In a fascinating interview, Daniel Scranton, a channeler of the Arcturians and Pleiadians, shared insights on how we can actively make ET contact. According to Daniel, making ET contact is similar to manifesting any other experience in life. He emphasizes that by focusing on the desired outcome and imagining the experience in detail, we can co-create our own ET contact. Visualization and setting intentions are key steps in initiating this connection.

The Role of the Pleiadians and Other ET Beings

The Pleiadians, a group of beings from the Pleiades star system, are known for their desire to teach, heal, and assist humanity. Daniel explains that the Pleiadians, as well as other extraterrestrial beings like the Arcturians, are deeply invested in helping us evolve spiritually. The Pleiadians have a history of engaging with humans, and they continue to offer guidance to those open to receiving it. While many of the beings Daniel channels are non-physical, he notes that some Pleiadians have been encountered in physical form, often described as tall, fair-skinned, and resembling Nordic humans.

Preparing for Future ET Disclosure

One of the most exciting topics Daniel discussed was the upcoming potential for mass ET contact. He revealed that many channelers, including himself, have predicted significant events around 2026-2027. These events are likely to involve the hybrid beings created from human and extraterrestrial DNA, and they will be part of a planned, global encounter. This disclosure will allow humanity to connect with its galactic family and move further along the path of spiritual evolution.

Overcoming Fear and Resistance to ET Contact

Many of us may have an innate fear of encountering extraterrestrial beings, particularly during nighttime or when alone. Daniel reassures that this fear is natural and stems from a deep-rooted uncertainty about the unknown. To overcome this resistance, he suggests acknowledging these fears and working through them. He explains that fear is often a reflection of past experiences or traumas that need healing, and once we address these feelings, we open ourselves up to more profound experiences.

Unlocking Our Inner Technology for Connection

Daniel also emphasized that we do not need to wait for ET technology to heal or enhance our lives. Instead, we can tap into our own inner technology—our chakras, intuition, and energy fields—to raise our vibrations and align with higher-dimensional beings. By practicing meditation, visualization, and conscious breathing, we can prepare ourselves for deeper connections with ETs and accelerate our own spiritual growth.

Daniel Scranton offers practical advice for those seeking to connect with extraterrestrial beings. By focusing on our desires, overcoming fear, and using our inner technology, we can prepare ourselves for a future where ET contact is a natural part of our reality.

Transcript of the interview

Jannecke Øinæs 0:00

And I'm speaking about us who really want to have et connection. How can we make that happen?

Daniel Scranton 0:07

Well, it's a manifestation like anything else that you can focus upon. You can imagine what it's like to be on one of these giant spaceships, and you can start to fantasize your way into the co creation of the experience of your own ET contact.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:34

Hello, Daniel, a warm welcome back to the show.

Daniel Scranton 0:38

Thank you, Jannecke, it's great to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:41

I'm super excited to have you back. Since you were on my show, we've also collaborated. You have been a master class teacher in my own membership, where you had a beautiful class about how to channel and now, and you're an author, a spiritual healer, a sound healer and a channeler. You channel the Octarians, the Pleiadians, and now you're also part of a book that's coming out, produced or written by Mike Dooley, which is amazing

Daniel Scranton 1:12

All together. Yeah, all six of us channelers. You know Matt Kahn, who's pretty well known. I think you had him, yeah, Daryll Anka, you'll be talking to him, and Sarah Landon and all these channelers. Lisa Royal Holt, we he put it, brought us all together, and had us channel at this event that we did together. And then he said, let's make it into a book. We'll transcribe it, and it's coming out October 1, and it's called the Great Awakening. So I'm part of that, yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:41

Amazing. I can't wait to read it. And I wanted to have you back to dive a dip deeper into the pleia, actually, because you're channeling them. And apparently there is a connection between us humans, definitely, and even Scandinavians and me being, you know, Norwegian, I got really interested in that, and maybe later on, we can have them come in as well and share their message. So from your perspective, could you share a bit what you know about, you know, our history when it comes to the Pleiadians. And also, for those who are a bit new to you know, what are Pleiadians? What are they speaking about? If you could share a little bit about that as well.

