What if unborn souls could communicate before they were born? In this fascinating exploration, Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan shares her personal experience of connecting with her son before his birth. She reveals how many evolved souls are now entering our world, bringing messages and guidance to help humanity reach higher states of consciousness. These new souls, who often communicate with their parents before their arrival, are here to assist with humanity’s spiritual evolution and offer insights into our collective future.

This communication from her son came as a whisper from the spirit realm, guiding her on how to prepare emotionally and spiritually for his arrival. This moment of contact sparked her deeper understanding of the nature of these advanced souls, who, according to her, are now choosing to incarnate on Earth to assist humanity through a critical phase of spiritual evolution.

The Role of Unborn Souls in Humanity’s Evolution

As more of these evolved spirits enter the world, they bring with them a higher frequency and consciousness, poised to help humanity move through collective challenges and into a more enlightened future. Dr. Edith believes that these souls are part of a grand cosmic plan, aligning with the planet’s shift toward greater harmony, awareness, and love.

In this interview, she also explores how parents can attune themselves to these incoming souls and offers insights into the spiritual responsibilities of guiding such high-frequency beings. Whether you’re a parent, a spiritual seeker, or someone curious about the mysteries of life before birth, this discussion will leave you with a sense of wonder and hope.

Transcript of the interview

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 0:00

Went to Qigong class, and I dropped deeper and deeper into meditation that all of a sudden the whole thing exploded. And I came to realize and remember many past lives and or past present future, many parallel reality timelines. And I started remembering why I came here and why the types of advance and evolve souls that listens to this show, why we all came here.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:39

Hello, Doctor Edith, a warm welcome to the show.

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 0:42

Thank you so much for having me. I appreciate this opportunity so much.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:47

I'm really looking forward for you to share your story. It's a powerful one. You are a Chinese medicine doctor, and you've had a spiritual awakening doing Qigong. And what I found so interesting was that you connected with your child, child to be long before he was actually born, and he shared some pre birth memories. And I find these pre birth memories so healing to hear about, because it shows us that there's no coincidence why we're here, and there's so much more to life, and there are not so many coincidences, I think so. I just love to give you the room and space to share that story for everyone.

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 1:35

So there are two different stories here. Well, in fact, there's so many wonderful stories to share, but really there are two main ones that you're alluding to. The first one is over 20 years ago in Qigong, essentially, I met my true self, or I met all of our true selves, and then fast forward, 10 years later, I met the true self of my soon to be child. So I guess I will start with the very first story, which is back in 2003 I was still in Chinese medicine school. And so while in Chinese medicine school, for the audience that is maybe new to Chinese medicine, probably this kind of audience. A lot of you guys know about Chinese medicine. Chinese medicine is not just acupuncture, but it's many different things as a lifestyle. Practice is um as a whole, um experience of the cosmology of life. In Chinese medicine, they talk about how every human being is the conduit of heaven and earth. They say that all of us are here to bring heaven on earth, and we're the bridge between heaven and earth. So when I started Chinese medicine school, there was not only the studying of acupuncture and herbology and nutrition and both Eastern medicine and Western medicine, but there's also this cultivation and practice of Qigong and Taiji, which is, those are my favorite classes, because I think this audience might agree that we probably, in this today's world, especially, we have enough information. Most of us feel information overload, right? But when we have the direct experience of something, after you have the direct experience, there is no more doubt. So in Chinese medicine school, we study and memorize and regurgitate and do all these practice, these examinations, but it is in the Qigong practice where I had the direct experience of chi and of of all, this beautiful philosophy was actually made into practical, tangible experience for me. So in 2003 I was in Chinese medicine school, and I would practice Qigong during class, and I loved it so much that I went on to keep studying Qigong outside of class, outside of school. So for anyone, there probably are a lot of Qigong practitioners in the audience, but for those of us that are new to it, Qigong basically just means working with Qi. So technically, Qigong is like any time that you are conscious of your breathing pattern, anytime that you're conscious of your attention and your intention, and then you're also positioning your body in a certain posture, or Mudra, or kind of movement, to consciously guide and flow the energies. So whenever you have these different elements. That's called Qigong. So technically, you could have Qigong, sleeping Qigong, dishwashing Qigong, coffee drinking Qigong, you know, Qigong, doing chores around the house, anytime you're conscious of the energetics. That's considered Qigong. So. In 2003 I'm practicing Qigong. And every time I practice Qigong, I knew it would be a wonderful experience, because let's, let's face it, this world is so much distraction, and anytime you get still and take some deep breaths, it's always a win. There's always a gift. But on this particular day, something different took place. For some reason, maybe it was preordained in my birth plan or something. For some reason, on this particular day, I went to Qigong class, and I dropped deeper and deeper and deeper into meditation. I dropped so deep that all of a sudden, the whole thing exploded. It exploded into trillions and trillions of pieces of love and light. I experienced myself the size of the entire cosmos, and the feeling was was so beautiful, it was so blissful, it was so peaceful. It was so overflowing with love that I had. I had no reference point for anything like this in my life prior to this, except that I knew that I was home. I somehow knew that I had returned to our natural true state. Okay?

