According to Addison Ames and his guide, Metatron, timelines are the backbone of our experiences. These organizational structures hold every moment, choice, and possibility in our lives. Addison likens timelines to canisters in a kitchen, each containing elements of who we are and what we’ve lived. Rather than existing on a single path, we operate on hundreds of timelines simultaneously, reflecting our multidimensional nature.

Understanding your timeline is more than a metaphysical concept—it’s a way to take charge of your life. By aligning with your soul’s purpose, you can unlock your “highest timeline,” where decisions flow harmoniously, and life feels fulfilling and intentional.

How to Align with Your Highest Timeline

Living in alignment with your highest timeline begins with trusting your soul’s plan. Addison emphasizes the importance of surrendering to your inner guidance. This doesn’t mean giving up control but embracing the divine orchestration that weaves through our lives.

Metatron explains that your timeline is dynamic, and shaped by every decision you make. By choosing love, setting clear intentions, and trusting your heart, you naturally align with the timeline that leads to your greatest potential. This alignment allows you to thrive and navigate challenges with ease.

Timelines and the Year 2025

Metatron shared a powerful message about the future, calling 2025 a pivotal year for humanity’s collective timeline. While the year may begin with turbulence, harmony will take center stage by its conclusion. Setting the intention for 2025 to be a year of alignment and peace can help individuals anchor a positive timeline for themselves and the planet.

The Journey of Timelines: A Ladder to Ascension

Metatron describes timelines as stepping stones on the path to ascension. This process is like climbing a ladder or taking off in an airplane—each step or choice leads us higher. While the journey can be steep and challenging, it ultimately brings clarity, growth, and expansion.

By recognizing the role timelines play in your evolution, you gain the power to co-create your reality. Every thought and decision you make is recorded on your timeline, influencing your path forward.

A Final Message: Know Thyself

Metatron’s timeless advice to humanity is to “Know thyself.” This self-discovery is the foundation for navigating timelines, understanding our soul’s purpose, and contributing to a harmonious future. Through self-awareness and intentional living, we can rise above challenges and embody our true potential.

As Addison and Metatron remind us, we are multi-dimensional beings on a magnificent journey. By aligning with our highest timelines, embracing our soul’s guidance, and fostering harmony, we can create a brighter, more loving future for ourselves and the world.

Transcript of the interview

Addison Ames 0:00

I see that people generally have 1 to 200 timelines open that they're accessing all the time. And what is happening on the moon is you all are figuring out how to build civilization right there. It's only about 250,000 miles away from Earth. It's a short ride. You can get there in a day, and it's easy for you all to build something on your own private planet. And 2025 by the way, will be largely what we would call a year of harmony. And so if you'd like a good intention, a good goal, set a good resolution for 2025 by all means, try this out and see if you like it.

Speaker 1 0:46

Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love? Then I have a self love toolkit for you where I help you boost your self love. Head over to Addison Ames, a warm welcome to the show.

Speaker 2 1:04

Thank you, Jannecke, for having me on. It's great to be on, and this is my first time with your audience. So hi to everybody out there.

Addison Ames 1:10

I'm really excited to speak with you today and maybe hear some channeling as well, because you are full body Channeler of Metatron. You're also an awakened teacher, healer, writer, speaker, and you're doing amazing work, and especially these days, you're focusing on timelines. And I'm super curious about learning about our timelines, if we can change them, what they're all about. And yeah, the shift of consciousness in general. Now for everybody new to you, so you're channeling this amazing being. I don't know if it's an angel, but you could share it like, how did you start channeling How did this happen in your life?

Speaker 2 1:57

Well, it's a great it's a great question. And it was a really, you know, we talk about mystical experiences sometimes, and I know your your your show does touch on that from time to time. Well, it was, this was a real mystical experience for me. My background before, kind of my own personal awakening, which was driven by Metatron, who is one of my guides. My background was international business strategy, and so I worked with Fortune 500 fortune 50 companies, global companies, to help them, you know, market their products, understand how to do business, and also worked on corporate governance, helping them to make better business decisions. So this was kind of my background. And then one day, when I was out for a walk at 5am in the morning, I'm an early riser, all of a sudden, I began to feel this force around me and kind of move my body in a different direction than what I was walking and started to talk to me. And, you know, in situations like this, a person might go, Am I going crazy? Am I losing it? But the power was so wonderful and full of kind of almost indescribable power and love, and the voice was full of such incredible wisdom that I said, this is not me. This is something better than me, something other than me, and it was a wild ride from there, it always has been. So that was Metatron dropping in, which I think was at the right time, in the right place, in the right way, to help me awaken, know and grow. But also he began to teach me how to channel so, you know, part of my soul calling is channeling. So I only channel Metatron. He's the only being that I channel. I can talk to people's guides and their team and, you know, transfer information, but I don't full body channel any being besides Metatron. And so he began to teach me how to channel directly. We would have sessions where I would sit on my sofa, and he would help guide me through the process. And then he connected me with some kind of experts in the field, people who are channelers and healers. And he said, work with these people, that way you can kind of ground this ultra dimensional energy into your reality, and people can help you really understand a little bit more the dynamics of channeling. And so I did that. And so I studied channeling for, you know, really a couple of years before I ever started to channel for other people. And so now I've been doing it for years. I forget exactly how many and Metatron, in the way that I work with him, is an ultra dimensional being, which means that he is a being, if you want to call it, that a no thing that is outside of our existence, and helps architect and structure our existence, and then drops in to help keep everything in high form and function. So just kind of like you and I. Both have different roles. You know, you have a dog, I know, and so you're a dog. Mom to your dog. You have the show. You have other people in your life, so you play different roles with them. So Metatron is such a big energy that he plays different roles with different people. So if you work with him as an archangel, by all means, you know, please do he that's one of the roles that he has in truth. And like the real knowing of Metatron and his energy, he's more than an archangel, but he provides that role for those that like that attribute of Metatron. So channeling is one of the most popular things that I do. The information is great. It's highly structural. So today, you know, I'll channel Metatron a little bit later on in the show. And so he talks about things from an ultra dimensional perspective, so maybe a little bit different than what other channelers talk about. And he's very structural and very kind of foundational in his knowledge.