Daniel Scranton 2:26

Oh, yeah. So there's a constellation up there in the sky called the Pleiades, and it's also known as the Seven Sisters, because there's seven pretty bright stars up there, and that's where the Pleiadians hail from, and they're known it throughout the galaxy, like each star system is known for something different. So Arcturus known for spiritual development. That's where you would go as a soul, if you want, if you wanted to grow spiritually and work on certain things, you would have a series of lifetimes there. And in the pleia D's, a lot of it was about, or still is about, channeling, healing, teaching, those sorts of things are really into getting the message out. And there's different kinds of Pleiadians as well. So a lot of people are familiar with the Nordic Pleiadians that all look like they're from Norway. And there's also the Avians. And the Avians got more popular when Corey Goode went on Gaia TV and started talking about the blue avian. So there's the avian beings are like bird people, like full human sized walking on two legs, humanoids, but with feathers and beaks and wings and everything. And so they're known for coming from the Pleiadian from the Pleiadian star system as well,

Jannecke Øinæs 4:01

all right, and in terms of our history going from being, you know, Neandertails, how do you say that

Daniel Scranton 4:09

Neanderthal? Yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 4:13

yeah, becoming humans. Have their have they intervened somehow during that time,

Daniel Scranton 4:23

well, we, science hasn't really discovered what the missing link is. And my learning about all of this stuff, over the 25 years I've been awake, has it's been very interesting to learn about the true history of humanity. And you know, these places like Atlantis, which are thought of to be myth, are real. And there's another one called Lemuria, and there's been these civilizations and these bottleneckings of civilizations because of these great cataclysms. But basically, we've been. Getting a lot of help from the very beginning as a race to thrive. And they say that the Native Americans were helped the I think this may be in the Dolores Cannon books about they were shown how to grow corn so that they could survive. And think you know that ETS would do these sorts of things because they knew we needed help, and one of the times that we were helped was when the Pleiadians came. The Nordic Pleiadians came and actually bred with the early humans, so that people in your neck of the woods are typically tall, thin, light skinned, blonde haired and blue eyed, because that's what a Nordic Pleiadian looks like.

Jannecke Øinæs 5:48

So is the typical Pleiadian, tall and blonde and fair skin,

Daniel Scranton 5:53

maybe even white hair. You see a lot of depictions. I've never met one myself. The different groups that I channel typically are non physical et collectives. That's collective consciousnesses. I have channeled a few physical ETS, like the Zetas, when they were still around. There's a group called the Corinthians that I've channeled that kind of just popped in out of the blue, but most of them are in the non physical dimensions. So I I've never met a Nordic Canadian, but there are so many anecdotal accounts of ET encounters in my work, like I channel for people, sometimes six, seven people a day, and they're the they're asking questions about their encounters with ETs all the time. So it's happening so regularly. And I just know that the you know how, like, if you'd see the depiction of an of an alien in a movie, a television show, or, like, a comic strip or something, they would always be short, Big Head, almond, dark, almond shaped eyes, spindly legs and arms. Well, that's because that's what the Zetas looked like. And there were all these visitations by the Zetas happening from the 40s on up. And so now we're seeing all these depictions online to thank God for the internet, because, like now, people can share their experiences somewhere and have their experiences validated by other people. So when people say, This is what a Nordic plead in looks like, they describe the basically a Swedish supermodel. You know, that's what they're describing. And so the there are artists who do this kind of work, where they will sketch your depiction, you know, your description, just like a police sketch artist will do. And they'll do that for people, and they're artists, so it looks really good. And so if you google image, search for Nordic Pleiadian the what you're going to see, they're all going to look pretty similar.

Jannecke Øinæs 8:07

So you're saying that many of your clients have seen physical Pleiadians, like in. Could you share what they have seen and where and why? Like, I've heard so many channeling, you know, these beings, but not so many seeing physical Pleiadians.

Daniel Scranton 8:28

Well not all of them are Pleiadian that that my clients have encountered, and a lot of times what they're encountering are orbs and ships and light ships and things in the sky. But a lot of times, what will happen is the client will be asking a question to whatever group I'm channeling about an encounter with an ET that was in their bedroom at night while they were asleep. Now, the Zetas are kind of famous for that, like coming in and just like paralyzing people so they won't move, and then taking what they need, and then getting out of there. But these other visitations are more friendly, and, you know, they're like being healed by of course, when it's Pleiadians, there's that emphasis I was saying about healing. So the the Nordic lady might come in and heal the person, a person might be just meeting a galactic family member of theirs or some other et friend guide or something in their bedroom, because they can get in through portals. So there's not just the traditional way that we saw in like Close Encounters of the Third Kind of a ship landing and then a door opening up, and then they walk out. It's sometimes they come in through a portal in someone's room, and then they're standing there, and a lot of us don't realize that we're being worked on at night, we're getting upgrades and activation. And things are happening in our bedrooms while sleep that explain like different phenomena, like we suddenly have a channeling ability. We suddenly have a healing ability. We suddenly can see things that other people can't see, or whatever it's it's because of these visitations. And I don't think that this is necessarily new. I think we've always been visited. We've always been helped along our path as a human race. But now, of course, it's getting amped up a bit, because we're getting closer and closer to the time when we're going to have a major extraterrestrial event, and we'll actually have ships landing all across the world.