You know, for a long time this experience, it was, is so this is such a state that is so ineffable and so so beyond words, because we're beyond time, beyond space, beyond language, beyond all concepts, that there are no words that properly describes it, which I know that this audience, many people here, have probably had experiences so so you can feel the essence of what I'm talking about, because words feel so small compared to the the actual experience of it. But over the years, I came to realize that really beyond love and light, it was true contentment. I returned to a state where I was completely content, and all the questions I ever had were answered. In fact, as as I often do, and probably your audience does too, in a state of meditation, is a wonderful place to bring any confusion, any questions, to bring to inquiry in a meditative state. So this particular day, I had brought a question into my meditation, and boom, not only would was that question answered? All other questions were answered. Then they were answered in this multi dimensional way where ripples upon ripples of ripples of answers came to me. So I realized that, yeah, this contentment is our true natural state. It's hard to tell, because you're beyond time, beyond space, so it's hard to tell how much time elapsed. But eventually, the Chico teacher for this class, there was this voice, there was this voice from far away, and suddenly it occurred to me that there is a girl named Edith sitting in a classroom in San Francisco taking a Qigong class. And it occurred to me that there is a teacher that is guiding this teacher, this this class, and and then there was this impulse, like, Wow, maybe this, it should go back to that it so this huge vastness of trillions of trillions of pieces of love and light came back to this honestly pretense of a physical body, and it was, frankly, so strange and so absurd. It felt so absurd to squeeze trillions upon trillions of pieces of love and light back in into this physical body as soon as it landed back in just avalanches and avalanches and avalanches of tears. It took a long time for those tears to actually make sense, and it was years later that I realized the tears were really the clashing of this. A deep thankfulness, gratitude, appreciation that I got to go home, that I got to remember who and what I really am, what is our true natural state. So it was this immense gratitude and appreciation that I got to go home, and then an instantaneous clashing of all of these emotions, because I realized that I have been living a bunch of lies. I realized that this place here, this physical reality, we have built this place in a backwards and upside down way So fundamentally, I just like ripples upon ripples of recognition of the lies came to me so the clashing of intense gratitude and appreciation and also intense grief and sadness and anger and upset. Because if love and peace and harmony and contentment, if this is our true natural state, then it doesn't make sense. How come there's so much war, there's so much suffering, there's so much divisiveness, there's so much disharmony and discord and energy on this planet? I didn't understand. And in that moment, it was like ripples upon ripples of this recognition came to me all of a sudden. And so a lot of people would say, Wow, what a blessing. You had an awakening experience. Well, back in those days, in 2003 there wasn't so much information like there is now. So I didn't have anybody to talk to. You know, my friends, my family. People were kind and nice, but nobody understood what I was going through. So it turned into two or three years of intense, dark night of the soul, which, well, it's a blessing, because it turned me into a seeker. I started reading books about near death experiences. Did anybody else have these experiences? And little by little, I started realizing that I was actually not alone. And as I started traveling around the world and doing different workshops and retreats and continuing my study of holistic medicine and continuing my cultivation my Qigong, I started having one mystical experience after another, after another, after another, and it started filling in the puzzle pieces, and I started integrating and stabilizing this state. And I came to realize and remember many past lives and or past present future, many parallel reality timelines. And I started remembering why I came here, and why the types of advance and evolve souls that listens to this show why we all came here, that this is a beautiful time of profound change and transition and transformation, and we came here to have the front row seat to all this excitement and all of this beauty and all of this transition and transformation. We also came here because we are eternal, limitless being. I came to experience and remember all of this directly and that as an eternal, limitless being. We wanted to come here into this density, to experience the pretense of limitations and of all the stress and divisiveness, and to use this to catapult our evolution and to actually reawaken a deeper, a deeper sense of our souls evolution and a deeper sense of who and what we really are, because if in The density and sometimes darkness of this space that we're in, in the physical reality, if we can remember it here, then wow, what um, what a strengthening and profoundly enriching experience this is for our souls. So, yeah, so that really is the backstory of how you know, as I like to joke, how I came to be the weirdo that I am, because a lot of people say, you know, how did you go from studying Applied Mathematics at Harvard and then doing software and then flip and go to Chinese medicine and now become a consciousness and human potential coach and and talking about multi dimensional experiences and connecting with Spirit babies before they're born, and all of these interesting things. Well, this is, this is the backstory of how that happened.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:28

Wow. Thank you so much for sharing. And I love that you went so thoroughly into it, because I was with you all the way. And I get this, you know, these visions in my mind. And to me, it just, it is so good news. It is so healing just hearing this. And I can imagine being all that, and then coming into this body, and we believe that this is all we are. You know, it's such a contrast. So that that was just so beautiful to listen to. And. And then I know, you know, this was a pre story. Then comes the other story, and just want to share. It doesn't feel too private, but I'm in that age, you know, where it's like, either I will have a child or I won't like it's happening now or never in this life. It feels sort of that way, and then hearing about that your baby was connecting with you before birth, that is interesting. So let's dive into that.

