In this profound interview, Belinda Womack channels the wisdom of the 12 Archangels, sharing messages of love, transformation, and hope. The Archangels remind us that while the collapse of old systems might seem daunting, it is a necessary step towards a new beginning—one founded on love, liberation, and joy. They encourage us not to fear these changes but to welcome them as opportunities for growth and renewal.
Belinda’s channeling emphasizes three universal laws crucial for navigating life: the Law of As Above, So Below; the Law of One; and the Law of Energy. These laws, rooted in love and frequency, guide us to create harmony within ourselves and our world.
The Archangels speak of the upcoming transition
One of the most compelling moments comes when the Archangels speak of the upcoming transition from “Schoolroom Earth” to “Earth,” a shift from learning through fear to living in love. They assure us that we are never alone in this journey, supported by divine beings who guide and nurture us every step of the way.
Belinda’s conversation with the Archangels also touches on the nature of wealth, not as a mere accumulation of money, but as a deep, inner abundance that aligns with our true selves. This wealth, rooted in love and creative passion, is accessible to all, regardless of external circumstances.
This interview is a powerful reminder of the transformative potential within each of us and the loving support that surrounds us. To fully experience the uplifting energy of this conversation, be sure to watch the entire interview and connect with the profound messages shared by Belinda and the 12 Archangels.
Healing with angels
If you loved this interview and want to learn more from Belinda, then we highly recommend you check out her online course “Healing with Angels 1 and 2 Package“*. Learn how to manifest Heaven’s vibration of love, happiness, and healing in YOUR daily life! This is a foundational course for transforming fear and changing your reality for the better, as Belinda describes it. All about this course here>>*
Transcript of the interview
Belinda Womack 0:00
We are the 12 Archangels here, holding the force of love for you. The systems that we refer to as the patriarchal, old masculine created from fear. They are being destroyed. Your government systems will collapse, but do not be afraid for you will celebrate, because as you open your eyes to these new beginnings that are founded in love and liberation, you will say, Ah,
Jannecke Øinæs 0:42
hello, Belinda, a warm welcome back to the show.
Belinda Womack 0:46
Hello, Jannecke, it's wonderful to see you again.
Jannecke Øinæs 0:51
It's so lovely to see you. I've been looking so much forward to this conversation, because the last time we spoke, I think it was a year ago, I was just filmed, filled with so much warmth and love, I felt like after our session, you did some channeling. You are channeling the 12th are arc angels of the Central Sun. You used to be a biologist, doing completely different things, but it seems truly like this is your soul's calling. And you are an author of several books, and your latest one is Angel abundance, and it's called revelations on true wealth. We might speak about that today, and today, I would love to actually spend some time listening to the messages of the angels? I have a lot of questions. People are a lot of people are struggling, afraid of the future, not sure what's going on, how we can handle this shift in consciousness in the very best way. So would you be willing to channel are you ready for that?
Belinda Womack 2:01
Always Yes, that's why I'm on the earth. So that's fun, wonderful.
Jannecke Øinæs 2:07
All right, so do you need some minutes to get ready?
Belinda Womack 2:12
No, it just helps me if you give a question of where you would like, what you want the angels to talk about.
