Dr. Gayle Thomas, an internationally renowned channeler, shares in this episode profound insights from TARP, an Andromedan collective consciousness. As humanity faces a significant shift in consciousness, TARP explains how we are evolving towards a new way of living—one that transcends the physical and moves into a non-physical, more expansive state of being.

How Extraterrestrial Beings are Helping Us Navigate this Massive energy Shift

Dr. Thomas shares her personal story of spiritual awakening, which began during her battle with cancer. Through meditation and a journey inward, she connected with TARP, a collective consciousness that has since guided her and many others through this period of change. TARP reveals that we are not alone in this shift; advanced beings from other dimensions are aiding humanity in breaking free from old systems and embracing new spiritual realities.

What Does this Energy Shift Mean for Humanity?

TARP emphasizes that this energy shift will normalize contact with wider forms of consciousness, both physical and non-physical. As more people awaken to their spiritual potential, the boundaries between the physical and non-physical will blur, leading to a society that thrives on peace, unity, and abundant resources for all. Dr. Thomas also delves into the importance of “astral hygiene”—cleansing and protecting one’s energy field to navigate the spiritual world without fear.

TARP’s message is clear: as humanity awakens, the differences that divide us will diminish. By understanding that we are all connected by the same divine energy, we can create a future of harmony and abundance. This interview offers profound insights into how we can prepare for the massive energy shift that is already unfolding.

Join Dr. Gayle Thomas and explore these groundbreaking revelations about the upcoming shift in human consciousness. Learn how to harness your energy, live in alignment with your higher self, and embrace the future of spiritual growth.

Curious to learn more wisdom from TARP? Then Gayle invites you to embark on a transformative journey with The Book of Tarp: Journey to Miracles: Healing, Enlightenment and Global Awakening

Transcript of the interview


There is the awakening happening on your planet, and the era of connection and contact happening. Hence the arrival of many people, of those who are able to connect and make contact with wider forms of consciousness in body and without body. This will continue to become more prevalent until it is normalized. And when you find this is normalized, you will find that there are clear signs that you are moving towards a non physical way of experiencing life or experiencing consciousness.


Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love? Then I have a self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to wisdomfromnorth.com/ selflovetips. Hello, Gayle, a warm welcome back to the show.


Hello. Nice to be here again.


It's lovely to have you back again. I interviewed you a year ago where you channeled tarp, and you are an internationally renowned channeler. You are an author of the book of TARP, where tarp is actually sharing how we can create miracles in our lives. You are a hypnotherapist, and you are a teacher, and you're passionate about helping people in this shift of consciousness. And I'm excited also to share with our audience today that we are going to collaborate more. You have become one of my masterclass teachers in my own membership. We're going to have a webinar together about astral hygiene, because I know you're passionate about that. So for everyone interested, we'll talk more about that later in the episode. However, for everyone new to you, Gail, please share a little bit about tarp, how you came onto the spiritual journey and started channeling an extraterrestrial collective consciousness.


Yeah, wow, such a big question. Thank you so much. I'm so happy to be back with you, chatting with you. So how did I come to this? Well, I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago during the pandemic, and I decided to go about my healing journey in the natural sort of alternative direction. And part of that program for me was to really go inside, internally to my spiritual energy and try and turn the disease around from the inside out. I wanted to really tackle the fear and the energy around my body, and in this process, I had a Christ experience, and it left me opening up, basically to channel. And I had my first contact experience with tarp, this collective consciousness that came to me during this period of healing, and they stayed with me ever since, and very quickly, I was able to be a verbal channel to them and answer questions and answers and bring guidance through for other people, and to bring guidance and energy through with my hands as well. So this is what I do and how I came to it.


So that has never happened to me and a lot of us. Like, how did you first react when you start to connect with extraterrestrial beings? And why do you think they chose you?


How did I react? Well, the first experience was this Christ experience, which I said, which is extremely humbling and very profound, and it I felt very lucky and very special to to have this experience. I've never had anything like it before in my life. So first of all, I felt very blessed and very lucky, and then to have this connection beyond with tarp, it made me feel very relieved. It took away all the fear I had of dying, and the fear I had of having cancer, of being a parent with cancer. It just it bridged the physical with the non physical, and took my fear away. And this connection was very reassuring. It was very peaceful, it was very loving, and I felt very content. I felt very at ease. So it kind of changed my life. And losing the fear was a big element to my suffering within the condition of having cancer. So it actually did a lot, and it feels like the most natural connection. So how does it feel on a day to day basis, quite normal, but then it was phenomenal for me.