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 15:31

Okay, great. I this is a fun, fun storytelling hour. So, oh, so in 2013 along my journey of as a truth seeker and learning and growing and evolving, one of the big gifts that I gave to myself was going to Thailand to experience 11 day darkroom retreat with jasmuheen, who's from Australia, and maybe some of your audience has heard of her. So in the darkroom retreat, we go into stillness and meditate in darkness for many days. So in this particular retreat, it was 11 days with nine days and Nine Nights in complete darkness. And so in the stillness of this meditative state, meditating in complete darkness and fasting and going very deep, very still, I came to remember many things. I remembered different, different lifetimes. I remember more fully the details of why I came here. I came to connect with a vast array of team of support system, like a multi dimensional team that I have access to so many, many things that's probably the subject of a whole other conversation. But when I came back from that retreat to San Francisco, I realized that I had awakened a whole new dimension of my intuitive capacity and stabilized it. So when I came back to my Chinese medicine practice in the city. It was very useful during the day that we work with my clients, and I would see, see sense, feel, know things about what was going on with their health, that was immediately useful and helpful. And so clinically, as a practitioner, as a clinician, was very useful. However, at night, when I wanted to rest, living in the city, I could see, sentence, feel, hear all of my neighbors grumpiness. They were stressed out about things, or, you know, like just all of the the energetic noise, not just the audible amount of noise in the city, which is already quite a bit, but the energetic noise of people's thoughts and emotions in my apartment building, and it was so loud that I couldn't tolerate it. So I told my partner, Dave. I said, Look, you and I've had a wonderful, you know, relationship, but if you want to keep living in the city, I cannot stay here. I'm going to move to the countryside. So So bye, it was almost like that. And so he said, Okay, well, I guess I'll move to the countryside with you. So we moved over an hour outside San Francisco into a really beautiful little country town called Sebastopol, California, where it's like wine country, and there's a beautiful, fertile soil, and we got this small, excuse me, small little cottage with an acre of land with a garden and fruit trees and so on. And this place was energetically so still, so quiet that every night I would go to sleep, and I have these very vivid dreams. And as a long time city dweller, for the first time in my life, I experienced what it's like to come just every single day, wake up with the sunrise, and every single night, as the sun starts to set, to feel sleepy and not to, you know, look at my watch to say, oh, it's time to go to sleep. I should get my quote eight hours of sleep to be healthy. I was just naturally, intuitively synchronizing with nature's rhythms. And I hope this is not too much information for the audience. I also found that my my moon cycle, got clockwork synced up for the first time in my life to the full moon and new moon every single month. So all of these things I experience directly, not from reading a book about biohackery, but actually experiencing in my own life, in my own body, what it's like to walk barefoot on bare earth, be synchronized to the sun and moon cycles and be intuitively guided in my self care and my meditation and all of this and so in my dreams and in my meditations, everything went much deeper, and I integrated and stabilized with the support. Support of this nature filled environment. And it was in this state that this baby started to visit, and he started to visit day after day, night after night, week after week, month after month, often, many nights in a row, like every single night that I would go to sleep, so I got to almost expect that when I went to sleep, I would tuck myself in, and I go into this dream state and and meet this baby. And so in the beginning, because my partner and I, we weren't planning to have children, because, frankly, in hindsight, the main reason we weren't planning to have children is that we had seen examples of family life and parenthood that simply just don't resonate for us. You know, we saw a lot of very harsh like, sit down, shut up discipline, almost like talking to children, like, like, dog training, like, almost like, people would treat their dogs even better than their children sometimes, to be honest, and it's heartbreaking to see that. And we thought, Well, I I can't bring myself to treat another human being like this. I guess I'm not meant cut out to be a parent. On the other hand, we would see people who are, you know, like, more natural health oriented, and then they would say, you know, we don't want to, you know, be over controlling of our children. So then, then it would flip to the other side of being like, too wild and free, almost, it seems like. And so that also didn't resonate to be like, Okay, we don't want to over discipline, but we also maybe there, there's some structure that would be healthy for the children, and so we just didn't see any models that we deeply resonated with. So for the longest time, I was just sure that I was not going to experience Parenthood because I felt like I wasn't cut out for it. Well, once we moved to the countryside and this baby started visiting me in my dreams and meditation, he started explaining that, yes, I'm ready to come in and I want to choose you guys to be my mother and father, specifically, because you don't resonate with the old paradigm of parenthood. That is exactly the qualification that I was looking for in the mother and father. I was like, wow, what do you mean by that? So every night we would travel, and, you know, he would take me on tours through the cosmos. And then there was this one night that he started showing me. He said, Look, in fact, this night, I was in a halfway, half dream state, and Dave was sleeping right here. And I said, Hey, the baby just arrived again, and he was like, la, la, la, la, I'm not ready for parenthood, I'm not sure. And I was like, no, no. Baby is here, and I think he wants to talk to both of us. So I hovered in this halfway, half dream state, and we had essentially a three way conversation. And it was like I was staying in this channeling state, where I was having direct telepathic communication with the baby, and at the same time I was articulating. And I think having had some experience with past life regression hypnotherapy in the past years allowed me to kind of calibrate to hovering in that state for a prolonged period of time, where I could be between dimensions and be experiencing this multi dimensional state, and also in this physical reality, articulating what was actually going on. And so I shared with Dave. I said, Baby is here, and he wants to talk talk with both of us. And so what he showed was the scene, this web work. It was like an ocean of spirit babies, these orbs of light, an ocean of it all connected with strings and strands of light. He said, You see, each and every one of us here, we have all scoured the entire cosmos, and we have decided that this is the time that all of us would like to come to Earth.

