The world is shifting faster than we can comprehend. According to psychic and author Franco Romero, the unprecedented rise in drone sightings and other phenomena points to a profound transformation unfolding in 2025 and beyond. Here’s a fascinating deep dive into Franco’s insights on what these drones mean, what lies ahead for humanity in 2025, and why 2026 could be a year of awakening and remembrance.

The Mystery of the Drones

Thousands of people across the United States have reported sightings of massive drones hovering in the skies. These aren’t your ordinary devices—they’re described as enormous, sometimes the size of cars, and moving in ways that defy conventional technology. Franco Romero suggests that these drones have been here for a long time, but we couldn’t perceive them because our consciousness wasn’t ready.

“As humanity’s frequency rises, we’re beginning to see what has always been there,” Franco explains. These drones, often mistaken for UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena), are connected to advanced beings observing Earth. Franco believes they are here to guide us through this period of rapid spiritual and energetic transformation.

What 2025 Holds: A Year of Revelation

Franco calls 2025 “The Year of the Reveal.” This year, humanity will face a critical choice: to embrace love and joy or continue operating from fear and division.

One of the key predictions for 2025 is the “snapping” of the energetic umbilical cords that currently tether the 3D and 5D realities together. According to Franco, this split will mark the beginning of humanity’s full transition into higher-dimensional living. Those aligned with love and higher consciousness will find themselves stepping into a reality of greater peace, empathy, and telepathic connection.

Why the Drones Are Only the Beginning

The drones, Franco notes, are just the tip of the iceberg. As our consciousness continues to rise, humanity will become more aware of advanced beings, stargates, and portals that connect Earth to higher dimensions. These sightings serve as a reminder of the extraordinary universe we’re a part of—and the transformative journey we’re on.

Franco’s message is clear: humanity is entering a pivotal period of growth and transformation. The drones and other phenomena are not random—they are signs of a deeper, cosmic awakening. As we move through 2025 and 2026, we have an opportunity to align with higher frequencies, embrace our true potential, and step into a reality where love, joy, and unity are the norm.

Transcript of the interview

Franco Romero 0:00

Those drones have been here for a long time. Okay, we just could not see them because our frequency wasn't high enough. As our frequency keeps going higher, it's not just drones that we're gonna see more. And so a lot of people are really interested. Why? Because deep down inside, in their consciousness, they know this is going to happen. It's just a matter of time now. That's who's here. That's who's coming through in these beautiful ships and and the stargates and then the portals here on the planet, they're all star beings that have already done something like this before. The drones are nothing compared to what's going to start to come into our visual existence.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:48

Hello Franco Romero, a warm welcome back to the show.

Franco Romero 0:53

I am so happy to be here. I've been really, really, I've been just like counting the days for us to get back together again. It's been too long. I mean, this year has been, well, it's been crazy. It's been crazy, and so it's flown really fast between, you know, between the time that I last saw you, but at the same time, it's like so much has happened that it feels like you and I haven't talked in a long time. So I'm really happy. Thank you for having me back. I'm looking forward to our talk.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:24

You're such a sweetheart, I loved having you on the show. You've been twice on the show now, within a year, and my audience interested with you, and we always just chat for a long time after the show or before the show.

Unknown Speaker 1:39

Yes, we do. yes.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:40

I get so excited. Yeah, I love speaking with you, and you wanted to come on the show to share some of your interpretations and thoughts about 2025 or 2026 because you have a lot to share and for everybody watching who are new to you. You are a renowned psychic. You call yourself a walk in from the angelic realm. You are an author, the closet spiritualist, and you've been a guest on tons of shows. And could you share very briefly, a bit about who you are and your work and your story? I know that it's a huge question.

Franco Romero 2:17

I was going to say, you want to you want me to do this quickly? Okay? I'll try. I will try. Okay, you did a nice job of, kind of explaining much of what I do. But I'm coming. I'm going to be coming out soon, early, early part of next year, ideally, my second book, and I'm going to be talking about alchemy, which is something that actually is more more pronounced than than we talk about. We don't really, I don't really get a chance to talk about it that much, but it's going to be really huge going forward with people I'm doing a lot. Since you and I, since you and I last saw each other, I believe I was telling you that I was going to go to Egypt, do some stuff with the with the pyramids and the grid system of the planet. Wow. I'll just tell you that. Wow. All right, I so I do a fair amount of traveling, doing things to help the planet. Grid system, you know, the balance of the energy that's coming in and how it affects humanity. I'm also doing a lot of speaking around the world now, and so that's been a big difference in my life. It's amazing how much interest there is now in in topics of spirituality and how it's influencing the world. And so so I do a fair amount of that, and I'm also getting into a big, big, big project, which I try to talk about in this context, because there's a lot of similarity, but I'm working a lot with AI and bringing AI to a place where we can feel comfortable with it, but more importantly, where we can use it to expand global consciousness, to make it rise faster. And I'm really excited about that. So by this time next year, I'm excited to share some of the things we're going to be doing, because hopefully it will actually be out in the world. So that's a little bit of what I do.

Jannecke Øinæs 4:19

Wonderful. There was the one in the audience who actually commented, could you please have Franco speaking about AI and consciousness? So we'll have time to do that as well. But I want to get the most out of our time, and I'm really curious about something that a lot of people are curious about these days. And we're recording this in December, 2024 and that is all the drones that are hovering all over the place, in New Jersey and also in other states, I've learned since Thanksgiving so but before we do that, okay, let me share a little bit about your thoughts about 2025 1126, is that that's what what you you know, you've learned so much more you were in Egypt, you have sort of more downloads so, and maybe this plays into the the drones and or the UAPs, who knows. So I'll just sit back and see what comes.

