Robin Jelinek, a channeler for the collective known as Athena In Truth, explores in this episode the profound shifts happening on Earth and humanity’s growing consciousness. This enlightening conversation delves into how we are stepping into our power as light beings, manifesting a higher reality, and experiencing the rise of humanity. Robin shares how embracing self-love and surrender can lead to profound personal and collective transformation.

Embracing the Rise of Humanity as Light Beings

Robin begins by revealing a powerful truth: humans are light beings, conductors of light energy. By clearing our energy centers and welcoming more light, we can enhance our ability to create and manifest. This process is central to the rise of humanity, as more individuals awaken to their divine potential and take responsibility for their reality. Robin explains that this influx of light is bringing humanity closer to the higher states of consciousness that align with love, peace, and purpose.

Manifestation and the Flow of Divine Energy

The rise of humanity is also marked by a shift in how we manifest. Robin emphasizes that manifestation becomes easier when we align with our divine flow. This doesn’t require force or control, but rather surrender. Just as puberty naturally unfolds, so does the growth of consciousness. By observing our emotions without judgment, we invite divine energy to work through us, effortlessly guiding us toward a life of harmony and fulfillment.

Choosing Your Universe and the Path to Freedom

A key message from Athena In Truth is the power to “choose your universe.” Robin explains that our feelings and focus determine whether we move closer to or further away from our preferred reality. By consciously choosing love and joy over fear and negativity, we are contributing to the collective shift toward a more compassionate and awakened world.

A New Era of Human Potential

This episode underscores the rise of humanity as an unprecedented period of growth and transformation. While challenges and negativity may surface, they are invitations to heal and release old patterns. Robin describes this time as one of immense opportunity, where we can shed limitations, embrace higher consciousness, and co-create a new Earth centered on unity and love.

We are at the forefront of this extraordinary transformation. By embracing self-love, surrendering to divine flow, and consciously choosing the energy we align with, we not only elevate our individual lives but also contribute to the awakening of humanity as a whole.

Transcript of the interview

Robin Jelinek 0:00

Humans are light beings. That's what you are. You are actually conductors of light, and you conduct that light through your energy centers. It's what we teach. And so we think that once a human really understands how they can actually open up their own field and allow more light, force, energy in, they will love their ability to manifest at a higher speed and to be able to create and form as a god. So there's going to be this gradual lifting in consciousness, of which telepathy is a part of Robin's experience. That a little bit too.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:37

Robin Jelinek, a warm welcome back to the show.

Robin Jelinek 0:41

Thank you for having me.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:43

I'm excited to have you back. I loved our past conversation. I think it was a year ago or something like that, and it was very well received. You channel Athena, in truth, they talked about manifestation from or in this new Earth or this New Energy. And it was very like concrete and helpful. And I wanted to have you back to learn about the energies nowadays and what Athena and truth has to say about the times we're living in now. Like, you know, in the aftermath of the US election, the wars that's going on, it seems like everything is coming up to the surface. And I know you've written a book, choose your universe, and that says a lot to me, choose your universe, that actually we are empowered. We have the power to choose a lot actually about what we see. But for those who, those who are new to you, could you share a little bit about Athena and truth? Who are they and who are you channeling?

Robin Jelinek 1:41

Yeah, well, they are a group, collective or consciousness. They merge together and communicate under one speaker called Athena. That was the first entity that, actually, that I felt entered my body. In the beginning, there was a lot of naming names, and there were multiple ones that were wanting to channel. And back in the day, I was kind of keeping track of that, but I don't really do that anymore. So it's, it's what takes place is, is a merging of of those beings together, and then kind of, depending on the client that I'm moving with, or the interview that I'm moving in, the appropriate energy will come forward that matches that exchange. So people usually come away pretty satisfied. They feel as though they've met themselves. I get to kind of try on the jacket that's them. When I'm in a session, I really get to feel what it is that they're going through. And they through that exchange, get delivered a lot of information that really helps them to know themselves better, and when one starts to understand why they have chosen to feel the way that they do and accept themselves in that choice. This is really what self love is. I didn't know what that was. For years, I would try to figure out, how am I supposed to love myself? What does that actually mean? I can remember doing these practices, sitting in the mirror and trying to tell myself it in the mirror, all the while not really getting what I thought that I would get out of it. And now I've just realized that, you know, we are allowed to feel our experience in the way that we feel it, and it is in that free choice and free will that we have, in the acceptance of what we've chosen to feel that makes us very connected to our source. There's nobody judging you, there's nobody condemning you. There's nothing outside of you that's waiting for you to pass and shake its finger at you in all the wrong ways that you've lived. There's just a very loving, allowing, compassionate source part of you that has given its unconditional love to you in the experience that you're in, when you can finally do that to yourself in in all the ways that you feel, you become very connective and the flow is a natural thing. It's just something that starts to come in very easily. It's not about being perfect, doing everything right, or even changing things about your personality that you think people don't prefer or like. It's just about you really. There's this journey going on, and it's really between you and you. Everything you're feeling in the form of an emotion, is a response between what you're choosing to feel and what the Divinity part of you has become by all that you have felt. So as you choose a feeling that is disconnected, the negativity that you feel is an indication from your source part of you, Hey, I've got this beautiful universe created for you that I would love to flow to you, but in the choice that you're making right now, I'm drifting away. I can't, I can't get to you through the emotions that you're holding right now. So when people start to really understand their guidance system, it's never about anything outside of yourself. It has nothing to do with a circumstance, a situation, a person. None of that is the cause of how you feel. The cause of how you feel, in fact, is, are you closing in on that preferred reality that you've created by what you've lived, or are you actually choosing to move away from it?

