At 21, Ulla Gaudin developed stomach cancer, which she later realized was a manifestation of the emotional abuse she endured in a toxic relationship. One fateful night, after a brutal encounter, she found herself standing outside her own body, watching her heart flatline in a hospital room. Surviving death, her near-death experience (NDE) would transform her life forever.

In that moment of crossing over, Ulla was greeted by an overwhelming sense of peace and love. She connected with her deceased grandparents and was given the choice to either remain in the spirit world or return to life. Choosing to come back, Ulla’s experience left her with deep wisdom about life, self-love, and forgiveness.

Surviving death was the start of a healing process

Her journey didn’t end with surviving death. Ulla shares how she learned to let go of self-hate, heal emotional wounds, and forgive not just her abusive ex-partner, but also herself for allowing the abuse to happen. Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of embracing self-worth and the transformative power of love.

Ulla’s vivid recollections from the other side provide us with a glimpse into a world beyond, where love and peace reign, and where we are truly never alone. This is a must-watch interview for anyone seeking insight into the deeper meaning of life, love, and the human experience.

If you loved watching this episode with Ulla, then check the links below on how you can work with her. Right now she is launching a brand new course – Intuition Ignited and you save 50% by joining this first round!

Transcript of the interview

Ulla Gaudin 0:00

This was years into the abusive relationship that I developed stomach cancer. I was 21 years old. Of course, after my near death experience, I understood that it was all the negativity that I was pushing in not loving myself, that it created a illness in me. So this particular night, he had this look of evil. I black out. I have no idea how we got to the hospital, and I'm looking at a heart monitor flatlining, and I realized that the person that I'm looking at is me. I feel enormous amount of love, and I knew everything is okay.

Jannecke Øinæs 0:54

Hello, Ulla. A warm welcome to the show.

Ulla Gaudin 0:58

Thank you so much. I am really excited to be here.

Jannecke Øinæs 1:01

I'm excited to speak to you again. We tried our first time, but the tech did just not work. We had no audio, and now we're trying to fix it. So hopefully we have the universe with us today. Now, Ula, you are a fellow Scandinavian from Finland, but you live in America, and you worked as a makeup artist, and you received many nominations, Oscar nominations and Emmy nominations. However, you're here today to speak about your near death experience. And you have this 30 years ago, coming out now, starting to come out. And coming out, you know, pretty broadly, because you say on your website, like I speak to dead people. So I'm curious to learn more about that now. Let me start with, why are you coming out now and not before?

Ulla Gaudin 2:00

Well, one of the main things why I didn't share my story before was that I was really discouraged by people close to me telling me that, oh, it doesn't matter. You don't want to talk about that, and that's crazy. So I kind of pushed it aside and I decided that, well, okay, well it doesn't matter, not in a sense that I don't matter, or that my story doesn't matter. It's the fact that this kind of stuff is just not talked about and nobody cares. So I never really had a reason to to share. And then I met my best friend about seven years ago, and she pulled this story out of me maybe four years ago or so, and one of the main reasons was that her mother, who has passed away 20 years ago, she kept coming to me and telling me that I have to tell her something because she's not listening. So I told her that her mother is sending messages, and of course, that led to her finding out why I'm getting these messages so clearly, and she really started to encourage me to talk about this and share my story, because this really is an important story. It's really important that people know and understand that there really isn't death and I think me sharing another story about near death experiences is important so that that this message gets out. And because they're all unique, we are all unique as humans, as spirits. And I, yeah, I think it's finally time. It is finally time. And when you know now that it is time, I want to really do it boldly.

Jannecke Øinæs 3:59

You know, I think it's fascinating that people can say that, Oh, having a near death experience, that's not important. You know, who wants to hear about that? Like, to me, that is the most important. Like, it tells us about the afterlife. It tells us about who we are. What can be more important than that? Now I would love to hear your story, if you'd like to share it, and as much detail as as you want, but I'd love to hear the whole story what happened 30 years ago and why you died in the first place.

