In this conversation with David Strickel, author and founder of the TYA practice, we dive into the concept of breaking free from the matrix and embracing conscious creation. David channels Source, referred to as the “Stream,” sharing profound insights about how the matrix, or collective consciousness, often operates against universal law. It convinces us that external forces are responsible for our outcomes, taking away our creative power.

Understanding the Matrix and Abundance

David, who channels Source Energy through the “Stream of David,” highlights that the matrix traps people into thinking that they must behave a certain way to achieve success. However, he assures that anyone can break free from the matrix and tap into their own abundance—whether that’s wealth, health, or happiness. The key lies in trusting yourself and the abundance available to you, regardless of external circumstances.

Through his TYA practice, which stands for “Trust Your Abundance,” David teaches how to align with Source energy to create a life of freedom and purpose. He emphasizes that while the matrix might pull us into fear and judgment, shifting our focus to trust and appreciation is the way to reclaim our power.

David also shares personal stories about his journey to accepting his channeling abilities, the challenges of leaving behind a high-powered corporate life, and the liberation he found in breaking free from the matrix. Watch this enlightening interview to learn how to step into conscious creation and break free from the matrix!

Transcript of the interview


Your matrix operates in reverse of universal law. Your matrix tells you that if you are good, that good things are going to come, and if the good things don't come, that it's someone else's fault. It's taking your creative power away from you because it wants you to behave in such a way that supports the powers that be, a very ego driven mindset. Whereas any of you can be abundant, any of you can be successful in any way that you want to be, however you paint that picture, any of you have the ability to reach that and achieve that absolutely you do.


Hello, David. A warm welcome back to the show.


Always good to be here. Always good to be here. Always good to talk to you. Jannecke,


So lovely to have you back. I feel this is from popular demand. Our first episode really resonated with my audience. You are channeling source. And there were a lot of profound answers that came through about the matrix, about abundance, about manifesting. And I went away from that interview really appreciating life and thinking about gratefulness and thankfulness, because that was what you focused a lot on, and how we can break out of this matrix, and today, I would love to dive deeper. And for those who are new to you, you are the author of The Taya practice, and you are the founder of TYA, which means trust your abundance. So could you speak a little bit to what that is for people who are new to your work.


Certainly I channel what we call the stream, the stream of David. It's a stream of consciousness that is Source consciousness. I believe all channels are channeling source. In fact, I believe all people are channeling source in their own way. We all have source within us. I have trained myself, over the years to allow that to flow in a very pure way, getting my ego out of the way not being afraid of what they might share, because they're not always politically correct. They share the truth, and so that's what people that love them love about that. And the thing about channeling is we're sharing these ideas that are certainly beyond human consciousness and way beyond our current operating system or our current matrix. How do you make these ideas your way of life? If you choose to do that? That was a frustration for me with the messages I was receiving and with other channelers, messages, to be quite frank. And what I ended up doing was I set an intention to create something that would allow us to implement the Source consciousness level in our 3d human reality, and that's where TYA came from. The TYA practice is a mindset practice that is rooted in the stream's teachings. It's a practical application of their teachings. And the reason that we call it trust your abundance is because first of all, abundance means whatever you want to experience in life, not necessarily just money and material things. It can be that, but it can be that, but it can be anything, and I have found in my 56 years of allowing source to flow in my life that it all comes down to trust our ability to trust our well being, our ability to trust that we are worthy of what we want to experience here, our ability to trust and this is important when we go down vibrationally, which we all do, and storms come into our lives. Challenges show up. Trust that we're going to move through that experience and come out the other side of that in a higher vibrational state, actually more expanded beings, because we had the low vibration experience. We'll get into that today, I'm sure, with the streams message,


All right. And in our previous interview, we spoke a little bit about your story. And I'm always curious to hear a little bit about your experience as a channeler, all of a sudden, coming out publicly, saying to the world that I'm channeling the stream of David source. Like, could you share a little bit about this journey of coming out, like, how did your peers react? How did your colleagues react? Because I think a lot of people have gifts they want to come out with, but they don't dare because of potential judgment. So how did you potentially deal with it?


That was a decade long process for me when I really realized that I was a channel I'd had, I had had a psychic tell me that I was a channel years prior, and I sort of suppressed that. I freaked me out, and then I came to terms with that. And then when I started teaching myself to speak it, because the the thoughts had always been dropping in, I never, I never suppressed that as a child, because I didn't have really connected parents. I didn't learn to suppress that like most people do. So when I came to terms that I was a channel and I had this quote, unquote gift, I started teaching myself to speak it. I started writing it in the form of my first book. And it took a decade for me to come out publicly as a channel. And when I did, I got to the point where I realized, okay, this message is so. Pure, and it's so impactful, and it has so much value, I can't not share it anymore. I can't just keep it to myself. I just couldn't I was in a high paying corporate job. I was living a lovely lifestyle, very 3d lovely lifestyle, but that wasn't my true essence, and I knew that, and it was really, really weighing on me, until finally, I decided to start sharing it with the world. I started sharing it on my podcast, the stream of David podcast, the very first time I ever channeled was there, and I was still in my corporate job, and I was a VP for a major, publicly held corporation. So that's a really odd thing to do in that scenario, like, you know, you're sitting around the boardroom talking to investors and bankers, you know, and board members and all this stuff, and you have a podcast about what? So I kind of just said, I don't care if I'm judged. And what ended up happening is I ended up just leaving the job and trusting my abundance, practicing what I teach, and sort of jumping out of the airplane without a parachute. And that's all worked out just fine for the last six years, but the landscape of my friends and family, all of that stuff, absolutely shifted. My relationship ended. My friendships all drifted away. People didn't know what to make of me. My childhood friends, you know, the Facebook connections, you know that got fewer and further between. And you know, what is this? I don't understand it. Some people continue to just accept and show up, and that's wonderful, and a lot of people didn't. I remember my aunt Brenda, is a devout Southern Baptist, and she announced on my Facebook page that I was going to burn in hell, and she blocked me. I've never heard from her since. So it was kind of funny, because I was disowned by my own mother years ago, and she was so critical about that, and then she wouldn't turn around and did the same thing when I came as a channel. So it really does change your life, but I do not regret it. I wouldn't change a thing you really do find out who your true friends are, you will find likely that they are fewer than maybe you think, and that's okay, but what happens is, is that all these new beings start showing up in your life, people that are aligned and do appreciate what you do. And I call myself a Taya geek now. I love what I teach. I geek out on it. I love the people like yourself that not aren't necessarily into Taya specifically, but love these topics, and I love doing exactly what we're doing right now, coming on and talking about this stuff, this lights me up more than anything else, so I would rather spend my time doing this anyway than standing around at a cocktail party talking about my next vacation. You know, that's gets boring pretty quickly.