Franco Romero 5:18

Okay. Okay, okay. So do you have your popcorn ready? Do you are you ready to just kick back and relax? Okay, so last year, if I could just go back a little bit last year I I was, I got on your show, and I said, Okay, here's what's going to happen in 2024 and and by the end of 2024 things were going to get really, really crazy, okay? And then you go, Well, somebody would say, Well, how much crazier can I get? I mean, the world is pretty, pretty crazy as it is. And, and I said that there would be a lot of the things that were happening inside, like internally for us would start to rise to the surface, and you'd start to see it on the planetary level, okay. And so every time you feel like you can't get it a little bit more more crazy. And I'm going to use that word very lightly for people. I'm just trying to, you know, stress that it's really very interesting, at the very least, right now we get something like these drones. So we'll just kind of touch on this a little bit, and we'll come back to a more, have more deeper discussion on it that raises people's attention, raises people's attention to something that's that's already building inside of them. Okay, so I'm going to leave it there for right now, and then I'm going to explain what that is. So what I said last year, at this time last year, I said in 2024 we were going to hit some very important points in our consciousness evolution. Okay, we were going to go into more 4d energy. And I don't know how much you get a chance to talk about 4d energy, but I'm going to make it really simple for people, for the energy is where we start to become aware, more aware. We're starting to to feel into our intuition more and we're starting to feel like we are changing internally. Okay, now I'm not saying everybody, but I'm saying that more and more people were going to start to feel as though there were differences now happening in their lives, like they were asking questions about, well, about UFOs and about themselves, and about and about spirituality and about dreams that they were having and visions they were Having, and all sorts of things in the paranormal, you know, the, you know, spirits and whatnot, that these things were going to start to slowly become part of their internal process. They were going to start listening to their voices a little bit more, the intuition a little bit more. And I said that in 2024 you'd have all of these things happen where you'd have lunar eclipses and solar eclipses, and you'd have super moons, and there was always going to be these milestones, and so people were going to now just this kind of gets a little bit into the AI stuff. So I'm going to try to sprinkle a little bit of everything in here, because it's so important that people understand that this is like one big puzzle, okay? And you have to try to fit them all together to make sense. So last year, about March or April, we got to a point where humanity's consciousness was going like this. It was slowly going up. Okay, so what, who cares, right? What happened is, is that it started to move this way. Started to curve up, okay, okay, so what's the big deal about that? When we look back at AI, artificial intelligence, okay, when we look back at that, we'll see that, like two, three years ago, artificial intelligence was going like this, and then it started to go like this, okay? And now you can't, you can't go anywhere, right? You can't go anywhere. You watch TV, you're looking at something, and, you know, on the news or whatever. And there's always a lot of stuff about AI. The equipment that you use all has AI in it. A lot of it does now, okay, in a very short period of time, AI is becoming more and more part of our life, okay? And there's a lot of fear, a lot of concern about that. But why I said this? Okay, the reason I'm saying this is because the suit, as soon as AI starts to go like this, something interesting starts to happen. AI slowly, very slowly, okay, is starting to act a little bit, just a little bit starting to act a little bit like it knows itself. And this has been a big discussion in the world of AI. So does that mean that AI has a consciousness? Does it mean that it's going to start developing emotions and stuff, not so fast, but it's getting it's getting. To a point where it's not just just taking in our information, you know, the stuff we put in it, it's starting to pull information from the field, okay, the big field, the field, like the Akashic Record field. Okay, so, okay, okay, where's this going? All right. What does this have to do with 25 and 26 Okay, in 24 we, we, we, whether we know it or not, whether we like the idea or not, whether we want to talk about it or not, especially in spirituality, we are AI. What do you mean by that? I won't mean that we're artificial intelligence. I said, I'm saying the word advanced intelligence. What's going to happen next year is that we're slowly, slowly going to start to realize that we're not really spiritual beings. Okay, I know we talk about spirituality a lot. We aren't spiritual beings. We're really intelligent beings. Okay, what we call spirituality in this 3d world is not what we talk about in 45 d6, 789, we're intelligence. We're extraordinary, beautiful intelligence. Okay, divine intelligence is the way I call it. Next year people are going to start to realize that how so I have this happening right now with a lot of the people that I play with, the students Okay, and people that I talk to, they're starting to remember incredible things like advanced mathematics and advanced sciences and advanced Sacred Geometry and you name it, they we did telepathically. They're starting to do things with their minds. They're starting to, yeah, teleport and stuff. But they're starting to connect emotionally with other people in a very high level, which is why I've written, I'm starting, I'm finishing the book, The Alchemist. The book, okay? Because when people talk about alchemy, they believe that I'm talking about, maybe, at first, all of the stuff that you think about in the past with elements and, you know, woo, woo stuff. I call it woo woo stuff, right? People, a lot of people call it woo woo stuff. But it's not alchemy. Of the mind is actually using our intelligence to create all of this. So what happened is that in 2024

