Spiritual teacher and channeler Anjie Hipple discusses humanity’s journey through “The Rise of Consciousness,” sharing profound insights from her connection with Judah, a collective of angelic beings. Anjie’s unique ability to channel these beings provides guidance on topics like manifestation, destiny, and the concept of duality—all essential elements in the shift of consciousness happening worldwide.

The Rise of Consciousness and the Manifestation Game

Anjie shares that humanity is experiencing powerful “waves of consciousness,” likened to cosmic flares, sparking widespread awakenings and shifts in awareness. She emphasizes that the “manifestation game” is always in effect—yet, what we manifest often mirrors not just our desires but the hidden parts of our consciousness. According to Anjie, our experiences reflect both conscious and unconscious beliefs, shaping our lives in alignment with our deepest held truths. The interview touches on how this manifestation aligns with destiny, highlighting the balance between free will and the soul’s chosen path.

Telepathic Guidance from Judah

Anjie explains her channeling abilities with Judah, describing how she uses telepathic communication and kinesiology to receive instant answers from these angelic beings. This practice offers a physical connection to spiritual guidance, which can be felt in the body through subtle energy shifts. Anjie also demonstrates the sway test, a simple technique that helps individuals access inner truth, allowing their bodies to discern between positive and negative influences in daily decisions.

Duality and Moving Beyond Manifestation

Anjie explains that Earth is a unique realm of duality, where souls come to experience contrast—light and dark, love and fear—to learn who they truly are. The rise of consciousness allows individuals to master these energies, uniting the conscious and subconscious parts of the self. Through this process, Anjie explains, people can ultimately transcend the need for the law of attraction as they align fully with their higher selves.

This insightful interview with Anjie Hipple reveals how we can all contribute to the rise of consciousness, creating a harmonious world through personal awakening, intentional manifestation, and inner alignment.

Want to learn more from Anjie? Then check out her free mini-series The Three Dimensions of The True You. Yes, I want to check that out >>

Transcript of the interview

Anjie Hipple 0:00

This flash of light. So there are coming waves of consciousness, like these flares in which there will be great surges of awakenings. And so you begin to practice the these manifestation gain. And you have some success. Well, in truth, you always have 100% success in the manifestation game. The thing is, sometimes you're manifesting what you don't want.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:30

Could they potentially share? Okay, so this is the one who's going to be elected as president. Yeah,

Anjie Hipple 0:37

they've already told me. All right, yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:49

Anjie, a warm welcome back to the show.

Anjie Hipple 0:53

Thank you, Jannecke, it's great to be here. It's good to be back with you and all your friends.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:58

It's so wonderful having you back. I think I interviewed you a year ago in what it was such a wonderful experience. Yeah, you're channeling Judah, who is, from what I understand, a collective of angels of 350,000 angels, and you are a part of that group, and we'll learn more about that for those who are new to you. And you're also an author of a book called the answers to all your questions, and I got many questions just there. And then you are one of our master class teachers, in my very own wisdom, from North membership, and I'm so honored to have you on board as one of our teachers, where you teach our members about and like now, yeah, I wanted to have you back to do some more channeling and dive even deeper, especially into law of attraction and how It all works together with fate and destiny, because that is a question I get a lot like, do really create and manifest? And are we really the creators of our whole lives, and what happens then to destiny and so on? So I'm, I'm excited to delve into that today. However, I got a question when I was thinking about the title of the book, the answers to all your questions, and I'm thinking, okay, so you're channeling these angels now. How is that like in your everyday life? Is it like you can get answers to all your questions absolutely all the time?

Anjie Hipple 2:38

So I don't have to go into a really deep trance in order to connect in with Judah. I can just do it instantaneously. And I think that's because I did not have a come into channeling. Well, first of all, I didn't ever have on my bucket list of what I wanted to do in life to become a channeler. It just kind of happened to me. But when it did happen, I didn't have a lot of preconceived ideas about how channeling worked, and so I did have, however, a new background and skill in kinesiology, which is the science of muscle testing. And so I can instantly get an answer to any question I asked Judah questions all the time. Judah is eating, this a priority for me? Yes. Would this be good for my body? Yes. Should I take this meeting? No, you know, and I try to really tap in as much as possible. I mean, you know, it's we can forget that angels are available, even I forget sometimes to ask for help. But, yeah, I can get instant answers. So if you, if you'd like, I'll tell you a little bit about this background of Kinesiology. So many years ago, when manufacturers were were anticipating creating a diet soda, and they were testing what they could use to sweeten it instead of sugar. And so they were creating this new thing called aspartame, which is in most of our diet sodas. And as they were testing it, they noticed that as the people who were holding the sodas in their hand, who were part of the test the experiments, that they began to drop their arms, their arms would go weak. And they thought this was odd. So as they began to explore into this scientifically, they found that certain things that we ingest or hold or or put on our skin, eat, drink, those things will make our body go weak, and other things will make our body strong. So what we began to learn through science is that our body always knows the truth. Yeah, so Judah's taught me, you know that our mind will tend to lie to us because we have a lot of conditions, conditions. You know, our upbringing, our experiences, our perspectives, our political background. Ones that tend to kind of shade what how we would answer to something and but our body, on the on the contrary, knows the truth, so we can learn to listen and let our body respond. So I teach folks some different ways to do that, like a sway test or muscle testing, muscle checking, and you can instantly get an answer from your higher self or from angels, if you're asking them directly.

