What happens when we die? Ellyn Dye, a public speaker, intuitive coach, and author, shares her extraordinary near-death experience (NDE) from 1985. During her time on the other side, she encountered powerful beings of light, received profound messages about self-love, and saw the future of humanity. Her story serves as a reminder that we are more than just our physical bodies—we are divine, powerful beings.

A Glimpse Beyond the Physical World

In 1985, Ellyn Dye had a life-changing NDE after a severe car accident. As she left her body, she felt more alive than ever. Instead of fear or pain, she experienced immense joy and love. She was greeted by Beings of Light and loved ones who had passed, including pets she had lost over the years.

Her journey revealed that we are not powerless victims, but divine and powerful beings. She also saw her past lives and the future of humanity, gaining deep wisdom about the purpose of life.

Are We Trapped in Reincarnation?

One of the key revelations from Ellyn’s experience was that we choose our lives. Some people believe in being trapped in a cycle of reincarnation, but Ellyn emphasizes that we return by choice—to learn, evolve, and expand our consciousness. She also saw that humanity is moving toward a Golden Age, where we will collectively awaken to our true nature.

The Message for Humanity

Ellyn’s guides shared an urgent message: now is a crucial time for awakening. We are here to recognize our inner power, embrace self-love, and break free from limiting beliefs. The chaos in the world signals a great shift, and each of us has a role in shaping the future.

What Happens When We Die?

Ellyn’s NDE reassured her that death is not the end. It is a transition back to a place of unconditional love and wisdom. She describes it as a homecoming, where souls reunite, reflect, and prepare for the next step in their journey.

Her experience teaches us that we are more than our physical bodies. Love, consciousness, and purpose continue beyond death.

Transcript of the interview

Ellyn Dye 0:00

See, you know, so much happens during an NDE. In my mind's eye, what I remembered was beings, very tall Beings of Light. And I saw all these people who were welcoming me home. It was like this giant party. And all the dogs and cats that I had had growing up who had passed were there. I saw all of my lives. I saw the future of mankind. I was told. I was shown things that I could if I decide, and this was an if, if I decided to come back, I was shown what I could accomplish, which probably was stuff like, you know, doing this podcast talking about my experience, especially right now, this is a crucial time for humans to start realizing who they are. We are not powerless victims. We are not flawed from birth and need forgiveness. We are divine, powerful beings.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09

Ellyn Dye, a warm welcome to the show.

Ellyn Dye 1:13

Thank you, Jannecke, I'm excited to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:15

I'm really excited to be speaking with you today. It was actually my mom who discovered your nd e story, and she was like, you have to interview Ellyn. She was so healed by that story. And I know many people around the world are hearing these near death experiences that really gives us much more knowledge and understanding of this universe that we live in, and also point to the shift in consciousness that we find ourselves in, because from what I heard from your story, you met these incredible beings. They're connected to lions, and you have a lion on your wall there, so we might go into that. So I'm excited to hear your story today, and especially their message for humanity and today. You are a public speaker. You are a practical mystic. You are an author, an intuitive coach, and you're really sharing beautiful knowledge to people, however, like before the NDE, which I understand, happened in 1985 what kind of person were you? Because I know that this was very transformative. So were you religious at all? So if you could share a little bit about your pre life before the NDE.

Ellyn Dye 2:38

Well, I was, I wasn't particularly religious, although I went to Sunday school and we went to church. And oddly enough, I think a lot of the things I understood, a lot of the things we were taught in a different way than most people do. I didn't take it literally. I thought a lot of it was just illustrative stories. And found out later that that other people take, take things, you know, more literally than than I did and but I went to, like, several different Protestant churches. So I went to, I went to an elementary school that was Lutheran. I went to the Presbyterian Church. Then we went to the Methodist church, you know. So we were and and they, I was getting this idea that everybody thought that, that the people in our in our denomination, are all saved, but nobody else is. And I thought, since I got that from three different places, I thought, you know, somebody's gotta be wrong. And so, so that started it. But then you see, I was adopted as an infant, and then when I was 12, my adoptive mother died of cancer, and the night that she died in the hospital, she showed up in my bedroom and and said goodbye, oh, and I went out into the into the living room and told my my grandmother afterwards, I said, you Know, mommy, mommy died, and it's like, oh no, no, and the phone rang, and it was my father calling from the hospital to say that she had died. So at that point, I really moved into the idea of there's a lot going on here that I haven't been learning about in Sunday school, and I'm going to find out what it is. And so I that really, it's like, you know, some people can say, well, this happened to me, and I was suddenly on the path of a seeker, and that's exactly at the age of 12, you know, with my mother, my dead mother, showing up. In my bedroom, I knew that I needed to find out stuff, and I started reading everything that I could get my hands on about, like metaphysics and spirituality. And there wasn't a lot in the library at that point, and but that started me on a lifelong path. And you know when, when other girls in high school were sneaking out of the house to go on dates with boys, I was sneaking out of the house to go to seances and so, so that started me on that path and and at the same time, my father and I did not, we were like, from different planets, really. We saw everything totally opposite. And he was, he was very harsh and critical, I think, I mean, he loved me that, but that was his way of trying to whip me into shape, you know, so that I could have a successful life, was to tell me about all of the things that were wrong about me. And apparently there were a lot of wrong things about me, so I was constantly being told, you laugh too much, was one of them. And but so I internal. I was very sensitive, so I internalized all of that, and I believed it and but, you know, so over my lifetime, I kept having, you know, I felt like I had rejection and abandonment and invalidation over and over and over again, and I was never able to really launch my career the way I wanted it to be launched as a writer for like, I wanted to, you know, work for the New York Times or The Washington Post and, you know, in the early 70s, that wasn't going to happen, really, unless you had a lot of connections. And so I kind of went on this alternate route of kind of secretarial and executive assistant kind of things, until I finally landed a job as an editor. But by the time I hit my mid 30s, I was really feeling like a total failure because I hadn't been able to pursue my career goals. I hadn't, you know, I didn't date a lot. I mean, people either thought I was weird or they thought I was intimidating, and so I didn't date a lot, and I wasn't married, I didn't have kids. I had steps. I had a brother and some step siblings who were married with children, and I was just like, you know, what happened to her? You know, I would,

