A massive global shift is on the horizon, shaping the next five to seven years. According to spiritual channeler Natalie Namaste, the angels have a powerful message for humanity—this is a time of transformation, awakening, and deep healing. As the collective consciousness expands, we are being called to release limiting beliefs and embrace a new way of being.

Facing the Polarity of Light and Shadow

The angels emphasize that we are witnessing an unprecedented contrast between light and darkness. This heightened polarity allows us to see the hidden fears, doubts, and conditioning that have held us back for generations. The only way forward in this global shift is by confronting our inner shadows, clearing old wounds, elevating our consciousness, and unlocking new abilities such as telepathic communication and deeper intuitive awareness.

Five Limiting Beliefs to Release in the Global Shift

A major aspect of this global shift involves letting go of deep-seated beliefs that have kept humanity trapped in fear. The angels highlight five key areas that require transformation:

  • Scarcity Mindset: Many people operate from a belief in lack, but the universe is abundant. When we recognize our inherent ability to create and receive, we step into a new reality of limitless potential.
  • Fear of Being Seen: Many carry the residual “witch wound,” a fear of standing in their power due to past-life persecution. It is time to embrace our truth without fear of judgment.
  • Suppressing Vulnerability: Society has conditioned us to hide our emotions, but true strength lies in allowing ourselves to be authentic and open.
  • Sorrow as Harmful: Grief and sadness are not weaknesses. They are essential aspects of healing and transformation, allowing us to move forward with greater clarity.
  • Fear of the Unknown: The mind resists uncertainty, but the unknown is where true expansion happens. By embracing the mystery of life, we connect with our higher selves.

How to Prepare for the 2025 Global Shift

As we step into this new era in 2025, the angels urge us to focus on three key energy centers to raise our vibration. The heart, as the foundation of the new consciousness, allows us to connect deeply with others and the universe when we cultivate love and compassion. The belly, or gut instinct, serves as a powerful guide, and strengthening our connection to intuition helps us navigate challenges with greater confidence. Lastly, the pineal gland, often referred to as the third eye, acts as an inner gateway to perceiving beyond the physical world. Activating this center enhances spiritual awareness and insight, allowing us to access deeper wisdom and clarity.

Embracing the Awakening in the Global Shift

The angels assure us that we are not alone. The global shift is a turning point, an opportunity for profound change. As more light floods the planet, they are working closely with those who are ready to awaken. While the journey may not always be comfortable, it is an invitation to step into our true power. By releasing outdated beliefs, opening our hearts, and trusting our intuition, we can align with the higher frequencies of the universe.

Transcript of the interview

Natalie Namaste 0:00

And a lady came to the coffee shop, and she pulled me by my arm, and she said, Do you know that you've got 120 angels that work with you? And she says, and you're gifted like me. You're psychic, you can see, feel and hear beyond the dimension. What they're saying is, oh, I give such goosebumps. They're saying 2025, has the potential to make a massive global shift, which will change our next five to seven years. The polarity is so big that we are able to see the dark, and we have an opportunity to face it, and with that, we'll be able to have more telepathy, being able to communicate without words, and we'll be able to tap into other timelines and be able to shift past lives and release things that been carrying but it's not going To be always comfortable, because we have to face the shadow. It's the only way. So I'll share the five essence that the angel shared.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:15

Do you want to cultivate a deeper sense of self love? Then I have a self love toolkit for you, where I help you boost your self love. Head over to wisdom from north.com/self love tips. Natalie Namaste. A warm welcome to the show.

Natalie Namaste 1:33

Oh, it is so wonderful to be here. Thank you for having me in this beautiful space.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:39

I'm excited to delve and dive deep with you today, because I know that you are channeling 120 angels that came to you at a young age, and ever since you've helped 1000s of people help them transform their lives, and you are sharing these messages of the angels. And I just saw a video with you on your YouTube channel talking about 2025 how important 2025 really is, and how it's going to set the course for the next five to seven years. And I know you have vast knowledge about pyramids, and you've been through yourself the dark night of the soul. So I'm super excited to see where we're going today. However, I want to start with your journey, because it always interests me and fascinates me, like how people start to have these abilities, and how it's like actually having them and communicating with higher of all beings. So were you sort of in contact with beings out of this world, like at a young age?