Jannecke Øinæs 5:28

Beautiful. Yeah. So we can get answers to all our questions through the body or through ourselves,

Anjie Hipple 5:34

Absolutely. So a really simple way to do this, one of the easiest ones that like to teach people when we get together for sessions, is called the sway test. So if you were to stand up and make a statement that you absolutely knew to be true, then your body would sway forward slightly. And if you made a statement that you absolutely knew to be false, you would feel your body sway backwards slightly. So for instance, if I said my name is Angie Hipple, I would sway forward a little. If I said my name is John Brown, I would sway backwards a little. So this, and we see this in the way we interact with life, right? When you see someone that you love and you really care about, is your instinct to move forward and give them a big hug, right? And if you if it's someone, a stranger, maybe that you don't know, you would tend to not open the door or to step back a little so our body so, going back to the kinesiology, when they tested the these the substances as part of me, and they found out that it actually makes the body weaker when people hold it in their hand or ingest it. Well, in the same way, truth makes us strong and lies make us weak. So and we're bombarded by lies in the culture, not that people are necessarily overtly trying to deceive us or trick us or anything, but just that their perspectives are not rooted in the truth. And so when you learn this, to tap into your body and explore and learn this a skill, and it takes a little time, but when you learn that, you can develop confidence that you can know the truth in every situation. So it's very common for me to ask Judah questions. For instance, if I suddenly felt angry when I'm with someone which is not characteristic for me, I would go in and say, Judah, is this my anger? No, is this the other person's anger? Yes, okay, that gives me some perspective then, and I'm able to deal better with the situation.

Jannecke Øinæs 7:32

Yeah, I heard of that exercise before, and I've noticed it myself in situations that my body's speaking to me, and the question is, am I listening for those who are new to you, Angie, could you share a little bit about your way into channeling? And you know what? I why they chose you, these amazing, angelic beings to communicate through?

Anjie Hipple 7:57

Yeah, well, I hope it's because they like me, because I really like them, and I do, I do think there's an element of that, right? So just like you're attracted to certain people, to be to pursue a friendship or relationship with them, I think angels are very much the same way they're looking for people that are open, that want to have the support and assistance. But basically, I was raised fundamentalist Christian from the time I was about seven years old, and that was the only perspective, really that I had. My father ultimately became a minister, so we had a lot of religious influence in our life, and I believe from a very young age, I somewhere underneath all of the different structures of, you know, religion, that I had a real relationship with Jesus. When I would sit alone and I would read the Bible from a very young age, like seven or eight years old, there would be times where a verse would, like, leap off the page, and I felt like God Himself was in the room talking to me or herself, and and I would have this sense as a little girl, oh, Jesus put those words there just for me. So maybe that was narcissistic in my thinking, but I felt, you know, I felt this sort of connection. So I grew up, you know, in this religious tradition, with pretty heavy buy in on most things, no buy in on some things, always trying to sift and sort and find truth. Also find relief for my own pain, and I didn't necessarily find that in in religion and and actually in truth, a lot of challenges and abuses and different things happen because of the religious context I was in. But when I got into my late, my mid 40s, I hit a kind of a midlife crisis, I guess you'd call it. Yeah, and I think for a lot of people that have these it is an awakening, or it's an opportunity for that. You know, I hear this all the time, people kind of hit this spot where life is not working, or maybe they've put in 2030, years and with a certain company, and they they get laid off or fired, or they realize, ooh, this is not what I intended to do with my life. I'm not aligned with this anymore. I can't support what this company is promulgating in the world. So a lot of us go through or maybe there's a divorce or a death of a parent or a child that kind of and it happens to all of us. So if it hasn't happened to you yet, get ready. And so then the opportunity comes to re examine our life. Why we're here. What am I doing? So I hit this pocket when my dad died. My dad did. He visited me just seconds after he died. I was about two hours away from where he died suddenly, and I was I got the phone call that he died, so throwing on my clothes to rush to the hospital be with my mom. I'm an only child, and I felt my dad come into the closet there where I was getting dressed and and this presence filled up the room, and I was overcome with bliss, like the most extraordinary, inexplicable joy, and I knew it was my dad. And it lasted for just a few moments, and then it was over. And I wish I could have held on to that feeling, you know, throughout the grieving process. But after that, things started changing for me. My I within about a year, I was separated from my husband at 27 years and the father of my three children, and I began really questioning all the stuff I've been told a lot more closely, and also giving myself freedom to do more of what I wanted to do and be more of who I wanted to be, and not holding myself to this strict religious container. And I and I met a new man. There was a new man that came into my life who's my husband now, and he's been a true spiritual partner for me, and he was also a big catalyst for me, because he would question why I said certain things and did certain things and believe certain things. So he was a real catalyst in the undoing of all deconstructing of my mental ideas. And I got about six years into this process, I began reading Enlightened Masters. I began reaching outside of my Christian world into reading old other old scriptures, like the Bhagavad Gita and and reading the great yogis. Works, watching channelers, which at first I thought was super bizarre and crazy, but once I got could get past the weirdness of how it looked. The messages of some of them were, like, really transformative for me. Wendy, Kennedy was one of those. Darryl Anka was one of those. And so during COVID, I got really sick, and I had I was sick for two years and didn't know whether or not I would recover or if that would permanently change the trajectory of, you know, how life was for me. And one night, my husband and I, my new husband, were sitting on the couch, and he and we were watching Wendy Kennedy. He said, I think you could do that. And I was like, All right, whatever. I mean, I just kind of surrendered so much that every, you know, everything was on the table. And that night, I started channeling this big, huge voice came through, and I had this radical metaphysical experience that that's wild and and from then on, they were just there. And the first time they came, I could feel like a drill bit going through my third eye, just physical and really strong and powerful. This is buzzing, and I could feel pulling around my mouth. This pulling around my mouth went on for a few weeks. I I wondered if I had, like, Tardis disconnect or something, if I hadn't started channeling, I would have gone to the doctor. I would have thought something was wrong. But yeah, so it's been a beautiful and wild ride.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:34