Jannecke Øinæs 7:49

I was gonna say, I can so identify with that. I was these employees. I'm like, This is me,

Ellyn Dye 7:56

yeah. And so, you know, I would, and society, especially at that time in like, the 70s, you know, and early 80s, it was like, This is what women do. I mean, I would have people say, What's wrong with you? I haven't got a clue. And so I was pretty I was pretty demoralized. By the time I had this near death experience and and so it was, it, do you want me to go ahead and talk about the Yeah, di you have any questions,

Jannecke Øinæs 8:31

I just want to comment, because I just got a memory that I, you know, I was sort of in the same situation where I met this mother of some girlfriends, and she was like, Oh, it's so great to see you. Jannecke. Oh, do you do you have children? And I was like, no, no. Do you have a boyfriend? No, no. And she was like, she did not know what to say. Like, she was just like, she was just in shock. She like, she wasn't able to continue the conversation. And I was like, but it's okay. I'm okay. This was like, five years ago, and I never forget that. So I just wanted to comment, yeah, it is a thing still, like, oh, you established what's wrong with you.

Ellyn Dye 9:16

I mean, I eventually got to the point I really, I really said, you know, I started to say, well, I realized that I need to raise myself before I can try to raise anybody else. And that would kind of shut people up, because I didn't know what to say about that, but, but I kind of felt like it was true. I, you know, I felt like, you know, I just had not had the had the helpful models of becoming, you know, a real person.

Jannecke Øinæs 9:48

I think there's always a reason you know why we're not receiving what we want. And there might be ourselves that are standing in the way, at least for me, like and you had your nd I had. My stuff. And then finally, things started to happen. But let's dive into your end the I'm curious what led to it. I think you were watching some movies like Blockbuster, yeah,

Ellyn Dye 10:11

right. I had spent the weekend binge watching, you know, videos, because it was a long holiday weekend, um, Columbus Day of 1985 and it was just about dusk, I think the sun was just, you know, a little past setting. And I had run in and returned the the videos, and I was going to go down the road like, you know, a mile, and go to the grocery store and then go home. And I was going through an intersection that was two two lanes, one each direction, and a traffic light was was green, and a car was coming the other direction. And at the last minute, just as we entered the intersection, he came over into my lane, and I had enough time to just register, you know, oh, my God, he's It wasn't even a full, full word in my head of turning, and I think I got my foot off the accelerator, and that was it. But the next thing it I didn't. I knew I was going to be hit, you know, head on. But the next thing, I didn't feel any impact. The next thing, I was looking down at the top of the car, and it took me a minute to reorient myself and sort of go, you know, what am I looking at? And the next thing was, if I am look, if I am looking at the top of my car and my body is inside the car, who am I? You know, what is then the definition of I, because I was still, as far as I could tell, I was still Ellen, but I wasn't in a body. I wasn't in the car. I was looking down at the car, and I could see in every, every direction. And I felt this expansiveness that that just it was like, I don't know, like I had been released from from captivity or something, or I had been been bound in this tiny little thing, and I had been released and I could Expand. And the funniest part of the car accident, I guess, was that I looked down and I saw the other driver walk over to my car and and stick his head in the window. And I thought, Oh, he's checking to see if I'm okay. Isn't that nice? And he turned my headlights off, and I didn't realize at the time, but I ended up getting a ticket for driving without my headlights and causing the accident. So I had to go to court to argue this ticket. Oh, wow. And I'm like, you know, for weeks, I was like, Don't you make me tell them I saw him turn off my lights while I was hovering 12 feet above the car. You know, they'll put me in the loony bin. But as it turned out, the charges got dismissed, and everything was fine, but it was, you know, the universe has a interesting sense of humor, often seemingly at our expense. But so about the time I saw him do that, I lost, I totally lost interest in basically the material world. And I thought there should be, shouldn't there be, like a tunnel of light somewhere? And because, in my in my reading now, there wasn't, you know, there wasn't a lot of books out in in the late 70s, early 80s about near death experiences, but I had read them, and there were books about out of body experiences and near death experiences, so I was familiar with the idea. And so I wasn't really surprised. It was sort of like, Whoa, cool, you know. And, and

Jannecke Øinæs 14:26

Did you understand that you were dying? Like, since you were looking for that light, we're like, okay, so I'm dead. Like, this is happening. Like, where's the light?

Ellyn Dye 14:36

No, it that the idea of being dead never entered my mind, because to me, I was more alive than I had ever been,

Jannecke Øinæs 14:45

right, fascinating, okay,

Ellyn Dye 14:50

it was like that thing in the car might be dead, but I was not dead. You know, I was really alive for the. First time in a long time.

Jannecke Øinæs 15:03

Hey guys, I want to jump in here to give my thanks for being part of the wisdom from North community. Your support and engagement means the world to us. We put so much passion, so much love into these episodes, and my intention is really to be part of this great shift of consciousness to do what I can do with this channel, to help people expand their consciousness, love themselves more, follow their purpose and shine their light. So if you haven't yet subscribed, I would love for you to do so. Thank you so much. You'll find the link somewhere here below, and now let's go back to the episode.

