your perspective on that, since you're seeing so many things?

Jamie Butler 23:42

Yeah. So I've been doing readings probably 33 years, a little bit more, and 10s and 1000s of readings I've done in that time. And I will say yes to both of what you just said. There are people who show up, and it's just like you, I can't see anything, but what they are meant to be doing that, is it, it is going to come back around. If they run from it, if they close it up, it's going to hit them in the face. If they try to move, it's going to follow them like it's so strong. So, yes, some people come in with a very strong destiny, and no matter how you wiggle, it's going to be on them. Others show up. And actually, there's probably three ways I see this, others show up and they have contracts and agreements that they've made people that they want to interface with and achieve, whatever you want to call it lessons, experiences, and they throw Free Will all throughout it. They jack things up, they change the plans, they do whatever, and it just grows, and it morphs how they want to co create it with the environment and with the other people and the personalities and the energies that works well. And then there's people like the third kind of a person. It's almost like they serve a purpose to a certain age. Each and then it flips. And then it's like you don't really have an agreement or destiny or something that needs to be occurring. It's more of explore humanness and the emotions it contains. Seek your happiness. By seeking your happiness, you're going to feed yourself everything that you were possibly looking for in the first part, where you had all these contracts and agreements that you wanted to learn and get through. So I wish there was one blanketed statement. I think it would be so much easier for all of us if we just had the one word and statement and definition. But in this case, we're also uniquely different, and why we're interested in incarnating, why we want to be in earth at this time. You know, some of us might be here attracted to simple the chaos, attracted to the chaos, and we're going to create more chaos. And that's why we're here. Others of us are attracted of being here at a dark moment to apply light, to oppose and to provide possibility. We're really attracted to that other people want to be here because it's a fast paced, energetic time, and they just want to be in that kind of energy. So we're all playing a role. I think it's best that people, if you want to know this about yourself, ask it about yourself, instead of asking more of a blanket. As my guide Maitland says, a lot. The quality of your question equals the quality of your answer. So linger on that one for a little bit before opening your mouth.

Jannecke Øinæs 26:29

True that I think maybe it's time to meet Grace, instead of me asking all these questions so we can hear what she has to say,

Jamie Butler 26:39

we'd love with that.

Jannecke Øinæs 26:44

Do you want to take us through the process or, or how you you're a trans channel, right? So you're not, are you not present in a way you you don't hear what is being said, correct?

Jamie Butler 26:55

So when I leave, I'm not going to remember the exchange that we had together, all right? So when I come back, if you want to talk about that, it'll be like having a new conversation with me, but ask anything that you would like with grace, and she'll definitely let you know if there's a boundary she's I love how she communicates, so I usually tell people who are observing, if you want to try to catch that spark of light, sometimes you can see a shift of energy. I tend to exit here on my neck. So look at the space here between my ear and my shoulder, not a wall, but just floating, okay,

and I'll see you when you end the conversation with Grace. Yeah,


Jannecke Øinæs 27:51


Jamie Butler 27:53


It always takes me a moment.

We're very tight on the computer today, aren't we?

All right.


Jannecke, correct.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:13

Yes, that's correct.

Jamie Butler 28:15

My name is Grace. You can call me Grace or Gracie,

Jannecke Øinæs 28:19

all right. Do you have something you want to open with, or do you want me to ask questions?

Jamie Butler 28:28

I was here thinking that you might want to ask some questions.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:32

Sure. So I would really love if you could share your perspectives on the shift of consciousness. And we're in 2025 right now, in January. January sort of started with a bang. I feel like in in many ways, and I've been sick for one week and a half. Never been so sick in my life. And on a global scale, so many things are happening, and some channelers are speaking about that we're moving into two different timelines now. What is your perspective on the times we find ourselves in?

Jamie Butler 29:09

I really appreciate you mentioning the year and the month, because it's often quite difficult when we come through to speak and to help to remember what timeline we're actually speaking to and about. So in looking at the differences between 24 and 25 they were quite extreme. It really was a day and night experience from one December 31 to January 1. So this all consciousness that you're talking about, and please engage with me if there's some clarity that you need when I'm speaking. I don't see it as an interruption when you're talking about consciousness and timelines. It is wise to think of your strongest focus. Focus in this incarnation that you have where you're placing your thoughts, your emotions and your actions. We'll call that your strongest timeline, and then acknowledging that every moment you had a choice, an option, to say yes or no, to turn left or right, that every option available to you is going to play out, whether you're thinking of it playing out on your head, or you'll try it on emotionally to see what that is like, or possibly you walk a little bit about down one path before you realize it's not actually the best path for you. And then you back up, and then you make a different decision. So when we observe you and your incarnation, you might think of it much like a feather. You have the middle strong point of the feather, and you have all the little ones coming off the middle.

