Unlocking the Power of Perspectives: Transform Disempowering Beliefs and Embrace Your Dream


Unlock your true potential and turn your dreams into reality!

Are you yearning to achieve or create something that has eluded you until now? Whether it's a business venture, a personal goal, or a long-held dream, I understand the frustration of feeling stuck and unsure of how to progress.

It's time to break free from limiting beliefs and explore new perspectives that will propel you forward. In this class, you'll discover the tools and strategies to manifest your desires with confidence and clarity.

Imagine the satisfaction of seeing your project flourish, your dreams taking shape, and your negative beliefs fading away. The power to create the life you desire lies within you, waiting to be unleashed. Don't let doubt and uncertainty hold you back any longer.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Embrace the possibility of a brighter future by unlocking your untapped potential. It's time to make it happen – are you ready?

Stand firmly in your dream

The power of perspectives

In this class, I guide you through a fun and empowering process that revolutionizes the way you think. Discover how a simple shift of focus can create a monumental transformation in your mindset. Watch excuses and disempowering beliefs fade away, making room for newfound clarity and motivation.

Imagine the thrill of realizing that your dream or idea is closer than you ever imagined. With this powerful technique, you'll gain the awareness to identify the beliefs that are holding you back. Say farewell to doubt and step into a world of inspired action.

Don't let your aspirations remain distant fantasies. It's time to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Take this exhilarating class and unlock the secrets to manifesting the life you've always desired.

Get ready to have fun, shift your mindset, and witness the magic unfold. The extraordinary awaits you - are you ready to embrace it? 

Who holds the truth? Everyone. Or no one. As the truth is never solid - never fixed. The truth is simply a thought, and thoughts are just energy. And energy can take on different forms. Every truth is in fact just a perspective.

- Ragnhild Hannoschøck Vea

What you get when joining this class

Stand firmly

Gain instant access to a transformative experience that shifts your perspectives and pave the way for success. 

But that's not all – you'll also get powerful bonuses to enhance your learning and provide you with practical tools for your everyday life, presented through audio and video formats, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Plus, dive into guided meditations that will deepen your understanding and help you integrate the teachings on a profound level.

With this class, you'll gain the insights and techniques necessary to create lasting change and manifest your dreams with confidence.

Norwegian subtitle.


  • Do you feel you are not getting any closer to achieving what you want because everything that needs to be done feels so overwhelming?
  • Is this sentence something you use a lot; I have too much to do! 
  • Have you lost connection with your future self?
  • Do you find it hard to stay on focus and belive multitasking is a necessity? 

Taking action... but how?

The bonus, "Taking action... but how?" reveals the power of small daily steps that brings you closer to your goals without overwhelm. No huge leaps, just impactful progress every day.  

Taking action but how
Stand firmly bonus

"Excuses begone"

Bid farewell to excuses and embrace the path to your dreams! Inspired by Dr. Wayne Dyer's powerful book, this bonus delves deep into the unseen barriers holding you back. Discover the excuses that lurk beneath the surface and learn how to break free from their grip. 

a visit to your future self

Embark on a transformative journey with this soothing meditation. Step into the presence of your future self, a radiant being filled with wisdom. Through this profound connection, you'll receive guidance that aligns you with the path to your dreams. Allow the tranquility to envelop you as you embrace the power of self-discovery. 

Future meditation
Focus meditation

Focus meditation

Enhance your journey towards success with our exclusive bonus: a focused meditation designed to sharpen your concentration skills. Learn the art of focusing, a vital ingredient in achieving your dreams. Through this meditation, you'll cultivate a laser-like focus that propels you forward. 

Instant access for only $99

You have 1 year access upon purchase. 
Norwegian subtitle.

Ragnhild Hannoschøck Vea has been an entrepreneur for over a decade, working as a coach, mentor and designer as well as being a mother of five. She is Jannecke Øinæs' business partner in Wisdom From North AS, co-creating and designing. 

"Stand Firmly in your dream" - a Wisdom From North production. 

Ragnhild Hannoschock Vea