Natalie Namaste 2:48

Yes, I was about five or six years old that I when I had my very first realization, coming all the way back into source, back to God. And I was in the back of my mom's car. I was looking out the window, and I was looking at all the things, the people, the school, the objects, just this entire reality. And I I asked, If there isn't all of this, what is there? And it went dark, but it felt warm and loving the emptiness it was. It was infinite forever, space, and in that space, I felt that that was more real than anything that I was seeing and and my whole body was vibrating with this incredible energy. And, and I just knew, ah, this, this is the truth. This is what we really are. So then what's all this that I'm seeing, and I feel like that's been my, my driver throughout my life, because I've always asked these deep questions, and every time I ask them, I'm dissolving more layers of this mind made dream, and I'm coming closer and closer to the nothingness, the emptiness, which is so full of Love and this dark light that I call it, um, I actually what's coming in now is I'm going to go even further back. I was in Costa Rica, and I was on a retreat where we were doing breath work, just lying down and doing this circular breath for four days in a row. So we went very deep. And I think it was about day two. And so with the circular breath, when we naturally breathe, we have a pause at the top of our breath and a pause at the bottom. With this breath, you don't pause. You just keep breathing and breathing. So my body started to make different movements by. And I was I was realizing that I was observing my body moving by itself, and I've got pins and needles in my hands, my arms, my legs. And I started to feel more and more the this light filling me next moment I was outside of my body, and I realized that tiny baby, Natalie was in the womb, and I was in this beautiful dark light surrounded by hundreds of angels, and I was preparing to be born. I was condensing my energy and light so that I could fit into the physical form of the baby. My mom was in the hospital and and I could see like now I'm I'm going to be born. And at that moment where I was condensing into form, I pulled back a bit, and I said, waited, wait. I I don't want to forget about you angels. Please be with me every single step of the way with this feels like a lot going on to this earth. And and they said, We're never going to leave you, and we're going to make sure that you hear us and see us and feel us throughout your life. We'll never leave you. We're all going to work together. And so then I was born and and then I had this memory of being held by my mother and and I could feel all the angels singing and beaming light to me and and I could feel them, and I knew, Okay, I've got this life, and I've got this mission that that I can share the angels with everybody else, so that they can feel heard and loved and supported, because we're not alone here. So that was a very powerful experience.

Jannecke Øinæs 6:49

Oh, wow, that's fascinating. So I didn't know that. So okay, so you wear this light in a dark light. Do you remember sort of who you were. Would you say that you were your soul? I'm very fascinated about, you know, the pre birth experience. How much knowledge did you sort of receive about this pre birth you

Natalie Namaste 7:13

Yeah, so, so I was energy, light and color, and I had more of this, like turquoise blue light around me. So that's the frequency of the throat chakra, which is, you know, it's my favorite color, and so it's my soul vibration. Often, the colors that we're drawn to are our souls light, our soul color, and it's connected to a chakra, which is where we're learning. So for me, my whole life, it's been about Conscious Communication and truth. So the throat chakra, and so at that moment, before I was in the body, I was this color, and also I could hear this very high frequency sound and singing and angels and and there was, there was more than just me. It felt like hundreds of souls preparing to come to Earth. It feels like a dimension. It feels fifth, fifth dimensional. So you move from fifth dimensional, which is where you you have a mind. You are separate. You are a soul and and then you drop into fourth, where you start to condense even more feeling and starting to starting to sense things through five senses. You you're starting to realize that you've got a brain. You're starting to feel that you've got a heart, you're really starting to sense the body. And then you land into the 3d so it's this gentle moving through the dimensions, until you come in and and I feel like we all have a team of angels and guides that are with us during that time. And actually, I've helped quite a few souls to pass, and they've shown me even more about these dimensions. So that's something we can also go into if you're interested.

Jannecke Øinæs 9:13

Definitely before that, I'd love to go into the detail. Would you say that you then were born awakened. Like, did you remember then your soul contracts, your your mission in life, like, were you totally awakened, or did it? Did it slowly dissipate and you sort of rediscovered these memories later on, as life happened?

Natalie Namaste 9:38

This is such a brilliant question, because I feel like as a baby, my mom tells me that I was talking to beings around me and like and and even in the cut, just always looking around and and connected to something that's that she couldn't see. And and so then I. Realized that it did start to fade. I can't remember the exact age, but I my whole childhood, up till definitely 789, I was always communicating with God the universe. I would say things like, Oh, I'd get a message. Go and put this container under that willow tree. Three leaves are going to fall into it, and then you can manifest with it, and getting, like, director like, how to do this and and so maybe it's when I was a teenager, but I definitely feel like I I became very human at some point, and I found that my gifts were overwhelming because I could just read everyone's energy. I could see the colors around them. I could know things about strangers and and in the beginning, I thought that was normal for everyone, and then I realized not everyone experiences that, and I wanted to be normal. So I feel like around about 1213, I did ask it to dim down a bit, but it didn't belong. And yeah, and then the conditioning the mind made reality. I did take on so many beliefs, so many like from my my upbringing, from the school, from other people in my life and that that did create a distance between being fully awakened and being the human character.

Jannecke Øinæs 11:39

Yeah, right. That makes sense. I mean, the conditioning is so strong, so strong, and you call it the mind made or the mind made dream. Is that? What you call it?

Natalie Namaste 11:52

Yeah, it's, it's, I can it's the veil. The veil is this mind made dream that we are, we are, every thought, every belief, we are attaching and identifying to the character, and we are creating more and more with our mind, which is incredible and amazing, because we are what we truly are, is God or consciousness or source. And within that, this mind, which is so powerful, is then creating the experience that we're having,

Jannecke Øinæs 12:25

right? That makes sense? Okay? I want to move forward in a linear fashion. When did these angels approach you? 120 that's very specific as well. Was that in the 20s or something, you were at a cafe? It's an amazing story.