Addison Ames 5:58

Interesting. Now I get curious about that walk in the morning where you felt the force was with you, and you said you were in your own awakening, like were you spiritually oriented and have been maybe religious before? I'm curious what led up to this mystical experience. Did it just sort of happen? Or have you been meditating for years and now this was like the peak of it all?

Speaker 2 6:29

Well, I would say there was a progression there. My my background from a very my familia, my family background is really, was really religious, and in the United States, I grew up in New York City primarily, but also Atlanta, Georgia, which is more of a Bible Belt kind of state kind of area. And so I grew up in my family upbringing as a fundamentalist Christian in organized religion, which I really kind of I've left organized religion behind in my own spiritual pursuit, and I consider myself spiritual, but not religious, sbnr and so. But, you know, I think leading up into the awakening that Metatron really spurred on, I was doing yoga, mindfulness practices, meditation. So I was always kind of a sensitive person, and kind of plugged in to empathy, care, compassion, a lot of love. I'm a very loving person, and so, so I think, you know, moving into this role, this kind of highly spiritual role, is something that was an easy progression for me, but working with Metatron has been a challenge. I mean, you know, some people's guides may be easy on them, but, and if so, that's great. Metatron is a tough teacher. I liken Metatron and the way that he works with me, and has worked with me like, like a coach, like a really tough Sports Coach, you know, where he's like, Come on, get up in the morning. Let's go. Let's go. We got things to do. So he's really driven me for the last. You know, you know, seven, eight years, eight, nine years that I've worked with him specifically. So he's a powerful energy. He's got a lot of personality. Yannick, so when I channel him, he's kind of big. He's kind of like a big being. So you'll definitely see that come through in the channeling.

Addison Ames 8:27

I find it so interesting that it's just Metatron and that for the guests I'm interviewing, there are different beings, and it seems like there must be a soul contract there. Do you think so? Because why did he or she or it choose you or the other way around, and not Archangel Michael or extraterrestrials Bashar or, you know, some other being like, is there a soul contract there? You think,

Speaker 2 8:56

Definitely, definitely, you know, the way that I see the soul, our soul is our essence, and it makes us but it also is something that holds our soul determinations, our soul callings, our waypoints, the people, places and things that we really need to interact with in our life, our soul destinies. So I think, you know, a lot of people ask me, Are you a special kind of being? What makes you so special to work with Metatron? And I say, I'm just a guy. I'm just a guy, but it's part of my sole contract, part of my sole destiny, to work with Metatron. And I think he'll, I don't know if I'll be channeling the rest of my life. It does take a lot of energy Yannick to do this, as I'm sure, you know, I know you work with a lot of channelers, but you know, I think Metatron will be my guide for the duration of this life, as Addison.

Addison Ames 9:54

So how do you hear him? For someone who has never experienced it, I can. Sort of imagine where I can imagine, but I don't know if it's right. Do you hear a voice that sounds like your own voice, or is it another voice? Is it? Well, I assume it's in English, but it's interesting, because for some Norwegian channelers, they are hearing the channeling in English, for instance. So like, how do you receive his teachings?

Speaker 2 10:27

Well, a few different ways. One is energetics. You know, I have this wonderful connection with his energy. So sometimes he kind of moves my body, you know, I can feel my body move in a certain direction, and so sometimes the interactions are non verbal, and I and just kind of energetic that kind of moves me or focus, focuses me in the right direction. Sometimes I hear his voice in my mind, and it does sound specific to him. So I can, I always know, just like if you pick up the phone and someone calls you, and they don't say their name, but you know them. You recognize the voice, you know. And you know that is so and so. The same thing with Metatron. I've gotten used to his energy, used to his voice, so I know when he is talking to me. I also sometimes hear his voice audibly. You know, here in our our reality, which when it first started, was a little bit unnerving, a little bit surprising. But now, just like I could hear you talking to me here on this zoom, I would hear him audibly in my home talking to me. And sometimes I see him, sometimes I see a blur of energy. Sometimes I see kind of a person, you know, truly Metatron is non gender. Doesn't have a gender at all, but manifests, at least for me generally, as a male, male figure, usually with curly hair and lots of gold but, and very, a very beautiful kind of figure. But, you know, he really is non gender, but his energy is a real doer. And like I said earlier, he's an architect, and he's trying to make sure the house gets built properly. And so when he comes in to work with me or people, he's trying to make sure everything is working right. Many times, his energy is transformational. He helps people transform and be the best that they can be, be in true soul alignment, and so, you know, in that kind of like, Come on, let's do this like I described earlier. He's like a coach, like a hard, tough coach. With me, it translates a little bit better, more as a male energy, at least for me. But in truth, he's beyond gender, and really beyond form.

Addison Ames 12:43

What is he saying about the shift of consciousness that we're in? Because I know that he specifically actually talks about that.

Speaker 2 12:52

Oh, definitely, yeah, without a doubt. Well, you know, a lot of people are trying to understand, what is the shift point, you know, are we there yet? Is a next year. Is a next Tuesday, when is the shift point? And you know, he always says, the shift is ongoing, and we are in a very street, very steep trajectory, or very steep ascension, series of actions that are moving us kind of up to the next level. But the next level really isn't a level where we level off and we flatten off in terms of our ascension quality. What what is happening is it continues to be a steep rise. And Metatron likens ascension just to demystify it. And that's a big role that he plays in his teaching, is demystifying kind of woo, woo teachings, or demystifying high spiritual teachings so people can really understand it and practically apply it in their everyday life, which he thinks, you know, is very advantageous and brings a lot of value to people. So he likens ascension to taking off in an airplane. You know, you take off in an airplane and you ascend. You know, ladies and gentlemen, we're ascending to 30,000 feet. And as you ascend, As we ascend on the plane, the scene changes. What you see changes, the purview changes. And you know, in that ascension process, when you first take off from the runway, wheels up, is generally a pretty steep ascension. And they leave the seat belts sign on, and they say, you know, we're not going to serve any drinks yet, until we flatten off. Well, he says that what we are experiencing as humanity is continually that steep ascension where we're wheels up and we are rapidly ascending at a steep rate, and that will only continue and intensify. So you know where we are right now. Janka, we're not done yet with ascension. We're really kind of just starting. We're just, we've just taken off from the runway. We have a long way to go.

