When Heather Mays was just six years old, her sister, who had a severe disability, was nearing the end of her life. During this time, Heather had an extraordinary telepathic communication with her sister. It offered her a glimpse into the spirit world and shaped her understanding of life, death, and beyond. Heather Mays, a lifelong medium and intuitive counselor, shares a deeply personal and transformative story of her first shared death experience.

A Profound Vision of Transition

In her dream, Heather saw a vibrant, colorful landscape made up of sounds, melodies, and geometries that don’t exist in our physical world. As her family made symbolic jumps across mountain peaks, her sister took her turn but instead spread angelic wings and flew away. This powerful vision, communicated telepathically, brought Heather a clear understanding that her sister was transitioning from this life. Her sister was moving into a state of freedom and ecstasy, far beyond the physical limitations of her body.

A Lifelong Telepathic Connection to Spirit, Plants, and Animals

Heather explains that her ability to communicate telepathically with her sister, who was non-verbal, was just the beginning of her spiritual journey. From a young age, Heather also communicated telepathically with plants, animals, and nature. She could feel the life and energy in everything around her. This early connection with the spiritual realm laid the foundation for her later work as an intuitive and medium.

Throughout the interview, Heather reflects on how her gifts evolved over the years. Despite turning them off at certain points in her life, she ultimately embraced her true calling. Her telepathic communication abilities extended beyond her sister and into the natural world. It is offering her profound insights into the interconnectedness of all life. Now Heather encourages others to connect with their own intuitive abilities, guiding them on a path toward spiritual awakening and self-discovery.

Transcript of the interview

Heather Mays 0:00

I had this combination out of body experience, shared death experience. As my sister was transitioning, I just know that when I went to sleep, I had this beautiful visitation from her. And in the visitation, she showed me these mountains made up of color, all of these different sounds, melodies, geometries, and showed that we were kind of approaching a departure point. So in the dream, my parents, one parent jumped across from one mountain peak to another, the second parent jumped across. I jumped across, and then when it was my sister's turn to jump, she made the leap. But then spread these beautiful, shimmery, angelic wings and flew down the valley and away from us, and I had the absolute understanding she's not going to be with us anymore.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:59

Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love, then I have a self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to wisdomfromnorth.com/selflovetips. Hello Heather. A warm welcome to the show.

Heather Mays 1:17

Thank you so much. Jannecke, it's such a joy to be here with you, and I'm so excited to connect with you and your beautiful community. I've been a fan and in the audience for quite some time, so this is a delight for me.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:29

Oh, that's a nice I've seen you on several shows, and I thought it was super interesting to hear about your share death experiences and also your other musical experiences, because you've been a lifelong medium, from what I understand, and so much more, an intuitive counselor, coach. You, you work with art, and you are a channeler, you, and you are an animal communicator. You, you work with geometric paintings that we might be able to see afterwards, where you you see the soul. Maybe you can explain yourself, because I'm not able to do.

Heather Mays 2:10

I don't know that there is an explanation for me, honestly. So yes, that I've been doing this mystical, kind of esoteric mediumship, psychic channeling, all of that from a very young age. And it kind of started with the shared death experience. In some ways, I think that ran parallel to a lot of other things that were occurring as I was a kid. So we can jump back into that in a moment. But today flash forward many, many, many years past that initial experience. I've worked with people in many capacities. It's funny, I started as an animal communicator because I thought that'll be the easy that's the easy path, because I won't people are complicated. I won't need to get like all involved with them. And then, of course, any of the animals that brought their humans to me in the conversation, there was typically something going on with the humans that we needed to take a look at, and that's why the animal had an issue or was expressing something in the way that the person wanted assistance with. So I kind of accidentally tripped back into working with people, even though that was never really on my radar. I just wanted to work with pets and puppies and kittens and all of that. But from a very early age, I was always talking to plants and animals. And I would walk around my yard as a little kid, and the plants would say, Hey, you can sounds crazy. You can eat us, or you can taste, taste, take, take a little nibble of this leaf, we're not toxic for you, and so I would have this beautiful relationship. I had a favorite tree that I sat under, and even put a little plastic chair underneath so I could read under this tree. And just had this awareness of everything in our world has a soul, has an experience, not just the humans. So there was never this kind of species hierarchy in the way that I perceived things, and I wasn't taught that that just kind of how I came out. And was a very wide eyed, optimistic, curious little girl, I think so that was going on on the regular as a kid. Also, I had a sister who was a couple years older than I was, and had severe, a severe disability. She had cerebral palsy, and her condition was so advanced that we couldn't care for her in our home full time. So she lived in a care facility away from us, but she was non verbal. She was pretty much immobile. She didn't have much mobility, and so it was very natural for me to connect to her telepathically, because that's kind of just what we did. We would have this beautiful conversation as a family. Oh, Wendy, my sister feels this way, or she would like to have this to eat for breakfast. We just. Of tuned in on this beautiful frequency of telepathic communication, whether at the time, you know, everybody thought we were kind of making it up and just including her in that way, or if it really was occurring, which I think it was, that was just kind of not questioned. It was the way that we did things. So as part of her care. She was in that home away from ours, and one evening, when I was about six years old, I got shuffled off to a neighbor's house to sleep over. And I didn't really understand why, but there was a sense of urgency to it, and my parents dropped me off and went somewhere else. And they may have explained it. It was a long time ago. I don't know if they told me it was going on, but I don't think that they did. And that night, as I slept at my neighbor's house, I had this combination out of body experience, shared death experience, as my sister was transitioning. So my parents had received a call from the facility that said, we think she's declining. We think her time here is limited. Would you like to come see her before she transitions? And so, of course, they went. I didn't know that. I just know that when I went to sleep, I had this beautiful visitation from her, and in the visitation, I was both myself and not myself. So I was kind of the human version of Heather who was six years old, but I was also this amplified, expanded version of me. And that expanded version of me walked alongside this expanded version of my sister, and without really using words, she painted this beautiful landscape of absolutely rich, vibrant colors that don't exist in our world, all of these different sounds, melodies, geometries, this really rich landscape that I was just kind of immersed in as a kid. And I don't think I mean, I was pretty imaginative, but I couldn't have imagined this, and it felt different from a dream, even as a kid, I understood that, and I've remembered it 40 plus years later. So who remembers just a dream, right? I know it was an experience, and as we were walking through this beautiful landscape, she showed me these mountains made up of color, and showed that we were kind of approaching a departure point. So in the dream, my parents, one at a time, jumped from one mountain across a valley that had this beautiful like ribbon of river running through it. One parent jumped across from one mountain peak to another, the second parent jumped across. I jumped across, and then when it was my sister's turn to jump, she made the leap, but then spread these beautiful, shimmery, angelic wings and flew down the valley and away from us. And I had the absolute understanding she's not going to be with us anymore. And I didn't know as a kid, I didn't know to be scared of death. I didn't know to be sad about death. I didn't have any frame of reference, really, for what it was. I just know that what I experienced from her coming out of a physical body that had such limitation, what she experienced in this dream was huge and unlimited and joyful and ecstatic and beautiful. So that amplified version of me that was not the six year old, also had this awareness that you're witnessing something that is a little different. Not everybody gets to witness this, and there's a reason. You'll see as you go through life, but when you come back, when you wake up in the morning, it's important that you don't really talk about this, not out of embarrassment, not out of fear, but because it's part of the journey of the humans who are with you to do the talking about death. So it was this beautiful experience to witness, but also this sense that I needed to almost in a poker game, like I needed to hold back a little bit, hold my hand, hold my cards back, so that others could find their language, could walk through their path, and could experience and process what was going on, and then have the experience of explaining it to six year old me In the way that they did. So it was this beautiful but odd kind of disconnection where I was experiencing it on a few different levels. That was my first year death experience, and I'll pause there see if you have any questions. But since then, I've also had similar experiences, different maybe scenery than I did with my sister, but different experiences of walking people to the veil and seeing them transition into spirit.