We've scoured the cosmos and chosen Earth, and we've chosen very precisely this exact families and parents and geographic location and timing that is so intricately and beautifully coordinated. The elegance and complexity of the whole thing is beyond what I can actually. Explain to you here, so you need to take my word for it. So he showed this web work, and he said, each and every one of us there is a precise permutation of the timing of our conception and the birth and the geographic location the families and we're all going to be incarnating into networks of families and communities, so that we come to earth and blanket the earth with this new consciousness, with this new energy. We're all going to show humanity a new way of being human, and we're going to show humanity a new way of doing family life and parenthood and how to raise the next generation of human beings. So this is not a philosophy that I can talk to you about. I need an actual body. I need an incarnation so that we can we can show through our example, not through talking, not through some dogma or philosophy, but through our embodied example, we're going to show the world a new way of being human. So please take my word for it, and the reason that we want to choose those of you that don't resonate with the old paradigm of parenthood is precisely that we don't resonate with it either. You know you're right, you're correct. However, what does a new weight look like? We need to incarnate to co create it and show it to you through our example. So please take my word for it, as he's showing us, this beautiful web work of of strings and strands of light, this whole web work of light, and all these beautiful orbs of light, I'm experiencing the purest flows of bliss and harmony and peace, and this crystalline, pure energy is coming at me through waves and waves and waves. At the same time, I experience my womb space getting getting something like an energetic massage, like a brightening and a lightening of my wombs energy as all this is transpiring. And so after that whole scene, he said, Look, it is a free will universe. You know, you have the free will to choose not to concede me. But just so you know what you're choosing. You're choosing to participate in this whole web org of energetics, if I don't incarnate through you, then he disappeared. The whole scene. It won black. He said, then all of us will there's so many dependencies, all of us will have to go back through and calculate the next best permutation. So it's not about us being a nuclear family unit is actually about participating in this wave of change of consciousness and embodiment of a new way of what it means to be human. So it's like no pressure or anything. So he shared all of this, and my partner, Dave, was like, oh, okay, you know, he's not much of a meditator. He'll do like a little bit of yoga. He's a tennis player, you know. So he's, he's like, Okay, I don't even know what to make of all of this experience. Well, shortly after that, he was in a yoga class and stretching out his body. At the end of yoga, he's laying there in Shavasana. And our boy, who had been coming to me for many months visiting with me, he had already become a really good buddy of mine at this point, he visits Dave in his dreams. And so Dave had this whole dream of running around, kicking a soccer ball around and playing sports on a field with this boy. And so we compared notes about what the little boy looked like, and it was the same looking boy. And I was like, Well, I mean, yeah, you, I guess he visited you too. And so at that time, the energy of this baby that wants to come through was so strong that friends would come over to our little cottage and say, Is there a baby? Is there a baby trying to come in? Is there or is there a baby in the house? What's going I can totally feel the presence of a baby. And so there was a certain day, a certain moment, where we felt his presence especially strong, and we looked at each other, we knew that this was the moment that he wanted to be conceived, and that it was a three way agreement that we would bring him in now. And so I had this beautiful experience of a conscious conception, where I felt this baby's presence all the way through, and as soon as he was conceived, I experienced. The womb space going like a pulsation, like a breath that had kick started, and so it wasn't necessary to do a pregnancy test. I knew exactly when he was conceived, and I knew that it was a boy, and I knew what he looked like, and I had already established this wonderful friendship buddy buddy Ness with him, like he was my buddy. So the whole time was like, welcome buddy. And so I took him to, you know, all the experiences of life, and I would always be communicating with him. And he guided us to these wonderful home birth midwives, and he wanted to have a natural water birth at home. And so the journey just unfolded naturally where he was already such a good friend on a soul level. So it was this gift, this blessing, this honor, to to this agreement, that I consciously entered into to bring him into this life. And so all throughout his upbringing, that dynamic of mutual love and appreciation and respect has always been there, and it evolved naturally into all the early childhood experiences where many people say, are you doing rye parenting? Are you doing attachment parenting. Oh, you guys are co sleeping. Oh, you guys are doing this system of parenting. And I just thought, What are they talking about? I'd never read any books like this. He's, he's just, he's just someone that I deeply love and appreciate and respect, and I've known him since, since before his incarnation. And so so many things unfolded naturally out of that that turned into what appears to be new paradigms of education and upbringing and parenthood and family life. But really it was all soul led, Soul guided. And as a byproduct of it, it looks a lot like different systems of you know, like choosing natural home birth, choosing co sleeping, choosing to communicate with with more love and respect than is, unfortunately, our society's norm. But it's not because I'm trying to follow some system. It's because we have a deep recognition of each other on a soul level, that that is a palpable, real, lived experience, is not like a philosophy or anything like that. Gradually it turned into, you know, sharing on podcasts, these stories, and it turns out that it's not actually rare that there are a lot of other families starting to have these types of experiences. And I'm I feel so heartened and so grateful that we can openly chat about this on podcasts and beautiful shows like yours.

Jannecke Øinæs 32:53

Wow, that is just an incredible story. Thank you again for sharing. Hi there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you like it, and maybe you've been watching some of my other videos, and if you appreciate them as well and my show, please go and hit the subscribe button. That really helps us to reach out with the videos. We put so much love and work into what we're doing to help to raise that collective consciousness. So be a co creator. Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. I have many questions. I do wonder, do you have any idea if this is special for your son and that soul and that group of souls that they're coming from somewhere else, or is this the fact, for every soul incarnating, that they choose their parents, and that at this time, they choose to be here, now, to participate in this great awakening?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 33:57