Addison Ames 14:53

Right? Will we sort of just say anything about, you know? Will it be good? Will it be the Golden Age like in our lifetime?

Speaker 2 15:05

Well, here's what he said. He says there's going to be many golden ages to come. You know kind of what humanity goes through. And you may see this even in your own life. I know I see it in my own life. My own life is that we, many times, have what I call tension and release periods. And the tension time is where we're growing. We're really trying to get that new job, we're really trying to find a spouse, a mate. We're really trying to have children, whatever it may be. So there's like, try, try, try, and there's this innate tension that comes with it. And then there's like, a payoff, and then you kind of get what you've been looking for, and you pay off all the energy that you've invested into a concept. Does that make sense? And so where we are, this is what he says about now, is if we look at our century, the 21st century, the first half of this century is tension, and the last half is payoff. So we have until about 2050, plus or minus, a couple of years, to really work on ourselves, develop ourselves and overcome some challenges, really grow, really try for what we're what we're going for, which is a better humanity and a brighter and better world, right? And so the payoff, or the Golden Age. The next golden age, he says, is the last half of the 21st century. So 2050 plus or minus a year all the way till the end of the century, and that's our next golden age. But there are more to come. But generally, the way things work is tension release, or tension payoff. And that kind of modality will continue for some time.

Addison Ames 16:44

That makes sense. Now, how has he his coaching and teaching perhaps possibly changed your life?

Speaker 2 16:53

Well, it definitely has changed my life dramatically. I didn't know what channeling was when you first dropped in, for example, and now that's a big part of my everyday experience. So you know, I'd say my everyday stuff has changed. And you know, I quit my full time job, so that's been a big change, and I started my own business, which is what I do now, working with people, couples, families and even businesses that are awakening right now. And you know, I really see humanity awakening, and we as humans are part of other things. We're part of, universities, colleges, marriages, partnerships, businesses, businesses awakening. I think even government is awakening. So I have a very positive outlook on our world. And I would say, more than anything, my my personal view has changed, my perspective has changed on the human and the human experience and our world and our universe. You know, how much life is is here and how much life is out there? And I would say that, you know, as I think about open mindedness and broad mindedness, the information that I've gotten has really broadened my mind, and I'm much more open minded and broad minded, much more loving and caring and accepting of people than I ever was before, and I really attribute that to Metatron teaching

Addison Ames 18:22

You speak about timelines, you're passionate about that. When I think about timelines, well, I see it in different ways, like in one way that, yes, I have one timeline that is more probable, perhaps, and then I also have a gazillion other timelines where Yannick split off into all these different versions of yarn in every single second, and that makes my mind just Yeah, explode, because I cannot understand that. So what is your or Metatron perspective on timelines, and why is that important to sort of give focus to

Speaker 2 19:07

Well, our timelines, and just just to demystify it a little bit. Our timelines are organized organizational structures. Timelines are organizational structures so they help organize our information and organize our lives, and it's they're a little bit like if you have in your kitchen, maybe canisters in your kitchen that you organize. Maybe you put pasta in a canister, you put coffee in a canister, you put granola in a canister, maybe flour, whatever it may be, chocolate in a canister. Is you have an idea of how you want to categorize your stuff, your information, and then you organize it by putting it in a canister. So a timeline is a canister that holds your stuff. And so we are multi dimensional beings who create or multi dimensional, which is kind of what you said. We really don't ever have one timeline. We have a multitude of timelines. When I work with people in the way that I work with them, I see that people generally have one to 200 timelines open that they're accessing all the time. And this isn't bad. This is good because we are multi dimensional. We're multifaceted. We multi task for multi kinds of beings. We're doing a lot of things all the time. We are here and there and in between. In a way, we're kind of everywhere all the all at once. And so with that comes a beautiful complexity of life, a beautiful complexion of life. That means we have to think about a lot of things, organize a lot of things, heart and soul, a lot of things, and in that our timelines are always reading and writing our information. So I always tell people, always make the best decisions you possibly can. Because all of those things that you do, that you experience, that you think and you feel, everything, there is nothing hidden from your timelines. Everything gets uploaded to your timelines all the time, and then when you think back to the past or sometimes even the future, you're accessing information that's in your timelines to be able to understand what you want to do, where you want to go, and what decisions you want to make. So our timelines are us. They hold all of our stuff here, there and in between past, present and future, and they help us organize our lives. They're kind of like canisters in our kitchen. Instead of having everything scattered all over the place, they hold them against the tapestry of time and help us to understand ourselves. What do you think? Does that make sense to you?

Addison Ames 21:38

I'm still a bit confused, like I'm trying to visualize it. And when I think about timelines, I often think about the future. And to me, the way I see it is that I have multiple timelines. Is that so that I do like? There is one timeline where I will continue being with my boyfriend today. There is another timeline where we're not together, and most both, both are like as probable, because we can choose every moment, or is there one timeline that is more probable for us for instance?