May I jump in and ask, what was that amazing metaphysical experience you had? Because it seemed like he didn't come out of the blue, all of a sudden, you your boyfriend was like, Oh, I think you can do that. And then, poof, yeah.

Anjie Hipple 14:48

Well, yeah, it had been six years of really intense ego stripping, really intense. And, you know, the Buddha went through that. It said that he had six years of you. Trying all these different things, you know, trying the usual esthetic root and the fasting and the this and the that and the clothes and the bells and, you know, he did all the stuff. And finally, he just sat down under the Bodhi tree and said, I give up. I think it's all bullshit. Basically, was the you know, and I was kind of that way. I mean, I had already done the Christian thing, and for six years, I had been a consumer of new all this new spiritual material, like what you and I are listening to, and there'd been a lot of transformation and change, but I also knew I still wasn't breaking through completely to having my own personal experience with the divine. So there was an element there of just i. I've surrendered. I gave up. I said, I don't know what works, and I don't know how to live and I don't know the answers. And that was when Judah really came through. But the experience was I had been letting go of so many things, letting go of my roles as a wife, my role as a school teacher, my role as a mom, my kids were all out of the nest. I just my role as a Christian, I had let go of all the roles they were had been pretty seriously stripped. And so when Judah came my grandson, my third grandson was due to be born. I didn't know that at the time, it was a little boy, but I couldn't get there because of my illness, to be there for the birth and to be with my daughter and see the baby born and be there to support her. So it was again, another stripping of the ego, which the role that we play the ego role we play as mother, grandmother. I think for women, it can be the strongest one, because it's the one we hold the most dear. That's the thing that we love most in life, is our role as a partner, romantic partner, mom, grandma, and we have the most skin in the game with that, that's what's most important to us. So part of breaking through to enlightenment is letting go of the attachment to the most important people in our life and the most important roles. So I was not going to be able to be there for the birth, and I knew it, and I was heartbroken. And that was another stripping. So just surrendering thy will, Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, whoever you are out there, or if there is someone out there, I let this go. And so the experience I had the very first channel I received from Judah. I was in the bed asleep that night after Chuck and I had been watching Wendy Kennedy, and I felt a baby in my womb. Now, I know this feeling really well, because I've already had three children, but I felt a baby in my womb. I felt his little head pushing down on the pelvic floor, just like they do right before you give birth. And I felt contractions in my physical body, just like women have right before they're getting ready to give birth. So I was feeling in my body what my daughter was experiencing. And I could feel it was as if this little baby, I could hear his spirit. I could hear him. I knew it was a boy. I knew why he was coming to the earth, what he wanted to do here, I was given all this high level information about him, as well as just experiencing his little spirit in my body. And this went on for a little while, and and I, when I got up the next morning, I typed up all the messages that I'd received. And when I asked who is giving this information to me, they said, Our name is Judah, and they gave more information about the collective so it's just like a romantic relationship, right? It takes a little time to get to know someone. The more time you spend with them, the more intimate you are, and more you more insight you have and to kind of person they are. Well, it's been like that with Judah. I get more and more insight about who they are the longer we're together, but basically what they explained to me over time is that I'm my soul that Judah is my soul family, and then I individualized out from Judah to have this experience in the in the personality or the character that you call Angie hip, who's a wife, a mom, a former school teacher, a singer or a channeler, all these things, but I'm more than all those things, and you're more than all those things, and your listeners are more than all those things. We're a soul. We're a divine, eternal soul that's lived, that has lived forever and will continue on in this eternal experience. And so for whatever reason, one of these little angels from the Judah collective decided she. It to try on being human. And so here I am, and there are a lot of these souls. By the way, there are many angelic souls living in human bodies.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:13

Does that mean that you're really not an earth being like you are an angel?