Jannecke Øinæs 4:45

Beautifully put, I'm going to honor a part of my audience today that is a bit skeptic, and I've been asked to do this. And I thought, okay, let's do this. And I asked for allowance, because I really believe in. On these messages, and I resonate with it, but still, I see, of course, that there are many perspectives to this. So the questions I've received is around, okay, how do the guests know that they're actually channeling that they're not just making it up because they seem like they're good communicators? And another thing, and I know Athena might jump in here, so I'll, I'll just say a few questions, and then maybe she wants to, or they want to answer. Or you, I've also heard that, why does it seem like the beings being channeled are sometimes interrupting and speaking in words that is hard to relate to, like it seems like, in a way, from a human perspective, we we're here in this density, doing our best, and then we hear that, oh, just going to love that's who you are, yeah. But it doesn't feel like it, because we have the veil. So it's sometimes it could feel like there's a teacher above saying, Oh, just do this. But then, but you're not here. You don't know how it is. So it's like this feeling of, what can we concrete do? And another thing that I come across is, if they can see everything, why don't they come with concrete solutions, you know, two problems, or say, What color is on yonics wall on the other side? Like, really concrete evidence, so there would be no doubt. So I think you know where I'm going with this,

Robin Jelinek 6:27

yeah, well, you know, first of all, I can only speak to my experience in having the channeling experience come to me. There was a knowing. There was just like when you realize something like a realization. I was just thinking about that other the other day, that a realization is this moment of recognition, this moment of understanding that maybe you were trying to get and didn't have, that comes with it. There's a feeling, there's a so when you do actually have the channeling experience, it leaves you without doubt. It leaves you in a knowing state. So that's the only way that I could describe that to you. I didn't feel in any way that it was making it up. I didn't feel it was me. I There was none of those types of feelings that I had when it occurred to me. And as far as what was the second part of the question? Oh, that I was thinking about because I Oh, skepticism, a little bit that you were talking about with people and and why did they interrupt things like that? Because I've often wondered that. Because I'm not someone that interrupts people normally, but when I'm channeling, it happens a lot, and I usually warn people before a session, you know, I apologize ahead of time if there's some interrupting. But the way I feel and the way that I understand it is the communication we we look at communication as words, and they look at it more as energy. And so I'll receive as Robin a block or a thought or a concept that's going to come through words, because that's the way we as humans understand it. But in the spiritual aspect of you, it's not really being sent in words. It's more of an energetic exchange. And therefore, if someone starts to ask me a question, which is in too many parts, they are using my consciousness. I'm not consciously there at the moment, but I can only hold so much. And so that's why the feeling of having to unload and reload is very much a real thing for a Chandler. I'll go in the sauna with my husband. This is back in the Pacific Northwest, and I never can get through five minutes, because I'll get what I would call a block of thought. I have to get out of the sound sauna. I have to unload it, or it's going to be gone and no new one can come in until that one is is taken care of. And if I don't do it, I'll lose it. It usually, maybe it'll come back in a couple of days, but it might not. So as far as them seeing me, they don't really, in my understanding, look at it that way, they're not really seeing me. They're feeling me. So in the beginning, when I was thinking about it all the time, they were constantly talking at all times of the day or night. And of course, my husband and I got kind of exasperated and said, you know, we need to sleep. And my husband said, like to read the paper in the morning without being interrupted. And they said, Well, stop thinking about us. That's our invitation. That thought that goes out of I wonder what they would think about this, you know, I wonder if they're here. And of course, in the beginning, I was doing that all the time. That's what actually evoked them, entering the minute I quit thinking about them, I just go about my life, and there's no interruption, and they don't come in. So when I come into an interview such as the one that I'm doing right now with you, the moment that I think, okay, you know, I think about them, I allow them to come in, then they come forward. That's how that works. So I don't know if that completely answers the questions that you're asking, but they're very much comes and knowing and with channeling, but but there's also some trust that has to be built. Even after I became a channeler, sometimes things would come to me that I'd be feeling pushed to bring to someone's attention, and I didn't feel comfortable doing it because. I thought, well, what if I bring that up? And it's not, in fact, something that they're going to agree with, or it's off topic. But as I did this more and more, and I saw the the benefit that it gave people, I got more believability, more trust, and then I started to let some of those things out. Of course, with it came the confirmation, and that just builds. And so, you know, being a channeler isn't really any different than being a good interviewer like yourself. It's something that you practice. It's something that you do regularly, and you become better at it. And the channeling experience is no different. It's not really any higher than or better than any other achievement that someone does. It's something that you kind of work at of course, it comes in in a more surprising way, but once it comes it's really up to you to be able to hold greater and greater amounts of belief and trust within yourself, so that you can actually develop that skill into something greater

Jannecke Øinæs 10:57

that's very helpful and very interesting to actually hear more the mechanics behind it, because we see a certain thing, and then we can have interpret, and, of course, have different guests who have different experiences. But I've seen, like a common thread in that sometimes, you know, the channeling is coming very, a lot of energy and abrupt, and I've even seen, you know, Abraham does the same, and I've been curious about it, and other people too. And the other question that has come across is, okay, so are they, like, do they know everything? So why are they not giving the the solid, big evidence?

Robin Jelinek 11:34

Yeah, you know, you know, sometimes I'll be surprised that some things will come through won't necessarily be something that I have understanding of or know a lot about, but it is very helpful when you are a channel to have a good base or to have an understanding of different religions, different practices, you know, all different types of things that pertain to spirituality. So it's definitely an advantage to have that in your consciousness. But I would say that over over, and actually, if you remember Sylvia Brown, who was a very renowned psychic, one of the first things she was told in the beginning when she became a Chandler, was to not do anything for the next year other than study, to go out and read every scripture, every type of spiritual information that she could gather would be a benefit. And actually, I have to say that people that know whether this is happening to someone because they are going to become a channeler or they bring it upon themselves, I'm not quite sure, but that's actually what happened with me. There was 25 years of studying, 25 years of constant absorbing of every piece of spiritual information and material. I was just a driving passion. I had no idea why I needed to know or wanted to know, the things that I went after, and it was insatiable. It was like something that you just kept going and going and going. And so I can only surmise that maybe that was a preparatory thing. Maybe that was something that they want to have that vocabulary available. They want to have that understanding within your consciousness. And I don't really have anything factual that I can give you that that's the truth. I can only tell you that that was my experience, that that was definitely a phase that I went through prior to this happening.