Ellyn Dye 15:44

And so I thought about the thought about the the tunnel, and I felt it whoosh up, and I could hear it kind of push up from from kind of behind me and to my right. And then I felt it. And it was this, this sweet, beautiful energy that kind of reached. It was almost like 10, not tentacles, that's a that's that's not a good image, but, you know, it just like something, something that smells beautiful, wafting along toward you. And it sort of drew me and, and it's like, oh, I want to go. I want to go. Feel that i want i i want to go be in that that feels so good. And, and the deeper I got into the tunnel, the stronger this, this energy was, which was, um, it was total joy, total bliss, total just laughter and giddiness. It was such a high vibration. And even when I talk about it, I get giddy, which is why I tend to laugh a lot when I, when I talk about it, because it's, it's so much lighter. It's like, Isn't it like with is it? Is it helium? There's, there's some, there's some gaseous thing that you can smell, that that makes you a little high, and that's kind of the way it makes me feel, because it makes you feel high and in a good way, and, and it's just, and all of the you know, as I say, I was pretty despondent and kind of pretty despairing about life at that point. And you know, what's the point of all this? Why do Why should I be here? I can't accomplish anything I want to accomplish. People are, you know, life is hard and people are mean, and all of that just fell away. It was just gone. And it was like this, this giant sigh of relief, of like, oh, kind of like, kind of like, I think a dog might be when the dog's been swimming, and you know how they shake themselves and get all of the all of the water off their coat, and then they're, you know, they prance along because they, you know, shaken it all off. It was kind of almost like that feeling of this, just I had shaken off all of this, this stuff that was weighing me down, and it was gone. And I could, I could kind of remember it, but it was, I couldn't feel it anymore. And so I got to the end of this, this tunnel, and it kind of just branched out, and it was this vast atmosphere of light and very bright white light. But the most important part was this feeling. And I felt like I was home. I felt like I I was where I belonged. I felt like I had been estranged. I'd been a stranger in a strange land for a very long time, in a hostile environment, and now I was back where I was, where I belong. It was almost like, you know, I'd been a kidnap victim and and I was back home, and I saw all these people who were welcoming me home. It was like this giant party, and my adoptive mother was there, and my grandparents and some aunts and uncles, lot of other people that I didn't know in this life, but I knew who they were. And the the most fascinating part for me well after i. One they all kept saying how proud they were of me and and, and I kept saying proud of what I have not accomplished anything I feel like I spent my whole life just banging my head against a wall. And they said, and every day you got up, you put one foot in front of the other, and you kept your sense of humor through it all. You kept your sense of humor, and you always tried to see the light side, even when you couldn't. And and we're so proud of you. And but, but so I noticed that this, this, there was this one guy that I had not seen in this life, but I knew him immediately, and he was my biological father, and I knew that's who he was, and we had A reunion, and his parents were there, and my maternal grandfather was there, and I knew them. They knew me. They knew all my other relatives, and I realized it's like we had all made this plan together, that I guess I wanted to experience being adopted, and possibly even wanting to lose a parent at a young age. And they had all we had, all of us had worked together to create this plan. And there was like plan A and plan B. There were probably other plans too, but those were the main ones, and that was dependent on whether my my biological mother kept me or put me up for adoption. So to jump forward, like 13 years, I found my birth family, and by that time, my my biological mother had died too, but my, my biological father, I saw pictures of him. He was the person I saw in my MD, and he had died in 1964 my by my adoptive mother, had died in 1962 so I would have lost a parent at 12 or 14, either way. And it's like, oh, what they say about planning your life, even the hard parts, is true, because I put that plan into place because I wanted to experience those things. And it's like, Oh, my God, you know that that was one, that was one of the things that I learned from my MBE that had never occurred to me and totally blew my mind and took me years to to integrate. Because, you know, people say, Well, you know, you plan this life. You create your own reality, and you know, and most of us are like, Are you kidding? I would never plan that for myself. Are you crazy? And and yet, it seemed to me, I was being shown very clearly that, at least in my case, it was very true. So I talked to the all of the all of those people for a while, and and then two things happen. I one, I got tired of the whiteness, and I thought, I really, you know, being on Earth, you have this, this depth of view, and you have three dimensions, and you have colors and you have textures and all of that. And this whiteness is kind of getting to me. And as soon as I thought that it changed, there was kind of like a ripple, and then it changed, and it was suddenly a landscape, almost as if, you know, a big hand came through and painted it. And I was looking at like a like a park with some rolling hills and tree there's a forest over there and some trees and and then I could see the that. Another cool thing was that all of my there were all these dogs and cats running around and birds and butterflies and and all the dogs and cats that I had had growing up who had passed were there and they came and greeted me all my pets, and that was really nice. And and the colors, the colors there were, were so vibrant and so bright and so deep and in shades and hues that we don't have here. And so I felt like I was supposed to go talk to somebody else, but I didn't know who, so I kind of, there was this little path that went down into the woods, and I followed that. And all along, you know, I'm looking at these flowers and these tree the trees were alive and talking, and it was like I talked to everything, and

I came, came to this clearing, and there was, like, on a there's a slight hill with, like, with a gazebo type structure on it. And I could see that there were people in there. And so I walked up there, and I walked in, and there were these 12 Beings of Light who were really tall, like 12 to 15 feet. They, you know, they varied maybe from 10 to 15, um, and I'm five, four or five, five. So that they were, they were pretty, pretty tall, but, but they were. They were like the personification of this feeling of love. It just oozed out of them, love and benevolence and joviality. They really had a sense of humor and but we're, but we're so, so loving and and I felt like I had known them for like millennia. And so we, you know, we started communicating, and I kind of said, you know, what was that all about the, you know, back on Earth? Because, yeah, that was pretty bad. And apparently I planned it and and so they showed me it wasn't the classic kind of life review that some people have, where they feel everybody's reaction to everything you do, but I saw it as a movie, and I could see, I, you know, it's like, Oh my God. And I got rejected there, and I got abandoned there, and I got, oh man, that was a big rejection. And, oh my god, that was heartbreaking. And oh Lord, you know, then that happened, and it's like, yeah, arrest my case. It's like, nasty down there. And, and I said, you know, why? Why would I do that to myself? It was like a masochist or something? And they said, No, you were determined to learn self love this time, because you have tried to learn self love. You tried to master self love in several different lifetimes, and it's a very hard one, but because of things that you wanted to do later in that in this life, you were determined that you were going to master it, you were going to learn it or die trying. And I said it almost killed me, and they said almost, and I'm like, easy for you to say you didn't go through it and and I said, Wouldn't I have? Wouldn't I have put myself in a family where I was accepted? And they said I was wonderful and I could accomplish anything, and they were supportive, and they helped me, and they said no, because then you'd go out into your life and you'd always be looking for that from other people. You would never have it from inside yourself. And once you have self love, no one can ever take that away. And when you when you're getting your validation and your love and acceptance from other people, it only lasts until the next person, like, if the next person, if one person accepts you and validates you, and then the next person rejects you, then inside, you're like, Oh, I've been rejected. You know, I'm not good enough. And they said you were determined. So if you want to learn that, what do you subject yourself to? Abandonment, rejection, invalidation, you know, rinse and repeat until finally it's. Point inside yourself, you go, Wait a minute. I'm a good person, you know? I'm I'm smart, I'm this, I'm that, you know. And that's when the ember of self love starts. And they showed me at a point in when I was a teenager, when when the Ember, when the Ember got lit, it was one of the times when my father was berating me and telling me I was all these things, and inside I was going, I'm not that, you know, I'm smart, I'm I'm generous, I'm kind. I do my best. I work hard. I you know, why are you telling me I'm all these things and and that was the first time I really kind of saw any value in my own self. And so that was another, another thing I learned in my nd that kind of blew me away. But

Jannecke Øinæs 31:11

can I ask, these beings? Were these the lion beings, or they seem like sort of extraterrestrial in a way, like tall and you said, I'm not sure if you said White or they, or were there masters, higher evolved beings? What would you say that they were?