Jannecke Øinæs 10:49

Okay, that was very interesting. What you said there.

Daniel Scranton 10:53

Well, yeah, I mean, I don't know when you have Darryl. When you talk to Darryl Anka, you should ask him about it too, because Darryl is channeling Bashar now for over 40 years. And Bashar is the contact specialist that the rest of us kind of look up to and say, like, what's Bashar talking about now? And he's saying that it's around end of 2026 or somewhere in 2027 there will, and he's very vague about it, but there will be some kind of event. And then other channelers, like Wendy Kennedy, who I know you show, and Lisa royal hole, are also pinpointing that date. And the the beans I've channeled for years, they said it's going to be a couple more years, couple mores now it's literally a couple more years before we have these mass landings of ships. Wow, so that it's not just the US government and the, you know, other governments in these major superpowers that are that are talking to ETs and and finding the down ship somewhere, and, you know, reverse engineering, it's going to be like, it'll be a planned event. Is what I've channeled many times, a planned event where this hybrid group that was co created by us in the Zetas will be coming in on their ships and landing so that everyone can meet them. Who's ready for it, who wants to and that's why so much more information is coming out now about the hybrid children. People wanting to know about their hybrid children meet their hybrid children, and they will be able to in this lifetime. So it's very exciting. I think there's enough people pointing to it happening. I think there's enough soft disclosure happening all across the planet in terms of different governments and people in militaries, or having been in militaries and high positions, saying, Yes, this was happening, of course, airline pilots. If you talk to retired airline pilots, they'll tell you, yeah, we've seen plenty of UFOs. So it's the the word is out now that this is real, that the they're really among us, and it's only a matter of time before we have that contact experience. And I think people are ready. I think, you know, I'm 51 and I grew up with close encounters, and then et, and then all kinds of, you know, different programs where we've all been kind of softened up and marinated and prepared for this in a variety of ways, Star Trek. I mean, Star Trek is basically showing us, like, what will happen when we go out into space and start exploring other worlds. It's very interesting.

Jannecke Øinæs 13:28

And Steven Spielberg with this series, I think it was called taken, and I was so taken by that series, oh my goodness. It was a bit frightening, but I think it was really explaining a lot of what has been going on from the 90s or something. So I'm puzzled by, you know, they being physical, and then not physical, they're having crafts and spaceships and then coming through portals. So are do you think they are sometimes physical, that they choose to be physical when they want to sort of meet us on the same level, but they can also not be physical. But I guess a lot of them can also be only physical as well. Yeah, yeah. So well,

Daniel Scranton 14:20

There's our dimension. So you and I are in a shared dimension. We're in agreement right now as in terms of, like, what objects are, what colors are, and we both, when we're both listening to the same song, we're approximately hearing the same thing. That puts us in the same dimension. We both have physical bodies that we use to get around and we have to feed and all that stuff, but in higher dimensions. So the other physical dimensions above this one are five through seven, and then, before we become non physical, this is this is my hand. Is Us ascending to. Higher and higher levels of consciousness, and in higher and higher levels of consciousness, we have different ways of expressing as a soul. So right now, our souls are choosing to express in these physical bodies and play this game, which is a simulation, by the way, it really is, but it's no one else's simulation. We're not being forced to exist this way, like in the matrix. You know, it's our simulation. We are co creating it for as souls, which are like little aspects of God, and we're creating it for our own purposes, for our own learning, our own experiences, our own ability to move from one experience to another and feel what that feels like to move up the ladder. Because none of us has to do this. We're all source. We're none of this is necessary, but it's all something we wanted to do. So first we wanted to come down into density and experience physicality, and then we want to go up. And now we're going up more noticeably to we're evolving and becoming our fifth dimensional selves, and this ET contact is a big part of that. Because if you don't know the whole story, you don't really know who you are, then how can you expand your consciousness to live in a high vibration, to be able to then evolve into your higher self? It's just a necessary component. Is the way that I see this, this ET contact experience. But then once we reach a certain level, we'll be done with the physical experience altogether, and we'll vibrate right out of the physical experience and into a non physical reality where we don't have bodies, but we still have a sense of self, we still know ourselves as who we are, but then we tend because everything, because vibration, brings Everything that's like it together, that's the law of attraction. We'll all come together and form these collectives and these councils, and we'll be teaching the physical people in the physical dimensions how to live, you know, how to how to navigate through experiences. We'll be teaching them about themselves and who they really are, just like the beings that I channel, the Pleiadian High Council of seven, the Arcturians and hathors and all these other beings they're doing for us now will be doing that as those beings later on in our evolution. See, one of the points of confusion for people is they think Pleiadians and they just, and there's just one group, and that's it, and they all exist on one planet. See, they try to put all these star beings in a box, like we're kind of in a box here on Earth, because we don't we know of ourselves. We're all Earthlings. We're all fourth dimensional, we're all humanoid. So that must be true in every other part of the galaxy as well. But it's not because there are Pleiadians existing in all the dimensions, non physical and physical. That's how you can have Nordic Pleiadians and physical bodies and Avians. And you can have non physical collective consciousnesses like Wendy channels and I channel and other Nora Harold and I think Rob got here. I'm not sure if Rob got here is Pleiadian era. Diff is physical or not, but we're channeling different collectives from different dimensions, and some of those are non physical dimensions.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:37