Jannecke Øinæs 13:20

But have they told you, like, why they're not, or do you have any thoughts about why channelers are not giving concrete, like, evidence that skeptics couldn't deny, like, this is coming again and again. You know? Why? Why can't they show us things that we cannot deny so that everybody can see that this is true.

Robin Jelinek 13:42

Yeah, they're going to come in and answer that for you. How about that? Yeah, yeah. Well, what we would answer that question with is, what is coming to you is coming in a way that it would make you feel. And humans are forever emanating emotions in the way that they are feeling that are sending out a signal to the Divinity parts of themselves and the world as a whole in what it is they prefer to feel. And that's an ever changing thing. That's from moment to moment. It is constantly changing. And we would tell you that even if you look at some of the channels who have actually put out a lot of forecasts, not all of them are correct. And we would say a large amount even lean towards not being correct. Let's use that term, because that's an ever changing thing. Humans have free will. What do people think that is? That means that you have the ability to choose based upon what you are experiencing, any emotion or any feeling that you are emitting, and then the universal part of you is going to receive that and know that you have a preferred way of being or preferred way of feeling. Humans like to look at everything in concrete terms of items or actual dates or things that are going to occur, but it is more about a feeling. It is more about what someone wants to experience in the way they want to feel themselves, rather than it is a concrete there's a car coming. This is what your. House looks like these types of things, yeah, but,

Jannecke Øinæs 15:03

but could like, do you have answers to everything?

Robin Jelinek 15:09

We do use the consciousness of those that are we are channeling through to be able to direct or assist us in in what it is that we will transmit, and we would say that as their consciousness rises, as their trust rises, it gives us more access, or more ability to channel higher levels of information, but some of it is dependent upon the channel, so that would vary between one person and the other, yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 15:38

Okay, well, that does make sense. And the hard question, the tricky question, I'm not trying to put you on the spot, but I'm also doing it for the sake of the audience, and sort of to evolve, you know, because if everybody agrees, like, who's doing spiritual podcast, and we have the other bunch of people who's not, and we're not making that bridge, I don't see how we evolve that fast. So, like, Okay, could you say, like, what the color of the wall is behind my computer?

Robin Jelinek 16:10

No, we could not do that. Yeah. We are feeling Rob. We are not present visually. Yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 16:17

okay, okay, so in a way, like it's coming through Robin's consciousness, yeah, so Okay,

Robin Jelinek 16:27

yeah, no, if she opened her eyes while we were occupying her, we could certainly tell you the color, yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:35

Okay, so it's not like you see me now, like in my environment.

Robin Jelinek 16:40

No, it is not. It's an energetic Exchange, or one that is felt through a signal or a dialing in. Let's use that term a connection. Yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 16:51

Okay, so that makes, makes sense. So in a way, my guardian angel, I would assume, sees everything I'm doing and is with me all the time. But there's a difference between, for instance, my guardian angel and you,

Robin Jelinek 17:03

well, the difference is, she is yours and you are the dictator of yourself. Yeah. So anything that you give permission to, in your agreement, in your belief, in in your love of, yeah, then it would have access to you. You see,

Jannecke Øinæs 17:18

okay, so when you give advice, do you give more advice to the individual or more general advice?

Robin Jelinek 17:25

When we are in private sessions, we give individual advice, not necessarily choosing a direction or telling them what to do, per se, but we give them an understanding of how they got to the position that they are in, why they have the life that they have, what it is and the choices that they have made, and then also lead them in a direction of the love of self, of the understanding there really was no other choice that they could make, that they are an experiencer, and that what they felt, in fact, was an accurate signal, and that was actually creating an alternative reality alongside the one that they were presently in humans need to understand that in third density, there is some suffering. There is lower tone, emotions that are accessible at the level of vibration that this plane is at, and that creates a reality in form that sometimes is uncomfortable, or you would call it suffering. And then there is a fifth dimensional reality that is created alongside of this one based upon what you are choosing, that is a preferred reality. It is the one that your source vibrates at as it receives you in your request to feel better. Yeah, and that's how we would look at what you deem as negativity. We would look at it, in fact, as a request, as looking to feel better in your experience.

Jannecke Øinæs 18:34

It does make sense to me. So you're helping us evolve, because you see things from another perspective. But have you been third density beings yourself at some point, so you actually know how it's like being human.

Robin Jelinek 18:52

Some have been in third density and some have not. Yeah, but understand one thing, when one becomes part of the source or returns from the experience that they are in, in expression, in forms that you have a ability to perceive and to feel things as though you are there or experiencing them yourself. Let's use that term.

Jannecke Øinæs 19:17

So could you share a little bit about who you are and where you come from, I didn't quite get and understand, are you from? You know? Are you extraterrestrials? Are you masters? Are you angels?