Jannecke Øinæs 9:49

Wow, fascinating. I was just stunned by youth communicating with flowers and that they were so expressive about like, it's safe you're. Know, to take us. And I was thinking about, Well, you're the perfect one to bring along to pick mushrooms like the right?

Heather Mays 10:08

I know I wish, I wish I could still tap into that particular skill, but I think now that I'm a grown up, the the logical part, or the fear based part, has kicked in more, where I'd be like, Am I really hearing that, or am I not so, yeah, and I can just imagine my parents when they would hear me say, hey. So, you know that shrub in the front yard I took a little nibble like they must have been like, Oh my goodness. What? What kind of child do we have? But, and then it was also this expression of feeling the joy of a flower that, oh, it's sunny, this is what the sun feels like when it hits our petals, or this is what a dew drop feels like it was. I have not done psychedelics or mushrooms, but it must have that kind of feeling where you're like everything's talking, and everything is so open and so conscious and so aware, and I think more and more of us are coming into that awareness. But as a kid, it really wasn't super common, so it wasn't really something I talked about or shared with anybody.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:13

It's really fascinating, because the last three guests I've had have spoken about exactly the same thing, like I had a guest speaking about the joy of grass. She she could feel the grass. And just another one today who spoke about, like, feeling the trees, and now you speak about, you know, feeling the flowers.

Heather Mays 11:35

That's amazing. I love that so much.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:38

Yes, that is the message of the week for me, um, did you have a connection with your sister? Or have you had connection with your sister afterwards, after she passed, like, yeah, share death experience,

Heather Mays 11:52

yeah. So as I was continuing to grow up, I want to say evolve or ascend, because I think that's like the same thing. We just are doing it on a spiritual level. We're growing up, but we would, I would routinely be able to I wasn't trying. It just happened. So let's say, for instance, someone would say, Oh, we're so sad about your sister. I wonder what she's doing in heaven. I would again have that kind of split awareness of I need to give the human answer, or entertain the human answer, but also I see her, she's good, she's having fun. She's doing, you know, whatever she was doing, painting or singing or dancing or laughing. But I kind of, as a kid, I didn't have the emotional maturity or the language to kind of explain that and bump up against what felt like the norm for adults to say, we assume it's like this, or we think it's like that. I wasn't going to be like, Oh no. It's not, because she said she's doing this, that and the other so I always had the ability to kind of almost like a baby monitor. That's how it looks in my head. Now, when you're not in the same room, but you can kick on the camera and take a look. She also became for a number of years, but isn't full time anymore. She tells me, became one of my spirit guides, so she was able to kind of join my team, as it were, and give different guidance from that perspective. So we stayed tethered in that regard a lot of the time. But it really was that it was a little confusing as a kid as well, but, but as I look back now, I see why it happened, but that that split of perception, that this is how someone needs to qualify or explain death, but this is how I'm witnessing it, and it's almost like I was filing away all this information for the time in my life where I could talk about it and it could make sense. So I just remember many instances of hearing somebody say, Oh, we're so sad, or there's this feeling of grief. Or I would feel like, when we went to her funeral, I could feel everyone's sadness. I didn't understand it, because I'm like, she's good. What are you talking about like she's great, she's having a better time than we are. Why are we all sad? I didn't understand that disconnect there. So it took me a while to kind of integrate the two experiences.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:11

Was it a period where you sort of shut down your abilities? Because I have a lot of guests who speaks about that, that adolescence happens, and then they almost forget about it, and then it comes back when they're adults, and they start, you know, honoring it and owning it and sharing their gifts. But it is that sort of transformation that happens, or that shift,