Jannecke Øinæs 2:22
So I would love to hear a bit about the universal laws. A lot of us have heard of the law of attraction, law of vibration, and I would love to know if these universal laws are actually true, if there are some laws that are more important for us to know about, and if there are a certain number of universal laws,
Belinda Womack 2:52
most wise children of creator, We say to you that it always depends on who you are communicating with. From our perspective, we teach you the three essential laws that you really need to know as human beings, these three laws, understanding them will help you navigate not only your education through schoolroom Earth, but all aspects of life, so that life only gets better. The primary law is as above, so below, as within, so without. This is all about frequency. The as above is the vibration of heaven. Fear cannot exist at this vibration only undiluted love. Undiluted love is what creator uses to create all beings, stars, planets, everything the so below is Earth, Earth or any other physical planet or space, and what you want to be focused on is bringing that frequency of undiluted love to your soul. Below that means your everyday life, focusing your thoughts, your feelings, your actions on love, what makes you happy, what brings joy, both to yourself and to others, what makes your heart sing, this is bringing the as above to the soul below of your daily. Life you're as within is your subconscious, that which is hidden. It is also everything that goes on within you. You see, you create your reality, just like creator does, and when you're so within is clear. In any given moment you're so without feels far more as above. This means that as you deal with your baggage, your karma, your homework, the unfinished business, that which is unresolved. As you forgive the unforgivable, then your life changes. Your soul without is far more joyful. This means your relationships are more harmonious, work goes smoother, life gets better. And so no matter what is playing out on the global movie where there is a lot happening on Earth, you will experience more peace, calm, security, stability, this will be what you experience. So the other two laws that we feel are the most important for you to understand is the law of one. You see, you never leave oneness. Everything that you think, that you do, impacts all of oneness, all of creation. And so it is very important that you remember that you have the power to change not only the global movie, but the cosmic movie. How do you do this? By law number one, remembering to work with undiluted love in all that you do, because everything you do, you think, you believe, impacts oneness. That's the Law of One. Law number three is the law of energy. Your energy matters divine being, and when you remember that everything is vibration, some of you call this frequency, everything you yourself are a frequency. Everything within creator, and you live within creator. And creator lives within you is vibration or frequency. Respect your energy. How do you do this? If wherever you are putting your energy, if it doesn't make you happy, if it doesn't make you feel that you are expanding, that you are doing something that is for the greatest good of all concerned, the Law of One, then redirect your energy. How do you do this? As for your soul, your highest self, to bring you something far better. You see when you put these laws together and you live at the vibration of love as best as you can, you are using heart power. This means you naturally organic, organically draw to you, experiences, people, situations that are for your greatest good and highest joy. This you call the Law of Attraction, we say the law of attraction is your natural divine heart power working on your behalf. These are the laws that we ask for you to focus on. There are others that will teach you about cause and effect consequence, but you will find that if you focus on using the power of your heart that Christ consciousness to God. You all will be beautiful, not only for you, but because you belong within all the global movie gets better. We're all concerned. We are the 12 Archangels here, holding the force of love for you, loving you, always lifting you to remember not only who you are, but what you are made out of and where you come from.
Jannecke Øinæs 10:43
You um, thank you so much. I just got real goosebumps there from the last time I remember you had to take some breaks, right?
Belinda Womack 10:56
I'm good. It's just for I guess it's just um, allergies that makes my eyes water. But I do sometimes have to come back from the from the angels, because their frequency is so high that I start in my physicality. I start to get a little bit dizzy, so they just bring me back. But then I can go right back. It's, it's just how it works.
Jannecke Øinæs 11:22
Could you share a little bit as Belinda, who the 12 Archangels are, for those who are new to your work,
Belinda Womack 11:31
The 12 archangels, the easiest way that they have helped me to understand who they are is that if you go as best of our minds can handle this, to the beginning, to the beginning of creator, to the beginning of source, then we have the central soul, or the Central Sun. Sometimes some call it the Great Central Sun. And from that beginning, the one soul. There were 12 souls or energies that were birthed at the very beginning to help with the caretaking of all that creator was going to create, all that was going to be birthed from that from source which we are all a part of. And then the 12 archangels, and their number is symbolic. It means cycles. So they were called to to help create what is called schoolroom Earth. And schoolroom Earth is the center point of where souls can come and learn about duality, learn about love and fear, that incredible opposite. What the good news is is that what the angels say every time they speak now is that the work has been done, meaning all of oneness, if you can fathom an infinite number of souls needing to learn to value love. How do you value love if you don't get to experience the absolute opposite of love, which is fear and evil and everything that fear will manifest as so oneness has learned what oneness needs to learn from Fear. So all of oneness is rapidly moving to the experience that love is all we experience. And that's the very good news that school room Earth is trans transitioning. They say it's already here, but we don't experience that yet, into Earth. So we're going from schoolroom Earth, where we all souls, whether you are, what are they called Star seeds, or you are called here, or this has been your journey, over and over and over, we're going to learn through love, right? It's going to be, it will be returned to an experience that some call paradise. It's on its way.