Anjie Hipple 20:20

It means that my soul was created by the Infinite Creator as an angelic being, and dwell, dwelled in this angelic realm, but decided to to try on being a human. So yes, and there, there are many, many people like this. This is very, very common.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:41

Um, yeah, I had a I was wondering about that, because it seemed like Earth is highly populated by all kinds of beings, not just Earth beings, but future beings and extraterrestrials and angelic beings. What's your perspective on that? It's it feels so multi dimensional this earth,

Anjie Hipple 21:05

it is, and you know this to have our our perspective expanded in this way makes life so much easier. But you know, Judah explained it like this, the Earth is a melting pot of all souls from all over and at all conceivable galaxies and systems and races. And you know, so there are angelic beings. There are interstellar beings. There. There are interstellar beings, such as the Pleiadians and Arcturians. They are so high in their vibration that they feel angelic. They they when you're in their presence, you so I feel there are many, many people who are being visited by what they perceive to be angels, and some of those are actually interstellar beings. But one of the things that kind of helped me to understand this, because I don't feel like an angel, right? Sometimes I feel like the devil. And you could ask a few people, and they would say, yeah, she's not that great, she's not all bad, she's not that angelic. My kids would tell you that, but one of the things that helped me to understand this is Jesus said this in Scripture. He said, You are children of God, and you are like the angels. So the actual words he said is, you are the sons of God, and you are like the angels. So you dig into the original Greek meaning of these words. What he was really saying is, you are all the the sperm, the seed, the the the creation of God, the children of God and you are all angelic in nature. So all of us have this divine aspect, this our higher, what we call our higher self, that was born from Father, Mother God that came from Father Mother God. And so in that sense, we were all angelic in our nature. We all have this eternal essence. And really our angels, Judah's taught us are like our big brothers and sisters. They're just a little a few steps ahead of us in the or maybe a lot, depending on our experience or our perspective, but they're just a few steps ahead of us. They're live in a state of bliss and perfection. They've resolved all of their struggles between right and wrong, good and bad, saint and sinner. They don't struggle with those things anymore. They're very much at peace and centered. And they're they're 100% focused. They have total buy in on serving the creator and serving the creation, which you know, we are and and they do it from such a heartfelt place that we can't imagine, right? So when we think of servants here that are the lowest of the low maybe, maybe the moms that clean toilets, or the people that wash our whatever our clothes or whatever we think of as being the lowest, most menial work in this world, we think of those folks as being unfortunate or sad or perhaps angry or feeling enslaved. Angels. Don't feel this way they serve, that nothing is too menial for them. No problem is too big for them. There's there's nothing, no task that they're not good enough to do. They're very loving and very serving, and they don't get tired of serving us, and they don't resent it.

Jannecke Øinæs 24:50

Well, that's good news, yeah. Well, I would love if you're ready to do some channeling. And yeah, Judah themselves,

Anjie Hipple 24:59

Mm, hmm. Absolutely fire away.

Jannecke Øinæs 25:03

All right, okay, so we're that ready?

Anjie Hipple 25:07

Well, if you'd like, we will begin, and this will give you some time to formulate your questions for us. We are very pleased to be here with you, dear yarmulke, and we give you our thanks for your powerful and heartfelt work in the world, and for you and many others like you, yes, we're instrumental even in the awakening and the understanding of this vessel to bring her to the point in which to she can share. So there are people awakening everywhere, all around the globe through these forms of media, and for that, we give you our thanks and appreciation. And these works that you are producing, even in this moment, will fire the heart. There are even those listening in this moment who are feeling fire come into their heart chakra, area in the sternum, yes and the a warmth and a power. And we love to share this sort of physical endowment, gift experience with those listening, because we want you to understand that we are everywhere all at once. We are not limited to speaking through the lips of this woman. We can be with you where you are, wherever you are. 24/7, 365 days a year, we can answer the call of 500 1000 10,000 100,000 people all at once. You see, we have the unlimited capacity to view and understand and respond to you, even before you finish saying our name. Judah, there we are. There we are responding to your request, and yes, we can answer your questions, and yes, you can tap in and hear the answer. And this is a lot of what we are here to do is to uh huh, give you a tangible, felt, physical, energetic experience in which you feel are and here are yeses and our nos. Hear them with your physical ears, perhaps, but mainly you feel them in your body. You feel ah. This feels like a yes. This feels expanded. This feels lighter, brighter. This feels like more of who I am. Yes, yes, yes, yes. We love this word yes. We want you to say it more and more and more and more. We want you to feel the yes in your being and follow your yeses and follow them to the next yes and the next and the next. And we can also uh huh, uh huh, help you to feel into your nose. No, this is not who I am, not what I want to do, not what I want to be a part of. Yes, and we can, can help you to find clarity and information, just as a little brother or sister would go to their older brother or sister to ask for help, assistance, information on something they had not yet experienced. We are like this for you.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:31

All right. Thank you so much for being here. I get this question a lot, law of attraction, if you could shed some light on that and how that goes together with us, planning our lives, having a destiny, and if I choose something and another soul chooses another thing, and that was not part of the plan. How does that work together with destiny, free will and law of attraction, it seems to be a bit contradicting. And I'm also curious, and I know there's a lot of questions, but I know we can handle it, whether the law of attraction is really just a law in our solar system or in our sort of universe, and not a law in the higher realms. So just basically, if you could share how the law of attraction really works when it comes to our human incarnations.

Anjie Hipple 29:32

Yes, there are many excellent questions in there, and if you need clarification as we go, please help yourself to interject so we will say you asked. We will start at the end, you ask our other beings in the cosmos subject to this law. Well, we will tell you that this law is really about thought, about thought creating things. Yes. And so we will tell you that the entire universe and everything you experience was once a thought in the Supreme, Infinite Creator, in source, God, in the heart of your mother, father, a thought, a thought. And thought created everything that you experience now higher dimensional beings that are fully enlightened and dwell in higher frequencies. These beings understand and live in the reality that their thoughts are instantaneously manifested in truth that can be manifested even before the thought is complete. Now there are those who experience this on the earth. There are those who asked Judah for a thing or a question, and they literally had the answer before they have finished formulating the question. And so there is a realm that exists. There are frequencies that exist, and where all questions cease, and everything that is experienced is simply a manifestation of what that soul wants, and it is instantaneous. Now, how does this apply to the human experience.