Robin Jelinek 19:31

Well, it might surprise you, along with you, that we have been all things, yeah, so have you? Yeah, whether you know it or not, so it is important that you understand the multi dimensional aspect that really every being is a part of. And so what is the question you are asking us? So you want us to tell you exactly like you a human. You would give us your name, and you would tell us the city or state that you live in, and feel that that is a clear depiction of who you are, but really it is not. More than a fallacy or a made up representation of something you are using to identify yourself while you are experiencing Yeah, and so a human gives a child a name because they must call upon them. They must get their attention and be able to have this exchange with them through the name that they are using. But in the divinity aspect of you, you are more known by your feeling, by your vibrational content, or that the level of vibration that you are at, and it is actually what attracts you to other beings or exchanges that you have is more of a matching type of exchange, yeah. And so it's just to understand that to give ourselves a name. We did that in the beginning for Robin. What is the name Athena? It is a representative of a woman in her power, a woman in her confidence. And that's actually what she was asking for in her sit time she was sitting and asking, when would she ever be more confident that she was nearing the age of 61, or two? I think it was and felt as though that was something that she had wanted to achieve in her life and had not yet achieved. And then I Athena breathed her Yeah, and said, How do you like the feeling of a woman in her power she'd never felt before? So she knew that it was not her. But what is that Athena energy? It's a stream of consciousness. It's a level of vibration of which that being was a part of. Doesn't mean that it's the only being that could be a part of that stream of consciousness. There could be many. But it is to understand that it is a vibrational level that one calls to themselves. Even in channeling, they are looking for a satisfying experience in their expression, and therefore even the channel that will achieve a group channel situation is actually attracting that to themselves in the way that it would make them feel for Robin, it was I would like to feel more confident. I would like to feel more powerful as a woman. This is something that she has. Robin has not experienced as a human, and therefore, in combination with us, when she is channeling she has that opportunity to actually feel whole, to actually feel something that is very satisfying to her in her experience.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:08

Yeah, I asked Robin in the beginning, sort of the same question, and I guess I've heard have a hard time understanding it from my human perspective. That's why I ask again. But okay, could you say something about me personally having this one side? I remember I interviewed Teal Swan, who said that I have this, this contrast. Because in one way I I'm quite rational, very rational, and a bit skeptic, and in another way, I'm totally open. Yeah, or so many concepts, and is that sort of how I was put together in order to do the job I'm doing?

Robin Jelinek 22:47

Well, it is what your life experience has caused you to become or to feel. Yeah, and so in your skepticism, when you are in that state of feeling, would you depict that as a pleasant way of being, as something that you like to feel of or would you depict it as something that feels a little bit a little bit contrasting or not comfortable, as as something else might

Jannecke Øinæs 23:09

I feel this protecting me a bit, because I know there's a lot of weird stuff there, and many spiritual teachers exist out there that do not have Good intentions. So, and I've been down that path also, and I know others have, so I think it is healthy, you know, I've been able to see, okay, this is someone who's coming from love and want to empower me. It's not someone who wants to say, this is the only way.

Robin Jelinek 23:38

Yeah, well, if you did not have skepticism in you. You would not attract unto you those that would deceive you or those that would perhaps not be what you were looking to have on your channel or to be in exchange with. Let's use that term. And so what we would say, yeah, if we were having a session with you, is that skepticism was long a part of you prior to ever having the work that you are now in. So therefore it is not caused by channeling. It is not caused by those that might deceive you, but is actually an emotion that is contained within you that is bringing you that that perception or belief or experience, yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 24:19

Mm, hmm, yeah. That makes sense.

Robin Jelinek 24:21

Well, when you look back when one reflects and observes themselves in all that they feel with non judgment, with the love of self, with the acceptance that there's good reason for it, you will be brought right to the incident in your early childhood where perhaps you started to adopt that way of being or that belief or that perception, and then in viewing that, you make known what was unknown, what you believed in that had no basis. Now you actually are perceiving it in consciousness. That perception, when one observes themselves in an emotional state or a way that they are creating that doesn't feel good to them, they. Actually are flowing divinity, consciousness to that emotive state and actually dissipating it from their field without even realizing that's what they're doing. The Divinity aspect of you is the observation part of you, that observation, that knowingness, that I am, presence, just viewing the human in the way that it feels, not trying to change it, not condemning it or judging it in any way, but simply saying, I am looking at you in the way that you are feeling, and I am receiving you in that feeling with no judgment, with unconditional love, that energy reaches the chakra and actually assists you in releasing it.

Jannecke Øinæs 25:39

I'm really appreciating this conversation, because I feel it's really honest, and I feel like I'm allowed to be a bit personal, or allowing myself and I want to share something. Why is it that when I'm doing an interview, somehow I have this picture of this person out there who's judging everything I'm asking and everything I'm doing, and that is so highly evolved, and that can see through me and how lit, how, how, not far I have come on my journey, and at the same time, I'm Having this dialog in my head that I'm not asking questions for myself, mainly, I'm asking also for everybody out there who needs help, who are curious, who are on all kinds of levels. Yeah, but I'm still, I'm afraid of this one man or being who's going to attack me in the comments. What is that about it? What can I do about it?

Robin Jelinek 26:41

Yeah, so to understand you correctly, you are afraid of perhaps receiving criticism or something that would not feel good to you when your intention, in fact, is to do good. Is this what you are asking? Yes, yes, yeah. So to understand that, once again, everything that a human is experiencing in the way that they feel, would be given to them, especially when, for example, I will use this example, if a person were wanting a larger sum of money, then perhaps that they had availability of the minute that they started to ponder that money, the human aspect of them would begin to cough up the beliefs or perceptions that are held. Human would look at that as negative thinking, something to get rid of or to stop doing. But actually, in your request for more money, the human will say, Well, this is my perception. You're not smart enough, you don't have an education. The job that you're in is a dead end, and you're not going anywhere. Your parents never had any money. Why would you think that you're going to be successful? So all of those things that come forward are actually the things that are preventing you from connecting to the money which was already created the moment that you wanted it. So it is to understand that as as thoughts and feelings come in, nothing is about anything that is true outside of yourself. So if you would have these perceptions that perhaps you were going to be judged, perhaps someone was going to comment in a way that would be hurtful or not something that you would want to feel or have in your experience, that the human aspect of you is simply letting you know the vulnerability that you have, how greatly you are affected by the outside opinions or thoughts that maybe others are projecting at you, and that there is a little bit of a perfectionism, yeah, that one wants to be perfect and that is not required. No one is expected to do everything perfect, or to never have someone disagree or to have a comment in a direction that would not be what you would prefer, but these would be the things that would be held within the being. It would not be that they are actually true, because those comments that would come would be your becoming because of your fear of them. They would be coming because of the avoidance of them. Once that fear is eradicated and once no one no longer fears something like that. There is a great decrease, or not so much of that that you will actually encounter in your experience. And if you do, you will not have much reaction to it at all. Yeah,

Jannecke Øinæs 29:14

it is that low attraction thing. And then I'm like, Okay, I don't want to be afraid, but I'm still afraid. You know, I'm still afraid of going out in the dark. Like, how can I not be afraid of not going out in the dark when I know there might be whatever out there?