Yeah, I think it is important to address this and talk about this, because a lot of people can say, Oh, they're just making it up, but when you see what you actually are going through to do this, like you just shared that's not a small thing, like your whole life changes. And to me, and what I see is that the calling is so strong that, like a source is very intelligent in that way, like you cannot say no to it. It feels like it's coming along so strong, so you just have to say yes. And my experience is that life like you're saying becomes much more rich when we step into this higher version of ourselves and share these powerful messages. Now I'm curious if you could say a little bit about how you receive the channeling you said that there was some words and sentences coming into your system, like, how do you differentiate what is what? What is my myself, my ego, and what is source?


That's a really good question, because when I channel in the beginning, I would do an induction, and I'll do that here today. Well, I will do some breath work. I will raise my vibration, just in quieting my mind, kind of like just going into a little mini meditation. And then I have this energy that I feel that just zaps. I always say it feels like it zaps into me, but really what's happening is just my my body is just responding to my ego, stepping aside and allowing that to step forward. And so I feel a physical feeling, a jolt of electricity. It starts in the left side of my body. I'll feel it in the left side of my my face and my head. I'll feel it down my shoulder, my arm. I'll even feel it in my left knee, and it just sort of zaps me. And I become more electrified than normal, I'm always somewhat electrified. And then when that's there, the person that we're interacting with, we will always say we are here. That is the stream coming through, saying we are here. Let just letting you know that's an intention that we set to do that so that you know from whom you're hearing specifically, and then it just sort of takes off. And a lot of times it'll be kind of slow at first, it's very helpful, where someone's asking a specific question, and then it starts to really take off, and then it just goes. And sometimes they will be long winded, they're not really concerned about our concept of time. They will go. Into a deep explanation of things that's just the way they are. And I am in the My consciousness is aware. I'm in the background of it. It's like an integration. But I have trained myself now to where I can keep my my human consciousness in the background, just being aware of what's flowing without infiltrating that in any way. So that's just pure source that you're receiving. And the reason, the way that I really know that it's not me, is that I hear things that are coming from my mouth, and I'm in the background thinking, Oh, my gosh, that's amazing. Oh, I've never thought about it that way before. Oh, that made, they just made so much sense of that, and it's it's me speaking what drops in, but what drops in is the entire universe of information, which is way more than my human mind can handle, and I'm decoding it and sharing it in such a way, in service to the audience. That's always the intention. Let's serve the audience, the people that are showing up that are interested, that are asking the people that want to believe this, those are the ones that we're here for. We're not at all concerned about people that think that it's fake or not real. We're completely fine with that. There's there's certainly understandable that somebody may not be ready for this, this level of consciousness. We get that, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with that. So that's how I know. And then there are times that, especially if I channel for a longer time, like in one of my sessions, or one of the summits that we do, I get very emotional when I return from channeling. There's just this heightened emotion. Sometimes tears are streaming down my face. I'm very, very emotional by it. It's just there's so much emotion tied to the the human experience of source flowing through you. And then, once it's over, I have very little recollection of what just transpired. And very often, as time goes on, sometimes little blips will come back, but usually I have to go back and watch it myself or read the transcript from something to know what actually happened in that interaction.


Fascinating. I feel we are ready to do some channeling. So will you walk us through the process or how this is going to work?


Certainly. So what I always do is invite everyone that is interacting, whether you're watching this live or where you're watching it you know, sometime in the future, on recording, to meditate alongside, to do the breath work, to set the intention to receive what you are seeking in the interaction that summons them. If you have a question in the future, you are summoning the answer in this interaction, and you will likely receive it. And I always recommend listening to the stream multiple times. I have heard throughout my channeling career, if you will, that if you listen multiple times, there's so much shared and so few words that it's layered. And if you do go back and listen multiple times, you're going to get more and more from it, and you start to piece together some of the things that are so esoteric that maybe they're just beyond your current comprehension, you will begin to comprehend them. You will begin to align with that energy in multiple listening. So I do recommend that that's very helpful to do that. And the only other thing is just give them a little time. It takes a moment for them to show up. I get fidgety. You'll see me scratch and itch, and you know that electricity is going everywhere. You'll hear me clear my throat. That's just part of it. I have to be able to breathe, you know, to really get the breath work going. It's a little awkward, but we'll get there. We'll get there quickly. And I know you've got questions, so let's just get going. Great.

We are here.


All right. Thank you so much for being here today. Could you share a little bit about who you are? Because when I hear source, I'm thinking about God. Are you really god? Is that who we're speaking with today?