Speaker 2 22:10

Well, probabilities exist, but they don't. So in the way that I see things, our existence is all kind of pre put together. It's kind of preordained. So everything is planned out, and we walk it out. Now, as we walk it out, we have free will. We're deciding and probabilities exist. I'm with my boyfriend. I'm not with my boyfriend. And there's probably other probabilities within those question marks that exist, but there is one timelines, sequence or order and sequence of events that we walk out that is real. That is what really happens. There is a divine order to things. There's a divine plan. And that plan is so beautiful, so eloquent and elegant, that it's all planned out beautifully. I get emotional talking about it, because it is. It's almost like if you like design, and by the way, I love Scandinavian design. It's one of my favorite design characters, if you will, design attributes. And so I appreciate good design. I love museums. I love art. I love to go see sculpture, exhibits, things like that, where everything is designed perfectly. Vincent van Gogh, you know, who is, of course, Dutch. You know, all the other Kandinsky, all the other artists from around the world are appreciated because they have incredible design. The design is perfect. And so the divine does the same thing with us and with our experience. So the way that I see it, everything is all planned out to the T and we walk it out. Yet within that structure, free will, decision making. I talk a lot about decision making. It's a very spiritual thing. Decisions are highly spiritual things, if not the most spiritual thing that we do, because it decides out our plan yet it is already decided, and we choose it out and walk it out both at the same time. So it is a little bit like, What is he saying? It's kind of like both, yes, we have free will, and yes, it's all planned out both at the same time, and our timelines hold all that information,

Jannecke Øinæs 24:22

Right. So is it fair to say that if I perhaps let go, surrender to my timeline in a way, I'll have a much more beautiful life than if I try to control things, go into my fear, try to create my life from a lower vibrational state because I'm not trusting, but if I let go and trust and choose love, I'll just happen to be on my perfect timeline.

Speaker 1 24:53

Well, that works for some people, yes, but not everybody. You know. What I would say is, sure. To your to your soul plan. Your soul holds that divine essence and that divine plan. So it kind of knows what you need to do. And I think your soul is your best guide. So you know, if you want to surrender to something, surrender to your soul, and say, soul, I really want to come into soul alignment here, my intention, soul, soul. Listen to me, my soul. I feel in my heart space. So I say soul. My intention is to be in soul alignment here with these decisions, help me to do that. I can say I surrender to my soul, if you want, but that way you really are always working into your highest timelines. And you know, a lot of people talk about, I want to move into my highest timelines. And really, what that means to demystify that a little bit more is I want to move into My Divinely ordinated timelines, which means I'm in alignment, and I'm doing what I'm here to do, what I'm called to do, and what I am supposed to do. Does it make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 25:56

Yes, it does. And at the same time, there is, you know, I always, or very often, ask this question, how do Destiny and free will go together? Because we do here, we create our own reality, and then we hear that we plan our lives and how they go together. I don't think we can understand as humans, but, but I do feel in my own life that there is so many Destiny points there. How I started to be a child star in Norway, how I got these roles in limsu, ragl, Annie, you know, there were so many coincidences. And then how I lost my voice. It just seems so perfectly orchestrated. And then I found the deeper voice, and I started with wisdom from north, like I couldn't have created that in my mind. It just seemed like it just happened. So I do feel like there's, there's a destiny in that there,

Speaker 1 26:53

There definitely is. It is hard to kind of think about in the human mind. But really both Co Co exhibit and cohabitate together, free will, choosing, decisions, decision points, probabilities and also divine plan. They both mesh together and fit together. So, you know, I encourage you and your audience, think about it. It's fun to think about and play with the ideas. Is, yes, I'm choosing. But choosing is built into the plan. So the act out of the divine plan is, I don't know what I should do. Should I do Annie or should you should I do Les Miserables? Should I sing castle on a cloud? Or should I sing the sun will come out tomorrow? I don't know. And you think it through, and you, if you're in alignment with your soul. You can say, soul, what do I need to do here? And your soul can help on Earth and help you choose in the highest and best ways possible, which is alignment with the plan, the life plan, the game plan that the divine has for your life. It's really beautiful. It's a lot of fun,

Jannecke Øinæs 27:57

yeah, um, before we move into channeling, how has the reactions been? I mean, since you did work in I think it was marketing, and then all of a sudden you channel this being like, what are your friends and family saying about this?

Speaker 2 28:13

Well, overall, very good. You know, I lost a few friends. I gained some friends. You know, with any life transition, change happens and but, you know, I've worked really hard to retain everything that I possibly can. And like I said, I still work with business. You know, I didn't leave move into spiritual work and leave business behind, because business is awakening. It's changing. I see it as a wonderful, beautiful opportunity. So I still work with business, but yet I channel at the same time. So even though there's kind of both spectrums that play out, I'm very grateful I've been able to integrate the two polarities, if you will, and even kind of work and a lot of different levels in between. So for me, it's worked out really well. And I'm kind of like the everyman Channeler, you know, if you want to call it, that, the channeling is big, but I hope it's accessible for everyone and helpful.

Addison Ames 29:15

All right. Well, are you ready? And do you think Metatron is ready to come into the show.

Speaker 2 29:22

I do, I do. So I envision his energy over here, so I'm checking in with them, and he says, you know, the message today is going to be one of encouragement, which I think will be really nice. And the way he works Yannick is he may ask you questions. He's kind of big. He's interactive. So he may interact with you directly. And, you know, I connect with him through mind. A lot of people ask a channeler, how do you connect with the being that you work with? And it's kind of like a mind meld that we do. And so my mind connects with the mind of Metatron, and he kind of steps in his energy. V and it's a full body experience. So my hands will move. My voice changes a little bit. It becomes more, kind of more powerful, probably, I might say, but a little bit higher in pitch, and and then when he's done, he'll he'll say goodbye to you, he'll step out and it takes me a minute for me to transition back in, and then we can finish up the conversation.

Jannecke Øinæs 30:26

All right, sounds good, preparing me, yeah,

Speaker 1 30:29

okay, okay, give me just a moment here, and we are here. We are Metatron. We greet you. We thank you, Jannecke. We thank you. Are you in Oslo?

Jannecke Øinæs 30:39

Yes, I am.

Addison Ames 30:41

And how's the weather there?

Addison Ames 30:42

Oh, today, it's beautiful.