Yeah, I I've come to appreciate in my own direct meditative experience, as well as what my boy has been sharing since he was 4567, he started like from four to seven. He shared a lot. He was able to have the language skills to articulate in precise details, the choosing of your future family and all of this kind of thing. And so I've come to appreciate that we all choose however more highly advanced and evolved souls choose with greater precision. Some souls will just be like, Well, I just, I just want a body like, anything will. Anything will ignite some soul growth. But there are certain souls who are at a certain level where they want to be really precise with the energetics of how they incarnate into this life. And so my boy, in his five year old way, he used to say, Yeah, I was, I was, I was in space. When I was a space baby, I was floating around. I was looking. Are my future mama and papa, and there are these screens. And he has a precise memory of exactly the shape of the screens that you can kind of zoom into and look at the lives of different moms and dads that you want to choose. And he said, I looked at many, and there was but I remember that the ones just before I chose you, there was one that was really, really fun, but their lives were messy and their house was messy. And I was like, I don't know. And then the other one said, their lives were really clean and their house was really clean, and their lives was everything perfect, and it was a little bit too perfect, and and they weren't fun, they were too serious. And then he said, you guys a little bit of both. So it was just perfect. Also, your your energy looked the most bright and shiny to me from space. And you guys have good, healthy bodies, and you know, so it was just right for me. And I said, Well, why do I and? And I knew that you were you, you were very loving, and you were very kind, and I wanted that, and I knew you would be fun. So he shared some things like that in his five, six year old way, you know. So I said, Well, why does some some, he called them space baby. Why would some space babies choose families that are not so kind, or maybe they're mean, or something who's like, I don't know. I mean, I guess some people want to experience something like that, but I didn't want to choose that, you know. So, yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 36:35

What I get curious about then, is that, do you think that this was then not predestined, because he was actually making the choice more than you, in a way, it seems like,

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 36:48

yeah, maybe So ultimately, we all came to came to an agreement. But you can say that he negotiated his way into this incarnation. In fact, not only him, and he was three and a half, he said, You know, I have a sister. You know, I have a sister. And we're like, what? You have a sister. And he started talking about it a lot. And then when he was four, we decided living in the countryside was too much driving, so we moved to somewhere in between, in the suburbs, which is where I live now. And he said, When we moved to our new house, my sister is going to be there. And then we moved, he said, Wait, my sister is still in space. You have to bring her now. She needs to come. Now. She right now she needs to come. And so he negotiated the conception of his Yeah. And so he he shares stories of how him and his sister, they had both chosen us, but she was shy about coming in. He was like, I'll be the pioneer. I'll break them in for you and and then I'll bring you and so now that's why we have two children.

Jannecke Øinæs 37:53

Yeah, he's a special kid, for sure. Has he talked more about what he will do in this incarnation, to to be part of this shift in consciousness?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 38:07

Well, I think that the will do is maybe not accurate, because it already has taken place, hasn't it? You and I are having this conversation, which is a profoundly different conversation than what I would have had, you know, prior to him being in our family, and so just in by the way that he shows up, for example, when he was five, we watch his documentary called superhuman that some of your audience might have heard of, that explores expansive human possibilities, like tele telepathy, telekinesis, and then a showcase all these children around the world in different small groups that are able to read completely blindfolded, right? So he saw the documentary, and he said, Oh, I think I could do that. Can we take a class? So we took a class with the documentary filmmaker who she only offered. Collaborated with a teacher named Boudin who offered these classes, and this was right in the beginning of all the covid shutdown. So it was on Zoom, and so they activated my child and seeing blindfolded. And so now, years later, people have been asking us about that so much that I'm in collaboration with Buddha, and we're offering these now becoming extremely popular, blindfold vision classes for children. And so I was given the vision to actually take this body of work and popularize it and make it the standard norm of our society that all children, just like we would learn to bike and swimming like all children, at some point, want to learn to bike and swim and read and write and, you know, maybe play music and and seeing completely blindfolded, activating this ability to see beyond the physical eyes, it's just part of the natural upbringing of this new generation of children as not. Some special superpower, because we all are superpowers. We all have these innate abilities. It's just that if we nurture it at a certain age, it comes very naturally. If we miss that window as adults, it can still come back, but it takes more effort to recultivate those dormant abilities that are so easy and natural to activate one year in that right window of time. So because of his presence on the planet, many, many interesting ripple effects have already taken place, and I think it just continues to blossom. And anyone who's listening to this that has young children, you have a sense that, like this new generation, there's a different quality of energy that they're bringing.

Jannecke Øinæs 40:44

So is that part of the new parenting that you're talking to that you are helping them activate these superpowers? Or, how do you say it? Well, encouraging them?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 41:00

Yeah, yeah. I would say that the parenting conversation and the new paradigms of education that is bubbling up right now is a wave that is unstoppable. But many people probably the types of guests that you have and the types of audience that listens to the show, we happen to have volunteered ourselves to be in the first wave of that change, you know, to like, really pioneer a lot of these, the systemic changes in our society, so that how we educate and raise our children is a more loving, respectful, mutually honoring energy that we bring into the dynamic. And so as a byproduct of that, how, how we do schooling, to have the children sit down, shut up, memorize, regurgitate and and do boring clerical work and little deaths that that becomes very obsolete because we are actually interested in listening to the child's innate I would say curriculum that If we're really present with our children and present with ourselves, we know what it feels like to be aligned with your soul's path in your life, there's a qualitative feeling and an energy that we attune to. And once we've had the experience of that, all of us who are adults, such as yourself, doing soul aligned work in this life, once you've tasted and felt what how beautiful that experience is to be doing work that you had chosen to do in this life, that energy and the synchronicities and the floods and floods of beautiful energies and the beautiful resources and support systems and the beautiful conversations and continual creation and inspiration that comes through once you've tasted that you're not going to go back right, like you have a different standard of what is possible in your life. You can't go back to the Arcade old way, right? And likewise, with parenting, with these new children, they are already calibrated like this. And so they are intuitively guided, their soul aligned. And so for us, when our our boy was about four years old, he started telling us that he's like, I don't want to go to school. I don't want to pee pee and Poopoo. And teacher says, this is potty time. That's how he said it. I wanted PP and poopoo by listening to my own body when my body says, pee, pee and poopoo, not when teacher says, is break time. I don't want to eat snacks. When teacher says snack time. I want to eat snacks when my body says, is hungry. So even at four, he started saying, you know, I'm an I'm self aware and internally guided in this life. And very gradually, he started guiding us with what he wants to learn. He's amazing at engineering and building and and when he was just two weeks before his seven year old birthday, he said, You know, I think from going to the markets, I think I'm pretty good at math, and so we went on the internet, because we started homeschooling at this point, went on the internet to a website called Khan academy.com which has free math lessons. And in two weeks, he went through all of grade one and all of grade two, just for fun. And then gradually, two years later, now he's doing grade nine math, algebra one at age nine. So these, all these things are like showing us possibilities that I, you know, I'm just alone for the ride and just being intuitively guided the whole way through.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:35