Natalie Namaste 12:43

Yes, exactly I was. Maybe I was 17 or 18 years old, and I was working in a coffee shop in a shopping mall, and I would be watching people walking through the mall, and I would see golden light around everyone. And you know, like in in the paintings, people have a halo, I could see the halo around everyone, and, and then I see other light beings around everyone, and, and so at this time, I was definitely very open. And a lady came to the coffee shop, and she pulled me by my arm, and she said, Do you know that you've got 120 angels that work with you, and you've been born on earth to help with ascension, and it all begins with yoga. And she says, and you're gifted like me, you're psychic, you can see, feel and hear beyond this dimension. And when she said this to me, my whole body, because I channel a lot of light, and people might, you might already be feeling this light that comes through. And so when she said this, an immense amount of light came through, and that's a huge confirmation that she's speaking truth. So my whole body sort of vibrating even higher and lighter. And so immediately I was like, Oh, it all starts with yoga. I better go and find my yoga teacher. And so I started practicing yoga and started communicating with these 120 angels. And and I have this one very large, bright blue angel that is working with me. And it feels like within that Angel are all the other angels. So I'm not hearing split different voices. It's, it feels like one voice that holds all the other voices.

Jannecke Øinæs 14:46

I've interviewed a few who are channels angels, and I always get curious, are you guys channeling the same angels? And how many angels are there? And are there angels in different time? Mentions we're speaking about here. So if you could share a little bit about what angels are and who they are, and whether you sort of come across others who channel the same angels.

Natalie Namaste 15:13

Yes, so angels are light beings that are on a high frequency. So those who channel angels are able to raise their frequency so that they can tune in and receive downloads and channel the angels that I channel I feel are unique to the frequency that I am within many of my clients and students. They Wow. Natalie, you, you're an angel. You, you hold the qualities of an angel, and the qualities of angels are like deep compassion. I I'm able to feel what other people are going through. I my soul and their soul become one, and all of a sudden I'm I'm able to really sense where they're at. And so that's what angels can do. They can bring their energy right in. So you become one, and you hold angelic qualities of pure love, deep understanding, compassion, and it's, it's beyond the mind there. There is no separation. And so there are so many different types of angels. There are archangels, which, what I understand with all of these different dimensions, they're right up there at a very high frequency dimension, just before going back into the wholeness source and and then there's different types of angels, like guardian angels, I believe and see that we each have a guardian angel so our own personal, beautiful being of light and love that supports the individual throughout their life, helps them to to plan their life before entering in and and so many people might be channeling their guardian angel or their guides. Then there are. There's a lot of people out there that are channeling the Archangels. For me, these, this 120 they feel like they are angels that are in all the different dimensions. So so sometimes I can receive information very much grounded, about our Earth, or about like specific questions, because there's such a different ray of color and frequency,

Jannecke Øinæs 17:47

all right, yeah. Have you ever seen the angels, and how do they look like, like? Do they appear physical to you in the in a sense?

Natalie Namaste 17:57

Yes. So it's, it's quite amazing. I mean, I think if I were to see them fully, it could burn, like, yeah, you know, if you go out and you've been in a dark room, and you go out into bright light, and your eyes get sensitive, um, so instead of the whole room turning into that light, I see flashes and sparks of light. So around the person, when they're talking to me, I'll see a flash, and it will be often white light or violet light or a blue, or sometimes even pink or yellow. So that lets me know the color frequency that the angel vibrates and works on and with.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:39

So it's not like a human shape, in a way, with wings and all that.

Natalie Namaste 18:45

No, I don't see them like that. Sometimes I'll see like a haze of color and light near a person, um, or if I close my eyes, I can sense where they're standing, and I can get their name, and I can start to feel them, so my whole vibration will go up and, and, and I'll hear them, oh, and I'll also hear the room, so the frequency will go high pitched.

Jannecke Øinæs 19:18

Fascinating. Hey guys, I want to jump in here to give my thanks for being part of the wisdom from North community. Your support and engagement means the world to us. We put so much passion, so much love into these episodes, and my intention is really to be part of this great shift of consciousness, to do what I can do with this channel to help people expand their consciousness, love themselves more, follow their purpose and shine their light. So if you haven't yet subscribed, I would love for you to do so. Thank you so much. You'll find the link somewhere here below, and now let's go back to the episode. You. Now, for those out there who are thinking, Okay, but how do I know that she's speaking the truth? You know? How do you know yourself that this is not your imagination that is making this up and you you feel, maybe the love you have in yourself, like, how do you really know for sure that it's actually angels?