Heather Mays 14:36

yes, I think it's almost, it's part of the hero's journey that is specific to doing this work, I think, because you're right, so many people go down that journey. And yes, I asked for my abilities to be muted or turned down or turned off, in addition to witnessing spirit. And so that would then that connection to spirit and the. Your life that would happen, whether I was consciously aware of it or not. I may get kind of a ping, if you will, that, oh, this person is they just transitioned, and it would be a friend of a friend of a friend, or a really distant family member. But somehow I would get the awareness or the spirit of that person, and sometimes both would pop in and say, Look, I'm great, I'm good. How you doing? And I wasn't trying to connect to any of that. So a lot of my journey was processing that. But also with this, I had precognitive and psychic dreams. Some of those were really terrifying. I remember having a dream about a plane crash very specifically, saw the terrain of this village. It looked like it was maybe 15th, 16th century. It had thatch roof, roofs, roofs, and just saw this ball of fire coming down. And the next day, there was a plane crash in Lockerbie, Scotland, and the news footage from that plane crash was the same layout, the same geography, just in a modern day. So that's all well and good. I didn't know what to do with it was I supposed to call the airline, you know it was, it just felt heavy. And I used to routinely go to sleep and have dreams about bad things that would happen to people, and I didn't want that part. I didn't know what to do with it. It felt purposeless and unnecessary, because I'm just trying to be a happy person, and I'm getting all these horrifying images, and they would repeat if it was something that was going to happen, it's like the dream would just keep coming back and coming back and coming back until I acknowledge Okay, I see it, and then it would fade. So in addition to that, I'm sure some of those others who have said we switched off our abilities for a while, there's an awkwardness to it, or there was, hopefully we are remedying that with shows like this and conversations such as this, but showing up and speaking openly about this kind of thing wasn't the norm. So there was a little bit of I really just want to fit in and be normal. So overrated, right? And be human and be able to have a conversation without somebody saying because I would have friends tell me, Hey Heather, please don't dream about me, because I would have a dream, maybe not as tragic as an accident, but maybe I saw one of my friends was going to try to cheat on a test, and they'd get caught. So I would say, Hey, you probably don't want to do that. And they would freak out over it. So they would say, Heather, please don't dream about me. Or, you know, I would try to talk about my guides, and no one else seemed to know what that was, and so I just felt it getting smaller and smaller and smaller, and I was pulling back more, and I thought, Well, I'm gonna go try to just be a normal human and turn all of that off. And you know, part of that is part of the journey and part of learning. For me, I really wasn't my authentic self without these things on board and switched on. So I had a lot of lessons to learn there through just the good old fashioned life challenges like robbery, car accidents, multiple car accidents, a lawsuit, relationship issues, you know, all this stuff. But for me, it kind of went through a period of five or six, if not 10, years where I was just getting pummeled by all these things because I wasn't aligned with who I was supposed to be. It's not that I wasn't getting the psychic information that would keep me safe. It was that, hey, Heather, you're trying to be somebody you're not. So you're attracting all these things into your life that aren't really for your highest and best good. Why don't you try to step into your authenticity and see how that works for you? So yes, I did switch them off for a time, and then part of me relearning, and I have a really good kind of story we can talk about for that, but part of me reconnecting to my guides and my abilities in general, was learning the steps so that I could teach them now. So it's kind of like I was able to deconstruct it in a way that now I can coach and teach people through so that was actually really helpful. And I'm sure part of my soul's plan to say, Well, now you also have this step by step way that you can help people as they're going along, rediscovering who they are and awakening or opening up to their abilities.

Jannecke Øinæs 19:34

Yeah, that makes sense. And I think it's that way too, that there is a hero's journey there that even though you have these abilities, you're also supposed to go through the struggles and owning those gifts. And because we all have different superpowers, to be honest, and some have abilities like you, and other are great basketball players or pianists or whatever it is. And. Something about owning who you are. We, all of us, I think, try so hard to fit in and try to run away from who we are. And it never works. It just

Heather Mays 20:09

It doesn't. But it's almost like when it does, when you do click into that, oh my gosh, I've spent 20 years not being who I'm supposed to be, that journey of excavating and rediscovering that for yourself is glorious, not always easy. I won't say easy, but there's something so magical and empowering about that, because you're kind of making a stand in a world that values suppression and standardization you're saying. No, wait a minute, I'm here to be this. This is me, trusting me, versus all of the labels or the boxes anybody would put on me or put me in. No, I'm gonna do me and you do you all all due respect. But I'm here to walk the path that I know I set out for myself, and it kind of gives us this amplification and this momentum to then really reconnect. And whatever that superpower is, and I absolutely agree with you there, it's almost like it comes back in an amplified way, like, Oh, we got a little taste of it. Oh, here you go. Now that you're like, owning it and claiming it, it really switches on for people.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:26

Yeah, and I'm curious if you could share a little bit, since you are an intuitive and you have such a strong connection to your guides now and you're so open, if you could share what, what do you believe like, how we plan our lives and how we have soul contracts and are meant, you know, to share, share gifts with the world, like, how do you understand the process of us incarnating into this planet?