But these parallel lives is what I like to refer them as they run adjacent to you. But they don't always have a complete ending. If you call that energy back to the main line and to the main purpose of where you're headed, then that parallel life will cease to follow through. It will dissolve. There's something about discussing this and having you analyze it in a way where there is a beginning and a definite end, and to need to have purpose for it all to occur, because in an energetic standpoint, there's not necessarily a beginning an end, because it always exists. And so to peel that layer of time being linear off the definitions of what we're talking about is quite difficult for where you are currently 2025. Is actually going to lean into the definition of time. That's going to shift quite a bit for you, and you will have these parallel lives showing up stronger. So you will very much connect to who would I have been if I turned right, who would I have been? If I said no, if I said yes, and you will feel those lessons and knowledges that you've learned from that parallel path, and you will merge them into the strongest path. You will become more focused, more present in your decision making, and your consciousness will become stronger and stronger, lifting you out of linear time, connecting you more to other incarnations. Those would be other feathers in your hat, per se, if you want all the incarnations or the lives that you've chosen, whether that's multi dimensional, plant life, animal life, human life, Earth or other. Imagine that's all the feathers in your cap that you're wearing. And so you can move back and forth in your conscious mind in this incarnation, through other incarnations to pull information and lessons forward, you won't have to read the book. You'll just be able to connect to the information. Telepathy is going to be very important that's coming online in 2025 for all people. If you want it, it's going to come easier. If you're a bit nervous or wobbly with the idea, then it's going to be a bit of a challenge. And you're you're really disdained against it, it absolutely won't cross your path, and that will create part of that separation that you mentioned a moment ago. Do you see the timeline splitting, I believe is what you said. And yes, it's splitting. But the interesting thing it's not like you're splitting so far that you'll never see each other ever again, but it's more of splitting up and down to where the uppers can still see the lowers and the lowers can still see the uppers.

But I want you to hold fast and steady that neither one of these paths are right or wrong. This dualistic language has to stop. Dualistic is not going to work for your higher frequencies. Become present, become neutral, love and accept all that is the differences will bond you so in this separate timeline, coming above and below, all perfectly well. It's not like. You'll stop seeing each other and stop communicating and engaging. You'll still be able to engage, but it will literally feel as if you are in a completely different world than the other person. Though you see them and you speak to them and you engage them, your backgrounds are very different how you define and view the world.

Maybe you can boil it down to what it feels like to speak to two people that have had trauma in their life, but one person has decided to take on therapy, to really identify the trauma, to hold to heal and to move the trauma through their body, and now they have developed a higher perspective in life, and they have learned a valuable lesson in how to love and embrace all that is even if it's unfavorable favorable, but the person who did not do the therapy or chose not to look at their wounds is Still holding fast to them, because now they are defining who they are. And so when you talk to these two people, one that has had therapy and one who has not, it seems like they live in different worlds, but they inhabit the same one. That's the kind of concept I'm trying to convey.

Jannecke Øinæs 36:18

All right. Thank you. So is it true that this split, in a way to it's hard to put words on it is stronger now in 2025 and is it so that if we choose to raise our vibration and do the therapy version, this will unfold for us. So it's more of a like a choice and an opening up more than I have to do something.

Jamie Butler 36:53

Yes, absolutely, it's a choice of opening up. I like to boil it down after I come through and channel and maybe offer some lessons through Jamie, I like to remind others to choose happiness. So all of what you've just said, I boil down to reminding you to choose the happiness that it's a choice.

Jannecke Øinæs 37:21

Hmm? Now these two versions, these two different people, when they die, when they cross over, have they sort of evolved differently then? So the first soul that is choosing to open up is sort of then my question is, I wonder, what happens when we die? Are we sort of back to zero again, like because we came into this planet and we had some plans and we we had some agreements, and then we make some choices. I wonder how much that affects what happens to our soul in the afterlife, like how important it is to do this work here, or how, or if it's not that important, because it's just one life, and it goes by like that, and we probably lived A million lives. So I guess my question is like, how important is it that I wake up in this incarnation and do this work?