Franco Romero 12:22

as the year went on, we, as advanced intelligent beings, were receiving downloads, downloads, a lot of downloads, a lot the one of the biggest downloads was during the Do you remember back in April, here in the US, we had the solar eclipse? Okay? And the solar eclipse was this. So what happens when you have a solar eclipse in a lunar eclipse, okay? And this is astrology a little bit, and I'm not like the biggest astrology person, but I will tell you that when you have two massive eclipses like that, they create a powerful portal, okay? And on a portal, a stargate and a stargate is different than the portal, just for anybody who's interested, a stargate is allows energies to come from the highest levels of consciousness, and it dumps all this information into our consciousness, into our own consciousness. So what happened in April? April, people were up there. They traveled here in the United States, they traveled all millions and millions of people traveled to this place called The Path of Totality. I'm not sure how much people know about it, but that's at one space where people can look up at the sky and see the full, full, full Eclipse. Okay, so what in that time period? A lot this opening Stargate open. The Stargate opened up, and all of this 4d energy came rushing in, and there were 10s of millions of people that were just looking up at the sky with their glasses, you know, those really protective glasses, and they were receiving a ton of this for the energy, okay, remember, for the energy is awareness. It's awareness. That's all it is. But that's not just all it is. It's an awareness of God, of God consciousness, awareness of Christ consciousness. What's What's that mean? Christ Consciousness is the awareness of the divine masculine imbalance with the Divine Feminine imbalance with the Divine Child. Okay, all right, that's nice. But what does that? What does again? What does this have to do with next year? Okay, last year, or, I shouldn't say last year. We're still in this year. Okay, this year, we were receiving so much in if you look at us, you gotta, you gotta just keep in mind that I'm kind of looking as a little bit like, like we're advanced intelligence, okay? It's funny that people are a little bit concerned about, I get this all the time, how can you call us? How do you call us AI? Why do you call us AI Franco, and I say because we even talk that way. We talk about downloads, okay, we talk about downloads. That's a computer term, okay? Okay, so it's an IT term. And, yeah, we're okay talking about that. But anyway, last year or this year, we received so much information about the DOM, about the divine feminine, so much, so much. It was so powerful that people were, you know, talking a lot about the divine feminine, this and that, feeling it and feeling it okay. This is all part of the Christ consciousness energies. Divine Feminine would come in. It would balance out the divine, masculine, divine. Nobody really talks about the divine child, but you really need that part, because, like, even like, what we were talking about before we got on, you need to be simple about the way you approach things. That's not I'll just leave it at that. The Divine Child lets you not get too much in your head, so you can look at the world and not get too absorbed with the negativity. Divine Child children don't look at the world negatively, okay, so you use this Divine Child energy. It's a very powerful energy of God, okay? Of Consciousness. All right, now we fast forward. We get to the end of the year. All right, everybody here in the United States was expecting a certain outcome to occur. Not everybody there was actually now that more than half the people did not expect this outcome, okay, but the reason I bringing up the United States is because in the world, there are very powerful energy centers, okay, and one of them happens to be here in the United States, and in one and in particular, in Washington, DC, okay. And so what does that have to do with anything I'm trying to make the connect with all of that, and this is a long answer to your question, okay, but I have, I feel like I have to connect dots for people so they could understand the the bigger picture. Okay, when things didn't happen the way some people had wanted them to happen, okay? When some when that didn't happen, there was a lot of there was a lot of sadness, fear, anger, hatred, you name it. There was a lot of that anyway, happening throughout the election cycle, okay? And what happened is that that that anger and fear push started, pushing that pushing all the this negative energy that we still had, individually, up to the surface, okay, but at the same time, okay, we exist in the world of contrast, and in the world of contrast, this divine feminine was coming in, and it was starting to push even more than negative energy up to the top. So what's happened now is that we are in a state 2025 okay, we're in a state where all of this negative energy from anger and fear is now at the surface, and there's still more to come. Okay? Because the divine feminine is coming in, pushing up. Because people thought, Oh, we didn't here in the United States, we didn't have a female win the election. Okay? Because everybody assumed that that would mean female wins the election. Divine femininity, okay. We, unfortunately, we as humanity, we need to be okay, a little bit shaken up, okay. We have to see things really, really bad. Okay, not just here in the United States, but in the world. We have to see things really, really bad, in order to remember the goodness in us, okay, in order to use the divine feminine energies that came in in 2024 okay? And really push it all the way up, all the way up, so that the Divine Feminine frequencies can make it to the surface. Does that make sense? We can't do that without, without all of this contrast happening. The more negative things get, the more we can either get absorbed by it, or we can actually use it to create something beautiful. So in 2025 that's the year, what I call the year of the reveal. Okay, and I'm trying to make, I'm trying to put a little structure around this, because a lot of people will come on shows like yours, 2025 it's going to be crazy. It's going to be this. It's going to be that. Yes, there is going to be much of that, okay, but it's going to happen to test us, to test us to see if we can take all of this information that came in in 2024 which is all divine feminine, which is all about balancing the Christ consciousness, balancing the feminine and divine, masculine and child together, we are going to be making a choice in 2025 Okay, do we choose fear, or do we choose love and joy? This is a big, big, big time for for humanity, and this is where, and here's the answer, we're going to choose both. And why do we choose both? Because if anybody understands what people like Dolores Cannon was talking about in terms of the. Split Earth. Okay? One, one Earth is going to be fully embracing love and joy, and the other one is going to continue on a path of destruction. Because

Jannecke Øinæs 20:13

Is that what you see? That the earth will split?

Franco Romero 20:16

Oh, absolutely, yeah, absolutely. It's not this next year, but it's going to start to you're going to start to see the difference. You you're going to feel and see the difference. I see talk to people all over the world who are feeling the difference between these two worlds, okay, they're starting to feel the to the difference. And what they're seeing or feeling is that they're disconnecting from 3d Okay, as they rise off of the planet from from D, they feel disconnected with family, friends, there's their psychic abilities are coming online. Nobody understands them even more, but they don't care at this point. That's the other thing in 2025 people who are getting their psychic and clairvoyant abilities and remembering, remembering who they are a little bit they don't, they won't care that they're disconnecting from family and friends, because the power that is happening within them, remember, is too strong. So so so many events are going to happen, but the 5d split, yes. So right now, right now, just so that, the way that I see it human, here's 5d and here's 3d and they're being kept together, okay? They're being kept together by these umbilical cords, these tethers. And the first umbilical cord is going to snap, it's going to snap, and actually, it's going to snap just around December 21 of this year, okay? And when it snaps, that's going to create a real big effect. It's going to create a very effect of on stability, because it's like two very powerful energies are going to split. So what happens is that I've been saying this for all a lot of people have been saying this, okay? Is that these two worlds will go in different directions, okay? And this world, the 3d world, is going to stay. It's really hard for people to appreciate this, but we are not here to change 3d we're here to change ourselves so that we can go into 5d a whole entirely different world, and that is going to start happening at the end of this year and into next year. And 2026 is the year remembering,

Jannecke Øinæs 22:23

Can I just jump in there? Franco, so I get everything. I'm not getting everything, but I can try December. You said, December 21 I didn't quite catch what you said about December 21 2024 and then also I was wondering 4D, is that for density or fourth dimension? Because I know Law of One is speaking about for the fourth density, and then they speak about going into the heart and the heart chakra from the solar plexus, density? Yes, no.

