Discover how you can be spiritual & live in abundance - without guilt

Transform your relationship with money & open up to more financial flow

Do you feel resistance when I say that money and spirituality belong together?

Many spiritual seekers feel almost a bit guilty if they earn well from their services. Somehow, they have the notion that making money by helping others is wrong.

You are not alone if you feel this way.

Hi, I'm Jannecke!

I am the creator of Wisdom From North, and I must admit that I used to think that way myself...

It got me nowhere. In fact, it only led to a lot of struggle, pain, and low self-esteem.

But if you have abundance, it gives you the opportunity to be of much greater service to the world.

I realized that the universe wants all of us to experience abundance, wealth, and financial security, but it’s up to us to open up to it. The key to this lies within us.

I really love your course. I can't get enough of your meditation!
- Asya Atanasova

Wisdom From North - Jannecke Øinæs

You don't need to struggle and strive

How you relate to money is how money relates to you.

Millions of people struggle to make ends meet, while only a few seem to have abundance in their lives. Does this mean that some are born lucky, while others were just less fortunate with their fate?

I don’t believe so.

In this mini-course, you will discover how collective and personal myths and misconceptions about money are part of the reason many struggle financially.

We will uncover the hidden and unconscious beliefs that are holding you back, so you can release these energy blockages and open up to more abundance coming your way.

In the course, you will become aware of what you need to change. Because if we aren’t aware of what is holding us back, it’s difficult to make any changes at all.

I am shifting from a mindset of scarcity to a mindset of abundance, and my finances reflect this change.

- Louise L. Hay

Discover your financial blueprint

Did you know that you have a financial blueprint that influences your financial situation?

By identifying your financial blueprint, you will see the connections and understand why your current financial situation is the way it is today.

There are four typical money personalities. In this mini-course, you will discover how your financial blueprint expresses itself through your 'money personality,' and you will find out which type you are. Every type has both a healthy and an unhealthy side. In the course, I will provide you with tools and tips to balance your type so you can create more financial security in your life.

We also look at money in relation to energy and how you can raise your vibrational mindset around money, allowing you to harmonize with abundance rather than blocking the flow of prosperity coming your way.

A powerful mini-course in 3 modules that shows you how to unite spirituality with financial abundance.

Engaging modules

You get access to three modules with engaging videos that you can watch at your convenience – right from your own sofa.


The course includes a guided meditation with a downloadable audio file, giving you the opportunity to reprogram your mind for prosperity and wealth – over and over again.


You will also receive three workbooks with summaries of the modules and effective exercises that help you change your belief patterns around money, enabling you to create a mindset that fosters increased financial flow.

For only $ 197 (incl. VAT), you can start your energy shift today and open up to a mindset that invites more financial freedom into your life.

You have access for one year after purchase, with immediate access. The meditation and PDFs are downloadable, so they are yours to keep.

An investment in yourself

This course is an investment in yourself. By investing in yourself, you take control of your destiny, instead of letting destiny control you. The course reveals truths that wealthy people have known for years.

There is enough for everyone, and it’s time for you to ground yourself in this truth.

I invite you to join me so I can share the insights and tools that have made such a big difference for me. I believe they can make a big difference for you too.

You deserve the best!

Much light from Jannecke Øinæs