Natalie Namaste 20:23

The beautiful synchronicities that happen. So in session, when an angel comes through and they they tell me their name or and the color, and they give a message about the person that I'm speaking to, like that evidence, and the person is like, wow, well, you don't know me, Natalie, and you all of a sudden know things about me, like I can know if they've got a pain in the shoulder, or what it's connected to and where it when it started. And so, for example, I had a client the other day where I saw the angels around them show me that they had died in a previous light, in a fire, and we spoke about it and helped to heal and release the energies that were trapped in the body, and they could physically feel stuff releasing from their body. So they they had a physical release. And then afterwards, they emailed me, and they said, you know, out of all the ways, a fire is something I often think about, and I fear it. So it's that, that confirmation, um, also that everything comes through here in this reality through the imagination. So the imagination is, is this mind made reality? And everything that's in the mind made reality is a dream. It's not the ultimate truth. It's not the ultimate reality. There's only one truth, and that is God, source universe, that that is the infinite truth. Um, everything else is created and experienced through the mind. And what happens is we limit ourself with the mind. We stop our imagination, like as a child, we can see our imaginary friends, the unicorns, the angels, these beautiful beings, we create and we imagine. And then at some point, we get told, you know, that's not real. And so we stopped seeing the fairies around in the gardens and and it's that actually that that creates the block. But the beautiful thing is that we think given a mind to create and experience ourselves here in a body, and if we can allow our imaginations to be free, we can then tap into these energies that are in higher frequencies, that that do exist beyond this more like conditioned, Lyd mind of you know, what you Touch is real,

Jannecke Øinæs 23:16

yeah, yeah. I'm curious what their perspective is on the times and the shift in consciousness that we're experiencing now, and especially referring to that video where they had a special message about 2025 if you would like to share that.

Natalie Namaste 23:36

Yes. So lately, at the beginning of 2025 my 120 angels have gotten louder, and they've been telling me, just get get this video out there. So my YouTube is really growing, because the angels want the messages heard. And what they're saying is, Oh, I get such goosebumps. They're saying 2025 has the potential to make a massive global shift, which will change our next five to seven years. So on our Earth, we have our individual mind, and all individual minds are connected. So we have a collective mind that's been running the system here in the 3d and there are a lot of fears. There's a lot of worry and beliefs that are very outdated, that have kept us trapped and small, and the angels are saying that we are now starting to see the shadow side. So for a while, we've been running away from the fear because it's so uncomfortable. We've been running away from that darkness inside of ourself. But now on Earth, we we have the polarity is. So big that we are able to see the dark, and we have an opportunity to face it, to actually the consciousness, the light that we are, dissolve the shadow. So the work that we're here to do in 2025 is to release, specifically, they told me five five S's. And it's so interesting, because when I channeled this, I totally had forgotten that we're going into the Chinese year of the snack, right? And then they're like, telling me these five S's which I can share. And we are dissolving these five collective beliefs that have been holding us in a holding pattern, and as we dissolve them individually, they will clear collectively, and we will be able to hold more light inside of us, which means we will raise the frequency of our planet, and with that, we'll be able to Have more telepathy, being able to communicate without words. We'll be able to, I mean, time is already speeding up, and we'll be able to be able to tap into other timelines and be able to shift past lives and release things that we've been carrying. So there's a lot of positivity around this year, um, but it it's not going to be always comfortable, because we have to face the shadow. It's the only way to be able to be more conscious and carry more light. Um, you know, this is a wonderful question, like, what is consciousness? Being conscious of for so long, we've had our awareness focused on the mind, made character, believing ourselves into our into being, constantly focusing on that. But what if we start to retract awareness away from the character, and we start to become more aware of the energy, the light, things beyond just the the narrowness of our focus, something starts to happen, and that's what 2025 holds for us, is this expansion of the mind, because we're no longer running on fear. So I'll share the five answers that the angel shared. One is that we are dissolving the collective mind, the ego that's been held with scarcity, so we're able to release the major disbelief in how abundant and creative this world really is. So that's a big one, many of us, and I've been working with 1000s of people. I do group group work, and I teach courses every year and and I do one on one, so for years, for 24 years. So I can say that 98% of us will carry some some of us majorly carry the scarcity, and some of us will just have residual but we all have it to some degree that we feel unworthy of, of being able to fully create here and believe that we can create, and also that we deserve money, and that we deserve and that Money does grow and freeze and it is abundant.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:29

I believe that too. Yeah, alright, so that that's interesting, yeah. So we all have infinite abundance, actually, that that is sort of the truth of life, but it's us holding us back, not like we have the blockages that prevents us from receiving

Natalie Namaste 28:48

exactly see, the mind is the veil and consciousness God is abundant with everything. And so these these layers, these these blockages, these fears actually restrict that abundance that's already here from entering. And so this first one that the angel said that we are collectively dissolving is is going to release this. And you can feel it sometimes in the throat and in the solar plexus area, the diaphragm area and also in the pelvis or the or the belly, um, it's like a contraction of No, like, you know, I don't deserve all of that. Or, you know, why should I create the most beautiful, perfect world and and have all the money to be able to be free and expand and enjoy. So, so, yeah, that's, that's the first one the scarcity.