Jamie Butler 38:29

Well, from my viewpoint choosing to incarnate on Earth is extremely important. It is an intense journey. It is isolating. It takes you through the darkest moments of your heart, of your soul, and you arise anew. And when you walk through that, not only are you developing skills, but you're developing them in a very deep and meaningful way, and it's not something that you can experience on our side. Our side holds absolute compassion. We communicate through telepathy, through emotion. There are no secrets when we wish to connect, we merge our light on Earth, you haven't figured that out yet. So when you incarnate, it's almost as if you are going into darkness. I find it's very important for the vitality and the strength of the Soul to have these experiences. It's why I help you choose and pick your experiences in that incarnation. It's not about learning. So the word lessons that you've applied is very lovely to think of it that way, but really they're remind.

Does you know all of this already? You actually can incarnate and not have to have a contract, not have to have an agreement, and come in fully with all the knowledge like a little bird, and it's just about remembering. So yes, it is important, but the level of importance is going to be up to each individual, isn't it? Because once you find yourself in a human body navigating matter 3d thought, all of this is quite heavy, then you develop, or you're taught, a sense of judgment and a sense of measurement. And isn't that all part of the game? Where do I resonate the strongest? Is it in my logical head, where I want to analyze, compare, measure, contrast? Is it in my emotional body where I want to feel my way through this life, what resonates the most, that feeds to different personalities? So your question to the judgment of or the value or intensity of life is going to vary for each person, but me, from where I stand is quite important that you have experiences in different environments, so that you know who you are,

Jannecke Øinæs 41:33

what is really a soul. And could you speak a bit more to our multi dimensionality? It just feels so vast to me that I I'm just so curious about who I am, and when I hear that I'm multi dimensional, and my soul is huge. That makes me work more confused, and the more I started having a happy life, and I really enjoyed my life. Like the later years my life has really been good, the more I actually want to identify as Jannecke. So I was sort of running away from it. I wanted to ascend when I started the spiritual work, and now I actually just want to be more embodied and even more Jannecke. And then I'm like, oh, life is so short. So could you speak for that? Sorry,

Jamie Butler 42:34

it's quite short. In the large scheme of things, it's a burst of light, so to speak, to the point of, can you state your question again?

Jannecke Øinæs 42:45

Yeah, what is a soul? And what does it mean that we're multi dimensional, like, Where does Jamie and Jannecke could go and all the others who are listening?

Jamie Butler 42:57

Well, I think if I was to sit here and tell you that your soul is shared. You might not enjoy that concept so much.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:05

I just wanted the truth

Jamie Butler 43:09

it's shared. So the beauty about this soul, or for others, they might want to call it consciousness. Or for others, they might want to call it energy. It is a source that wishes to know itself and to know itself, it must divide so that it can see itself from afar. And in the act of dividing, it gave life in and of it to itself. And so here we have, let's take yourself, for example, who you are in this incarnation. But if you travel your focus, whether you want to consider that a mental focus, an emotional focus, a soul's focus, right? Because the human body has all of these different perspectives, right, just to confuse you a little bit more. But if you put them all together, and you rise up, or just one at a time, and come into your higher self, whether that's through trance, meditation, imagination, there's many different paths. But you look at your higher self. That higher self is the core of you. You being a plural statement. It holds the information from all of the incarnations that you have chosen. Remember, time is not linear, so we're looking in the future past. We're looking at all kinds of bodies, whether that's light body, another universe, another galaxy, or many times in this timeline, as you are now, you can have other parts of you incarnated at the same time, but you've done this consciously. You've done this knowingly. You've created this web. On purpose, so that you may experience yourself. So then we start to ask, what is the higher consciousness? What is that aspect of the soul, the oversoul, the higher soul? Well, that is a part of the whole. And the whole for many people, if you have a religious outlook. You might call it God, or some might focus on words like Jesus. There's all kinds of names for this prime source, this higher love, unconditional love, but this is where it exists, and it embodies all that is. And I think it's quite confusing for the mind to think about all that is because you live in a dualistic world, and you live in a world that is in alignment with separatism. I am i You are you and we are different. I have skin and you have skin. We do not touch each other.