And why do they Why do you think they chose you to come through, you to talk?


I think that I don't feel as if I was chosen or picked out. Not like one from many. I think that we all have this connection. And I rendered myself in a place where I was open to receiving it, and there was a great deal of willingness on my part to perceive wider consciousness, to look for answers and turn my energy around. And there was an asking from my higher, non physical self, and there was a desperation coming from the fear. So this kind of strange concoction or balance of energies within me brought about this opening where, you know, I could have this opening in connection, this contact experience.


So could you share a little bit about, like, how you channel? Are you a trans channeler? Are you conscious while they're channeling? And how is this process? And I assume that it has been a development there from like, the early beginning where you started channeling, like, maybe doubting what was coming through, and then being more and more secure.


That's exactly it's very kind of perceptive and astute of you to think about that, because, yeah, there is all that doubt. When you start channeling, I am a conscious channel, which means I am aware. I'm awake. I am relaxed, as relaxed as I would say, someone going into a daydream. So when you're in a daydream, you're kind of aware of your environment, but you know that you are in a kind of lucid kind of place. This is how it is me when I'm channeling, and how it is for a lot of channels, actually. And I have my eyes closed, because it's easier for me to disconnect through the physical world around me. And I speak easily and fluently with them, but they I let the energy express through my body. So there can be a lot of hand movements or tapping, or kind of twitching with my hands or tapping with my feet. That happens. It wasn't always that way. It began with head movements and arm movements and a series of alignment movements, I would say, where they used to kind of twist my spine around to the left or to the right and to my my neck to the left and the right, and I would hear kind of clicks in my neck and my upper and mid spine. But, you know, sometimes they do that still, but not the way they did that in the beginning. They kind of helped bring me in alignment, if you know what I mean, to let the energy flow through me.


Now, who are they? If you if you could share a little bit more about where they're coming from. I think you mentioned the last time that they they came from the Andromeda, but now they have sort of evolved from there, not being physical, but I still sort of cannot understand where are they? Where are they reside? In a way, are they just consciousness floating around, or do they have a home planet?


They don't really, well, if they have a home planet, I'm not able to understand that. As far as I'm aware, they say they're Andromedan. So they have Andromedan roots. They're an Andromedan consciousness. And I have a connection to that kind of race or that kind of consciousness. When I ask more, it's a very broad place to point to, within, within space, within the universe. I mean, we're not talking about a specific planet. We're speaking about a whole region of clusters of star systems and things like that. So I know that I wouldn't understand even if they were able to pinpoint the planet. However, they say that they did have a planet, they don't now. They're beyond the body. They're non physical. They're collective, and they do not have any kind of binary identity going on. No male, female, etc. They have had bodies, and they have existed in different kinds of form, so So human like form and insectoid form as well. When I perceive them, if I do perceive visuals of them, I'm perceiving light, but I'm perceiving light in the kind of indigo or magenta, sometimes color.


And what is their main message to us?


Oh, my God, they got a few main messages, but they speak a lot about lessening the differences around what you see in the world, the differences in not just the people around but other species, not just referring to, you know, contact with extraterrestrials, but eliminating prejudices and fears among species on the planet, not just humans, but animals, things like that, eliminating fears or understandings about what to steer clear from or be afraid of, they have another message which they talk a lot about, which is living in loving action, so living with the best intention. Is towards all people, understanding and knowing that you and they are the same energy, that they're the same divine God energy, and just by looking at another face, recognizing that, that face, looking back at you, is the face also of God. They speak a lot about knowing the oneness and recognizing it daily and in your daily life and acknowledging the same stream of energy that's in your eye. So just to use us as an as an example, with our conversation right now, we are both one energy having a conversation with itself for the joy and understanding and the knowledge and the sharing of love. So it's like a feedback loop of love and a grand kind of playing out of God's energy across the universe from different perspectives, different streams of energy interacting with each other for the sake of understanding separation, so it can experience the joy of union. So it's this constant separation coming back together again. They they speak a lot about that, and they call it loving action. They speak about using your imagination as the vehicle towards understanding the non physical energy around you, and to understanding and interpreting or channeling your divine energy there, they speak a lot about there is no dying. They speak a lot about how to move forward in this new world, in this kind of rapid changing way of looking at the world and integrating all aspects of consciousness. So they speak a lot about consciousness being compartmentalized, our day to day consciousness being compartmentalized. So we're not always aware of the whole integrated aspects of ourselves. We get very tied up on our mental faculties and our normal waking state. But if we can learn to integrate our subconscious mind our suppressed fears and traumas, then we would very much be able to perceive wider consciousness beyond what we see on a normal day to day basis. So it's about integrating the compartments of our consciousness that we know we have but we don't live with in an integrated way, and once we're able to do that, come to terms with lessening the differences and coming to terms with fears and repressed or invalidated notions, then we would be able to have a more trans dimensional engagement with wider phenomena around us, not just with each other in a non verbal, telepathic way, but with all kinds of consciousness, not just from Planet Earth. So there's quite a few things they talk about.