Jannecke Øinæs 14:31
Oh, wow. Thank you for sharing that. I would love to go into that and hear from the Archangels. And my question is around that I see on YouTube. A lot of channelers are talking about that there's a great collapse coming. There's a great storm coming. And I get curious like, what does that mean? And where does that paradise then come also into the picture?
Belinda Womack 14:58
Yeah. We must say that we see things from a different angle, from our perspective. Crisis brings positive change when a forest fire comes to a forest the trees celebrate, and they say, Ah, this means new growth for us. We are going to expand and multiply after this. And so we encourage human beings to do just this. What the crisis is is that the systems that we refer to as the patriarchal, old masculine created from fear to foster fear, to multiply fear, to keep fear in control. They are being destroyed, just like a fire destroys a forest so that new trees can grow. Your financial systems will collapse, your government systems will collapse, but do not be afraid, for you will celebrate. Because, as you open your eyes to these new beginnings that are founded in love and Liber and liberation, you will say, Ah, now I see that I was enslaved. I was enslaved to fears paradigm here and fears lack over here. There will be no more lack. There will be no more enslavement. Everything that has been orchestrated by fear to keep humanity in fear is going to be taken away, and what will replace it are new freedoms, new technologies, new awareness, new understanding of who you are, new possibilities and incredible joy that you cannot understand because it has never Been on Earth for your earth has always been either schoolroom earth or schoolroom Earth in preparation Archangel Gaia is one of us. Her name is Mother Earth, and she is looking forward to being clean, to being pristine, to showing you her true beauty. Look forward human beings. When fear is erased, you will be pleasantly surprised. So as the crisis or the storm as it is revealed to you, smile, no, it is just temporary, like a flash forest by to prepare the ground, to prepare your hearts and your minds for the truth that love is very real and You are totally loved. And yes, yes, it will be beautiful. You will see. We understand. You do not believe us in this moment, but we know, because we happen to be all knowing. We know that you will. And one more thing, if you are here on schoolroom Earth in this moment, you agreed to witness both before the crisis, the years of crisis, the transformation and the rebirth and the birth of your mother earth and of a new life. Check your soul contract. Don't take our words for it. Go. Check. You have full admittance to look at everything you agreed to participate in, go to your higher self and say, Show me. Show me. Did I agree to go through this great awakening and transformation. And let us tell you something you will discover that you are jumping for joy, so excited to be a benevolent one, holding the force of love like a great doula you are for the birth of your mother. Earth you will see,
Jannecke Øinæs 20:57
oh, my goodness, I almost feel like crying and jumping for you at the same time. There's something about the energy you bring through. I get goosebumps. I get so touched. I get so warm. This is just so awe inspiring. All right, okay, let's jump into something different that I've never asked before. But I'm curious about it. Me being from the north, from Norway. I'm curious about the Northern Lights. Are there more? Are they more than just charged particles?
Belinda Womack 21:40
The Northern Lights, from our perspective, are gifts of highest magic for you. Sometimes they are made by humans, sometimes they are made by galactic ones. Sometimes they are made by your weather and Mother Earth. What we ask for you to do, instead of going into your ego, logical analytical mind, is to enjoy them, to realize that these beautiful, magical colors that happen sometimes when you least expect them, They are gifts, and they always bring a message that says, open, open, open to receive the love of the Divine Mother of The Great Universe, open to receive healing, open to connect to the energy that you are that created you you see as above, so below, as within, so without The Northern Lights and the rainbows that you see, they tell you you are growing, you are awakening, and that The Divine is watching, holding, nurturing, feeding. Yes, we are beautiful.
Jannecke Øinæs 23:49
So are you present when you channel? Can you hear what's coming through?