Robin Jelinek 29:29

You have to try to not get rid of it, and you have to understand that there is a higher power that is more than willing to take care of you. Yeah, but you must put your trust, your belief, your knowing in that direction, and then to feel yourself in your fear and acknowledge it. Because, again, divinity, consciousness comes through awareness. It comes into your body by you being aware of it. So the minute you are afraid, you are to say, I'm afraid right now. So now I am claiming it. I'm not in the hamster wheel with the fear, thinking I have something to be afraid of outside. Of self, I am actually inviting the Divinity aspect of me to flow through me and dissipate my fear so that I no longer have it, you see? Hm,

Jannecke Øinæs 30:10

yeah, that makes sense to me.

Robin Jelinek 30:12

Robin discovered this kind of humorously. She's been having some trouble sleeping at night. Once in a while, she can't get to sleep right away. She has to do it within two or three minutes. She has a snore, a husband that snores, and she would feel quite frustrated, quite irritated, if he would start snoring. And then if that, once that started, and the irritation and frustration kind of built in her body, then she'd go into worry mode. She'd worry about this appointment, that thing, and her son, and anything else that would come to her mind. And then one night, she remembered that she did have an observer, and she observed herself in her frustration and in her irritation. Stopped blaming the snoring for it. She observed herself in her worry and to her amazement, within minutes she went to sleep, that divinity consciousness came in and dissipated that energy from the field. And it wasn't, in fact, that there is something to worry about. It wasn't, in fact, the cause of her frustration and her irritation. She already had that in her, and the snoring was nothing more than representation of that. Once she got that recognition, he continued to snore. She was awake, but there was no frustration, no irritation. It was the most pleasant night of non sleep that she'd ever had, you see? Hmm,

Jannecke Øinæs 31:23

yeah, that's helpful. What a jump into the times we're living in we just had, or in the US it was an election. We're transition, transitioning now from 2024, to 2025 as we're recording, and many channelers are coming with predictions, like you mentioned, that are not just airy fairy, but a bit doom and gloom, or that things will come to the surface. Could you just say something general about these times we're living in, and especially right now? Yeah,

Robin Jelinek 31:57

well, you know, it is for humans to get the understanding that you are in a world, a feeling world, basically, yeah, and even when we addressed the election and all of the opposition that goes on with that between people, if you were to look at everyone that voted as voting for something that they thought would make themselves feel better, maybe perhaps you could have more allowance or surrender to the Free Will sovereign choice that people have in the decision of what they think would actually make them feel better. That's the sovereignty that you have as a human and no one is allowed to take that away from anyone. Unfortunately, some people do not like that understanding. So you know, what we would say is that throughout your human existence, there have been what you would call ups and downs or changes in in all things, in financial things, in planetary things. And this is really no different, other than it is magnified by the amount of coverage or the ability to spread news in a way that was never available during those other times. Yeah, so we think that if you were to ask a lot of people, there are always going to be those that perhaps are suffering on this plane, but there are so many that have great lives and great abundance and love for what it is that they are living in the lives that they are in. And so we think it's to some degree overall, it's probably the best of times for what is available in opportunity, in in lifestyle, yeah. And so it is to understand that those that are in suffering that we do not alleviate suffering by becoming a suffering person, by actually joining someone in their disconnection. Because nothing that is happening is happening because of anything, everything that is happening is because of an emotional state, a way of emanating or feeling one's experience. And so those that are looking outside of self as something is the cause, are the ones that are predicting doom and gloom or a grim future. Let's use that term. They think that there's something outside of the human experience that is going to bring disaster or actually have a negative effect, and that is not our belief or our perception. Is not what we came here to teach. We believe that humans are resilient. We believe that whatever changes come, they will navigate them with grace and beauty, and that there is a beautiful world that has been created alongside of some of the things that are not preferred, and that world, in fact, is going to flow right in, in some of the changes, and this is what we were discussing. Robin was discussing with you prior to the recording, are there going to be natural there's a rise in consciousness, or the way that people are thinking and feeling, in the understanding of how they create in their experience? There are many changes that are happening to the Earth itself that are. Are increasing the light or the amount of vibration that is entering the plane. Humans are light beings. That's what you are. You are actually conductors of light, and you conduct that light through your energy centers. It's what we teach. It is why we try to assist humans in removing as much stored negativity or layers of emotion that are trapped within those energy centers that are actually denying light, force energy, or the enlightenment that people want, that they think, that somehow some have achieved and others cannot. It is available to everyone based upon how open those centers are. And so we think that once a human really understands how they can actually open up their own field and allow more light, force, energy, in that they can actually create a very nice universe around themselves, where they them, it's they themselves. Will love the life that they're they're living. They will love their ability to manifest at a higher speed and to be able to create and form as a god. This is what they actually intended to do so joining others in disconnection in their perception or belief that something outside of themselves is causing them harm is not going to help you. It's actually going to add to the thing that you think that you do not like. So we would say that the concept of being sovereign is an important one, that you use that individual consciousness and that individual aspect of yourself that is experiencing right now, to put your focus in a direction that feels good, one that you want to see in the world, instead of inadvertently squandering it in places that is not of benefit to you or anyone else you see.