Heather Mays 21:56

Yes, such a great, meaty question. I love it so much, I think, from my perspective, from my awareness and from what I've witnessed in a lot of people that I've worked with, we have almost like when we are a soul on the other side, it's as if someone gives us a menu. If we go to a restaurant and we say, Okay, I think I would like, you know, around the age of six, I'd really like to experience loss around the age of 12. Really, just break my heart. Let me have a crush on this guy, and he's totally not interested. And those are, you know, different examples. But I think we pick an overall menu, if you will, of what we'd like to consume and experience, I was going to say, endure. It depends on the experience, what we choose to experience in this lifetime. And then we partner with our team of guides who are going to come with us. They are contracted with us as well, because for a guide, it is also a development opportunity. It's not that they're better than us. It's not that they have a higher perspective than us, they just have a different viewpoint on the playing field. So we pick those souls that we feel will give us a kick in the pants when we need it, give us compassion when we need it, kind of be around us and guide us in the best way possible. And then we also pick our friends, our families, our enemies, our challengers in life. We get all of that together, kind of like casting for a play, okay, you're going to be you're going to be the best villain, because I we've done this in other lifetimes, and you really ticked me off. Would you like to come back and do that again? You're so good in that role. And so they come back, and we do that for others in other lifetimes as well. So then we pop into the physical experience, and from my understanding, that also includes your time of birth, your place of birth, that kind of time stamp of the Zodiac, the astrology of it, even the human design. All of that is part of who you are as a soul, because it also enables and unlocks those abilities with you. For instance, a fire sign might be someone who really wants to come down here and be dynamic and take things on. So they may say, oh, it's opportune for me to come in as a Sagittarius or Leo, because that'll give me kind of the There we go. If we're going to use our play analogy, that'll give me the right costuming right to help me get this character right. So then we come into the physical and now, once we're in this dimension, we have the lovely concept of free will. So now that we're in the game, anything can happen. We have our menu, we have our list of tasks. We have our scenes in our play, that that we know we kind of want to hit, but all of a sudden it becomes improv instead of a scripted play. And anybody can do anything. We're headed in a general direction of our life purpose and what we want to learn and our soulmate, if we believe in that. If we we brought one in this time, and all of the challenges we have those on the horizon, but anybody can zig and zag and kind of adjust that ever so slightly and tweak it, and then it's up to us as a soul, to say, Okay, I knew, like my general blueprint, now I need to be a little flexible and adapt or adopt different methods to then re rediscover and find what it is I'm here to do. So I don't know if that made sense, but that's kind of how I see it, a little bit fancifully, I think, but that's how it's been explained to me many, many times, from spirit.

Jannecke Øinæs 25:35

Ah, yeah, no, I love that. That's everything I've been told as well and believe in and resonate with, and it was interesting that you said that, and then you could play along with or something like that, with your soulmate, if that's something you believe in, and that's interesting. Because, okay, so if I then in my life, this life, choose to believe in that, then I'll create that. But at the same time, that doesn't mean that that's a truth for everyone, that a soulmate exists,

Heather Mays 26:10

correct, and we can replace soulmate with pretty much anything, right, because then we also have that. I don't want to call it the veil of perception, but it's almost the the tool of perception and of belief. And if that is what I choose to resonate with, if that is what I choose to believe in, then I bring it into this bubble of my awareness. I bring it on stage for my play. Otherwise it's on somebody else's stage, kind of like going to, like a music festival. Oh, Yannick is on stage 13. Heather's on stage 10. They're both doing their thing, but it's in this overall festival. And what you're doing on yours has no impact on mine. But we could also be doing the same thing, the same type of performance. So yeah, that perception is a really big piece of it as well. And I think we also have the little variability of maybe I'm going to come in blissfully unaware, but I'm going to meet this friend who just is so magnetic in what she talks about, and then that's going to help me remember, ah, I really do like things that are mystical, or I really do want to have courage with myself, or I really do love music. I had forgotten how much I love whatever it is. I think we also have people who are almost. I see them sometimes as like fairy godmothers. They're almost they've got the little wand, and they go, Bing, remember who you are. And it could be a total stranger that we encounter too. But I think we have these little clues that we connect into or stumble upon throughout life when we maybe are off our path that can put us back or put us back in the resonance of what it is we're here to do,

Jannecke Øinæs 27:48

right. So do you think we all have a specific life purpose?

Heather Mays 27:55

Yes, and I'm going to say it in this way, I think our so we can take that a couple of ways. Our life purpose is to come here and have an experience. Do I think we all have like a job description of, I'm going to come here and I'm going to be an intuitive counselor, I'm going to come here and I'm going to be a janitor. I think that's an option for us. We may or may not make it that specific for ourselves, it could also be our purpose. I'm going to come into this lifetime and have no idea what to do, and I'm just going to make it up as I go along. So purpose for me is this kind of overarching aspect,

Jannecke Øinæs 28:33

yeah, no, but it makes sense about purpose. It kind of takes the pressure off, because I think a lot of people are worried that they can't find the purpose. Perhaps you're supposed to go with the flow, not specifically do this or do that. Like I feel like this is my purpose, and I feel it in my bones. But that doesn't mean that for everyone. It's like, oh, so I'm going to create this or create that,

Heather Mays 29:01

right, right, right. And I think purpose is often misconstrued as like the car keys, where did I put them? Where did I put it? It's got to be here somewhere, I don't know. Or the the coins in the couch cushion, but it is mainly to come here and be your authentic self. That's it. How that piece looks can vary tremendously with anybody.

Jannecke Øinæs 29:25

I so agree, and that's what I say in my webinars as well. I have a webinar about this. It's all about your authentic self, your unique essence, and expressing your truth, just like we spoke about in the beginning, actually, and sort of speaking about our uniqueness, I understand that you sort of channel and draw art or draw like a painting of souls or people. Could you explain that? Because that sounds so beautiful.