Thank you for explaining that so thoroughly. I literally, can we, like you are channeling? A lot of people are channeling, opening up, having visitations. But who we who don't?

Daniel Scranton 18:54

Yeah, you only had out of body experiences that some of us are jealous about. You know,

Jannecke Øinæs 19:01

that is true. That is true. Yeah, I really want to meet my star family. However, I do recognize that I have a fear when darkness comes over me and it's evening and night, I don't feel like having anything in my room, so there might be a resistance there that I have to work through. So do you think like we need to get rid of that fear and that we are having that resistance, and that's why we are not having that encounter, if we want to, if we yearn to have an encounter.

Daniel Scranton 19:40

One of the brilliant things that my colleague and co author Lisa royal Holt has channeled is that the whole experience with the zeta is part of the purpose of it. So I think everything has a multitude of different purposes. And it's not just about one thing, this hybrid program also. Got us to face our fears of ETs, because we had to process those fears. We had to do it quickly and sometimes under duress. But they're the those experiences and are talking about them and scary movies made about them, you know, they're helping us collectively get over those fears of ETs and what they might want with us or want to do with us, you know,

Jannecke Øinæs 20:28

okay, but in one way, it also creates more fear, because then we know that it is out there and they can do this. Like if I didn't know that they could do it, I wouldn't have nothing to be afraid of. But when I know that that has happened, you know that also creates more fear.

Daniel Scranton 20:46

But it what it does is it reveals the fear that's already there. Because let's say you, you have all these other lifetimes, right? And some of them are on other worlds, in other star systems, where your planet did get invaded, and so you're still carrying that wound with you now, because you're still you're cross connected to that lifetime, and you still need to work through that trauma, and this is helping you to do that, to reveal that. Like, let's face it, we humans have a fear of foreigners. We have a fear of the dark. We have a fear of the unknown. We have a lots of fears of things that aren't, that don't fit nicely into a neat little box for us. And we need to get over all of that. You know, we need to get over that just to live as one human race that can all agree. You know that, like, we don't have to fight and go to war over things,

Jannecke Øinæs 21:51

um, maybe we should have a visitation from the Pleiadians if they want to.

Daniel Scranton 21:56

Okay, yeah, I just want to explain to your viewers who are new to me, is everything you're about to see and hear is not my idea of what channeling should look like. Or another way of putting it is, I'm not doing this to make something happen. Everything is a part of the channeling. So as soon as I drop in and I taught myself how to channel, which means I didn't know what I was doing, but I basically just from that time in 2010 just started to say, Okay, time to close your eyes and channel. And it would happen. And a variety of things have happened over the years. In the first couple of minutes, and what you're about to hear and see is just their way of coming through me initially, before the words come in, and when the words come in, I think you're more prepared for that, in the same way that having UFO sightings will help you prepare you for ET contact. So that's a long winded way of describing that. I just want people to understand that I'm not I don't think like I need to make all these weird sounds to get to the Pleiadians, because it's always I was surprised, as anyone else is going to be right now when I first heard myself channel the plead in High Council of seven, Because I never ever made Sounds like this before. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 23:55


Unknown Speaker 24:39

oh, The up.