Belinda Womack 23:56
Yes, I hear what's coming through. I don't always remember, because it it comes through. You know, it comes through with such euphoria. For me, Belinda's feeling the just the incredible joy. Do I remember, for example, that you ask them about the Northern Lights, yes, and I, I've never heard them speak on that subject ever. So I, I'm going to put out there right now that I remember what they said a magical, a magical blessing, to remind us that we are held in love. And I know that that's not exactly what they said, but that's close enough for Belinda to remember,
Jannecke Øinæs 24:49
hi there, since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you like it, and maybe you've been watching some of my other videos, and if you appreciate them as well, and my. Show, please go and hit the subscribe button. That really helps us to reach out with the videos. We put so much love and work into what we're doing to help to raise that collective consciousness. So be a co creator. Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. I'd love to hear a bit about sacred sites and portals. I'm watching this series Outlander on Netflix, and I just love it. And they have this portal where or these stones where they go back to the past. Now, maybe that's not possible, or maybe it is, I'm not sure, but I'm wondering if there are these portals, especially like north west, south and east, where the The veil is thinner, in a way, between the worlds, or am I just going to magical here and thinking that We can go through different into different realms on certain places on earth.
Belinda Womack 26:06
So Jannecke they are asking me to answer this question, and then, because they've taught me a bit about this, and then we can go to them. So yes, there are portals and sacred sites all over Earth and all the other planets in our solar system and far beyond. What is important to understand is that beings from all over the great cosmos have been visiting Earth since its creation, and so a porta was just a doorway between one dimension and another. Some of these sacred sites were built by those visitors. We shall call them maybe the visitors were well intentioned. Sometimes they may not have been, but it is all part of the creation of schoolroom Earth and part of our education. So here's a funny Belinda story. I have been personally frustrated. Why do we have to travel, you know, taking airplanes that take for forever when I remember, I have conscious memory, and have had this happen in dreams of just, you know, using my thoughts to go from one planet to another planet, to come to earth. I never needed, I never needed a spacecraft. I didn't need anything other than intention. So that would be a portal, opening a portal, stepping through. And now I understand that. You know, spacecraft, like moving vans are helpful when you need to bring a lot of stuff with you, but we have always had portals to be able to travel in between dimensions. When we think of, how do those 12 archangels, you know? How do they help us? Because if you look at their dimension, they would be the 12th dimension. And here we've been told we're at 3d the third dimension. So how do they do that? Well, they just use their intention to help us all the time, and that's how other beings can can travel to the earth. They just step through that portal. Now, where I live, in Kalispell, Montana, in Glacier National Park, there are beautiful mountains there, and I have seen beings through my third eye go back and forth from somewhere. They have, they must have a portal there, and we've taken friends there. And you can actually see reflections of faces on the water, so they will appear. And since I was a kid, I've seen all kinds of beautiful beings that are not human beings walking around, and they don't always realize that I see them. So I, you know, say, I send you love. And I remember once, even I was looking out the window and I saw this incredible, beautiful, white bear with a crown marching along. And the the bear looked at me and said, You see me? And I said, Yes, I see you. You are magnificent. I said, Where are you going? Well, we're going. And there was other. Bear. With this bear, we're going to the portal. There's a meeting. We are here to help Earth. So the point that I'm trying to make is that we have so much help, and we have a lot of help that don't come to earth through spacecraft. They just open a portal. It's opening a door. They come here. They help us. Sometimes they're at a different frequency. That's why we may not see them. Someday, I believe that we will, as our frequency continues to rise, sacred sites are very important, because that's where the energy is often closer to that pure love. It's like a a spot on earth that is pure love. So it makes it easier for those beings to come and to help us. So I don't know if we answered your question or we went way off.
Jannecke Øinæs 31:03
No, that makes sense a topic there, but so inspiring to hear the creatures or beings or energies or fairies, or yeah, that you saw as a child. I love that I just get these pictures in my mind, and I am excited when you're saying that maybe we all will start to see it at some point when we raise our faith.
Belinda Womack 31:27
Oh, we will. We definitely will. And not only that, but these beings, they they are benevolent, completely benevolent, and they're everywhere on Earth. It's that we're not ready to see them yet. You know, they would, they would, they would freak us out. So we have to be helped along by love pouring in so that we can rise up, open our minds and our hearts, and then we're going to discover, oh my goodness, we are so loved. There is so much help for us, and we have to be helped. We've got ourself in quite a pickle here on schoolroom Earth, which was all designed, that's what the angels teach. It was all designed, you know, to experience fear, to have a school where fear is the teacher that's pretty darn intense, and all of oneness needs to help us, because we're all in it together. So does that mean that there are Pleiadians and Octarians and Orions and all these different of course, they've always been visiting. They've always been helping. That's the way it's been designed. Because we're, we're we're never, ever alone, and we don't have to figure things out on our own, because we can't right, we need help, and that's a message to all human beings. Don't get stuck in that ego that says, If I can't figure it out by myself, I'm a failure. That's from Master fear, that's a lie, that's a fable. Open your mind and say, Okay, start with your higher self. That's your own soul. Say, alright, I'm stepping aside. I'm surrendering. Show me. Show me. Those words are incredibly powerful and healing. Show me we're all children with many, many loving guides and more parents than we need.