The concept of God is a human creation. Understanding of that which we are, we are source energy. We are the energy that has created the entire universe and continues to create and expand it. This is not a unique thing to David, however, understand that that which you call God or source, which is absolutely interchangeable, flows through all of you, all creation. You all have this in you. You are all not necessarily meant to share it in the way that David does. You all share it and express it in your own ways. When you're at your very best, when you are creating art or creating new ideas or creating solutions to your problems, even you are channeling source. You are one with what you call God in that moment. So that's what that is, the concept of one speaking God is giving great reverence and even fear in your world often. And we are here to share that we are not guiding you to fear, that we are not guiding. You to judge it. We are guiding you to understand that, which you call God, exists in all creation. You are all channeling it. You are all sharing it is the very best of you. It is the Creator of all things. It is the creator of you, and it is in all things. So why would you fear or judge someone coming and stating that they are putting into words things that are beyond human comprehension, but placing them in such a way that you can comprehend. Because this knowledge exists within you. It is waking up within you when you do these interactions, when you listen to our words as shared through David and others that do this and they resonate with you, and you remove fear from the equation, as we often guide you to do, and in removing that fear, understanding that there the concept of fearing things and demonizing things is an ego driven human concept. The the the opposite of that which we are is is simply a detuned version of us, because we are in all things, so that which you may label evil still contains that which you also call God or source.


In the last episode that I had with day with with we spoke, spoke about the matrix and how to break out of it. I'd love to learn more about this matrix. What it actually is, is it sort of a game, or is it an enslavement? And if enslavement is quite a harsh word, but I've actually heard that word through some channelers. So when I think about enslavement, I think about some dark forces that are doing something to us. So I would love for you to speak about the matrix. And if that is, in fact, what we're breaking out of now, and if that is what everybody's referring to when they speak about the shift of consciousness,