Um, so how old is he now?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 44:37

He's nine and a half. Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:40

Is his memory just as sharp and clear, or is it starting to fade about who it is and his pre birth memories?

Speaker 1 44:50

Yeah, so, so, because from age four to age seven, he was really interested in talking about it just about every night, rather than reading bed. Stories. It's almost like he would tell me bedtime stories. So we would snuggle in bed, and it's bedtime, and sometimes I would read him a story, but most of the time he'd be he'd be like, Mama, ask me about space. And so I'd say, Well, what was it like? Blah, blah. I would ask him different and he would tell me a different facet of you know what, what it was like to choose his birth, and also what he remembered prior to incarnating. To this incarnation, other experiences that he's had he also shared. It was on the Jeff Mara show that Jeff said, what was the strangest thing that your child remembers that surprise you. I think it was a question like that, and one of the things that he would say to me was, and we hadn't had any deaths in the family, but he said, When I die, somehow he wanted to talk about death. He said, When I die, please make sure to just bury my body and not burn it. I thought, how does a child that has had no deaths in the family in recent years? Like, how does he know about cremation? He somehow knew us? Like, did you see it on a video? He was like, no, no. The reason I know is because just before I went to the place to jump into the portal to come to your belly, there was another guy who had just died from Earth and came back to space. And he told me that. So it was like one of the last things that I talked to someone about before I jumped into this your belly. So, so he shared that, that this, it was a guy that had just died, and he said that right after he died, he was cremated. And so he shared with my boy that it took a lot of effort to collect all of his himself and all his consciousness to transition out. And so basically he said, Well, it's not like it's it's horrible, but it's just takes more effort. It's better to be more gentle. It's better to wait a little bit if you want to. In his childlike way, he didn't know the word cremation, but he said, If you want to burn the body, it's better to wait. And so it's really interesting, because I there's a DR Constantine korkov has done biophoton studies, and he shows that 72 hours after birth, there's still biophoton emissions, you know, and then gradually it fades. And I was reading the memoir of Dr David Hawkins's wife about after Dr David Hawkins, the creator of the map of consciousness, after he passed, he he had asked that you wait 72 hours before cremation. And so my boy said, yeah, the longer you wait. If you wait a few days, if you wait a month, if you wait a whole year, it's 100% sure that all of you has gone back to space. That's what this this at the time he was, you know, six or seven, he started really talking a lot about this, but he said, the more you wait, the is just kinder and gentler to to the soul, to transition back. So these are the types of conversations that he would randomly bring up at bedtime, and so it's been, yeah, talk about, is he going to change the world? He's already changed me in such profound ways that I have no idea, like, who, what would I be doing in this life? You know, if I hadn't had the influence of him coming into my my my family,

Jannecke Øinæs 48:39

I mean, we could speak for hours hours, because there's so many questions. This is such an incredible story that I don't even know where to start. And you know how much he knows about his destiny, I'm curious about that, but it seems like he's pretty awakened already, and I'm curious to see if he was still remember, or if it will fade away, like it usually does with a lot of those who have these memories, and then they then they remember again. But I want to ask the question, since time is limited, has he told you anything about his existence before birth? Like, who was he? You said he was a space baby, like, sort of flying around. But what does that mean? Has he is it coming from other universes or other planets, or has he been the afterlife? Has he had other roles, like a master or or been to Earth many times like, did he tell you anything about who he was before he was your son.