Anjie Hipple 31:22

Well, we will say this. You've heard this word duality, which is the belief that there is right and wrong, good and bad, left and right, beautiful and ugly. This is the realm of duality. Now there are many interstellar societies and many as higher frequency aspects of many multitude, multi, multi, multi, millions and billions of these different societies, Mm, hmm and experiences, cultures in The unseen to you, realm that do not have duality. So there is perfect peace, there there is perfect equanimity, there is perfect unity. There is a perfection of love and truth. There is no struggle between the right, left, good, bad, ugly, beautiful, all of those things, and many of you have had those lived, had lifetimes in those places. Now, why here on Earth? Here we have chosen the the infinite, supreme source creator has deemed that the experience of Earth would be one of duality, so that you can know what you are not. Isn't it true that many times when you're making a decision, you don't know exactly what you want, but you do know what you don't want. Yes, for example, with a romantic partner, you might go on many dates, and and each one you learn something. You learn this is what I don't want in a relationship, yes, and as you learn what you don't want, then a dream is birthed in your heart of what you do want. And so you have all been have signed up for this tour of duty. We will say on the earth, it is not a duty, but an experience. In order to to experience what it is you don't want, in order to find what you really are, what you do want. So Law of Attraction is you're wanting something, you're setting your attention, your focus, your energy towards something and away from another thing. And this is a game of duality, and it is important to awakening. When people awaken many times, they are in states of despair, sadness, fear, anger, frustration, feeling victimized by life, life and the human experience has done this to me, and I am the victim of this experience, this upbringing, this way of thinking, this disease and so on. And you you want to explore this law of attraction, because you want something to be different for you. You want to turn away from one thing and towards another. There is a power in turning away and turning towards Yes. And so you begin to practice the this manifestation game, and you have some success. Well, in truth, you always have 100% success in the manifestation game. The thing is, sometimes you're manifesting what you don't want on a conscious level, rather than what you do want. Now. So why would this happen? This happens because, on an unconscious level, there is some part or aspect of your being that still wants the old Yes, for example, this vessel was working with a doctor who was lovingly, compassionately wanting to help a patient who was suffering terribly with arthritis, and this doctor had done everything possible in a co creation to help this precious woman manifest her healing, yes, to attract and manifest a healing. And it wasn't happening. Why? Well, there was a conscious part of the patient who wanted to be pain free, but unconsciously, this precious one was raised with a religiously conditioned idea that to suffer is to be a good person. This was imprinted upon her by visions of the beautiful Christ hanging on the cross and suffering, and this Christ that she loves so much, and so she transferred to herself from this experience a deeply held belief that good people, the best people, suffer. And so she did not want to be a bad person. She wanted to be a good person, like her beloved Christ and so on an unconscious level, she embraced this suffering in her body. So these types of subconscious beliefs buried deep in the psyche, some of them are even imprints of the soul from other lifetimes would cause your what you want to be thwarted. What you want consciously can be thwarted by parts of you in the subconscious that are not in agreement. We call this split energies. So being enlightened and coming into a higher frequential state is to resolve these split energies and to bring all of who you are, all of your aspects and parts, all of your past life parts, all of your current life parts, your one year old, parts two year old, parts three year old, parts five year old, parts 25 year old, parts into agreement with what you want. Now you've also heard others in these spiritual circles say, well, just drop all of that and just be and just accept what is. This is where the confusion comes, yes, often, yeah. So what you find is, as you become a accept the truth, the truth you are always creating everything in your experience, and yes, also co creating with others, but those others are also a mirror reflection of you. So together, we are all creating everything that is happening. Are you personally responsible for everything happening on the earth? Of course, not. But collectively, we are responsible as a collective consciousness. And so how do you move from this law of attraction, thinking, manifesting what I want, what I want, what I want, to this other higher truth that receiving all that is as being exactly what it should be, yes, and so this is a natural occurrence that will happen as you grow in your level of consciousness, as you master manifesting your own reality through your thoughts and emotions, mastery over your thoughts, mastery of your emotions, learning to uh huh. Know what is coming from, what the fruit has a root? We say this very often, all fruit has a root. You see, so if you see yourself as a tree, mm hmm, and a fruit tree, and if there is consistently bad, rotten fruit on a certain branch, knowing that there must be something in the root system that is giving way to this, the root system being your subconscious mind, So learning how to find the fruit in your current now experience that you don't want trace it back to the root, heal it on the subconscious level, clear it from the entire storyline of your soul, and in this way, being a master Of all of your soul. Mm, hmm. And there, in this mastery, then there becomes a willingness to release the law of attraction. There's really In other words, you outgrow it, you outgrow it, and you live in such a high vibrational state that nothing. Comes to you that is in disharmony. And if something comes to you that is disharmonious in another person, place, thing or idea, you then have the level of mastery to transmute that into a higher frequency. But ultimately there is a surrender to source, Creator God, which is born from a deep level of trust, yes, that all things are working together for the good of you and of all.