What was the moment? Or if there was a moment where you really understood that this is real, that you're not making it up, because I see on my YouTube channel. There are many questions about this, like, how do you know if it's real? Like, some are having their own experiences. They feel that this is true for them. I've had my own experiences, but what about them who have never had these experiences? Who are like, What are you doing? You know? Yeah, like that moment when you just knew that this is actually real.


I totally understand that, by the way, because before I had this experience, I was a believer in this kind of phenomena, but I never experienced it myself, I would say I was sensitive, but I would always want to be a little bit skeptical with anyone who just turned up and said they were psychic or they were this or that, because you know you can convince yourself, and you can, you know, you can make Things look any way you want them to look and having learned hypnotherapy, I understand what it feels like and to induce or encouraging another person a trance state where you sort of go into that relaxed mode where the body can respond from a Different compartment of consciousness, if you like, you know. So in the beginning, I can't say I question too much, because what I felt in my body was coherence, heart and brain coherence. So I knew that I was coming into this state from a very relaxed place. It was usually from a period of doing meditation or Holotropic or breath work, Pranayama or Holotropic breathwork. So I was in a very calm, coherent state. And I was in a very content and coherent state during and I was aware of how I felt. Afterwards. There was nothing jarring or toxic to my physical or mental body afterwards. So that was a big clue that this was natural, the the way I spoke in the beginning. It was not my voice. You often hear that with channels their accent completely changes, or the tone goes higher or lower, mine completely changed. And the movements in my body were not mine. I was not able to move my neck to a place where it would get this really deep click. I wouldn't do that voluntarily anyway. And the way my fingers would tap. They was tap, very, very fast, like faster than I could do. It was more than it was more like a vibration or a kind of I felt the current of energy coming through with my my fingers and thumbs, first of all, so those kinds of things, and obviously channeling in front of my family, including my kids, my my then teenagers, there was a very different presence that came into the room and through me when they spoke, they would have it would have a completely different effect on my kids than if it was just mum talking. They were able to say things in a much more profound way, in ways that I'm not able to just say off the cuff, it would have much more effect on them. Um, just, just things like that, the the effects on friends and family when I'm channeling their energy, and the things that I can see is like, oh my goodness, that's really not me in my natural state. I don't know how much energy someone would have to put into acting that, but I'm not that kind of persuasion to do that. I haven't got that kind of energy to do that. You know, it's, it's very interesting witnessing yourself channeling. And of course, the longer I have done it, the more natural it has become. It is more my voice now the movements are much more under control, unless, you know, I'm very tired, like the other night, I channeled for my oldest daughter, and I was extremely tired, and I noticed that it was more taxing on my nervous system to channel, and the movements became more exaggerated, and my voice began to change a bit more again, and they said, the channel's tired, the channel's tired. And I was finding it hard to find the words. So they remember using my vocabulary. They're using my energy. I'm just like a kind of being a human body, electrical body. I'm just like an antenna and being relaxed. They, you know, they let the energy, I let the energy flow through me. But when my body is tired, when my nervous system is tired, it kind of goes back to the beginning, kind of more clunky way.


That makes sense now, yeah, I bet a lot of people are wondering about this. So could you have an answer to anything? Or are there limits to what you can ask about you can get an answer to,


yeah, unfortunately, there are limits. Otherwise I'd be in the casino. Probably no, there are limits. And occasionally they say we can't tell you. We can't tell you this. We are sorry. We will not give you this information, or we can't tell you this information right now. And sometimes again, that come up with a conversation with my daughter and talk the other day, and they said, We cannot tell you. And it was a question about her nature, about which university course to do, and they wouldn't, they wouldn't tell her. So sometimes this happens. Doesn't happen all the time, and it doesn't happen very often, because I, you know, I do a lot of private guidance consultations with tarp and other people, and they're able to ask questions and get the guidance. But it does come up. There are limits. Sometimes you'll get a you get a hard no sometimes, and yeah,


yeah, well, it does make sense. And I mean, they are speaking from their consciousness perspective. Also maybe they're not the highest, highest, I don't know. Yeah, probably God, you know sources like the highest, then, yeah, I think yeah. Maybe ...