Unknown Speaker 25:53


Unknown Speaker 25:54


Daniel Scranton 25:54

oh, the bleeding High Council. Am I up to? Pleased to offer you our words of wisdom. Very good. We are happy to be here with all of you and to be expressing to you in this way. We, of course, relate to you in many ways and in many forms. And many of you come to us in the astral plane when you are asleep, and you talk to us about your travels, about your journeys, about your lives there on earth. You tell us, and you tell other Pleiadians that you happen to know that happen to be a part of your galactic family about life on Earth and what it's like and what humans could need some more of. And you instruct us on your emotions, on the conflicts, on the decisions that you have in front of you. And we do our best to give you counsel. We don't just do this with humans of Earth. Of course, we are teachers. We like to teach. We like to be channeled. This is true of most Pleiadian non physical consciousness. There's a desire to be channeled, which is why you see so many channelers channeling Pleiadians. We have decided to take a very hands on approach to helping the humans of Earth, and sometimes we have overstepped boundaries, of course, and interfered and gotten in the way of your natural evolution. But all in all, the experiment of life on planet Earth for humanity has gone fairly well, and it's going to get a lot better once you know for certain that you are not alone in the universe or the galaxy, because you will have so much more information and so many more healing techniques, and You will know that you are part of a greater family, a galactic family, and space travel will get more accessible to the average person, and not just the average billionaire. So you have a lot to look forward to as you move forward on your journeys, and we're very excited to be a part of it with you.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:41

All right. Well, thank you so much for being here. Um, could you share why you are so passionate about helping us? What is in your interest? And if you could share your relation to Earthlings?

Daniel Scranton 28:59

Yes, well, we have evolved and ascended into this non physical expression of consciousness that we are now, but we have been physical, and we have gone through what you're going through now and when you have an experience of something and you master something, you often do like to teach it to other people. You like to see other people growing and expressing through the same mediums that you have grown and expressed yourselves through. People who are athletes go on to become coaches, and people who are ballet dancers go on to be dance instructors and choreographers, and it's just a natural thing that we all like to do, and it is fun for us as well. It's fulfilling. It's. Applying work, and we don't have physical bodies. We don't have homes that we need to pay rent or mortgage on. We don't have other bills to pay. We have a lot of free time on our hands. We don't sleep. We don't need to sleep. We're always on, always available, and so of course, we're always looking for projects. We're always looking for ways to help, ways to heal, ways to inform, and we are open to be channeled by anyone who is up for the challenge.

Jannecke Øinæs 30:34

I get curious about your existence, so you're not physical, but do you have some sort of etheric bodies? And when you say you have a lot of free time on your hands, so are you just flying around in the universe being a consciousness, curious about what? What is your existence like.

Daniel Scranton 30:57

When you have nobody you get to go wherever you want to go, explore whatever you want to explore. The great thing about being in the ninth dimension is that you can see down into lower dimensions and experience anything in a lower dimension now, not in the same way that you experience your world and your dimension, but we can explore it in our own way. We don't have any type of body whatsoever, and it is very hard for your minds to conceptualize than where we are or how we are, but in the same way that thought doesn't have a form that you can grasp but you understand the idea of a thought form, you understand that thoughts could perhaps come together and create a sort of cluster of thoughts. And you've all walked into a room and felt the energy in a room where there was just a great celebration, or people had a fight, or there was uplifting performance of some kind. So you can feel energy and get a sense of that, how something can be not seen and not physical, but still have a feeling. And so we exist as thoughts and feelings, but we can also use our consciousness to create so from our dimension, we're able to take some energy that is non physical and send it to the physical, where it can then be co created with

Jannecke Øinæs 32:57

Did you say You were ninth dimensional or seventh dimensional.

Daniel Scranton 33:02

We are ninth dimensional.

Jannecke Øinæs 33:04

All right, could you choose to, for instance, become a human if you'd like to have that experience, or are you sort of above that, and can never sort of become dense enough to be a human?

Daniel Scranton 33:19

Free Will abounds in this universe, and any soul who wants to have an experience is having that experience. Now we have souls, just like you have a soul, and the soul of us is the larger part of us. And so it is accurate to say that our souls are having that experience right now, that we are a part of a larger being called a soul that is also expressing on Earth right now in a physical human body, and since we can express ourselves in a variety of ways, we can also feel a great connection to those of you who are our soul counterparts, and anyone in a physical body can do the same as you contemplate what your past lives have been, you were so and so in the 1800s in India, and someone else in the 1600s in China, and so on and so on. And you can relate, then to the idea that you as a soul, since all time really is simultaneous and happening now you as a soul, are having different experiences in different bodies and different dimensions, and what you're really wanting to do is understand that more and integrate more of those other selves into your sense of self right now, so you can identify more as a multi dimensional being as a Vea. Who is multifaceted and has multiple expressions of yourself happening at the same time.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:08

Yeah, I have yet to understand the multi dimensional aspect of us humans. It seems like my mind cannot grasp it, but I can acknowledge that that might be so I would love to hear your perspective on the the disclosure that is being announced by many channelers. How, from your perspective, will that look like, and why specifically are you coming now? Like in around 2026 some are saying 2027 like. So why are coming now? And how will it look like?