Jannecke Øinæs 40:32

All right, wow, thank you. Oh, that was almost a master class in itself. Wonderful. All right, do we have an agreement with every soul we meet in this incarnation, even every animal we meet?

Anjie Hipple 40:57

Well, you don't have an agreement with all of them, but you can very instantaneously enter into an agreement with them. And so this is something to be aware of, yes. So when you meet, let's say, an animal, if you form a heartfelt connection to them, your heart reaches out to them, then there is a contract of sorts formed. And so this is something we would share here to make you aware that there is constant energetic entanglement happening all the time with you and other people, places, things and ideas. And so to be conscious that you can enter very quickly into a contract, even if you are passing by, let's say an elderly one on the street, and you help them across the street. For that time, you have entered into a contract with that soul of assistance. Yes, and so many of you would benefit from taking some time to simply set an intention. I dissolve the connection with so and so. I dissolve the connection with this form of religion. I dissolve the connection with this political party. I dissolve the connection with my former employers, just taking a moment to call your power back to you and release it from those you have given it to. And this is what contracts are. You spoke of with different people and animals and so on that we meet to to contract with someone is to invest your time, energy and attention with that person or that animal. And so invest your time, energy and attention with what's most aligned with your soul and what your soul wants, and if you've given your time, energy attention to an animal, a person, an idea, an organization that is not in alignment for you anymore, you must break that contract through Your word and call back your power to yourself. I break contracts with this, let's say political party in all realms of time and space, in all densities and dimensions, all realities and frequency bands. And I break it now, and you just simply use your authority to call your energy back into your being. The reason so many of you are exhausted, the reason you are confused, the reason you are sick in your bodies, is because you unwittingly, unknowingly gave your time, attention and energy to other persons, places, things, animals, and you did it from a loving, empathic place as a compassionate healer. However, you forgot then, once your task was finished, to bring your power back into yourself.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:26

But what if we have agreed on or had a plan of meeting these souls like wouldn't that be contradictory that we plan to have an agreement with these souls and then we break up with them during the incarnation. Like, what wasn't that the purpose to learn something from that meeting?

Anjie Hipple 44:48

Yes, excellent question. So understand that, yes, you have made Mm hmm, agreements before entering this life with various souls. Some of them you've traveled. Some souls you've traveled with. For many incarnations, however, to understand that the power of the soul before you enter the body is not greater than the power of the soul in the body. And perhaps you had more perspective, pre birth, pre in your life, planning, more perspective, a higher perspective. However, because of the way the density of Earth affects you and others, other souls that you travel with, some souls may unfortunately succumb to the density of the experience. May subcon succumb to unconsciousness. Yes, and so it is always your decision as a soul how to continue on in your journey, your experience. You are not bound to any soul just because you've made an agreement with them. So we will give you an example here of this, this vessel, when she met her now partner, it was they were two, the most two, unlikely of a pair that you would ever meet. They were 25 years apart in age and there were many, many prohibitive factors that made it irrational or seemingly foolish for them to be in a relationship together. However, when upon meeting this gentleman, her breath was taken, physically taken away by our presence. There was a presence that came to encourage her, angelic presence to say, this is a connection that is important for the story of your soul, for your evolution and enlightenment. Now we did not use those words at that time, but we did impress upon her with a very strong, visceral physical presence that this was a connection important to her, and so she was willing because of this green light or emphasis from us to pursue this relationship now, seven, eight years now, it has been and in this past year, what was revealed to these two is that they indeed had a sole contract. This was the contract they agreed upon. The gentleman agreed, I will give my time, my money, my property, my wealth, my attention, my teaching, my wisdom, to this soul who is Angie, inhabiting the body of Angie. I will give all of this to see her all the way to enlightenment, all of this I will give. This is my act of high service to the earth, and this was the contract he had made. And she had made the contract that she would teach him unconditional love. Now there came a point in their relationship in which this contract was fulfilled. When this contract was fulfilled, then they must begin to operate in a new way, a new paradigm, or part ways. This is the choice.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:43

All right, okay,

Anjie Hipple 48:51

but had this vessel chosen to walk away at some point, had the soul decided I'm not up for this. I I'm not ready for what I agreed to to be this enlightened soul and this gentleman, most certainly as a soul, has the right to release himself from the contract.

Jannecke Øinæs 49:17

Well, that makes sense. Thank you for giving that example. Um, I see we're running out of time. So I have a last question that I want to ask, and I've interviewed many channelers, and some are predicting things coming to humanity. I just recently heard of a flash of light. Now, what is your perspective on this? And that was also from angels. And I'm not sure if you guys are channeling the same angels, or you are the same. Do you see something like an event coming to humanity, like in a flash of light, or something else very soon, like, in relation to the big awakening that's going on in our. Planet right now?

Anjie Hipple 50:02

Well, we will be happy to speak to this. We do prophesy from time to time various events, and there are other prophecies that we share with this vessel that she does not share because she does not want to masses of people to give their attention to certain prophecies, she would prefer than to take what we say and and get on her knees so to speak and talk to the Creator about it, and ask for mercy, ask for help, ask for a change of heart, a change of consciousness, to influence certain things in a different direction, yes, but we can speak to this, this flash of light, Hmm, yes, there will be solar flares. We would say, don't be afraid. Yes.