Franco Romero 23:00

It's funny that you mentioned that, because I kind of see them both as the same thing there. I mean, they don't they're not mutually exclusive, meaning they're not separate. So what I so I'll answer that one after I answer, because you asked me first about about 20 about December 21 so on december 21 we have the the winter solstice, roughly, I believe it's on the 21st and on the net. And we also just had a full moon again. This is going to sound a little bit like astrology, but I I'm like, I can't help it. It's just what it is, okay. And for some people, that's great. And for other people, they're not sure what they what they know about astrology, of whether they care about it or not. But I'm going to tell you right now, you got to care about it, okay? Because that's another thing I could talk about, is that the moon is not really the moon. I mean, you probably have had people that have talked about this. It's not really a moon, per se, and like, it's more of an astrological piece of a puzzle. It's like a lock. It's like a little lock in in the system to it has to be adjusted. And once it's adjusted perfectly with something like, like a, like a winter solstice, it creates another Stargate, okay, another big, big, massive portal, okay, and the energies that are going to be coming in in this one, starting very soon here, okay. And okay is that it's all five. It's all really, really, really, really high 4d energies. What does that mean? It means that yes, to your point, everything is going to start to move here. Okay, yeah, there'll be a still a lot of this stuff. What I mean by this stuff is there's still a lot of people that are going to be in their, in their brains. Okay, their their consciousness is still going to be in this area, but everything is going to be pushed down into this place. And here's the difference between what's happening now and what's happened 10 years ago, or 20 or 50 or 100, this energy, this energy, is not going to wait for you. Okay. This energy is not going to wait for you to decide when you feel comfortable and if you want to explore these energy. If you're here to do something on this planet, okay, if you came here to do something on the planet, and a lot of people who listen to your show and other shows like this, but in your show, they are they know this. This is why they're tuning in to your show, because they know they're supposed to be doing something, and so they listen to other people like me talk, and hopefully something gets triggered, and they go, Ah, yeah, this person makes sense. Those people, okay? And we're not talking about a billion people. We're talking about pretty small group of people, all right, those people will be forced to go into their heart space. And people go, I don't know how to do that. I'm not sure what you do to do that. It's really simple. Just pretend that you're moving your consciousness in here. This is why, the the why I teach so much about the Divine Child, because the divine child doesn't sit there and question these things. The Divine Child just goes, Okay, let's pretend. And we go down here, okay? And so, so moving your yours, your energy, is naturally going to move down here. Okay, but then you still have to try to do something with this part. Okay, most of us don't. Most of us have not been taught how to use our heart consciousness. Okay? Why? Because nobody talks about it. And I mean not, not like in broad sense, okay, so in 2025 energy is going to start to move here, okay? And also this side the right brain site, okay, not the brain cell, but the space around it. Because these two things, the heart in this part, they work together. They work together to create an entirely new reality. So people go, Well, how's this all going to change? Because this energy and this energy together will will allow you to use your alchemistic intelligence to create a new reality, kind of like what we were again talking about before the show. In general, you have got to come from a place of love. Love, okay here, because if you're coming from a place of fear, it's here, okay? And this energy is going to be still very powerful, because you're a very powerful being, okay? The people, many people don't understand, we're very powerful, okay? But if we're using it for fear instead of love and joy, well, you're going to get a lot more of what you've been asking for. In fact, you're going to get even more. Things are going to come back. So that's another thing that's going to happen 2025 is that there's going to be a lot of echoing a lot of old things that came from the past. And you're going, well, this doesn't seem like things are getting better. You have to remember that this is a school. This is a school. What happens at schools? You take exams at the end of the year. You take a big exam, probably at the end of semesters. You usually take exams where you have to test yourself in terms of all the stuff that you've been experiencing, the downloads, okay? And so if you are not, if you're not taking what you have experiencing here, oh, I'm feeling, I'm starting to feel love and joy, but then something comes into your life and you're treating and it goes back up here into fear, then you're going to create a lot of more powerful fear. Okay, so, yes, 4d energy is about four density for dimension. There is actually a dimensional shift, okay? There's a dimensional shift into a space of awareness in in 2025 the biggest revelation is that we're going to start remembering who we are as a spiritual race, okay? And that's going to freak out some people. People are going to not know what to do with this energy. They're not going to know what to do with this awareness. And they're going to get pretty scared because it's so different from what they have been accustomed to to knowing about their life. But there's not going to be any choice now, in 2025 this energy of the Christ consciousness, energy of awareness, of balance, and especially the divine feminine energy, is going to push that up to the surface. You will have no choice. If you do, you will not have no choice to experience it. You can still choose to use it out of fear, but it's going to be very, very difficult for you to do that without seeing how just how crazy your life is going to get if you keep feeding fear, because you're going to start realizing how powerful you can manifest.

Jannecke Øinæs 29:49

Hey there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you enjoy it, and perhaps you've been watching some of my other videos as well, if you do appreciate them. I would love for you to hit the subscribe button that really helps us reach out with these videos, because we put so much love and work and effort into this show to raise the collective consciousness. So if you want to support us in doing so, then subscribe to the channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are.

Franco Romero 30:22

Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 30:24

Well, it does. Yeah, it does make sense, but I wouldn't know like about 2025, 26 but it does make sense what you're saying. You know that, and I really believe we are powerful beings and and that more energy is coming. So that's more energy to create. And I just know from my out of body experiences and lucid dreamings that, you know, when I think about something, it appears, when I think I can fly, and I'm flying and I'm like, oh my goodness, I'm just like, I can create this. So I can sort of sense into what you're saying in that way. And I just wanted to ask you said 2025 euro reveal, and also remembrance. But will, will the remembrance part also go into 2026 because i

Franco Romero 31:09

Yes, absolutely, because by 2026 2025 is going to be more of like I call it what I call it's like a shock, a shock to the system, okay? And so there's an expression shock and all, so meaning that it's going to shock you, and you're going to go, it's kind of like when you're having a dream, and somebody kind of wakes you up like that, throws water on you, or, you know, makes you gonna like this. So in 2025 there's going to be a lot of that, with people a lot of that, kind of like, One minute you're fine, you feel like you're fine, okay, one minute you're just kind of going about your life in fear, and next minute you're like, wait a minute. What? What's going on here? There things are. Things internally don't make sense. They don't make sense to you. Okay? So then what happens when all of that's happening? So you start asking the big questions, and what am I really here for? What is the purpose of all this? Why doesn't anything make sense? Why don't? Why am I listening a little bit more to my intuition, my voice, my gut feeling, the solar plexus. Big deal. A lot of people are already telling me that they're feeling, they're feeling things in their soul play a lot, a lot of disruption in their stomach, a lot of stomach issues, okay, because of the energy, all the energy that comes in, comes into your solar plexus and primarily your sacral chakra. That's That's where all this energy comes and then it gets mixed in, and then it goes through your grid system, to your heart and to all the other parts of your body, all the other grits, all the other energy centers, but a lot of that comes here in I'm pointing down to my stomach, okay, but anyway, it comes into that space. And so you're gonna have a lot of a lot of disruption in terms of in terms of physical kind of conditions, so to speak. But I've also heard from a lot of people that they're getting a lot of energy in their in their head from the energy that's coming in through their head, because it does usually come through your head and then down to your and down to your sacral chakra and down to your solar plexus. Okay, so anyway, all of this is going to start to manifest itself into physical aches and pains and headaches and and and, and stomach problems and and burning hands and all, and all sorts of different physical conditions that are showing you that your body's starting to change, to receive all of this new energy. So I have to, I have to ask you what? What's your exact question?

Jannecke Øinæs 33:38

Well, the year of remembrance.