Daniel Scranton 35:53

Yes, well, it's not us. We understand what you mean by you. And the ETs that will be coming are the ETs that you co created, that you're responsible for in a lot of ways. But they're not coming to look for a job or a home or anything like that. They're coming just to connect. They're very much accustomed to living on their ships. And their ships are their cities, their ships are their homes, but they do want to visit their parents and in some cases, grandparents, there on earth and get to know you and to help and do what they can to further the evolution of consciousness of those who helped give them life. So that's part of the reason why it's also true that you're just ready. You've just reached a level of consciousness where this is a part of a normal everyday conversation for a lot of people now, whereas 50, 6070, years ago, a person may have been locked up for talking about it in an insane asylum, and certainly a lot of people rolling their eyes and thinking that person's nuts. They're talking about alien. And it's true that a lot of people who had experiences with ETs were also traumatized by those experiences, and certainly would have come off as not being in their right minds. So now that it's become more normalized and the people who are talking about their experiences with extraterrestrial beings are your average everyday people who don't seem weird to anyone in their lives. It's becoming so much more mainstream that governments and large, well known media organizations are willing to talk about it, willing to put it in print and put it on the air that this sort of thing might be extraterrestrial related. And so the seeds are being planted through that kind of disclosure that you are getting. And then, of course, you have the people who are out there talking about it, the doctor Steven Greers of the world and so on, who are just promoting this idea of ETs living amongst humans, ETS visiting humans, and of course, being in your skies in greater and greater numbers. So some people are waiting patiently, or in some cases impatiently for governments to come out and stand behind a podium and say, yes, they're here. They're real. We know about them. We've known about them for decades and didn't tell you. And that may not happen, because then so many people would feel even more betrayed by their governments than they already feel. And so it might not be a great political move, but you have all of these people who are ex military and formerly a part of a government coming out and saying, yes, those were spaceships. Those were UFOs. But we did know what they were, we did identify them, and so we're calling them UAPs now instead, and you'll have more and more of that, to the point where you don't really need an elected official to say, I'm holding a press conference to talk about the existence of ETs now it might happen. And of course, any politician has to think about whether it's political suicide or not to be talking about it. And so it's a very tricky subject for those who are elected officials. And.

Jannecke Øinæs 39:59

Thank you for that. Very exciting. I want to move over to actually something personal, maybe some someone else has also been curious about it. When it comes to themselves, I feel like there's a deeper reason why I am speaking about this subject on the show, and why I've been so fascinated by UFOs and extraterrestrials all my life, and I remember since when I was four years old, I drew two drawings, one which had a spacecraft in the right corner, and another one with this big green man. And I'm just curious about it, like, how come I would know about this when I was four years old, and then when I was 11, I read a book about it, and I was just so obsessed with it, and I was also called the UFO girl in middle school. And I've also always felt like I've been abandoned, like I've had this feeling of abandonment, that I've been abandoned by my star family, and now as a grown up, I'm not, you know, going into those longing feelings anymore. I'm doing my work, and I think it's a deeper reason, but I don't know the reason. I don't know my connection. And now I have you here, and I would love it if you could share some light on this for me.

Daniel Scranton 41:24

Well, you, like everyone there on earth, you have many, many more lives that are off world than are on planet Earth. And so Earth is a newer civilization in comparison to all of the civilizations throughout the galaxy, and therefore it is much more common for someone to be homesick while incarnating on Earth than to be homesick while incarnating in the Andromedan star system or the lyrin star system, or any of the older star systems where life has been thriving for millions of years in a variety of different sentient forms. And so yes, you're as a young person, more likely to have a memory of some kind of previous lifetimes and the connections that you've had, and of course, you can tell by the way you feel that these are real. You can tell by the way you felt when you read that book that it wasn't fiction, that it wasn't an insane person, but it was actually truth, and a truth that you would come to know as true for you as well. And of course, you will, because you'll be around when the first contact experience happens for humans.