Jannecke Øinæs 29:45

Just to comment on that, or a question, um, I'm curious, is it possible that all of us have this abundance, like, really, on earth? Because Earth, you know, the man made world, man made world. Of is created in a way that is a hierarchy. Some have more, some have less. Are we moving into a time where we all have what we need in a way

Natalie Namaste 30:12

we have to dissolve that belief in the hierarchy. See, because we believe in it, we give our power to it. Whatever we believe in, we send focused energy towards that belief, and emotion becomes the attachment to the belief. So the emotion is like a magnet. It sends out these frequency waves, and all what our universe does is it mirrors the vibration of what we are believing. And when we have an an emotion attached to a belief, we're creating that so our collector has been believing that others deserve the money, or we gotta give money to others, and they've gotta run the world and and so that is a huge core belief that we are now starting to deeply dissolve,

Jannecke Øinæs 31:02

and are we receiving help with that? Because I can just notice how deeply my rooted beliefs are, and even though I'm aware of a lot of them, it seems like they're quite stubborn and stuck.

Natalie Namaste 31:16

They are very stubborn and stuck. Because it's not just an individual belief. We've been taught it by our ancestors at school, everywhere, in all directions, and it's been a vibration that's been held on our planet for so long. So it's a it's a big one to move through, and it's it. You can really sense it and feel it like even notice in your body now where there's any contraction or resistance to the fact that when I say abundance is available to all of us, when I say that immediately where the fear is and where the disbelief is, it will contract. And so we're what we do is we we keep going into the place where the contraction is, and we breathe into it, and we feel into it, and it does start to dissolve, to dissolve.

Jannecke Øinæs 32:08

That's good news. But, but do we need to do the practice ourselves, like practices, practice it, or are we receiving help from, you know, beings like angels to do this work.

Natalie Namaste 32:22

Yes, we're definitely getting help. There's more angels coming to earth to help, especially with this, because it's hard for us so but, but individually, we need to do the work we because if we don't know that we've got the belief, then the belief is running inside of our system and sending these messages to the universe, and it keeps mirroring it to us, so the universe will stay in a holding pattern.

Jannecke Øinæs 32:49

Yeah, yeah. So we really need to take responsibility for what's going on here. All right. Well, that's good news, in a way. I think that, you know, the time is now the next step. What was that in the recipe? Yes,

Natalie Namaste 33:05

so, and I just to touch on that the time is now. There's another belief. That's an illusion that tells us, oh, in the future, we'll have the Golden Age, and in the future we'll be happy and peaceful. That's another, illusion of the mind, because it's right here, right now. It's always been here. God's truth has always been here. It's in the present moment. So by dissolving these beliefs and these layers, we come back home to the present moment, to our full divine light, and we can be the full creator of God consciousness here on Earth. So it's here. The time is now. And that is why it's so incredibly exciting about this, dear 2025 because the angels show me a mass awakening. So many people are remembering at at a different level. It's different for everyone, but it's definitely happening. So I just wanted to add that. And then, yeah, I'll go to the the second one that the angels did. We're dissolving, scared of being seen. So yeah, for a long time on this earth, many of us carry the witch wound. So in a past life, we were which we had beautiful powers of being able to heal, be able to see and experience beyond this dimension and spread the light. And those who were in power at that time were very fearful of it, and many witches were killed. So there's and there's other cases in like in past lives, where people were killed for having a voice and being light, and so people have come back into this lifetime and are a little bit nervous of standing in your power and and and being the light. And it doesn't necessarily mean you have to have an opinion and vocalize. It means that you have to believe in the light that you are. That's what it is. So it starts here in your heart to start to see yourself for who you really are, beyond the mind, the energy, the light, the soul that you are.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:18

Just want to comment on that when we talk about past lives, and you might agree that maybe it's not, you know, in linear time, like it happened before, but it's happening now, because there's no such thing as time. But then I'm curious when we are in this in between lives like yourself, remember your path, your pre birth experience, why are not these experiences from past lives or parallel lives washed away. Why are not we're coming into an incarnation, sort of as blank sheets. And if we have 1000s of lives, why is it only a few that is affecting this life? For instance, me or you being a witch, is that something we choose as a soul like I'm going to have these lives affect this life as we're having now?

Natalie Namaste 36:10

Yes, it's a fascinating question. So we're a there's consciousness and oneness, and then there's a spark of mind, which then sparks more and more and more minds. So we're, we're an individual spark of consciousness with with minds, powerful mind which is creating, which moves through many different lifetimes. And part of this mind made reality is that we, we grow on top of the different lifetimes. So even though linear time is is just here in the third and but in the fourth dimension as well. Um, it's part of the the show. It's part of it's part of the experience. It's because that first spark is where we had no previous experience. There was no cause and effect. We were just caused, and then the mind started to create So, so the the cause and effect is what makes this reality take place, makes it all happen. So there has to be some previous cause. So old souls have so many different experiences, like here on this earth, other planets, other dimensions and and it's wonderful to build upon the next because that is the evolution of the soul. Um, the soul is actually moving from an from unity to multi, multiplicity to having many, many different experiences, where it reaches a maximum of all the experiences, and then it goes, oh, I want to come back to Unity. And it starts to make its way an evolution, back to source. So we're all going through that. And so that's why we have these past lives, and these memories even held in the body. And some of the past lives are dissolved. So you, for example, you're, you're in a war, you kill many people, then the next lifetime, you come in, and maybe you've got a disability, or, you know, you're, you've got one leg, or you've got mental illness or something different things that you're experiencing that because you've had a previous cause and now you're having an effect. It's, it's all balancing itself out, that balancing takes place over many different lifetimes. I mean, we could say it's all parallel or happening at once, but it's lovely to to to give faith and view it in the linear. Because when we're here in the 3d we are moving in a linear and, and, yeah, and so some of the lifetimes are affecting us more, because they're kind of more in our energy, more more recent, more connected to before we were born, choosing this lifetime, choosing specific experiences that we wanted to have in this lifetime, when we were with our guides and our angels before we're born. And yeah, I feel like that's this is such a deep topic,