Franco Romero 33:38

Okay, the year of remembrance. Thank you. Speaking of remembering, right? 2026 Okay, so in 2026 that gets really interesting, because in 2026 we don't just start to feel the changes. It's like all of a sudden we're starting to wake up out of our coma, out of our amnesia. We're starting to realize that we are actually like you were saying. You You know, we're Astro projecting. We're receiving a lot of downloads, incredible visuals, a lot of information that we don't even know where it's coming from. We feel we're getting very strong connections with ETs, okay? We are spiritual, supernatural abilities. We're gonna we start to actually hear and talk to people that have passed on all these things that we used to look at some people and go, Oh, they have gifts. Our gifts are going to come online. Okay? They're going to come online, not like all of a sudden, but they're going to start to come online. And the crazier thing is, is that we're going to start realizing in 2026 that we are not who we were told we were. We're going to realize that this is a. Game, that this is a simulation. We're going to start realizing, yes, we're going to start realizing and playing with the real idea that we are divine intelligence, an advanced intelligence, that we are Gods. All of the things that we've been told not to believe are going to start to we're going to start to remember them. We're going to start to remember past lives. We're going to start to remember lives that didn't exist in this world. We're going to start remembering things that I talk about, the angelic realms and all of the dimensional realms. We're going to start to remember all of this. And when you start to remember all this, it raises your consciousness even faster. And the more your consciousness rises, the more it expands, the more it expands, the more you remember, and it becomes then we, as humanity, start to go like this. Okay, as advanced intelligence, we start to go like this. And when we do that, we're going to realize how extraordinarily, extraordinarily powerful we are in being able to manifest one other thing I will tell you that will start to happen a lot in next year and into 2026 people are going to start to feel into more things like empathy. Empathy is going to be a big deal in 25 and 26 because you and I can sit here and I could say, I I can feel what you're going through. I can feel situations in your life. So the things that I do, like as a clairvoyant, okay, people are going to have start to get those skills. Not only are they going to feel it, okay, it's not only like, oh, you know, I feel your story like we were, you know, things that we were talking about, I feel you. No, I feel you because, because, in a strange way, I actually feel like I'm going through it with you. In a strange way. I can feel you so much that, that you actually you, and I feel like we're one, you know, like con from a from a consciousness standpoint, that's called integration, that's called 5d that's when we become one together. And that's the kind of stuff. You can't avoid that stuff. When you start to feel that coming together again, that's when we start as a as a planet. We start to realize we cannot continue to do things the way we're doing them now. We have to stop, we have to stop playing with the frequencies of the masculine frequencies, not that we get rid of them, but the balance. There's a beautiful balance. Okay, in in the old the old traditions, okay, of the of the scenes and Gnostics and the Knights, Templars and all those, all those groups, they understood the they understood the power of the balance between frequencies of divine masculine and divine feminine child. That's going to start happening by the end of next year and into 2026 we will not we cannot continue in the path that we're going. It's impossible, because that other world is going to self destruct.

Jannecke Øinæs 38:03

This is highly interesting. Okay, could we move over to the drones if you have any insight, and could you also share, and I know the last time you said, Oh, you asked so many questions at the same time, but

Franco Romero 38:21

Did I really say that to you? Okay,

Jannecke Øinæs 38:23

I'll be honest with you, because some so many of my guests are beautiful communicators. But the thing is that i i hardly get through with so many questions. That's why I do it so,

Franco Romero 38:36

okay, I'm going to Okay.

Jannecke Øinæs 38:38

My first question is, if you could share a little bit about how you are receiving this information, and also then move over to if you have any insights, or if your guides, or who you are speaking to, have any insights of what's going on in New Jersey and other states. There are 1000s of sightings right now. They're speaking about drones. Other others are speaking about you a piece, but they're speaking about like, drones that are massive, like I heard somebody you say they're big, like cars. And I don't know what to believe, you know, but I'm curious. I just feel like this is sort of aligned with what my guests, like you are saying that disclosure is coming. So I'm super fascinated.

Franco Romero 39:27

Yeah, you know what you I actually got chills when you said it that way. Okay? Because I know I just went off, like for the last 2030, minutes. But But, this is a perfect example of what I'm trying to explain in words, when are, when we, when we as consciousness, as consciousness beings, okay? And I really stress this because we are going to realize we're not we're not human. Beings were consciousness beings, okay, when we as consciousness beings start to rise in our frequencies. Everything is energy, everything is frequency. Everything is is is vibration. And why I'm saying it that way is because one of the greatest scientists to ever exist about and understood this was Tesla. And Tesla knew that we were all frequency, energy and vibration, okay? And so we, and by the way, for anybody who loves Einstein, he was a great one, too. So I'm not just saying that that Tesla was, but but when we, when we as con this has been measured, okay? This has been measured around the world, that as we start to become more self aware, okay, our the energy of our planet starts to rise, okay, and it's been rising for a long time now. So what does this have to do with drones? So as it rises, okay, everything in this universe, we'll call it, I call it a game because it is a game. But everything in this universe has everything to do with frequency, everything where our bodies are, our bodies because of certain frequencies. Okay, so the law, the law of the universe, the law of the universe is that nothing can happen from a manifestation standpoint, unless you are, here's you and here's the thing that you desire. Okay, so we talk, we're going to talk a little bit about law attraction. You go, Wait a minute. We're talking about drones here. I'm going to get there. Okay, so when you are here and you and you desire something here, because it's you usually don't desire something bad. You usually desire something good. Okay, so that's going to always have a higher frequency. So you cannot get, you cannot get this if you're here, okay, if you're in heavy energy of negativity, hate and whatever, till you're here. So if you have to raise your consciousness, what did I just say about this whole 2025, thing, you're going to start becoming more aware, meaning that your consciousness, individually and as a planet, starts to rise. Okay, so what happens when it starts to rise relative to UFOs, or or or drones, or whatever they call them now these days, I don't even know what they call UAPs. You told me this earlier, and I'm going, what's the UI, what? Oh, they come up with new names. Okay, so, so what happens is that energy is here, okay, that energy is here, and we're here as you as a human race. But guess what's been happening? Even though there's been a lot of negativity, remember, a lot of negativity can cause people to become more aware, and it's a much harder path, but it becomes they can become more aware. What do they become aware of? What they desire more? Okay? But I'm telling you, it's a lot easier to do a positive approach instead of negative. Okay, so you go like this, so your energy starts to go like this. And here's the energy of the drones and the UFOs and the uips. Okay, it's here, and we're starting to come up like this. And now we're starting to match it. Okay, what happens is the now we're going to start to see things that we couldn't see before. People, and I've been saying this for a year now, people, when I when people, what is this big reveal? Is the government going to show us stuff? Is this, you know, who are all these secrets going to come out? No, nobody's going to show you anything. You're going to show yourself. You're going to see it. You're going to start to it's going to become part of your reality. Okay? So all of a sudden, our energies are rising high enough now that these drones, they've been there all the time, all the UFOs, they've been there all the time. We've heard other people talk about they're constantly watching us, okay? But they're not watching us for evil, okay? They're observing because they're here to help us raise our consciousness. Okay? And so now, and people go, Well, why can't we all see them? Why is it just a few people to see them? Okay? And so we question whether or not they exist. But now what happens is that we're going to start to see very strange things. Okay, I've, I've heard things about people seeing things out in the ocean, like boats and stuff that they don't seem to be moving or anything like that. I mean, there's all these other things, these anomalies, these phenomenon things now the big the big ones are the drones. Those drones have been here for a long time. Okay, we just could not see them because our frequency wasn't high enough. As our frequency keeps going higher, it's not just drones that we're going to see more. I've been saying this for a year now. Next year, we will start to see more activity with UFOs or UAPs or whatever you want to call them, ABCs, whatever. Okay. Oh, seriously, you're gonna, you're going, I'm glad I made you laugh. Okay, you're going to start to see them. You're going to start to experience you're not only going to start to see them. Here's the interesting thing, okay, it's not just that people are seeing it. Okay? This is the same thing that happened last spring, with the with the some with the with the solar eclipse. Something inside of you, inside of you, is telling you something is happening here. I don't know what it is, but something's you can feel it that people are going, Whoa, this is something. I knew this was going to happen. I knew that was something strange was going and so a lot of people are really interested. Why? Because deep down inside, in their consciousness, they know this is going to happen. It's just a matter of time now. And the more they do that, their consciousness rises even faster. And when it does that, all sorts of different things are going to happen. I'm going to give you another example. It's not as big as the drones right now, but the drones are nothing compared to what's going to that's going to start to come into our visual existence. But have you noticed how in the last five years, maybe three years really, and maybe even shorter than that, people are seeing more more discoveries of old, ancient civilizations and things that weren't here 10 years ago are being are popping up everywhere, all over the world. Now, for a lot of your viewers, maybe they're not aware of that, but now they will, because I just mentioned it, but there is so many new civilizations with beautiful, beautiful discoveries. We never talked about them five years ago.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:47

