In an eye-opening interview, spiritual guide and energy healer Gareth Duignam shares his extraordinary journey of transformation from an ordinary life to profound self-realization. His experiences, ranging from out-of-body encounters to a deep sense of universal oneness, offer a powerful narrative about the potential for inner change and awakening.

A Life-Changing Awakening

Gareth describes a pivotal moment that set his transformation into motion: standing in a gym, he suddenly realized that everything he perceived—the walls, the sunlight, even other people—was all part of his consciousness. This wasn’t a fleeting thought; it was an experience of profound clarity. “I am the one intelligence, dreaming myself into all these forms,” he recalled. This realization sparked a shift in his perception of reality, dissolving fear and unveiling an overwhelming sense of freedom and love.

Transformation Through Out-of-Body Experiences

Before this life-altering epiphany, Gareth explored transformation through out-of-body experiences. Guided by teachings from spiritual figures like Robert Monroe and Tom Campbell, he dedicated himself to exploring these states. Eventually, he achieved a breakthrough—an undeniable realization that consciousness transcends physical form. These journeys not only dispelled his fear of death but also deepened his understanding of the interconnected nature of existence.

Kundalini Energy: A Force for Inner Growth and Transmission

Gareth’s path also involved an awakening of Kundalini energy, which he describes as a profound force that rises through the body, purifying and transforming. After receiving a spiritual transmission, he experienced months of blissful energy coursing through him, rewiring his nervous system to hold the higher states of consciousness he had begun to embody. This transformation further expanded his capacity for love, joy, and connection with the divine.

Sharing the Message of Transformation

Today, Gareth dedicates his life to helping others on their own paths of transformation. Through online meditations, retreats, and his book Waking Up From the Dream, he invites others to explore the vast potential within themselves. His message is simple yet profound: transformation begins with a willingness to seek and a commitment to inner exploration.

If you’re ready to be inspired and discover how transformation is possible for anyone, watch the full interview and hear Gareth’s incredible story in his own words.

Transcript of the interview

Gareth Duignam 0:00

For a few days prior to this experience, I had this very strange feeling, like I was being watched, kind of like, I don't know if you've ever come across the Truman Show. I had that feeling like that, everything was staged. And then I started to look around. I was like, oh, and I'm the walls, I'm the machines. I'm the sunshine. I'm all of this. This is all me. I'm creating all of this. I'm the one intelligence, God of the universe, dreaming myself into all of these individual identities, these humans, right? But I've just become lucid in this one, and I'm still sleepwalking or dreaming and all of the others. So the tears started coming, you know. The Bliss started coming in. I felt completely different, overwhelmed. The next day, I woke up, I was different.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00

Gareth Duignam, a warm welcome to the show.

Gareth Duignam 1:05

Jannecke, thank you for having me on pleasure to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:10

I'm so excited to get to know you and hear about your mystical experiences in life. Now today, you are a spiritual guide, an energy healer, an author of waking up from the dream. You are a channel of the mother force. But it wasn't always like that. I know you've had a long transformational journey and also some pre birth experiences. So for everybody who is new to you, how did, how did you your spiritual journey start in the first place? If we can start there?