Ulla Gaudin 4:37

Yes. So it started, well, I would, I would have to say that everything started when I was a very young child, and the Finnish culture is very reserved. We don't really talk to people. We don't talk to each other. Nobody says, I love you to each other. It's I know it. Very stoic, very, very stoked. I would hope that it has changed since I left Finland 25 years ago, but still what I hear from my family there it is. It is very much that that same kind of stoic culture, jealousy and shame driven culture. So I grew up in that, and I learned very quickly that I am not the right shape in the 70s, 80s, 90s, when you know this really skinny, long, lean legs kind of woman was the most wanted. I didn't fit that picture at all. I'm short and I have a nice, round bottom, and I did not fit the picture of a perfect woman that men wanted to love. So I learned very quickly that I am not worthy of love. I'm not worthy of having a relationship because I am not a correct shape, and this led in me believing that anybody, anybody who would at least tolerate me, would be a perfect boyfriend. So I ended up with a man who was both emotionally and physically abusive, and The abuse started very early in the relationship, and I just thought that, oh, I deserve this because I not the right shape. I had no self confidence whatsoever, and I didn't believe in myself. And this was years into the abusive relationship that I developed stomach cancer. I was 21 years old. Could not understand how a healthy 21 year old could possibly develop cancer. Of course, after my near death experience, I understood that it was all the negativity that I was pushing in and not addressing it, and not talking about it, not loving myself, that it created a illness in me. So when I was 23 years old, my boyfriend, he was an alcoholic, drank a lot, and he had a habit of coming home from his outings with his friends and beating me up. And also the beatings always happened on my stomach, because that doesn't leave marks. He didn't want to be labeled a woman beater, but he wanted me to know how much of a pain I was so he would beat me on his stomach. And that's another thing that I now that I look back. It's, it's like, Well, hello, stomach cancer. There it is. I'm stuffing all my emotions down, and he's beating my stomach. It is these spots. And this particular night he came home, I woke up with him sitting on top of my legs. He is speeding my stomach. But there was something different this time, it felt different. I had learned to take it like a champ, because I knew that it would end and the next morning he would be very apologetic. It'll never happen again. I love you. Blah, blah, blah, all this crap. And he had this look of evil in his eyes. It was it was just his eyes were black. And then I remember him strangling me. And the last thing that I remember is him digging his teeth into my left eyebrow. I black out. I have no idea how we got to the hospital and but when I came to When I regained consciousness at the hospital, I was standing kind of at the back wall, looking at a scene in front of me, and I'm a little disoriented. I'm like, why am I standing here? And I'm looking at a heart monitor flatlining, and I realized that the person that I'm looking at is me, the body flatlining there is me. And this moment of panic rushed through me. And as soon as that panic came, it was pulled away. I was pulled away from the scene, emotionally like in a physical viewing distance, it was still exactly the same, and I realized that I'm not only at the back wall, but I'm also kind of higher up, not right above. That maybe, maybe 910, feet, something like that, which is three meters, approximately, for for the European viewers. And I'm looking at this, this tiny body and and I feel enormous amount of love. The the Panic was replaced with just peace, the most perfect peace you could ever feel. And love. There was so much love. And I knew everything is okay. Everything is just fine. I'm still here. I'm okay, and whatever I'm looking at is just a scene, and scenes can be changed. And then I felt my grandparents approached me from behind me, and I was so excited, so excited to see them, to hug them, to talk to them, and it was perfectly normal. It didn't feel like, Wait, you've been dead for how long, and I'm here, and why are you here? None of that. It was perfectly normal, and it was so beautiful. And hugging somebody when you don't have a physical body is the most beautiful, wonderful thing you can ever imagine. It is. I love hugs in in real life anyway, but being able to really merge your energy with somebody else's is just magnificent. And there was also other people around me, and I knew who they are, but I could not name names. I couldn't give them a specific name, and my grandparents told me that I had a decision to make, that I either could go with them, or I could come back here. And we are watching this scene happen while we're talking, and this all happened in in 20 minutes. Though I was clinically dead for 20 minutes in our time, but I didn't feel like it was that long. It, it, it time absolutely just stopped. Um, while I was with my my grandparents, and I could see everything I was it was like a 360 view, so I could see what was going on in front of me. I could see what was going on in the other rooms at the hospital. I could hear my my ex boyfriend, explaining, I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything. And I could even see the outside, and I could feel everything. I think that that is like the biggest thing that I took from, from that, that I could feel everything. I could feel the trees being really alive. And this was in the middle of winter in Finland, and they're supposedly frozen and dead, but I could feel how incredibly alive they were. And so while I'm talking to my my grandparents, I also understood that I had so much to do here, and it wasn't a difficult decision for me at all. I knew I had to come back. I knew I had two beautiful children that I needed to bring to this world, and believe me, they are incredible, just incredible. I enjoy them so much every single day. And not only that, I just knew that I had a meaning,