Speaker 1 30:44

It is indeed beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. And we ask you that question because we know from looking at the script, if you will, the divine plan, that you would say beautiful. And in that we say, we will take that word and we will transition it and we will talk about the beautiful human. Would you like to talk about the beautiful human? Jannecke,

Jannecke Øinæs 31:04

yeah, sure.

Addison Ames 31:05

Why do you think the human is beautiful?

Jannecke Øinæs 31:09

Oh, well, we're so complex, and I think we all are doing our best here, and it's not easy to be human, but we're still soldiering on, in a way,

Speaker 1 31:22

yes indeed, and really, you have answered our question very well. We call the human beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful human, because in the way that we work with humanity, which is in a difficult place right now, now you all are moving to a place of love and light. But do you think you're there yet, no, no, not at all, because what is happening is the human is overcoming difficult situations every day, sometimes every hour of the day, and in that beautiful try, like you said, we're really trying. We're soldiering on. As you said, is there is great beauty in overcoming, and there is great payoff, as Addison said earlier, in overcoming which means you try and you get you try and you get you try and you get, in a way, the ascension again, as Addison said in an airplane, is a very good understanding of ascension. But you could also call it rising through climbing a ladder. As you climb a ladder, you try and you rise. You try and you rise. You try and you rise. So we call the human, and we call each of you who watch this. And by the way, we know each of you who watch this intimately. We call each of you beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, human. And if you'd like, you can make this a mantra of your own, because it will help you. And you can call our energy in Metatron, Metatron, Metatron. Can you help me? Please rise and climb the ladder of ascension. Help me get on the plane and ascend, ascend, ascend. And we will help you. We are there for you. It is our job. As we drop into the human realm, we have a job. We're here to do, do, do. And so as you look in the mirror and try this as a powerful tool, look in the mirror and look at yourself in the eye in the mirror and say, I see you. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful human. I am a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful human. I am a beautiful human who rises. I am a beautiful human who rises. I am a beautiful human who rises. And say them all three times. Because of that three times locks it in and helps you know, above, below, within, without, that these things are true. Humanity is moving to a new space, but it takes a little bit of time to get there. As Addison said before, there is a golden age coming in the last half of the century that you you all live in. Yet there are some challenges to overcome in the first half of the century. And right now you're in 2024 2025 and 2025 by the way, will be largely what we would call a year of harmony. And so if you'd like a good intention, a good goal, set a good resolution for 2025 by all means, try this out and see if you like it. 2025 is a year of harmony. What do you think about that Jannecke,

Addison Ames 34:14

I was a bit surprised to hear that, because I've heard the opposite, that there, there are storms coming, it will be chaotic. So harmony, that was the new perspective. But that's good news, though.

Speaker 1 34:27

Well, here's the way it will work. The first three months of 2025 is a storm largely due to the election time in the United States of America. It will be a difficult three month period at the first part of 2025 once that clears, in a way, the tension is paid off with harmony that will happen towards the end of the year in 2020 2025, and that gives you a little bit more detail. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 34:54

Yes, and I have to ask, since we have been speaking about timelines and destiny. Does that mean that the precedent that will be elected is already elected?

Speaker 1 35:08

Yes, it's already figured out. There is no figuring it out at the low level. It is already done. And yet consciousness, that is you. We'll talk about consciousness, because we know you're interested in that topic. Yanuka, consciousness that is you is the knowing of the divine plan. Now listen to this soul alignment is important. Yet the consciousness that is yannka, that is Addison, that is Metatron, that everything knows the plan and acts things out in perfection. So as everyone votes in America, we know you're not American yet, believe it or not, America leads. Now listen to this. We'll say it one more time because we like the sound of it, not because of the truth of it, but because it is true. America leads the world. Now the standard of living and even the living expectation in Scandinavia is greater than America in many ways. Do you know that? Yes, yes. You know this. So even though America is not the leader in all things because of its power to date, it is a leader, or quite possibly, the leader on the world stage. Does that make sense? Yes. So the choosing, the deciding, which is already done. Yet everything will be acted out and voted out by people's consciousness who tell them to vote in a certain way. It all will be done. Now we're not going to tell you who wins, but we know who wins, and it will cause some problems that will take place primarily in the first three months, January, February, March, maybe a little bit of April of 2025 once that settles down, most of humanity says, we are done with that drama, that Telenovela, and we move on to harmony. So the way the year ends is in harmony. So we still encourage all of you, keep the intention, keep the goal, keep the resolution. 2025 is a year of harmony, even though the storms may come. If you want to set the intention, 2025 is a year of storms. By all means, do that. But what we think will help you more is 2025 will be a year of harmony. What do you think? What do you what do you think about the election Jannecke?

Jannecke Øinæs 37:18

oh, we discuss it a lot in Norway. I think it's interesting. It seems like it is sort of like the power of light and the power of ego. That is sort of, you know, like a fairy tale. You have the darkness and you have the light, and both serves a purpose. Yes.

Speaker 1 37:37

So we give you this piece of advice. Maybe do this, give you something, a tool that will help you. Would this be okay? Yes, is, instead of downgrading everything that is happening with the election in America, and we realize you have an international audience, so we say to the international audience and the domestic American audience, learn from the election. It is a battle, we won't say necessarily good and evil, but it is the battle of this, to that this, to that, this to that. And everything in your existence, and we mean this, everything high dimensions, low dimensions, everything in between. And keep in mind, humanity is relatively low right now. We know you're trying and overcoming and building and growing, but there's a long way to go. You've got a lot of ascension to get through America and the rest of the world. Humanity is not there yet. You have not arrived. So the best thing that you can do is learn, learn, learn from your mistakes, your opportunities and everything in between. So look at the election and say, instead of going, Oh, which we know many people do look at it and say, I see, what can I learn? I see, what can I learn? And if you don't want to be involved with it, by all means, don't be involved with it. Change the channel. Do something different. If you don't like this conversation. Fast forward to the to the end. But really what's happening is a great opportunity to learn from opposition, from opposing forces, which we know most of you don't like opposition or opposing forces, but believe it or not, in your existence, everything is opposing forces. Everything is this to that when you walk, you walk overcoming the beautiful way a human walks is always overcoming falling. In fact, in fact, some people say walking is ongoing, falling that is broken by the next step. Does that make sense to you Jannecke?

