Have you had the habit of comparing yourself to others? Comparing ourselves is a very normal thing to do. However the question is whether the comparison is a healthy one, coming from a place of inspiration and joy, or unhealthy coming from a mindset of scarcity and competition.
In this free and guided meditation, I will help you discover your own true value and worth by letting go of unhealthy comparison. You will see yourself as an equal to those you put on a pedestal which can make a big difference for your sense of self-worth.
You will also discover what a healthy comparison is, and how you can use this as a navigation tool in your own life.
Please enjoy! Much light from Jannecke
A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms.
– Zen Shin
Hi! I'm Jannecke– creator of Wisdom From North
You want to know where this journey started? I have always had a deep longing to understand more of life’s mysteries. In 2012 I bought a camera and began traveling around the world interviewing highly recognized writers, teachers, coaches and speakers about the big questions of life. Now 400 videos later, my YouTube channels have reached over 7 million views and I have 60 000 subscribers.
Today we have a membership, we make online courses with highly recognized coaches and spiritual teachers and my passion is to help you find the deeper meaning of your life, take your power back and start living a life more aligned with your deeper truth.