and there was something bigger than me, that I was supposed to bring back to this world. And I think now I'm finally now I'm finally realizing what it is, it's this it's me sharing this story. And so I also understood that when I decided to come back, that my illness would be gone, I would be perfectly healthy as long as I wanted to stay in this physical body, and I understood that my life would be absolutely, completely, completely different, and that in that 20 Minutes, the people that were around me instill this knowledge, this knowing that I think would take years, years for me to learn in this physical reality, and they instilled it in me while I was there, while I was I mean, it's still here, but it was. There it, it's really hard to try to explain that you are here, but you're not here. And that amount of information that I was able to retain while I was dead was incredible, incredible, and it it really, really changed my life and the way I look at things.

Jannecke Øinæs 15:23

Hmm. Thank you so much for sharing. It was a delight to listen to, and you know, shocking as well listening to what your horrible boyfriend did. I assume that there's a sole contract there. Have you felt that you have been able to forgive him, that you saw the bigger reason why he did what he did? Because maybe it was pre-planned.

Ulla Gaudin 15:51

Yes, yes, I was able to forgive him the instant that I knew I was coming back. I mean, I'm probably even before that, and none of that mattered anymore. So I was able to forgive him that instant now, when I came back, forgiving myself fully took 10 years,

Jannecke Øinæs 16:15

ah, mm hmm, for forgiving, for what

Ulla Gaudin 16:19

Forgiving myself for putting myself in that situation and not understanding the value of me, even though, even though I knew from my experience on the other side, I knew that there's nothing to forgive myself. It's still it is that human nature that is so incredibly difficult to change,

Jannecke Øinæs 16:47

And that it's so interesting, because on one hand, you have all this knowledge that tells you something, yeah, fully aware of it, and you come down to earth and it's like, no, yeah, that pull is so strong, like the veil, it's so strong, the illusion is so strong that it like does something to our minds. But that's the point, I guess.

Ulla Gaudin 17:09

Yes, yeah, yeah, it is. I mean, we are here to expand, not our, not only ourselves, but the universe. So it is, it is that that the the difference between what we call problems and the answers. It's, it is interesting how much we like to focus on the problem rather than the answer, even when we know those answers.

Jannecke Øinæs 17:39

Okay, well, I don't feel I always know the answer.

Ulla Gaudin 17:44

Well, none of us do, but we also forget that those answers are always available, and that if we go within and listen, the answer is there and and, so the first year for me, actually, when I came back, it was kind of difficult, because I was getting too much answers, and I was getting answers for other people, so I was feeling other people's pain, and that

Jannecke Øinæs 18:21

Can I jump in, because I've heard this before that coming back from an NDE, all of a sudden, you're blown open and you have these gifts. So that happened to you as well.

Ulla Gaudin 18:30

Yes, Yes, yes. And it's it, because my body felt so incredibly small. Um, I've used a metaphor of trying to shove an entire universe into a shoebox. That's what it felt like. So it everything felt really big, and the love that I was feeling felt really big, but also other people's pain and suffering felt really, really big, and I didn't know yet how to protect myself and how to regulate that, that I don't have to take on all of that. And then, then on top of that, I could, I could feel everything. I mean, I could feel grass being really happy and reaching for the sun and that you can't tell that to people, especially in Finland, you can't they think you're absolutely nuts.

Jannecke Øinæs 19:31

How do you know it's the grass feeling happy and not you just having this happy feeling because

Ulla Gaudin 19:36

The grass feels different, huh. The energy of grass being happy is different than what I feel in me and most people, because we are so focused on ourselves and feeling separated from everything, we don't even acknowledge that it. There. It's just grass. That's what most people tell me when I ask them that, how does grass feel? Oh, it's just grass. It's just there. So it's it. It is really interesting now that I can differentiate between what is mine and what is not. And I do, I do love to tell good morning to the grass and everything. I don't say it out loud. Neighbors don't think I'm crazy.

Jannecke Øinæs 20:32

You're walking down the street and you're taking the grass, and you take Oh, the tree is feeling that, and that dog is feeling is it that heavy?

Ulla Gaudin 20:42

And I love, love that they are all happy, like you said, dogs, dogs are really happy, generally and and animals, birds, birds are so so, so happy. And these are these little reminders for us how incredibly blessed and loved we are, but we take it for granted, and we forget that, that those are signs that everything's okay, that you are okay at this moment. Um, and yeah, it we just take it for granted.