Jannecke Øinæs 39:32

I've never heard that before. Yes, that makes sense.

Speaker 1 39:35

Because if you don't put your leg out, you fall over is ongoing, falling that is broken by your next step. So the best thing that you can do is say this innate tension, this innate opposing force, action that is happening within your body, that's happening everywhere. Your cells are always dividing. By going this to that opposing forces create, this to that opposing forces create, and through that, you have new. Life through that you have children that are born. Children are born beautiful life giving force is created through opposing forces that create. So a great way to see opposing forces that create is looking at elections, no matter what it may be. It could be in Scandinavia. It could be in Germany. It could be the next chancellor of Germany. It could be whomever it might be, but through those opposing forces, this to that counteracting forces and sometimes contradicting forces, you have the power of creation. Do you think the world was created through ease and grace?

Jannecke Øinæs 40:39

That's a good question.

Speaker 1 40:41

Think about it for a moment. Do you think the world was created through ease and grace? Have you ever seen a volcano,

Jannecke Øinæs 40:47


Speaker 1 40:48

Yeah, in a way, what islands are, and parts of Scandinavia, parts of Florida, parts of the Bahamas, and many parts of Asia, Fiji, Bali, etc, there are volcanic forces that create new lands. Volcanic forces are incredible eruptions of great force. So use the opposing forces not to get down on the world, not to get mad at humanity, but to say opposing forces create and what can I learn now? Yannick, dear, beautiful, one, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, human. Do you have questions for us?

Addison Ames 41:25

Yeah, I just wanted to comment that I've always seen what happens outside in the world as a reflection of humanity, and what happens in me, and as long as there is individual conflict, that there's a conflict in me, there's a conflict in the human there will be conflicts outside as well. And that leads me over to my next question, this conflict that we humans have inside, like you wake up one morning and life is just easy, and then the next day you just feel horrible, and nothing has changed on the outside, it's just an internal state of being. Is it all about acceptance, accepting that we have this inner conflict?

Speaker 2 42:17

Yes and no, where humanity is going, and this is such a big question that spiritual people, and even normal people who aren't necessarily spiritual, ask, where is humanity going? How long will humanity be around? We ask you this question, how long do you think humanity, at least in this iteration, this incarnation, will be around?

Jannecke Øinæs 42:39

In this incarnation. I don't know, like some are saying that humans will disappear, and others saying that we will evolve into something else, I don't know.

Speaker 1 42:51

We say that humans in this incarnation will be around about 600 or so years. That's what we see in this incarnation. Now what is happening, and we are excited to see how things develop, even though we already know is humans are moving towards collaboration, away from we beat each other up all the time. We don't like each other, but they're moving to a place of nice, of respect, and moving to a place of love, and we understand how each other work, and we respect how each other work. Each human is made in an image. It's made in a way with a diagram. Each human has a way that it is it has skills. It has soul design. It has a way that it is designed. And so as humans understand itself, and a big part of where humanity is going is cracking the code, figuring out what really is happening here in their world, so that they can make the best decisions possible. That's what's happening. They figure out reality. They figure out humanity. It is all figure out able. It is all understandable, because it is, in a way, a very simple toy chest of tinker toys. Do you know tinker toys or Legos? We sure you know Legos? Yes, you live in an existence that's like a big Lego set. You have colors and you have shapes and sizes and different fits. Does this make sense to you so far? Yes. So as you understand humanity and ascend. What you are doing is understanding what the Lego set is made of, in a way, like you've ever seen Lego Batman or Lego Superman, these kind of franchises of Lego characters made into movies? Have you ever heard of these kinds of things? Yes, yes. In a way, what you all are Lego Lego Super people, Lego women, they go men, etc, is you are made up of parts and pieces that are in a predefined play set. And that all depends on how you're built, but it comes together and it builds you. And so humanity is awakening. Yes, we think you all agree, and it's awakening to understand itself in a way, as gods, which are creator beings. To define their own reality, even though reality is already set out. And you all walk it out. You all realize it out. You understand the way humans are built, the way your existence is built, and you understand the tool set, you understand the gameplay, you understand the Lego set. And in that you say, I see how you're built. I see how you are built, and I respect, I love and I cherish you, I honor the way that you are built, and therefore we can build a better society knowing what your skill set is, what your proclivities are, and where you can really excel at and in this becomes a great what we call flattening, where you are headed is the great flattening, and we mean it. Write it down, if it resonates with you, the great flattening humanity, at least this incarnation. And there have been others and others and others. You're not the first humanity on earth, by the way, you're not, but you are one of them, and a very good one, by the way, what you are doing is you are coming from a place of great zigzag. If you've ever seen an EKG machine, it goes like this and shows you the beat of your heart. Does that make sense to you? Yes, humanity is coming from great zigzag, big mountains and big valleys, a little bit like what you said. One day is great, the next day is horrible. The next day I feel like jumping off a cliff, and the next day I feel like building a cliff. Is it just depends, but it is great. Zigzag. You with us so far? Darianica, yes, so humanity is leveling off that big archetypical mountains and valleys kind of thing and becoming much more flat. That's why gender is changing. That's why equality is so important. No matter what your skin color, your voice tone, or whatever it is may be, you're moving to a place of mutual respect. And this is happening all around the world, and Scandinavia leads in many of these points. Scandinavian cultures are very loving cultures. We hope you know that we talk about Scandinavia a lot because that's where Yannick is, and we speak to her primarily, but all of you are listening you no matter where you are, India, Pakistan, which are have had its share of troubles, to North America, South America and even Canada, everything is moving towards the flattening, the great flattening, which is a time of great collaboration and great peace. Why, you may ask, so that you all can build something great in your world. And you even have your own private planet. You even have your own private planet called the moon. And what is happening on the moon is you all are figuring out how to build civilization right there. It's only about 250,000 miles away from Earth. It's a short ride. You can get there in a day, and it's easy for you all to build something on your own, private planet. So there are a lot of great things ahead if you can get along. And so going from the big zigzag the mountains and the valleys to the flattening is how you get there mutual respect, love and collaboration, and not conflagration and battles and these kinds of things which only beat you down. So look at the election in America, if you care to, if you wish you and if you don't, by all means, please leave it alone. But if you look at it, don't beat yourself up or beat the candidates up or beat America up or beat humanity up. Say this is a battle that creates something. Let me, let us, may we all learn from it in cogency and brilliance, so that we can become a better race because of it. What do you think, Jannecke?