Jannecke Øinæs 39:24

I know. Thank you for explaining or giving your perspective so thoroughly. I really love that. And I do think that there is an element of linearity, even though, from a higher perspective, it can happen at the same time, and how these goes together. I don't think Yannick can understand from my limited perspective. But let's move on to the third sort of big step, yeah,

Natalie Namaste 39:54

so the third collective mind shadow that we are really. Thing is scared of showing vulnerability, that we we've held a belief that we've gotta be strong and we've gotta be positive, like we've always gotta just be happy and strong and and in the workplace, you know, if, if you've lost someone, someone's died, and you're feeling very fragile and vulnerable, you kind of just have to get pull it together and focus on the job. And there's such expectations in this 3d world of just, just get through it, heal it, and you gotta, you've gotta, you've gotta be okay. We don't give enough space for being vulnerable and for showing all our different emotions and talking about them, so we are releasing that like nervousness of being very honest and vulnerable, and that means we're going to be able to show up being more real like this is what's happening in my reality today. I don't feel great, isn't it interesting that we've been programmed today? Hello. How are you? I'm fine. Thanks to you. I mean, even learning it in other languages, it's, that's what you learn, and it's, it's a program that we are deprogramming because it's not it's alive. We're not always fine, and we don't have to always be fine. And actually, the gateway back to the full light is to see the shadow and and be okay with it.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:32

I love that we speak about shadow, because I feel like in spiritual circles, 20 years ago, it was more about this positive thinking, positive thinking, and that is important. But if you don't balance it with shadow work, I think it can be hurtful, like you're saying, like suppressing, actually, what's going on. And I think this comes beautiful to together, and vulnerability is really beautiful. And I feel like when people are vulnerable, that's that they're really strong. Like, it's showing, showing, actually, strength and courage to dare, to be authentic and sort of naked, which we seldom are. It's a lot of playing going on. Like, yeah, acting. We're great actors. All right, moving on to number four,

Natalie Namaste 42:22

sorrow is harmful. So we've believed that, you know, feeling sorry for like, being sad and being in that frequency is harmful. So we're, we're like, well, grieve quickly. Get over it, because it's, it's lowering the frequency, but actually, to allow ourselves to to go into that place in the heart, and I've seen with a lot of people, and it feels like a black this energy in the heart, where where grief and sorrow sit. And if we allow ourselves to go in there and and cry and feel it. It's an incredible energy shift. And you notice that that you are carrying so much love for yourself and everybody else, and that you are a ray of different color and shadow and light and dark, and all is welcome.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:29

That is beautiful,

Natalie Namaste 43:31


Jannecke Øinæs 43:34

And then the last one, what is that

Natalie Namaste 43:37

scared of the unknown? So what I've noticed is that the mind's biggest fear, which keeps us very attached to the character we're playing, is that it is fearful of no longer existing. What if the mind no longer exists? What is there? And so the unknown, the mind will keep us from it, and the unknown exists in the present moment and and so the mind will take us into the future or the past, or even if we're doing deep self realization work, working with awareness. You might even notice that the mind will become a narrator, and it will just start to communicate. Oh, well, I'm, I'm doing this, but it's not real time, because doing it is the real time. So it's, it's the fear of the unknown has been keeping us so busy and involved in the character and and we believe ourselves to be the character. So when we have emotions or we have thoughts, we think that it's happening to us, and so we react to our environment this as we dissolve this belief, and there's going to be more space between the character and every. Thing that's happening and and awareness is what we're going to move into. Because even if you realize right now, where are you watching me from, like, notice where you're experiencing watching me from, and you can also ask yourself, Where am I watching myself from? That then draws you back into awareness. And there you realize, oh, wow, I'm not the character. I am that which is observing the character I am, the awareness. And so what the mind does? The mind keeps going, Hey, focus on me. The mind draws all the awareness to itself. And if we retract awareness from the mind and bring it back, we create more space, and we empty out into the place that's unknown. And in the unknown that is God, that is truth, that is everything, and it's so beautiful.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:59

It is sort of like a paradox, that we are these beautiful beings, and we come down to this illusion, and the illusion is so persistent, like, I think Einstein said, and then we're moving to understand that we're not humans. At the same time, we're here to have the human experience. And sometimes my mind is like, those are not going together. Like, that's a paradox, like, why cannot just the veil be thinner and why can't it just open up for us to have an easier time?