Jannecke Øinæs 21:16

So humans are the only ones being a bit unhappy on this earth.

Ulla Gaudin 21:21

Yeah, and that, that that's another thing. Like every everybody, like when I came back, everybody looked like shadows compared to how it is on the other side, because everything was so bright, the colors were just absolutely magnificent, and, and, not even colors that we don't have here. But everything was so, so bright and so happy. So coming back here, it was kind of like everybody's just a shadow, and it's, it's or it's dusty. You feel like you really want to go and clean up everybody and be like, hey, you know there's, there's so much happiness and so much colors and and beauty around you that, you know, let let go of this dust.

Jannecke Øinæs 22:09

I want to ask about when you woke up in the hospital and you had been clinically dead. What was the reaction to your family and the doctor?

Ulla Gaudin 22:21

Well, my, my family didn't know because my, my ex boyfriend had, he hadn't called anybody at this point yet, so I told him the story later on. But well, for doctors, it was, of course, it's always for doctors, it's miraculous when somebody comes back after such a long time. For me, it was like, I set up. I was like, I'm going home. They were like, pushing me back. No, no, no, no. Calm down. Calm down. It's okay. So for me, the feeling was like, Okay, I'm ready to go. I'm ready to leave. I don't need to be here anymore.

Jannecke Øinæs 23:01

You know, it is fascinating when someone is clinically dead. I don't know the procedure right after, but it was good that they didn't, you know, pull you away and took you away because she's dead, and all of a sudden, fling, right?

Ulla Gaudin 23:14

Right? Yes, I've heard those stories too, where, you know, people are basically in body bags already, and they wake up, oh my goodness, yeah. So for me, it was, and they were at that point, I think they were about to give up on me, but they haven't given up yet when I came back. So,

Jannecke Øinæs 23:37

Right, okay, um, a little bit back to the near death experience. It was so lovely listening to you speaking about those hugs. So you said, even though we're not in our physical bodies. And then I'm wondering, so what were you in like? How did you feel yourself? What did you feel yourself as

Ulla Gaudin 23:58

I I felt myself as a spirit. I still had a form, but I was able to shape, sift that form. Ah, so it is, it is kind of, I like to use yin yang as an example. When you hug somebody, you know the picture of yin yang that is kind of you kind of morphed into one when you're hugging somebody without your physical body, huh?

Jannecke Øinæs 24:29

Did you look at yourself, and did you have five fingers and two?

Ulla Gaudin 24:33

I had five fingers I had Yes, it was still my body, but it was so much brighter and it was, it was just really so much energy that it felt like it is giant, but at the same time, it's very contained to this being called Ulla.

Jannecke Øinæs 24:57

So from what I've heard. Many spiritual teachers say, and NDE experiencers, is that we choose our bodies, we choose our parents, we choose a lot for this incarnation. So when I choose my body, that means that I would look differently before I choose that body, you sort of recognize yourself as Ula, so you sort of pulled back your signature body from Ula. Then maybe your soul did that for you not to freak out totally,

Ulla Gaudin 25:34

right, right. I think I think, no, not. I think I know that there is a period when, when each of us, when we move on, there is a period where you, you familiarize yourself again, with being something besides what you were on on on planet Earth, because, like you said, we don't want to freak out completely,

Jannecke Øinæs 26:01

Right. That makes sense, um, and you, you said that you learned what life is about. What is life about?

Ulla Gaudin 26:10

Yes, life is about joy. Life is about making it whatever you want it to be. Yes, we come here with some things that we come to accomplish or work on or experience, but everything is moldable. When you come here, you really do have free reins of what it is that you want to experience here. I've I've I've learned that I've come here to experience a lot of crap, and a lot of that crap has passed now, so I'm all and I'm just excited to be here. So my crap didn't end with my NDE. There's been a lot of crap since. I can give one example. I lived in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. I was eight and a half months pregnant, lost everything, but I did not take that as okay, my life's over and everything's just gone to hell. I did not take it like that. I took it as this this is new. This is something bigger than me again, and this is going to be rebuilding. This is going to be about building something bigger and better and new. So we really are here to experience life through the lens of divine, God, universe, whatever you want to call it, and in a process, expand the world, expand yourself, expand love. Because I believe that we are finally as this is, as a human race, we are finally at the point where we gotta leave all this hate and anger behind, and it is time to be those loving beings that we came here to be.