Jannecke Øinæs 33:59
I'm wondering about wealth, because I haven't read your book, but in the subtitle, it said revelations on true wealth. And I'm not sure if the archangels or you are speaking about money, but I was thinking about that when we speak about manifesting money, you know, and attracting money and Attracting Wealth, it seems to me that it's easier for a person who was born into a family that has a lot of wealth, because that's what they're used to. Money comes around and goes around, and money is on, grows on trees, and then another person is, you know, raised in a family, a poor family, then it's a stretch to believe that I can attract this wealth. And it seems, you know, unfair that it's not as easy for that person to manifest. And I'm not sure what my question is, but if you could talk around that, you know the choice of incarnation. Into a certain family. But then again, do we have the same ability to manifest wealth like these two persons born in a different family?
Belinda Womack 35:16
We love this question. Let us help you, beautiful, wealthy, wealthy, wealthy beings to understand your greatest wealth is within you. You see you are made of creators well, and this is expressed through your creative passions and through being happy, being joyful. Now we will mention financial wealth. They are not the same. You see true well is knowing, truly knowing who you are, where you come from, and as you know your true wealth, then all your needs are taken care of, because your soul is going to make sure that all your needs are taken care of. We like to say that your soul has deep pockets. Now let us speak about money. Money on schoolroom Earth was originally designed, created manifested by Master fear. So your currency, which is actually made out of illusion well, and one day it will be founded based on gold and metals. But at this time it is made out of illusion. We want you to understand that this illusion is full of fear. So if you work with fear, then to attract to you hoards of money that is made out of fear. Then, yes, that will be easier. But let us take a moment and say, What about if you have true will when you don't want to be bothered with fear? You've outgrown it and you're finding that, wow, it's it's not as easy to bring in that paycheck in the form of money. What can you do? We say to you, use your heart power, go to your soul and say, I am willing to receive. I am willing to receive all that I need, above and beyond all that I need now speak to your higher self. We are there too, your angels, your guides, the Ascended Masters. Let us teach you that this is what we hear, creator, divine source that can provide everything for you. Says. Say, what you need? What are you going to use the money to buy? Do you need to pay your mortgage? Then you say, Thank you for providing me with a beautiful home. Thank you for providing me with food that I love to eat. Thank you for providing me with clothes that make me happy. Say to your soul, which is one with source. What is it that you're going to use the money to buy? Because this is the language of highest Vibrational Manifestation. Use the language of your heart, of your soul, of your divinity, very soon, lack is not going to exist on school rumor as schoolroom earth becomes Earth money is made of fear. Fear soon will no longer be your teacher.
Belinda Womack 39:47
There will be abundance for all, but in this moment, bring that abundance directly to yourself and. Let spirit know you. See, we use many terms for mother, father, God, great universe creator.
Belinda Womack 40:13
Let your divine parents know what you need, because to have banks filled with illusion, we say that is not what you need, because as soon as the vibration goes up, illusion is gone, so let something beautiful replace it. What would that be true? Safety and security. Human beings, money does not give you safety and security. You have been brainwashed to believe this, but you are waking up again, we say use these words, I am willing to experience the miracle of receiving above and beyond all that I Need to be a happy and free child wanting nothing, nothing. Do this. Now. Do this. Now, lift your vibration. How do you do this? Fill up with love. Breathe it in. Be the love that truly makes you heal and receive.
Jannecke Øinæs 41:52
Thank you. I felt that was an important one that was powerful.