The way that we utilize David's intellect and vocabulary, we often use the term the matrix. The matrix is simply the collective consciousness of humanity, and it is the ego driven aspect of that collective consciousness. You are all a collective of source driven beings, but you have this ego function. It is your humanity and the functionality of that ego, of that human experience that you are all having, in this case, is to separate you from that which we are, to create enough separation that you can come and have a human experience where your ego is discerning preferences, and the preferences are for the things that you simply decide that you wish to have be or do that the experiences that you wish to have while you're in this journey that motivates you through the experience itself, but to move through this experience, you are all well aware that you also must manifest and overcome obstacles and in any vibrational environment, and all environments are vibrational. All environments are energetic. At their core, there is always going to be a spectrum of experiences from the very worst things that you could possibly imagine to the very best and everything in between. So you are choosing these experiences before even projecting in to your physical being. And then choosing these experiences you are choosing a certain level of challenge, if you will, and the level of challenge is going to equal the level of expansiveness into the core of that which you call source energy that your soul is seeking. Your souls are on this Infinite Journey of moving deeper into the core of that which we are, and you accomplish that through overcoming your challenges. So when you come to humanity, the functionality of ego and a polarized environment, meaning your vibration is not static. Your Vibration is going to go up, it's going to come down. You are all on this high, low vibrational journey all the time, certainly some more more erratic than others, because again, you're in the spectrum, but you are coming to this environment, and you're having this, this, this movement up and down, your virtual vibrational spirals. And in doing so, your point of attraction is going to shift. So you're going to be experiencing some of the things that you prefer, and you're going to be experiencing some of the things that you do not you are designed this way, and in your moving through your unwanted experiences that expands your consciousness more than anything else that you experience in your physical lifetimes, you now know what it's like to experience whatever it is, and that challenge that you experience also motivates you To create. It motivates you to create, potentially, a solution, and solutions are always available to all of your challenges. We will absolutely state that anything that you have the power to manifest, you also have the power to solve. So in this power of manifestation, you are moving through these experiences that create challenges. Challenges, but you're also a collective consciousness. So the collective consciousness has created this matrix of beliefs, and this matrix of beliefs has created structure for you as moving into the the more intelligent formations that humanity has become, you have created these structures that have absolutely moved you forward in the creation of technologies. So this matrix of beliefs has positive and negative aspects to it as all things do. The negative aspects run on fear and judgment in your world. Think of the institutions of control that you have all created in religion and government, and things of that nature that have created structures, even your family structure. All of these things are human creation. What your your gender assigned roles are, these are human creation. And all of the structure has served to move you through this experience and allowed you to create a lot of sharing of knowledge, a lot of sharing of information, travel, all of these things that are bringing you together in a physical way, the way that you already exist energetically. And in doing so, you have moved into this this stage, which is very recent for you, and you are all aware of this mass awakening that is happening in your world. At this time, you have created this stage where you can now communicate, and you are becoming so intelligent that you are now creating the intelligence, the intelligence that is very much like you, very much the technology that creates you and you are all technology. Your bodies are designed, your physical vehicles are absolutely a form of technology. You are now taking that technology and you are mimicking it with your computers, with your AI, with your computer operating systems, with your robotics, all of these things that you're creating are simply in your own image. So you have become so intelligent that you are now becoming the creators of the beings in your world. This is a massive transformation for your planet. That is why so many of you are now going through what you call a mass awakening. And in terms of moving out of the matrix, understand the matrix is well formed in your world, and none of you are going to completely move out of the matrix and not be impacted by it whatsoever. You're simply not going to do that at this point, because the matrix is still serving a purpose, but you are fracturing the matrix. You're questioning it. You're detuning it. Understand that you do not eradicate in an energetic realm, physically, there are certain things that can cease to be instantaneously, but the energy does not cease to be at all. It simply moves on to another form. So you've created this matrix that is a high frequency energy, certainly, but it's also in duality. So the matrix has some negative aspects to it. You are seeing those negative aspects more clearly now. This is why more and more human beings are coming to question your institutions of control. You're coming to question government, you're coming to question religion, you're coming to question gender roles, you're coming to question borders. You're coming to question all of these things, corporate structure, your money systems. You're questioning all of it, and in your questioning it and moving beyond the judgment and fear, because judgment and fear fuels more of whatever you're questioning and simply seeing it with the clarity of source that is available to all of you. It is fracturing. All of these institutions are beginning to fracture. You are seeing your religions very differently than you once did. You're seeing your governments very differently. David often says, look how ridiculous although these things are becoming. Look at priests molesting children and the politicians that are the most popular in your land, how they are different than they used to be. Because you're seeing them differently. They're behaving differently. The matrix is also being an energetic body seeking to maintain its dominance. This is why, as many of you are moving through an awakening and listening to things such as this and questioning everything and thinking very differently, others are moving deeper into the matrix, becoming more polarized, needing to have their beliefs validated, you were also seeing religion coming back, wanting to assert itself and through your laws and things like this, and forcing more people into a belief system once again. So that is another aspect of an environment of duality all physical environments are. So the moving out of the matrix that you ask about that is about seeing it clearly without fear and judgment. When you start to understand the matrix and you fear and judgment, you are drawing yourself right back into it. Via that fear and judgment, you are fueling anything that you view in your world. And if there's anything that we share in this interaction that would be considered the most important thing, this will be it anything that you view and you fear judge and demonize, you are fueling more of the same. So when you look at war, if you look at genocide, you look at hunger, you look at poverty, you look at these things, as long as you continue to fear and judge and demonize and say that is so wrong that should not be and leave the energy there you are contributing to that. At, and this is a a major thing for humanity to begin to grasp. And you're just beginning to grapple with this that you are energetically co creating this, these things. And because you have been taught that you must never forget and label things as never again and should not be, you keep these things alive. They keep showing up in your world. The way to truly solve them is to view them as we view them with such deep understanding that there is no room for fear and judgment. There is no room for demonization. The concept of demonization, the concept of dark energy, is certainly understandable in your world, because there are things that are absolutely not most of your preferences, that you witness, that you do not want to see. And the only way that you can begin to explain them for yourselves is that there must be some dark force causing this. There is no real dark force in the universe. There is source, and there are physical environments that create a Separation from Source, and you are in one of them, all physical environments do this. The polarity of your environment will create Separation from Source. But it is not static Separation from Source. It is for the terminology, in linear terms, it is momentary. So you can separate yourself from source. You all do to have a down the spiral, or what you might call a negative experience. You all do this. This expands your consciousness. This expands that which we are. So the dark energy is really your humanity, separating itself from source. The ego creates the dark energy, that which you call the dark energy, the ego, creation of operating primarily an ego with very little source present, allowing the ego to really overshadow source, which is what you do when you lower your vibration, and really making that a way of life, will create what you might label an evil being. But all of that evil is coming from the ego. It is not an eternal energy. In fact, when that being departs the physical vehicle, all of that evil stays on Earth and dissipates back into the the matrix. So you are all the ones that are keeping that which you label evil alive by labeling it evil and labeling it should not be, we would guide you to not label anything it should not be. Because if something exists or has existed, there is really no value in labeling something it should not be. There is higher value in appreciation. And the concept of appreciation of all things is is very esoteric in your world, is very out there, very woo, woo for many of you, and not palatable for many at this point. But as you mass awaken, you're going to come to see that as source we appreciate all that is, we are the creator of all that is, why would we create and not appreciate? But appreciation is not celebration. Appreciation is not we want more of this. Appreciation is looking upon something in such deep understanding that you no longer fear nor judge it. That is the definition that many of you use for 5d or New Earth, understanding that New Earth is current Earth with a higher understanding of it.


Hi there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you like it, and maybe you've been watching some of my other videos, and if you appreciate them as well and my show, please go and hit the subscribe button. That really helps us to reach out with the videos. We put so much love and work into what we're doing to help to raise that collective consciousness. So be a co creator. Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. All right, thank you for that. That was very interesting and a lot, and let's see. So the first thing I was wondering about that I would like clarification on is that I've had some dark experiences myself. I've heard many others have experienced dark entities. And you said that when you leave, when we leave these vehicles, our bodies, we will just go back into, I think you said, you know all there is, or


I know many of you refer to that as the light, and that is a good terminology of moving into the light or moving into to pure source energy where none of this, what you label negative or unwanted, exists.


Okay, so, so what about the astral realm and people who have experienced ghosts, who are lingering, and who have had these dark encounters?