Jannecke Øinæs 28:16

How can we then find joy in suffering? I mean, is that even possible? And maybe we're not meant to, or are we meant to sort of look at it from a higher perspective? Because if life is about joy, it's just feels contradicting to suffering.

Ulla Gaudin 28:36

Suffering is also a an emotion, and we can look at things around us and feel bad and angry and hateful and sad, all of those, and feel helpless when it is something so much bigger than us. But your job as a human being is not to find joy in somebody else's suffering, first of all, but also, your job is not trying to figure out how to resolve all these giant problems like wars and hunger. Your job is to find that joy within you and share it with anybody around you. I don't have all the answers. I don't pretend that I have all the answers, but I do believe that by me being me, being the joyful me, the loving me, the kind me, is going to help human race, the society, my neighbors, my children, be better beings, be feel more happiness. Me feel for them, to feel more joy. Is through me being that kind person. So we can start very, very small, and it's. Difficult to try to find that joy in suffering. You can look at something that makes you sad and try to feel happy. You have to put that sadness aside, acknowledge that it is there. It's okay to feel all these feelings. We're supposed to feel, all the feelings that's, that's, that's part of our guideline here, and then focus on something different, something that gives you a little bit of hope, something that gives you just even the tiniest bit of joy. And it, it builds from there.

Jannecke Øinæs 30:38

Hi there. Since you have been watching this video for quite some time now, I assume that you like it, and maybe you've been watching some of my other videos, and if you appreciate them as well and my show, please go and hit the subscribe button. That really helps us to reach out with the videos. We put so much love and work into what we're doing to help to raise that collective consciousness. So be a co creator. Subscribe to my channel. Thank you so much, and may you shine the light that you are. Yeah, that does make a lot of sense now. You struggled with self love, and I can really identify with that. And also, being a Scandinavian, we have something that's called the Yom Telo, and I don't feel like it's so extreme that it is in Finland where you guys, or you said that, we're not saying I love you. It's not that extreme in Norway, however, we have that yonta law. And that is sort of a law where we're not supposed to feel that we are somebody. It's like the so the American dream, and that has put, you know, that has really done something on our psyche in Scandinavia. So a lot of us are especially struggling with taking up space and loving ourselves. And that is a feeling that is, you know, in our subconsciousness. And after your nd, it seemed like you, it seems like you really love yourself, like the way I see you now. I've spoken to you, gotten to know you a bit, and you're so full of love so but you had an NDE. So how can we love ourselves without having this mystical experience?

Ulla Gaudin 32:17

So first of all, you have to give yourself a break and not think that I can love myself fully tomorrow. I've hated myself to this day, but tomorrow I'm going to fully love myself and it's all over. You have learned this pattern of I'm not enough, I'm not worthy. You have learned it over how long, however long you've been here. So it is not going to happen overnight. So give yourself a break and start small, and it is as simple as telling yourself that I approve of myself. Louise Hay said this, and she also said that two or 300 times a day is not enough. Of telling that to yourself, that's a lot, that's it's a lot, but when you think about it, you have 60 to 80,000 thoughts every single day, every single day. How many of those are? I approve of for myself. I love myself. This is so fun. This is exciting. Oh, my God, my life is great. I love myself. I love myself. How many of those are that? Not very many.

Jannecke Øinæs 33:40

And that helps if we do like that does go into the subconscious? Yes,

Ulla Gaudin 33:46

it event eventually. Eventually it does. It takes. It takes time. Like I said, it's just give yourself a break, and don't expect that it's going to change in in a second or day, because you've been practicing the other way so long, and it's okay. You're not late, you're not missing out on anything. You are perfectly you, and the perfect you right now, right here, and everything is working out just fine. And another thing that we are. We are so disconnected, not just from God, divine, the universe, but our own Higher Selves. Mean you can't, you can't disconnect from your higher self, but we are in a disconnected in a sense that we don't know that it's there, and we don't believe that it's there. So that's something that you can also practice doing is knowing and actually really knowing who your higher self is.

Jannecke Øinæs 34:54

But what is the higher higher self? I'm not sure that I know what it is.

Ulla Gaudin 35:00

So there is you, the physical self, right here, and then you have your Higher Self, the bigger part of you that is still connected to the super conscious God, divine, whatever you want to call it. And so it is kind of like this being. It's not even a being, because it's you, between God and you that keeps keeps the messages going.