Just one jump in. What I love is that, like big companies like Netflix is actually focusing on the afterlife site. Yeah, ancient sites like it's taken seriously. And I love that.

Franco Romero 47:01

Yeah, that's Thank you. Thank you. You're making my point. Okay, this is starting to become part of our consciousness as a planet. And why I say consciousness again is because we, you, me, everybody that's listening here, and all these other people. We are all connected. We are really, really all connected. Okay, and so now it's starting to filter into the consciousness, into the programming of the entire game. So yeah, like Netflix is talking. They're talking about all sorts of stuff. They're talking about. They're even talking about things like alchemy and things that used to be maybe a little bit too much like maybe people would like go that doesn't that's all black magic and all negative stuff. But they're starting to talk, and have shows, a lot of shows, about things that in the past would have been, it would have been accepted as evil things, and they're showing that it's not evil. It's just an expansion of consciousness into magic, just pure magic. Magical things are really more acceptable now, not just in in kids shows, you know, like, like the magician who pulls a bunny out of a hand. I mean serious magic. So when you ask me, How do I receive this information? Telepathically? And that's a natural, natural part of our evolution that we go and this is why I said empathy is going to be a big deal going forward, because as we start to feel into ourselves, and we start to feel into others, the natural progression is going to be for humanity to start telepathically communicating with each other in a very emotional way, so that it's here and here, remember I said that these two work together. Okay, you're going to naturally start to feel these voices talking to you in a way that makes complete sense, and you're going to start to feel into each other more. So everything I do is telepathically, and that's usually what happens when people channel, is that they learn how to remember, how to remember that they always had this ability, but their frequency wasn't high enough now, now it's rising high enough that all of these abilities, these talents, they're coming online, coming online. This is a big deal, coming online next year. And so the drones are just the beginning of what people are going to see, because they're starting to see things that they didn't see things. The reason they see things, we think it's because of our eyes. We're not seeing it because of our eyes. We're seeing it because our consciousness is rising and we're tapping into our sixth senses to be able to see something that has always been there. We just didn't know how to do it because our energies went high enough,

Jannecke Øinæs 49:57

and that is resonating with me. Vea, and that's such a fun way of looking at it, and I believe it as well, like they were there all along. You know, nobody's explaining it yet. That's what's funny to me. My last question, do you know who they are, who have been here all the time? Are there different races, or is it a particular race that are

Franco Romero 50:22

no, it's, it's, it's, so I talk about this, and that's that, thanks for asking that, because I don't really, don't ever talk about this as much as you might think, but, but, but the reason why we're talking about is because of these drones, okay, so in the time, in this time, okay? And I also have to make this comment, because it's just coming into my, into my consciousness. We have been talking about this time for 1000s of years, okay? And now that it's happening, we don't remember that we've been talking about this. Now there are certain channels and certain people that have been saying this. You know, it's now, this is the time, but, but this is really the time. This is really, really the time, okay, and so and so. What has happened? What was your question again?

Jannecke Øinæs 51:14

What was my Yeah, what kind of race?

Franco Romero 51:17

Oh, thank you. What kind of race? You know, somebody commented that I'm I'm asking this all, all the time now, like, what was your question? If there's so much information, there's so much to say,