Ellyn Dye 31:37

Yes, all of those. Now you have to understand, at that point in 1985 the idea of ETs was so far out of my range, I could not even, you know, entertain the idea. And it took me five years after my nd E for those five years, all of a sudden, everybody I knew was giving me things that were related to lions. For some reason it was it was bizarre. This is the way the universe works, right? So I was getting jewelry, I was getting pictures, I was getting statues, I was getting books, all the stuff about lions, and I'm like, I have a cat, but I don't collect that stuff, you know? And and then I started out of the of the corners of my eye I would perceive actual lions, like four footed lions walking around me. And again, there were like 12 of them, but they were, um, disincarnate. I would see them kind of like you would see ice sculpture. You know, they weren't, like, really there, but I knew they were there, and I could kind of see them, and I could feel them, and I'm like, Why do I have lions walking around with me now? And I actually had a friend who could see him. I could not see him, which I think is not fair, but he could see him. Go, oh, here's Ellen and her lions. And I'm like, Man, I can't see him. So I, after about five years of being inundated with lions, I went into this card shop and I saw these cards, one for each of the zodiac. And there was this amazing one for Leo with with the somebody from the like, from the chest up, and this magnificent lion head and but hands, it had hands, you know, clasp being like an orb inceptor, very regal, just, I mean, so amazingly regal. And I looked at that thing, and it was like, you know, those kaleidoscopes we used to have, and you'd turn it, and a picture would show up, and you'd turn it, and everything would flick around in another picture. That was kind of what happened. It was like I suddenly realized that those beings of light that I met with during my nd e were these people, and they look just like this, this picture. And it shocked me. So what? So much? I just went straight to my knees, buckled completely under me, and I went straight down on the floor, and I'm like, oh my god, that was them.

Jannecke Øinæs 34:31

Wow, so, but at the time in the ND, didn't they appear as lions?

Ellyn Dye 34:38

It to me all I remember they probably did. But see, you know, so much happens during an n, d, e, then you come back, and this is what drives everybody crazy. You come back and you can't remember a lot of it, right? And I remembered in my mind's eye, what I remembered was beings. Very tall beings of light that were very loving and very wise and very benevolent and humorous. And I mean, what I know about them now, because I've been in touch with them, you know, since 1930 1985 is that they are, I guess they're. They were Lyrans, originally from, like the planet Lyra, which I don't think exists anymore. I think it got exploded. And to me, I don't know a lot about them, except that they, it's like one of their, one of the oldest. I species in the universe, apparently and very, very, very highly evolved, like way up there, they carry, they carry the energy of guardianship. They are guardians of humanity, and they are guardians of the ancient wisdom. And apparently in in ancient times, the What the The Path to Enlightenment was called The Way of the lion and and then it got kind of reduced to the way, you know, but, but it's, I think it's, it's fascinating that you see lions on at the front doors of museums and live libraries, any place where wisdom is stored, wisdom is venerated. There are lions.

Jannecke Øinæs 36:43

I know there are so many signs and symbols in our world that that I'm starting to understand has a deeper meaning, like there are symbols and signs all over the place, actually, that we're not aware of. Our actually, maybe Metaphysical Science and the universe is actually trying to tell us something. Yeah, so, so I'm curious, what did these okay, they spoke about your what, why you are on earth as Ellen. But did they also reveal anything about humanity and the this secret. So I think I wrote down, like the evolution of mankind, that they actually gave you some knowledge.

Ellyn Dye 37:27

They did. I said, you know, where is this whole mess going? You know, are we just gonna, you know, keep going down there and suffering like crazy and then coming back, you know, what's the deal? And, and, and, basically, you know the what they've told me, they showed me. They again the movies I felt like I saw the movies of all of humanity's evolution. And it's like we, we as souls, wanted to learn what it was like to express our essence in physical form. And you know, our essence is pure. Our essence is love. Our essence is part of God and and we wanted to experience everything we could experience in in in physical form. Now there's, there's a wide range of experiences we can have, and the more, I think, the more we came back here, you know, the more embedded, embedded we got. And then we started learning all of this mistaken stuff, and then we had to unlearn it. And but it's all been kind of, I think the impetus is our curiosity as souls that, you know, we kind of say, Oh, well, you know, how, how would I as a soul react in a situation like that? Or how would I react if I were, if I were had this kind of like disability, or I was in this kind of a situation, or, you know, what would I do? How would I act? And then, after the after the life, we look at it and go, Oh, I could have done better in that one, you know, like I was going to be all like love and kindness, and I just turned into a total jerk because I was in pain. Look at what pain can do to you, you know. And, and I think, you know, it's to me, and, you know, people say, How can you laugh when you're talking about awful things happening to you? You know, it's because it's kind of like when, when you look back at it, it's like you were in a play. It's like. It wasn't real when, when you're out of your body and you're not here anymore, you look at it like, oh yeah. Then I was in that, I was in that movie where they burned me at the stake. Oh my god. Remember that, you know? And then I was in this movie where they stoned me to death. And then I was in this movie where this happened. It because when we're there, that's much more real than what this is, but when we're here, this is what feels real, and especially if you're in pain, it's like there's nothing more real feeling, I don't think and, you know, and, and, but, but as a soul, we forget it. I guess, like women forget how much it hurts to have a baby, they still go back and do it again. You know, I can't speak to that because I haven't had any, but I've heard and so they their whole thing is humans have no idea who they really are. And part of the plan, I think, is for us to especially right now, this is a crucial time for humans to start realizing who they are. We are not powerless victims. We are not flawed from birth and need forgiveness. We are divine, powerful beings, and we have been taught for millennia that you know we can't do it ourselves because we're so puny and so incompetent and so such victims and so powerless, and a lot of that was just so some people could have control over us, and we've allowed that.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:02