Jannecke Øinæs 35:29

Some are calling it an oversoul, or, I don't know if that's the same, or if an oversoul is like above the higher self, not sure if it is a hierarchy even. But what do you would you say is the difference between higher self and oversold?

Ulla Gaudin 35:46

For me, the it's just different labels. And whatever you feel comfortable, we all use different words the way I see it and feel it. It is that you have your physical self, you have your higher self, and then there's God, and we are all part of God.

Jannecke Øinæs 36:03

All right, could you share a little bit about that part where you see dead people?

Ulla Gaudin 36:12

Well, luckily, I don't see them. I feel them. It's, it's, I've seen dead people couple of times, and I've said, Please, don't, because it still kind of freaks me out that I talk to you. It's fine. You talk to me. That's great, but, yeah, it's I prefer to feel them around people. I prefer to talk to them rather than, you know, seeing there's just something about seeing dead people that makes me a little uneasy still, even though I know that there's no death, but yes,

Jannecke Øinæs 36:49

like seeing them. What does that mean? Like? How do they look like? Do they look

Ulla Gaudin 36:54

like human beings. Yes, like human beings.

They float off.

They float off. That's, that's the one. It's like, okay, let's keep the earth stuff as Earth stuff. And then that's that, that other side has other side slide.

Jannecke Øinæs 37:10

Some are saying that they see them from, like, the overbody and up, yeah, is that it's,

Ulla Gaudin 37:19

it's, it always, for some reason, it's legs always that kind of turn into, like, mist, Huh?

Jannecke Øinæs 37:29

Interesting thing,

Ulla Gaudin 37:31

yeah, it's a thing. It's, I think it we, they don't have that deep pole connection to the physical so they can kind of move around easier, and that's why we see them with where the legs start to turn into mist. So

Jannecke Øinæs 37:51

why do you think that you see them, and why are they here? Would that mean that they are lingering somehow, that they haven't fully gone to the light or gone to the afterlife.

Ulla Gaudin 38:04

Well, from like I said, I prefer not to see them. I try not try not to see them. But I think anybody who is here, they are here to guide us, to help us, and let us know that we are supported, and they're always there for us. Now there are some, some people who refuse to believe that they are dead, and their transition time between the real real, it's as it's actually more real on the other side, the real life and your your afterlife. The transition time for them is a little bit longer because they need those spirit guides around them, longer time to to for them to really realize that, wait, no, I am dead.

Jannecke Øinæs 38:53

So the movie was Nicole ghost with uh, Patrick Swayze. Have you watched it? Is that sort of accurate, in a way.

Ulla Gaudin 39:03

It is, it is we have. We always have our loved ones here with us, guiding us and focused on us. And yeah, they like to talk to you, but most of us don't listen. I get messages for me all the time. I get messages for other people, but it's very random. I don't I am not trying to be a medium. I don't want to contact the other side, just because not everything there is brooded to love and what I'm bringing here and what my purpose is in bringing this message forward. So I prefer for them to come to me, because they know that I'm a channel and wide open channel. If you have a message for somebody, just tell me, I'll I'll forward it. And they're very, very stubborn. If they, they keep telling me the message until I deliver it. So it's always delivered.

Jannecke Øinæs 40:06

Yeah, you, you delivered a message to me. All of a sudden, I got an audio message from Ulla. Can I ask who were they who had that message to me and for everybody watching, it was something about Wisdom From North, which was really encouraging,

Ulla Gaudin 40:22

oh, that's I love to hear that. I love that it was encouraging, because it was very exciting. It was they just introduced them as your guides. So they again, there was no no names, but they are a group of spirit guides that are always around you and encouraging you and and guiding you and telling you that, yeah, you're doing a great job. You're going exactly where you're supposed to.

Jannecke Øinæs 40:48

Wow, yeah, that was a lovely surprise. Beautiful encouraging, um, you mentioned a little bit that there was some darkness on the other side, and you don't want to focus on that. Is that more like the lower realms and that we have, I don't know, like what is my question the Egyptians, did they have it right in a way that somehow it's important to be aware of choosing the light when we pass, that we're not lingering too much, that we realize that we're dead, or should we just let go and surrender and trust that we'll end up where we supposed to end up on the other side when we die?