They're very real. Everything is created in your belief system. So if one believes in ghosts, if one believes in dark energy, your mind is going to create that reality for you. So there is nothing that you're experiencing that we are coming to tell you isn't real. Any religion that you believe in is very real, but understand that you are creating. You are giving it power. So in your mind, if you are a follower of Christianity, and you give reverence to that which you call Jesus Christ, and you label source energy as God, and give reverence to that that is very real for you, but there may be somebody else for whom that is not real at all. In fact, they may even ridicule it and understand that those that ridicule ridicule things that they don't understand or want to accept, once humanity comes to full blown appreciation of all that is, and you're talking about evolution of consciousness, this we do not predict future outcomes, because there are infinite possibilities for what's next for all of you that is your new creation. But what happens in the maturing of any environment is you do eventually move to a place where you come to understand your true power of creation is an appreciation of all that is, and that is your solving power and your healing power. When that occurs, when you finally reach the place where you are all operating as pure source beings, the physical environment ceases to be because there's no use for it anymore. You simply move on to something else, and you will always move on to something that is a more sophisticated version than what you've experienced before. What would the value be in going backward? You're always going to be expansive beings. So in terms of moving through experiences in your world, when you start to open yourselves up to the energetic realm, you are going to move through multiple types of experiences where you are experiencing the Separation from Source in a very different way, a very heightened way, because you're tuning into that. You're tuning into the energy. When David was exploring us and what all of this was about. He lived in multiple haunted situations. He had chandeliers fall from the ceiling and crows flying into the windows and pictures falling over, and most of it centered around him, and for a time, he interpreted that as dark energy trying to stop him from sharing us very understandable that that one would determine that that there is something dark, some type of dark energy that is trying to stop the flow of that, which you call source or God, is coming through and being shared for the good of humanity. And that is how he experienced it. That is how he interpreted was very real for him. He could still recount that as if his very real today, but came to understand that that was his own creation, that was driven of his own fear of what he was experiencing. So when you start experiencing energy and start absorbing and allowing this energy flow, you're all in this matrix that works it out of you. Your matrix works that which we are out of you. Your matrix operates in reverse of universal law, your matrix tells you that if you are good, that good things are going to come, and if the good things don't come, that it's someone else's fault. It's taking your creative power away from you because it wants you to behave in such a way that supports the powers that be, a very ego driven mindset. Whereas any of you can be abundant, any of you can be successful in any way that you want to be, however you paint that picture, any of you have the ability to reach that and achieve that absolutely you do. Your matrix tells you otherwise. Your matrix tells you that you need to do these things, and it's usually in support of someone else that is considered a leader in your world. And that matrix, again, in duality, has positive aspects creating structure, but the negative aspects that it limits you very much. So when you start experiencing the energetic realm, it is absolutely understandable that you will experience things and create a reality for yourselves that can seem very dark, very heavy, demonic even. And David experienced entities telling him to kill himself for a while. Learn to not fear that. Learn to not fear that. Came to understand that that mindset, that flow, that that thought, was something that was coming from within. It was simply his interpretation of the lack of Source Energy, the Separation from Source, and it was part of the process and allowing us and those things do not happen to him anymore. He is not living in a haunted house anymore. There are no dark energies or entities around him trying to pull this down. This message is more profound and more shared than ever, and all of that is gone, and he needed for himself to move through that scenario, to and face it, to show himself that there's nothing to fear in this world, that there's nothing here that's going to end that which you are. You're all eternal strands of consciousness. This physical vehicle, physical experience that you're in, is temporary for all of you, and when you stop fearing the inevitable death experience, then you really start to live


This is highly interesting. Do you mean to say that if I on the one side and another person on the other side are standing next to each other, and I've never seen a ship before, I've never learned about the ship. I didn't know that a ship could exist. Is while the other one knows what a ship is, could it be possible that I do not see the ship and the other one sees the ship? Because we do create our own realities.


You are operating in a bubble of reality with all of the other beings in your world, but your bubble of reality is unique to you. Absolutely is unique to you, and there are instances, absolutely constantly, where two individuals can be in the same exact physical space and have completely different experiences and see completely different things. And you have evidence of this all around you, but it's more likely and more common that you're connected to one another and you're sharing an experience that is more for lack of better terminology in David's vocabulary, normal for you to experience something like that, but you are all experiencing and we will go back to the analogy of someone who gives great reverence and divinity to a religious figure, a deity. And for them, that deity is very real. If you were to have a near death experience, you may absolutely meet your deity. That is your mind's interpretation of source energy. And we are not guiding any of you away from those experiences. There's nothing wrong with that, but there is another who will not have that experience, one who proclaims to be an atheist and believe in nothing. They may have a very different experience, and come back and tell a very different version of that story, because they're still filtering the experience through their human ego, and it's going to process based on their belief system. Your belief system is your operating system, so your belief system that the ship exists is going to give you the ship where the person standing next to you may not experience what you're experiencing, even though you're physically in the same place. Same place, and you can think of the other beings in your world. And this may sound to you like a very ego driven statement, but truly, the other beings in your world are there in your service for you to create and populate this experience for you.


Huh? Interesting. I've heard that before that's a complicated concept for me. However, I'm going to go back to that. It is interesting that we create our reality to such a high degree, like it's not just semi doing it, we're really creating


your matrix gives you a lot of tools to create your reality. You have developed this matrix now, in all of this technology that you have gives you a lot of information from birth forward, even prior to that, to begin creating this experience for yourselves. And it is always becoming a more sophisticated version of your reality is far more sophisticated than your parents and even more sophisticated than your grandparents. Every generation comes up to speed with the time that they project into this is why the ones that are being born today are thinking and operating very differently than you are. This is why gender is in such question. This is why employment is in such question. This is why nations and borders and all of these constraints are not revered in the same way now, with the ones coming today, is prior generations, because you've created the evolution of consciousness, they are projecting in as a product of the current day consciousness. So they are going to operate at that height and more sophisticated level.


What I don't understand is that, or my belief is that we carry on, we hold on to our beliefs when we die. But another part of me wonders, why am I not just coming back to source, remembering everything, knowing all the answers, like, Why do I carry on the beliefs from one incarnation as Jannecke, or am I carrying on all the beliefs of all my incarnations? And that might be a lot of incarnations, and I might exist at all these different places at one time. So I get confused about who I am like, what a soul actually is.