Heather Mays 29:56

Yeah. So let me talk about too, how that kind of came to be. Because. I think it's a nice segue from finding your purpose. So I never expected to do art or be an artist or put any kind of offering out in the world. That was like that. As a kid, I colored. I loved drawing. I played with calligraphy. I loved color. I took art classes in college just because I needed to fill out the like non, the stuff I wasn't majoring in, I thought, well, I'll just take some art classes, but I never did anything with it. From there, and then about five years ago, I got this kind of itch, is the best way I can describe it, that said I want to do something creative. And I did photography for a long time, but that just wasn't the same didn't have the same texture. I got this like I want to do something. I think it's art. How is it art? I don't even know how to art, but if I do it, I know it's supposed to be connecting with people, or, in some way helping people. And I had no idea what that meant. And I think that's often how purpose starts. We get this kind of huh idea, and then have no idea what it means, but we just feel almost the frequency of an idea. So I sat with that for a while, kept working with my team of guides. What is this supposed to be? What does this mean? At that time, I was also receiving channel downloads related to my first book, and as part of what my team would send me, kind of an overnight zip drive file in my consciousness would be this artistic representation of whatever message they were trying to say. So, for example, one of the chapters is about expecting more, but they would have kind of a tongue in cheek picture of a smore, the kind of chocolate and marshmallow graham cracker treat. So I was getting these images very vividly, and just wanted to start drawing them. Didn't know how, didn't want to use, honestly, I was too cheap to like. I don't want to go buy paint and all the things, because what if I don't like it and it'll just be a waste? So I got a digital art app on my iPad, and started playing with that. And then as I was trying to make these different shapes and learning how to even use this app, I started playing around. And I noticed when I would switch off of Heather mode and kind of go into a trance state and just doodle these weird shapes were coming through. And when I would view them, they would almost move. They would morph in and out. It looked like they weren't just kind of like the the pictures in Harry Potter. When the they walk past a portrait and somebody's like, oh, wait, I'm coming and then they come into the portrait, they would they just had this movement to them. And I didn't know what it was at all, but I just couldn't stop drawing and doodling and figuring these out. And then I was talking to one of my friends, and as I was on the phone with her, was doodling this. And this beautiful geometry, this geometric shape with these colors in the background, came out, and I had the awareness, or heard my team say, that's her. And I thought, What do you mean? That's her. And they said, show you know, show her this. This is and what I've come to realize, since these are energetic signature portraits, it is kind of, you could look at it like the QR code for our soul. It is our sacred geometry that is personal to us in that moment. It is the colors of our aura, the colors of our experience, and all of that is frequency. So it's all this beautiful information that's in our field around us, made into art. So I because I've learned, if my guides ask something, to just go with it for fun. So I sent that to my friend and said, what, what do you feel about that? And she liked it. And thought, yeah, it's really pretty. Those are all, you know, colors that I'm drawn to. And then I started playing around with, okay, I have a friend group. I'm gonna draw one of these, or I don't draw it. I really receive it, and I'm just, I'm just the hired help holding the pencil. So I will receive one of these for each of them, and then, without telling them whose is whose, I will send them out. So I had, you know, a group of four or five people, and said, Can you tell me, just looking at this geometry, who that might represent, and they were able to guess. And there's nothing there that had a name. There's nothing there that looked like a human. There's nothing there that was like somebody's signature color that they always wear, or anything like that. It was just the resonance of the person somehow was coming through into this art. So from there, I started doing hundreds and hundreds, and now I've done 1000s of them with people all around the world. And what gets kind of baked into this, I say, is this frequency or this remembering of who we are as a soul, and the way my team explains it, if you were to go to a convention, you might put on a name tag that says, Hello, my name is Heather. This is a new way to do that. And as we are ascend. If you want to use that phrase, as we are up leveling our consciousness, this is a new way to recognize all that a soul is in its expansion that cannot be explained through a name, cannot be explained in words, cannot be limited to just one thing. This is like the frequency of a soul's expression in this lifetime.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:23

Fascinating, very fascinating. And we're going to show some pictures of this also, so people can see and understand what it's all about. Now, as humans, I think we read each other much more than we realize actually, because, I mean, I can feel your energy, even though I'm not a psychic, I can like, feel your energy, and we are so unique and and in that sense, I'm I never understand what a soul really is, because I understand that as humans, we are, we are different, and we are unique, but when we are a soul. I've heard that several humans can be the same soul, for instance, and we part of the same soul group. And then I'm sort of feeling like, Hmm, maybe I'll lose my identity in a bit. You know that that thought of like merging with others. Then I'm curious, well, who will I be when I cross over to the other side? Will I merge together with someone and become obviously, I'm told you will be more, but there's part of my ego is like, but I don't want to lose yanika, right? I'd love to hear your perspective of what, what is the goal and what, what happens when we die? Like what? What happens to our personality?

Heather Mays 36:44

Perfect. We are diving in deep to some of these questions. I love it. So I think first of all, I want to address that. I don't want to lose me. I don't want to lose that unique spark of me. I think from what I've been shown, it's an option to kind of merge into everything. Not all souls will do that. Some souls do choose to have that I'm going fully back to source. So I think there, our language doesn't really offer us enough support in the way that we can explain this. So when we transition and cross over, leave a physical form, the way I like to picture it, and the way it's been shown to me. If we look at the soul so big Heather, big yanika, I picture that as kind of a rain cloud, beautiful, shimmery, gorgeous cloud. When we choose to come into a physical incarnation, it's like a raindrop coming down from that cloud, and it splashes into whatever planet. We won't go there. Let's just say Earth splashes down into Earth, and that's where it grows and is nurtured and has experiences. And then transition can be seen as evaporating back up to that cloud. So at a soul level, you're still that you you've come down to have, like, a little journey, a little experience. But I think there are enough characteristics that we maintain as a soul that are just like preferences or things that like, Yeah, I'm always going to like the challenge, or I'm always going to be the quiet one, or I'm always going to be surrounded by animals. I think we have these things that are just really familiar to us as souls. So when we pick an incarnation, we may choose something like that that's very similar to us. So when we go back up, we become part of this bigger, broader, more unlimited aspect of us. And then if you can just picture all these beautiful, expanded, happy clouds, I know that's kind of a childish way to explain it, but those these clouds are also multi dimensional, and these colors that we've not witnessed, and we know each other, like you said, by that frequency, by like, ah, that's the resonance of Yannick. That's what she feels like. And so without needing a vessel, a physical body, we have that connection and that awareness of each other, and I think more and more people are switching on to having that while we're still here, which I think is a superpower in and of itself, because we're so dense when we come here, we're so heavy, we're so encapsulated and compressed in our form, that to kind of still almost like a Wi Fi signal, to kind of still pick up on somebody's frequency that they're broadcasting. That's beautiful, because that's our natural way, I think, of connecting with and communicating with each other. So I don't know if that answered your question, or if there's anything there that we want to kind of spin out and dive into from that, but that's kind of my perception, is we are still unique, but there are these different little iterations of us that can also be going on all at the same time. But yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 39:53