Natalie Namaste 46:32

Exactly, somehow we've created it this way. Isn't that just amazing, that, like we we have this mind so that we can be separate and have a separate experience. So we're in unity, and it's bliss and it's beautiful, and it's like quite unnameable. It's just love and, and, and then, and then we have a mind so that we can have a separate experience. And then we have suffering and we have discomfort and, and when and or we just start missing home. We miss the the unity. We feel like something's missing. And it's it's those realizations that then help us to move back through the mind, back to Unity. So it's such a fun, beautiful dream world that we get to have a separate human experience. And the more awake and aware we are, the more we can consciously create, rather than subconscious patterns creating our reality. We are conscious and we're aware. You know, if the more aware we become, the more we can feel life vibrating through our body. You can feel energy and light in a cellular level, and and, and when that starts to happen, that means we've really cleared a lot of the shadows and beliefs. And for me personally, I'm, I'm, it's always further to go on this journey, um, I, I feel like clearing out every single belief, so that there's no belief, and then from that space, just giving allowing consciousness, God to arrive and speak through me and experience through this, which is Natalie.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:19

That's really brave. Like, I feel like some beliefs I just want to keep, in a way, and some of my identity I want to keep, like, I noticed that there's an ego part of me who has some resistance to really going there, because I still just want my character, Yannick, to be there. I think it's fun, and I like it. So there is sort of this resistance to it, but I'm trying to honor that as well. However, I see the time is like flying, and I just felt like we just started. It's just so funny with time. Could you do some channeling? Because I know that you mentioned to me that you could sort of admit some some frequencies for the audience today so they can have sort of an experience of

Natalie Namaste 49:06

this. Yes, I'm getting that. First the angels want to share something, and then we're going to go into a deep, powerful activation where everyone's going to experience God consciousness lights within themselves. So we'll see how this flows. Yes, beautiful, yeah. So you're welcome to have your eyes closed throughout, and I'm just going to take a few breaths to give space for the angel.

Ah, beautiful beings on earth, we are coming in strong at the moment, we can hear your prayers. We can hear you. You are needing more and more support as you navigate the. This massive time of shift change. Earth is creaking. There are a lot of earthly changes. There are floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, volcanoes erupting, solar flares. There's a lot going on, and it is a mirror showing you all what is happening individually inside of you. You are creaking and moving and releasing these layers that have been keeping you small. It is time for you to expand into the Great Divine Light that you truly are to be fully conscious and awake so that you can create the world and the life through the human experience that you are here to have. And we are flocking into the earth strong and powerfully. So pay attention to us, become aware of the light and the support, and know that you are not alone. There are three powerful keys inside of your body that can bring you into the higher frequency. One is by bringing focus and energy into your heart. When you focus in your heart, you tap into the great intelligence that is beating your heart without you having to use your wonderful mind, you let go of the mind and you tap into the heart, and your heart expands with love. Another key to accessing the higher frequency is through your belly, the sacral sacred chakra, Energy Center, where there are 1000s of meridians and little filaments that are communicating from the outside world. You call this your gut, intuition and instinct. You all have the power to know what is happening before it happens, to be able to sense and feel just like when you walk into a room, you can sense who you want to talk to and who is not in resonance with you, bring awareness to your belly, and more and more awareness will activate here, and you will become more intuitive. The third key with inside of your body is inside of your brain, it's the pineal gland. When you draw awareness deep inside, you activate your third eye chakra, which opens up vision beyond this dimension, you may start to see and experience more in dream time when you close your eyes, you may see dark, which then starts to change into different colors and light. You may see past lives. You may have a deeper understanding from your soul. You activate connection to your soul. These keys are in your body to help you to connect to your soul and to the universe, God, consciousness. There is more light coming to earth right now, because of the great shift that has started in 2025 there is more violet light, which is the high frequency light, to raise your frequency and to support you. Do not be scared to sit in the dark shadows breathe through it, the light of your soul dissolves all shadow you have the power within you and you were destined to be fully conscious here in the third dimension, and you are doing it, and we are proud of you and support you. The time is now. Believe in your power and allow yourself to let your mind open and imagine yourself wider and more open because you are a limitless, Infinite Being of Light and.

And now the angels are beaming the light to you. Light is coming in from all different directions, entering into your auric field and into your body. Notice if there is a certain color or color light is entering in through the skin into every single cell in your body, if you are needing healing right now, this light is going to all parts of your body, especially to the areas where you are needing healing. Notice what you start to see sense and experience through all of your senses as you receive this powerful divine activation of light, a waterfall of light from above, moving through your aura and every single cell in your body, you are filling with more and more Light. You are releasing anything that needs to be released, just breathing it out. You can feel the angels around you. You can sense and feel the light within you. You and I am channeling high frequency Reiki to you.

An affirmation is coming through. I am the light that I am. I am the light that I am. I am feeling vibration and light inside every cell of your body, noticing the light that colors the energy in your aura, I place you in a sacred golden bowl of protection, ceiling in this beautiful light so you feel held safe and protected, and I ask that the angels hold your hand and support you every step of the way, because all that takes place in 2025 will affect the next five to seven years, meaning we can truly move into the golden age where we live from our heart, where we feel safe, where we can trust and where we can be the love that we are. Thank you for being you. You are your own teacher and your own guide. The answers are within you. May they be shown to you as you integrate this incredible light that's come through today. Namaste.