When you say some people, is that some forces, or just souls who are who have also planned to play that part, in a way, because it's all part of the play,

Ellyn Dye 42:15

I think it's, you know, souls who have planned to play that part. And you know, what would it be like having control over all these people. It's like, oh, let's try this. Oh, we really like that. Let's keep doing that. You know, there's, apparently, there's a great allure to having control over a lot of people.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:32

But would you say that there is an element that of being trapped in reincarnation. I'm not sure if I understood you, but you mentioned sort of that we came down here and we got used to it, and then we sort of added on this karma, like you didn't say the word karma, but then we need to unlearn that. So it seems like we're adding on something, and then we keep going in the circle. Is that so, or are we choosing to go back and forth?

Ellyn Dye 43:04

I well, I believe, some people believe that we're trapped. I believe that we choose because, because we also want to keep, you know, we want to, we want to keep perfecting ourselves, when, in fact, you know, in a way, we really are already perfect, but, but part of the perfecting is pulling off the parts of us that think we're not perfect. So there, there is kind of an unlearning as we go. But I think, I mean, we are, we are very powerful. We have free choice. We can do whatever, whatever we want. If we get on the other side and say, I'm done with that, I'm not going back, then we don't go back. It's like I'm going to Jupiter for R and R for a few lifetimes, or I'm going somewhere else. We can do whatever we want. But then, you know, after 300 years of R and R and all of that, maybe it's like, you know, it's kind of fun being in a body, you know, maybe it'd be fun to go back there, go try that again. You know what? What could I experience this time? It's kind of like going to summer camp. Now, I personally never liked summer camp, but I went and each time you think, oh, it's going to be great. I'm going to learn all this stuff, I'm going to meet these wonderful people, I'm going to have new friends, I'm going to learn stuff. And then what happens is, you know, you fall out of the boat. You get bit by the rattlesnake, you get poison ivy. You know, the other kids don't like you. All of this stuff goes wrong, but the impetus was, Oh, I'm gonna go to summer camp, and I'm gonna have a great time. Yeah, and then you get there and it's like, oh yeah, I forgot about what it's like in the physical form.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:10

Now you felt yourself as Ellen on the other side. Were you in another kind of form that wasn't physical, but it felt, nevertheless, a shape or so,

Ellyn Dye 45:24

I would guess he'd say it was like a light body. I mean, I was I on one hand, I felt like I was the, you know, the drop of of the ocean that had been up on the sand for a long time by myself, and then I finally got, for you know, an a wave came and grabbed me and pulled me back into the ocean, which is what I'm made of, and where I belong. So I went back to what I was made of and where I came from, but I was still separate and distinct. I was also, you know, they showed me all of my past lifetimes too, and and I was identifying at the I think it was, the longer I stayed there, the more I was identifying with the whole of me, unless the of just the Ellen. But I was always conscious of the Ellen part, because that was the part that was, in essence, still connected to the physical realm at that point, you know. And I told them I didn't want to go back,

Jannecke Øinæs 46:42

so you were with these beings. And they talked about Ellen's life, and then they started showing you past lives and more of basically your soul, your all of who you are. So these past lives, would you say that they're parallel lives, or future lives as well? Or was it like more linear. This has happened before, because I've heard that there's really no such thing as time.

Ellyn Dye 47:06

So, yeah, yeah. Well, you know the concept, I think there is, it is simultaneous time. But you know, anybody who has lived in in in the construct of linear time is, you know, going to get a Twitch, the more you when you try to understand simultaneous time, it just, it doesn't compute with our with our brains. So, so we understand it as linear. You know this happened. Then this happened, then this happened. My understanding is that, and some people disagree that, you know, it's like the next time I come back, I can either come back in the future, or I can come back in the past. I could say, I, you know, I want to go back to the 1700s although I don't know why anybody would because there was no toilet paper, but it's like, I'm not going anywhere that doesn't have indoor plumbing anymore, but, but, you know, I my, my take is that, you know, we can't, we can go wherever. I mean, I believe that's, you know, some of the great science fiction writers and and some of the great, you know, scientists and mathematicians and stuff. I believe they have had future lives and learned about things and then come back into this life and possibly brought some of those, you know, had been able to access some of those memories. Other people will say, Absolutely not. It has to be, you know, I could, if I died tomorrow, I'd have to wait, you know, 80 years, and then I could come back, but I could never go back in time. I don't feel that some people do, but again, we get so locked into our linear time, it's hard to break out of that. And so what's true, I don't know,

Jannecke Øinæs 49:17

but you saw it. Didn't do like you saw your

Ellyn Dye 49:20

I saw. I saw all of my I saw all of my lives. I saw the future of mankind. I was told. I was shown things that I could if I decide, and this was an if, if I decided to come back, I was shown what I could accomplish, which probably was stuff, you know, doing this podcast, talking about my experience, and

Jannecke Øinæs 49:46

I just have to ask you, said you saw the future of humanity, and I audience, it's like, you know, what's the future of humanity? But what I've learned is that there are multiple futures, and we have free choice. So. You like to share what you saw. Do you remember? I

Ellyn Dye 50:03

well, I saw, I saw that we were going toward the Golden Age and and that we will, we will reach the Golden Age Now, granted, you know, there's no time on the other side, so I have no sense of the timing of it. In 1985 I thought, Oh, how will we ever get there, you know, and so, and yes, there are. It really is all up to humanity. It's there for us. It's like it's there for us to grab. It's there for us to step into. It's it could it could happen tomorrow. If you know humanity as the collective decided, you know, I'm tired of lore. I want peace. I'm tired of lack. I want abundance for everyone. But look around if you know, everybody asked me, How will we get world peace? And I'll say, do you have peace in your heart? Do you have peace in your life, in your home, in your workplace? It that's where it starts. Now, right now, as far as I'm concerned, I'm living the Golden Age in my life because I follow the guidance I get. I work with my guides. I know. I know and love myself. I know that I'm powerful. I know that I can manifest what I want. I know that I will always be provided what I want and I am. I may not know where it's going to come from, but it always shows up, but I've experienced that and practiced it and learned it over several decades so that I can just relax in it, and it's like my life is fantastic. Other people are struggling, and I struggled at other times, and most of that was because I was trying to control everything. And I always thought I was judging everything. I thought I knew better than everybody else, and I was going to have it be my way or the highway, and that's how we get ourselves into trouble.