yeah, it makes sense. Like I've asked this before, and I, I, I get. Perspectives and but not they're not contradicting each other. Yeah, to me, it seems like there's a lot of choice there, that we could actually choose a lot, and that it's so much bigger than we realize, that it's even difficult to explain. And we try to explain in a way, and we try to understand, but since we are multidimensional, and since there is no time for us to understand how this works, it's complicated, but it does give me some comfort to talk about it and to try to understand it, because it makes sense to me. It makes sense to me. And I've also had the experience, like a mystical experience many years ago, where I was meditating on my heart, where I was like, I didn't go out to my body, but it was like this feeling of just expanding, expanding and becoming as big as the universe, like I blew up, like inside the universe, and like the genie in the bottle. Yes, and I felt this enormous love for myself and that I was also loved by something else. And I also realized, oh my goodness, this is how big you are. Annika, like, I'm this huge, yeah. And the insight that came was, and everybody is just as huge, too. And that experience was mind blowing, mind blowing. And, yeah, I need, I just want to share this, because it came from meditating on my heart, and I can't promise that that will happen to you guys if you do the same. Because, you know, many times in my life, I've tried to copy other people like what they did in order to have that same mystical experience. But it doesn't like that.

Heather Mays 42:00

Yes, yes. That is so beautiful. And I think what I love about that is what I what the words you use, but also what I feel when you're sharing that because it is and you're right. Our language doesn't have the the right space or capacity for what we become and will become again, but are in our natural state, and it is this absolute ecstasy and joy when I am in a shared death experience with somebody and walking through that, or when I'm receiving kind of the intuitive ping that someone is is approaching their transition. It is this feeling of we've got her, she's it's like this celebration of joy, that joy isn't even the word, it's ecstasy. It's just this beautiful, elevated feeling that is so much more magnified than our human emotions that we have here in this denser experience. So I think that's our natural state of being too. Is that like? And I love that you said genie in the bottle. It's like taking the cork off of a bottle of champagne, like, look out. We are all of that, and we have that beautiful, expanded frequency that we choose, as a soul, to not put on hold or put on pause, but we choose to concentrate a little bit of it and bring it down into this physical world to then say how much of it can I unlock and still be here in a physical body, how much of it can I experience and maybe inspire somebody else, or maybe I experience limitation, and then that helps me learn something as well. So it's all of that choice, which I love, that you said that too. It's that choice to come in and have those experiences that then we take back up. And my team just said, duh, like the cloud, like Cloud Storage, like data. Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:02

You guys are here

Heather Mays 44:05

always. They don't always butt in, but if I'm not doing a good job, they will.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:10

Oh, okay, you said something about when I get a pin that someone is going to transition. Do you mean like you get the knowledge of when someone is going to pass to del, yes, yes. How is that must been challenging, isn't it, to know

Heather Mays 44:29

it is. So it's almost like and it happened way before there were text messages, but it's almost like hearing the little ding on your phone. But I will one example was a friend's dog was transitioning, and she and I were about an hour apart. I wasn't with her in her home at the time, and it was like nine o'clock at night, and I just all of a sudden, wasn't even thinking about, I think I was watching a movie. I don't know what I was doing, but all of a sudden felt this extreme elation, like I need to get. Up and celebrate, and it's almost like my body couldn't contain it, and I didn't know what it was, so I was walking through that emotion, but also like grasping for what is this that just randomly came? And it was the knowledge that her dog had transitioned. And so it was that celebration when I called her, it was like the exact to the moment of the time that he took his last breath. I've received that also from family members who are in the hospital, friends of friends, who I will just say, hey. So you know your grandma. I think I felt like this excited and it's weird. That's a weird conversation to have with somebody. I felt this excited energy about your grandma? Did she perchance pass away? Like it's this weird thing, but the way I experience it is always the we are whole, we are unlimited, we are back to who and what we are. And it's this like graduation ceremony. So yeah, it's almost like I get a little ripple in my field of that awareness, if it's someone that I'm connected to that I'll have that.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:06

But what is beautiful about it is that it is a celebration. Because when we look at the news, yeah, in our society, it's all about the grief, right? It's all about the sorrow. And in a way, of course, it is if I had lost someone I love. I mean, it would be horrible, but if they would stand next to me and I would see them in spirit, I wouldn't be as sad. But still, it is like a thing that I'm not going to I believe in this, so I'm not going to meet you for a while. You know, like I miss my grandparents, and I know it's going to be some years before I see them again. So I do understand the human's grief, however it would be. You know, my passion is all about sharing these ideas, because I think it's much more devastating to think that it's over. We're never, ever going to see each other again, and it's black and it's over after death like right to me, that is just so not logical and a thought that I just cannot grasp. It makes no sense. So having you know, I look forward to that day where this will be science. Know that there's an afterlife and you are a psychic. Will that happen?