Anjie Hipple 51:04

And know that these flares are a sign, an evidence of this, new light, new consciousness, new collective. Elevation, brilliance flares of consciousness. So there are coming waves of consciousness like these. Flares are metaphors for them, in which there will be great surges of awakenings, and then there will be a rest or Respite in between, so that these who are awakening can find the care and assistance and support that they need. And then again, there will be another flaring of new awakenings.

Jannecke Øinæs 51:57

Is that happening this year, or 2025, or what years, or what timing are we speaking about?

Anjie Hipple 52:07

Of the solar flares?

Jannecke Øinæs 52:08


Anjie Hipple 52:19

123, in the next two years,

Jannecke Øinæs 52:24

all right, and nothing to be afraid of.

Anjie Hipple 52:29

No, absolutely, not

Jannecke Øinæs 52:33

more an exciting event to look forward to.

Anjie Hipple 52:36

Yes, certainly, certainly, this is an expansion.

Jannecke Øinæs 52:41

Well, thank you so much. Is there any final message you want to get across today to the audience listening and watching?

Anjie Hipple 52:51

Yes, yes. Certainly know this. You are known. We know your name, we know where you live. We know your thoughts. We know what's important to you. We know what causes you pain. We are available. Don't stop keep moving forward. Keep learning, keep growing, keep expanding, keep listening as you listen and learn in in in venues just like this one eventually will come to you the experience, the personal experience that you long for. Don't give up. Keep moving forward. Love Yourself, forgive yourself. Do not hold yourself to rigid standards or expectations. Love your bad parts as much as your good parts. Love them into a new state of being. We love you. We're here to support you. We are here to answer your questions, you can hear the truth many of you have, because in your awakening, you found that so many things you thought to be true are not true. This has caused you to mistrust yourself, mistrust your own judgment, but know this you can trust your own judgment, and so take baby steps to ask, listen for answers and act on those answers. And as you do this, you will develop more courage and insight and trust in your own inner guidance.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:38

Hi, are you back?

Anjie Hipple 54:40

Yeah, yeah, back, a little wobbly back,

Jannecke Øinæs 54:45

wow. I'm impressed how quickly you are going back and forth. Because don't you feel like a difference in vibration and yeah,

Anjie Hipple 54:58

I do like right now I feel a little high, and everything is really bright. Sometimes when I come out, everything is like white in my field of vision for a few seconds, I feel wonderful. You know, it's a lot. I run a lot of energy through my nervous system, so I don't I only channel a couple of hours a day because of that, but, but, yeah, it's, it's, it's lovely. It's no better feeling.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:26

Oh, that's lovely, because I heard that some get a little little bit drained, but are you conscious all the way

Anjie Hipple 55:36

I am, like, I hear everything that's going on, but it sort of feels like when I wake up, when I when you wake up from a dream, it's a little bit like that, and you can tell I'm a little less coherent now after having channeled for that little while. So it feels like coming up out of a dream where you kind of remember the the main gist of the storyline of the dream, but you don't remember all the details, maybe, and then it will kind of fade. My husband's always reminded me, well, you know, Judah said this, and Judah said that, and I'm like, Really, I don't remember all that. He especially remembers all the things where Judah is correcting me or disciplining me about something. He remembers all those, and I tend to forget them.

Jannecke Øinæs 56:25

Are you surprised sometimes? Like, is new things coming or do you feel like, Oh, they're talking about that again and that again, and I know that teaching, or is it like constantly new knowledge coming across that you are surprised by?

Anjie Hipple 56:41

Well, they they do really surprise me. From time to time, they will give me in really specific information about certain things if I ask, like I was given information about some assassination attempts, that was probably one of the things that they were referring to, but I don't share those things because I don't want people to add their their energy to that, to bring it to pass. So some things that angels share, they want us to to meditate and pray about. Well, why would this be happening, and what can we do about it? How can we shift the consciousness around it? But, but they do have to answer your question. They do have specific focuses and passions that they revisit over and over and fine tune over time. And I feel like this is something I really lean into, because I feel like the greatest channelers that we have out there, the goats like like Daryl Anka and Abraham Hicks, they have a core teaching. And people who really get into these core teachings and apply them are really transformed by them? Really transformed?

Jannecke Øinæs 58:02

Yeah, and I'd have to ask, like, Okay, so the way I see it, there are several potentials and multiple potentials and futures, but there are some future timelines that seem more likely to happen. So could you not that you're going to share it right now? Wouldn't put you on that spot. But could they potentially share, okay, so this is the one who's going to be elected as president.

Anjie Hipple 58:27

Yeah, they've already told me, all right, yeah, and yeah. So I already Yeah. I already know and and I feel really good about and actually, there was a change, because early in the year, the answer I got was different than the answer I got really recently. But and they usually will veil the sometimes veil a little bit in their speech, how they say it, but they they told me that that a dark horse would emerge, and they said a few things about her. So when they said that, then I knew, and knew who is the dark horse that is the her is kind of obvious. Yeah, and, and so, but, but, like, Judah, really doesn't get involved with politics in the sense that they do from a grander scale, but they really encourage us to to not take sides, because that is participating in the duality of good and bad, right and wrong, just and unjust, and it doesn't leave us in a good place to love people in the aftermath of whatever happens,

Jannecke Øinæs 59:43

and it is so that you haven't shared the answer, because that will fuel energy, and that means that will create what you said like so that wouldn't be free will perhaps I'm just thinking, why perhaps you wouldn't share.