Theree are two things, yeah, there are two things affecting this here. One is the level of my knowledge and vocabulary, and one is what they are happy or what they feel is ethical for you to know. So if you came along as a scientist, for example, and wanted to know the answers to some theories or hypotheses you had and you wanted very technical answers the. Their answer is quite limited to my knowledge and my vocabulary, so if I can't understand it on a certain level, they will not be able to if I don't even know the jargon or the concepts myself, I'm not going to be able to convey it. So there's that going on, which doesn't happen very often, because I don't get many scientists come to me. And the other thing, when you get a no, it's, it's usually for an ethical reason. You know, the fact is, really and truly, everybody has an array of possibilities, infinite possibilities available to them all the time. So when you come for a reading, you're asking on that day, and the answer they're going to give you is what is best for your energy, and the projection of what they see your energy for that timeline given the question that they're asking, and it's based on probability, so they will say this is most compatible with you for what you're asking right now. But it doesn't mean that that's fixed or written in stone. People have choices all the time. They can make u turns if they wish. They can undo something. They can change something. It's not necessarily written in stone. There is maneuverability, but there is guidance and support for something that is going to be beneficial to you.


I would love to bring them forward. I have a few questions here, not just a few, but a lot. How many will get through? Would you like to bring them? Yeah,


Sure. Let's see. If you get lots of yes, no answers, then you get 100 questions in. You might get one long answer for one Okay, let's see. Okay, by the way, this might take me a minute, because it's my first connection of the day. All right.

Yes, Good afternoon. We are tarp. We are pleased to be with you, blending our consciousness with this now of your now time. How may we be of assistance to you?


Hello. Thank you so much for being here today. I've written parts of the book, the book of TARP, and there you say that nothing is really random, and I would love for you to elaborate on that if our lives are predestined to some degree and to what degree, and a little bit more about how Things are not random and they might be orchestrated.


It is all about energy. Energy is random in the universe, but is attracted to and moves in flows and trends. Therefore it is attracted to similar energy so you can have energy stick with energy. It can gain momentum and it can gain more power. It can gain more density, it can gain more lightness. So while the ingredients, shall we say, are random, in a sense, nothing is really random. The flow and the direction of the energy is not it is based on the pulling energy that is like the beacon, which is calling more to it. If this is making sense, how this now matches or lines up with a human being and their lives, it is all about the energy that they are able to create within the physical world that they are in. So you have the two counterparts, you have the physical avatar body, and you have the flow of energy that runs through the flow of energy that runs through it, while it is completely unique to you, running through your unique body and into the personality and the traits that you carry with you in your unique energy stream, you are able to Create your own unique projection into your physical world according to what you do with this energy, how you use this energy, how you move through your interactions, and how you decide to frame and perceive your interactions, and Your energy output into the world is how you then shape and tailor what you receive through your physical body and out into the world, the physical or energetic product of that is then the the attracting point. Point the magnet, if you like, for more like energy to come through, for more like phenomena and manifestations to form as a result of the interaction between the divine energy hitting into the physical world through your unique avatar apparatus. So as we have described it, now you see that it isn't so random. It is very much controlled and managed by you, with your counterpart, Avatar body in this physical world that you are in. However, the ingredients are all there. They are all there for the taking. So to speak. Everything is available to you. In that sense, we wouldn't really quite say the word random. We would quite say quite open for you to reshape, re, channel, redirect, rethink, reimagine, re, define, redesign your lives and your interactions, and therefore the following on energy that is attracted to and phenomena and manifestations that are attracted to according to the energy that you're projecting. You can, in a sense, predict your life trajectory given the set of patterns or behaviors that you use to govern, to direct or to channel the divine energy flowing through you. However, these can be changed, a redefined at any precise moment. It is aware the way you frame things, even if you have learnt a certain way or grown up with certain understandings about who you are and what you are and what you are like and what you like to do. This can all change, and you can change any energy running through you at any given point. You can reinvent yourself technically every single moment that you are thinking of it.


Thank you for that. Could you share a little bit about your perspectives on whether we plan our lives before we incarnate, and how this process works.