But actually, above all of this, you are the same. There is only one person on earth. You are all the same, but experiencing different situations and circumstances so that you may explore yourself. Earth is very unique in this way. But there are many other locations out in greater space that host a very similar style of income incarnation. And there are other life forms that operate completely differently, but they all feed on a very similar source of energy, or consciousness or soul, however you like to call it. So for now, I think it's better for people who are exploring what is soul is really to learn about the instrument they're in, because that instrument that you're in can do so much more. So why work on solving the mysteries of what you will gain knowledge of when you no longer embody that instrument. Why work so hard to be out of it when you're in it right now, I learn how to navigate that body, how to use telepathy, how to heal it, how to regrow your organs, how to stay young forever, because those are all very plausible.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:33

You froze a bit. There.

Jamie Butler 47:35

You have to unravel what you've been taught.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:39

Sorry. Could you say that again, you froze a bit.

Jamie Butler 47:43

All of what I was mentioning is in your DNA, and it's all plausible and all achievable. So I ask it's very wonderful that you want to seek beyond your boundaries to define what soul is, but you're human now, so focus on your human instrument and learn how to use it. First. In the act of learning how to use the body, you'll understand what the soul is, and the questionings will stop because you can't explain it in words.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:18

Does the body have its own consciousness.

Jamie Butler 48:23

Yes, everything.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:28

So it's not the the soul that brings light into the body. It's actually the body itself that has its own consciousness.

Jamie Butler 48:36

It's from both. It's from both everything is created. If it's created, it has consciousness. So the pen that you use to write on the paper considered both inanimate objects, both have consciousness. It obtains memory. It holds frequency, and it can be communicated with.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:07

I'm wondering, is there such a thing as evil, or is it just, in a way, lack of light?

Jamie Butler 49:19

I'm wondering where you'd like to take this conversation, because we can take it down this dualistic judgment. So when we define something or label something as evil, each of us have a different definition of what that means. Some are very fearful, some are curious. Some are okay with the word. Some can't even connect to it. But I like how you restated it as a lack of light. Would you like to talk about it that way?

Jannecke Øinæs 49:47

Yes, we can do that. I'm just I'm wondering if there are two different forces, or whether, you know, sometimes I could incarnate as the enemy and hurt somebody, and another time, another can incarnate and do the same towards me, or if it's I'm wondering, or if it's actually a dark force out there who's working against the light, like we see, you know, in certain movies and the fairy tales, because I think the fairy tales and the movies are pointing to something as well.

Jamie Butler 50:28

It is, but it's really doing it such a disjustice, because how you're looking at those stories that you're sharing with each other, you're relying on only using dualistic language, right, wrong, good, bad, day, night, reward, punishment, and so there's not enough language or words around the fact that good is not necessarily good. The greatest of goods can come in and destroy and the bad is not necessarily bad, because the worst of the worst can come in and give you the best of experiences that you needed for the rest of your life. So if we start looking at the labels of light and dark, and we start to align to I accept all that is because all that is, is energy, is love, is valued. If I can practice in my instrument and my body to not use the words of judgment, labeling and containing definitions around frequencies, I will now allow that frequency to operate at its highest purpose. And I know that if I'm coming across it, that highest purpose is meant for me, because you're never in a wrong place and you are, and this is a very bold statement for me, but I will use it. You are always the best version of yourself at any given moment, even when you're crying, when you're hurt, when you're bleeding out, when you feel as if you're at the bottom of the pit and you will never recover. You are the best version of yourself. So why would you judge and condemn it as wrong when that is you. So applying unconditional love eliminates the dualistic language and connects you to the extremes that you're trying to talk about with a language that does it no justice whatsoever.

Jannecke Øinæs 52:36

And I know this, and I've heard this many times, and the and what I'm sort of debating with those who channel or or those who are coming through, is that, but we are living in a dualistic world. And it's easy to say, you know, don't use those that language well, but that's, you know, the illusion that we're actually living in and I can find myself judging without even thinking that I'm judging. It just happens. It's what we're being taught so and I know the work is or it seems like the work is about unlearning everything we've actually learned, but that's not an easy thing. We come into this world and we see it how it is, and we're taught this is how it works. And then we hear messages of No, do not judge. You know, lose the the dark and the light. But it does get dark in the evening, and it does get light like we do have dualism all over the place. It's in our software is in our subconsciousness. So what I'm wondering about is that, are we getting help, energetic, wise to let go of this, because it's not an easy thing.