Understand a soul is a eternal strand of Source consciousness. So as an internal strand of Source consciousness, you are all knowing, all seeing beings. So when you are not in physical form. Your eternal state of being, which is eternal, it exists now and always backward and forward. You are all knowing you. You are aware of your lifetimes and personalities and physical forms. It is well beyond your current human comprehension. The value in your human experience, what you are experiencing now, interacting with David in this way, what you are in now is very, very limited to the earth environment and to your current lifetime and to a human being. And it's limited so you can have the limited experience. It is a more sophisticated experience than being a plant, which you have all been, or some sort of simpler minded and. Which you have all been, or even a simpler minded human being, which you have all been, you did not come to earth as a human being in your very first, what you call lifetime, what we would call experience and reach this level of curiosity. Notice that all of humanity is not hanging on David's every word. All of humanity is not ready to hang on David's every word, because when you are moving through these experiences, you are going to have a simpler experience. To put it in very simple human terms, you're going to have a simpler human experience. You're going to come and have a life of relative ease early on, and your experiences are going to become increasingly more challenging as you move through the human Earth experience you have moved all the way through the earth experience, from the the lowest known to humanity, life form, through through plant and animal matter, all the way to humanity, to be where you are now, you sort of work your way up. You asked early on, is this a game? Your games are created in your own image. So yes, you are all moving through a sort of game, if you will. You are moving through ever increasing sophistication levels in your environment. And you will move all the way through the earth environment, and then you will move morph onto an even more sophisticated environment, and you will then, once again, become the lowest form of life in that environment. And you will move through multiple beyond comprehension, even in one environment, incarnations the concept of coming and going and coming and going a handful of times as a human being on planet earth or maybe somewhere else. Some of you have some recollection of that, and then ending and being Source consciousness for all of eternity without ever projecting into physical again, is not accurate. You, in your eternal state of being, are absolutely all knowing, all seeing and wanting for nothing. And when we say wanting for nothing, there are no desires and there are no challenges, there's no duality, and in that state, you are perfection, absolutely, because there is no physical being, there is no need for food or clothing, shelter, commerce, or any of these things, reproduction. But you choose automatically. It's an automatic choice that is made for you via universal law that you are going to project into infinite physical experiences. We are projecting through all physical experiences into infinity, because that is what expands our being. That is what expands consciousness. We are consciousness. We are that we are thought. We are energy, it all the same, but the only way to achieve expansion. And it is very true that that energy, your scientists will say that energy cannot be created, nor destroyed, but energy expands. Well, how does it expand? Expands by becoming a more sophisticated version of itself, and it does that by projecting into polarized physical environments, Sep creating separation from itself so that challenge, new challenges, can pop up. And moving through those challenges, creating the solutions, and even having the challenging experience, expands consciousness. That's why physical creation is infinite, and that's why it exists to expand that which we are. The reason that we cannot be destroyed is because we are automatically always doing that. It never ends. It's never going to end. It's always going to become more sophisticated. The Earth experience is just somewhere in that process, and it's a unique environment. Certainly, there are environments out there that are more similar and some that are so dissimilar, you can't even begin to comprehend them as a human being. But physical environments are infinite, and physical environments are the vehicles for which we expand our consciousness. We are just that. So you as a human being are experiencing this duality of your eternal strand of consciousness absolutely as an independent strand. This is the value of the Independence having moved through these infinite experiences, both forward and backward, because there is no linear time in the energetic realm, becoming an ever increasing sophisticated being, strand of consciousness, which is part of that which we are, but your human being is your ego, consciousness, and the two of those things together create this one unique lifetime. So the knowledge of that you have gained in this lifetime will absolutely carry forward into your more sophisticated experiences, but and they will flavor them. That's what makes you all unique. That is why you project into a set of parents as a vibrational match because of the potential experience being offered there. But you're not going to be a carbon copy of the two of them. There are certainly genetic things that you're going to be made up of, that they are going to contribute for you, but you're still going to be a unique being. That's why parents have two children and. Relative close proximity, and they still end up being very different beings, because there's an eternal strand of consciousness element that is coming in that is flavoring that experience.


Wow. Thank you for answering so thoroughly. You said something about on the lines that some people will go deeper into the matrix, and other will sort of be in an expanded versions, version of the earth. Does that mean that there will, in fact, be two kinds of Earths, that one Earth will be more in the matrix, and another one will be in another dimension, that humans will have two different realities.