Planning lives well, we are not suggesting that there is a sit down writing of a plan, so to speak. However, there are certain intentions, certain ideas that need to be played out for the purpose, for the fulfilling of the desire, for wanting to learn or understand certain things. In that sense, there is a plan. However, these are more drives to pursue, rather than plans. For Of course, there is the interaction that happens as soon as divine energy comes into the dense physical realm that you are in. There is interaction with other energy streams, which, of course, will end up being in one, but they are coming through unique physical avatar bodies that understand themselves to be separate. Therefore, there is a certain playing out which needs to happen, and the directives or the desires to learn or experience certain things do not happen in direct ways. Hence this being covered over a lifetime, or lifetimes, if this makes sense.

The rest kind of comes back to the previous question, where there are desires on a higher level to experience or to learn or to understand certain things. These, as we say, play out in one or more lifetimes. This happens to the degree that the physical avatar body understands itself to be separate, or feeling the oneness and the collectiveness of its consciousness. It is not so easy to feel the collectiveness of one's consciousness when in the physical avatar body, and many people get tied up in the idea of their ego body and their separation, and therefore get fairly lost along the way. This is all part of the game, or part of the learning, but this is why desires, desires and objectives are not directly fulfilled as soon as you hit the physical world, because there is the matter of reaching a different density when you are incarnated into the physical world, which means that you are wading through, moving through much more density, where things are much more difficult to realize, on a broader Scale, much more difficult to understand, the collective consciousness. When you're in the finite, physical world, where things appear to have endings, where there appears to be death, etc, people get lost along the way.


I'm curious about the evolution of the soul. If you could share a little bit about that somewhere. Saying that humans have at one point been bacteria, stones, elementals, and we're evolving into, for instance, being insects and animals, and now we're humans, and that we're now evolving into something else. So I'm curious about what stage we are at in our evolution as a soul, and what are we becoming?


There are many ways to answer this question, but we would also like to point out that everything has a cycle to it, and in the sense you would say that the one consciousness splits off infinitely and eternally, to experience all these different phases, if you like, of evolution only to come back and know itself in the knowingness of the one, including even our understanding of consciousness. There is always an upward movement. But understand that the output movement is also a coming back to the place of the beginning, which may sound a little bit hard for you to understand, because how can one ascend and evolve and end up in the place of the very beginning? This is because there is an expansion to understand the oneness and unity that everything is so where are you? Again, very tricky to explain, but there we can give it in terms of what might mean something to you. As in, yes, you are right in observing that there are many people feeling much more sensitive to wider consciousness around them. This is happening. There is the awakening happening on your planet, and the era of connection and contact happening. Hence the arrival of many people, of those who are able to connect and make contact with wider forms of consciousness in body and without body, this will continue to become more prevalent until it is normalized. And when you find this is normalized, you will find that there are clear signs that you are moving towards a non physical way of experiencing life or experiencing consciousness, there will be less need for a physical body. However, this is a fair amount of time away, but you can see, perhaps how this may happen. You can see, perhaps, with the growing prevalence of those who are able to connect and make contact, that once you are able to perceive consciousness in a non physical way and communicate in a non physical way, there is more that can be achieved in the physical life. When one understands the propensity of the energy that can be maneuvered with the physical avatar body, then you will begin to live much more abundant and successful lives in the physical plane. For when you understand that you are more than the physical avatar, then you are able to really play the game of life, to really master your energy, to really master the spiritual energy coming through you, to be able to live with the two modes of living, the non physical and physical in tandem, then you go really able to channel your unique divine energy into the physical world to make the world and your life happen for you the way you want it to happen for you, which means that you will find benefit in most things you set your mind to, and you will be able to achieve and build, create the lives that you would like. You would be able to feel your unique value in the world. You will be able to perceive the unique value that other people bring, and you'll be able to recognize and acknowledge the unifying energy that creates both them and you the same essence, but enjoying and reveling in the difference that you perceive in the energy that comes through these kinds of things make for societies on your planet much more integrated, authentic, enlightened. This is where you will be able to move into an era of much more ease and abundance. You will be able to answer questions of lack that you perceive on your planet much more easily. There will be ways to supersede current systems of exchange, where everybody has abundant resources to use for the means that they would like to use them for. When you have more of you making contacts with wider forms of communication, with wider forms of consciousness, you are able to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the physical world, but we would like to add to that, that the more you're able to do with your consciousness, the less you will need to do in the physical world. And. There we see the upward movement and cyclical nature of the physical being, moving into the quasi physical, into the non physical way of living. Where are you right now? You are in the great shift where there is much upheaval, but there is a big dance, shall we say? Everybody is trying to find their space on Earth. Everybody is trying to find their place within their own positioning, within society, within the world, within their energy, within their meaning, within their mission, within their purpose. There is a lot of struggle, one can see, but there is also a lot of confidence building and a lot of understanding of new ways of being, which you should find comforting. The shift means that there is a rockiness happening, but there is a clear vision of the future, which is increasingly being seen as a collective vision of what a healthy society and life looks like for all on your planet, including all species on your planet. The more people that go through the awakening process, the more the clarity of the vision is shared. And the vision is of peace, it is of a higher consciousness, and it is of a way forward where there is abundance more for all. Of course, there is disease and contradiction and backlash and resistance from those who are yet to seeing together all aspects of their consciousness, and do not worry about this far. Understand that they are from the same source, and they are doing the best they can with the resources they have, and they are not yet coming to terms with all aspects or compartments of their consciousness. And there is an inner fight, there is an inner turmoil, and you are seeing this outputted from their physical avatar bodies in a way that creates resistance for others, including those that want to be on the awakening path. So there is a lot that you are seeing that seem like there are two sides. However, there is just one side, and there are those that are awakening, and that actually includes everybody, even those that are putting up a resistance that is part of the process of their awakening.