Gareth Duignam 1:45

Sure, absolutely. Um, so my first mystical experience was about, I don't know, four or five years of age. I woke up. I had been put to bed one evening by my parents, and I woke up out of my body, floating outside of my bedroom, down the stairs on the landing. And I, I was like, I woke up, you know, I kind of floated down the different landings. And I thought the next morning, I woke up, and I was like, what was that? I was like, am I a vampire? Have I been bitten by a vampire? Because, you know, humans can float around at night time. And I always remember that, and I had some other experiences early on where I would I would be aware that there was awareness listening into my thoughts. I was always really, like intrigued by what that was. You know, I used to think that I was my mind, but yet there was something listening to every word, and I was really intrigued by that early on. So a lot of that died down, you know, through my teenage years, and I had a pretty, you know, kind of a life of non conformity. Didn't enjoy going to school, didn't been like, you know, told what to do, and, yeah, I just had this kind of sense. Of sense of, I just didn't fit in. Something wasn't right. I would kind of look around at people and my friends and my parents and go, What am I doing here? What is this? It just doesn't feel right to me. Um, I never really seemed to fit in. My dad used to bring me to after school activities and, you know, running clubs and the scouts, and I was just like, I don't I don't enjoy this. I don't want to be here. So that kind of just kept going throughout my life, into my 20s. Kind of had these realizations. I was like, I always set myself goals. And I was like, you know, when I have this new car, I'll be happy. When I find a relationship, I'll be happy. And I would reach down goals, and then I would find out that there was something missing. I would be happy for a few weeks, maybe a month, and then it would fizzle out. So it wasn't until around 2004 2005 I was gone on vacation. I had a girlfriend at the time, and I was bored on the plane, and she had a number of books with her, and she handed me one of the books, and it was a big, bright yellow book with a big love heart on it, and it was, you can heal your life by Louise Hay. And I was even a little bit embarrassed taking the book, you know, that anyone would see what I was looking at. And I started reading it because I was bored. And then all of a sudden I was like, Is this real? You know, I state some of these concepts, you know, that we choose our life, how we think that basically shapes our reality. And I was fascinated by it, and I started working on myself straight away. The girlfriend at the time, she, she was a Reiki healer, and she, you know, she helped me out, and she pointed me in the right direction, and I started working on myself. I started doing affirmations in her child work, and my life started changing drastically. Straight away. I started having more confidence, and I kind of started to attract more prosperity into my life, more love and. And I then realized that I could manifest. I was like, Okay, I I want to have the ideal job, you know. So I started manifesting the ideal job, and all of a sudden I started working for myself. I had a number of shops, so that went on for a while. And I, you know, I knew that there was something to this. It was like, Okay, there's some sort of a universal law out there that if I send out a message with my thoughts and I feel it in my body, like as if I have it already, then the universe responds to me and and that was true. That was my truth that was coming, that was manifesting for me. But eventually I kind of got a little bit bored with it. It was like, Okay, I have, you know, have a house, I have a car, I have a business. What? What? What else can I do with this? So I kind of then started to just kind of lose interest. I had two children, and, yeah, it was a few things came along, but then all of a sudden, I I got interested in this sort of idea of a life beyond my life, right? What happens when I die? I always had this kind of looming fear in the background of dying and debt and what if? What if I died? And that's it. There's nothing there. And that really kind of bugged me. I was like, why am I putting so much investment into my life? If it can just be taken away in an instant, right? And I lose everything. So I went on this quest. I came across Brian Wise, many lives, many masters, his book, and all of a sudden I was like, wow, so he was regressing people into past lives. And I was like, if I can do that, then I know that, you know, I live on. So I went and I did some past life regression with a hypnotherapist, and I had some experiences. But part of me was like, Okay, did I make that up? You know, it was kind of like a hazy daydream. Wasn't entirely sure that part of me didn't make it up. So I was like, okay, you know, this is somebody else's experience. It's not my experience. So then I kept searching. I was like, I want answers. And I came across a gentleman called Bob Monroe. And Bob Monroe was the author of these three books, journeys out of the body, ultimate journeys and fire journeys. And there were books on his out of body experiences. And I couldn't believe what I was, what I was, you know, at first I came across his videos on YouTube, and he was talking about floating out of his body. And I was like, Wow. You know, if I could do that, then I would know that there is no debt. So I bought every book on the subject I could. I started practicing every evening. I would come home from work, I would lay there doing affirmations, trying to project out of my body, and nothing was happening. And I was getting really frustrated. And one of my teachers, I came across this one book. It was by a gentleman called Bob Monroe. Bob Monroe had a student called Tom Campbell, and I came across Tom Campbell, and I decided to reach out to Tom. And I said, Tom, I said, I'm reading your book. And I said, I really believe what you're saying in your books and what Bob is saying, I said, but it's just not my experience, and I really want to have it. And he pointed me in the direction. He was like, Okay, I want you to look here. Want you to look there. You can read up on my website. So I did. Two nights later, I wake up with vibrations running up and down my body, and this jet engine sound in both of my ears getting louder and louder and louder. And I knew what it was because I had read, I was I had been reading all the books, and I was like, oh my god, this is it. This is the outer body, the prelude to an outer body experience. And the energy started just going from the tips of my toes to the top of my head, up and down, up and down the and the noise just got louder and louder. And then all of a sudden, two hands reached in. This is what it felt like. It felt like. It just felt like two hands grabbed me under my arms and pulled me out of my body and catapulted me through my ceiling, out through the roof, and I started flying. And I could, I was, I was in the night sky. I was looking down on fields. And eventually I came down not too far from where I live, in this field. And I stood there, and I looked at my hands. I said, I did it. I'm out of my body. I got really excited, and then I felt this rubber band just going and it just pulled me back into my body. I jumped up. I went, oh my god, I did it. I don't die. I know I don't die, and and I'm eternal. And that was the biggest, that was one of my biggest awakenings, right? It was because I had this fear and now I knew that there was no debt. That was the, you know, huge for me, because I was a complete non believer at the time. So that's kind of what started me off on my spiritual journey. I then started to have Go ahead, go ahead,

Jannecke Øinæs 10:02

yeah, if I may jump in, because, I mean, it's so exciting, because it sounds like you're speaking about myself. I had the same experience that I wanted to have proof, and I went for the out of body experience. I had the vibrational state, and all of a sudden I was out of my body, and I came back, and I was like, I have answers. So just sounded like you. You talked about my story, but I would love for you to continue.