Jannecke Øinæs 52:30

Now to be sort of the devil's advocate here. What about those souls, you know, or that's what I don't understand. If we plan our lives, and certain souls are choosing to be leaders. Who are, you know, driving the force of wars forward? How can we wake up if we've chosen that, oh, I'm going to play the villain in this life, then that's your part, and you'll play it out. How can we wish the Golden Age, if there's still some characters who are going to play these roles,

Ellyn Dye 53:06

well, it depends on what the script is,

Jannecke Øinæs 53:08

right? Who runs the script,

Ellyn Dye 53:10

we write the script. We write the script. So there's the character who's doing that. And, and, and then, you know, what are the rest of the people going to do? The people going to sit there and say, Oh, I guess we're having a war, you know, or the or the people you know, like we did in in in the late 60s, early 70s, you know, get in the streets and say, and the war and the war and the war and the war and the war. And they finally did, it's, you know. Are we all going to sit and pretend that were powerless and say, Oh, the world's going to hell in a handcart, and I can't do a thing about it. It's like, well, you can't do anything from your sofa. It's all, I mean, if we all created this, what's the storyline here? Is the storyline that the people all wake up and say, we're not having this anymore. If we did that, we wouldn't have it anymore, but, but the people are so busy fighting amongst themselves over scraps. I mean, we're all like, well, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to make too much noise, because I can barely feed my family, and that other person is going to come in and try to take my job, and so I better fight him off, and we're busy fighting with everybody else. And so, yeah, it goes all the way up the line. We're we create that energy of of No, we're not having peace. We're you know, are we helping? Are we helping our brothers? Or are we saying, No, that's mine. Give it to me. Or are we saying, I have a crust of bread, and you can have some, because I see that you don't have much. Mm. Heaven on and I believe we're here to bring the Golden Age, to create heaven on earth. And that starts one soul at a time, one person at a time, and there are a lot more people acting in love and kindness and compassion. You just don't hear about it on the news, because it's not the news. The news has its own agenda, which is to get you scared and tuning in every day. So you know, there are horrible things going on, but there are also wonderful things happening, and where we place our attention to is extremely important. What are you giving? What are you feeding with your attention

Jannecke Øinæs 55:54

circling back so we understand what happened in the linear time, even though it's not linear. And that's another question I have, like, how long did you feel you were there, but, but you were there so and you talked, you were shown all these things. How did you get back? Was it a choice? Did you make a choice yourself?

Ellyn Dye 56:15

It was a choice. But as I say, you know, we don't remember. There's a lot that we don't remember. And one of the things is we all feel like we came back for a reason. We can never remember what the reason was. It drives us nuts. But so I remember saying, Well, that's all well and good, but I'm not going back, and you can't make me and they, they kept saying, You don't have to go back, you know, you you, you did. You learned self love. You accomplished that. That was, that was, you know, basically the main thing you wanted to accomplish by coming here. But you know, you kind of also said you'd like to do some other stuff, and let us show you. You know, what you could accomplish if you go back. And that's when I woke up in the emergency room and got the ticket for driving with my headlights off, and I just started, I just started swearing pretty much. I was so angry. And but part of my anger, you know, and some people say, Oh, they tricked you. It's like, No, I am totally positive I was not tricked. I really was shown what I could accomplish, and I and I changed my mind. That's the main reason I was so angry. I was angry at myself because I changed my mind and I couldn't remember why.

Yeah, that's frustrating. Yeah, yeah, and,

and, you know, I mean, I finally figured it out, but it wasn't for like, 30 years.

Jannecke Øinæs 58:05

Wow, that's something I hear again and again, that coming back is not easy, like integrating all the experiences and all of a sudden get gifts and that things you you are not the same anymore. Was that your experience,

Ellyn Dye 58:23

you're, you're very different. And, and it's, it's like your, your whole life, is thrown into a blender with the top off, you know. And, and you turn it on and, and all of the pieces go flying up on the ceiling, you know. And you have to put it back together again. And you know, the things you used to like you don't like anymore. You start being, I guess a lot of us start being more sensitive to energy. So some of the people I hung around with were like, I don't I don't think I want to be around that person anymore for some reason and so, but you see everything in a totally different perspective, and the things that were important before, like, Oh, I've got to go out and, you know, climb my way to the top of the ladder. And it doesn't matter how many people I kick off the ladder to get there that that isn't a thing anymore, because you're like, well, that's horrible to kick people off the ladder. You know, they're they're just trying their best too. You know, it's sort of like the chasing after career accomplishments and lots of money tend to kind of fall away, which probably why a lot of nd people don't have a lot of money. Because it's like, as long as I have enough for me, I'm okay, you know? I don't need to get, you know, accumulate, um, but, yeah, I most a lot of them, a high percentage of people who are married, who have NDS, end up getting divorced, because they're just so different from the person that they were before. And, you know, the spouse is like, where's the person I married? You're not it, you know. And I lost, I lost most of my friends. And why? Just because we didn't seem to have anything in common anymore, and and I wasn't. I had started, I guess, integrating, although, you know, fanning the flame of that self love took me decades and but even at that point, I think I was, I was starting to realize that turning myself into a pretzel to please other people was not a good use of my time, and, and, and I was realizing I needed to figure out who I was, rather than defining myself by the person I was trying to please. And so I kind of stopped trying to please everybody, and the people who really wanted me to please them were not happy about that. I left my job because I felt like it was sucking the soul out of me. I don't know why, but that was the feeling, and didn't plan that too well. So I was very, you know, I was very poor for a couple of years while I was trying to find a new job. And so you go through a lot of changes. You feel like, you know, you feel like the things of your life that you used to fit into no longer fit anymore, but you're not exactly sure what does fit?