Heather Mays 47:31

What a great question. Oh, well, we'll go back to the free will in your soul's purpose. I think that there will always be holdouts who choose to believe that there isn't, and choose to believe that it's, you know, like lights off, we're done. That's it. But that then is part of what their soul wants to experience. And it's almost like in that experience, they're kind of the counterbalance, or counterweight for those of us who want to learn the other as well. Because if you think of us living in a world of polarity, we'll say, some people say polarity, we'll say balance. It's almost like, to the extent that we want to rise and have those beautiful experiences, to some extent, we need the counterbalance to have the opposite perspective, because that's how it works in our particular neck of the woods, our corner of the neighborhood in the universe. So that's actually also what I've been shown souls that are holding that kind of like, uh, whether it's a religious doctrine or the lack of having any kind of belief, or just the firm belief that that's it, we're dust, nothing else in that way, they are doing a service to humanity, because that allows so many more of us to have the opposite perspective. Or depending on your relationship with those people, maybe you have someone in your friend group, or you're dating someone or someone in your family, and they keep telling you, no, that's it. That's all there is. And you're like, Huh, no, there's not. So you then develop your awareness of it and your interest in it, and your absolute persistence and insistence in it, because they are kind of pushing your buttons in that way. So they're in service to the greater good as well by holding those views. And whether I'm just going to say whether they believe it or not, that's what happened. So they'll be surprised. And we can say, like, like the surprise party, where everybody jumps out from behind the furniture, ah, see, we told you, we told you it was going to be fun here, and we can learn it that way. So I think more and more it becomes the norm, because look at all the conversations that are happening about all of these topics. And just, you know, my sister passed away in the early 80s, there weren't people like, just chatting about death like it's no big deal, or, you know, spirit or angels, or any of that. And now, at least, we are on a part of our. Path, a part of our journey where that's more accepted. So I think it's progress in that way.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:06

Oh yeah, oh yeah. I have a boyfriend who is not believing in this, but he is somewhat interested in synchronicities and following his intuition. So I think it's super spiritual, even though he's saying he's not,

Heather Mays 50:22

isn't it interesting that I use that example. Maybe you're dating someone..that's funny.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:31

So, um, speaking of you know what's happening in the world right now? There is a big awakening. What are your thoughts or feelings? What are your God's guides Uh, sharing about what is coming to humanity and the times we're living in.

Heather Mays 50:45

I think it all comes down to the most important lesson that my guides have shared is fine tuning, finding if you don't know it, if you know it, fine tuning your frequency, because what we are broadcasting from ourselves, is what we're going to receive back. So again, that's why I'm super encouraged by channels like yours and conversations like this, because we are turning up the volume on a lot of this stuff. So we're going to get more of that back. We're going to get more of conscious communities, people who are truly connected, people who are curious about unlocking and stepping out of the boxes that so many of us have been placed in. But someone also may still choose to have a limited experience. They may choose to have a life that showcases the opposite of that. They may choose to have things that feel more limited for them, and that's okay, but I think that more and more of us are getting turned on to these awarenesses, which then allows the frequencies to be more prevalent, and then that it almost looks to me like defrosting, like this beautiful lake that's been iced over. It doesn't all happen at once, like, oh, it's summer. It's on, like, you know this, you're in Norway, right? It takes a while. There's a defrosting, and there may even be an icing over. So we get a little bit of warmth and then an ice over. I think it's this process, but in that we are truly seeding in and breathing life into all of the potentiality. And as many times as we're having conversations like these, I think we still have not witnessed all of the potential, all of the possibility of what we truly can be. So I think there are some also on the leading edge of these conversations who are starting to look at that part of the trail. I like to picture it to you as kind of hiking up a mountain. If you go with a big group, there's going to be the people who go first, and they're kind of ahead of you. They hit the elevation sooner than you do. But you can always shout back to your buddies and say, hey, where do you get to the view right here, this plateau is really beautiful, but you keep hiking up. So we're all at these different stages of it, all on the same mountain, all with the beautiful view available that that we can tune into.

Jannecke Øinæs 53:08

I saw on your YouTube channel that you have some forecasts now we're coming closer to 2025 Do you have sort of a forecast for 2025

Heather Mays 53:21

that's a great question. So I think the word that my team is bringing a couple of words faster, they're gonna say more fun, but they're like, it depends how you define fun. So I think we're seeing more people grabbing hold of something at a local level for themselves. So here's my group of people who believe like I do, and we're gonna build a farm together, or we're gonna start this business venture together. I think we go more from centralization and globalization to smaller, but in that way, we become more connected, because it's almost the kind of the analogy of the soul as the cloud and coming back down. I think we're finding a replica of that as we move into 2025 that I don't necessarily need these institutions and these structures to dictate to me what I should do. Let me find people who are of a like mind or of a like frequency, depending on how you want to look at it, who I can connect with. And then we'll go do this for ourselves, and that can sound to some, and some can choose to have that perspective, that that's anarchy, because everything's falling apart, and it's going to feel really chaotic. But my team also shows me the visual of, if you're planting a garden, you rake the soil, first, you break up the soil so that you get the nutrients, so that you're refreshing it, you're turning it over, and then. Allows for more growth. So I think we see more of that tilling of the soil happening in different ways, with different things coming into chaos and then reforming, but that ultimately it is a kind of a choose your own experience game, okay, I'm going to choose, and it's such a beautiful it sounds trite, but it's such a beautiful lesson for us to say, I see what is being shown to me. I witnessed that, but I'm choosing this instead. I'm choosing this light, and it's almost like they just showed me this image too, seeing yourself in a movie theater as going from the audience member to the projector showing the film, and just switching between those two, okay, I witnessed that. You're showing me darkness and you're showing me fear. I'm going to broadcast love. I'm going to broadcast courage. And navigating that between ourselves is kind of the muscle that we're developing for 2025 that then opens up a beautiful pathway of frequency and energy, and people really being good at working with that, and working with attracting to you, what works for you, what you want more of, because we're kind of still babies in that regard. In a larger sense, many of us are very good at it, but the more we get to practice that work, the more we build the muscle for it. And then 2620 2620 27 is kind of like an off to the races. My team is always like you just you, just wait, just wait, just wait and see, like you don't even have the words for it yet. So I think we're it's a turning of a corner in a lot of ways, in 2025 where we're being called to really be extremely clear from your heart. You talked about meditating on your heart. Be clear of what you're broadcasting from your heart, because that's what we're planting into the world.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:58

That's fascinating. Okay, so in a way, it will be a bit chaos before it turns around. There were some English expressions that I'm not fully grasping, but from my Norwegian interpretation, sort of be careful what you think and emit, because it seems like we don't know really how powerful we are, and we need to be aware of what frequency we are sending out. And the more we can sort of observe instead of identify with everything that happens,

Heather Mays 57:35

yes, beautifully said, and the more that like if you're witnessing something that irritates you or something that doesn't feel like you, where you would say, that's not what I want see, if you can find a reflection of it in yourself. So if you are seeing something in the world, maybe you witness somebody having a fight somewhere in a store, what within me am I fighting with? Like pay attention to everything that's being reflected back to you as an opportunity to clean your own energy, to do your own inner work in whatever way that looks like for you, because that it's almost like we're in a prism of mirrors, and all that you're witnessing around you is something that you have the ability and the power to change, but you change it from within and broadcast it out.