Gareth Duignam 10:29

Yeah. So the next couple of weeks, they just started coming all of a sudden by themselves, like every night, waking up in the vibrational state, having lucid dreams, getting out, traveling, seeing things, seeing, being, seeing, seeing entities in my living room. You know, people who had, who had died, from what I could tell, were just kind of sharing this space that we were unaware of. We couldn't see them with our eyes, but they're there. You know, I rolled out. I used to wait for the vibrations to move up and down my body, and I would, sort of like, imagine I was rolling off the side of my bed when they would kind of get to this crescendo. And sometimes I would fall off the side of the bed and fall through the ceiling. And this one evening, I fell through the ceiling and I landed in my sitting room, and it was two teenage girls sat on my floor with pillows, sitting in pajamas, talking to one another like as if they were having the best time ever. And I was stood in the in the corner and and all of a sudden they turned around and looked at me, and they got scared of me, and they ran through the wall. And I was like, this is this is crazy. What's going on, who are these people? And they seem to be everywhere, you know, I would get out of body. I would kind of end up on the street. I would see disembodied people walking around, you know, I were they aware of me? I'm not sure. So the out of body experiences kept going for about a year and a half. I don't know if I really was making any real spiritual pro, you know, progress. My quality of consciousness didn't seem to be, you know, growing. There was still a lot of ego, a lot of fear still in my system. Okay, so the out of body experiences started to quieten down. They got less and less, you know, they would be more once a once a month, once every six months, they kind of just fizzled out, and then they shifted into something else. So I started waking up in sort of lucid dream classrooms, and there was an intelligence that was trying to teach me something, right? So every time there was no person, there was no guide, there was just this intelligence that would communicate to me in chunks of information. So it was just like these packets I would receive, and I would get, like, set, like paragraphs, and they would all kind of come true, and I would go, Oh, okay. And they were weird, like, kind of like fear tests I would be put in different scenarios. Like one time I found myself walking alongside this field and there was a calf out on the road, and I thought, Oh, I did the calf escaped from the field. Let me, let me go over and save the calf. And I picked the calf up and I put it back over the field. I thought I did a really good deed. And I got to the bottom of the road. And then this old man stopped me, and he said, he goes, Oh, I see you save the the calf. He goes. And I said, I felt really good, you know. And he goes, he kind of looked behind me, and I turned around and I looked, and it was a sign over a factory saying, slaughterhouse. So by me intervening, thinking I was helping, I was somehow putting that calf back in to be slaughtered. So these were these kind of little tests that I was having, you know, and I was kind of going, Oh, okay, so me thinking that I know what's the best outcome, sometimes isn't. There was fear tests again around dying, this whole con. There was still the energy of of the fear of debt in my system. So one evening, this intelligence came, and it was like, we're going to show you what it's like to die. And they were like, are you ready? And I was like, okay, okay, let's do it. And it was like, right? We'll get you ready. And then it would phase, so my consciousness would kind of phase from like the waking state into what felt like a dream state or a sleep state. And I was like, oh. And then they'd say, Okay, that's it, and we'll bring you back. And they brought me back, and then I would be back. And they were like, right, you're back in your living state. And then we go again. And we did that five or six times, and then the Intelligence said to me, that's it. That's all there is. It's just shifting from one reality frame into another reality frame. That's what death is. And they were like, do you think we've done enough? I was like, yes. So these kind of things were happening. And. I then kind of fizzled out, right? All this stuff, kind of, I had this illness that came on. I got really, really sick. It stopped me working for about a year or two, and I was really suffering, and I wanted to get through, you know, what? What was this? What was this? Why was I going through this? How could I heal? And all my energy went into it, and the spiritual stuff kind of went into the background. But I kept meditating. Kept kind of, you know, just that one part. I still enjoyed meditating. Eventually I got over the illness, and around 2016 now, I had two boys, I was had a number of shops, and I was going to the gym regularly. I'd gotten better. One morning, I got up, I went into the gym for a few days prior to this experience, I had this very strange feeling, like I was being watched, kind of like, I don't know if you've ever come across the Truman Show. I had that feeling like that everything was staged, and the music was was sending me messages, and I felt really, really, you know, like kind of, not paranoid, but just something didn't feel right. I walked into the gym at 7am one morning, and I just stopped. Just something made me stop. And I looked at the sun coming through the window, and I said to myself, I said that sun isn't outside the window. I said, I'm seeing that inside of my consciousness. And then I heard the music, and I said that music, it's not somewhere in the gym. I said, it's all in me. And as soon as I said that there was this Velcro, polystyrene, snapping, tearing noise in my brain, and then there was this, like, what I can only describe as this, like a similar to a lucid dream, right? When you wake up in a lucid dream, you know that you're in a dream state, and you know that your body's in bed, right? You get this feeling of, oh, you know, I've just woke up and I'm in a dream state. But what happened in the gym was there was something much greater than me. It felt like the universe or God, woke up in a lucid dream and looked out through my eyes and knew everything, all this divine intelligence started floating in. It was like, Oh, I've just become lucid because I had experience with lucid dreams, I knew and my human mind was also there piecing everything together while this was going on.