Understand that potential realities are infinite. So every time you think a thought of what could be next in your life, it's created energetically. Think of how many thoughts you as an individual have thought about what could be next. Now multiply that through the entire history of your planet, that's how many possibilities there are for what's next. Because your little version that what's next for me is that I'm this, or what's next for me could be that and say, for example, you have 10 million of those in your lifetime. And then multiply that out, and then multiply that by all of the beings that have consciousness, which all beings do in the history of your world. That's how many potential other examples there are energetically. The physical expression, though, is singular. So the physical expression of the environment, your earth, is not going to physically break in two, and you're not going to all travel to a different place, because you have achieved this level of consciousness and leaving everyone else behind that is a bit of a misunderstanding of what we offer sometimes and what other teachers are grappling with, perhaps understanding themselves. And a lot of times, ego infiltrates some of these messages, and you are receiving the teacher that you're ready for when you're receiving them. So when the teacher shows up and you and they are teaching you something, and it's expanding your knowledge and moving you forward, but it's still limited in some way. They are serving their purpose for you. That teacher is absolutely there as a vibrational alignment, and then when you get to this, this is more stripped of ego than many teachers that have come before, but David would not have the ability to do this had those other teachers not existed or still exist. It is all this evolution of consciousness that you're all doing, and it will continue to evolve. So in this example, you're not going to change Earth. You're going to change how you experience Earth. Those at the very forefront of this consciousness, love and appreciate and are excited for the very most exciting time ever to be manifested as a human being on planet Earth, which is your right now, because everything that's happening in your world is simply a collection of beings having their experience of expansion of consciousness, the label of suffering and the label of wrong and the label of should not be is something that is fueling more of that. And those that are coming to understand that wait we create consciously. And for the last 50 to 100 years in linear time, humanity has come to understand that there is not necessarily a being in the sky creating on your behalf, that you are doing the conscious creating. The being in the Sky is Everywhere, omnipresent, omniscient, and that being is the driver of the creation, but you are the decider of where you go next. That is why you are a unique strand of consciousness with an ego discerning these preferences and having this experience, there would be no reason for a physical environment if you weren't here doing that. So here you are on this journey, and you're all coming to understand that the ones that believe there are abundant are living abundant lives, and the ones that believe they are in lack are living lackful lives. Take that mindset and start applying in your life and see some of the things that you won't show up as you all do, and then take that and reverberate that out across all of humanity, and come to understand on a higher level that everyone is doing that, even the ones in their suffering experiences. And we certainly understand that you can view someone being abused in some way or murdered or tortured or are exterminated from your world and not want that for them. That is certainly understandable. We are not guiding you away from that opinion, but understand that in your demonization of it, and you're labeling it it should not be, and the pushing against and the protesting and all of these things, it keeps going. You. Subjects that you all focus on in your demonizing mindset, stick around, and even if you stamp one out, they're going to pop up someplace else. There's evidence of this all around you. So now you're coming understand, well, wait, if we are creating with our consciousness, is it better to look upon one and appreciation of them for the experience they're having without judgment that will do more for them, then judging their experiences should not be that's the magic. That's the turning point that you're creating for yourselves now is understanding that the fear and judgment is only going to create more things to fear and judge, that when you detune fear, you're not going to eradicate fear. Your fear serves you all on some level. It keeps you out of harm's way. It's it's there for a reason. It's just been hyper developed in your matrix. You have been taught to fear a deity in the sky. But if you're just thinking in very rational terms, very logically, why would there be a deity in the sky that creates you, that needs you to worship and obey? Ask yourselves that we are not going to answer that for you. Just ask yourselves that Why would, why would the Creator of All That Is need to be worshiped or need to be obeyed in any way, and if there are these laws, then the creator of all that is, why does the Creator of All That Is allow that separation and allow these unwanted things to occur, because you are all creating those unwanted experiences. We are, we are the driver of all creation. You are taking our creative energy and using it in such a way that causes destruction and trauma and pain and suffering and all of these things that are not your preference. You are all doing this. We are in it, but you are the ones that are doing it. And the more that you focus your consciousness on the wrongness of it, the more you're going to see of that, the more you move into the source like appreciation of deep understanding of you are detuning the monsters that you fear. Only have the power that you give to them in your fear and judgment of them. So when you start appreciating them, they become more benign. There are leaders in David's country that are feared and judged very harshly in this hyper polarized time. And that hyper polarization is not happening to all of humanity, and certainly not all in his nation, but you're seeing it's the louder part that you're seeing reported on more because it boosts ratings, and people watch that, people that are tuned into that in fear and are going to watch in their fear and judgment of it, and that's what that's all about. But it's becoming even more as he states, ridiculous, because that's a reflection of how broken the system is. And the system is broken, because you're all breaking it. You're all doing this everywhere and in the breaking of the systems, you are needing to find a new way for yourselves. How are we going to move forward without the old matrix of beliefs? And the way to move forward, if you choose to do so, and more and more of you are doing this, is to understand conscious creation, understand that appreciation trumps everything in your world, that is the true healing and solving power of everything. So that's why we are guiding you to appreciate your life's transgressors, to appreciate your trauma, to appreciate your pain, because it's exactly what has guided you here to this level of awareness where you're able to sit and digest what we are offering, understanding that most of humanity is not


Thank you for giving some teaching on how to do this through appreciation. It's not easy for our minds, our ego minds, but it's good with instructions on how to do this. Now, you said that it would be impossible to predict anything. But still, I argue that there might maybe be a direction we're moving into, even though there are a gazillion possibilities. So to end on the very positive note, here, are we moving into a paradise like Earth in our lifetime,


You are not going to create the 3d version of paradise where you all we will back up there for a moment and state that nothing is impossible, but where you're heading now, energetically, in the momentum that you're creating and the lifetime that you speak of over the Next 50 to 100 years, you are not going to create your 3d version of paradise, because the 3d version of paradise that you speak of is where you are all choosing to be a singular vibration, where there's no ego present, and you're all agreeing about everything all the time. Because to disrupt paradise, all you would need is one being to decide they want just a little more. That's all it takes for what all of you, if all of you were to get together, we will give an example. If all of humanity were to get together and decide, we're going to appreciate all that is we are all going to assign ourselves in this example to the Taya practice that David has delivered. We are going to approach. Appreciate our transgressors. We're going to detune our ego. We are all conscious creators. We are going to want for nothing, because we all understand that abundance is available to all of us. We're all going to get together universally and agree on that we're not going to kill one another, we're not going to harm one another, we're not going to harm anything in our world. Everything is just going to live in harmony. But Earth is not designed that way. Earth is a self sustaining environment. Life feeds life. Someone's going to get hungry for a piece of meat and want to kill an animal, and someone's going to think that that's wrong, and your your Harmony is disrupted. Someone is going to decide that you you live in one structure. I still want my structure to be a little bigger than yours. And then suddenly your Harmony is disrupted, your your world of duality is simply not designed to be utopian. The utopian vibration is your eternal consciousness being that you want for nothing. There is no need for money. There is no need for one updom ship. There's no physical body to worry about the appearance of and reversing the aging process and being the perfect fitness and all of these things that your matrix tells you that you're supposed to be, that is all just a human created mindset to control your behavior and by and large, drive commerce for those that are telling you that you're supposed to look a certain way, be a certain way, and live a certain way, so you're always going to have that element in an environment of duality. So we are guiding you to stop worrying about utopia and to stop even fantasizing about utopia, because that's the very thing that's keeping you away from the authentic appreciation of exactly what you're experiencing right now, which is the only true Utopia that's available to you.