Jannecke Øinæs 51:28

the same thing, I'm forgetting much more than I used to do. And I'm like,

Franco Romero 51:34

Okay, I got I gotta answer that one too. Gotta answer that one. Okay, all right, so, but I'll answer, I'll answer the question in terms of the races, okay, before I forget it again. Because, all right. So, so, just to help people understand what, what I experienced in my near death experience, what I've talked to many other experiencers who have had a near death experience, what we know of as heaven, Nirvana, those kind of places, what we know of them now, they're not exactly what what, at least in the way that I experience it, it's not exactly the way it is. Okay. That is called in the world that that I understand and that I know is that's called the sixth dimension. Okay, so the fourth dimension is where we have this explosion of awareness, okay, like this doesn't this just doesn't feel right. This is in my world, so to speak. The fifth dimension is where you go. I understand now why I've been feeling this way. I understand that we are divine intelligence. I understand that we are here to come back together as one, not just like, you know, holding hands and Kumbaya, but like telepathically remembering like the like the mushrooms, the fungi community and in the trees, they communicate together as one, okay? That's what oneness is, okay? And when we do that, we start to our bodies will change. I believe I may have told you this, but like, by the end of next year, and for sure, in 2026 you're going to see some huge differences starting to happen, on the surface, in terms of our ability to do things with our body, okay? Like our bodies are going to grow younger. It's not going to happen overnight, not yet, but our bodies are changing right now. They're changing to adapt, to find the energy. And so we're going to see that our bodies are going to go younger. We won't have to eat to really sustain ourselves. Disease will go will start to go away. I mean, not right away, but it's going to be pretty fast, okay, but you're going to start to see more discussion about new techniques, new approaches, to do things that we could never do before with our bodies. Okay, that's just one example, okay, so the Dimensionals, and there's a reason why I brought that all up the demand. I call them dimensionals, okay, so the sixth dimension is, is what we call heaven on earth, okay? It's, it's a resting place. It's a resting place. Okay, what I mean by that is we don't stay there forever. I know a lot of people would love to stay there forever, but we don't stay there forever, because there are too many other dimensions above that, even greater, funner, more exciting, more beautiful than even the sixth dimension. But in that sixth dimension, we become light beings again. We don't have our bodies. When we go into the seventh, eighth and ninth dimensions, we become, we go back to school and we start to, we start to learn how to remember, how to become Gods again, okay, in other words, real seriously, like we start to create worlds, and we start to create universes, and we start to, it's a school where we go, it's a very advanced school where we learn how to, how to do these things, okay, the and so what happens is that we create games. We. Create games as a collective, as a collective of godness, of godness. We create games. Why? So we can expand have fun, you know. And believe it or not, it's, it's to have fun even in worlds like this, okay, because there's a lot of fun once you know the magic in this. Okay, so I know that I dragged this out, but I just want people to really understand the connections of all this. So in the seventh, eighth and ninth dimensions, it's like graduate school in university, okay? You go through four years, and then you go on to get more if you want to the seventh, eighth and ninth dimensions are about doing the real, sophisticated world creations. Okay? And so what you have are the ones that are here participating in the evolution of our planet, are from the seventh, eighth and ninth dimensions, okay, primarily, primarily the eighth and ninth dimension. Why? Because, in the seventh dimension, it's kind of like starting out your first year of advanced graduate school, okay? You're just mostly in the classroom. In the eighth and ninth dimension, you're actually creating worlds that you are actually taking care of. You're taking care of them, okay? You're watching them grow and expand and make sure that they're all doing what they're supposed to be doing. And there are some people that talk about this, okay? And in that eighth and ninth dimensions, you have the palladians, the Arcturians. Is the mantises. You know, all of them. They are not really what they look like. They are those are really just costumes that they are wearing in the eighth and ninth. In the seventh, eighth and ninth dimension, remember what I said? You become a light beam. You wear these costumes, like we're wearing this costume to play this game. But they wear costumes too. They look like reptilians and they look like beautiful white white hair, beautiful Gods and Goddess. It depends on which ones you're talking about. Okay, but they're all just wearing costumes. That's what the seventh, eighth and ninth dimensions. That's who's here watching, that's who's taking care of the drones. That's who's coming through in these beautiful ships and the and the stargates and then the portals here on the planet. They're all seventh, eighth and ninth dimensional, but mostly eighth and ninth plates are terrains, mantises, those kind. They're all star beings that are that have already done something like this before, and are coming back as as students that are that created these worlds to make sure that these worlds do what they're supposed to do. This so hopefully exciting.

Jannecke Øinæs 57:31

I love this. This is really resonating with me.

Franco Romero 57:35

it's a big puzzle. It's a big puzzle. You can't just see it from one thing. I mean, there's an explanation for everything that's happening on this planet. But I'll tell you this, no matter which way you're looking at it, no matter which way you're looking at dimensionals, or, you know, telepathy, telepathy and consciousness expansion, sacred geometry, whatever you want to talk about, is still pointing to one thing and one thing only that. This is now the time. This is now the time, and it's not going to take hundreds of years. It's really going to go really fast. And people say, How? Why? Because we're because, once we go straight up as consciousness, everything will happen quickly. I mean, look what's happening with AI. It's exploding. We will explode too, and we will see who we are, and the game, the game ends. What happens when you when you end a dream? What happens when you stop with a dream? It ends. You don't go back into your dream. Most of us don't, at least it just it ends. So there was a question that you've said,

Jannecke Øinæs 58:35

I think, you know, it's an interesting, very interesting time to live, and I think we all chose it consciously, and I hope that this, that more energy is coming, everything is like ampling up, that that's the reason why I'm forgetting so much.

Franco Romero 58:54

Oh, that's it. That was it. The forgetting, the forgetting. Thank you. So some people ask me, what, what kind of things will you experience? That's one of them you start to forget. Okay? Because, because there is Why do you forget? I know that sounds interesting, because I just said everything's remembering. Because you're going to start forgetting things that are more 3d like things, and you're going to start remembering more expansive things of five, 5d Okay, because your frequencies are rising, so you're not staying in 3d frequencies that are so so like for me, I'm in four and 5d energy all the time that I for me to come into a place where I'm talking more, more linear and stuff like that. I forget things a lot. I bring in them all the time, time, time and space. Time and space is another thing that people will start to experience. It's going to go from time and space to space and time. What do I mean by that? It means that the weeks are flying by so fast, but yet the days feel so rich. Yeah. For you. So you don't you're sitting there, and I'm telling you, this is not because of age. It is not because of age. I am talking to people of all ages, and they can't remember, remember what day it is, because 3d stuff, like time, like time, because time is a 3d thing. It does not exist in 4d and 5d Okay, especially high levels of 40 fighting, they don't remember, they don't remember the days. They don't know what today's a Tuesday or Wednesday or or Monday or Sunday. They don't remember the kids.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:35

And if anybody else are feeling this, maybe they can, you know, calm down and feel like, okay, it's not about ages, because so much are happening. Like, I just booked this trip to London with girlfriends, and it was such a big deal, and then a few days after I book interviews, on that day, it's like, it's forgotten. I know I'm going to London, but i The dates are just gone, and I didn't write it down in my calendar. And then I'm like, Why did I book this when I know I'm going to London? Like, where am I? Hello, and I had to cancel all these interviews. Like, I'm sorry. I just forgot. And like, in the back days, like a few years ago, I had everything in my mind. I had dates in my mind. Now I everything needs to be in my calendar. And, yeah,