Gareth Duignam 17:28

So the greater intelligence woke up. Knew it was dreaming itself into my form. It, you know, my money worries, running a business, all of these anxieties about being a human. It was just this ongoing dream. It had fallen asleep, dreamt itself into my character, and was just playing this out, and that all started to piece together. It was all kind of coming in, and then I started to look around. I was like, oh, and I'm the walls, I'm the machines, I'm the sunshine. I'm all of this. This is all me. I'm creating all of this. And then I looked at the other people in the gym, and I seen this guy in the corner, and he was like, young guy, maybe 1819, and he was lifting up his top, looking at his abs. And I went, and I'm him, I'm the one intelligence, God of the universe, dreaming myself into all of these individual identities, these humans, right? But I've just become lucid in this one, and I'm still sleepwalking or dreaming in all of the others. So the tears started coming the you know, the bliss started coming in. I felt completely different, overwhelmed. I actually ran out of the gym. After about 510 minutes, I drove to work. I got into the car, started driving to work. It was the most beautiful drive of my life. Everything was had this golden hue off it. Everything was just beautiful. And after about an hour, it kind of seemed to close down a little bit, but I had the best day of my life by following it. The next day, I woke up, I was different, this, this aperture of God looking out through my eyes that had closed down, but I was now different, and I felt free. I felt like my ego was no longer bothering me. I felt like that my anxieties and my fears were just completely gone. And I was like, Okay, what was that? I need to figure this out. I want more, right? I want to have that experience of God looking out through my eyes all the time. So I started researching, and I think one of the first teachers I came across was Adi Ashanti. And Adi Ashanti start was talking about spiritual awakening and self realization. And I was like, that's what's happened. So for about four or five days, I was walking around feeling this new freedom, unbounded joy. I felt like I was. Born again, and then all of a sudden, for a day or two, it just seemed to close down on me. I was like, Oh no, what's happened? I feel contracted again. I would go out for walks trying to get it back. It would come back for an hour or two, close back down. It was like this little honeymoon period, and then eventually it just opened up again for about the next two years, I didn't really tell anyone apart from my dad, and told my dad about it, and I was just kind of really enjoying, I mean, I didn't know what to say to anyone, right? I knew I had had this awakening. There seemed to be another phase of it that would open up. And I would start walking outside, it was like this aperture would open up again. And it was like I was seeing myself in the sun, in the trees, in nature, and that would open up and close down. And that was going on for about two years.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:56

Wow. What an incredible experience. My goodness. So in a way, we could say that you experience being God,

Gareth Duignam 21:07

or experienced being me, God. What God? God? God woke up and experienced itself through my physical form and looked out through my eyes, and then my nervous system wasn't able to maintain that right, so it closed down. But I was now left in in what was known as permanent self realization. I had I had attained Self Realization, or self realization, had awakened through my form, and I was now different, and I somehow knew that there was more. I kept sensing that there was something opening up and closing down, and I knew that it would kind of go on, but for two years, I just kind of let it play out, naturally, enjoyed it, spent a lot of time on the sofa. I now was like, I don't need to do anything. I never went back to the gym again. I just stopped. That was the last time I ever went to gym. I was like, why am I going to the gym? Like, it's like, everything is just fine the way it is. So I was completely different. And that started me off as a spiritual seeker. I then started looking for more. I was like, right? There has to be more stages to this and and there was, there was much more of came,

Jannecke Øinæs 22:22

wow. Okay, so from what I understand you, you saw through the illusion, so you realize that, okay, I'm living this character, but I'm also that other person in that gym. Was it like you could read other people's minds, or was it just a realization that I'm also him, I'm also her, I'm also that,