Hmm. Well, I would like to ask, Do you have a final message for our audience, watching and listening today.


We have shared quite a bit of information. We will always guide you. If you are drawn to our teachings, to listen again and again to what we offer, because we do offer quite a bit of information in very few words. Sometimes it seems like many words to you, but in a very short amount of time you have gotten a lesson on the entire creation of the universe, and if you were drawn to these teachings, listen more and they begin to weave together and make more sense in your mind, and then understand that all belief systems are chosen belief systems. There is no mandated belief system coming from us or anyone else that is all human creation. So there is no penalty for not listening to us or following us. Absolutely not. You're going to have your human experience no matter what. But if you are curious, and if you have been on a journey, perhaps for a little while, where you are understanding conscious creation and in that which you call spirituality, we are offering the leading edge thought of that, not exclusively, certainly through David, but we are and David's intentionality in sharing all this is to simplify it as much as possible, because he feels like a lot of spiritual teachings are made very esoteric and very out there, and can be very confusing for people. That is not as helpful. He is a problem solver by nature, and the problem that he's solving, and the sharing of us in the way that he does, and the practice that he's created around it is so that you can begin applying these things in your lives and start seeing real life changes in terms of systematically raising your vibration for more joyous human experience in real time right away. That is the intentionality with this sharing and with much love that is what we have.


Thank you. You Ah, you are back as David. Ah, little exit, yes, wow, that I was thinking about that we should start to end soon, because I was thinking maybe this is taking a toll on you.


Oh, yeah, well, you see the tears in my eyes. It really is. It's a lot of energy, and you drew out a lot of really good information. So thank you. It's always good to be on here. The people that I really vibe with that have the best questions. I'm in the background saying, hell yes, this is great. Oh my gosh. I love what you're asking. This is great information. So good job.


Oh, thank you. Yeah, because I was thinking, that's a lot of words, and that's a lot of energy, and like you said, or the stream said, You need to listen to this again, because I couldn't take it all in. Like, there were only a few like topics that was lingering in my mind, and then I was like, losing


You have a very inquisitive audience, and they're really drawn to the the message. And my head is pounding right now, just because it's like the the knowledge of the universe drops into my mind and it's I just have this thing that I just decode and let it go. But sometimes, sometimes I think, oh, gosh, they're so long winded, but I'm like, No, it's perfect, because they are really taking you on a journey with the explanation. But it does take a few listens sometimes to really like, Okay, now I'm starting to get it.


Yeah. So David, could you share a little bit about your work, because we mentioned it a few times during this episode about the TYA practice. If anyone is now curious, or I would love to try this practice, could you share, like, how. I could do it, and I know you we have some wisdome codes.


And yes, so the the stream of is my website. It's also the stream of David is my podcast. You can subscribe and listen to the podcast. We do have a book. The TYA practice is something I've been teaching since 2018 it's the practical application of all of this. It's like, okay, all these ideas are great. They sound wonderful, but how do I make this a way of life? That's something that we do that I think is a bit different than a lot of teachers do. So in all these years of teaching it to people in my boot camp program and with my mini courses and stuff like that, I've written a book with Katerina wonders, who is a wonderful she's my There you go. Thank you. So the TYA practice is available now on Amazon. I'm not sure when this episode airs, but July 16 is the date of our launch for our audiobook. So audiobook format of this as well. I do want to point out my book is big, and the reason that it's big is because the entire practice is in here. There are real life case studies in here. There's lots of tools. This is not you read through it once, and it's meant to go back and be something that maybe you use for the rest of your life, because the practice is something that's not a religion. There's no rules, there's no judgment, there's no worship. It's how do you apply universal law as your way of life, instead of all the matrix stuff that we run on with fear and judgment in this world? And it's very, very effective. So you can go to my website. We have guided meditations. We have many courses. You can use the offer code; wisdom, W, I, S, D, O, M, all caps, and get 20% off anything on our website. We love your audience, and love when they come and interact with us. Also, for our boot camp program, that's a 12 week program where you come in and learn the practice with me as a coach and our mentors and our other team members, there's always people from all over the world, entire boot camp. It's all virtual. You can use the code wisdom when you do your discovery meeting with our enrollment coaches for that, and you can, if you enroll in the meeting, you get $1,000 off using the code wisdom. So $1,000 savings on that 12 week boot camp program that is truly life changing. And we have trust pilot reviews for that program as well, because it's a big investment, but it's a massive life shift when you know that you're ready for it.


Amazing. I want to thank you for being on the show today, and just take one last question to you, David, so what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?


The deeper meaning of life from my perspective probably answered the same thing last time, because to me, it's we're here to expand our consciousness, whatever that looks like. There's no wrong way to be. There's no wrong way to live life. The worst things that have happened to you in your life are actually there in service of your expansion of consciousness, and when you start seeing them that way, that heals the pain and heals the trauma and detunes the transgressors and really transforms you to being able to appreciate every aspect of your life.


Thank you so much, David for coming back to the show and all the best.


Always great to be here. Thank you, Jannecke.

David Strickel – Official site


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