Jannecke Øinæs 48:32

thank you. Yes, it makes sense. It makes sense. It's I feel it's about embracing the human experience and those ups and downs and not having so much resistance towards it, but at least it is a practice of accepting it and learning from it. Now, I do get curious about humans. Who are humans? To me, lately, I've been thinking that nobody are humans, like we're coming from all over the place, from the entire universe or universes. It seems like so many of us are star seeds, so many of us are angels, so many of us are different beings that have a temporary Earth experience. So then I get curious about but what are humans?

Speaker 1 49:21

Then you are multi dimensional beings who create. And a good way to understand what the definition of human is, is human equals multi dimensional being who creates. Now we're going to start at a very high level, because that's the way we generally work. At a high level, then we drop down into lower levels of understandings. Multi dimensionality is the way we teach. Does that make sense to you? Yes, all right, so humans come from many different places, is what we would say. The original humans that came to earth were incarnated as humans, which are really what we would call idea specimens. Idea specimens. All of you, humans, each and every one of you are ideas full of ideas. And you ideate, you are an idea who is full of ideas. And you ideate. Does that make sense?

Jannecke Øinæs 50:11

What's that word? Ideate, ideate.

Speaker 1 50:14

So ideate is taking an idea and growing it. Ideate. I ideate. I think about something, and I take an idea and I grow it. Does that make sense? Yes, ideate, ideate. So you are an idea full of ideas, and you ideate, which means you evolve, you grow, and you ascend. You with us so far. Yes, now there is this concept of star seeds, and there are other words around it. Some people don't like star seeds. Some people like star seeds, but let's say beings from beyond. Now this is a thing that exists, and what this means is that the soul that incarnates as you has been around the block a few times. That's all it means is you've been out there. Maybe you've been in the stereo Sirius star system. Maybe you've been to lira, maybe you've been in the Arcturian star system, maybe a Pleiadian star system, but your soul has been around to other places, not just Earth. You're not an earth bound soul, and so you come to earth with other innate knowledge from other places and spaces beyond Earth. There are people, places and things on earth that are earth bound, that are created for Earth, and specifically for Earth, and generally they remain on earth, but there are now in your beautiful, homogenous to a degree, but also, also multifaceted humanity, a human race that is multicultural, meaning multicultural from other cultures beyond Earth. Does that make sense? Yes, in fact, we would say a good word to remember and look for and love is multiculturalism, which doesn't only mean different cultures on the earth, but different cultures beyond the Earth are present here. So we ask you, dear ones, embrace multiculturalism. If that makes sense to you, what do you think?

Jannecke Øinæs 52:06

It makes sense to me.

Speaker 1 52:08

Yes, yes. So you are a race of beings that are here, there and in between. You're multi dimensional, but you don't really know it. Yet. You're awakening to many things, but as you move to do in higher dimensions, which we call mind frames, or mind statements, is that you understand things more so in the lower dimensions, you understand fewer things. In the higher dimensions, you understand more things. The dimensions to demystify what they are. They are mind statements. This is the way you think. This is the way you understand. This is the therefore, this is the way that you are. So lower dimensions understand fewer, higher dimensions understand more. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. What other questions do you have for us? Dear, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, human.

Addison Ames 52:59

Well, I think, I think we must wrap up soon, so it's does not get too exhausting for Addison. But perhaps, if you have a message for everyone listening today, what? What do they need to know at this moment?

Speaker 2 53:17

Know thyself. This is an old platitude, but not really a platitude. It is a wonderful, wonderful ascension tool. And many of you who are watching this episode of this wonderful show are working on knowing yourself. I need to understand the specialness of that which I am. Where do I come from? Where do I go? Help me understand the fullness of me? Does that make sense? Yeah, it is part of your own mission. So we leave you with saying, let know thyself, which is an ancient, ancient, ancient proverb, in a way, going back to about 6000 years BC in Earth time in this current human situation. It is not a new idea, but it is one that has driven the force of the human forward, it is driven human forward. And so we say to each of you, we know you work with us. Call us into your life. If you know us, call us into your life if you don't know us. But like our energy and Metatron can help you evolve, help you transform, help you ascend. Know thyself. Is a wonderful plight, and that is the thing that really drives humanity forward. We know ourselves, we understand ourselves in new and higher ways, and our world changes around us because of that. And with that, we leave Addison, but we leave a few messages with him to share with you. And we thank you for your time. We thank you for your energy. We bless each and every one of you. And thank you for allowing us to drop in and say hello.

Addison Ames 54:47

Thank you so much.

Addison Ames 54:55

Thank you, Metatron, I appreciate you. Hi, Jannecke. I'm back.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:00

How are you? Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 55:02

I'm wonderful. Thank you. It is an energy intensive experience.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:08

Yes, I understood you said that, and I didn't know how long you sort of can hold that energy. So I didn't want to go on too long.