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:09

Did you share your story to anyone

Ellyn Dye 1:02:12

I had? I did have a few people who were into the metaphysical world and stuff, who had heard of MDS, and I was I was very lucky, because I was able to talk about it. And so, so I did. I wasn't definitely, I think the first public video I ever did was in 2007 and and the person put it up on on on YouTube and told me about it, and I said, Oh, my God, you have to take that down? Because I felt so exposed and so vulnerable and but that that was, that was where I was being pushed to. And it's funny, you know, people talk about, you know, what's my mission? Or I came back from an n, d, e, and what was my mission, and if somebody had told me in 1985 you're going to go on podcast, well, on, you know, people hardly knew what online meant. And to you know, it there wasn't an online in 1985 but, you know, even in two, 2007 it wasn't a big deal. But if somebody had told me, then you're going to be talking to groups of people and going around the country and talking about this experience and what you learned from it, and the purpose of life, and what's important. You know, I would have said, You are nuts. There is not a chance I would ever do any of that. So So I think our purpose really is to is to learn who we are and to be, start being authentic. It's like to to peel away the layers of all of the stuff that other people's expectations have imposed on us, and to figure out who we are and to be authentic, and then, and you know, and learn to love ourselves and who we are, and then act and go through life in that authentic way. And as we do that, doors different doors start to open up for us, and they may be doors that we never would have imagined we would ever go through. But when we start the process, you know, when you're in your 20s and you say, what's my mission, what's my purpose, it's like, it's not a job description, it's it's more Your mission is to be who. Discover who you are. Stop being a follower. Stop being a victim. Figure out who you are. Step into your power and. Be you express your essence in the world, and then opportunities to express that essence, to help people and to be of service will come to you. The doors will magically open.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:16

That's really inspiring. I really resonate with that, and believe that, um, you mentioned that you work with guides. What? What are your guides saying about this time? Because it seems like there this time is just getting more and more crazy, and that there's more energy than ever before, and that things are happening so fast. So are you receiving any information about especially this time, yes,

Ellyn Dye 1:05:43

and I'm going to send out a newsletter in the next week or so about it. Because, I mean, you know, we're in the process of the shift of the ages from the Piscean age to the Aquarian Age. And, yeah, my guides, you gotta love them. They haven't been in a body for a long, long time. So their view of this time is that it's really exciting, which it is, because this, this is such a choice point, and we really are. We're at a choice point. Humanity is choosing. It's like, Who do you want to be, and people individually are going to be are basically going to be forced, one way or another, to choose. Are you going to choose love, or are you going to choose fear, when we, when we're living in fear and granted? You know, I mean, as I say, this is, it's, it's like, comprehensive exams in college. It's, it's like, okay, you're going to be put in a position where you're going to have to choose. Which are you going to choose? Are you going to choose the easy way or the hard way? Are you going to choose love? Are you going to choose fear? Are you going to choose powerlessness, or are you going to stand in your power? And that's what this time period is all about we're choosing. And you know, it's that, when you look at the planetary transits this year, it's, there's so much energy. It's, it's like our our heads are going to explode with it, because in in mid November, Pluto, there's the the three major three and three major outer planets that are considered generational planets. They affect people on deep, subconscious levels, and they tend to affect generations. And that's Neptune, Uranus and Pluto. So Pluto just moved, just changed signs at the end of November from Capricorn, which brought us oligarchy into Aquarius, which is Power to the people. So for the next 24 years, with Pluto and Aquarius, we have the energies coming to the planet of power, to the people Neptune, which is very spiritual, but it's also addictions, cults, illusion, confusion, delusion. It just moved from Pisces, where it's like on steroids, or it will move in at the end of March, sorry, at end of March, move into Aries. Aries is pretty no nonsense. It's not, you know, fuzzy, feely. Any of that, it's, it's no nonsense. It's like, get to the point, man, you know, take action. And Neptune is not real happy there. But Neptune likes to throw a fog over everything. So that's going to happen. And then in, I think it's the end of June. Uranus is moving from Taurus into Gemini.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:09:26

This is 2025, right? Yeah.

Ellyn Dye 1:09:29

So within like a seven month period, we've got all three of the major outer planets changing signs. And we get one of those. Each one is in a sign for anywhere from I think 13 to 25 years. So many years will go by where we don't have any of them change signs. So when any of those change signs, it is a big flipping deal, because the. Energy changes so dramatically. And we, we feel it in our bones. We don't know it consciously. We don't say, oh, Power to the People just came in. You know, we, you know, unless you're studying astrology, you don't know that. But you, you feel it. Something's very different, and people will feel an impetus to act in a different way, or they will suddenly see something in a totally different way. They'll have clarity about something that they didn't have before. So we have three of these planets changing in a seven month period, that's like flipping the whole world upside down energetically. And so there's going to be a lot of stuff going on. And you, you know, we can choose to get on emotional roller coaster of, um, like in in this in this country, in United States, you know, we have, we have President Trump now, and President Trump seems to like to create chaos or do outrageous things. And you can spend every day, you know, going, Oh my God. Did you see what he just did? Did you see what he just posted? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

You can do that every day and go up and down and up and down and up and down the roller coaster. Or you can be aware of what's going on and at the same time recognize, if I can't do anything about that, maybe I should just pay attention to my own life, you know, healing my traumas, working with my shadow side and my inner child, getting more into connection With my inner self, figuring out who I am, because the more authentic we are, the more we stand in our own truth and our own power, the better we are able to deal with anything that actually presents itself. And a lot of the stuff going, you know, the stuff in the world is real and it affects a lot of people, but it might not necessarily affect us and our family. So we need to be able to deal with what affects us and our family and our loved ones, and we can be detached yet compassionate, because there's many people suffering in the world, and you know, if you have the wherewithal to send money or there's a way that you can help, then, by all means, help, but getting all outraged and upset about something that you can't have any impact on, that's what makes us feel powerless, and when we can find when we can focus on something that we can actually do to make ourselves our lives better, or someone else's life better, that, to Me, is, is, you know, we're using our power and and and being of service and helping, whereas maybe over here in a war, you know, unless I want to travel to a war zone or something, or I'm I'm in a position to convince somebody to stop the war, which I'm not, you know, then there's nothing I can Do About It. I can, I can wrap those people in love, and I can, you know, pray and envision peace. But if I have peace in my heart, and I can help that to ripple out everything's energy, and it does help and being, being on the emotional roller coaster and in fear about something that we can't do anything about and may not even be impacting us personally, that's just giving up our power.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:14:15