Ulla Gaudin 41:38

Well, the way it was presented to me is that we always, we always have a choice. Whether you're you're dead or alive, you always have a choice. And when, when I say that there is beings that are not necessarily rooted in love, I don't like there is no evil. I don't believe in that at all. I'd never felt that there is no evil, but there is cunning. Is a word that comes to mind, like these mischievous spirits that want to play pranks on you because they can, because humans are so gullible, so that's the reason why I don't necessarily want to go looking for for somebody to talk to on the spirit realm, because they talk to me all the time anyway, the ones that I want to talk to

Jannecke Øinæs 42:31

Now did you get any knowledge about the future for humans? There's so much talk about the shift of consciousness and what's coming within a few years, is that part of why you're also coming out now that you can feel that this was the time to share this, because now this is going to happen.

Ulla Gaudin 42:50

Yes, it's like, like I said, I think we are finally moving away from the hate, the anger, the suffering and it has become so incredibly pronounced with social media that people are just, basically just looking for something to be angry about and something to hate. And it is finally coming to the point that it that to the turning point where, where we will finally, as a human race, realized that this is not sustainable, and this is not why we are here, and it is time for love to reign again.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:31

And when do you see that happening

Ulla Gaudin 43:35

in the next five years.

Jannecke Øinæs 43:37

Oh, wow, really,

Ulla Gaudin 43:38


Jannecke Øinæs 43:41

Like again, I hear the same, uh, amount of years. It's just really close.

Ulla Gaudin 43:48

It is. It's really close. I know no and I think people should get excited about this, and I am. I'm good, good because that's what we that's what we need in order to push this over the edge and really make it happen in in the next five years. Is for for people like yourself to really find that love in themselves and keep spreading the word.

Jannecke Øinæs 44:16

Do you think that a lot of us are feeling also the opposite to clear things, because I can feel all of a sudden that I get angry, like out of the blue, and I don't know what is this about, or get sad out of the blue, and it feels like something is just happening. And I

Ulla Gaudin 44:35

it's, it is all those emotions, like I felt when I came back. It is, we get these emotions faster now, but they also go away faster, like you don't you don't feel angry, so as long as anymore, and when you are really sad, the sadness dissipates faster too, and it's always. Place with the peace and harmony and love.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:04

wow. So yeah, there is some sort of cosmic influence here. Yes, this has been very, very inspiring, a lot and encouraging. Yeah, is there anything that is important for you to get across today that we haven't covered.

Ulla Gaudin 45:25

I think we have pretty much covered it everything, but it's, it's, I want to remind everybody that you are always in charge of your own life by choosing what feels the best for you, by choosing how you feel at every moment of your life and really, really knowing that you are always loved and supported.

Jannecke Øinæs 45:48

Now love. What is self-love to you?

Ulla Gaudin 45:52

Self love to me is putting myself first. Self love to me is meditating in the morning, because I know that I'm really connected to my higher self, and my higher self loves me more than anything, and it always has all the answers. Self love for me is getting massages, eating good food. It means all those human things too. It's not just a spiritual practice. It is really, really putting myself first and knowing that I am here to have fun. And I really, I really do wake up every single morning when I open, open my eyes like, Oh, I'm still here. What's going to happen today?

Jannecke Øinæs 46:39

Wow. My next question is, what is happiness to you? But it seems like this was linked.

Ulla Gaudin 46:45

Yes, it's I find happiness in so many little things, big things too, of course, but those, I think more so those little things really build up. I love waking up in the morning. I love spending time with my kids. And you know, of course, my work is also something that brings me joy. Talking to people like yourself brings me joy. It's, I think life in general brings me joy,

Jannecke Øinæs 47:22

and we did sort of speak about it, but I'll ask again, see if I get a different answer. What is the deeper meaning of life?

Ulla Gaudin 47:31

It's it is still, still joy and expansion. But I think people are looking for something so deep that they forget to enjoy their moments. The deep, deepest meaning is to be right here right now and find that joy in joy and love in you right now, because we don't have anything but right now.

Jannecke Øinæs 48:01

That's true. Ulla, if people want to connect with you or work with you, how can they do so?

Ulla Gaudin 48:07

Well, they can find me on my website. They can find me on substack. I write a an art weekly article there. I also share some chapters from my my upcoming memoir, and yes, I do have one on one offerings that people can actually work with me, one on one,

Jannecke Øinæs 48:29

lovely. Thank you so much for coming to the show and sharing your story and all the best with your work.

Ulla Gaudin 48:34

Thank you so much. Thank you so much for having me. This was really fun.

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