Belinda Womack 42:00
They really want to help humanity, and they want to help us to understand that we have been very much controlled by two things, time and money, right? And so if we've been conditioned by Master fear, by fears old male, to believe that, you know, we have to work super, super hard, spend all of our time to make enough money. Then this enslaves us, doesn't set us free. So instead of, you know, telling us political things or how things are going to play out, that's not what the 12 Archangels do. They give us the solution. They say, take your frequency here. This is, you're made out of frequency. You're made out of love. Be the love that you are. Ask and receive, God doesn't say no. When it's for the greatest good of all, we receive above and beyond what we need that's governed by the Divine laws.
Jannecke Øinæs 43:20
Very helpful. Do they have a last message today for our audience? And do they have a message for Wisdom From North?
Belinda Womack 43:38
Okay, beloved ones for you are human, yes, but our message goes out to all of oneness. We encourage you to celebrate love, pay attention, feel the vibration, lifting, rising, filling you with incredible abundance and freedom, hope and truth. The truth is you are immortal and you are all powerful. Use the power of love. Say no to fear. Change is at the door. Instead of being afraid of it, open the door. Welcome change to come in and take a seat in your living room or lounge. Say hello, change, I've been expecting you. Are you beautiful and wonderful? Hey. Paradise on arrival and change will say, believe that I am all loving, and you will experience only positive transformation, a new beginning that makes you go, wow, I see, I feel, I know Why I am on Earth and why I am you will know for wisdom from north we say to you that we are grateful for your messages, your messaging to fill minds with truth and with love. And we are always present to help yannka, to help her guests, and to help the beautiful, sweeping evolution of Wisdom From North,
Belinda Womack 46:28
for Wisdom From North that is also on arrival. Let this be wonderful and positive and nurturing for all, and so it shall be.
Belinda Womack 46:48
We are grateful to have this opportunity to share our love, the love of the center, the origins of all that is, and we fill you with love, and we say, Be who you are, but doesn't make you happy. Outgrow it. Outgrow it.
Belinda Womack 47:24
Celebrate life, celebrate being we shall meet in the next moment and the next for eternity is our name, and we hold your hands. We kiss your foreheads every moment we are the 12 Archangels of the central soul, central sun of creator's heart, Loving you.
Jannecke Øinæs 48:11
Ah, beautiful.
Belinda Womack 48:14
Their love is just, oh, tangible. Almost, yeah,
Jannecke Øinæs 48:24
I can see that, and it comes through the screen. And I bet everybody watching or listening can feel that now, at least, I feel it so much, and the sun just came through the window while you were speaking. Wow, this has been awe inspiring. Thank you so much, Belinda, and you're doing such beautiful work for humanity. And I know you have courses and things like that people can follow if they want to dive deeper with you. You know, leave some links below in the video description. Is there anything particular you're working on now that you're excited to share about.
Belinda Womack 49:03
I'm always they always have me, you know, working on something. So what I would suggest is that if your audience is interested, to check out the wisdom from North link for wealth recreation, that's always helpful. And if they want to visit the school of spiritual evolution, I've been channeling new webinar courses for the angels in this past year. So there's soul inner there's, excuse me, there's soul communication. There's energy and money. Soul and money was, Wow, that was off the charts, amazing. I'm getting ready to channel a new class. They're always new. This one's called relation. Ship evolution and so that will be up on the school's website in a probably a few months. So nice.
Jannecke Øinæs 50:08
Well, I'll put some links below. My last question to you, Belinda, for today, a big one, what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective? From Belinda's perspective,
Belinda Womack 50:22
the deeper meaning of life is to remember how to live life as a free, happy, unencumbered child, truly to do what makes us happy and to feel that incredible trust, you know, to truly trust not only who we are, but where we are And that we're loved and guided and wanted beautiful.
Jannecke Øinæs 51:03
Thank you so much, Belinda for coming to the show again. It was such a joy for me to have you again. Thank you. Thank you and all the best with your wonderful work.
Belinda Womack 51:11
Thank you too. Yeah,
Links & Resources
Belinda Womack – Official site
Free Gift from The 12 Archangels
Previous interview – Lessons from the 12 Archangels!
Belinda’s online course Healing with Angels 1 and 2 Package
School of spiritual revolution
The book Angel Abundance
Belinda on Gaia: Archangels on the Age of Aquarius