It's so interesting, but because it seems like we're getting both like that, a lot of energy was coming chaos, but some people are speaking about a storm. And on another note, we're getting so much help, like you're saying the energy of power to the people. So it seems like both is happening. Yeah, giving help. There's never been so much love, but also there's never been so much chaos. So it's interesting at the same time well,

Ellyn Dye 1:14:49

and I think to me, the thing is that the amount of chaos, to me, shows. That were nearing breakthrough. It's like the darkness before the dawn. It's, you know, for a long time there wasn't a lot of chaos, but we were all kind of like, stuck in our roles and in our places and in these, you know, really stuck. Structured lives that that weren't allowing us to express who we are, and, and, you know, now, I think it's almost like all bets are off, and we are collectively creating, you know, tomorrow, today, and and we're doing it by what where we choose to place our attention, and what actions we choose to take, and how we monitor and manage our own thoughts and emotions. And that's why I say it's almost like comprehensive exams. It's, it's, you know, now that kind of the rules are gone and everybody's acting out, what are you going to choose to do? Who are you going to align yourself with? What are you going to align yourself with? Are you going to sit on the sofa and clutch your pearls about everything that's going wrong, or are you going to go out there and create a fantastic life for yourself? It's, that's the thing. It's, it's, it's, um, somehow it's easier to be to believe that you're powerless and you can't do anything, and you're a victim, and you just have to follow the rules that somebody else gave you, and then everything will be okay, even when it's not, because then you don't have to say, I have all this power and all this opportunity to choose. How can I make that decision? If you're doubting yourself and you're saying whatever I choose, it's going to be wrong, you know, will I choose the right thing? Will I do the right thing? Well, you know, that's where a lot of people are, but again, the more you go inside, that's where the answers are, and that's how that's how you open up to to hearing guidance. You know, because you trust your you trust your guidance, and you trust yourself to receive it, and you know that you can trust going forward, if you follow it. But it's yeah, it's it's a challenge because we didn't all get the we didn't all get the manual. You know, we haven't been told, you know, on this date, you know, all the rules are going to drop off and you're going to have to figure out what to do.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:17:56

Or we didn't all have an NDE, but it's, well, encouraging to hear about them. This has been something I'm

Ellyn Dye 1:18:08

sorry. Go ahead. No, no, go ahead. The one thing I know after having the MBE is like, you know, if whatever you do when you die trying, it's like, that's not a bad thing.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:18:21

Yeah, I actually like that, that, you know, your your sort of sole theme was self love, and that you were so persistent, so you could also die trying, but that would be, you know, honored as well, that you Oh yeah, yeah. I thought that was nice, actually. And I just want to thank you for this. This meant a lot to me as well, because I do believe my soul theme is self love. So I just felt a lot of your story here. I could just resonate with it in myself, which was interesting. And one of my, one of my main questions that I asked my guests at the end is, what is self love to you? And you've been speaking about it, but just you'll get the same questions as everybody else, what is self love to you?

Ellyn Dye 1:19:10

Well, self love is knowing who you are, really knowing who you are, and accepting, loving and accepting yourself. You know, as they say, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, all the parts of us. And it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean, you know, I mean, one of my things is, I'm terrible at math. I have, I have to use a calculator to figure out a tip, you know? I mean, I'm bad at math, and I always hated that about myself. But it's like, you just say, Oh well, you know, you're really good at other things. That's not your strong point. It's okay. I love you anyway. These things are my strong point. You know? It's like, find what your strong points are. Find, find your joy, finding your joy and and doing, doing those things, but, but recognizing that you're, that we are, we're, we're powerful beings with free will. We're not victims. Nobody can take our power away unless we give it to them, and that's what self love is. It's like learning to say no, setting boundaries and being honest with ourselves and other people and being okay with that. It's like, love me or leave me. It's like that won't hurt my self love, because I know that I'm not everybody's cup of tea, and that's okay. And

Jannecke Øinæs 1:20:49

my last question for you, Ellyn, is, what is the deeper meaning, meaning of life? From your perspective?

Ellyn Dye 1:20:55

Oh, okay. From my perspective, it's it's about, I enjoy enjoying being in the physical world, enjoying the things that the physical world has to offer, and expressing our essence into the world, creatively and and in the process, learning more about ourselves.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:21:33

Beautiful. Now, Ellyn, tell us if people want to connect with you, how can they do so,

Ellyn Dye 1:21:40

okay, I have a website, Lionmagic.com, and I have a lot of videos of podcasts and presentations about my NDE there, but I also have information about my intuitive coaching practice, And I have a free newsletter. It goes out about, usually, it's like twice a year. So you don't, you won't get inundated two or three times a year, which is, to me, is talking about navigating this, you know, the waves of change that we're going through. And I have another one. It'll be coming out in a couple weeks, so they could go there. It's called tunnel vision, based on my looking through the tunnel. And if somebody just has a question or something, I'm happy to answer it, they can email me at Lionmagic@msn.com, you com. If I get inundated, it'll take me a while to get back to people, but I always get back to people.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:22:50

Thank you so much. Ellyn, this has been highly interesting and inspirational. Thank you so much for your beautiful work in coming to the show today, sharing your story.

Ellyn Dye 1:22:59

Oh, and thank you for inviting me and thank you for following your mission and your heart and expressing yourself doing this and bringing together all of us. It's really needed right now, I think so. Thank you very, very much.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:23:15

Thank you. I love it

Ellyn Dye 1:23:18

and give my love to your Mother.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:23:20

I will, I will.

Ellyn Dye 1:23:27

Thank you.

Ellyn Dye – Official site


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