Jannecke Øinæs 42:56

Thank you for that. What is your most crucial message for everyone listening right now on how we best can prepare for this new time,

Daniel Scranton 43:11

while we want to emphasize that you are loved, you are honored, you are being helped, we are co creating together in a variety of ways. We also want you to know that you don't have to wait for all the ET technology to come your way in order for you to heal, in order for you to be financially abundant. You don't have to have any sort of med bed or other type of technological gizmo in order for you to release your emotional trauma, in order for you to thrive there on Earth, we want you to know that anything that exists in the form of technology also exists within you, and you have access to inner technologies. And this is what we are much more interested in for you, is teaching you how to use your inner technologies, your chakras, your ability to breathe consciously, your ability to focus your mind, to meditate on your third eye, to open that third eye up to channel, to access what's in your energy fields. These are the things we are interested in getting you all to do so that you can follow your intuition, so you can follow your joy, so you can live the life that you want to live, and not only wait for ships to land so you can start living.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:52

What can we do? And I'm speaking about us who really want to have a connection with you. ET connection. How can we make that happen?

Daniel Scranton 45:05

Well, it's a manifestation like anything else that you can focus upon. You can daydream about. You can write down who you want to meet and when and where and what you want to transpire during that meeting, you can imagine what it's like to be on one of these giant spaceships and how you would like to board that ship. And you can start to fantasize your way into the co creation of the experience of your own ET contact. And you can also just ask to remember when you wake up, where you were and what you were doing when you were asleep, because everyone is astral traveling when they're asleep, no one is just lying there in their bodies while sleep is happening. You as a consciousness, never sleep, so you're always out doing something. And you may be connecting with galactic team members of yours who are in physical bodies that you will be able to remember with your mind. And you may be interacting with non physicals like us or both, but you're doing something while you're asleep, and if you can set that intention that you're going to remember more when you wake up, you can have some really great experiences without having to get on board a ship while in the waking state and in your physical body.

Jannecke Øinæs 46:36

Hmm, I get inspired to try that are we out of our bodies when we go to sleep at the soul that's going out to the body,

Daniel Scranton 46:50

the soul's consciousness? Yes, the body has its own form of consciousness. Every cell is conscious. The body has its own consciousness. And you as a soul, who you really are, are just aligning with that body or inhabiting and animating that body for the time when you're awake and when you're asleep, you're out doing other things.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:16

All right, I think my last question is, do you have any advice for this show? I'm doing this show out of pure joy. I think it's just so fulfilling, and it feels like I just have to do it, like it feels like I was called back when I almost stopped doing videos in 2023 to just come back, and then I started doing it almost full time. Why am I doing this?

Daniel Scranton 47:47

Well, your curiosity is delightful. Your curiosity is infectious. It's obvious that you want to know the answers to these questions yourself, and that you're not just doing this to get the views, to get the numbers so that you can then be on easy street with YouTube advertising or something. This is a genuine interest of yours, and as you continue to follow your interest, your curiosity, in these topics that you want to explore with people. You'll continue to get guests who are excited to talk to you, who have something to share with you, and as you continue to make these episodes, more and more people will find you, and you'll be able to talk to the people you want to, because you have this quality about you that is lighting people up, that is making people interested in your interests, and what you have to say about what other people are saying in The interviews. So it's a lovely connection that you've made and that you've discovered, like your 11 year old self all over again, that you want to go down this path now and continue down this path for as long as you can and as far as you can take it.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:17

Thank you for that. All right, I think maybe we could bring Daniel back. If you don't have any other messages for us today that you feel like expressing,

Daniel Scranton 49:30

we just want to share our love and respect for humanity and let you know, as we said before, we're always available. Never asleep. Call upon us at any time. We're never busy, never are we diluted in any way to come through you directly if we're coming through someone else at the same time, so you don't have to worry about getting a busy signal when you call us. We'll always be available, and we're very happy to help.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:59

Thank you so much.

Daniel Scranton 50:03

We are glad in high councils, and we are very fond of all of you, and that is all.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:17

Hi, welcome back.

Daniel Scranton 50:19

We didn't plan the blue shirts thing, by the way, everybody Oh, by accident.

Jannecke Øinæs 50:26

Well, I'm very fond of blue. Wow. You, you're coming very quickly back. Isn't that like a transition, changing that frequency from gladience to yourself?