Gareth Duignam 22:49

yes, so I couldn't read people's minds, that that didn't come in, but there was, like, compassion and love and, I mean, it was Just like, wow, I am everybody, right? So, like, I could understand, you know, like, what's the point in being mean, or, you know, making judgments about people. I'm judging myself, right? I'm the one in all of them, and I was completely different after this, like, completely free. Just felt like I had won some spiritual lottery. I didn't I had no clue why it happened to me. I wasn't seeking it. I did not know what spiritual awakening was, even though I had had all of these mystical experiences, like the out of body stuff. But this was something else. This was this was this was like seeing through the illusion of Maya. And I it all came in in that experience. And so I then came across this concept of Kundalini. I was like, oh, you know, I had read about it. I had heard about this energy in people's systems. And I was like, I knew something in me. I was like, I need to go and explore that. So about two years after the awakening, I went, I did a retreat with this Danish teacher, and I received this transmission, and it was a three day retreat. Received this transmission of shaky Pat. And after the three days, I remember just getting out of the car. I think it was like a day or two after the retreat, and I was now experiencing bliss, like crazy, bliss in my hands, in my face, in my brain. I was like, what is happening? I am different. I was like, you know, I was waking up in the middle of the night. It wasn't going away, right? This, and this went on for about three months, like, solid, 24/7, bliss. And I was like, this is the best thing that's ever happened. Um, after about three months, I noticed that the bliss started to go down. And I was like, oh, what? What's happening? What's happening, you know? So. I booked to go on a second retreat with the with the teacher, and I traveled all the way to Copenhagen, and I did another retreat, and again, got back. Felt, you know, some bliss, but nothing compared to the first time. And then it kind of died down a little bit. But two, two weeks after the retreat, I experienced a full kundalini awakening. I lay down on the bed One evening, I think it was a Sunday, I actually put on classical music, and the Kundalini awoken and went all the way up into my brain, and it felt like the crown opened up. And it was the most beautiful experience ever I was. It was kind of equally painful, and, yeah, just the most beautiful experience. So I had experienced the full kundalini awakening shortly after, and things just started getting really, really nice. I started feeling like, you know, I felt home no matter where I was. I never, kind of nothing. Felt like it was missing in my life, I was going through a spiritual awakening, and there were stages

Jannecke Øinæs 26:03

All right, do you think kundalini awakening is available for everyone, or just a few?

Gareth Duignam 26:11

Well, it depends. It really depends. So, I mean, it seems to be an organic process that's that starts to happen. As you go through a spiritual awakening, you awaken through your perceptions. So how you perceive the world starts to train to change, right? You start to see yourself as, oh, I'm, you know, I am one with everything. And you know, I am awareness. I'm not my mind, I'm not my ego, I'm not my emotions, I'm pure awareness. So that starts to change in the individual, but in order for the nervous system to hold them greater states of awakening, it needs to be rewired, right? So what happens is this, this life force that is in all of us, right? It's in all of us. It's a dormant at the base of the spine, it starts to awaken, and it starts to rise up through the chakras. And while it's rising, it's purifying, it's it's clearing blockages, it's working on traumas. And eventually it gets up into the brain, and it brings the body into the into the experience of the Enlightenment. So you're not only experiencing new perceptions, but your body is now feeling these states of bliss, love, connection. It's like this warm, fuzzy, shacky feeling. Yeah, it's really beautiful. Is it for everybody? I mean, I don't think everybody's nervous system is ready for kundalini awakening. You know, it's just something that gradually happens.

Jannecke Øinæs 27:44

It's interesting to listen to all the faces you went through, because I would assume, like, there was a peak where actually God saw through your eyes. But that wasn't like, like, after that the Kundalini awakening came, yeah, which I find interesting.

Gareth Duignam 28:01

So what I understand is that it gave me a huge peak experience. So I got a very I got a taste of the very end game. From the get go, I God looked out through my eyes, and from that moment on, I was like, I know what I am, right. Even though the experience didn't stay I was like, I am God, dreaming myself into everybody, right? It was just, and it's not an egotistical thing, right? It's not like you're going around thinking you're God, but it's just like, you know that every single human on the planet is God, right? You understand that nobody's better, nobody's lower, we're all God. And so I had that experience. And what happened was I then started my spiritual journey. So I then had to go through all of these different stages myself to eventually get to these higher states.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:53

Yeah, that's interesting, as Gareth again, like back to the personality, yeah, yeah, totally. Where did, where did that pre birth memory come into the picture?