Speaker 1 49:42

Yeah, so he has shared that he he was in a space. I don't know what the actual term would be, but there, it seems like there are many realms that he's consciously still remembering, and the realm that he remembered, he said it was half black and half. Like a full spectrum rainbow color, and it looks almost like a fishbowl, a spherical space. It's how he says he remembers it. And then in the middle of the space, there's like, he says, There's something like a boombox that is radiating the most beautiful music that you've ever heard. But there's adjacent to it. There is, he says, there's a red space, there's a blue space, there's a different space. And he says they're like, like, spherical fishbowls that are connected, and there's maybe some kind of a membrane, and you can swim through them. I mean, I I'm just gathering these little bits and pieces that he remembers. And as a kid, maybe there's not even the verbal ability to fully describe it. And he says that within the space that he was in, there was something like, like a portal, or in his kid, like, way he said, some kind of a machine that takes dead humans and dead stars, and recycles that energy, and it pops up new space babies. This was his, his way of, I don't know how much is it since imagination or true memory. So there's this kind of recycling mechanism that that he remembers, and he came out of this, he says, having remembered myself as a star, but this is my first time as a human. And he says, Mama, do you remember that you've had many different human experiences for me, this is my first time as a human with a physical body on Earth. And you know, so I really wanted to experience this. And he would share that when we are space baby, he says, when we're space babies, we don't know sadness, we don't know angriness, we don't know loneliness, we don't know any of those. We are just peaceful and joyful and happy. So when we come to earth and have these human experiences, then we get to see, oh, wow, this is what it feels like to be angry, to be cranky, to be sad, to be lonely, you know? And we came here to see what that's like. And he says, when we are asleep, this is he started talking about this before he was so good at math. Now he has a very precise understanding of percentages. But back then, he said, you know, 30% 70% maybe something like that, when we're asleep, we are 30% here on Earth, and 70% going back to space when we're awake, we are more like 70% here on Earth and 30% in space. And when we die, 100% of ourselves goes back to space. And because when we're in space, we remember ourselves as happy and peaceful space babies. And so this is why every night when we go to sleep, yeah, people think that you need to rest your body, and it's good for a healthy body to sleep. He says, Well, that's only part of it. The real reason is that you go back to space and remember yourself as a peaceful and happy space baby, and then you bring some of that happiness and peacefulness back to here when you wake up in the morning. And that's why it's really important to get good sleep, because otherwise you start to forget. And so that's why you see that people that don't get good sleep, they feel a little bit cranky, you know, and irritable sometimes is because they're not going back to space and remembering who they are as happy and peaceful space babies. So these are just some samplings of fun little vignettes that we talk about as we drift away to sleep at night, mostly from age starting around age four ish until seven, and then he started not being as interested in talking about it. And now, at age nine and a half, he's just really into his engineering projects and video games and soccer and, you know, and sports swimming and rollerblading and situations with his friends and so on. So, yeah, there's a precious window, those of you that have little ones in your life to really open. You know, no pressure, of course, but open the conversation. And if they want to share something unusual, really stop everything and listen deeply, because they bring these beautiful soul memories with them. And the veils are so thin at certain ages that is such a precious gift.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:45

Wow. He should write a book or just, you know, have his own podcast and just answering questions all around the world. Like, I mean, imagine what he could share if this was in a book form.

Speaker 1 55:00

Yeah, well, we are working on a series of children's books, but it's really quiet about it, because it's, it's a big project. So we have written together our first book, and it will become a series that the illustration takes months, though, you know, because we want to be pretty precise with the illustration. So, so I don't know exactly what it'll release, but it's coming.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:27

There you go. I was just picturing that. Oh, that's that's so exciting. Now, do you think that all women around the world, is it predestined, whether we are going to have children or not?

Speaker 1 55:43

Yeah, yeah. So this is, this is a big topic, and I know we only have a few minutes remaining in the show. So I just want to say to all the current and future and potential mamas out there that that we are infinite creators, and this is just one lifetime of potentially many lifetimes. So the first recommendation I have is to take a deep breath, and there's no pressure, because a lot of times society, you know, puts these ideas that, oh, the clock is ticking, and all this kind of thing and and that's, in some ways, it's true, but in some ways, we also can benefit from remembering that there are many chances, you know. So what is the pressure? What is the rush? So it's more about getting very, very still to to take some deep breaths and let go of what is like preconceived notions and ideas and what is the truest heart's desire and your soul's, your soul's path in this life, to get very, very still, to listen for that and distinguish between that versus different kinds of societal programmings that we've all been subject to, you know, and and so if it is in alignment with our soul's path in this life, then to have that soul to soul conversation with your future baby spirit and and from a very sincere way, without without stress or pressure, but from a soul aligned place to connect in this way and then allow the baby spirit to also work the fields of energies, to bring you the perfect synchronicities and to to allow that incarnation to be a multi dimensional experience. One of the funny things my child used to say to me, I don't know if this is PG for your show or appropriate for your show, but he would say, Mama, I think on planet Earth, some people are confused about how to make a baby. He said, You know how children usually ask their parents, but he was telling me instead, he said, You think that a mama and a Papa could bump their peeps together and make a baby? No, that's not how it works. How it works is versus space baby looks and looks around, and then they sees you on the screen, and then they choose you. Then they jump into your dreams. That makes you have the feeling that, oh yeah, I want to have a baby. Then they make the mama and papa have the feeling that they want to bump their pee pees together. The space baby is there. And if there's no space baby first, there will be no earth baby. Otherwise you could bump your pee pees all day and no earth make made. So this is from the mouth of a child that this is, this is how it works, you know. So he says, We have it backwards a lot of times. The connection the space baby comes first, and then the physical incarnation is a secondary to that. Is what he's trying to say.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:01

There is a book called Spirit babies. I think that is saying a lot of the same things that you have experienced where there is a baby was like, no, I'm not ready, and they need to move first, and it's too much chaos there, and and that you can connect with that baby, but then that baby, from what you say, needs to be there in the first place. And that's destiny, maybe, yes.