Speaker 1 55:17

Oh, it was great. It was great. Thank you for allowing Metatron to speak again. A big thank you to him, and I hope you, I hope you enjoyed the conversation.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:24

Yes, I thought it was fun. Like, it was so interactive, and it was a bit different from what I'm used to. So I really enjoyed it. It was nice to like be included in that way. Like, what do you think?

Speaker 1 55:36

Well, well, you know, I mentioned he's kind of like a coach, you know, that's the way he works with me. It's not just him talking all the time. It's, it's almost like a workshop kind of environment, you know, where you know you and he probably workshop through a few things. You talk through a few things. And I really do hope you enjoy it. I enjoy the interactivity myself. And so, you know, that's what a lot of people say about Metatron is very interactive. You're not an outsider in the channeling. You're a participant in the channeling. So thank you for letting me do that.

Addison Ames 56:11

Yeah, sure. What is the deepest spiritual insight that he has given you about life?

Speaker 1 56:22

Wow. There are many. This may not be the deepest one, but this one I get kind of a kick out of, so I'll share it with you is that our personalities really aren't us, but our personalities are very flexible, and they can grow and they can change. And our personalities are kind of like a structure, a personality format, that we work through at the soul level. So if you've ever been to a church or somewhere and seen stained glass windows, you know, big, big, beautiful stained glass windows, and the sun shines through it, and the light comes through the stained glass windows. Metatron likens it to the sun being our divine essence, our soul, and the stained glass window being our personality. So like the Addison ness of me, the yannik of you, and so like the stained glass window isn't the light, but the light shines through the stained glass window and makes beautiful things. And so our personality is kind of like a stained glass window, a format, a structure that we, at the soul level, shine through and work through and let the sun shine through. And so I played with that idea, and what that's done is given me a lot of flexibility in my own personality, so I can be with a lot of different kinds of people, no matter who they are, different, you know, cultures, different heritages, different socio economic brackets. My personality can be very flexible, and I find that to be a huge asset, and that's a wonderful teaching that I've gotten from Metatron. So our personalities really are not who we are, but our soul or our light shines through our personalities, just like stained glass windows. I think that's pretty cool.

Jannecke Øinæs 58:17

I think that's cool too. I feel like I've been out to my body a couple of times, and I did feel that I had my personality with me. So I think that it's possible to sort of have that personality with you a certain amount of time. Never been to or I don't know what happens in the afterlife. I know some people are experiencing like just being one with everything, not having an identity. But I think both can sort of be true, that sometimes you you hold on to the personality a bit longer. Has he said anything about that, like, what happens on the other side or out of body with the personality?

Speaker 2 59:00

Yeah, yeah. He has it really just depends on the person. So the things that he has taught me, and that I've seen with people that I work with, is when people have a near death experience, an ND is many times they're still in their personality, and that's that's so that they can really understand themselves in a different, totally different paradigm and a totally different experience, and that juxtaposition, or that dramatic change, allow through, through stableness and the personality, allows them to really understand what's going on. So I think with obese out of body experiences and in the ease near death experiences, I think most people retain their full personality, although there might be some stretching. Let's say someone has a lot of fear that they're dealing with in their personality. Sometimes they can move to a state of no fear, where, even though they're in this really kind of wild environment, where they might normally you. You know, lose their lunch, as they say, or be really frightened. They're in a total non fear element, yet they still retain their full personality. Does that make sense?

Addison Ames 1:00:12

Yeah, it does. Well, this has been super interesting and fascinating. I have a few questions that I ask everyone, and the first one is, what is self love to you?

Speaker 2 1:00:23

You know, I'll use what Metatron talked about, like knowing yourself. So self love to me means investing the optimal time and energy and really knowing myself, exploring myself, exploring my personality, my heart, mind and soul, my whole multi dimensional self and not being scared of going within. And so in that exploration and discovery, I find great love and great self love.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:51

And what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective Addison to relate.

Speaker 2 1:00:57

So the way that I see the re a top reason, if not, the top reason why we're here is relate, relate, relate. And that's why I do relationship counseling. That's why I always work to have the highest and best relationships with people like Danica. I love you. I care about you. I think you're wonderfully talented, you're brilliant, you're a great gift. You give a lot to humanity. Thank you for your work. I care about our relationship. I care about the relationship with myself, my family, my friends, my loved ones. And I think when we understand that, when all of us understand the secret sauce of life is we are all here to relate, ourselves are always relating. I'm relating to my my mobile, I'm relating to my water, I'm relating to the TV, the computer screen. We're always relating. Our cells are relating. Our bones are relating. That a high reason of why we're all here, if not the high reason is to relate, then it helps us to love each other and relate in the highest and best ways possible.

Addison Ames 1:02:03

Interesting. It makes so much sense. Well, Addison, can you, can you share a little bit about your work? And I know you have an exciting course coming up, and I'll put a link below. Could you share about that? Yes.

Speaker 1 1:02:17

So, as I mentioned earlier, I kind of I have a I I work in a range of things, everything from forward thinking businesses and business leaders to personal empowerment coaching to life guidance sessions, where I help people make good decisions high decisions about their life, relationship counseling and channeling. So if you want a one on one experience with Metatron, you can have a channeling session with me and Metatron, and it's wonderful. It's very interactive. It's much like what you experience today. And all those are available on my website, and then as an affiliate with you and your show. And thank you for inviting me to be an affiliate on your website, you can see a very special course on timelines, which is an interactive experience. It's five, two hour sessions where I work with you, along with Metatron, to help understand your timelines, clean and clear, heal your timelines, even open up new timelines so that you can be the best that you can be. You can heal the old, get a fresh start on life, and really understand your timelines in new and higher ways. And that's available at a very special price, and it's on your website in the affiliates area.

Addison Ames 1:03:39

Fascinating. Well, thank you so much. This was super interesting. I'd love to have you back one day, channeling and your amazing work and for being a guest on the show today.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:51

Thank you. I'd love to come back. Thank you for the invitation, and thanks everybody for watching. And Jannecke, it was great to meet you here for the show, and I look forward to seeing you in the future.

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