That was very interesting, and that was the good news, I feel. Um, that is good news. Yeah, okay, so I have to ask, Will it though get worse before it gets better? A lot of channelers are talking about natural..


It is a state of mind, and it is all a state of consciousness getting worse before it gets better. When you move to more expanded states of consciousness, the version of world and the version of experience that you will experience, will get better, no matter what, even if you see circumstances getting worse for others. There is an understanding that this is the reality that the others have created and are going through their own struggles and are moving towards the light. Their way of moving towards the light, or wider consciousness, is by you moving in that direction too. Your consciousness is the beacon. Is the way shower for others. When you are witnessing contrast or contradiction around you, there is really one favorable way to handle what you are coming across, and that is to keep moving towards the light, to keep seeing the oneness in everything around you, as the channel has mentioned, we speak about lessening the differences in the outer world that you see. The more you're able to do that, the more you promote the oneness that emanates from within you and also within them. For when you project yourself to an other. With this understanding of consciousness, you ignite the consciousness of that in the other that you perceive is in a place of more suffering than you. This is the best way forward. So Are things getting worse for everyone. This is not perhaps the most accurate way of framing the situation. The situation is everything will be getting better. For everyone, there will be more battle, more resistance, more rubbing up against. For those that are scared to let go of their old ways, they have a choice. The more they are presented with those that are feeling the love and expansion that comes with the enlightened consciousness, the more they will be attracted to move towards it. So we say to you right now, as words of encourage. Moment, it is better to stay with your own internal plan, keep the collective vision in front of you, and beware of identifying with the old news of the physical manifested world, because what you see around you is the product of old energy which is stagnant and unrepresentative of the direction you are moving in. If this makes sense, handle everything with loving action. For this is the way to encourage you and everyone around you to move towards the more expanded state. Is this making sense? It does make sense.


Now. Do you mean actually that we can experience two different realities in a way that if I surrender, if I go into love and light and trust the process and expand my consciousness, then I'll see and experience something different than a person who would go into Fear and have a disempowered mindset, perhaps, and who will fear the big changes that are coming,


We would say the best thing for you to do is allow your energy to flow through you. It sounds almost too easy to do, but when we say Allow your energy to flow through you, we mean precisely flow. We would take care of your energy body. Yes, meditation is one such successful modality which is very good at allowing the flow of energy to come through you. Remember that movement is very beneficial for the flow of energy around your body, release blockages, mental blockages, subconscious blockages, such as traumas, physical blockages held in muscles, keep the energy flowing through you. Work on eliminating the blockages, mind, body, spirit around you, keep it free. Learn to manage your energy. Learn to manage your energy field, manage your coherence of energy, let it flow through you into the physical world. This is what we mean by channeling, rather than what most people understand as channeling to be as one person here or there that is connecting. Channeling, for us, is really connecting the dying energy and plugging it into the physical world, so it is coming through. You are the physical instrument which transduces the divine into the physical world. That is your point of being here to create using your wonderful avatar body, using your imagination and using the physical body to make wonders happen in your world. We would like you to keep the energy free flowing through your body so you are free, uninhibited, unblocked, to create into this world, your unique essence of being, into the unique, beautiful world that you are in, keep your energy free flowing


Well, thank you so much. I would like to bring Gayle back now. Thank you for coming to the show today and sharing your message.