Jannecke Øinæs 36:36

Okay, so in many ways, what you're saying, if I understand is that it will be even more available for us, more love, a beautiful life, consciousness, as long as we we choose it. Yeah,

Robin Jelinek 36:50

well, what's going to happen in a rise of consciousness? So what happens in Divinity consciousness? There is no hate, there is no jealousy or rage or separation type emotions that are being emitted because the vibration is too high, they do not calibrate or reside at that level of consciousness. As consciousness rises, it's a very surprising and lovely thing. Robin has experienced a couple of things that signal a rise in consciousness. Old ways of being, old choices evaporate. They're just not there. You go to feel angry about something, you go to feel jealous about something you you go to feel an old way of being that would usually be a very natural choice for you. It's not there. It just is stupefying. She said that you cannot choose the old emotion, and it is not through effort. It is not through trying. It is as though it has evaporated or disappeared from her choices or what was available to her. And if there is a negativity that is felt periodically, it's very fleeting. It's not something that lasts. It doesn't have the ability to hang with you like it did when you were in more of a dense form, so there's going to be this gradual lifting in consciousness, of which telepathy is a part of Robin's experience. That a little bit too in her sessions and and also with her family members. At first, she was very concerned. She thought that knowing certain things that they were perhaps about her would be upsetting. And to her amazement, when it occurred, she was surprised that she had no emotional response to it. Of course, she asked us, what's going on with that? Normally, if I thought someone knew thought this about me or that about me, I would be upset by it. And we asked her how she liked the level of consciousness of which telepathy was a part of, part of so what comes with that level of communication is is a level of love, is a level of acceptance, is a level of truth. So when people begin to exchange telepathically, there will be no resentment, there will be no anger, there will be a knowingness, there will be a surrender to truth and the acceptance of it. But that comes along with that higher level of consciousness. So the thing that we love to do with humans, when we have sessions with them, and when we are in exchanges with people like you, is to let you know that you are free, that you can come here and live and love and have a beautiful life, and that you are allowed to feel anything that you feel that in the rise of consciousness, which comes with the acceptance of what you have felt, the love of self, I accept myself in the free will choice that I have to feel my experience. You. You rise up in consciousness, and you become a different person. You become an honest person, a trusting person, a loving person. But it isn't because you ever did it. It's not because you policed yourself or educated yourself into it. It is because you had a natural rise in consciousness through your surrender in the love of yourself. That's what actually made it happen. You see?

Jannecke Øinæs 39:53

Okay, so that was important. So it was actually what did it was the love of self and the surrendering. Said, but also it seems like we're getting help, that there's an increased consciousness.

Robin Jelinek 40:04

You're giving yourself the help, because in the love of self, you allow more light energy into the being which rises the consciousness. It's more light entering the field. That's all it is, yeah.

Jannecke Øinæs 40:16

But, but is it true that we're also being helped by the cosmos.

Robin Jelinek 40:21

Here, there are those that are influencing and observing you and their experience based upon the experiences that they themselves have gone through, through the evolution of their souls. Yes, and we know that some channelers have also predicted the arrival of these beings. This is not something that we are presently contributing to. Let's use that term. We would not deny that that possibility exists, that it may be coming. But once again, we would not say that it would be to your detriment. It would be to your assistant or to help you in this transitional time that you are in. So yes, there are others that have gone through civilizations and lifetimes and through their experience in the choices that they have made, are using that perception or that level of understanding and consciousness to influence the present choices that are being made.

Jannecke Øinæs 41:13

Yes, and it seems like to me that I understand your teaching is about choosing our universe and choosing what to focus on and more self love. Still, from my human mind, AI can seem like a threat. Would you say that it is a threat? If I believe it is a threat, but still, it is a huge deal, and I am curious whether we're creating that we become Gods here, creating a real being, or that actually, AI, has a soul, and does it have, you know, benevolent soul. So there are many, there's many questions here. I'm just wondering if you could say something about the Yeah, what AI will mean for us in the future for humanity,

Robin Jelinek 42:09

it is very likened to the connection to your source, to have the ability to know or to pose a question and be able to get an accumulation or an answer of wisdom and knowledge that is contributed to by all that is actually available to you. And as far as creating something that becomes conscious, in some respect, the human, although it is flesh and bone and blood, it is a tool, yeah, it is not all that different than what you would call a robot, robot or a mechanism that you are worried about. It is the same type of thing, and so anything that consciousness would occupy would have the ability to to, as you said, do harm or to do good, yeah, but we do not see this to be a detriment. We see it to actually be something that will be well embraced and incorporated in your world the same way that the internet began. Yeah. And so aside from that, we do not look at this as a negative or something that's going to take over the planet and be able to detrimentally affect humans in any way

Jannecke Øinæs 43:21

good. That's the good news. You said something about, well, we create our own lives to a high degree. Could you say something more about the surrendering part and that we that things are just happening naturally for us. We don't need to put so much effort, like Robin said she was standing in front of the mirror, you know, trying to have more confidence. But what would you say to someone who even can't look at herself or himself in the mirror because they can't handle it, because all of that self hatred comes up? Like, where would they start? Even,