Jannecke Øinæs 58:40

Thank you. That was really beautiful.

Natalie Namaste 58:46

I'm vibrating so much light the whole room is it looks like we're under water. How are you

Jannecke Øinæs 58:54

I almost get a bit like, is the word hazy hazing? I'm not sure. Like, yeah, not dizzy, but, like, where am I? Sort of

Natalie Namaste 59:07

exactly, yes, yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 59:12

powerful. I want to ask. They mentioned solar flares. And I've heard that a couple of times, and I'm curious about it. I don't really understand what it is and if it's coming, or if it has happened already, if there are multiple solar flares, what are the angels saying about that?

Natalie Namaste 59:36

Yeah, they're saying that because our outer world is the definite reflection of our inner world, and our inner worlds made up of our beliefs, thoughts and emotions. And so these solar flares that are taking place, our Sun is what breathe, brings light to everything here in the third dimension. And so our Sun is getting stronger in its. Communication with us, because we are growing in our power. We're getting stronger in our communication as the light beings that we are. We're believing more and more in our self and our light, and we're being able to carry more light in the third dimension. So the sun is supporting us, and it's sending more and more light to the earth, mirroring the light that we're sending to it. So the sun is seeing all of us shooting light, and it's mirroring it back to us. So we can expect, maybe is the word, that more, there will be more solar flares. Also, the angels are saying there's more flashes of light coming like, really, I've seen flashes of white light, flashes of violet light, um, my whole room, I was just sitting staring in into space, which is how I meditate, just being non, non thinking. My whole room turned UV like this, purpley violet light. And disappeared, and everything was just light. And immediately my mind was like, oh, let's, let's bring it all back. We love the world and and so this is happening. More flashes of light are mirroring the amount of light that we are carrying. And so it's exciting. It's the way in which the angels talk about it. It's it's not something to fear, um, it's rather something to recognize and be excited about that, that our outer world is showing us how incredibly light we are.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01:32

Will this happen on a collective level, that many of us will see a flash of light, or is it more like I can experience it in my own room, sort of,

Natalie Namaste 1:01:42

yeah, as you start to open the mind break through that veil that's kept kept us smaller, you're you're then opening up to remember that light and color is so natural, and the more you believe in it, the more you can experience it. So yes, you everyone, every single person, has the the opportunity to see flashes, to to feel the shifts of the light. Um, you know, if you see something flash in the corner of your eyes, don't dismiss it. The the more you believe in it, the more you'll experience it.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:19

Alright, this has been beautiful. Natalie, I have a few questions that I ask for my guests, and the first one is, what is self love to you,

Natalie Namaste 1:02:30

reconnecting with your true spirit, with source, with the soul that you are remembering the truth of you,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:02:41

lovely. And what is the deeper meaning of life? From your perspective,

Natalie Namaste 1:02:48

life is exactly the ups, the downs, and seeing all of it and allowing it, instead of trying to control it, being okay with whatever's entering into the field, allowing and that when you allow more and more energy moves through you, because you kind of get out of the way and and then life flows beautiful.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:03:15

Where can people connect with you if they want to follow you? Can you share a little bit about your work?

Speaker 1 1:03:23

Oh, I'd love to, because I have a lot of free resources, and people are are really loving the community. So my YouTube channel is Natalie, Namaste, healer, and I channel the angels. And I also do this very special. It's called growth and meditation series, where people and they ask some people ask questions and and then I'll channel answers, and we'll do a meditation and so so YouTube's definitely a beautiful hub, and everyone sharing and supporting each other. Then my Instagram is more about getting like help today, like a quick, powerful tool that can blow your mind to open it more, so that you can feel your soul. And I've also channeled the numbers. Lots of people are drawn to the angel numbers, and so loads of different resources there, and it's Natalie namaste with an underscore at the end. And then there's my website, which is Natalienamaste.com, and on the home page, you'll see that there's a free gift. It's a high frequency meditation which also provides protection and grounding and raising your frequency and and healing, um, really connecting to your soul. So you when you connect and receive the gift, then you automatically join my email community. Where is another place where I give lots of free resources, and then there's one other beautiful place, which is every month. Can actually spend time live with me, because my one on one sessions, I open my calendar month by month, you need to get onto my waiting list. To get on to have a one on one with me. Right now, I'm booked until the end of April, so if you do want a session in May, you can email me Natalie@natalienamaste.com, um, but, but so in because my one on ones are so busy, I have a group session every 11th of the month, and it's incredible. It's called group channeling and meditation. And I channel the angels. We pick a card, I have guests healers that join and give a gift, and I can answer one or two questions, and we meditate together. So that's growing quite a lot, because people afterwards are messaging me and saying, I thought colors, I had an experience. And yeah, so it's it's wonderful, and you can have a look on my website and join on the 11th of every month,

Jannecke Øinæs 1:05:58

sounds wonderful. Thank you so much for coming to the show today and for sharing Your beautiful work.

Natalie Namaste 1:06:04

Such a pleasure and an honor. Namaste.

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