Daniel Scranton 50:40

No, because I'm pretty conscious while I'm doing the whole thing, I'm I'm aware of all the movements, aware of what my hands are doing and everything, and also, like I was saying before, when I want to channel, I feel like as soon as I want to channel, I'm channeling. So there's no real process for me to get into the channeling state, all the the theatrics and the sounds and everything are just the way they want to express at first, but I can I channel as soon as I want to. So for me to come out of it as soon as I want to, too, is not a big surprise to me.

Jannecke Øinæs 51:18

Feel good afterwards in your body.

Daniel Scranton 51:22

It's a really great feeling. Yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 51:23

yeah, wow. This was very interesting. What do you think about what came through?

Daniel Scranton 51:29

I feel like I haven't channeled the Pleiadians that much lately, so it's always fun for me, I channel so many different beings and collectives now that whenever I get to channel one that I don't that haven't channeled much of in a while, it's like, kind of visiting with old friends and and catching up and hearing what they have to say is as interesting for me as it is for everybody else. So yeah, that's about it.

Jannecke Øinæs 51:58

I think a lot of things came through this episode. I thought it was very interesting. And

Daniel Scranton 52:06

is this the first time you revealed your nickname as UFO girl on the show?

Jannecke Øinæs 52:15

I might have mentioned it before, but it just came to my mind that that's true. Like they called me that in the yearbook, you know, like, I have one last question for you. Well, you know, channeling so many beings, what is the greatest spiritual insight you have received that has like, blown you away from from the channeling,

Daniel Scranton 52:38

I think it's still blowing all of us away, because I was raised Catholic, you know, and God was up there, and I'm down here, and I'm the lowly human, and I'm trying to be good enough to be, you know, seen and as good in God's eyes, and earn my way into heaven and all that stuff. I think that every single person who's awake should continuously be blown away that we are that like that's not separate from us, that we're all in it, that this is all of this is that that is source, and that there's no separation, that oneness is the one constant throughout all universes, and to try and kind of grasp it and ground it and make it real in our lives is the real challenge, because you can think it, oh yeah, I guess I'm God, and everyone else is too. And this is all happening in God, and it's like, all a dream of God, but I still have to, like, pay my mortgage, you know. So it's, like, really interesting how we live in that duality of, yeah, but I still have, I still have all these things that I have to do, and I have to, like, take a shower and stuff like, you know that that are very physical human experiences. But then at the same time, to try to merge those two worlds, I think, is what this is all about. It's like, how do you how do you live that truth? You know,

Jannecke Øinæs 54:17

right. Daniel, what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Daniel Scranton 54:24

the deeper meaning of life, it's to to explore it. It's really to whatever your passion about, whatever you're most interested in, is to that life is the opportunity to explore that as far as you want to, and you don't have to do anything, you don't have to write a book about it, you don't have to make a living at it, but eventually you'll probably get interested in something else, and you'll go down that path and explore that. And as as we keep exploring and exploring, it's like we're just meeting. Ourselves. Everywhere we go,

Jannecke Øinæs 55:02

nice, tell, tell us a little bit more about this book that's coming out.

Daniel Scranton 55:09

Yeah, it's already on a ton of you know, Amazon lets you list your book in all these different categories, so it it's hit a lot of high numbers in there, as we're doing pre sales right now. Because, as you and I are talking today, I think it's August 27 where we both are, and it's coming out October 1. So it's called the Great Awakening. My My hero in channeling, Darryl Anka, is in it with me, and it's so exciting to be collaborating with him. Mike Dooley, who is in the secret who, which was this huge phenomenon in the early 2000s he is, you know, he's a big part of it, because he's asking a lot of the questions in it. And Lisa Roy Holt is a huge Channeler in the ET community. With the work that she's done, actually came up with Daryl Anka in the same time. So having all these different perspectives, Sal rag Kelly is in it. Matt Conn, Sarah Landon, we're all bringing our perspectives of what awakening is, what ascension is, how people can use the information that they're getting from Channel beings to live better lives, and it's all compiled in this big book that's going to that's already available to buy. I recorded my my audio of it already, and so did everybody else. So the audio books out there on Amazon, the Kindle, the paperback, so we're all very excited about it.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:40

Oh, I am too well. Thank you so much. Mike is actually coming on the show and Darryl,

Unknown Speaker 56:47

yes, great.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:49

Fingers crossed this is going to happen.

Daniel Scranton 56:51

Yeah awesome.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:53

Thank you so much, Daniel for coming back as a guest to Yeah, to see what will happen forward so thank you so much.

Daniel Scranton 57:02

Yeah, my pleasure.

Daniel Scranton – Official site
Wisdom From North Membership
Previous interview – Bridging Worlds by Channeling Higher-Dimensionals!


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