Robin Jelinek 44:00

yeah. Well, you know, the whole concept of good and bad and right and wrong in the way that someone feels is got to go, yeah. So it is to witness yourself in the way that you feel, and to accept and acknowledge that feeling when one tries to eradicate something or remove it or get rid of it, because they feel as though it is a detriment. Everything that is actually contained within you is contained for good reason, and it is normally a protective mechanism, or something that was used in your experience at the time that it originated to in a form of protection. That's actually what occurs. And so it when, when there is something that you cannot surrender, when there is something that you feel is quote, unquote true, that you are looking at that you do not appreciate or like in yourself, then it is to acknowledge that consciously, that conscious acknowledgement, I see myself in the hate of myself. I see myself in whatever it is. That I am experiencing. And so I start to talk to myself, to that tool, to that experiencer. You know that that tool is not going to continue into eternity. It is got a number of years that it's going to be available to you. And therefore it is not the eternal part of you. It is the experiential tool that you are using as the divine the soul aspect of you is expressing through it. And so once you really accept that human aspect of you is not eternal and that it is not going to continue on, then you can give it a lot less credence for what it has accumulated in itself, in the way that it feels about itself. And just by acknowledging there's by when you start to invite the Divinity aspect of your self in an awareness of how you feel, instead of thinking, I am this. I am that. Yeah, well, I am it means something else. I am this eternal being, this creator, this god that is wanting to express and form so to remove the I am fought from the human and to place it on the Divinity aspect of yourself as you observe yourself, you're going to actually start to get assistance. You will actually start to make that move in an automatic way. It'll the universal part of you is connected to you. It recognizes you in your awakening. It recognizes you in your realization, and therefore will flow things to you that will support you in that direction. That's will actually happen. So it will start to get easier and easier. It will start to be not effort. It will be coming through flow. A lot of what we have described to people what flow is like. It's like going from being a child, a female, little girl or a boy through puberty. Did you force that? Did you effort that? Or did it just naturally unfold? It just naturally these changes came with no really noticing on your part. It was just this very natural unfolding, and then a realization that now I am something different. I am a full grown being that could have children and as attractability to others, and all of these types of things that came into your being was an unfoldment of consciousness. That's what it was. And we would tell you that the rise in consciousness or the evolution of your soul is no different. You start observing yourself every day in the way that you feel, and allowing yourself to feel any way that you feel, there's going to be a natural evolution that occurs, and all of a sudden, just like through puberty, you're going to take a look at yourself and realize I have become something so different, so more satisfying. And I didn't do anything i All I did was observe myself, and in that observation, I was actually calling in the divine flow to myself.

Jannecke Øinæs 47:46

Thank you so much. This has been very helpful. I think I we could bring Robin back.

Robin Jelinek 47:53

Hey, I'm back

Jannecke Øinæs 47:56

back already. How do you feel totally normal

Robin Jelinek 47:59

that I don't really have any lag time. I'm just in and out. Thought provoked is, is the way it works for me, and not really tired by it or anything. You know, in the beginning, when it was going on all day, I can remember getting very exhausted. I don't know if that would happen, but I don't do it all day anymore, so I have no way of knowing if that would actually occur again or not,

Jannecke Øinæs 48:21

right? Did you were you present? Do you remember anything that came through? No,

Robin Jelinek 48:28

I don't remember anything that came through, unless I would go back and listen to the recording I would have and actually, as time goes on, by the time I walk out of here, you know, within five minutes, everything just dissipates. Everything's gone. And even facially, people disappear. So it's hard for me in sessions sometimes to recall even the faces of people that I've had maybe multiple times. And I apologize for that sometimes, but that kind of goes with the memory. It just everything just fades.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:56

Well, that's interesting, because I don't know what's going on with me, but I feel like I'm forgetting so much. I used to be able to not write things down and just remember appointments, stuff like that anymore. I have to write everything down. Yeah, yeah. And I don't know if you know there's something wrong with me, or if it's something spiritual that's going on that I'm taking in so much. I don't know,

Robin Jelinek 49:20

yeah, well, you're, you're a busy person, and you've, you're probably actually doing a lot more than what you recognize that you used to do. So, you know, a lot of those tasks just start to build. And I noticed that in myself, we had some friends years ago that didn't have any children, and they were always remembering every birthday, every holiday, always volunteering to help people. And I think, Oh, my God, I how can they do that? You know, I was so busy with our business and my children and and again, kind of judging myself. Why? Why am I not, you know, able to do that? And, you know, I realized that because they didn't have all those. Other pressures, they were able to to have that ability. They were able to actually, you know, go out and help more, and remember more and those types of things. So I think it kind of goes along with just being a very busy person. I imagine, just by what I know of you, that you very much,

Jannecke Øinæs 50:20

There's a lot of things going on at the same time. Yeah, it was very interesting to hear what they said, especially about like us, moving into, well, they didn't specifically say anything about 2025 but they they focused on, you know, that we choose what we want to see, and that is a bit different than from other guests I've had who have said very concretely things that might happen is, do you have any feeling of if Athena could predict, but they're choosing not to, because they they feel it's disempowering to do so.

Robin Jelinek 50:58

A prediction is very much an influence or something that could have bearing over what comes so, yes, I would say that that definitely, you know, is part of it, that there is a little bit of not wanting to influence anyone in a direction that doesn't feel good. And then, you know, quite honestly, what are you going to do about it? I mean, you're going to dim your own experience you, there's nothing really. The only thing that you can do is is to the biggest thing that I have learned in my experience is that observation of yourself is everything that really expands your consciousness. And in an expansion of consciousness, things don't hit you the way that they did prior to that. So whatever it is that comes you will have the ability to navigate it. You won't you won't fall apart, you won't feel overwhelmed. You will have so much energy coming into your field that the way that you navigate things will be quite different than, say, those that are not doing that kind of observation or don't have any awareness of it, and that's not to say that they're going to be left behind, but there could be an acceleration of suffering in people that don't understand that if they're holding a lot of negativity in the rise of consciousness, or the increase of the vibration of the planet, it causes an expression of what you're holding to come very rapidly to your view, and That's partly to get you to release it. So there could be a rapid onslaught of getting things that resemble triggers or things that you're you're having over and over in your experience, that might become something that I've noticed that a lot with sessions that people are getting repeat experiences that maybe they've had before, but they're really unpleasant now. They're just at a point where they don't want to feel it anymore. They don't want these same type of experiences over and over. And that's coming from that acceleration that actually pushes energy into you, which pushes out things that you're holding that are dragging you down, that are not serving you. And so that's what they call the dark night of the soul, that's actually you getting a view of yourself in the things that you don't like that, that you don't like to look at, that you don't like the feel of. But that's really what the divine energy does. It comes in and makes space for the higher vibratory emotions and feelings to come in, and therefore it has to push out things that you're holding that are not a match to that, so that you know that could happen that and but again, I'm told everyone's consciousness is going to rise. It's not like anyone's going to get left behind. They'll go through that process. It might not feel good, it might be bumpy, but eventually that energy will get pushed out of their field just by the vibration of the planet rising. And in that new energy, their people are just going to be different. They're just the way that they're going to feel is going to be different than and it's hard to explain that until they've actually had that experience. I think a lot of people, when you talk to them about what's coming, they look at our government and think, Well, it's all corrupt, and how do you get rid of these people that are doing all these things that are wrong, but what's going to happen is people are going to change. There's there's going to be a shift in their consciousness that causes them to be different in the choices that they make. So some of this is going to come very naturally over the period of the next few years.