Speaker 1 59:24

And then there's also the fact that each of us, maybe we, came to each incarnation with a different set of gifts that we want to bring and and there is a choice point where, where we have the free will to choose to focus our energies in this direction or focus our energy in that direction. And I want to share with all the ladies how they're all the families out there, everyone that's listening that there is no wrong way to live this life. Every life has beautiful gifts and opportunities. It's just what is the most delightful, rich, rewarding and fun experience that you want? To choose at this juncture in life, and only you know that it requires tremendous stillness, letting go of all these noises, to get really still within ourselves to know the answer.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:12

Beautiful. Now, one question about your amazing experience in Qigong, you said you had answers to all questions. What was your deepest insight that you received when you had this answering to all question? Questions? Experience,

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 1:00:34

wow, so much of it was hard to articulate, but the deepest insight that takes a lifetime to practice is that that there is, there is no such thing. The big question I brought into that meditation was, you know, being worried about other people's like negative energies and so on. Right For example, people are worried about different pollutants and 5g towers and people that bring this cord and energy and so on. What I experienced in in that Qigong experience, was who and what we are is so potent, so powerful, so beautiful that if we permit ourselves to radiate the full depth and potency and beauty and wisdom and love from the depths of our being outwards, it is so fiercely powerful that it crowds out anything else that is not that. So I had brought into that meditation. You know, as a Qigong practitioner working with chi, I gotta protect and safeguard and protect myself and have you know, like guard against sick chi or discordant energies. And what I discovered in that meditation is who and what we truly are is infinitely more potent and powerful and beautiful than any of these so called challenges that we're faced with in this life, and so a huge part of what we came to experience in this life is to strengthen our ability to live in this state permanently, you know, 24/7, 365, and emanate the truth of What we really are, and allow that potency to be so huge, so so powerful that it crowds out anything that is not our true self.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:30

This has been really fascinating and interesting and inspiring and wow, I could go on and asking questions, but we have some limitations in this 3d world. But I have three questions that I ask all my guests on. The first one is, what is self love to you?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 1:02:49

Self Love, I think, to piggyback on the last question, self love is the ability to deeply know ourselves. Self Love is a byproduct of of going deeply within ourselves and knowing our true selves. And if we deeply know who and what we really are, you couldn't help but fall deeply in love with yourself.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:16

And what is happiness to you?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 1:03:19

Happiness is also tied to that happiness is is, first of all, knowing ourselves deeply and connecting with ourselves deeply and so then when you do, you naturally recognize where you're getting entangled in unnecessary drama that is just not for your highest good, or anybody else's highest good. And so you don't get entangled in Messy energies, not because you're like somehow trying to push it away, but because it's just doesn't call to you. You know you're you're not interested in it. And so it's a much more simple life. Your your energetic hygiene happens naturally, where you don't get pulled and sucked into unnecessary drama that that takes your happiness away, because you know yourself deeply, and you love yourself deeply, and you make choices that are energetically really pure and clean, and happiness happens as a byproduct of that,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:25

and what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 1:04:30

I think this whole conversation has been maybe an answer to that question, and I don't claim to have all the answers consciously. Every moment you know in this kind of transcended state, and when we meditate deeply, we have the opportunity to tap into the wisdom of the the vastness of this life. You know, the meaning of this incarnation that. Are experiencing right now is as limited as unlimited, eternal beings. We come here to this, this place of seeming limitations, seeming density, seeming divisiveness, to to discover who and what we really are, even when it gets confusing sometimes here and so we are here to to actually rediscover, to re remember the vastness of beauty and love and wisdom and goodness that that we all naturally are, and to allow that to inform how we choose to live day to day, practical, tangible realities of this life. And as a side effect of it, we are bringing heaven onto Earth, and we're co creating what the world call the New Earth. And I like to call it the new Luminous humanity. I call the new generation of children, the luminous kids and and we are luminous families and luminous human beings. And we are literally mutating into a more full expression, a faster more beautiful, more loving, more wisdom filled expression of what it means to be a human being. And that's what we're doing here right now. That's what this whole conversation, your whole podcast, all of us are doing here right now.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:26

Thank you so much. Edith, uh, if people want to connect with you, where can they do so?

Speaker 1 1:06:32

Thank you. Thank you. This has been such a fun conversation. Thank you so much for having me. Thank you for the beautiful work that you do with with all of your work, especially these conversations on this show, if, if our audience is resonating with this conversation, my main website is Doctor Edith ubuntu.com, that's spelled D, R, Edith, E, D, i, t, h, Ubuntu, U, b, u n t, u.com, and I trust maybe in the show notes you can put that, and from there you can launch to the different programs. I have a program for education and parenting that you can can link to. I have the luminous kids blindfold vision training program, which you guys can explore and also for all the adults, a rich body of work like I wrote a book called Super wellness. Super wellness, which is about health and wellness, and a feature forward by my friend Wim Hof that many people might be a big fan of, I have a rich library of different trainings for the adults to look at. What does life look like on a practical, tangible basis after mystical awakening experiences, because as I share, I went through a dark night of the soul, and it's really confusing for a period of time. And so we're in a time now we're rapidly awakening. So I think there are many of us that may have volunteered to be that first way. And so how do we anchor in on a practical, tangible, day to day basis. How do we do life? How do we run our businesses? How do we do family life? How do you know? How do you show up and drive through the rush hour traffic to your job and all of this stuff from a mystical, awakened state? It is a very advanced practice. I know the audience here. You guys also sign up for a very advanced life, and I'm honored that we get to have this kind of conversation together and support each other.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:08:27

Yes, I am too. I am just so grateful that I can and that I feel the audience listening. You guys are so part of it. You make it possible for me to live my life mission, which I feel, is this for now at least, and for me to have these conversations, and for me to connect with you guys and share your incredible, inspiring messages. So it's really a co creation, and I think the more we say yes to it, like beautiful things just happen. I could never have invented this job for myself ever it just came when I started being true to myself. So I agree, it is mystical. It is amazing. It cannot be described how it is to start living like this and you you don't want to go back, for sure. Thank you so much. This has been incredible, meeting you. Thank you for showing up today, and all the best with your beautiful work.

Dr Edith Ubuntu Chan 1:09:27

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me.

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