Gareth Duignam 29:05

Okay, so, so I went through a couple of different later stages. There was another experience where I was meditating, and all of a sudden I saw this coffee mug in front of me, and I straight away, I knew that the coffee mug was housing my consciousness. It was a metaphor, right? The metaphor was, was the container that was housing me, and behind the coffee mug was prison bars. I was like, prison bars. I was like, Oh, I'm imprisoned. And all of a sudden, I saw the coffee mug tapping against the prison bars. And on the third tap, the coffee mug shattered, and there was this explosion of white light inside my mind, and it went out in all directions, and it blinded me completely in meditation, and then all of a sudden it imploded back in and everything went really, really, really quiet. Everything got really still. And I was like, Oh my God. What was that? That was incredible. And I sat there for like, two hours in that in that piece, and then when I came out. Of it, I was like, something feels different. I couldn't really, didn't really know, but it felt like the edges of me were gone, and my consciousness was now expanded out into this panoramic so I felt like I was one with everything, right? You're not not. I am in everything, and I'm not in their minds. But I just feel like I'm somehow connected to everything, just through, through my form, right? Or everything is contained within me. So that that was what happened next. So then all of a sudden, I started waking up in lucid dreams, and I was experiencing past lives. So I had these three very, very kind of peak experiences, really, really in, like, I was there. I could walk around, I could pick things up, I could open drawers. I could walk upstairs look at photos. I had these three really, like, really profound. One of them, I was a devotee of a very, very famous guru in India. Two of them, and I lived in the in this Ashram, and they told me that when I'm when I'm leaving this life in the ashram, I'm going to go to the west to bring in this energy that they had brought in. So again, I woke up from this experience sobbing. Felt like I had lost something. These were loved ones. I've shown another, uh, previous experience and another previous experience, and I had awakened spiritually in all three of these experiences, like these previous lives, I had had a spiritual awakenings, and I'd gotten in the previous life, I had gotten this, this kind of very high state of awakening. So about a month later, not exactly sure about the time, about a month later, I woke up in another lucid dream, and this time I wasn't human. I wasn't in a human reality. I was in this blue space, this sort of, it looked kind of like an oil painting. Everything was different shades of blue, dark blues. There was structures, but very, I don't know, two dimensional kind of, they just looked like shapes. And there was beings there. And the beings looked like little, small triangles, kind of two dimensional, little, small heads. And they glided along. And I was one of them, and I communicated with them. And they explained to me that where I was was, this was where you go when you're not in a human body. This is, like, this place that you you have family, you have friends, you get to to hang out, you get to pick new life experiences. And I was like, wow. And they, they told me lots of stuff. And when I say day, there wasn't like lots of them. It seemed like there was only like a few. It wasn't densely populated like it is here. And they told me lots of different things, right? They told me that not all humans went here, and this was like this intermediate place where souls would go, yeah, and they could choose to come back in and help humanity. So they also explained the whole concept of time there versus time here. And they explained to me that 80 something years in in human life form is only 20 minutes there. And they said, Well, that's that's why it's so easy for you to choose to come in for your life, because it's only 20 minutes like, Oh, okay. And they're like, so, yeah, so we're gonna, we're gonna show you how you do it. They brought me over to and again, right? I'm using the term virtual reality because it kind of, it's easy for people to understand, but it wasn't right, but it kind of felt like, you know, I put my face up against this VR headset, and then all of a sudden, boom, I will have this memory of coming back down the like this light tunnel. And just as I'm coming down the light tunnel, I'm like, Oh, I've fallen for it again. So I know I totally signed up for it, right? Because on the other side it was like, it's only 20 minutes, right? It's, I just put my face up against this. It's a 20 minute experience. But as I was coming back in, I was like, I have to go through learning how to walk and talk and be a teenager again. I kind of felt like I had been, you know, yeah, yeah, kind of, kind of, yeah, coerced into it. So, yeah, that that had happened then,

Jannecke Øinæs 34:20

yeah? Was that? Was that the memory of becoming you Gareth today, that you saw,

Gareth Duignam 34:26

yeah, yeah, yeah, or Yeah? I'm not, I'm not entirely sure. So a couple of nights later, again, I popped back into that reality again, and I got to talk and and why this was different than just like a dream or something, right? Was because when I was in the previous live experiences, I came out of them, and there was a tread, there was an emotional tread. I would literally come out, and I would be sobbing my eyes out there was like this. Something had ripped my heart out. I had people in them, lives that I had loved. And I was no longer in them, and this was the same with this pre birth experience. My family are there, my loved ones are there. And, yeah, it was the same. They were all connected somehow.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:15

So in this in between state, was it like that? You met your soul family and realized who you really were as a soul, or were you still Gareth on that other side? And if you could share a little bit more about how that place was in a way, because you mentioned it was two dimensional, and to me that that sounds a bit like, Isn't it like a full body experience, because other guests have interviewed, they're more like, oh, it's even more real. It's even more full and rich than here.