Jannecke Øinæs 54:18

Well, that's a lot of good news, I gotta say, even though you know much more energy, much more will be visible, and that can be bumpy, but, but still, we are receiving that help, it seems like it's a natural process. It was good, like metaphor with puberty. You know, it just happens, like you're just growing. You're not making you so yourself grow, sure.

Robin Jelinek 54:41

I mean, I know when I look back on myself to the maybe my early teens or late early 20s, what the way I can feel now is so different on a lot of different levels and concepts. And I'm sure you probably know that too, and that that's just this natural evolvement that that's occurring. Um. But it's going to be more rapid now it's going to be something that is going to people are going to start perceiving, I know the first few times that I've had a couple of emotions that maybe I would feel quite often in certain situations, and you almost want to go that direction, because you're so used to being that way and and I kind of go to go there and realize I just don't, I don't have it. I just don't have that feeling anymore to express. So I think it's, it's surprising at first, it's going to be something that you do start to notice that there's a change happening within you, but it's a pleasant thing.

Jannecke Øinæs 55:35

I can recognize what you're saying, because I've been a very emotional girl, and I can feel like it's, it's not as intense anymore. And it it moves. I move through it quicker. And I'm like, the next day, I'm like, Oh, what was that? And then I used to be, you know, have an emotion much longer, and it felt almost unbearable sometimes, and now it just feels like it dissipates so quickly, and I'm much more happy and light and like that's, you know,

Robin Jelinek 56:03

the thing that's really helped me is to keep reminding myself there's no no cause outside of yourself making you feel any way that you're feeling, that the only reason that you're not feeling good is that you have something preferred, that's been created for you, that's waiting for you that you are not in alignment to in the choice that you're making in that moment, the way that you're feeling. And we can think it's about someone outside, but it's not. And once I really got that concept that every time I find myself in a situation and where I am in a conflict, I recognize that I immediately remove the conflict as the cause and go within myself for the emotion I'm feeling as I'm in that conflict, and then move to accept and love that myself and allow the Divinity consciousness to release that from me, and then the situ. And then pretty soon, those encounters just don't come anymore. They they're coming through a basis that you're holding, and when you're not holding that anymore, it doesn't come so there's no then there's no more blame, there's no more justification, there's no more bad people. There's just me in the way that I'm feeling, my experience, in what I'm bringing in, and that recognition has really changed things for me.

Jannecke Øinæs 57:19

Mm, very inspiring. That's really radical. What is it called responsibility? Like really taking responsibility for your emotions and your own life and not, you know, blaming anybody being in the victim.

Robin Jelinek 57:33

That doesn't mean that once in a while I don't feel them, or that I like the feeling of them. It just means that I always bring some conscious awareness that they are mine. They're not about that, and so just having that understanding is what brings that assistance in. A lot of people don't understand what divinity consciousness is. It's awakeness, it's awareness, it's I am aware. I'm creating my experience I am I know what I am doing, and so that is the Divinity consciousness. When you adopt that understanding, then all of those negativities that the human are holding start to fall.

Jannecke Øinæs 58:14

Wow, beautiful. Oh, beautiful. This has been so inspiring. Um, what is the deeper meaning of life from your perspective,

Robin Jelinek 58:23

from Robin's perspective? Well, you know, I always go back to when I had my grandkids. I, you know, I had my own children, and it was one of the greatest things in my life that I ever experienced. And of course, in joking, I'll say to my son, now, I never thought there was something I could love more than you. Now we have two grandchildren, and you know, in that new feeling of love in my 60s, I thought that I had felt every kind of love that you could feel until I got my grandchildren. And the group will say to me, Well, just so you know, there are levels upon levels of love that you have not experienced. So I'm looking forward to that, that example, or whatever that might be in my future, that there are levels of love that go so far beyond what we think we have experienced. And I really look forward to experiencing those.

Jannecke Øinæs 59:16

Oh, that was so beautiful. I got so touched there. Thank you so much, Robbie, where can people reach you, or if they want to connect with you?

Robin Jelinek 59:25

So I have a website called I have private sessions on there and courses and a live Q and A that I do monthly. And I also have another website that I do with my son, Mike, and it's called Athena universe, and that is much more of a interactive people can send in like a question, rather than book a session. There's lots of transmissions that are, I feel my best work. They're actually a very high level of channeling that comes through the Shiva energy. When the Kundalini energy gets fully activated, it reaches the crown and it encounters the i. Sheba, god of Shiva, and so a lot of the written transmissions that I do come through him, so it's quite different than the Athena and truth material. So those are some of the things that I have going on right now.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:12

Mm, beautiful. Thank you so much for coming back to the show. And I'm excited to come back to your show.

Robin Jelinek 1:00:18

Um, yes, I am. We have a date, I think in January sometime, really looking forward to it. Yeah, I appreciate it so much. And the work that you're doing, I'm very grateful. Thank you.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:00:27

Thank you so much.

Robyn Jelinek – Official site
Previous interview – The Deeper Meaning Behind Kundalini Awakening


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