Anjie Hipple 59:59

Yeah. Yeah, it creates so so here's a very concrete example of this. In in the 80s, there was a there was a earthquake in Mexico, and several 100 people died. I think it was around 500 people died. And then a decade later, they put together a memorial service on the day of the original earthquake. And in the city, they did lots of tornado earthquake drills, and they had celebrations and memories memorial services. And guess what happened? There was another earthquake that day, and many more people died. And people said, Oh, well, that's, you know, they thought it was like voodoo or something, that this happened. Well, it happened because all the people in Mexico City were giving their attention to this earthquake that happened decades ago, and the tragedy and the sadness and the difficulty of it and there because they put their attention on that they were. Judah spoke just a few minutes ago, about time, energy and attention, they were focusing on that past event of the earthquake, they literally created another one with their consciousness. So I'm careful about what I share, because, for instance, Soul traps is another one. Judah has told me definitively that that this is a fear based idea, and that we should not give time, energy and attention to it because it makes people afraid. And what people are afraid of they experience on the other side, and those who have no fears will not experience that on the other side.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:41

Okay, I'm not sure what you're referring to, but then I guess I don't want to know, because I don't want to get a fear about it, but I can imagine what it is, but maybe,

Anjie Hipple 1:01:49

yeah, when the the and so we, this is so this is a little, you know, me being a mama here, kind of chastising a little bit our broader circles in these New Age cultures, we can get on these little trends, you know, and this idea of soul traps, that that there's some evil beings on the other side that trap our soul when we leave our body and force us to be reincarnated. And so this is like a a trend right now of on this topic, and there we have other topics in our New Age culture that that we trend on. And we have to be careful, though, because we create belief systems in people with these focuses. And these belief systems can really hurt, hurt hurt people. It makes them afraid.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:43

Well, I guess anything is possible if we believe in it, if we are powerful creators, we can create whatever an illusion of it, and experience it. I've interviewed so many who have had near death experiences and who believed, you know, in eternal judgment, and then experience that, and then wake up to, oh, I created this myself. So, yeah, I'm very happy that I'm aware of that I can create anything, and that's why I don't like going into the Dark Matters, because I know I can get sucked in it and become very afraid, and I don't want to fill my mind with that.

Anjie Hipple 1:03:26

Yeah, exactly. So why do people? Some people see Jesus when they first cross over because they have a belief system about Jesus. And other people meet the Buddha when they cross over because their belief system. So they're creating that they're creating that experience. Well, we can also, if we indoctrinate people with beliefs on fear based things, then, then we're helping them to create that. And we don't want, I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:59

Yeah, that makes sense.

Anjie Hipple 1:04:01

So I don't want to say, you know, this is going to happen, or that's going to happen, yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:05

yeah. Well, let's see what's going to happen. We are co-creating it on a collective

Anjie Hipple 1:04:10

we are, yeah, absolutely. We are,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:13

all right. Well, Anjie, this has been so interesting and fascinating again. And I want to ask you some final questions. What is self love to you? Maybe you have another answer now and then the last

Anjie Hipple 1:04:25

self love. Oh, I love it.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:04:26

No, what is self self love?

Anjie Hipple 1:04:29

Self love, yes, self love. Um, self love is. Judah has taught me this so well, is to love and accept every aspect of yourself, especially the parts that are the most offensive or unwanted. So for instance, if we have a tendency to be controlling or narcissistic or angry or whatever, to love that part. For an aspect of us fully and completely and accept it and know that there's a reason why that aspect exists, and the only way to heal it and integrate it into the higher self is to fully accept it and and love it.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:17

And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective?

Anjie Hipple 1:05:21

Hmm, I think to be really true to the self, to follow, follow your heart, to pursue freedom, the freest possible expression of the self.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:38

Nice, Anjie, where can people connect with you? How can they work with you, if they really want to work more with you now, after listening to you, and maybe they can work with Judah. How do you work and where can they connect with you?

Anjie Hipple 1:05:51

Sure. So we're at the Judahchannel.com and we have lots to offer. We're also on YouTube, the Judah channel, and we've got lots of free offerings. I do personal sessions where I can channel with Judah for you, or help you start channeling for yourself, meeting your own angels. I do a lot of that. Also. We have great courses that can take you from wherever you are in your spiritual journey, all the way to enlightened states. And we have Judah treats, which is a really inexpensive program as well an audio a passive audio program that helps you to clear subconscious beliefs that are holding you back, like I'm not worthy, I'm not good enough, whatever the hang ups that are there that are holding up your manifestation game It helps you get those cleared. And we'd love to serve you any way we can.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:06:50

Thank you so much, Angie. It was so wonderful speaking with you again and again. Thank you so much for being a master class teacher in my own membership. Everybody, everybody out there curious about wisdom from North membership, just click the link below. Learn all about it. It's your spiritual Netflix, and it's for you who want to take your spiritual growth to the next level. Thank you so much, Anjie and all the best.

Anjie Hipple 1:07:18

Thank you, dear. .

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Previous interview with Anjie Channeled Messages Unlocking Enlightenment


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