Practicing self-love on a regular basis

In this video I share four powerful steps to boost your self-love radically. 

The way I see it, we are born with 100% self-love. However as life happens, we begin to “subscribe” to limiting ideas and beliefs about ourselves. These ideas and beliefs dim our lights down and make us feel small, insignificant and separated from the whole. This is why we need to practice self-love on a regular basis. By giving yourself love, accepting more and more parts of yourself, and focus on establishing an intimate relationship with yourself, the more your life will blossom in the most beautiful and profound way. 

Letting go of Comparison

One key to strengthen your sense of self-love, is to begin to let go of how you are comparing yourself with others. Comparing ourselves is a very normal thing to do. However the question is whether the comparison is a healthy one, coming from a place of inspiration and joy, or unhealthy coming from a mindset of scarcity and competition. In my free and guided meditation below, you will discover your own true value and worth by letting go of unhealthy comparison. You will also discover what a healthy comparison is, and how you can use this as a navigation tool in your own life. 

Get access to my free meditation here

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