Gareth Duignam 35:49

Yeah, okay, so, so firstly, yes, I've, I've had lucid dreams and out of body experiences, and when you get into them experiences, it's like, super high definition. It's realer than real. I mean, if you look at flowers, flowers seem to have like energy and light coming out of them. It's incredible. There seems to be other spaces that we can exist in, in in the non physical that don't have as much detail for some reason, and I've been in quite a few of them this reality. It was, it was vibrant, it was, but it was like, I don't know, like, it just seemed kind of like minimum, right? Everything was just sort of like, there was nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn't that. It was 2d just from it just looked like a, kind of like an oil painting, right? And I was like, Okay, right? This is a strange place. And I noticed that I wasn't a human. I was this sort of triangular shaped being. I, you know, all of my experiences before that, I was always me having them. And in this, I was something else. I wasn't a human anymore. I had loved ones there, right? I knew that there was family there, and they loved me, and I had connections. So I don't know, I don't know why it wasn't as vibrant. I don't know why it wasn't this, you know, kind of, you know, just it just did. It really just didn't. But from what I could tell, the souls there were of a very high caliber, right? And they explained this to me. They said that not all humans come here, right? They explained that most humans, when they complete a life cycle, they just come straight back into a body. They don't get an awful lot of time in between to plan out their next incarnation. So from what my understanding was that I was part of this. I had gone through previous incarnations as a human and reached levels of awakening in from what I could tell my last three lives, and I was now part of this place, I could, I could help humanity in some way, and I could choose to come back in, yeah, to help

Jannecke Øinæs 38:17

You have quite an extraordinary story that it's not so similar as other guests have had on the show, which is really fascinating. Now where are you now, like in your life? Like, are you still having a lot of musical experiences? Or, yeah, how is it like being Gareth now? And how are you helping people?

Gareth Duignam 38:38

Okay, yeah. Okay. So, so there was an awful lot of mystical experiences there. You know, every time I would meditate, if I wanted to ask a question or find an answer, something would come in and help me out, right? And there was more awakenings. There was these later stages where it kind of became one with nothing, this, this, this nothingness, void, you know, opened up, and I became it, and then I had this merger with what seemed like the mind of God. So I found myself in this blue space, this cyan blue, pure love, pure potential. And this was shimmering, and I became part of it. And I hung out there for about an hour, and I never wanted to come out of it. And to me, this was the mind of God, I haven't been able to get back into that place. There's probably a reason why I can't, because I'd probably never come back. But yeah, so eventually, the kind of, the mystical experiences, all that kind of stuff. It just got quieter and quieter and quieter and and I found myself kind of in the role of a teacher. Even though I never wanted to be a teacher. I had, I had a successful business. I was kind of a bit of an introvert as well, and it just didn't really interest me to be around people. But all of a sudden. I found that people wanted to meditate with me, and people started asking me questions, and a little kind of an online group opened up, and it just kind of developed from there, where am I, in terms of, like my everyday being, and, you know, I'm in a very good place, right? It's, it's very blissful. I have a lot of, I would say I get a lot of joy in helping people. Yeah, I do meditations. I feel energy all the time. It's always coming in. Even when I'm sitting here talking to you, there's energy that's coming in, and people will probably even be able to pick this up when they're listening to it. It'll get stored in the recording. And that's what I do now. So what I do is I kind of do a lot of YouTube meditations, where I send the energy to people. I do live streams and I do retreats. So I go around the world doing retreats. You're helping people go to Kundalini awakenings. And, yeah, spiritual awakenings Go ahead.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:05

Wonderful. Yeah, because this interview has been quite interesting for both of us. We've been, I've been constantly losing Internet, and this has taken us like, several hours. Like, is there always a reason for that? Can you sort of tap into Okay, so this is about this and that.