Jannecke Øinæs 58:28

And we have that power. We are creating our own reality, like 100% or

Heather Mays 58:34

Yes, yes, we already do. We just don't really have the awareness, and we don't necessarily have the elite skill that we would like a lot of times. Yeah, that's part of, kind of the journey of the soul is that's what we do. We come here and we had that blueprint. We had that the stage direction for what we were going to do. But when it switches to that improv mode, then it's up to us to say, okay, like, what's the I think the rule in improv is yes. And so Janica tells me the sky is purple, yes. And you take that and you use it in whatever way you want to put something back out.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:09

Are we moving into a new earth? Is that your perspective? We humanity like a golden age?

Heather Mays 59:18

Eventually, yes, I think, and I want to clarify it in this way, it isn't something that just happens. We still need to make it happen. It is a potential and a possibility in the field that, yes, the earth raises frequency. We raise frequency with her, and those who are in that alignment, that's what we experience. There will still be other versions? This is not an easy answer. There will be other versions of the earth that do not ascend, that do not have that experience, and they're perfectly valid as well. If you picture a lot of trains leaving the station, or airplanes, you know at the gate, all of the different terminals, everybody has their own experience. They. Go. Have all are perfectly valid. This is the time to the team is saying, check your boarding pass like, Where, where are you trying to go? Do you want the world that is higher frequency, love centered, less judgment, less chaos, less strife than do what you can within you to attune to those frequencies as often as you can.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:23

That makes sense. What is the the strangest, most mind blowing, spiritual insight you have received in your life?

Heather Mays 1:00:33

Wow, that's a great question. Ah, I had we I don't know if I was an out of body experience, but in one very deep meditation I encountered, I don't know that it was Unlimited, more than I could count versions of me all existing at the same time. So we haven't even talked, you know, past life, future life, all of that. But what I witnessed, and I wasn't trying to get this knowledge. So why I say it was, you know, it was mind blowing, because I stumbled upon it. I was able to almost, if you were to extend something out vertically, it's like there were all these infinite versions of Heather at the same time lined up almost like now it looks like vertebrae on your back all lined up in this same now moment, having different experiences, and then this kind of ultimate oversoul, Higher Self, I'm not sure version of me that, in my mind's interpretation, looked like this. I don't know, 40 foot tall version of me, but that everything was so interconnected and precise and fluid. So one version of me maybe living a lifetime in Atlantis as a healer, what she's doing there in this same moment is also impacting me here, as I'm drawn to find a book on energy healing, or as I work with a client in a different way, using Reiki, and then that version is also connected to another lifetime that may have been suppressed or repressed, as, let's say, a witch and persecuted for picking herbs that she said were medicinal or healing. They are all at the same time happening, all at the same time informing one another and healing one another and challenging one another. It's this shared experience. And I remember coming to you from that meditation and thinking, Yeah, I'm gonna need some time to unpack that like it came in as such a huge understanding, and I don't even think I'm fully explaining it well, but it also had this weight to it. It felt visceral. It felt like this channel, this flow of energy, but not just from one body or one lifetime, but everything all at the same time. And the absolute beauty and majesty of that, and that's not just a heather thing, that's how it all. It works for all of us, but to kind of step into that river. Now I'm picturing kind of like white water rafting, stepping into that river and holding your balance enough to be able to witness all of it was huge and a little terrifying, but also inspiring at the same time.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:22

Wow. Thank you so much for sharing that. I think you would need to come back one day to share more about future lives and past lives.

Heather Mays 1:03:31

Yes, that's a whole different conversation, for sure, and I'd love to Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:35

Thank you so much. I learned a lot in this conversation, and I want to ask you a few final questions that I ask all my guests. And the first one is, what is self love to you,

Heather Mays 1:03:46

Self love is celebrating your divine, radiant spark. So we talked about your purpose, your soul, your authenticity. For me, it is finding that and finding your center is kind of a phrase we hear a lot for me, that is, am I being fully me in every moment that I can where am I betraying myself by not being fully me? And how can I clean that up? It is staying on mission, not that you have that purpose as but you're staying on the mission of being you and honoring that you're going to stumble, you're going to screw it up, you're going to mess it up, but having the courage to rise again and find your highest and best in any moment,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:31

and what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective

Heather Mays 1:04:36

joy and love and the blending of those two together, and I would say, also courageously finding them where they don't exist.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:49

This has been such a joy speaking with you, Heather. It was truly inspiring. And you're you have such vast knowledge within so many topics. So feel like I could go on and on. On this conversation, but we just have an hour. And yeah, if people want to connect with you, how can they do so, if they want to work with you or learn more, could you share a little bit about your work.

Heather Mays 1:05:12

Yeah, thank you, Jannecke, such a joy for to have this conversation with you. The easiest place to find me is my website, heathermays.com, Heather M, a, y, s.com, and that's the jumping off point for anything that we talked about here. I have mediumship offerings. I do counseling, coaching. I have online classes. I have the art that we talked about, as well as kind of standalone art that you can purchase, as well as prints or things like that. So you can also just come leave me a message. I love to connect with people. So all of that's my website. Heathermays.com

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:45

thank you so much for being a guest today and for your beautiful work.

Heather Mays 1:05:49

Thank you, Jannecke, it's been a joy. I appreciate you.

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Heather Mays Energetic Signature Portrait

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