Jamie Butler 54:00

I think each person will describe it differently, but yes, you are growing out of a dualistic world, and you're stepping into a triality. So in this, this is the struggle that you're talking about, right? You're naming it, not easy, difficult, because it's your comfort, it's what you've known before, and you what you've known. Sometimes it's hard to step out to because you don't know what to step into, because it hasn't been shown and that's why these conversations are so valuable. Do rise up and keep asking questions and keep expressing the emotions you're going through. Do not stay quiet. Do not hold your tongue. Do not belittle your heart. When you are confused and you seek more knowledge, get louder, because in that you will find those tiny sparks. So for this. I will say you are getting help. And part of this enlightenment in this new consciousness, and this lift to the new world, is about coming out of the duality. Apply work to the mental body. The mental body is the easiest one to manipulate. It likes to lie. It's learned how to lie. It's learned how to present a false facade. It's adaptable, easy, flowing. So let's start there, and that's going to be with thoughts. So may I give you two suggestions?

Jannecke Øinæs 55:39


Jamie Butler 55:42

So I would look at this, what is a compliment? Right? As a spiritualist, as someone who's loving and compassionate, compliments seem very supportive, don't they?

I love what you did. I liked that. Thank you for doing this. I acknowledge you all of this seems quite healthy, does it not? But when we look at it, it's actually life alienating language. It's separating you from what's really happening. It's a facade. It's a beautiful facade, or a nice facade, if we want to use those words, but it's not connecting you to the speaker at all. If I say I like what you're doing, you don't learn anything, and we're not connected. So to help feed conversation, because whenever you open your mouth, you seek to fulfill a need. If you can identify what that need is, before you open your mouth, the words are going to come out with more clarity. You will seek not to label but connect more so a bit of homework, per se, if you want to give a compliment, instead of giving the compliment and walking away not connecting, try this instead, when you feel a compliment arising in your body and you want to say, That's good, state, what you're looking at? What is the action? What is the visual, what is the factual thing that made you want to speak up, and I want you to name it. And so name it very clearly. This might take two sentences. When I saw you do X, Y, Z, with these colors on this canvas, this way, you know, say it all. Name what it is, and then name what emotion arose. What did you feel in your body when you wanted to give the compliment, were you excited, filled with joy, bliss? What was it? Share what that is, and then follow through with what need? Did it meet you observed something and it fulfilled a deeper need inside of you. Was it the need for beauty, organization, safety, security, and so in doing this kind of sharing, it is connecting life. It is not separating life. Because now not only did you know my emotional status, you knew what need it fulfilled, and you knew exactly what I was observing, what I was connecting to, and why I spoke up. Now you've learned about me, and we can continue a conversation instead of just smiling and going, thank you for thinking that's good, but not knowing really what good means and what the definition of it is, because it's subjective. So in doing this, it will require you to identify your emotions. A lot of you don't know what your emotions are. That's why I said it's better to start learning about the instrument that you're in, that human body, the emotions are where all the power is not the mind, not the thoughts, it's the emotions. And then you're going to need to learn what is the need, and you might need to get a list of needs and a list of emotions so that you can build your vocabulary, so that you can begin to connect by giving acts of appreciation instead of compliments. This will help you step away from duality, come into triality and connect.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:30

Very, very helpful. What is your final message to our audience today?

Jamie Butler 59:37

Well, I think I've just hit on one of it. The final message is to learn how you work, and if you're frustrated, and if you feel you're at the bottom of the pit and you need someone else to lift you up, I challenge you. Why do you give more power outside of you than giving power to yourself? Lift your bootstraps up. Learn about your emotions, learn about your own needs, make choices that support what you resonate with and not what you think other people think of you or not what you think other people need of you. You're the only one who's responsible for you. When you understand this, this is when you lean into that you are part of everything. You are never separate. You are never alone, and you are always loved. Choose your happiness, make a choice and stick to it.

Thank you for having me.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:43

Thank you so much Grace for coming,

Jamie Butler 1:00:47


the cold in this room.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:02

Are you back? Jamie?

Jamie Butler 1:01:05

Yes, I feel like I've had like, two glasses of wine, but I'm here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:10

Oh, wow, that's how it feels.

Jamie Butler 1:01:12

Yes, I'm not going to complain about that. I'm pleased with that response.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:18

That's funny. Well, that was interesting, and probably you don't remember, like you said, what came through because you were trans channeling, but what came forward was a bit that I I asked more Grace to be concrete about duality. How actually, to give some advice on how to lose the labels, because sometimes I feel like the information that is or the knowledge that's coming through channelers is beautiful. It's just saying, how do we apply this like up there, and it just doesn't feel like it's so easy in my everyday life. Like, what did you say? How am I doing this? Yeah,

Jamie Butler 1:02:10

I agree with you. I agree with you,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:14

and I think that's why it's helpful also to know that we are getting help that is not because we're not taught this, what we're learning about it, it's another way of being. But I think the more we actually get energetic, help it gets easier.