Thank you. We offer you our unconditional love. Thank you and goodbye.


All right, how do you feel,


spaced and relaxed,


and did you observe anything or what they talked about today?


Yeah, the last thing very much excites me, bringing your natural divine energy into the physical world. That really excites me that, yeah, it's definitely something I want to teach more of. I think our world would be absolutely incredible if every single one of us was bringing our unique divine energy into the world with confidence, with full self belief and knowing their value, we would have all these people just creating so many wonderful things, and we'd all be able to offer things that each and every one of us needed. So we'd all fit together very well. I feel exciting,


And I would love for you to share a little bit about our collaboration together, because you're going to have a live webinar in October on wisdom from north and I'm really excited about it, because you're going to, yeah, it's going to be fun. You're going to teach about astral hygiene. That was new to me, and I know you're very passionate about it, people about this and the importance of it. So for you guys who are curious about this, I have a link below, and it's complimentary, so you can just show up. It's going to be a webinar, and you can write in your questions there as well. So please. Share with us astral hygiene. What are you going to teach us little bit about that?


Yeah, it's a bit of a funny word. You can call it spiritual hygiene. In fact, spiritual hygiene, astral hygiene. I'm so excited to be doing this with you. Okay, so this is quite good to talk about this now, because tart was speaking about letting their energy flow through. And so astral hygiene is about having a healthy circulation of energy coming into your body, flowing around your body and out into the world, where you have clean energy without fear, you have confidence to navigate the spiritual world or your awakening journey without fear of oh, is this good energy or bad energy, or that person with their toxic energy? So an astral hygiene concept is about managing the energy in your life, knowing how to clear, cleanse and protect yourself, how to navigate through toxic situations or in toxic relationships, how to keep yourself in a more mastered way so that you have more clarity, mental clarity, more clarity about your life, your authenticity, you having more vitality and more confidence in your energy into the world. That more confidence to make growth in your life, or spiritual growth, and have confidence what is and what isn't your energy, and how to keep your energy as your energy, keep your work environment and your home environment clear and clean, how to be basically unstoppable. So the webinar I'm going to give on this, we'll talk about five key mistakes to avoid about astral hygiene, what common things people do that they can avoid to have better astral hygiene in their life. Because I'm speaking with people quite often about energy and having a clean, coherent aura, a big aura, having, you know, brain coherence, heart coherence, and how to ground and release energy, how to protect yourself when dealing with other people that are negative or fearful or angry. So I think that now is a really good time, because I know a lot of your viewers are quite spiritually savvy, and a lot of the people in the top community, they already get quite a few things, and they're, you know, really on a developmental path with their spiritual life. And they are understanding about their energy, but they're now wanting to understand the finer details, how to really master their own energy, their own physical body, their own field, non physical field around them, rather than have to go to people or ask people or be a little bit fearful about what is out there, the big unknown, it's time to kind of normalize these things to do with Our energy body and our energy field. It should be essential the way that we have our physical hygiene. You know, we wash our hair, we have our showers, we try to have hygiene with the way that we speak and relate to other people. This is kind of an like a no brainer. We should be learning and mastering our own physical health with our non physical energy. And that's precisely the way I dealt with my cancer diagnosis, actually trying to master the energy that runs through me and control the field, what I took into my body in terms of non physical phenomena, and how I reframe that, how I treated anything that came to me that was negative or not beneficial for me, how you sort of turn it around, or how you transmute these things. So that's what we're going to talk about in the webinar. Some exciting stuff.


Yeah, sounds really powerful and important. Is this a knowledge you received from TARP?