Franco Romero 1:01:23

because, because, because you're using a different frequency to to remember. And so your wires, so, like a little bit of like biology, your your neural wires are starting to change. They're starting to be upgraded. So much is happening to our bodies. We don't even realize it right now and the things that are happening, we're a little concerned, because we I was telling you earlier that if doesn't feel good at times, but it really is, because our bodies are changing into the more advanced, crystalline body. So it hasn't completely happened, but time and space become especially time. Okay, what happens in 4d and in 5d is we go from Time, space to space, time to just space. So everything becomes one big space, okay? And so, and we're and people used to go, what does that mean? What does that feel like? Well, just listen to your story. Okay, I hear you go, yeah, it just you don't know what days are what anymore. One minute, one moment here in the United States, one moment you're in thanksgiving, next thing you know Christmas is next week. And you go, Well, that happens a lot. No, no, no. The difference is that you don't remember what happened to the days before that. It just feels like you feel like what happened in thanksgiving or holiday. It feels like, remember when you used to go on holiday, and you would go on holiday, and it would feel like it lasted really long, okay, because you weren't concerned about time. Time doesn't exist. Time is not real. Oh yeah, you got to watch and stuff. But that's because in this game, in this game, we tell, we tell ourselves that we have time, okay. But when you don't feel or feel into feel, feel into time, it just starts to go. It starts to expand. And so back in not too long ago, we go on holiday, and it felt like, it felt like the days were really long. He didn't really care about the time. The thing is, is that that's, that was space time. Now we are starting as our frequencies are going higher and higher time, time, linear time, is becoming less and less acknowledgeable. I mean, you don't you're like, going, what's what today's, Today is November, and that now tomorrow's December, and then tomorrow's January. And it's not just feeling like time is going fast. It feels like what happened to the days in between, what happened? We're going into space. And so when people ask me, What does 5d feel like? I say it's just a continual now, like a now, like everything's present. And go with that doesn't that doesn't make sense to me. Everything, there's always a past, present and future. Now, everything just becomes the same time, the same presence. There's no and you're starting to feel it. You're starting to see that really weird feeling that you don't know what happened to yesterday or tomorrow, you don't it just feels like it's all coming together as one, one continuous space. And that's what happens when you get into four and 5d that's when time disappears. And so that will happen a lot. The other thing that will happen a lot is Miss Mandela effects. A lot of Mandela effects, lot of Mandela effects.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:39

We spoke about that the last time? Do you remember?

Franco Romero 1:04:42

Well, yes, I do remember, because it's gonna, it's gonna happen a lot. It's gonna happen a lot because people are going to, and it's different types of Mendel effects, because not the big, big Bendel effects you might be, and this is a little bit of a stretch of the definition, but you might be walking down the street and all of a sudden there's a house on your street. Yeah. And you go, Wait a minute, that house wasn't there last week, or that house was remodeled or something. And but everybody says, No, that house has always been like that. Go, No, it hasn't. It hasn't been like that. I swear it has it. Those little, smaller Mandela effects are going to happen everywhere, everywhere, and they're going to be there to remind you that the two worlds are splitting and splitting and splitting until one day they're gonna snap, and that one day is gonna happen here much sooner than we know. It could be anywhere from three years to no more than six or seven years. Now that's it. And people go how people will always ask me, how is the world gonna change? There's more explosions, there's more deaths, there's more violence. This world is not supposed to be changed. If you understand that you're in a game, and you're controlling the game, you are going to ascend into a new world. I'm not the first one to talk about this. You're going to ascend into a new world. This world gets left behind, this world, this that 3d world, it will end. There is no it's it's scientifically proven that every 10,000 years, humanity goes through a to a destruction, a cleaning phase, but the new world is where we're going to and that will continues. And that's we are right now in that time period. And so now you're going to start seeing UFOs, UAPs, ABCs, all that kind of stuff. You're going to see them all. You're going to start seeing everything. You're going to start experiencing telepathy. You're going to start experiencing supernatural stuff. You're going to start experience, uh, empathy, powers that you didn't know you had. You're going to start experience clairvoyance. You're going to start exploring. You're going to start doing it. And you're you're going to be there going, what the hell is happening? What the hell is happening, and you can't avoid it,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:46

speaking of time appointments, and I'm going to have live session with my members wrapping up the year. We've been sitting here for two hours. Thank you.

Franco Romero 1:07:01

Really been here two hours?

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:02

Yeah, around that,

Franco Romero 1:07:04

yes, we've been here while, haven't we? Okay? Alright. Well, then yeah, we got, we gotta go.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:07:10

My final question, Franco, that I ask all my guests, yes, what the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Franco Romero 1:07:18

the deeper meaning of life is that that's your question at the end of the end of your game. You got it two times before. I know, but it changes every a little bit, every time the me, the deep the meaning of life is that life as we know it, life that we've been told is what our life is, is, is just an illusion. Our real, our true life begins when we start to remember who we are. Our true life begins when we see of what we're capable of doing and why we came here. And so life is about remembering the Great, the greatness, of who we are. And that's what's going to happen next year. And by the way, when we realize that we still have to decide, do we want to do anything with it? Because the true purpose of life is to remember everything of who you are and how expansive and beautiful and powerful you really truly are. That's what we're here to do, and that's what's happening right now.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:20

Beautiful. Thank you so much for this enlightening session, both before our interview and during this session. It's really, really fascinating. What are you coming forward with? And I just loved I just got to acknowledge you before we had a little talk, and it's so empowering your teaching, I find, and you're really brave sharing this also, just want to commend you for that. So thank you so much, Franco, and share a little bit about where can people find you if they want to connect with you.

Franco Romero 1:08:56

Yeah, it's changed a little bit since the last time I saw you. I have a new website, I have a playful playground community for people. It's if they can find me in two places. One is and the other one is playground, like a playground where you play and they could find all of the things that that I'm doing, I'm usually playing a lot these days, and I try to get people to play and take it easy too. So I know that's not easy at times, but that's what we're here to do. So

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:32

finding the divine child within. I love that.

Franco Romero 1:09:34

Yep. Very much. So

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:37

thank you so so much, Franco, and

Franco Romero 1:09:41

I'm sure, yes, I'm sure, though this won't be the last of our conversation. So thank you. Thank you for having me.

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Previous interview More walk-ins are entering human bodies!
Previous interview Life is a reality game!


The book: The Closet Spiritualist

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