Gareth Duignam 41:24

Yeah, yeah. So two years ago, I got involved. I did a public talk here in Ireland in front of an audience, and the owner of the magazine invited me to a festival two weeks later. Huge Irish festival with 70,000 people and lots of music and bands and drunk people. And he was like, we've got a Mind, Body Soul tent. We'll get you to come. You can do a talk and a demonstration. And I was like, I really don't want to do that. I, you know, just but he's a really nice guy, good friend of mine. So I decided to go, and we went and we did the demonstration. And, you know, there's a few people came in, and eventually I just went, you know what? I'm going to go, this is not my thing. And I got lost. I could not find my car. There was 70,000 people fields and fields of cars. I was lashing rain, and I was walking around for three hours. Almost felt like crying, but the whole time I could feel this crazy energy coming in, and I was like, why am I lost? What's this about? And eventually I found my car, and as I was driving home, I was like, why did that happen? And this message came in. It was like, it was nothing to do with you going and giving a talk or a demonstration. This was everything to do with you sowing energy into them fields. I literally walked like this up. If you were looking at me from Google Maps, you would have seen me creating all these zigzags around these fields, looking for my car. And I was doing that for three hours. But I was actually unknowingly sowing energy for when 70,000 people came out of that event, they would all sort of somehow pick it up. Now I don't know, you know, I kind of said to them, I said, just, I would love if you just could have told me that I would have done it gladly, you know, instead of feeling like I was lost. So I Yeah, even when I see the internet going down, I'm just like, yeah, it's just, it's part of it. It's just something bigger, something greater. Yeah, don't get worked up about it. Just let it play out the way it's meant to play out.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:21

Do you think we affect the internet and tech with our consciousness?

Gareth Duignam 43:26

I don't know. Yeah. I mean, some people, some people definitely do, like people going through Kundalini awakenings, their energy interferes with with, you know, devices I have one girl or like she's knocking out the power every time she walks into her apartment, lights are going out. So it does definitely happen,

Jannecke Øinæs 43:48

yeah, what is like the deepest spiritual insight you can say that you have received from all of this?

Gareth Duignam 43:55

Oh, I mean, getting to know what I am, right? That's, the that, to me, is the pinnacle of what our human existence is. It's It's God dreaming itself into us and forgetting its nature to play a game of hide and seek just to find itself again. That's what it is, right? And when you find out what your true nature is, it's like, wow. It's like, everything else, all that stuff that we thought was important is no longer important. Then all of a sudden you see that everyone is you, your compassion. You have compassion for everybody. There's no me and mine. You know? It's, it's an inclusive it's, it's Yeah, become in love, helping, giving back,

Jannecke Øinæs 44:39

right. And what is your message now to everybody listening who are seeking and maybe struggling in their own way?

Gareth Duignam 44:48

Yeah, so I would say just keep going. Keep going. Keep with your meditation practice. Keep meditating. Keep going within all of the answers are within you, right? It, they'll all be revealed. It's like the synchronicities. Once you start the synchronicities will start happening, like the book will fall off the shelf the podcast, right? You know you with the teacher that it'll come up in your news feed, and the breadcrumbs will be put out in front of you for you to follow. But it is sort of like a game, right? You have to figure it out, and the way you figure it out is with your intuition and with your heart, not with your mind. Keep dropping from your mind, don't don't analyze, don't make judgments about anything, but bring your awareness into your heart and feel into everything. Okay, some of the concepts might be out there, right? I don't know. This is in my experience, but I don't know, but just sort of have enough of an open mind to say, well, maybe, maybe I don't know, who am I to make a judgment. I'm going to drop into my heart and I'm going to feel what this is. And I think you can't get it wrong once, once you use your heart instead of your mind.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:59

This has been so interesting. Gareth, thank you so much. Now, if people want to connect with you and work with you or meditate with you, how can they do so?

Gareth Duignam 46:09

So I have a open meditation group with a transmission. So the energies that I experienced during my awakening, they started, I started to become transmissive. So I noticed that the energies when I would meditate with people, they would be able to feel them energies, and they would have an effect on people. So I started these zoom groups every Tuesday and Friday at 9pm UK time, you can go onto my website, open to anybody, right? So my website is and you can go on there, find a zoom meditation. You can join the zoom, or it gets streamed onto my YouTube channel, the same true spiritual awakening. And you can sit with them, or you can just find the recording, sit with the recording, close your eyes, meditate, and you will feel them, them transmissions, if you're if you're open and receptive, yeah. And I have a book the Waking Up From the Dream, where I talk about all of my my experiences and my awakening.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:09

Well, thank you so much for being a guest on the show today and sharing your amazing story, and for doing all your wonderful work, and also for being so patient to stay in this interview for so many hours.

Gareth Duignam 47:22

No problem, no problem. It was amazing. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for being so generous and for inviting me on. And it's been amazing. Thank you so much. Yeah, your podcast is great, by the way. Thank you so much.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:34

Thank you. Thank you.

Gareth Duignam 47:35

Yeah, you do great work. Thank you.

Gareth Duignam – Official site


The book Waking Up From The Dream
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