Some of it is, some of it is, and some of it is just what I've learned from channeling myself, channeling tarp, and going through my own cancer healing journey. I mean, I happen to sort of grow up as a sensitive person. I wasn't a channel, as I mentioned, but as a child and a teen, I was very susceptible to other people's energy, and I would notice that they would bring me down, or I'd be, you know, fearful if I'd been around people, lots of people who are spiritual people are sensitive, you know, or light workers, healers, artistic people, they're sensitive people. And if, if I'd known. I know now, then I would have managed a lot more situations differently with other people, you know, my early life, my health. So this is partly channeled knowledge, and this is partly stuff that I've observed with my own life, what I've seen with clients, and what I've learned with channeling tarp. How I manage that, how I manage healing? When I do healing, work with other people, I'm often interfacing with dense energy that is stuck from clients, lives, their past, pains and traumas, and how I don't take that in or their illnesses. I've worked with a lot of people that aren't feeling so healthy, or, you know, and the conditions that they carry with them, or the anger that they come with, you know, for me to be a channel and channel every day for other people, I have to really ensure I have very good astral hygiene, or else I'll get tired, I'll get sick, I won't be able to carry on doing my job. And I think a lot of people are in professions where they need to keep themselves clean because they're interfacing with other people, including you, yanika, you're interfacing with people all the time, right? Yeah, in their professions, dealing with other people's energy. And I think it just, it's time that that becomes a thing. It becomes more normalized. It's not so kooky, it's not so out there. It's not so complicated. This is an amalgamation of a few things, but it's, it's spoken about, it has been spoken about, but it's not normalized. You know, it's in a lot of kind of old spiritual texts. You know, it's energy, is something spoken about or managing energy in most martial arts and in yoga, for example. But I've put together this information based on my life, where I am now, in this era that we're in and with people awakening, and this day to day life that we're in a practical, daily way of looking at this, looking at your life with astral hygiene,


Sounds exciting. I'm excited to learn more about this. It's something I'm not giving so much attention, and I think I should that it would be good for me to to learn more about I've learned something about it, but it's just not something I give enough attention to, and I can find myself depleted sometimes, and I don't know why. So I think you're onto something. And for all of you guys watching, if this is something for you, this is completely complimentary, you can click on the link and sign up, and there will be a recording as well. If you cannot, cannot be there. Live with us as well. This has been super interesting. I'm amazed by tarp like, all the words that are coming through, I feel like I'll have to watch it again, because there were so many things like, I wanted to, like, say, can you say that again, please? But they were just going on. So I think the the depth of the wisdom there is profound. So it's something you would need to hear again and again and find more and more things from it, more things from it. So thank you so much, Gail. I'll have a couple I want to ask at the end, what is self-love to you?


Oh, I think I did that reaction last time. What is self love to me? Okay, has it changed from my last answer? Self love to me today is getting enough sleep. That's my practical thing for today, which very much matches me in my life at the moment, having healthy boundaries, I think I said that before, having good astral hygiene, which I've just said, and actually that astral hygiene, I think it's a good answer, because it bleeds through into all aspects of my life, the way I speak with my children, the way I speak with my husband, with the people I love around me, the way I speak to myself, the way I speak with my clients who are coming, who have all kinds of things going on in their life, to remember that everyone has their own unique stream of energy, and everyone has the ability to clean their field. So the astral hygiene it it kind of when you have good energy around you, you make better decisions on what you eat and how you move your body, how you interact, how you treat yourself, and how you work. I can't think of any other important any other important aspects to life than those things. And I think when you have good flowing energy running through you, you are naturally more loving. You are naturally more enlightened. And you do have a different effect when you walk in a room or when you meet people, you can feel someone's openness or. Open Heart, or their open crown you can feel when you're in good company. And we all need to be in good company at the moment, and we all need to be our own best company. And this is how you make the world around you and your life change by having that good energy around you.


And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective as of now,


to love and to really create what comes through as a natural essence coming through you. So to really believe in those natural inclinations, those natural urges to do things, to have real belief in that, and to just do that thing in your life and know that that's enough, because that was what you came here to do. Just bring forward that thing that's inside you. Just bring it forward. That's quite simple. You don't have to worry about if it's as good as or if it's fitting into. If it does fit into then people don't need it. People need you and your unique energy. So that's a deeper meaning of life for me at the moment, love and bringing forward that creative impulse that's unique,


beautiful. It has been such a delight speaking with you again, Gayle, and also hearing from Tarp from their message. So thank you so much for coming back to the show, and I'll see you on the webinar.


Thanks. I love talking to you. Thanks for having me back. See you soon. See you soon.

Astral Hygiene Webinar Elevate Your Spiritual Journey

Astral Hygiene Webinar – Elevate Your Spiritual Journey

  • Avoid Common Pitfalls in Spiritual Awakening 
  • Learn how to navigate your spiritual journey with clarity, confidence, and ease
  • Understand how proper astral hygiene can lead to a robust immune system, flourishing relationships, and a clear sense of purpose.

Join us in this upcoming LIVE webinar with Dr Gayle Thomas in October.
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Astral Hygiene Webinar


The Book of Tarp

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