Jamie Butler 1:02:32

I agree you brought up a thought I had the other day, and we were talking about this in one of my classes. Don't you think that sometimes a lot of the spiritual growth, like we're looking for the insight, the answers, that we just think that living in the higher chakras or the higher frequencies or the higher realm is better, so we just aim for that, and we completely disassociate from the grounding and the Root Chakra, you know, solar plexus, like the sacral. And so we we end up doing it like swinging the pendulum too far the other way, and not staying neutral and being able to accept all the frequencies. We focus on the extreme, and we just get caught up all in it again, like then how to ground and not how to do that. And, yeah, maybe I'm rambling because I'm a little wee but,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:28

but I think spiritual bypassing is a big thing, and I've definitely been there myself, and sometimes I feel like, Oh, I'm doing the right thing. No, it's not about doing the right thing, or, no, I'm doing the wrong thing. Oh, Jannecke, it's not about doing the wrong thing. It's about being but I think, as a human, we try to find the solution and the recipe on how to do this, and it's sometimes, you know, confusing, and it's about also, I think, just letting go and just feeling our hearts, and like you're saying, feeling the feelings, it's in the feelings. It's not in the mind. And I'm very left brain. I want to understand that I cannot on this. I know that I cannot understand. And I want to understand, which is funny. Well, Jamie, we have to wrap up soon, but I have some questions that I ask all my guests, and my first one is, what is self love to you?

Jamie Butler 1:04:29

Self love? Can I bullet point that I think it begins first with, for me, acceptance, accepting who you naturally are, you know, and even accepting those parts of you that you want to change or shift or that you don't like or you think you need to learn because you need to possess them, just flat out acceptance. For me, self love comes with a level of kindness you. Be kind to yourself. Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. Because my internal voice can be so freaking mean, I mean, wow. It's like, where did you come from? I had a great childhood, like, happiness around me. Like, where is this? You know, it's that drive that our society and culture builds so acceptance, kindness to self, and the ability to listen, whereas I think sometimes it's hard to identify who we are, to even apply the self love. But if you're getting feedback from somebody, and maybe it's something you don't like, but you hear it again, and you hear it from somebody else, you hear it from somebody else, like listen, because that's probably really what's happening to you, but you're just avoiding it or ignoring it. So deep listening,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:52

and what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Jamie Butler 1:05:57

from me, have fun. Play. I feel most alive. The deepest part of living is when I play. All the boundaries disappear, all the lights come on, you know, and everybody is me, and I am them, and we help and love each other because we're playing. So play

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:24

beautiful. Jamie, could you share a little bit about your work at the end where people can connect with you? I know you have a beautiful course coming out on the shift network as well.

Jamie Butler 1:06:35

Yes, I do. I'm now active faculty at shift network, and on March 13, we're doing my first class with them, and it's the art of reading subtle light energy, where you can discover your unique ability, your intuitive ability of reading energy. So we boil down in this taking your ability to perceive energy, Hearing, Knowing, Feeling, Tasting, Smelling, whatever it is, and link those definitions to frequencies and link them to color, so that we can share a same language based on color. And then link color to the chakra frequencies, and then come up with your own cheat sheet about what that frequency actually means, so that when you're picking up on it and perceiving it in situations, you can collect the information that it's giving you, and my guide, Maitland, put it out in this color card reading. So it's really fun. We're going to do three of the layouts, three card layout, and then hopefully continue to teach at the shift network and do a grad class with them. But do if you are interested in learning how to build trust with your own skills. Come join me. It's a seven week class.

I love it, but you can find all this information. I think Jannecke is going to have it below. And if you need more information about myself, of course, you can always find me at my website. jamiebutlermedium.com as well as on my YouTube membership, Jamie Butler medium, as well as Instagram.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:09

Wonderful. Thank you so much for coming to the show again. It was wonderful reconnecting.

Jamie Butler 1:08:14

I enjoyed this. Thank you for having me and Grace.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:19

Thank you

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Jamie Butler – Official site


The Art of Reading Light Energy: Discover Your Unique Psychic Style by Tuning in to the Frequency of Subtle Energies – with Jamie Butler

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